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The Nazhor Chronicles (storyline)/Chapter One/2019-03-07 Ilsola's Break In (log)
This log is from premium storyline The Nazhor Chronicles on March 7, 2019, compiled from the viewpoints of Lady Avawren Fiora Nalfein and Lord Jahadeem Clearmore. Edited substantially by Lady Avawren Fiora Nalfein with very minor assistance by Lady Darcena Wolf-Valslayer.
- Adventures arrive for the scheduled questioning of Ilsola to find Gardenia Commons filled with a clamor of guards trying to find Socius. They inform those gathered that there has been a break in at Ilsola's holding cell and they have been unable to locate Socius and confirm that the administrator is alright.
- A guard leads the group to the lockup and then to a hidden cell used only by Socius. There they find a reinforced iron door and a magical mirror that allows them to peer into the cell itself where they see Ilsola.
- Noticing activity on the other side of the door, Ilsola begins to cry for help. She informs the adventurers that someone else had been in there and harmed her while asking questions. The guard is questioned about how to gain access through the door, but the gaurd informs them that only Socius has access.
- After many creative attempts to thwart the door, the guard asks if anyone has an item that belongs to Socius. Ilsola remembers that he had left one of his knives behind with her. She slides the knife under the door but only guard is able to pick it up, explaining that it is warded to everyone but "Socius' people". The knife is then used to unlatch the door.
- Once inside Ilsola begins to tell everyone about three birds who had just been there and hurt her, and to answer questions. In the middle of her explaining who the Five Families are another ripple is seen in the air and Ilsola suddenly is confused by the questions, claiming she has never heard of any five families. The adventurers also realize that the door has locked behind them.
- At this point several adventurers begin seeing visions. Avawren and Nehor are rendered motionless while words are carved into their faces, leaving the last phrase behind across their cheeks and nose. The wounds are unable to be healed by an Empath.
- A confused guard opens the door, allowing everyone to finally leave and after some discussion, it's decided to lead Ilsola somewhere more comfortable, and get her drink, before more intense questioning can continue.
- Ilsola is poisoned shortly after arrival and taken home by a family guard.
GM Cast: Ilsola
Adventurers: Apsaras, Lady Avawren, Ceyrin, Lord Crime, Lady Darcena, Deyoni, Lord Dracnoir, Lady Elysia, Great Lord Jahadeem, Khobra, Kynilir, Scribe Louaryne, Maylan, Naamit, Great Lord Nazarr, Great Lord Nehor, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ponclast,
Log Snippets
Editor’s note: Many of the ambient noises or individuals interacting with each other outside of the scope of the events of the night have been removed from this retelling. Grammar and spelling has been corrected for ease of understanding. Actions have been combined in places to reduce the length while maintaining the atmosphere. Some conversational pieces that were meant to happen sequentially but did not due to the nature of parsing speech in the game (i.e., player A says one piece of information, player B asks a question, player A continues with more information, then player A answers the question) have been reordered (e.g., player A says both pieces of information, player B asks a question, player A answers the question) in every situation where it makes sense to do so and doesn’t disrupt the actual proceedings.
Where is Socius?
[Gardenia Commons]
The soft, soothing sound of the carved marble fountain that dominates Gardenia Commons breaks the omnipresent silence of night. Bright moonlight dapples the area in a silvery glow and reflects off the water pouring into the fountain, causing ripples of ethereal light to dance across the mist that clings to the cobblestone street. A light, thin layer of dew glistens on the wrought iron benches that encircle the fountain. You also see a dingy stone grey kitten, a uniformed guard, the seaweed-covered Aranthius disk, a spotted bull frog that is sitting, a ruffed greatfang, the Stupes disk, the fiery red Chopad disk, a white-faced albino marmoset and a wide-mouthed wicker basket.
Also here: Mistress Naamit, Ceyrin, Great Lord Jahadeem, Aranthius, Great Lord Kynilir, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Melivn, Master Altheren, Khobra, Stupes, Chopad, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Relic Hunter Ordim, Great Lord Nazarr, Lord Dracnoir
Obvious paths: north, east, south, west
A uniformed guard just arrived.
A uniformed guard calls out, "Socius?"
A uniformed guard asks, "Has anyone seen Socius?"
Kynilir glances nervously at a uniformed guard.
Apsaras glances at a uniformed guard.
Khobra says, "Four dayz."
Ordim glances at a uniformed guard.
Kynilir, Apsaras, Dracnoir and Elysia shake their head at a uniformed guard.
Khobra answers, "None."
Ordim furrows his brow.
A uniformed guard swears under his breath.
Ordim asks, "He's lost now too?"
Ordim grumbles.
Elysia leans on Naamit.
A uniformed guard exclaims, "There's been a break-in!"
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Apsaras says, "Not this evenin'."
Speaking to himself, Ordim says, "It's an Island..."
Apsaras blinks.
Ordim stares off into space.
Kynilir raises an eyebrow.
A uniformed guard exclaims, "Someone broke in to Ilsola's holding cell!"
Dracnoir cackles evilly, his voice rising in chilling laughter. Two moonstone fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip. His sable cloak billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
Ordim blinks at a uniformed guard.
Apsaras asks, "A break in?"
Aranthius asks, "A break in?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "I suspect Socius was responsible. He's good at stealing things."
Louaryne grins at Aendir.
Naamit folds her arms over her chest.
Deyoni stands up.
Naamit mutters bitterly.
A uniformed guard swears under his breath.
Ceyrin raises an eyebrow in Naamit's direction.
Speaking softly to a uniformed guard, Dracnoir says, "And he wanted to delay..."
Ordim says, "At least the bakery is ok."
Dracnoir chuckles.
Ordim nods once.
Dracnoir shakes his head.
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "Someone stole something from you?"
A uniformed guard says, "Socius is the only one who knew where the entrance was."
Deyoni softly says, "Wonder if he killed her to keep her quiet."
A uniformed guard exclaims, "We need Socius to confirm that Ilsola is alright!"
Deyoni ponders.
Ordim ponders.
Stupes rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Ordim surveys the area.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Elysia asks, "Well, not the only one... you know as well, is that right?"
Speaking seriously to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "Yes. Yes someone did. A piece most dear to me."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Apsaras asks, "Entrance to? The holdin' place?"
Khobra narrows her eyes.
Aranthius ponders.
A uniformed guard asks, "She's been held in the western guardtower. Can someone go see if they can locate her and check on her, while I look for Socius?"
Ceyrin asks, "Well, was it a break-in, or a break-out? Is Ilsola still there?"
Khobra just moved quietly south, with her group following closely.
A uniformed guard swears under his breath and stalks off.
A uniformed guard just went east.
Speaking to you, Apsaras says, "Evenin', guard here is sayin' there has been a break in."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "Want to go take a look?"
Deyoni glances east.
Great Lord Kynilir just went east.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Eiroc just went south.
Ordim ponders.
You nod at Apsaras.
Naamit whispers something to Ceyrin.
Naamit nods at Ceyrin.
Ordim asks, "Who is leading the way?"
Ordim giggles.
Speaking softly to Naamit, Deyoni asks, "Mind if I tag along to see with you?"
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Deyoni glances between Ceyrin and Naamit.
Ordim reaches down and settles the flap of his cloth pouch, twisting a length of twine around an oak toggle and securing the contents.
Ordim places his hand on his cloth pouch and gives it a gentle squeeze, sending an odd mixture of smells into the air.
Speaking to her non-descript device, Naamit says, "Fine."
Naamit nods at Deyoni.
Apsaras asks, "Can I tag along with some one?"
Ordim shrugs.
Deyoni softly says, "Wonderful, thank you."
Speaking in Guildspeak, Louaryne says something you don't understand.
Louaryne says, "If you don't mind."
Naamit surveys the area.
Naamit mutters something about guardtowers..
Deyoni surveys her surroundings carefully.
You shift your weight.
Naamit says, "You all think I know where that is."
Naamit smirks.
Aranthius removes a long antique brass spyglass from in his blue leather jacket.
Aranthius polishes his antique brass spyglass with the edge of his sleeve.
Aranthius peers south through his antique brass spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it. Squinting slightly, he gazes intently through the eyepiece.
Aranthius put a long antique brass spyglass in his blue leather jacket.
Ceyrin says, "I am fairly certain they are south of here."
Ordim nods.
Ordim points south.
Deyoni raises an eyebrow.
The alarm goes up around town, and voices can be heard calling for Socius.
You frown.
Speaking quietly to you, Crime exclaims, "Never trust a Nalfein elf!"
You say, "I've no idea what's going on ..."
You give a sidelong glance at Crime.
You dryly say, "You're the one following me."
Speaking quietly to you, Crime asks, "I have to keep an eye on you don't I?"
You roll your eyes.
Crime grins at you.
Crime blinks.
You sigh.
Closing your eyes tightly, you concentrate on an image within your mind's eye and murmur a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from your lips, your glacial blue eyes fly wide open and you flick your fingers, releasing the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture into the air.
Your magic fizzles ineffectually.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You say, "Bothersome."
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts but something seems to be blocking them.
Flanked on the east and west by guard towers, the small gatehouse stands silent sentry over the tall wrought iron gates that separate the encroaching jungle from the cobblestone streets of the town. Painted in muted hues of yellow and crowned with terracotta tiles, the tiny structure provides shelter for a pair of guards that stand rigidly at attention.
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Crime and Nazarr followed.
You: "Where, exactly, did everyone dash to?"
You focus on projecting your thoughts...
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
You tap your foot impatiently.
Closing your eyes tightly, you concentrate on an image within your mind's eye and murmur a soft prayer to the spirits. As the last syllable falls from your lips, your glacial blue eyes fly wide open and you flick your fingers, releasing the Locate Person spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture into the air.
Your vision begins to become murky and clouded. You have a sensation of rapidly passing distance. Eventually your sight begins to clear and a vision of Khobra's surroundings fills your mind...
[Lockup, Sergeant's Office]
An imposing rolltop desk rests in front of an oversized chair. A headsman's axe rests in one corner of the room in front of a podium with a large volume on it. You also see a uniformed guard.
Also here: Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious exits: east
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
Nehor: "They are always in a hurry to meet me, my fans. It is why I take great pains to secure my privacy...I wouldnt want to be bothered at all hours, after all."
Nehor surveys the area.
A Tour
[Lockup, Sergeant's Office]
An imposing rolltop desk rests in front of an oversized chair. A headsman's axe rests in one corner of the room in front of a podium with a large volume on it. You also see a uniformed guard.
Also here: Great Lord Nazarr, Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious exits: east
Crime followed.
Ordim folds his arms over his chest in a display of stubborn pride, tilting his chin up slightly in defiance.
Crime lets out a cheer!
You dust yourself off.
Dracnoir nods at Khobra.
Speaking to Crime, Ordim says, "No cheering, they lost the Ilsola."
Ordim frowns.
A uniformed guard says, "All I know is Socius had some sort of holding room in here, but I never found the entrance."
Crime blinks.
Speaking in Faendryl to Dracnoir, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ordim ponders.
Elysia squints at a uniformed guard.
Naamit mouths, "A hiding room."
Deyoni and Naamit search around for a moment.
Khobra nods at Crime.
Ordim squints.
Nehor raises an eyebrow.
Deyoni softly says, "Someone with better eyes should search."
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Crime, Ordim asks, "If you needed to bury a body in here where would you put it ?"
Ponclast softly says, "Another secret room, goodness."
Ceyrin searches around for a moment.
Ordim surveys the area.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Elysia asks, "You doubled the watch here, and you don't even know... what is here or how to access it?"
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ceyrin glances at a wooden rolltop desk.
Khobra glances at a uniformed guard.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit asks, "You know this place better than we do, no doubt. Give us a tour, eh?"
Crime searches around for a moment.
Ceyrin asks, "Can anyone open the desk?"
Crime quietly says, "I'd bury it in plain sight."
Links of ethereal chain appear and wrap themselves around Naamit's right wrist, clinking noisily as she prepares a spell...
Naamit gestures at a wooden rolltop desk.
The magic fizzles ineffectually.
Naamit smirks.
A uniformed guard says, "Not much to see, really."
Nehor disdainfully asks, "And why have we all decided to come to this...dreadful little hovel?"
Apsaras asks, "And no one in the 'watch' reported any thin'?"
Nehor frowns.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Speaking softly to Crime, Deyoni asks, "I would imagin you are very familar with this place, see anything?"
Dracnoir nods in agreement at Crime.
A uniformed guard says, "But... sure."
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
A uniformed guard just went east.
Ponclast turns to face a large volume.
Ordim gazes thoughtfully at a wooden rolltop desk.
Mistress Naamit's group just went east.
Khobra just moved quietly east, with her group following closely.
You say, "Ridiculous."
[Mist Harbor Lockup, Entry Hall]
Austere and barren, the room is meticulously clean and the hardware on the imposing gate gleams. A single wooden bench rests against one wall with an oil painting affixed over it. You also see a heavily barred steel door.
Obvious exits: east, west
[Mist Harbor Lockup, Playroom]
A chain cage is suspended from the ceiling above a pit in the floor. Oily smoke rolls from out of the pit and has blackened the walls and ceiling. A nearby rack has all the accoutrements a professional torturer would need. You also see a uniformed guard.
Also here: Great Lord Nazarr, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit, Lord Crime, Lord Dracnoir, Khobra
Obvious exits: west
Naamit smoothly quips, "Indeed."
(Deyoni stares up at the cage.)
Speaking to Crime, Ordim says, "Because you were late."
Ordim frowns at Crime.
A uniformed guard just went west.
Ponclast softly says, "There's a torture chamber in Mist Harbor? Did not know that."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin observes, "Seems rather tame."
Naamit turns around.
Mistress Naamit's group just went west.
Dracnoir points west.
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Crime quietly says, "Who's leading."
Khobra glances west.
Crime points west.
Speaking in Elven, Khobra says, "She did not even."
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
The misty thorns whirl faster around Crime's coraesine tachi, their hazy silhouettes blurring the air around them.
Speaking in Elven, Khobra says, "Patience."
You are now speaking Elven.
Dracnoir nods.
Khobra smiles.
Khobra just moved quietly west, with her group following closely.
[Mist Harbor Lockup, Entry Hall]
Austere and barren, the room is meticulously clean and the hardware on the imposing gate gleams. A single wooden bench rests against one wall with an oil painting affixed over it. You also see a uniformed guard and a heavily barred steel door.
Also here: Lord Crime, Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Great Lord Nehor, Great Lord Nazarr, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious exits: east, west
Ceyrin gazes thoughtfully at a wooden bench.
Crime quietly says, "Who's leading."
A uniformed guard asks, "Did you want the tour, or what?"
Crime joins Naamit's group.
Speaking to Crime, Ordim says, "Socius is supposed to be in charge."
Naamit says, "Apparently I am."
Elysia nods to the uniformed guard.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "Yes, you didn't walk away."
Dracnoir ponders.
Kynilir asks, "No sign yet?"
Kynilir scratches his head.
Deyoni softly says, "Poor gnomes."
Speaking to Dracnoir, Khobra says, "Zee.."
Deyoni stares at an oil painting.
Khobra says, "Patience."
Dracnoir searches around for a moment.
Naamit casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.
Khobra folds her arms over her chest.
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Ceyrin sits down next to a wooden bench.
Interlocking his fingers above his head, Nehor stretches slowly, extending his spine in a satisfying stretch.
Ceyrin stands up.
The guard strides through the gate.
Mistress Naamit's group just went through an iron-bound imposing gate.
Khobra just slipped quietly through an iron-bound imposing gate, with her group following closely.
[Mist Harbor Lockup, Hallway]
A single torch burns in an cast-iron sconce giving off a wan light. The floor crunches underfoot as it's littered with the remains of various small rodents in a state of decay. A trail of blood leads into one of the cells. You also see a uniformed guard, an iron-clad oak door, a riveted iron-banded door and an iron-bound imposing gate.
Also here: Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Great Lord Jahadeem, Lord Crime, Great Lord Nehor, Great Lord Nazarr, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious paths: north
A uniformed guard says, "This is where the prisoners are kept."
A uniformed guard says, "Down this hallway."
Ordim surveys the area.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Crime taps Khobra lightly on her shoulder.
Naamit skeptically adds, "Normally."
Crime points at Naamit.
Speaking to himself, Ordim whines, "No muffins at all!"
Ceyrin says, "Except the prisoner who is missing, apparently."
You quietly whisper to Apsaras, "Would you kindly fill me in?"
Ordim looks downright miserable.
A uniformed guard says, "But we have no guests at this time."
A uniformed guard just went north.
Mistress Naamit's group just went north.
Khobra just moved quietly north, with her group following closely.
[Mist Harbor Lockup, Hallway]
Hanging from one of the overhead oak beams is a cargo net with various hooks and needles affixed at every loop. Luckily, it is high enough so you cannot see what or whom is in it, yet the pool of dried blood beneath attests to its grisly work. You also see a uniformed guard, a banded steel door and a steel cross-hatched door.
