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The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2024-02-14 - Benediction Gone Wrong (log)

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This is a log captured from the point of view of Myharl posted by the player.


On the evening of Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124, at 21:30 ET, Ellusine attends the small niche on Pilsner Avenue (Lich #2387) in Icemule Trace to lead a benediction to Voaris and Laethe in honor of the day. The Mayor, who arranged for the ceremony, and several Town Council members attend alongside interested citizens and visitors.

Ellusine begins to speak and, to the dismay of the Mayor, takes the opportunity to warn that the Dusk Coven have infiltrated both the Abbey and the government in Icemule Trace, but she is interrupted by tremors, sound-dampening energy suffusing the surroundings, and a strange light of terrible blueish color that bleeds from the stone wall and cobblestones underfoot. The strange occurrence is accompanied by a deep, toneless, disembodied voice that demands "the orb" be surrendered or that the town will be destroyed.

Ellusine intensely prays at the small niche with a shouted plea, and the strange occurrence and terrible light abruptly end, plunging the street back into the dark of night. She confesses that it was not her own power that repelled the presence, but that something or someone else intervened. Badly shaken by the event, Ellusine takes her leave without finishing the benediction, the Mayor assuring those in attendance that he would send someone to check on her wellbeing.

After the commotion, the Mayor addresses the crowd about the Dusk Coven. He acknowledges that he is aware that affiliates of the coven have infiltrated the government of Icemule Trace. He reiterates that something must be done immediately. The Mayor makes a proclamation that he will be drafting an offer of amnesty to any Dusk Coven affiliates who announce and publicly renounce the coven within the next month, and that his intent is to speak with delegates from across Northwatch with intent of making it a high crime to support the coven.

Proceeding the Mayor's proclamation, Councilmember Jastalyn publicly accuses Councilmember Sorlu of being affiliated with the Dusk Coven, presenting the signet ring he wears as evidence. She reminds the Mayor that the ring was identical to the one that had been found months earlier and the ones seen worn by known associates of the coven. Sorlu denies the accusation, claiming that he had his ring custom created to mimic the other signet found due to his aesthetic appreciation for the design. Ultimately, the Mayor expresses that the similarities in design of the rings are not sufficient evidence, but implores Sorlu to recant if "even a single fiber of his heart" is pledged to the Dusk Coven.

Disclosed Information

Non-Player Characters Involved

Benediction to Voaris and Laethe

A distant crier announces, "Ellusine will be leading a benediction to Voaris and Laethe in honor of the day.  Please join her near the small shrine on Pilsner Avenue."
[Tavern Burrow, Pilsner Avenue - 2387]
A small niche has been carved into an old stone wall fronting the street.  Dried flowers and small folded notes surround the opening.  A young woman kneels before the wall, a wedding bouquet in one hand.  The other presses against the wall so hard that its fingertips have whitened.
Also here: Jastalyn, Lady Siahel, Aenternoll, Draelor, Miss Lithyia, Wolfloner, Bakarus, Lady Aliashyrah who is invisible, Lord Randsford, Lord Sorlu, Hunter Perigourd, Roelon, Lady Opalina, Commodore Jaysehn, Mayor Talliver, Ellusine
Obvious paths: north, south

Lord Darphin just arrived.

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Roelon turns to face Talliver.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.

Roelon nods to Ellusine in greeting.

Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.

Jastalyn smiles.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Ellusine.

Asben joins Roelon's group.

Lithyia waves to Talliver.

Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "Evening, sir."

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

You smile.

Siahel put a boiled potato in her velvet cloak.

Ellusine quietly says, "A touching effort, this."

Asben offers Roelon a simple imflass compass lined with copper.

Ellusine nods.

With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Talliver with a short, courteous bow.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "Mayor."

Bakarus glances between Talliver and Ellusine.

Aliashyrah suddenly fades into view.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Mayor Dabbing."

Roelon shows a glass of vivid green absinthe his drake-shaped compass.

Jastalyn softly says, "Evening, Miss."

Darphin nods to Talliver in greeting.

