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Talk:Portrait locket
Locket Attunement Session with "Fairly Esoteric Details" according to Villicent the Merchant
Hi guys, I am posting this here because it contains "fairly esoteric details" from the merchant Villicent about lockets. It also contains where Polveiss and Soliere got their VE (Variable Expression) lockets attuned and the lockets' personalities both set. My hope is that, until I or someone else can extract any important info and incorporate it into the gswiki article, at least this information is available to everyone who bothers to peek at the discussion page.
Event: Locket attunement session on the evening of Tuesday 8/27/2019
Location: [The Ivory Mask, Sitting Room - 28468] (Windfellow's Retreat Premium Festival)
Merchant: Villicent
Initial Information Given by Merchant:
Villicent: "There are some fairly esoteric details about the lockets that I'm going to cover in detail. If you don't know them, you should scoot in closer."
Villicent: "This is a lot of information. If you have questions, you're welcome to ask me now or when it's your turn."
Villicent: "Here goes. I can provide 1 service per person, but most of those services will be performed on a pair of lockets. I can do old-style original lockets, Unique Feature lockets, and Variable Expression lockets. The ones sold in this wagon are Variable Expression. I can ONLY attune the same type of locket to another identical locket type. Attuning any set of lockets to a couple is one service for the pair. If that service is performed on a set of Variable Expression lockets, you may also choose to have the personality type of the locket changed for no extra charge and it still counts as one service. Unlocking the Variable Expression lockets to T2, which adds some extra verbs, is one service for a pair of lockets."
Villicent: "When I say same type, I mean which locket script is on it, not locket designs."
Villicent: "The person you are attuning the locket with need not be present, but you had best know how to spell their name correctly or I make no guarantees of locket functionality. If both of you are present and one of you hands me a set to attune, the other may use their turn to have the same set of lockets unlocked."
Villicent: "Each service is 50k, but unlocks are 100k. Yes, I can send a runner."
Questions and Answers:
Q: Villicent: Does anyone need the full list of personalities that are available for the VE lockets?
A: Cylnthia:
Q: [Note: Someone maybe asked how they would know the "type" of their locket, of the three types: Original, Feature Altering, or Variable Expression]
A: Leafiara: It's in the analyze too, or should be. I see it in mine.
Q: Neopuron: So pairing and unlocks are two seperate services?
A: Villicent nods at Neopuron.
Q: Eledryn: "Each service is 50k, but unlocks are 100k", so attuning is 50k, unlocking is 100k?
A: Villicent nods at Eledryn.
Q: Tawariell: Is it possible to just have the locket altered if we don't want one attuned?
A: Villicent: I'm not going to do locket alterations tonight, because I want to get through as many attunements as possible and that's a time consuming process.
Q: Cylnthia: Unlocking and personality changing are two different services, correct?
A: Villicent: I will change the mood on your locket during an attunement or unlock, so please be prepared and know which one you want for each locket. These DO NOT have to match in a pair, one of you can have a giggly locket, the other can have a curmudgeonly.
Q: Daevian: Can they be unlocked but not attuned?
A: Villicent: You can unlock but not attune a locket, but if you have to pick one service of the two I would highly recommend attunement.
Q: Leafiara: Can you unlock pairs of lockets if only one of the lockets is present?
A: Villicent: No, I need you to hand me both of the lockets, Leafi.
Q: Soliere: We got two off-the-shelf lockets, we give the pair to you, you attune them and give em a personality: that's one service for ONE of us? Then if the other gets a service you can unlock the pair, as a service to the OTHER person?
A: Villicent: Exactly.
Polvie and Solie Get Variable Expression (VE) Lockets Attuned and Mood/Personality Set:
[First, we gave Villicent the Merchant both of our lockets which we wanted attuned. We had both been chosen in the spinning.]
[Next, Villicent did the work on the lockets and deducted from our Mist Harbor bank accounts the fee for the services.]
[Here, Soliere is given a locket to give to Polveiss.]
Villicent removes a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket from in her verdigris silk reticule.
Villicent offers you a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
Speaking to you, Villicent says, "You open that one and then hand it to him to wear."
You accept Villicent's offer and are now holding a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket.
>open my locket
As you start to open the locket, colors seem to whirl around inside of it, and you quickly snap it shut.
If you wish for the locket to take your portrait, OPEN it again within 30 seconds. Portraits, once taken, can only be changed by appropriately skilled merchants.
>open my locket
You open a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket, being very careful with its tiny latch.
As you hold the open locket in your right hand, bits of paint begin to swirl in a moving spiral. In the tiny colorful whirlwind, you see a mosaic of miniscule paint chips forming a bit of an ear, a flash of face, a lock of hair, and other recognizable images. Slowly, as the little storm of paint subsides, an incredibly detailed picture forms inside the locket.