Also here: Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Great Lord Jahadeem, Lord Crime, Great Lord Nehor, Great Lord Nazarr, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious paths: north, south
Naamit says, "Of course not, you lost one."
A uniformed guard says, "As you can see... all is quiet."
Deyoni gazes with a bemused expression at Ordim.
Naamit casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.
Elysia chortles softly at some secret joke.
A uniformed guard says, "So you say. I say it's been quiet all night."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Were there any prisoners brought in in the last week?"
A uniformed guard says, "Socius brought in Ilsola and secreted her away in his little hidey-hole."
Naamit searches around for a moment.
A uniformed guard shrugs.
Nehor glances at a uniformed guard.
Naamit indicates a wooden panel as a possible option.
Mistress Naamit's group just went through a wooden panel.
Dracnoir raises an eyebrow.
Mirror Mirror On the Wall
[Holding Cell, Outer Room]
This small room is dominated by a heavy iron-reinforced door in the far wall. Furnishings aside from that are sparse. The floor underneath is solid stone, and there are no visible light sources. Light streams in from the room beyond through a large hole in the door, which is reinforced with heavy iron bars. You also see a grey-faced dusky brown tamarin, a large mirror mounted to one wall and a wooden panel.
Also here: Lord Dracnoir, Khobra, Great Lord Jahadeem, Lord Crime, Great Lord Nehor, Great Lord Nazarr, Relic Hunter Ordim, Ceyrin, Lady Elysia, Scribe Louaryne, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni, Mistress Naamit
Obvious exits: none
Ordim surveys the area.
Deyoni softly says, "Isn't that intersting."
Deyoni points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Naamit casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.
Kynilir ponders.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Where did the guard go?"
Khobra shakes her head.
Dracnoir swiftly runs the tip of his forefinger across a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim says, "Oh."
Naamit says, "He did not follow us."
Aranthius exclaims, "Aha!"
Ordim exclaims, "There she is!"
Nehor amusedly asks, "To lock the door behind us?"
Ordim points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
You shift your weight.
Deyoni softly says, "In the mirror."
Ordim giggles.
Kynilir reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Deyoni softly exclaims, "Ilsola!"
Dracnoir softly says, "In the mirror."
Naamit searches around for a moment.
Jahadeem reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Ponclast fidgets.
Ordim ponders.
Ordim taps a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A sharp knocking sound emanates from a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Ordim says, "Theres an Ilsola in that mirror."
Deyoni knocks on a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Naamit reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Aranthius yells, "We shall get ye out lass!"
Nazarr says, "I don't see anything in the mirrror."
Kynilir rummages through a dark leather bag swept with silver sigils and removes an old scroll from in it.
Jahadeem just tried to pull a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Dracnoir pokes his finger at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Kynilir raises his old scroll and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the old scroll and Kynilir's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Kynilir's hand and he seems to glow with power.
Kynilir gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Jahadeem points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Kynilir grunts.
Dracnoir prods a large mirror mounted to one wall with the tip of his finger.
Kynilir put an old scroll in his leather bag.
Jahadeem turns to face a wooden panel.
Jahadeem just tried to pull a wooden panel.
Dracnoir ponders.
Kynilir searches around for a moment.
Aranthius joins Kynilir's group.
Ceyrin says, "I can hear her yelling."
Kynilir sniffles, then sneezes violently, causing a cloud of ash and soot to rise from him as he does!
Elysia casts an appraising gaze over her surroundings, seemingly taking in every detail.
Speaking softly in Faendryl to Khobra, Dracnoir says something you don't understand.
Ceyrin notes, "She does not seem happy."
Khobra says, "I can too."
Speaking to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "I hear nothing."
Ordim ponders.
Khobra agrees with Ceyrin.
Ordim asks, "Do we let her out?"
Ordim raises an eyebrow.
Khobra says, "Zhew yelling hiz name."
Naamit removes an ebon-handled lavender teacup from in her lambswool cloak.
Speaking in Elven, you say, "Didn't hear a thing."
Apsaras says, "Hearin' nothin'."
Nehor lightly quips, "Does someone in a cell usually seem happy?"
Speaking softly to Naamit, Deyoni asks, "How can you not hear him?"
Khobra says, "Banging on the door."
Deyoni softly says, "Peer in the mirror."
Ordim yells, "Hello!"
Naamit shrugs at Deyoni.
Gazing into the mirror, you see...
[Holding Cell, Inner Room]
This space is large and generously furnished for what is undeniably a cell. A large candelabra sits atop a mahogany desk in the center of the space, casting generous amounts of warm light around the room. The remains of a roasted rolton dinner can be seen on a small tray, which is lying on the floor next to a thick down sleeping mat. You also see a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Also here: Ilsola
Obvious paths: none
Naamit gives a short little hum of surprise.
Dracnoir softly says, "Peer into the mirror... You shall see her..."
Naamit removes a hand-held silver-framed mirror from in her black leather bag.
Deyoni nods at Naamit.
Naamit winks.
Dracnoir abruptly punches at a large mirror mounted to one wall!
Khobra yells, "Ilzola!"
Naamit says, "Wrong mirror perhops."
Elysia taps a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Deyoni points at a large mirror mounted to one wall and softly says, "That mirror."
Naamit starts chortling.
Naamit put a hand-held silver-framed mirror in her lambswool cloak.
Ceyrin grins at Naamit.
Aranthius asks, "Where did Socius go?"
Nehor glances at Dracnoir.
Ilsola exclaims, "Who's there?!"
Khobra reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Dracnoir reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim yells, "I'm an Ordim!"
Ordim beams!
Dracnoir rubs a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ilsola asks, "Socius! Is that you?"
Ordim says, "I just said..."
Kynilir shifts his weight.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Jahadeem yells, "No Socius is not here!"
Deyoni yells, "Ilsola We are here to help!"
Speaking disdainfully to Dracnoir, Nehor asks, "Do you usually punch things that show you what you wish to see?"
Khobra says, "Zhe can no hear, but ve zee."
Elysia sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Crime searches around for a moment.
Crime suddenly stops moving light-footedly.
Apsaras yells, "No Socius with us!"
Ilsola exclaims, "Someone... someone was IN HERE!"
From nearby, you hear Nazarr yell, "And there's no way to open the doors from the outside!"
Elysia gazes at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ordim's face furrows in concentration as he stammers out a magical chant...
Ordim gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Naamit quips, "Well at least he left her dinner."
Khobra glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Elysia says, "There's blood on the door."
Deyoni knocks on a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A sharp knocking sound emanates from a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking softly to Nehor, Dracnoir says, "Imbecile... I was seeing if it could be broken, and she could be freed."
Elysia rubs the iron-reinforced door, causing it to release an acrid, coppery smell into the air.
Khobra squints at Naamit.
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola? Can you tell us how you got in there?"
Dracnoir shakes his head.
Aranthius says, "Peer in the mirror."
Ordim blinks at Elysia.
You rub the iron-reinforced door, causing it to release an acrid, coppery smell into the air.
Dracnoir disgustedly says, "Humans..."
You detect an acrid, coppery smell around the iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to Elysia, Ordim asks, "What did you get on your hand?"
Kynilir grunts.
You wrinkle your nose.
Ilsola exclaims, "Socius has the only key! Please! Get me OUT of here! It's not SAFE!"
Ilsola wails!
Naamit slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking to Ordim, Elysia says, "It smells like blood."
Ceyrin says, "As far as I can tell the door doesn't even have a keyhole."
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Can anyone try picking the door?"
Naamit says, "Fine, fine, we'll track down the inflappable Socius."
Speaking sarcastically to Dracnoir, Nehor mocks, "Yes because shattering the prison someone is trapped in...thats wise. No chance of it hurting the person whose world your shattering."
Ordim gawks at Elysia.
Ponclast softly says, "We've been in the no-key situation before, I recall."
Deyoni reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Nehor rolls his eyes.
Ordim sniffs at his iron-reinforced door.
Deyoni softly asks, "Can we break the mirror?"
Nehor examines his fingernails.
Ordim nods slowly.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "I zhould have killed him."
Deyoni removes an ornate deringo runestaff from in her black stave harness.
Links of ethereal chain appear and wrap themselves around Naamit's right wrist, clinking noisily as she prepares a spell...
Khobra points at Naamit.
Naamit gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Speaking softly to Deyoni, Dracnoir says, "I tried."
Speaking to Elysia, Ordim says, "Smells like Tallyvor's wine."
Ordim nods once.
Speaking to Khobra, Darcena asks, "What happened?"
Elysia begins chortling at Ordim.
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "And people follow one vhich helped."
Crime quietly asks, "Break The Mirror, are we talking Ta'Illistim?"
Crime lets out a cheer!
Aranthius asks, "Try picking the doorlock?"
Speaking in Elven, you quietly say, "Oh thank goodness."
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Naamit skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Nothing happens.
Ordim glances down.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Zhe, mizzing."
Ilsola sniffles, rubbing frantically at her arms as if unable to believe that they're still intact.
You cough.
Khobra says, "And He no to be found."
Deyoni covers her ears.
Kynilir kneels down.
Khobra says, "And ripplez happened."
Naamit pounds a large mirror mounted to one wall with her fist, causing it to shake and tremble.
Deyoni stares at Naamit.
Dracnoir nods.
Khobra says, "All before mozt came."
Dracnoir softly says, "More ripples..."
Speaking softly to Naamit, Deyoni says, "A little warning next time please."
Khobra says, "Onez he couldn't even zee."
Kynilir glances at a glossy black glaes lockpick in his hand.
Khobra points at Dracnoir.
Jahadeem lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting iron-reinforced door mercilessly but to little effect.
Khobra glances at Naamit.
Apsaras asks, "Can a sorcerer type person do that passin' thrrough magic tae get to her?"
Jahadeem lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting large mirror mercilessly but to little effect.
Speaking to Deyoni, Naamit says, "Be warned from here on out."
Kynilir snorts derisively at a heavy iron-reinforced door!
Darcena sniffs the air once, twice, then goes very still, staring off into the distance in deep concentration. Flickers of emotion play across her face for a few moments, and then tears form at the corners of her eyes.
[Editor's Note: Darcena saw, A slight odor dances across your senses, faint yet unmistakable. Your brain spins, trying to identify the scent, which is so familiar yet at the same time foreign. Your gaze goes out of focus as you lose yourself in memory. Through the murky clouds of time, a few sensations bubble to the surface. Warmth. Meat. The thrill of the hunt. The rush of the kill. And a... face? You open your mouth to speak, but the face twists in apparent agony, gasping out, "Daughter?" before all goes dark.]
Naamit nods firmly at Deyoni.
Jahadeem just tried to pull a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking softly to Khobra, Dracnoir says, "I saw one."
Kynilir stands up.
Jahadeem just tried to pull a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Kynilir put a glossy black glaes lockpick in his rucksack.
Speaking to Dracnoir, Khobra says, "One of tvo."
Dracnoir nods.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Can we ask the guard if he knows how to open the door?"
Deyoni abruptly kicks at a large mirror mounted to one wall!
Ceyrin gazes thoughtfully at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Gaze in the mirror."
Khobra points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Deyoni softly says, "You never know till you try."
Naamit removes a barbed white ora whip with a cross-like handle from in her black leather bag.
Khobra says, "Zhe'z trapped there."
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Ordim removes a bright ceramic tip jar from in his dark grey satchel.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Can not hear uz."
Naamit says, "I don't believe the mirror is a direct door."
Crime blinks.
Deyoni softly says, "She can if you yell, a little."
Ponclast thrusts his hand away from his body and points directly ahead as sparks of elemental energy slither down his arm towards his hand...
Jahadeem knocks on a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A sharp knocking sound emanates from a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Naamit leans against a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ponclast gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
A uniformed guard exclaims, "You found it!"
Ordim removes a slender pennant-etched knife from in his patchwork longcloak.
Ceyrin says, "No, the door is the door."
Naamit walks to stand behind a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Can you open this door?"
Apsaras cocks her head at a uniformed guard.
Does Anyone Have a Key?
Speaking to a uniformed guard, you ask, "Do you have a key?"
(Ordim scratches some of the rust and debris off of the door and into his jar.)
A uniformed guard blinks in surprise.
Ordim ponders.
Ordim squints at a bright ceramic tip jar.
Ordim sniffs at his ceramic tip jar.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "This door should be opened."
Nehor glances at Maylan.
A uniformed guard asks, "I mean... sure, I have keys, but this is Socius' place, you know?"
Naamit nods firmly to the uniformed guard.
Ordim put a slender pennant-etched knife in his patchwork longcloak.
Deyoni looks thoughtfully at Ordim.
Speaking boredly to Maylan, Nehor greets, "Oh. Its you."
Aranthius exclaims, "Unlock the door at once!"
Nehor yawns.
Dracnoir growls something vile beneath his breath.
Nazarr rubs his vultite hydra pendant, causing a golden incandescence to dance around its edges briefly.
Nazarr gets an odd look on his face.
Speaking to Deyoni, Ordim says, "Pie fillings."
Ordim nods once.
Kynilir says, "She said Socius had the only key. I couldn't find a lock on the damned thing."
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni asks, "And what are you going to do with that little one?"
Speaking to Nehor, Maylan says, "I spose it is."
Deyoni nods at Ordim.
Speaking flatly to a uniformed guard, you ask, "He has a -place-?"
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "Open this door please."
Deyoni softly says, "Oh."
Deyoni softly says, "Noted."
Elysia leans against a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ordim put a bright ceramic tip jar in his dark grey satchel.
Ordim giggles.
Speaking to Elysia, Maylan blurts, "THERE you are!"
A uniformed guard inspects the door, noting the lack of a keyhole
Speaking quietly to a heavy iron-reinforced door, Crime exclaims, "Open Sesame!"
Louaryne glances anxiously around the room.
Deyoni searches around for a moment.
Speaking to Elysia, Maylan says, "I have come to tell you something VERY important."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Khobra says, "Find a way and now, elze thiz enter door vill be removed, one vay or another."
A uniformed guard asks, "Dunno that a key would do you much good?"
Naamit put a barbed white ora whip with a cross-like handle in her black leather bag.
Speaking to Deyoni, Ordim says, "And maybe I can ask Crux of the Phims to do some blood magic on it, if that is blood."
Ordim shrugs.
Elysia peers quizzically at Maylan.
Ceyrin nods to the uniformed guard.
Ordim reaches out and touches a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Crime's coraesine tachi blurs slightly as the hazy mist-thorns whirling around it sink through its surface, only to rise again like waves of tiny fangs.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ceyrin says, "I had the same observation."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Have you seen Socius open this door?"
Nazarr rubs the iron-reinforced door, causing it to release an acrid, coppery smell into the air.
Ordim ponders.
Speaking to Maylan, Elysia says, "What's that? I brought you absinthe from very far away."
Naamit surveys the area.
Elysia leans softly against Maylan.
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni says, "I somehow don't think that is going to help the situation at hand."
Maylan idly gnaws on the stem of the koa pipe in her mouth.
Speaking to a heavy iron-reinforced door, Khobra says, "Only iron, not enruned or mithril."
Khobra glances at a uniformed guard.
Apsaras ponders.
A uniformed guard says, "I mean... it's Socius, right? So there's gotta be like a dozen crazy ways to get through there."
Naamit says, "Do we have a warrior who bashes things in our midst? If so, proceed."
Naamit points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to Deyoni, Ordim says, "Oh that whole thing."
A uniformed guard grins weakly.
Ordim ponders.
Khobra narrows her eyes.
Dracnoir just tried to pull a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking confusedly to Elysia, Maylan says, "I don't remember."
Kynilir nods.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Khobra glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Elysia grins at Maylan.
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Ordim asks, "Think you can get in that room?"
Nazarr turns to face a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Louaryne asks, "Why would you say that?"
Ordim glances at a bottle-nosed golden brown bandicoot.
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Speaking to Maylan, Elysia says, "Sometimes, I don't remember either."
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Dracnoir swiftly runs the tip of his forefinger across a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Apsaras frowns.
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Speaking to Aranthius, Kynilir says, "Tried that. You're probably better at it though."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Who is feeding the prisoner behind this door?"
Naamit adds, "Or a sorceer who phases?"
Kynilir grins.
Nazarr reaches out and touches a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ceyrin leans against a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Deyoni searches around for a moment.
Speaking flatly to a uniformed guard, you say, "That would explain why your prisoner was screaming in terror about someone being in her cell."
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Deyoni softly asks, "Is someone watching?"
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
A uniformed guard says, "Cause I've been around him long enough."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "Certainly they can get in."
Kynilir rummages through a dark leather bag swept with silver sigils, but comes up empty-handed.
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Elysia pokes her finger at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Apsaras asks, "Can a sorcerer type person do that passin' thrrough magic tae get to her?"
The Guard Pales
A uniformed guard asks, "Wait, what?"
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
A uniformed guard asks, "Who was screaming?"
Elysia turns to face a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Khobra says, "Thiz iz the door. Unlocked, every locked door haz a key."
