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The Golden Helm

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The Golden Helm is an inn in Kharam Dzu that sells food. It is a prosperous-looking establishment with a uniformed dwarf at the door, located on Ghorsa Isle on the river Muagh. Adventurers can CHECK IN at the front desk in the lobby to adjust their skills, and there are private rooms upstairs.

The Golden Helm Hearth Room is located through a wood and glaes door east of the entrance. Here there are tables, added in the year 5120, where adventurers may sit and rest.

The Golden Helm Bar is located through the curved arch east of the entrance. It is outfitted with comfortable couches and a hearth and basket of sticks to make a fire. Hanging on the wall is the vultite claidhmore that once belonged to Thorgig Ten-Killer, a giantman warchief who signed the treaty at Mount Sunfist.

The owner's dog, Duke, is a spotted hound who has free reign of the Golden Helm Inn.

The proprietor is Gerby.
[Golden Helm, Bar] Room: 3003008, RNUM: 12505
Two soft horsehide couches are set before a cozy stone hearth. From behind the rosewood bar, a bald giantman grins perpetually. Great hooded candles are set on low tables along the walls, providing a soft, reddish light. On the wood-paneled walls, two paintings are hung next to a great vultite claidhmore. You also see a spotted hound that is lying down, a basket of sticks and a curved arch.


  1. a roasted thrak sandwich      4. a snifter of 75 year old cognac
  2. a stein of Helga's Own ale    5. a shot of Trollkiller whiskey
  3. a glass of winterberry wine  
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# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a roasted thrak sandwich The smoky barbeque sauce provides a piquant accent to the roast meat.
Delicious. Isn't it great being a carnivore?
2 a stein of Helga's Own ale The interplay of wheat, hops, and yeast creates a flinty, dry crispness.
Elusive scents of orange and clove mingle with the sweet, yeasty flavors.
3 a glass of winterberry wine A pleasant, complex flavor floods your senses, and you can detect a myriad of berries and sweet spices swirled within the elven wine.
A surprising dash of mild citrus adds a poignant climax to the subtle flavors of berries and sweet spices.
4 a snifter of 75 year old cognac The fermented warmth of the honey golden liquid disappears in your mouth, almost as if that sip were just a dream.
Its mild flavor belies its soporific effect.
5 a shot of Trollkiller whiskey Dark and complex, this whiskey has a well-rounded flavor of floral leaves and wood smoke.
The aroma of peat, layered over a range of wood and smoke scents, finishes with a warming alcoholic tang.