>give polv
You offer your scarlet laje locket to Polveiss, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Polveiss has accepted your offer and is now holding a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket.
Polveiss hangs a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket around his neck.
[Here, Polveiss is given a locket to give to Soliere.]
Villicent removes a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket from in her verdigris silk reticule.
Villicent offers Polveiss a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket.
Speaking to Polveiss, Villicent says, "You open that one and then hand it to her to wear."
Polveiss accepts Villicent's scarlet laje locket.
Polveiss carefully opens his scarlet laje locket.
Polveiss gazes at his scarlet laje locket in startled surprise.
Polveiss offers you a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Polveiss's offer and are now holding a heart-shaped scarlet laje locket.
>l my locket
Firmly inset in the scarlet laje locket, the meticulously detailed likeness of a dark elf, with short, sorrel hair, stares out. Standing tall and straight-backed, hands folded in his lap, his pose oozes self-control. His expression, however, is openly peevish, as if he is biting his tongue until the exact right moment for unleashing his irritation. Behind him, a dark, stormy sky hovers over a stretch of misty swampland, further enhancing the moody expression in his midnight indigo eyes.
ANALYZE MY LOCKET - Fresh Off the Shelf:
>ana my locket
You analyze your scarlet laje locket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is the "Variable Expression" version of a portrait locket. The following may be altered by a willing merchant: the base (15/15/15); a long description; the picture that is visible inside of the locket when it is open; the outside surface (this will always be preceded by the words, "The outside of the locket is"); and the read. None of these aspects may contradict one another.
To create a portrait of yourself in the locket, simply OPEN it while it is in your right hand. Once the portrait is made, you cannot alter the picture without the help of a willing merchant. Bear in mind that when the initial portrait is made of someone using this locket, it will show him or her as a joyful, adventurous person. Some merchants may be willing to change the initial portrait "personality" (prior to the portrait being taken) for you (options are: curmudgeon, giggly, evil, haughty, joyful/adventurous, flirt, moody, confident, triumphant, happy drunk).
Currently you are able to COVER, OPEN, and CLOSE the locket. This locket may be unlocked further by a very small handful of merchants.
A small handful of merchants may be able and willing to attune this locket to a beloved.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the scarlet laje locket for you or deepen its pockets.
ANALYZE MY LOCKET - After Attunement, Unlocking, and Mood/Personality Change to Moody:
>ana my locket
You analyze your scarlet laje locket and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
This is the "Variable Expression" version of a portrait locket. The following may be altered by a willing merchant: the base (15/15/15); a long description; the picture that is visible inside of the locket when it is open; the outside surface (this will always be preceded by the words, "The outside of the locket is"); and the read (though a whisper from your beloved's special item will overwrite whatever a merchant inscribes here). None of these aspects may contradict one another. Some merchants may be willing to change the locket's "personality" (options are: curmudgeon, giggly, evil, haughty, joyful/adventurous, flirt, moody, confident, triumphant, happy drunk, fear).
Currently you are able to GAZE, WHISPER, KISS, RUB, COVER, OPEN, and CLOSE the locket. Some of the interactions of RUB, GAZE, and WHISPER are based on the "personality" of the locket, which is currently set to a moody person.
This locket is currently attuned to you as the owner, and when you COVER it, you will be able to think of your beloved, Polveiss. If your beloved also has a similarly attuned item, then he or she will know when you are doing this! When you are both wearing your special items [both must be unlocked - you will know if both lockets get this message when analyzing], KISS indicates that you are thinking of one another, and WHISPER will allow you to magically inscribe a message on your beloved's special item. (For help with WHISPER: your new whispered inscription will overwrite any current inscription or reading material on your beloved's special item; you will not be able to inscribe a new message for 24 hours; you are limited to 150 characters; and the syntax is WHISPER [MY] LOCKET (MESSAGE).) Only a handful of merchants are able to change the attunement on this item.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the scarlet laje locket for you or deepen its pockets.
My Additional Notes for gswiki article:
-Seems that sometimes the words PAIR and ATTUNE were used interchangeably. Need to make clear any distinction or similarity in the gswiki article.
-Seems that sometimes the words MOOD and PERSONALITY were used interchangeably. Need to make clear any distinction or similarity in the gswiki article.
-The stuff above is not "the entire log" and has been edited, I paired each question with its answer, etc. I have the original log if anyone is interested in seeing the whole unedited event.
-Apparently with the Variable Expression (VE) lockets (sold by Villicent at this festival), you do not write the actual "portrait" description yourself. I submitted a portrait description with our lockets, but what they ended up with was the standard descripton for MOODY here because we had chosen the MOODY personality/mood. The personalities/moods are described here:
I hope this has been helpful and doesn't just junk up the discussion page too bad. Thanks for your patience. -Soliere FIRENSIA (talk) 08:38, 29 August 2019 (CDT)