Elysia sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ceyrin says, "It's Ilsola."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ordim says, "The mirror woman."
Aranthius makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Ordim points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Kynilir rummages through a dark leather bag swept with silver sigils and removes an old scroll from in it.
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, you say, "Ilsola."
Elysia rubs the iron-reinforced door, causing it to release an acrid, coppery smell into the air.
Apsaras points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Kynilir raises his old scroll and gestures.
Sparks begin to fly between the old scroll and Kynilir's fingers.
With a sudden burst of enthusiasm, the sparks jump into Kynilir's hand and he seems to glow with power.
Kynilir gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A large mirror mounted to one wall vibrates slightly.
Deyoni taps a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Crime knocks on a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A uniformed guard stares at the mirror, blood draining from his face.
Ordim blinks.
Deyoni nods to the uniformed guard.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem exclaims, "There is someone hurt behind that door who need medical attention! We must get in!"
Ceyrin asks, "Tell me, is this Socius a vain person?"
Aranthius's hands glow with power as he summons elemental energy to his command...
Crime's banshee tattoo appears bored with its surroundings.
Nehor glances at a uniformed guard.
Ordim works his fingers under his purple linen turban and scratches his head.
Kynilir put an old scroll in his leather bag.
Aranthius gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Aranthius hurls a stream of fire at a heavy iron-reinforced door!
The iron-reinforced door glows with a warm aura then quickly cools off.
You hear very soft footsteps.
Ilsola sniffs.
Ordim asks, "Don't the guards talk to one another?"
Ysharra smiles at Naamit.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Speaking to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Khobra says, "Mirrorz reflect - ripplez of light."
Ilsola Converses
Ilsola exclaims, "Hello?!"
Kynilir removes a glossy black glaes lockpick from in his rucksack.
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Ysharra moves to stand behind Naamit.
Ordim yells, "Hello!"
Ilsola exclaims, "Are you still out there?!"
Dracnoir gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Ysharra kisses Naamit tenderly on the cheek.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, you ask, "Can you open the door or not? Before these people blow the whole place up, preferably?"
Speaking to herself, Apsaras says, "So much for his word..."
Jahadeem knocks on a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A sharp knocking sound emanates from a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Elysia abruptly punches at a large mirror mounted to one wall!
Crime quietly exclaims, "Hi Ilsola!"
Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Dracnoir yells, "We are here, Ilsola!"
Elysia says, "Ouch."
Kynilir put a glossy black glaes lockpick in his rucksack.
Elysia sighs.
Ilsola shivers, hunching her shoulders.
Crime quietly says, "I knocked on the mirror and she responded."
Kynilir searches around for a moment.
Ysharra joins Naamit's group.
Naamit loudly proclaims, "We're here, but an obstinate guard refuses entry."
Dracnoir knocks on a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ilsola says, "I... thought you'd... left."
Ilsola shivers.
Khobra turns an inquisitive ear toward Crime.
Nehor exasperatedly asks, "Why do we INSIST on punching the mirror?"
Nehor shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Maylan asks, "Who or what is an Ilsola?"
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola. We are trying to get in."
Apsaras yells, "Still here!"
Maylan asks, "And why are we yelling at a door?"
Dracnoir swiftly runs the tip of his forefinger across a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Khobra says, "Maybe."
Speaking to Maylan, Ordim confirms, "I'm an Ordim."
A uniformed guard says, "Hey, I'd be happy to open it. You show me how, and I'm your man."
Crime knocks on a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Nehor whispers something to Ysharra.
Naamit slowly empties her lungs.
Crime turns to face a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking to a bottle-nosed golden brown bandicoot, Ordim says, "You might be too big to sneak in there."
Kynilir turns to face a heavy iron-reinforced door.
You stare at a uniformed guard.
Speaking quietly to Maylan, Jahadeem says, "I think an Ilsola is a new type of ale."
Ordim looks thoughtfully at a bottle-nosed golden brown bandicoot.
Khobra thoughtfully asks, "Casting light upon the mirror?"
Speaking softly to Nehor, Deyoni says, "You are a little slow in understanding everything."
The golden brown bandicoot scurries off.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Naamit says, "You there, Bash that door."
Aranthius yells, "Be patient! We will help get you out!"
Ordim's face furrows in concentration as he stammers out a magical chant...
Ordim gestures.
A petite brown marmoset scampers into the room and moves to crouches next to Ordim, her black-eyed gaze falling upon Ordim and a grin spreading across her tiny face.
Naamit points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Kynilir sneaks up to a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ceyrin whispers something to Naamit.
Ordim frowns at a petite brown marmoset.
Speaking softly to Khobra, Dracnoir says, "Or darkness..."
Aranthius sways slightly in place for a moment, and then his eyes drift slowly closed. The swaying continues, a hint of a smile playing across his lips, until suddenly he goes still for a heartbeat, then throws his head back and screams at the top of his lungs!
The brown marmoset scampers off.
Nehor glances at Deyoni.
Naamit whispers something to Ceyrin.
Ordim's face furrows in concentration as he stammers out a magical chant...
Ordim gestures.
A sleek burnished grey iguana crawls at a stately pace into the room, her tail dragging behind her and stops at Ordim's side.
Maylan blinks.
Nehor amusedly murmurs, "Mmm."
Crime quietly says, "Someone phase the mirror."
Ceyrin gazes thoughtfully at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim exclaims, "Oh there we go!"
Kynilir nods at Crime.
Speaking to a sleek burnished grey iguana, Ordim says, "Sneak under that door."
Dracnoir begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Speaking to a uniformed guard, you ask, "So you can not open the door?"
Dracnoir gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ceyrin grins at Naamit.
You fold your arms over your chest.
Khobra looks over at you and shakes her head.
Ilsola sniffs.
Speaking softly to Nehor, Deyoni says, "Ilsola is on the other side of the door or mirror. We are trying to get her out."
Naamit grumbles to herself.
Crime sneaks up to a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking regretfully to you, Khobra says, "He cannot."
Maylan vaguely asks, "Why does this scene seem so familiar?"
Naamit focuses her concentration, briefly studying the composition of a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Crime rubs a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ceyrin asks, "Anyone tried kissing the mirror yet?"
Links of ethereal chain appear and wrap themselves around Naamit's right wrist, clinking noisily as she prepares a spell...
Naamit gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Apsaras blinks.
Naamit looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
You slap yourself on the forehead! Doh!
Ysharra whispers something to Nehor.
Dracnoir looks over at Ceyrin and shakes his head.
Nazarr detaches a vaalin-bound mist grey shard suspended from a rusty indigo chain from a vaalin-laced keyring.
Maylan reaches out and touches a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Links of ethereal chain appear and wrap themselves around Naamit's right wrist, clinking noisily as she prepares a spell...
Speaking quietly to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Crime says, "Mirror Mirror."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Do you have a way to contact Socius immediately?"
Naamit gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Ordim exclaims, "Maybe, if she is in the mirror, we can break the mirror to get her out!"
Elysia rubs a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Ordim nods enthusiastically!
Deyoni softly says, "How about we set it on fire."
Speaking to Jahadeem, you say, "They haven't been able to find him today."
Speaking to Jahadeem, Apsaras says, "Apparently he is missin'."
Ordim points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Elysia focuses her concentration, briefly studying the composition of a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Nehor begins chuckling at Ysharra!
Speaking to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Khobra asks, "Mirror - Mirror on the Vall, open nov to Uz all?"
Speaking to Deyoni, Maylan says, "Wonderful idea."
Nazarr attaches a vaalin-bound mist grey shard suspended from a rusty indigo chain to a vaalin-laced keyring.
The burnished grey iguana moves closer to a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A blood red mist leaks from Maylan's palms as she prepares a spell...
Maylan gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Maylan launched a flare at a large mirror mounted to one wall!
The large mirror grows warm to the touch then quickly cools off.
Deyoni's hands glow with power as she summons elemental energy to her command...
Ordim quickly ducks to the side and out of the way.
Ordim flails his arms about.
Kynilir ducks his head.
Ordim glances nervously at Maylan.
Deyoni gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Deyoni hurls a stream of fire at a heavy iron-reinforced door!
The iron-reinforced door glows with a warm aura then quickly cools off.
You see nothing unusual.
Ysharra gives a sidelong glance at Nehor.
The iguana sniffs cautiously at the door.
Speaking playfully to Dracnoir, Khobra says, "Vorth a zhot."
Dracnoir ponders.
Dracnoir smiles at Khobra.
Ponclast softly asks, "Why were we told Isola had escaped when she's still captive?"
Khobra glances at a sleek burnished grey iguana.
Murmuring into the air, Elysia prepares a spell, causing tiny pinpoints of silver-hazed light to dance along her form. As she gestures, the starbursts link together, forming ethereal constellations that fade into the air...
Jahadeem moves a little closer to a uniformed guard, closely watching every movement.
Deyoni softly says, "Hmmm."
Khobra glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Louaryne glances at a sleek burnished grey iguana.
Elysia sings a melody, directing the sound of her voice at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Nothing happens.
Speaking to Ordim, Naamit says, "Tell your little friend to sneak under the door, eh."
Speaking to a sleek burnished grey iguana, Ordim says, "Go on."
Ysharra nods to Ceyrin in greeting.
You hum quietly to yourself.
The burnished grey iguana licks at the air with her tongue.
Ceyrin nods at Ysharra.
Ordim nods approvingly.
Naamit smirks.
The burnished grey iguana crawls off.
A sleek burnished grey iguana crawls in.
Ordim's face furrows in concentration as he stammers out a magical chant...
Deyoni softly asks, "Perhaps someonebetter at fire cast at the door?"
Ordim gestures.
Ilsola blinks.
Ilsola asks, "What was that?"
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Are you going to answer some of our questions and help us or not?"
Ordim yells, "Thats an Iguana!"
Ordim yells, "It likes muffins!"
A floating steel grey eye flies over to Dracnoir for a few moments.
Maylan yells, "That's dinner!"
A uniformed guard asks, "I'm just tryin to figure out what I can do?"
Crime just tried to pull a wooden panel.
Speaking quietly to yourself, you say, "Worth a try ..."
Speaking to Ordim, Naamit says, "Try that again but with a tool so she can free herself."
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni asks, "Is that your lizard?"
Ordim's face furrows in concentration as he stammers out a magical chant...
Crime turns to face a wooden panel.
Dracnoir ponders.
Ordim gestures.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Can you contact Socius?"
Ordim nods at Deyoni.
Aranthius exclaims, "Mirror Mirror on the wall let us in we hear her call!"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Kynilir asks, "Break it down?"
A uniformed guard says, "I haven't seen him all day."
Ysharra gazes in amusement at a sleek burnished grey iguana.
Speaking lazily to a uniformed guard, Nehor drawls, "You certainly can make excuses well enough."
Maylan says, "Aye, someone pass a lockpick under the door."
Nehor examines his fingernails.
Ordim says, "Just trying to remember how to make the portal."
Ordim ponders.
Kynilir removes a glossy black glaes lockpick from in his rucksack.
Ordim works his fingers under his purple linen turban and scratches his head.
Speaking to Ordim, Apsaras asks, "Thats a clever lizard, yers?"
Maylan says, "If an iguana can fit, surely a lockpick could."
Ceyrin says, "I expect if we did find Socius he wouldn't want us getting in there."
Ordim nods in agreement at Apsaras.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Who feeds the prisoner behind this door?"
A uniformed guard says, "You're welcome to try and knock it down. That's iron there. Maybe yer head is harder than mine."
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni says, "Good thought."
Nazarr says, "A lockpick wouldn't do any good. The door doesn't have a lock."
Crime lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting large mirror mercilessly but to little effect.
Inexplicably, Maylan flings herself at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Dracnoir begins chuckling at a uniformed guard!
Speaking to Jahadeem, Naamit asks, "Don't you bash things?"
Ordim says, "Well, maybe the iguana can free her from her binds..."
Ordim nods approvingly.
Deyoni softly says, "Let the halfling make a portal."
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Naamit leans against a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Louaryne says, "You first."
Kynilir equips a deathstone hafted faenor waraxe hanging from one of the straps on his leather bandolier.
Speaking softly to a uniformed guard, Ponclast says, "It seems unlikely any head is harder than yours."
Naamit nods approvingly at Jahadeem.
A uniformed guard says, "We take shifts, but Socius always opens the door."
Kynilir lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting iron-reinforced door mercilessly but to little effect.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
(Ordim stares blankly at the door.)
Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...
Speaking firmly to Jahadeem, Naamit urges, "Again."
Ilsola stares at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Nazarr says, "I already tried picking it and there's no lock to pick."
Apsaras asks, "Maybe the lizard could carry her in a key or lockpick?"
Inexplicably, Maylan flings herself at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra asks, "Ever tried Phase? With magic or your head?"
You quietly say, "Transference does not work, though I doubt I am the only to try."
Ysharra smiles at the guard.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "How do you feed the prisoner?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Khobra says, "All I need hearing."
Speaking to Nazarr, Kynilir says, "I couldn't find the lock either."
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Khobra sits down next to a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Nehor ponders.
Dracnoir traces a sign that contorts in the air while he forcefully incants a dark invocation...
Dracnoir channels at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A dull grey beam snakes out toward a large mirror mounted to one wall, but dissipates upon impact.
Kynilir lunges forth and ambushes an unsuspecting large mirror mercilessly but to little effect.
Louaryne says, "We don't have a key."
Speaking firmly to Jahadeem, Naamit repeats, "Again."
Khobra folds her hands in her lap.
The burnished grey iguana crawls off.
Dracnoir shrugs.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...
Crime gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
Inexplicably, Maylan flings herself at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Apsaras asks, "Maybe lock on the inside?"
Mirage-like distortions surround Crime as he prepares a spell...
Seeking Socius Stuff
A uniformed guard asks, "Look here. It's Socius, right? Do you guys have somethin of his?"
Crime gestures at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
A heavy iron-reinforced door vibrates slightly.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Kynilir hangs a deathstone hafted faenor waraxe from one of the straps on his leather bandolier.
Kynilir removes a glossy black glaes lockpick from in his rucksack.
Ceyrin removes a short dark glass rod from in his suede kilt.
Ceyrin waves a short dark glass rod at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Nothing happens.
Ceyrin put a short dark glass rod in his suede kilt.
A uniformed guard asks, "Maybe that'd help the door to open somehow?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Maylan asks, "Who or what is a Socius?"
Naamit nods approvingly at Jahadeem.
Speaking softly to Naamit, Dracnoir says, "Were you able to get one of his daggers in exchange? I don't recall."
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Speaking encouragingly to Jahadeem, Naamit repeats, "Again."
Aranthius says, "It would seem we need to find Socius."
Kynilir put a glossy black glaes lockpick in his rucksack.
Nehor glances at Naamit.
Nazarr says, "No. He has something of Mistress Naamit's though."
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Ordim exclaims, "We need to sing to the Iguana to cheer it on!"
A uniformed guard says, "Socius is the boss, as far as I'm concerned."
Ordim nods enthusiastically!
You hum quietly to yourself.
Speaking to Dracnoir, Naamit says, "I did, but the letch caused it to crumble."
A ruffed greatfang's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Ordim sings:
"Go iguana go!"
Khobra asks, "Vhat vould any here have that belongz to him?"
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
(Ysharra reaches down, stroking a few tendrils of her thorny barrier, smoothing the vines out of her face. They coil tightly around her arm for a moment before retreating.)
Dracnoir ponders.
Nehor takes a drink from his smoky copper whiskey.
Ordim lets out a cheer!
Ysharra smiles at Darcena.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem exclaims, "But you must know Ilsola!"
Ysharra kisses Darcena tenderly on the cheek.
A uniformed guard scratches his head in confusion.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Darcena grumbles.
Nehor leans against a wooden panel.
Nehor folds his arms over his chest.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Darcena kisses Ysharra on the cheek.
Maylan flings herself against Nehor, bounces off of him, and giggles madly!
Speaking firmly to Jahadeem, Naamit exclaims, "Again!"
Ordim chants, "Go Iguana go!"
Nehor splutters.
Speaking to Nehor, Maylan says, "You were in the way of that there door."
Kynilir bounces off of a large mirror mounted to one wall shooting tiny puffs of soot in all direction.
Ysharra glances between Maylan and Nehor.
Ysharra smirks.
Khobra taps a large mirror mounted to one wall.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Apsaras exclaims, "Some one had tae be feed'in her. She has been here for days!"
A uniformed guard says, "I think... he left a dagger somewhere."
A uniformed guard says, "Where was it..."
Nehor sniffs.
Louaryne fastens the clasp on her lavender wool longcoat, bracing herself for the outdoor weather.
A uniformed guard scratches his head
Ordim gawks at a uniformed guard.
Jahadeem searches around for a moment.
Darcena asks, "What is going on?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ordim exclaims, "You can't use that on the iguana!"
Ordim frowns.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra says, "Perhaps he left it in someone's eye."
Rozy bounces around happily.
Aranthius asks, "Guard What are your orders exactly?"
Ysharra searches around for a moment.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Where di you see the dagger?"
Speaking to Darcena, Ordim says, "My iguana got stuck in the door."
Ordim frowns.
Ordim hangs his head.
Darcena searches around for a moment.
Speaking softly to Darcena, Deyoni says, "Peer in the Mirror."
Rozy exclaims, "Am heres! Party can starts!"
A uniformed guard says, "Guard the tower. Easy enough."
Speaking indifferently to Darcena, Nehor informs, "We're about to learn the answer to that age ole riddle."
Deyoni points at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Rozy strikes a heroic pose.
Ordim glances at Rozy.
Naamit slowly empties her lungs.
Deyoni softly says, "You can see Ilsola over there."
Nehor quotes, "How many imbeciles does it take to open a door?"
Darcena blinks at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Crime quietly says, "Lets go to the bar and get drunk, then discuss this in great detail."
Deyoni softly says, "We are trying to get her out."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra says, "You could guard a part of the tower that's out there."
Ysharra glances at a wooden panel.
Apsaras grins at Nehor.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Anyone see a dagger?"
A uniformed guard says, "Lemme ask around real quick."
Ysharra shrugs.
Ordim searches around for a moment.
Khobra narrows her eyes.
Dracnoir removes a dagger from in his heavy backpack.
Deyoni nods at Darcena.
Dracnoir put a dagger in his heavy backpack.
Nazarr removes a drake dagger from in his hickory suede coat.
Ordim giggles.
Dracnoir softly says, "Wrong dagger."
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Deyoni surveys her surroundings carefully.
Rozy works her fingers under her miniature hat and scratches her head.
Naamit says, "I'd like my dagger back."
Naamit folds her arms over her chest.
Darcena reaches out and touches a wooden panel.
Crime waves his steel dagger around violently!
Deyoni softly says, "And the guard is no help."
You fold your arms over your chest.
Aranthius removes a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger from in his blue leather jacket.
Dracnoir pokes his finger at a wooden panel.
Ponclast sighs.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Naamit says, "You were making progress."
Aranthius waves a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking to Nehor, Rozy asks, "How manies?"
Dracnoir begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Dracnoir gestures.
Nothing happens.
Deyoni softly asks, "And the lizard didn't help?"
Jahadeem quietly asks, "When was the last time you saw this dagger? and what did it look like?"
Dracnoir begins drawing a faint, twisting symbol as he utters an arcane invocation in hushed tones...
Dracnoir gestures.
Casually Dracnoir pushes his finger into his eye socket. After a moment to get proper leverage, he pops the eyeball from his skull, sending it tumbling in your direction. Suddenly a couple of small batlike wings pop from its bloody sides and it begins to hover just out of reach, looking about.
Speaking to Deyoni, Ordim says, "He's stuck."
A snow white raven circles lazily in the air.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
His feet seem to get tangled, as he slams headfirst into the iron-reinforced door, sinking slowly to the ground!
Ordim frowns.
Ordim glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Crime slides a smooth carmiln hilt into one of the slits in his leather dagger harness.
Speaking theatrically to Rozy, Nehor declares, "Watch, and learn!"
Darcena traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition...
Darcena gestures.
The area becomes brighter.
Darcena's grey walking stick pulses with a white-blue light!
Nehor snickers.
Ysharra glances at Jahadeem.
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni says, "Thats not a good thing."
Aranthius put a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger in his blue leather jacket.
Naamit looses a ghastly, keening wail!
Ordim nods in agreement at Deyoni.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Ilsola asks, "What're you doing out there? Has Socius shown up?"
Deyoni glances over at Naamit and winces.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ysharra says, "I suppose that answers that question."
Jahadeem quietly exclaims, "Ouch!"
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ceyrin says, "Almost."
A floating steel grey eye stares at Ysharra for a few moments.
Aranthius's first mate tattoo shifts about restlessly.
Jahadeem sits up.
Ceyrin nods at Jahadeem.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ordim yells, "Not yet!"
Rozy stares off into space.
Speaking softly to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Deyoni says, "We are working on it."
Crime yells, "Can you open the door!"
Jahadeem stands up.
The steel grey eye shakes violently, spraying gore and blood all over.
Nehor lightly suggests, "Has anyone gone to fetch our master of the Isle, hmm? Mayhaps he has a key?"
Ordim yells, "Do you see the Iguana?"
Deyoni softly says, "I think."
Naamit eyes an ebon-handled lavender teacup in her hand up and down with a thoughtful expression on her face.
Speaking softly to a heavy iron-reinforced door, Ponclast asks, "WVOSOSQMMPRVKE?"
Ordim furrows his brow.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Ilsola exclaims, "There's no way to open it from this side!"
Ponclast chuckles.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Speaking softly to Nehor, Dracnoir says, "Nobody can find him."
A disembodied eye zips past you and heads straight for Dracnoir, who casually snatches it out of the air with a sticky splat sound. Without hesitation, Dracnoir pushes his elusive peeper back into his eye socket. With a few blinks it seems to function properly once again. Dracnoir wipes some icky residue from his face and looks about the area.
The powerful look leaves Kynilir.
Ordim yells, "Wave a cricket around!"
Speaking to himself, Ordim says, "They like those."
Dracnoir nods in agreement at Khobra.
Ordim ponders.
Discovering the Dagger
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola do you see a dagger anywhere on your side?"
You loudly say, "He's missing, dear. We're trying to find another way, sit tight."
Khobra snaps her fingers.
Ilsola blinks.
Elysia blinks at Rozy.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ilsola asks, "A... dagger?"
Elysia gives Rozy a friendly hug.
Dracnoir makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Dracnoir gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A large mirror mounted to one wall vibrates slightly.
Khobra glances at Ponclast.
Ordim nods approvingly at Rozy.
Rozy offers Ordim a cricket.
Jahadeem yells, "Yes it may help open the door!"
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ordim accepts Rozy's cricket.
Rozy snuggles up to Elysia, resting her head on her shoulder.
Ordim nods approvingly.
Speaking softly to Khobra, Ponclast says, "Worth a shot."
Speaking to Rozy, Ordim exclaims, "Thank you!"
Dracnoir makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...
Dracnoir gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
A large mirror mounted to one wall vibrates slightly.
Rozy nods vigorously!
Ordim attends to his cricket, making the cricket as presentable as possible.
With a roar, Jahadeem lowers his shoulder and charges the iron-reinforced door!
Khobra agrees with Ponclast.
(Ordim pushes the cricket under the door.)
Deyoni softly asks, "Have we tried other magics on the door?"
Maylan yells, "Use the dagger to cut a hole in the floor!"
Ilsola rummages around on the desk, then holds up an eonake dagger.
Dracnoir nods.
Jahadeem lets out a cheer!
Dracnoir yells, "That'd be the one, Ilsola!"
A snow white raven beats her wings briefly and soars upward.
Naamit yells, "That's MY dagger!"
Naamit bellows a guttural series of oaths.
Ilsola says, "He left this the other day, for me to use on the meat..."
Kynilir scratches his head.
Ysharra glances at Naamit.
Ordim blinks.
Rozy suggests, "Coulds just disintegrates it."
Aranthius says, "I tried open and a fireball."
Maylan yells, "Now start digging, woman. We'll see you in a few years. Good luck to you!"
Speaking to Naamit, Ysharra says, "Apparently it's been her flatware."
Maylan says, "Well folks, that's a wrap."
Maylan lets out a cheer!
Speaking to Ponclast, Khobra says, "Vhat if Phraze. Key to Mirror. The true door locked."
Nehor snickers at Maylan.
Naamit grumbles at Ysharra.
Ceyrin smirks at Naamit.
Deyoni agrees with Aranthius.
Ponclast ponders.
Dracnoir looks thoughtfully at Khobra.
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola Great now you just need to figure out how to open the door with the dagger."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin says, "This Socius is taking all your things."
Khobra says, "Uze involvef alvayz uzing magic."
Rozy murmurs softly under her breath, preparing a spell...
Ordim ponders.
Rozy gestures at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Khobra says, "Not doorz."
A snow white raven drifts in lazy circles overhead.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "How can the dagger open the door?"
Speaking irritatedly to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "So it seems."
Speaking to Naamit, Ysharra says, "I'm protective of my little thorns, as well."
Naamit folds her arms tightly across her chest, clearly annoyed.
Ysharra smiles at Naamit.
Khobra says, "Only doorz to keep trapped."
Rozy frowns at a large mirror mounted to one wall.
Speaking abruptly to Jahadeem, Maylan says, "Oh."
Ordim yells, "Don't give it to the Iguana!"
Maylan says, "Or I spose we could open the door."
Ilsola crouches down and tries to wedge the dagger under the door.
Ordim giggles.
Maylan shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.
Jahadeem quietly says, "The dagger is currently on the other side."
Ysharra indicates her mithril dagger with a smile.
Speaking softly to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Dracnoir says, "Friend."
Ysharra put an elegant mithril dagger in her haon weapons case.
Elysia gazes at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Dracnoir shrugs.
Nehor idly asks, "Press the dagger to the door, mayhap? Or any mirror in the room?"
Deyoni softly says, "Or framing her with her things."
Speaking thoughtfully to a large mirror mounted to one wall, Khobra repeats, "WVOSOSQMMPRVKE."
Ordim waves a cricket at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ceyrin asks, "Is she trying to stick the dagger under the door?"
Ordim carefully places a cricket on the floor.
Ceyrin gazes heavenward.
Elysia grins at Ceyrin.
You give a sidelong glance at Khobra.
Speaking to Khobra, Ordim says, "Bless you."
From underneath the door, a dagger slides in.
Jahadeem lets out a cheer!
Khobra glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Rozy says, "Probably betters to dig a holes with it."
Speaking to a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade, Naamit says, "Mine."
Ysharra glances at Naamit.
Deyoni gazes with interest at Naamit.
Rozy giggles.
Ilsola asks, "Did you get it?"
Jahadeem chuckles.
Elysia gazes at a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade.
Scribe Louaryne just went through a wooden panel.
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola yes!"
Rozy seems to be trying to conceal a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade from view.
Nehor reaches out and touches a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade.
Dracnoir gazes with interest at something in a heavy backpack.
Speaking to Naamit, Ysharra says, "Take it."
Naamit yells, "It appears to be stuck on the ground, but soon."
Nehor reaches out and touches a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Rozy exclaims, "What daggers!"
Ordim taps a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade.
Maylan abruptly kicks at a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade!
Rozy grins mischievously at Ordim.
Speaking softly to Khobra, Deyoni says, "I am surprised that didn't work, try yelling it at the door."
Ordim gawks at Maylan.
Nazarr asks, "Maybe someone needs to uncurse it?"
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra asks something you don't understand.
Dracnoir reaches out and touches a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade.
Speaking to Ordim, Maylan says, "It's stuck."
Darcena grabs a rolton leg from a small pocket inside of her black leather coat.
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Ordim gawks at Maylan.
Rozy asks, "Maybe sing to its?"
Ceyrin says, "That's not the issues."
A uniformed guard exclaims, "Oh hey! That's one of his daggers! You found it!"
Speaking to Maylan, Ordim says, "Maybe its too heavy for you."
Ordim nods.
Jahadeem yells, "Ilsola We have the dagger but cannot pick it up!"
Speaking to Naamit, Ysharra says, "Perhaps it needs a trigger."
Naamit skillfully weaves another verse into her harmony, directing the sound of her voice at a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade.
Nothing happens.
A uniformed guard chuckles to himself.
Ysharra nods at Naamit.
Speaking to a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade, Ordim says, "Open door."
Nazarr says, "It's not his dagger."
Deyoni glances suspiciously at a uniformed guard.
Apsaras grins at Ordim.
Crime rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Can you open the door with the dagger?"
Maylan ponders.
A uniformed guard says, "That's cause they're enchanted. Only his people can hold them."
Speaking to Nazarr, Naamit says, "It is of the same make."
Speaking to a narrow-bladed eonake dagger with blood red runes along its blade, Rozy exclaims, "Open says us, toothpicks!"
Dracnoir ponders.
Speaking in Faendryl to Deyoni, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ordim gawks at a uniformed guard.
Darcena says, "Naamit held one just the other day."
Ceyrin sizes up a uniformed guard.
Ysharra asks, "His people?"
Elysia asks, "Only whose people?".
Nazarr nods at Naamit.
Ordim says, "But..."
Nehor amusedly says, "At least we know none of us are...his people."
Ordim says, "Ilsola just handled it."
Elysia peers quizzically at a uniformed guard.
A uniformed guard picks up the dagger easily.
Kynilir put a glittering scroll in his leather bag.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "He conscribed me to help him, thus I should be able to hold it."
Rozy hums happily to herself.
Ysharra grins at Nehor.
Apsaras asks, "Who are 'his' people?"
Ordim ponders.
A uniformed guard says, "Socius! The guy who hired us all."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "We were hired by Socius as well."
A uniformed guard asks, "Now what're we doing with the dagger, then?"
Ceyrin says, "It's gone."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "Hand that here."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, you ask, "Let's not argue about who is whos, can you open the door now?"
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "Using it to open the door as you told us."
Speaking to a pale-throated dusky grey parakeet, Ordim says, "I like the iguana better."
Ceyrin glances at a uniformed guard.
Ordim frowns at a pale-throated dusky grey parakeet.
Ceyrin says, "Ah."
Deyoni softly says, "So the guard is one of his people."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Apsaras asks, "Well then aren't ye 'his people'?"
Apsaras says, "And able to pick it up."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "Remember you said you wanted to open the door with the dagger to feed Ilsola."
You stare upward.
A uniformed guard says, "If I hand it to one of you, it'll just disintegrate. He designed the spell that way."
Speaking to herself, Apsaras says, "So confusin'."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit says, "It only disintegrates once putting it down."
A uniformed guard strides over to the door, inspecting it closely.
Speaking quietly to yourself, you say, "Finally."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ceyrin asks, "Pretend you're Socius... what would he do?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Naamit coaxes, "Wave it at the door."
Ilsola exclaims, "PLEASE get this door open already!"
Ysharra reaches out and touches a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Rozy asks, "What would Socius dos?"
Rozy ponders.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "I believe Ilsola may be in need of an Empath."
Jahadeem quietly says, "We must check her and make sure she is ok."
Inside the Cell
A uniformed guard shrugs once, then plants the dagger deep into one of the visible wooden pieces. As he does so, a loud creaking noise is heard.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ordim exclaims, "Shes right there in the mirror!"
Ordim giggles.
Maylan says, "Yes, all of us simultaneously."
Naamit nods firmly to the uniformed guard.
Speaking to Rozy, Apsaras says, "Ask a bunch of questions, talk in circles and blame other people."
Maylan says, "As one."
Ordim blinks.
Louaryne asks, "Can we break the mirror?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ordim exclaims, "You broke it!"
Naamit urges, "Keep pushing."
Ordim frowns.
Ordim folds his arms over his chest and stares defiantly at a uniformed guard, looking utterly unimpressed.
Rozy says, "Could pry door aparts."
Rozy nods at Ysharra.
A uniformed guard just opened a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Rozy giggles.
A uniformed guard exclaims, "There ya go!"
Ponclast lets out a cheer!
Ysharra nods to the uniformed guard.
[Holding Cell, Inner Room]
This space is large and generously furnished for what is undeniably a cell. A large candelabra sits atop a mahogany desk in the center of the space, casting generous amounts of warm light around the room. The remains of a roasted rolton dinner can be seen on a small tray, which is lying on the floor next to a thick down sleeping mat. You also see a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Also here: Ilsola
Obvious paths: none
You walk toward Ilsola.
Rozy turns to Ilsola and cheers!
Ordim waves to Ilsola.
Jahadeem waves to Ilsola.
You see Ilsola Tuulikki the Town Administrator.
She appears to be a Human from Torre.
She is average height. She appears to be very young. She has kohl-outlined, silver flecked violet eyes and pale skin. She has shoulder length, thick chestnut hair piled upon her head in elaborate twists and braids that are held in place by a delicate gold-chained ferroniere dangling a russet and cream moth saewehna. She has a broad face, a pointed nose and carmine-tinged pouting lips.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a gauzy emerald green robe fashioned of delicate feathers, a beribboned silk bodice layered with tiny feathers over an ultra fine-weave silk tunic edged in rosy hues, an ankle-length layered silk skirt in varied shades of indigo, and a pair of silk slippers.
Ilsola exclaims, "Oh thank heavens!"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Are you ok?"
Ilsola shivers.
Ysharra looks thoughtfully at Ilsola.
You start a careful diagnosis of her condition . . .
She is in perfect health.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "You look unharmed."
Speaking to Ilsola, you ask, "Are you alright?"
Ilsola asks, "Did... did anyone find Socius?"
Ysharra smiles thinly.
Maylan says, "This is one fancy cell."
Maylan wrinkles her nose.
Rozy triumphantly exclaims, "Am suggested right thing for onces!"
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras says, "No."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Has Socius asked you anything yet?"
Deyoni gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Rozy preens.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "I don't believe so."
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin asks, "No, but we found you, and isn't that better?"
Ilsola shrinks back, eyes wild.
Apsaras looks over at Ilsola and shakes her head.
Dracnoir softly asks, "Anybody else smell a trap?"
Rozy sniffs.
You frown at Ilsola.
Kynilir grunts.
Dracnoir softly says, "I think we should all leave... Now."
Ordim sniffs.
Ysharra nods once at Dracnoir.
Kynilir says, "Too late."
Rozy says, "Am smells unwashed butts."
Speaking to Dracnoir, Ysharra says, "But then again, I always do."
Maylan says, "I don't wanna. It's fun in here."
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "Come with us."
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Can We take her with us?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, you say, "Everything is okay."
Rozy wrinkles her nose.
Crime grins.
Ordim gawks at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Darcena frowns at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
This candelabra is formed of wrought iron, artfully crafted into delicate spirals that have no readily discernible pattern, yet are still aesthetically pleasing.
Kynilir knocks on a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ilsola asks, "Why... why should I?"
Ordim frowns.
This rich mahogany desk gives the illusion that it has been wrought from a single tree. The striations in the wood's surface are uninterrupted, streaking across the polished surface from edge to edge in varying hues of brown and blonde.
Ilsola says, "Socius said to wait here."
Apsaras frowns.
You give a sidelong glance at Ilsola.
Rozy squints.
Jahadeem glances at a mahogany desk.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin asks, "Wait here for what, exactly?"
Rozy glances dubiously around the area.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim asks, "You said someone was here before? How did they get in and out?"
Ilsola says, "He said he'd be back. He doesn't say things he doesn't mean."
Nehor looks thoughtfully at Ilsola.
Speaking carefully to Ilsola, you ask, "Because ... you were just screaming to be let out?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "How long ago was that?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras exclaims, "Ye just said to get ye out a here!"
Naamit simply says, "Excellent, we can wait right here then."
Naamit smirks.
Deyoni softly says, "She has fallen under the reform spell."
A pained expression crosses Ilsola's face.
Maylan sits down.
Maylan tries humming a joyful tune.
Ilsola says, "Just... just give me a moment... please."
Darcena says, "That's good, because the door is closed."
Ilsola takes a shuddering breath.
Apsaras nods slowly.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim asks, "Want a muffin?"
Deyoni blinks at Darcena.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "We have more time now."
Nehor frowns.
Deyoni glances at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Ordim waves a warm banana nut muffin at Ilsola.
Naamit says, "He has something of mine and I'm keenly interested to see him return it..Which requires his presence."
Khobra nods slowly at Ilsola.
Deyoni groans.
Dracnoir softly says, "Like I said... A trap..."
Khobra nods slowly.
Kynilir vividly accuses the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Darcena sniffs at a mahogany desk.
Ilsola asks, "There were... three of them?"
Darcena sniffs at Ilsola.
Ilsola asks, "I think?"
Ordim nods slowly.
Speaking confusedly to Ilsola, Maylan says, "Now there's no reason to get all worked up."
Ordim turns an inquisitive ear toward Ilsola.
Naamit turns to face Ceyrin.
Speaking to himself, Ordim says, "Three muffins..."
Naamit smiles quietly to herself.
This door is wide, nearly six feet across, and is so heavily reinforced by iron plates and bars that the wood underneath is all but hidden. In the middle of the door is a large rectangular hole, the opening interspersed with large iron bars.
Ordim nods once.
Darcena sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Darcena frowns at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Three what? Ripples?"
Kynilir glances nervously at Ordim.
Darcena sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Deyoni glances between Ceyrin and Naamit.
Speaking softly to Ordim, Dracnoir says, "There were only two muffins. The other was eaten."
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ordim says, "Three people."
Ilsola says, "They... came in. Asked me questions.... hurt-"
Darcena whispers, "Smell the door."
Deyoni shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Rozy exclaims, "Three cheers for unlocking door!"
Ilsola gulps.
Ilsola says, "Hurt me."
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra asks, "We're listening. What did they look like?"
Speaking to Jahadeem, you say, "Don't make leaps please, things are confusing enough."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "What questions did they ask?"
Ilsola closes her eyes for a moment.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim asks, "How did they come in?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "What did you tell them?"
Ordim takes a bite of his banana nut muffin.
Apsaras points at Jahadeem.
Apsaras nods at Ilsola.
Ilsola asks, "They... I'm not sure. Some sort of magic, maybe?"
Deyoni softly asks, "How are WE going to get out?"
Ordim nods slowly.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Ordim scowls.
Ysharra nods at Ilsola.
Ordim exclaims, "Magic!"
Ordim grumbles.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "How did they hurt you? You seem to still have make-up on, and it's the least bit running."
Naamit smiles quietly to herself.
Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.
Naamit shifts her weight.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "The magic of door-opening has been quite challenging today."
Ceyrin grins wryly at Ysharra.
Ilsola asks, "They had... thorns?"
Khobra raises an eyebrow.
Darcena glances at you.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "How interesting."
Ilsola asks, "And there was... a bird?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "I like them already."
[Editor's Note: throughout the questioning characters attempted to find a way to open the door again. Actions such as pulling on candelabras and knocking on desks have been removed for brevity.]
You detect an acrid, coppery smell around the iron-reinforced door.
Dracnoir nods.
Ordim gawks at Ysharra.
Ilsola asks, "No... like three birds?"
Maylan says, "A thorny bird."
You give a sidelong glance at Darcena.
Maylan ponders.
Ilsola says, "It was so dark."
Darcena nods slowly to you.
Maylan says, "Three dark, thorny birds."
Jahadeem shows Ilsola his black toucan feather.
(Deyoni starts walking around the cell walls looking for something.)
Darcena sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Maylan nods.
Darcena whispers, "Do you smell it?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Did they have feathers like this?"
Dracnoir gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Dracnoir ponders.
Rozy glances at Darcena.
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras asks, "Know the kind of bird?"
You quietly whisper to Darcena, "She's talking them in circles. And yes, the door smells of blood."
Ilsola says, "There was...."
Ysharra gently rests her hand on Naamit's shoulder.
Ilsola asks, "A... vulture?"
Naamit kisses Ysharra tenderly on the cheek.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Kynilir frowns.
Ilsola shakes her head in confusion.
Speaking to Ilsola, Maylan says, "Vultures don't have thorns. Couldn't be it."
Dracnoir turns to face a large candelabra.
Rozy rubs a large candelabra.
Ilsola says, "No, an owl."
Apsaras blinks.
Maylan says, "Owls definitely have thorns. Everyone knows this."
Nehor dryly says, "Magister Raelee's been up to no good."
Nehor shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Ordim turns to face a heavy iron-reinforced door.
More Visions
Dracnoir sways slightly in place for a moment, and then his eyes drift slowly closed. The swaying continues, a hint of a smile playing across his lips, until suddenly he goes still for a heartbeat, then throws his head back and screams at the top of his lungs!
[Editor's note: Dracnoir saw, A singsong melody reaches your ear, though its source is impossible to identify. Your eyes drift closed almost immediately as you become lost in the tune. It fills your mind with color and imagery, nebulous yet somehow still beautiful. Clouds of color dance on the backs of your eyelids, roiling and twisting into shapes and... letters? As soon as you try and look for a message in the clouds, the music stops cold and your vision goes dark.]
Ilsola shivers.
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras says, "Big difference between an owl and a vulture."
(Ordim sticks his hand into the rectangular hole and feels around inside the door.)
Dracnoir softly asks, "Did... Did anybody else hear that?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, you say, "Forget the likely stupid question, dear. But can you tell us your name? And what day it is? Humor me."
Speaking to Nehor, Ysharra says, "I'd say she's been up to a neutral amount of activity."
Ilsola blinks at you.
Nehor begins chuckling at Ysharra!
Deyoni softly asks, "Can we take her out of here and question her after we get out?"
Kynilir glances at Dracnoir.
Louaryne looks over at Dracnoir and shakes her head.
Khobra glances at Dracnoir.
Apsaras whispers, "Good thinkin'!"
Speaking to you, Ilsola says, "I'm... Ilsola Tuulikki, of course."
You nod at Ilsola.
Ilsola asks, "And it's... Niiman? Is that right?"
Khobra glances between Ilsola and Dracnoir.
Today is Niiman, day 7 of the month Charlatos in the year 5119. It is 21:13 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Maylan shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.
Deyoni nods at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin says, "Correct."
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "Yes, it is."
Elysia gazes with a bemused expression at Ilsola.
(Ysharra reaches down and gathers a few spare coils of her thorn barrier, letting the woody spines wrap around her forearm.)
Aranthius says, "Indeed."
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin says, "The evening of."
Dracnoir softly says, "There was... a melody... I saw... clouds... of different colors... They roiled into letters... but disappeared before I could see which..."
Nehor whispers something to Ysharra.
Ysharra looks thoughtfully at Dracnoir.
You say, "You've some of your faculties, then. Just checking."
Ilsola stares at Dracnoir.
Naamit whispers something to Ysharra.
You frown at Ilsola.
Speaking to Dracnoir, Apsaras says, "Didn't see a thin'."
Khobra glances between Ilsola and Dracnoir.
Ceyrin cries out suddenly in surprise, turning to stare at the far wall with a horrified expression on his face! After a moment, an unnatural voice forces itself from his throat, "MOSWLK"! Ceyrin's eyes roll into the back of his head, and he slumps to the ground.
[Editor's note: Ceyrin sees, A ripple of color begins to swim slowly through the room, but it freezes in place suddenly, a coruscation of colors tinting everything you see. As you watch, the far wall begins to... change. In slow motion, it begins to bulge towards you from a single sharp point. The stones making up the structure react like canvas, pulling and stretching as if they were a painted image rather than solid rock. With unnatural slowness, a claw pokes through the center of the bulge, and drags downward, tearing a gash in the canvaslike stone. The claw traces a slow oval in the air, four times, then withdraws. You feel yourself blink in surprise, and when you open your eyes once more, all you can see is darkness.]
Rozy squints at Ceyrin.
Khobra glances at Ceyrin.
Elysia rolls Ceyrin over.
Ceyrin furrows his brow.
Dracnoir peers quizzically at Ceyrin.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Can you remember anything they asked you?"
Ilsola stares at Ceyrin.
Ordim breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some light amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Ilsola asks, "What's... going on?"
Deyoni softly asks, "Think he is ok?"
Naamit pulls Ceyrin to his feet.
Khobra glances between Ceyrin and Dracnoir.
Speaking disdainfully to Ceyrin, Nehor says, "No need to overdo it with the theatrics."
Ceyrin shakes his head.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Ysharra reaches out and touches a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Apsaras nods at Ordim.
Nehor sniffs.
Khobra knowingly answers, "Ripplez."
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Ordim turns to face Ilsola.
Dracnoir nods at Khobra.
Ilsola shudders.
Speaking calmly to Nehor, Ceyrin assures, "That was not theatrics."
Speaking sympathetically to Ceyrin, Rozy says, "Is what happens when gets to be old farts, take naps whenevers."
With exaggerated slowness you take a deep breath, then pinch the bridge of your nose.
Ilsola says, "Look... they asked about... Socius, mainly."
Speaking softly to Khobra, Deyoni says, "Same language you were speaking earlier."
Nehor skeptically murmurs, "Mmm."
Naamit whispers something to Ceyrin.
Speaking quietly to Ceyrin, Jahadeem asks, "Are you ok?"
Naamit removes an ebon-handled lavender teacup from in her lambswool cloak.
Naamit offers Ceyrin an ebon-handled lavender teacup.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "What did they ask about Socius?"
Ilsola says, "They wanted to know about his history, I think? And about... well, the Scion."
Elysia says, "Hmm."
Ordim raises an eyebrow.
Nehor pouts, "I'm out of whiskey."
Ilsola shivers.
Ordim furrows his brow.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Did they ask anything about Nezhor?"
Apsaras raises an eyebrow.
Ceyrin declines Naamit's offer.
Naamit purses her lips, the glaes ring within them appearing a bit more prominent.
Ilsola asks, "I... can't remember?"
Speaking to Deyoni, Khobra remarks, "Point?"
Naamit whispers aloud, "Cey It helps."
Apsaras says, "That word or name keeps poppin' up."
Naamit nods firmly at Ceyrin.
Naamit put an ebon-handled lavender teacup in her lambswool cloak.
Khobra turns an inquisitive ear toward Ilsola.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Ilsola Do you happen to know Socius' last name or his father's name?"
Ilsola says, "They wanted to know about the Five Families, too..."
Naamit slowly empties her lungs.
Dracnoir turns an inquisitive ear toward Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Nazarr asks, "What did they want to know about the Scion?"
Ceyrin slowly explains, "There was a claw tearing through stones, and it drew oval shapes."
Elysia raises an eyebrow in Ilsola's direction.
Apsaras glances at Nehor.
Kynilir idly scratches himself on the neck.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ilsola says, "I do not. He's kept that a secret from everyone."
Speaking to Ilsola, Elysia asks, "And who are the families, pray tell?"
Speaking to herself, Apsaras says, "Interestin'."
Khobra frustratedly says, "I knov it."
Khobra says, "ZHould have knov vhen he did not have a clue."
Ilsola says, "The Five Families. They're the families that the people who used to be the council around here belong to."
Khobra clenches her fist.
Ilsola says, "They... they run things now."
Kynilir nods slowly.
Khobra agrees with Ilsola.
Elysia gazes at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, you ask, "Now? They did not before?"
Ilsola says, "But... I mean... they're a lot more than that."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Can you tell us anyone who is part of the five families?"
Ceyrin says, "It was, bizzare, to say the least. Like something I might experience if I was in the rift, but much more impactful and vivid."
Ilsola blinks in confusion.
Ordim fidgets.
Speaking to Ilsola, Elysia asks, "So they ran things on the Council and now they run things still... but they aren't the Council?"
Ordim furrows his brow.
Ordim asks, "Why are we still trapped in here?"
Ordim frowns.
Ordim surveys the area.
Ordim fidgets.
A Ripple, and Ilsola Forgets
A coruscation of color drifts through the room slowly, warping sight and sound around you. When it passes, all is as it was.
Nehor blinks.
Louaryne glances around the area.
Ilsola blinks.
Apsaras blinks.
Ordim blinks.
Khobra shivers.
Dracnoir softly asks, "Anybody else see that?"
Nehor notes, "I saw...that."
Kynilir gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Louaryne nods.
Jahadeem quietly says, "Yes."
Kynilir nods at Dracnoir.
Darcena says, "Yeah."
Khobra nods at Dracnoir.
Ilsola asks, "I... what was that?"
Maylan blinks.
Apsaras exclaims, "Saw that!"
Darcena says, "Saw it last night, too."
Ilsola shivers.
Ysharra says, "Just like last night."
Maylan exclaims, "I dunno but I liked it!"
Naamit glances at Ceyrin.
Deyoni takes a deep breath.
Khobra says, "Ve all felt and sav that."
Kynilir shudders.
Dracnoir softly asks, "Ripple?"
Ysharra nods at Darcena.
Naamit moves to stand behind Ceyrin.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "Another ripple I supose."
Maylan chants, "AGAIN AGAIN."
Ilsola asks, "What was I saying?"
Darcena nods at Ysharra.
Deyoni softly says, "Lots of colors."
Ilsola scratches her head.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin says, "That's how it started before."
Crime peers quizzically at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim says, "How to open the door."
Ordim nods.
Elysia giggles at Maylan.
Speaking to Ilsola, Kynilir says, "Families..."
Speaking to Ilsola, Darcena asks, "Who are the Five Families?"
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "You were telling us about the five families."
Ysharra says, "Remove the hinges."
Speaking to Maylan, Elysia asks, "It was rather fun, wasn't it?"
Ilsola blinks at Darcena.
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni says, "Oh now your catching on that we are trapped in here."
Speaking to Ilsola, Nehor soothes, "You've been through a bit of trauma. Perhaps we should let you rest a bit, mmm?"
Ilsola asks, "What?"
Ordim looks over at Darcena and shakes his head.
Darcena stares at Ilsola.
You give a sidelong glance at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "The five familiez, before the ripple."
Speaking to Darcena, Ordim exclaims, "We need to get out of here!"
Speaking to Ilsola, Darcena asks, "Ilsola. Who are the Five Families?"
Ordim frets.
Ilsola asks, "Who are the five families?"
Speaking flatly to Ilsola, you say, "The Five ..."
You slap yourself on the forehead! Doh!
Darcena nods at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "The protectors of the Miz."
Ponclast shakes his head, totally at a loss.
Kynilir grumbles.
Dracnoir curses darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Ceyrin furrows his brow.
Darcena says, "No one say anything."
Darcena says, "Let her answer."
Nehor announces, "Why are we pestering this poor woman? Let her have some space."
Ordim exclaims, "I'm getting claustrophobic!"
Ordim flails his arms about.
Darcena stares at Ilsola.
Ordim frets.
Speaking confusedly to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "Tell you what later?"
Nehor nods once at Ordim.
Ordim pounds a heavy iron-reinforced door with his fist, but nothing happens.
Jahadeem nods at Darcena.
Ilsola fidgets.
Ordim yells, "Let me out!"
Kynilir kneels down.
Speaking to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "About what you saw."
Ordim frets.
Maylan fans her stunted, dark-veined pearly wings at Ordim, visibly stirring the air about him.
Kynilir searches around for a moment.
Ilsola says, "What? I... I don't know what you could mean."
Darcena smiles smugly.
Ilsola asks, "Who are the five families supposed to be?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim asks, "Do you smell that?"
Ordim frets.
Darcena says, "That's what that ripple is."
Ordim sniffs.
Speaking to Ordim, Maylan says, "Breathe man, breathe."
Darcena points at Ilsola.
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "What I saw when?"
Speaking to Maylan, Ordim asks, "Do you?"
Ordim frets.
Darcena says, "He's messing with her."
Ordim glances nervously around the area.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "Of course not. I'm sure it's all been a misunderstanding."
Ilsola blinks at Darcena.
Dracnoir softly says, "Somebody wiping her memory..."
Naamit frowns at Ceyrin.
Darcena says, "Those colors."
Dracnoir curses darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Maylan looks over at Ordim and shakes her head.
Ordim says, "We need to get out of here before..."
Ordim frets.
Maylan fans her stunted, dark-veined pearly wings at Ordim, visibly stirring the air about him.
Kynilir's eyes widen as he trembles in quiet panic.
Deyoni stares upward.
Ilsola asks, "No... I don't... think so?"
Apsaras asks, "Or controlin' it?"
Speaking slowly to Ilsola, Khobra asks, "Protectorz, of the Mizt from generations of - You do not recall anything of thiz?"
Darcena nods at Dracnoir.
Jahadeem moves over to Ilsola and stands ready to guard her from attack.
Speaking slowly to Ceyrin, Naamit chides, "You should have taken the tea."
Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.
Naamit shifts her weight.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "After all, it looks like he's been keeping you well. A nice dinner, a soft bed."
Speaking to Ilsola, Nehor dismisses, "Don't worry about them, my dear...they're all just eager beavers to question everything."
Ordim wrings his hands.
Speaking to Ilsola, Darcena says, "You were just telling us about the Five Families."
Darcena says, "And then we saw the colors."
Darcena says, "And now you don't know who they are."
Deyoni softly says, "He fed her some rolton most likely with the poison that makes everyone conform to her."
Ordim swoons.
Nehor disgustedly scolds, "First she is locked up in a cell, then assaulted, then you all come barging in to accost her further with endless questioning! For shame!"
Ilsola asks, "I... I couldn't have been. I don't know who that is? What are they supposed to be?"
Deyoni softly says, "Her or him."
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "The ripples, cauzing the lapses."
Dracnoir softly says, "Because some... dejharik! is playing games..."
Ysharra says, "This mental control I've heard about."
Kynilir glances at Nehor.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, you ask, "May I ask you the date again?"
Darcena nods at Khobra.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Look at her nov."
Aranthius says, "She had been glamored to forget."
Ordim begins to twitch.
You innocently say, "I keep forgetting."
Darcena nods at Ysharra.
Nehor shakes his head, clucking his tongue.
Ilsola says, "It's..."
Ordim says, "Can't breath..."
Ilsola asks, "Niiman, right?"
Khobra glances at Ilsola.
Apsaras whispers, "Clearin' her memory, someone is controllin' enough tae do that?"
Ordim gasps.
Aranthius nods at Ilsola.
Khobra nods slowly at Ilsola.
Speaking to himself, Ordim says, "Room getting smaller."
Speaking to Elysia, Ysharra asks, "I haven't witnessed it...but perhaps I have, hmm?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Time to rezt."
You nod at Ilsola.
Ilsola says, "Just... give me a moment... my head is swimming..."
Ysharra glances at Ilsola.
Ilsola shudders.
Speaking to Darcena, you say, "Only specific things then."
Speaking softly to Ordim, Deyoni says, "Find the mirror from this side."
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "He iz coming, rezt."
Apsaras nods at Ilsola.
You nod slowly at Apsaras.
Speaking helpfully to Ordim, Darcena says, "We could have someone put you to sleep."
Ysharra draws her mithril dagger. It makes a strange sound as it slides from her case, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
Ordim begins to twitch.
Dracnoir seems a bit less imposing.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Crime asks, "Need help with your head?"
Speaking to Darcena, Ordim whines, "We're all gonna die in here."
Ordim frets.
Crime seems to lose some dexterity.
Jahadeem quietly says, "If Socius comes we can blame the guard for throwing us in here."
Speaking to a heavy iron-reinforced door, Ordim exclaims, "We need to get out!"
Speaking softly to Ordim, Dracnoir says, "Thank you for volunteering to be eaten first..."
Ysharra says, "This knife has a Mandis shard in it. I wonder what colors we'll see now."
[Editor's Note: Everyone else saw,"Avawren gasps once, then freezes in place. As you watch, something pierces her cheek, driving deep through the skin! The invisible blade carves a series of words across her face, "meek seek unique cheek". The words then disappear, and a new set are carved into the refreshed canvas, "just fussed must trust". Then, "call all fall". Then, "fend... end". But the last set does not fade away."]
You feel a cold sensation against one cheek, but it swiftly turns to agony as something impossibly sharp digs into your flesh! You attempt to jerk away, but are frozen in place. The invisible edge moves deliberately across your cheek, across the bridge of your nose, and across the other cheek, carving as it goes! Blood drips from the gaping wounds, then they vanish, along with the pain. Before you can recover, the process begins again, in reverse this time. It makes a full six revolutions, then disappears. The final set of wounds remain, however.
Speaking helpfully to Ordim, Darcena says, "I could try to fog us out."
Ysharra glances at you.
Louaryne raises an eyebrow.
Nehor ponders.
Apsaras glances at you.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Not vithout her."
Speaking softly to Darcena, Dracnoir says, "Magic fizzles in here."
Elysia blinks at you.
You breathe in slightly.
Khobra points at Ilsola.
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "I. . . why are we in a holding cell?"
Ordim groans.
Speaking to you, Ysharra asks, "...are you all right?"
You dust off your hands.
Darcena looks thoughtfully at you.
Darcena is smelling you.
Nehor distantly repeats, "Call all fall...fend...end.."
Darcena makes a rude suggestion and you give her a firm punch for it.
Naamit leans on Ceyrin, giving him a companionable grin.
Darcena blinks at you.
Darcena frowns.
(Ordim curls up into a ball, crumbs tumble from his body as he shivers.)
Ceyrin stares at you.
Speaking to you, Apsaras asks, "Ye okay?"
Jahadeem quietly says, "I think we are at capacity for this cell."
You flatly say, "If you are trying to intimidate an empath with wounds, you should try again."
Deyoni takes a few steps back.
You state, "I am fine."
Nazarr chuckles.
Apsaras nods to you.
Deyoni stares at you.
Speaking monotonously to Ordim, Maylan says, "There there."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "Is that what you're saying happened to me?"
Ilsola asks, "This is... this... is too much. Where is Socius?"
Dracnoir nods in agreement at Khobra.
Speaking vaguely to you, Rozy threatens, "Heaaaaalth!"
(Maylan dispassionatly pats Ordim on the shoulder.)
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "We do not know where Socius is."
Elysia shrugs at Ilsola.
Speaking flatly to Maylan, Ordim asks, "Mana muffin?"
The ground beneath your feet shifts slightly, rumbling.
Khobra tilts her head down.
Speaking to Ceyrin, Naamit whispers aloud, "What happened to the elf now? No."
A pained expression crosses Ilsola's face.
Apsaras glances down.
Crime quietly says, "I can not sense Socius' presence."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "I am starting to worry that something has happened to Socius."
Nehor dryly says, "That can't be good."
Aranthius asks, "Can someone cast locate to find him?"
Dracnoir twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Louaryne checks her footing.
Apsaras says, "That can't be good."
Speaking to Aranthius, Maylan whines, "I don't wanna."
Rozy worriedly asks, "Oh noes, roa'ters?"
Nehor suggests, "Might we not use a spell to escape, perhaps?"
Crime quietly says, "I just tried to locate Socius."
Elysia says, "'Maybe it's a dormant volcano."
Speaking to Maylan, Ordim says, "Thank you."
Nehor gasps once, then freezes in place. As you watch, something pierces his cheek, driving deep through the skin! The invisible blade carves a series of words across his face, "meek seek unique cheek". The words then disappear, and a new set are carved into the refreshed canvas, "just fussed must trust". Then, "call all fall". Then, "fend... end". But the last set does not fade away.
Speaking relievedly to Naamit, Ceyrin says, "Good."
Nehor lets out a yelp!
Naamit whispers something to Ceyrin.
Speaking softly to Aranthius, Dracnoir says, "Pay attention... Magic. Fizzles. In. This. Room."
Naamit smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking to Nehor, Maylan says, "Who wants escaping? It's rather lovely in here."
Ilsola bursts into tears!
Speaking to Nehor, Ysharra says, "Fend, end..."
Nehor fearfully asks, "What...what WAS that?"
Darcena cackles at Nehor!
Elysia grins at Nehor.
Deyoni rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Darcena sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
You blink at Nehor.
Nehor cowers.
Speaking to Nehor, Ysharra says, "Come here."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin asks, "I did?"
Darcena sniffs at a large candelabra.
Ilsola stares at Nehor.
Ceyrin furrows his brow.
Naamit nods slowly at Ceyrin.
Rozy sobs.
Nehor wails!
Speaking to Nehor, Ilsola says, "Your... face..."
Speaking to Ilsola, Maylan says, "Really now, there's nothing to cry about."
You see Great Lord Nehor the Mystic.
He appears to be a Human.
He is shorter than average. He appears to be an adult. He has piercing amber eyes and fair skin. He has chin length, unkempt amber hair. He has an upturned nose. Across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose are carved the words, 'fend... end'.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a polished crystal shot glass in his right hand.
He is wearing an onyx-bound bloodjewel amulet, a hand-tailored spidersilk cloak clasped with a thunderhead opal solitaire, an emerald-set sylvan bardess pin, a golden battle dragon pin wielding dual inverted emerald quarter notes, a dark silver-framed monocle, a pristine white ash instrument case framed by gently yellowed ivory inlay, a formal crimson silk shirt with crisp pleats, a coiled mithglin chain armband, a crimson crystal-inset ring, a supple black leather belt studded with polished brass, a pair of jet black leggings, and some dark leather boots.
Ordim gawks at Nehor.
Nehor worriedly asks, " face?"
Ordim exclaims, "He's got the small room face!"
Rozy giggles.
Nehor wails, "But that is how I make my money!"
Nehor bursts into tears!
Speaking regretfully to Ceyrin, Naamit suggests, "You really should have taken the tea."
Elysia says, "This is going to kill his ego."
Speaking to Nehor, Rozy says, "You haves a butt on your faces."
Speaking to Nehor, Ordim says, ""Fend... End"."
Rozy hums a seemingly random tune.
Crossing his legs at the ankles, Ordim sits up tailor fashion.
(Ysharra gently touches a square of cloth to Nehor's brow and cheek, and then presses the dull metal of her mithril dagger to the wound.)
Ilsola sways on her feet, looking dazed.
Naamit settles her gaze on Ceyrin, watching him intently.
Nehor winces.
Ysharra whispers something to Nehor.
Nehor whines, " hurts."
Maylan pinches Nehor!
Khobra touches Ilsola.
Ceyrin says, "I should probably go have a drink or something."
Apsaras glances at Nehor.
Speaking quietly to Nehor, Crime says, "Mularos be praised."
Ilsola slowly empties her lungs.
Aranthius says, "Lets hope no flatulence."
Speaking to Nehor, Maylan says, "There, that should distract you from the other pain."
Nehor worriedly screams, "Look away! Don't look at me!"
Maylan tries to pinch Nehor, but he leans away just in time.
Maylan pinches Nehor!
Naamit smirks at Crime.
Nehor cowers.
Dracnoir ponders.
(Khobra steadies Ilsola a moment longer before releasing her.)
Ilsola says, "I... this has been... too much."
Deyoni folds her arms over her chest.
(Nehor tries to hide his wounded, hurting face behind his hands.)
Khobra folds her hands.
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Khobra agrees with Ilsola.
Ilsola says, "Socius... he said I'd be safe."
Speaking in Faendryl, Khobra says something you don't understand.
Speaking to Nehor, Ysharra says, "It'll heal, Nehor. It's just stagecraft. You've done far worse to yourself."
Speaking softly to Ceyrin, Dracnoir says, "A shame we cannot see your face, for we could see if you had markings as well..."
Ilsola asks, "Where were the guards?"
Apsaras looks thoughtfully at Ordim.
Speaking to Ilsola, Nazarr asks, "Safe from WHAT?"
Nehor whimpers.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Nd ztill need to get out."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "I dont think any of us are safe."
Speaking to Nehor, Naamit says, "You look horrible with that brand."
Naamit folds her arms over her chest.
Aranthius says, "You seem safe enough."
Nehor sobs.
Elysia gazes with a bemused expression at Ilsola.
Crime quietly says, "Perfectly safe."
Crime grins.
Rozy says, "But him hurtified you toos, so, safe is ..."
Ilsola closes her eyes for a moment.
Deyoni softly says, "Magic to get us out."
Apsaras glances at Nehor.
Jahadeem quietly says, "I am beginning to think we should have never opened the door."
Speaking to Aranthius, Khobra says, "Ve are not leaving her here."
Speaking to Ilsola, Nazarr says, "I don't think you were in danger when you had the freedom of the city."
Deyoni softly asks, "Isn't that what I heard someone say they could do?"
Kynilir agrees with Jahadeem.
Naamit grins impishly at Nehor.
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "On the other side of the door."
(Ordim goes to rub Nehor on the back but stops, looks at him and says "There there")
Khobra says, "ZHould have NEVER been here in the firzt place."
Ordim nods slowly.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "It would seem Socius lied to you."
Speaking to Ilsola, Elysia asks, "Were they guarding you to keep you here, or guarding you from someone else?"
A uniformed guard asks, "What... what's going on?"
Kynilir glances at a uniformed guard.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ilsola exclaims, "Where were you?!"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ceyrin says, "A good question."
A uniformed guard blinks in surprise.
Speaking softly to a uniformed guard, Dracnoir says, "About time..."
Aranthius says, "Hold the door, hol door, Hodor."
A uniformed guard asks, "What... what do you mean?"
Ordim says, "How'd the guard get in here."
Darcena sniffs at Ilsola.
Ordim squints.
Crime quietly says, "I believe captives often become enamored with their captors."
Ponclast groans at Aranthius.
Nehor removes a silver-haired full face mask from in his instrument case.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Darcena asks, "Why does that door smell like blood?"
Nehor puts a silver-haired full face mask on his head.
Darcena points at a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "So did Socius say Ilsola could leave?"
Darcena sniffs at her iron-reinforced door.
Nehor ashamedly exclaims, "None can see!"
Ordim says, "Great guards groan "Get going greatfang! Giggling grinners grant genius gifts."
Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure.
Speaking softly to a uniformed guard, Dracnoir says, "It is time for all of us to leave... ALL... This includes Ilsola..."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "You did go and talk with Socius about it right?"
Ysharra gently rests her hand on Ordim's shoulder.
A uniformed guard says, "I haven't seen him. I dunno what he said or didn't say."
Naamit takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
A uniformed guard shrugs
Ordim nods appreciatively at Ysharra.
Darcena stamps her feet at a uniformed guard!
Ilsola closes her eyes for a moment.
Ilsola says, "I... I need to get out of here."
Ceyrin says, "I feel as though I really must speak with this Socius."
Speaking to herself, Apsaras says, "More confusin'..."
Darcena glances between Ilsola and a heavy iron-reinforced door.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim says, "We all do."
Ordim frowns.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra says, "It seems you're kept in the dark, too. Except for how to open the door."
Speaking softly to a uniformed guard, Ponclast says, "He told you to let us all go, surely."
Apsaras agrees with Ilsola.
Naamit says, "How about we go find the mna."
A uniformed guard says, "I used the dagger."
A uniformed guard shrug.
Avawren keeps her eyes on Ilsola, largely ignoring everyone's yelling.
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "It is time to leave..."
Ordim nods enthusiastically at Dracnoir!
Speaking to Dracnoir, Ilsola asks, "And go where?"
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Darcena says, "You are ignoring me."
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem says, "Socius needs us to bring Ilsola to him. So if you can step aside."
A uniformed guard says, "It's just loud in here, is all."
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "Anywhere not in here..."
Crime grins.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra answers, "Your home."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Aranthius says, "Socius won't be pleased with you."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Darcena says, "Why."
Dracnoir nods in agreement at Khobra.
Kynilir walks to stand behind a uniformed guard.
Ordim turns to Naamit and cheers!
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra says, "We should all get out of here. You, too."
Dracnoir raises an eyebrow in Naamit's direction.
Elysia ponders.
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Ysharra says, "This isn't going to end well. You know that."
A uniformed guard exclaims, "I'm all for that. I'm going back on patrol. I won't be the one to tempt the Scion!"
Darcena says, "I was saying..."
Speaking to a uniformed guard, Darcena asks, "Why does the door smell like blood?"
Speaking quietly to a uniformed guard, Jahadeem asks, "Who is the Scion?"
Naamit looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Dracnoir sniffs at his iron-reinforced door.
Nehor screeches, "Let us get to a healer at once!"
Rozy stamps her feet.
Ponclast sniffs at his iron-reinforced door.
Nehor exclaims, "I have to find a way to restore my beauty!"
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "You should go home, now."
Ilsola asks, "I... fine. Can... can someone lead me?"
Rozy sniffs at her snowberry tart.
Speaking to Rozy, Ordim says, "I glazed it for you."
Ordim nods.
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "You don't seem to resist much, you're right."
Dracnoir nods.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "Is Socius the Scion?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "I cannot."
Deyoni nods at Ilsola.
Khobra nods.
Naamit folds her arms over her chest.
Deyoni points at Naamit.
Rozy gives a sidelong glance at Ordim.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ilsola says, "At times..."
Naamit looks over at Deyoni and shakes her head.
Ilsola pulls her hand away from you.
Ilsola joins your group.
[Editor's Note: Everone joined Avawren's group]
You smile at Ilsola.
Speaking quietly to you, Ilsola says, "Thank you."
Speaking to Ordim, Rozy exclaims, "Tankoos!"
Khobra smiles at you.
Khobra whispers, "Oh now they join us."
Speaking to Ilsola, Louaryne asks, "Does that title get passed around?"
Khobra smirks.
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "Of course, dear. Just take it slowly."
You smile at Khobra.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Is Nezhor ever called the Scion?"
Crime quietly exclaims, "Never trust a nalfein elf!"
Speaking softly to Naamit, Deyoni says, "Thank you for getting us this far."
You quietly whisper to Khobra, "Kindness garners more than unkindness."
Ilsola is Freed and Taken Along to the Pub
[Holding Cell, Outer Room]
This small room is dominated by a heavy iron-reinforced door in the far wall. Furnishings aside from that are sparse. The floor underneath is solid stone, and there are no visible light sources. Light streams in from the room beyond through a large hole in the door, which is reinforced with heavy iron bars. You also see a roguish tropical spirit that is flying around, a cricket, a bereaved badland spirit that is flying around, a large mirror mounted to one wall and a wooden panel.
Also here: Rozy, Great Lord Kynilir
Obvious exits: none
Ilsola says, "No... the Scion is... who Socius can be. At times."
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Speaking to Jahadeem, Darcena corrects, "Nazhor."
Sothog: "Be there things afoot this eve?"
Speaking to Ilsola, you ask, "At ... times?"
Ordim takes a deep breath.
Ordim wipes the sweat from his brow.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Darcena says, "Avawren, Sothog is looking for us."
Elysia says, "I'm not quite sure how far they'll get with her."
Speaking to you, Ilsola says, "He... he has another side."
Ilsola shivers.
(Khobra steadies Ilsola, wraping one of Ilsola arm's the length of her shoulders as the other rests at the small of Ilsola's back.)
Darcena asks, "Could you please help him find you?"
Darcena peers quizzically at you.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "What is Socius when he is not the Scion?"
Speaking to you, Khobra says, "Very zlowly."
Ordim joins your group.
Ordim ponders.
Speaking to you, Khobra says, "Zhe iz trembling."
Speaking to Ilsola, Louaryne asks, "So his personality changes?"
Nehor joins your group.
Louaryne joins your group.
Ysharra gently rests her hand on Nehor's shoulder.
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "I am really not shocked to hear that."
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ilsola says, "No more or less than what he seems. Driven. Powerful. Ruthless."
Nehor trembles.
Ordim fidgets.
Speaking to Ilsola, you ask, "Is there somewhere you would like to go? Where you would feel more comfortable answering questions?"
Speaking to Louaryne, Ilsola says, "Not... changes. It's when he tosses off even the veneer of humanity."
You say, "A jail is hardly ... pleasant."
Louaryne nods at Ilsola.
Apsaras ponders.
Speaking to you, Ilsola says, "I... this may sound..."
Apsaras nods at Ilsola.
Ilsola blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.
Ilsola confesses, "I could use a drink."
Aranthius asks, "Socius represents the families to you in your position?"
Speaking to you, Khobra says, "Zhe iz drain.."
Ysharra whispers something to Nehor.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin says, "You and I both."
Dracnoir offers Ilsola a flagon of Ice Drake rum.
Ceyrin nods at Ilsola.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement from Ilsola.
Naamit slowly empties her lungs.
Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.
Naamit shifts her weight.
Ysharra glances at Nehor.
Speaking amusedly to Ilsola, you say, "We all could."
Speaking sadly to Ilsola, Nehor agrees, "So could I. I too have suffered a grave injustice this night!"
Darcena exclaims, "My bar!"
Jahadeem quietly says, "We should go to that bar."
Ilsola says, "And no better place for questions than a bar."
Darcena beams happily at you!
Ilsola accepts Dracnoir's Ice Drake rum.
Darcena applauds Ilsola warmly.
Ilsola nods appreciatively at Dracnoir.
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin says, "An alcoholic drink."
Dracnoir nods at Ilsola.
Ceyrin declines Naamit's offer.
Ordim surveys the area.
Naamit purses her lips, the glaes ring within them appearing a bit more prominent.
Ilsola takes a drink from her Ice Drake rum.
Ilsola looks rather relaxed.
You ask, "The Stumbling Pebble?"
Khobra asks, "'Zcutterbug?"
Darcena exclaims, "Let's go to the Stumbling Pebble!"
Ysharra grins at Ceyrin.
You cock your head.
Khobra casually observes her surroundings.
Ilsola shivers.
Nehor whispers something to Ysharra.
You nod at Darcena.
Ordim exclaims, "Plur's Pub!"
Speaking to Darcena, Ilsola says, "A fine place."
Jahadeem nods.
Speaking simply to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "I can't help you with that."
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "Off we go then."
Speaking to Ceyrin, Ysharra says, "You've made many a good suggestion, but none so much as that."
Ilsola nods appreciatively.
You can't go there.
Darcena says, "Stumbling something."
Deyoni softly asks, "Where is this bar at?"
Darcena works her fingers under her side-pinned hat and scratches her head.
Darcena says, "Western harbor."
Ilsola says, "When there, I'll... be happy to tell you what I can."
Jahadeem quietly says, "I need to open a tab."
[Editor's Note: Travel removed for brevity]
[Stumbling Pebble Bar II]
Dried, cracked boards mingle with newer knotted pine planks as they spread across the floor from the swinging oak doors to the white oak bar. Several half-cask chairs are arranged in circles around the room, their backs weathered and cracked, while plump couches face a fireplace that looks as if it has seen better days. A scattering of cracked peanut shells litters the floor around an oversized bowl that is set upon a faded blue rug. You also see a basket of sticks.
Obvious exits: none
Louaryne, Nehor, Ordim, Dracnoir, Khobra, Maylan, Darcena, Ysharra, Aranthius, Jahadeem, Apsaras, Ponclast, Deyoni and Ilsola followed.
Ysharra seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.
You dust yourself off.
Ordim twists the blood marble ring around on his finger, hiding its nebulous emerald-setting from sight.
Ilsola nods approvingly.
Ordim beams!
Ordim exclaims, "A round of drinks!"
Ilsola shakily says, "Thank you."
Maylan squints at a pewter stein.
Maylan scowls.
Aranthius picks up a pewter stein.
Maylan mutters empty.
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "Sit sit, I'm sure someone will buy you a drink."
Darcena helps herself to a peanut.
With a casual flick of the wrist, Darcena sends her peanut into flight, striking Ponclast in the back of the head!
Ilsola walks over to the chair and settles down.
(Khobra releases Ilsola hold, allowing her to balance against the bar.)
Ordim sits down next to Ilsola.
Khobra sighs.
Ilsola shivers.
Ordim nods approvingly.
Darcena blinks at Ponclast.
Sothog asks, "My apologies, everyone. Issues back in the lab. How goes it?"
Darcena clears her throat.
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Speaking to his crystal shot glass, Nehor wails, "You have forsaken me! You are empty!"
Darcena shrugs at Sothog.
Speaking flatly to Darcena, you say, "Please don't hit her with a peanut. She might fall over."
Speaking quietly to Sothog, Jahadeem says, "We got Ilsola."
Darcena says, "Apparently something happened to Ilsola."
Darcena says, "And Socius is missing."
Ysharra glances sharply at Nehor.
Darcena says, "And her cell was bloody."
Darcena points at Ilsola.
Sothog blinks at Darcena.
(Maylan smashes her crystal shot glass on the floor.)
Ceyrin says, "Found it."
Darcena says, "And acrid."
Sothog says, "Well, that doesn't bode well."
Naamit folds her arms over her chest.
Darcena says, "And then we all got locked up in the cell."
Darcena says, "And Ordim almost passed out from fear."
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "At the risk of sounding boorish, it was a prison cell."
Dracnoir leans softly against Khobra.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim says, "No reason you should buy your own drink."
Ordim furrows his brow.
Nehor pouts, "I need a drink."
Ilsola says, "I... have been ungrateful. Thank you, all."
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin says, "Shame on you for making me lead you around after what just happened to me."
Elysia gazes in amusement at Maylan.
Ordim looks over at Ilsola and shakes his head.
Darcena says, "And then Nehor almost passed out because someone carved something all over his face."
Jahadeem quietly says, "The guard could use some training."
Sothog glances at Ilsola.
Dracnoir nods at Ilsola.
Darcena says, "And then a nedum vereri kissed me."
Aranthius spends some time haggling with Greth Rottgut.
Apsaras smiles at Ilsola.
Darcena says, "It was nice."
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "I would assume unhappy things have happened in there."
Darcena flashes a wolfish grin.
Speaking to Ordim, Ilsola says, "Thank you... I'm fond of the gin here."
Speaking to Ilsola, Maylan scolds, "Lady, you sure are emotional."
Ilsola blushes a nice shade of rosy pink.
Nehor whines, "Don't look at it!"
Speaking to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "I'm not going to lead you to a stupor after it, what more can you expect."
A snow white raven drifts in lazy circles overhead.
Ordim shifts his grip on a stein of rosy hibiscus metheglin, giving it a gentle swirl.
Speaking to Ilsola, Sothog asks, "Are you faring well?"
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "You've had an ordeal, and aren't use to such insanity, as most of here are."
Ordim offers Ilsola a stein of rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Ordim nods.
You chuckle.
Ilsola accepts Ordim's rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Speaking to Ceyrin, Naamit quips, "You make your own fate there, friend."
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Ok, been extremely patient in all of thiz. About to loze it as you vould."
Ysharra takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim exclaims, "Drinks are on us!"
Ilsola sniffs at her rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Deyoni sniffs at her smoky copper whiskey.
Ilsola nods approvingly.
Ordim nods approvingly.
Ceyrin says, "Whiskey -- lots of it.".
Sothog leans leisurely on his mossbark runestaff, a thoughtful expression upon his face.
Dracnoir rubs Khobra tenderly.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "I am sure we are all happy we could help. Now if you could tell us anything more about the five families and Socius' behavior."
Ordim takes a drink from his rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Nehor closes his eyes for a moment.
Ordim adopts an agreeable expression.
Ilsola says, "You keep saying that like it means something."
Ilsola takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra asks, "I'm fairly sure it does. Aren't you?"
Ilsola says, "There are no 'five families', that I'm aware of."
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Do you know who runs the island?"
Ilsola asks, "Who are they supposed to be?"
Like a cloud passing before the face of the sun, a brief look of uneasiness passes across Ilsola's eyes.
Speaking desperately to Ilsola, Nehor asks, "Who is the best healer on the isle? Someone who can remove scars?"
Ordim takes a drink from his rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Ilsola says, "Nobody RUNS it. We're just a group of simple merchants."
Ilsola's expression shifts to one of consternation as color suffuses her cheeks, and her eyes widen.
Ordim glances nervously at Ilsola.
You furrow your brow, probably adding a wrinkle or two in the process.
Khobra says, "The original builderz and dizcover'z of the Mizt."
Speaking to Nehor, Darcena says, "I heard that if you go duck your head in the waterfall for ten minutes without lifting it, you'll no longer have to worry bout your scars."
Darcena nods sagely at Nehor.
Ilsola says, "Socius, though... there are rumors."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Have you ever heard of the chronomages?"
A fine sheen of sweat breaks out along Ilsola's forehead as she sways unsteadily and clutches suddenly at her stomach.
Khobra says, "Believe family of weal-"
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim asks, "Are you... ok?"
Ordim frets.
Ilsola gasps.
Khobra turns an inquisitive ear toward Ilsola.
Speaking offendedly to Darcena, Nehor exclaims, "Now is not the time for jokes!"
Ilsola says, "I... don't feel so good..."
Trembling and pale, Ilsola's face contorts, and her eyes become listless and unfocused. With little more than a muted groan, her legs buckle, and Ilsola crumples to the ground, bent and writhing in agony.
Nehor gasps.
Ordim glances at a stein of rosy hibiscus metheglin in his hand.
Louaryne blinks.
Ordim drops a stein of rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Khobra touches Ilsola.
You growl ferociously!
Jahadeem quietly says, "Maybe she cant hold her liquor."
Speaking flatly to Ilsola, Naamit says, "That's what happens when you drink to much."
Deyoni softly asks, "She isn't going to birth one of those bugs is she?"
Ilsola groans quietly, the sound small and animalistic, as she contorts involuntarily. Her eyes roll wildly in their sockets, while her hands spasm, clenching and relaxing, fingers hooked into claws that scrape futilely at the empty air.
Sothog flails his arms about.
You touch Ilsola.
Khobra tilts her head down.
Deyoni takes a few steps back.
Ordim exclaims, "Don't drink the Metheglin!"
Ysharra glances at Ilsola.
Ordim frets.
Deyoni gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Khobra says, "Zhe iz ztunned."
Maylan says, "So dramatic."
Maylan snorts!
Nehor glances at a shot of smoky copper whiskey in his hand.
Nehor's face turns slightly pale.
With a sudden look of surprise, Nehor quickly backpedals away from a shot of smoky copper whiskey.
Speaking to Ordim, you exclaim, "Did you buy her drink?!"
Ordim stands up.
Aranthius exclaims, "Strong drinks here!"
Ordim strides a few steps backward.
Ilsola's mouth snaps open in a silent scream as her body arches away from the ground, taut and inflexible with muscle spasms. Her limbs lay bent at awkward angles, legs and hands and arms twitching periodically as if she were attempting to regain control. After several moments that seem impossibly long, the tightness in Ilsola's face eases, and her body crumbles motionless back to the ground.
A ruffed greatfang growls menacingly!
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Apsaras blinks.
Jahadeem quietly asks, "What did you put in her drink?"
Dracnoir kneels down.
Dracnoir looks thoughtfully at Ilsola.
Naamit looks thoughtfully at Ilsola.
Khobra says, "Memory.."
Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.
Naamit shifts her weight.
Gasping in air greedily, Ilsola's chest heaves with the effort to breathe as her limbs fall limp across her body. Only the movement caused by breathing signals that life remains in Ilsola, as her eyes remain closed and still behind her lids.
You growl, "Who bought her drink?"
Aranthius winks at Ilsola.
Ponclast turns to face Ordim.
Ordim glances nervously around the room.
Sothog asks, "'Was it the drink... or some other influence...?"
Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Nehor gulps.
Ilsola's eyes flutter rapidly and finally peel open to stare with an unsteady gaze at her surroundings. Apparently able to move freely now, she flexes her hands, and with every moment, Ilsola's breathing becomes more and more calm.
Ceyrin takes a moment to observe Ilsola.
Khobra says, "Vaz no drink."
Ysharra glances at Ilsola.
Nehor worriedly exclaims, "I...I drank what someone ordered too!"
Ilsola breathes a hefty sigh, and the last of the tension and tremors fade from her form.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "Are you ok?"
Apsaras says, "Sure no wantin' what she be drinkin'."
Ilsola coughs.
Ilsola coughs.
Ilsola coughs.
Ilsola coughs.
Khobra says, "Felt it too before thiz."
Dracnoir softly says, "That was an outside influence..."
Ilsola shudders.
Ysharra takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Khobra glances at Ilsola.
Ilsola sobs.
Aranthius says, "Ilsola tell us more...."
Khobra says, "Juzt before -"
Nehor quickly exclaims, "Someone call a healer!"
Ysharra draws her mithril dagger. It makes a strange sound as it slides from her case, like the distant scream of a forlorn soul.
Jahadeem hugs Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "You really ought to take better care of yourself."
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Iz Niiman."
Naamit places her hand on her hourglass girdle.
Naamit shifts her weight.
Apsaras touches Ilsola.
Maylan shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.
Ilsola says, "I.."
Speaking incredulously to Aranthius, Nehor exclaims, "She is dying! Get a healer man, don't stand there questioning!"
Maylan says, "I don't see any."
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "You are safe."
Ordim breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some light amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Apsaras smiles at Ilsola.
Ilsola curls into a ball on the floor, crying.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Iz Niiman."
Naamit takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Khobra says, "Ve need to get her home nov."
Nazarr says, "She looks like she's in good shape to me."
Khobra says, "No more queztion."
Ordim blinks.
Dracnoir nods in agreement.
Ordim nods approvingly.
Speaking to Ilsola, you say, "Who handed you your drink."
Ordim wipes the sweat from his brow.
Ilsola asks, "Why? What did I do?!?"
Speaking to you, Ordim exclaims, "The bar did!"
Ilsola wails!
Sothog says, "Physically, perhaps..."
You flatly say, "Because I'm going to flay them alive."
Ceyrin takes a drink from his smoky copper whiskey.
Speaking to Khobra, Nehor says, "First wise thing you've said...ever."
Speaking to Ilsola, Maylan says, "Lady, get a grip on yourself."
You glare at Ordim.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit asks, "Are you prone to drinking too much often?"
Ordim gawks at you.
Ordim shakes his head.
Naamit purses her lips, the glaes ring within them appearing a bit more prominent.
(Khobra lifts Ilsola into her arms.)
(Ordim cowers away from Avawren, shaking his violently in denial.)
Aranthius says, "Lord Nehor you should be looking towards your face and its healing."
Ilsola shudders.
Speaking to you, Khobra says, "Letz get her home, zeriouzly."
Dracnoir nods.
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "You said something about the five families and then forget who they are completely."
Dracnoir stands up.
Naamit removes an ebon-handled lavender teacup from in her lambswool cloak.
Khobra says, "Enough for tonight."
Ordim nods in agreement at Khobra.
Naamit offers Ilsola an ebon-handled lavender teacup.
Speaking to Aranthius, Nehor wails, "Don't look at it!"
Ordim says, "I think she needs a lot of rest."
Ordim nods once.
Nehor cowers.
Ilsola sits up.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "It calms the nerves. Take it."
Ilsola shivers.
Sothog agrees with Ordim.
Apsaras says, "She needs sleep am thinkin'."
Ilsola accepts Naamit's lavender teacup.
Ilsola glances at an ebon-handled lavender teacup in her hand.
Ilsola sniffs at her lavender teacup.
Naamit nods approvingly.
Nazarr says, "I think that she needs to get as far from Socius and his guards as possible."
Ordim fidgets.
Ilsola takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Khobra looks over at Ilsola and shakes her head.
Speaking to Ilsola, Louaryne says, "Are you alright? You didn't look so good."
Speaking to Naamit, Apsaras says, "That tae."
Great Lord Kynilir just arrived.
Ilsola says, "I... it's been... a trying day."
Sothog asks, "Revelation can be a shock sometimes. So, perhaps could the giving-way of a memory block...?"
Louaryne agrees with Ilsola.
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Dracnoir nods slowly at Ilsola.
Naamit nods slowly at Ilsola.
(Ysharra steps forward and touches the tip of her dagger lightly on Ilsola's cheek, just enough for the core of the blade to make contact. She glances at the dagger and steps back quickly.)
Ponclast softly says, "Where would she be safe though? Seems like they can get to her anywhere."
Ilsola lets out a light giggle, which turns into a sob.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ceyrin says, "As is any day that begins in a holding cell, I expect."
Dracnoir raises an eyebrow in Ysharra's direction.
Ilsola takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Darcena squints at Ysharra.
Khobra squints at Ysharra.
Speaking to Ysharra, Darcena asks, "What are you doing?"
Ordim compulsively brushes his hands all over his body, sending a sprinkling of crumbs into the air.
Apsaras glances at Ysharra.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "There's a crystal in here that resists some sorts of magic. Maybe it'll help whatever you're fighting."
Ilsola stands up.
Nehor fearfully exclaims, "I have to go find a healer. I can't be here! Don't look at me!"
Nehor bursts into tears!
Ilsola sways back and forth.
Speaking quietly to himself, Ceyrin adds, "Or ends in one."
Kynilir takes a drink from his smoky copper whiskey.
Great Lord Nehor just went through a set of swinging oak doors.
Speaking to Ysharra, Khobra says, "Come that cloze again, while zhe in my embrace, ve zhall have an izzue."
Ilsola takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Speaking to Darcena, Ordim exclaims, "She knows things!"
Ordim nods enthusiastically at Darcena!
Speaking to Darcena, Ysharra says, "It's a Mandis dagger."
Speaking slowly to Ilsola, Naamit says, "Two hands."
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Have guard, perzonal ztill yez. Have them take you home."
Speaking quietly to Naamit, Ilsola says, "I... thank you..."
You glare at Ordim.
Naamit waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
Ilsola takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Naamit simply says, "Yes."
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Naamit.
Ordim says, "Tasty tea touchs tenderly, teasing trying times thoroughly."
Speaking to Khobra, Ysharra says, "Anytime. I fear you not and make my own judment."
Ilsola takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
Ordim twitches, trying to control a vocal outburst, before settling into a disdained grumble while regaining composure.
Khobra glances between Ysharra and Naamit.
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "I believe it is time for you to get home..."
Ilsola says, "I... I can... agree with that."
Darcena abruptly asks, "Who is going to guard her at her home?"
Speaking sternly to Ysharra, Khobra says, "Never zpoke I am to be fear, merely that there vould be a problem."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem says, "Please be safe... if you remember anything please let us know."
Speaking to Darcena, Ordim says, "Someone who will let her rest."
Ordim nods approvingly at Darcena.
Ordim furrows his brow.
You growl at Ordim.
Kynilir splutters.
Speaking to you, Ordim exclaims, "Not me!"
Kynilir put a polished crystal shot glass on a cask-faced white oak bar.
Ordim giggles.
(Khobra lowers Ilsola from her arms.)
Speaking to you, Ordim admits, "I'd ask her to make muffins."
Ordim's cheeks take on a slightly flushed tone.
Ilsola says, "I will ask some of Socius' guards to come with me."
Khobra moves to stand in front of Ilsola.
Aranthius takes a drink from his dragonsblood gin.
Dracnoir looks over at Ilsola and shakes his head.
Khobra says, "No.."
Silversoft: "Night."
Kynilir raises an eyebrow in Ilsola's direction.
Speaking to Khobra, Ysharra says, "I cannot imagine what sort of problem you would be. But as you will, good luck with that. As it was, I was trying to help her."
Ilsola sighs.
Naamit nods in agreement at Ilsola.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Azk family guardz."
Kynilir asks, "Did she forget again?"
Khobra says, "Family."
Kynilir snorts!
Khobra nods at Kynilir.
Speaking to Ilsola, Naamit says, "If they aren't beating you up, they are good at protection."
Naamit shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Ilsola nods slowly at Khobra.
Deyoni softly says, "Socius had you locked up for a crime you didn't commit and now you are depending on his guards to protect you."
Aranthius asks, "Where do you reside?"
Speaking to Ilsola, Nazarr says, "That is a very bad idea, Ilsola."
Deyoni softly says, "That makes perfect sense."
Elysia says, "She did. I'm not sure she's her own best advocate when it comes to Socius and his guards."
Kynilir says, "I was dazed for a bit myself."
Ilsola says, "I... try and keep my residence... secret."
Speaking to Ysharra, Khobra says, "Forgive me, don't knov you. So knov her."
Ilsola chuckles nervously.
Apsaras nods slowly at Ilsola.
Dracnoir nods at Ilsola.
Ilsola says, "I will... call for my house guard."
Ordim nods approvingly.
Speaking to Ilsola, Khobra says, "Good."
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras says, "Likely wise."
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "That would probably be best..."
Speaking to Ilsola, Sothog says, "A wise decision."
Apsaras agrees with Dracnoir.
Deyoni softly says, "Likely only to appease us."
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "You should find sanctuary. If this place where you live is quiet and unassuming, you may be safe there."
Speaking to Ilsola, Nazarr asks, "Does your house guard work for Socius as well?"
Aranthius says, "That might be wise, you can't trust everyone here."
Ilsola has a word with the bartender, who nody sympathetically and sends an urchin tearing out into the night.
A ruffed greatfang pants heavily!
Deyoni softly says, "It most likely doesn't matter at this point, she is under his control."
Speaking to Ilsola, Elysia asks, "You do not share them with Socius, do you?"
Ilsola shakes her head.
Ilsola says, "My house guard is my own."
Dracnoir takes a drink from his smoky copper whiskey.
Apsaras nods at Ilsola.
Dracnoir ponders.
Khobra says, "Vich iz vhy I zaid call family guardz."
Ilsola says, "Trusted, and have worked for me for years."
Ordim nods approvingly.
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras says, "Keep it that way."
Ilsola slowly empties her lungs.
Louaryne nods slowly.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ordim says, "Good idea, and no more liquor."
Ordim furrows his brow.
Sothog says, "That would be safer than relying on Socius' tender mercies, I suspect."
Speaking quietly to Ilsola, Jahadeem asks, "How might we contaact you or your houseguard to check on you?"
Speaking to Jahadeem, Ilsola says, "A letter posted on the message tree would find its way to me, thank you."
Khobra removes a razor sharp elven gladius with a saw-scaled viper wrapped around it from in her ebon longcoat.
Khobra takes a drink from her blood red rum.
Ordim removes a cast iron muffin tin from in his dark grey satchel.
Khobra surveys her surroundings carefully.
Speaking to Ilsola, Ysharra says, "We'll look for any from you, too, should you recall anything else."
Ilsola says, "Thank you... I think... it's been..."
Ilsola closes her eyes for a moment.
Aranthius says, "May some bedrest cure your ailments."
Jahadeem bows to Ilsola.
Ordim says, "And nice fresh muffins."
Ordim nods once.
Speaking to a snow white raven, Ysharra says, "You've been quiet, for you."
Ordim takes a bite of his cranberry muffin.
Speaking to Ilsola, Apsaras says, "Ye be takin' care."
Apsaras nods at Ilsola.
Darcena helps herself to a peanut.
With a casual flick of the wrist, Darcena sends her peanut into flight, striking Ordim in the back of the head!
Darcena giggles.
Speaking softly to Ilsola, Dracnoir says, "I know an empath, should you require her services... She is very... discreet... when she needs to be."
Darcena clasps her hand over her mouth.
Sothog chuckles.
Naamit takes a drink from her lavender teacup.
A tender-faced man in fine clothes slides in gracefully and catches Ilsola as she swoons. With an easy motion, he lifts her up, nods once to the room, then leaves, cradling her gently.
Ordim looks thoughtfully at you.
Kynilir blinks.
Ordim takes a bite of his cranberry muffin.
Ponclast softly says, "Well, there's an exit."
Nazarr sighs.
Naamit mutters, "Lightweight."
Naamit smirks.
Ordim breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some light amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Khobra says, "Thank que."
Elysia says, "I'd like one of those..."
Kynilir bursts out in laughter, snorting clear gin through his nose.
Ordim idly gnaws on the stem of the wyrwood pipe in his mouth.
Speaking softly to Darcena, Deyoni says, "Turban is to thick to feel anything."
Kynilir takes a drink from his dragonsblood gin.
Darcena says, "Oh great. Another swooning maiden."
Darcena rolls her eyes.
Kynilir put a polished crystal shot glass on a cask-faced white oak bar.
Ceyrin takes a drink from his smoky copper whiskey.
Sothog says, "Well, that was a bit unexpected. But I'm now wondering something...."
Sothog paces back and forth.
Kynilir turns an inquisitive ear toward Sothog.
Speaking slowly to Ceyrin, Naamit says, "Offer still stands on the chicory."
Nazarr asks, "How convenient that he just happened to show up when she fainted?"
Speaking to Sothog, Ysharra asks, "What's that?"
Kynilir nods.
Apsaras glances at Ysharra.
Darcena smiles at Khobra.
Kynilir asks, "Was that him?"
Speaking to Naamit, Ceyrin says, "Not this time."
Apsaras frowns.
Deyoni surveys her surroundings carefully.
Speaking softly to Darcena, Dracnoir says, "Should the vaults of your mind be rent asunder, I would how well you would remain on your feet... Not many can face that and remain unphased."
Speaking to Nazarr, Khobra says, "Not at all, vaz holding and helping her. Til I ztopped."
Darcena rolls her eyes at Dracnoir.
Sothog asks, "Does this mean that this Nahzor has a limit on how many people he can manipulate directly at once...? Or perhaps a time limit on its effect if it's not maintained?"
Naamit shrugs at Ceyrin.
Jahadeem quietly says, "I think I am going to go rest up at home in the Landing and reflect what has happened here."
Ysharra takes a drink from her rosy hibiscus metheglin.
Speaking flatly to Dracnoir, Darcena says, "The vaults of my mind are rent asunder daily."
Naamit quips, "Suit yourself."
Dracnoir chuckles.
Kynilir nods at Jahadeem.
Sothog grins at Darcena.
Speaking to Sothog, Khobra says, "Both, perhapz."
Ordim says, "We should find you a good mask."
Darcena looks thoughtfully at Sothog.
Ordim's jaw drops.
Speaking to Sothog, Ysharra says, "Perhaps it had something to do with what was going on in the cell. Things were odd there."
Ordim exclaims, "Nehor left!"
Ordim giggles.
Speaking softly to Darcena, Dracnoir says, "The view in this isle isn't THAT bad..."
Apsaras says, "Need tae be thinkin' excuse me a short time."
Jahadeem quietly says, "Have a good night all."
Speaking to Sothog, Khobra says, "But, one thing knovn.. there iz a limit."
Speaking to Ysharra, Ordim says, "We should find him a good mask."
Ordim nods approvingly.
Ysharra nods at Ordim.
Speaking slowly to Ysharra, Ceyrin agrees, "Yes, very odd."
Speaking to Ysharra, Sothog asks, "What transpired in the cell?"
Khobra says, "There iz zomething here in the Mizt ve are mizzing. Outzide that being thrown infront of uz."
The opalescent aura fades from around Darcena.
Khobra says, "The cluez all there."
Darcena nods slowly at Naamit.
Dracnoir softly says, "I am curious... "fend" and "end"... I wonder about the names of the roads around here..."
Dracnoir ponders.
Sothog agrees with Khobra.
Speaking to Dracnoir, Ordim offers, "Fendreal."
Speaking to Dracnoir, Ordim says, "Like the elves."
Ordim nods once.
Speaking to Sothog, Ysharra says, "There was an array of colors, and then her memory clearly left her. And there were two..."
Ysharra glances at you.
Khobra seems to lose some internal strength.
Khobra says, "The ripples before most gathered."
Speaking to you, Ysharra asks, "Did you see anything, when that happened to you? And then Nehor?"
Elysia says, "Excuse me, all."
Speaking to Ysharra, Ordim exclaims, "And then that strange reaction when she was talking in here!"
Speaking to Khobra, Sothog asks, "Then, the clues are rather oblique references, aren't they?"
Speaking to Dracnoir, Khobra says, "The one you didn't zee which I did. I think that the mizzing link."
Sothog works his fingers under his silver circlet and scratches his head.
Aranthius says, "Don't forget the other two carvings."
Dracnoir nods at Khobra.
Speaking to Dracnoir, Kynilir asks, "Was it you that heard the song?"
Dracnoir nods at Kynilir.
Deyoni just went through a set of swinging oak doors.
Kynilir asks, "Can ya hum it?"
Speaking to Ysharra, you say, "I did not, I only felt the pain."
Speaking to Sothog, Khobra says, "Yez and no. Ve az people like to make thingz more complexz an izzue than needed."
Khobra rubs her chin thoughtfully.
Dracnoir softly says, "I am no bard."
Sothog says, "Seems I've missed quite the party."
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "I could not tell. You were fierce in your composure."
Darcena says, "Well. I have no idea what happened tonight."
Darcena says, "I'm going back to my pub."
Darcena takes a bite of her rolton leg.
Darcena nods once.
Ordim blinks at Darcena.
Kynilir says, "I'm wonderin' what I've gotten myself into."
Kynilir stares off into space.
You nod graciously at Ysharra.
Speaking to Darcena, Khobra says, "Darcena."
Darcena kisses Ysharra on the cheek.
Darcena blinks at Khobra.
Darcena asks, "What?"
Khobra asks, "Meet me in the pub?"
Darcena nods at Khobra.
Speaking tiredly to Ysharra, you say, "Thank you. As I said, taunting an empath with pain is silly."
Khobra says, "Alot zeen that otherz von't lizten to."
Khobra says, "You vill."
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "I might have said the same for a sorcerer, but..."
Speaking to you, Ysharra says, "You saw Nehor. Heard him, too."
Sothog sighs.
Sothog says, "Dear, dear, dear..."
Sothog mutters under his breath.