Randsford nods to Talliver in greeting.

Bakarus clasps his hands in a reverent gesture.

Siahel put a dagger in her weapon harness.

Perigourd bows to Aliashyrah.

Talliver offers a half-bow.

Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.

Aliashyrah gestures.

Aliashyrah momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.

Randsford places an arm against his waist and courteously bows to Ellusine.

Roelon shows Asben his drake-shaped compass.

Talliver says, "Good evening, everyone."

Siahel removes a shadow black steel naginata from in her weapon harness.

Roelon nods.

Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Perigourd. She inclines her head as well, giving Perigourd a brief nod.

You wave to Talliver.

Opalina gazes with interest at a small niche.

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.

Sorlu nods to Ellusine in greeting.

Lithyia says, "Good to see you Talliver."

Lithyia says, "Been a bit."

Speaking to Roelon, Asben says, "I feel like you need many."

Lady Littlemelody just arrived.

Lady Littlemelody just went south.

Roelon removes a stained parchment scrap from in his black woolen kilt.

Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Roelon deeply says, "Before mah mind gets lost as wel."

Speaking politely to Talliver, Aliashyrah greets, "A blessed evening to you Mayor."

Roelon offers Talliver a stained parchment scrap.

Lady Littlemelody just arrived.

Bakarus gazes through the crystalline lens of his monocle, his eyes roving over every inch of Ellusine.

Lithyia says, "We gotta have a talk about taxes though TAlliver."

Talliver put a snow white parchment in his fraelhan coat.

Speaking to Ellusine, Aliashyrah says, "And to you as well."

Talliver accepts Roelon's parchment scrap.

Roelon deeply says, "This should be in hir hands."'

Smooth silky sandalwood smoke curls up from the cigar in Darphin's hand.

>look at ellusine

You see Ellusine Lighthollow.
She appears to be a Paradis Halfling.
She is short and stout.  She appears to be in the prime of life.  She has sharp dark eyes and freckled skin.  She has long, straight raven black hair bound up in a neat bun.  She has a hooked nose.  Several ink stains mar her fingers.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a pair of opalescent moonstone earrings caught in linked rings of silver, a sea green qiviut shawl stitched with concentric rings, a silver-buttoned dark teal riding dress with brocade flourishes at the hems, a twisted silver ring inlaid with a blue diamond star, and a pair of grey leather boots with mother-of-pearl buckles.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Lithyia says, "While i was away in Ubl my shop sold a lot."

Talliver frowns.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Darphin nods to Ellusine in greeting.

Lithyia says, "And there were a lot of taxes taken out."

Lithyia grumbles.

Talliver gazes with interest at the parchment scrap in his hand.

Littlemelody gives Asben a friendly hug.

Lithyia says, "I dont like taxes."

Lithyia snickers.

Talliver nods at Roelon.

Jastalyn rubs Lithyia gently.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

>look at talliver

You see Mayor Talliver Dabbings.
He appears to be a Paradis Halfling.
He is tallish and has a fighter's build.  He appears to be in the prime of life.  He has stern glacial blue eyes and weathered skin.  He has short-cropped, greying curly brown hair worn in a military cut.  He has a hard face and a sharp nose.  His wiry arms are corded with muscle.  He has more than a few scars.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a stained parchment scrap in his right hand.
He is wearing a knitted blue-grey wool cravat, an old silver locket, a combed cerulean fraelhan coat with carved dark ivory mule buttons, a collared white wool shirt, a forged silver signet ring, a curved hoarbeam scabbard set with a shining blue sapphire fang, a pair of combed cerulean fraelhan trousers, and a pair of cuffed chestnut leather boots.

Lithyia says, "I blame Sorlu."

Sorlu leans on his cane, taking a momentary rest.

Talliver put a stained parchment scrap in his fraelhan coat.

Lithyia says, "It's probably his fault."

Sorlu smirks at Lithyia.

Lithyia points at Sorlu.

Darphin gives Asben a firm handshake.

Wyrath just arrived.

A frigid helical miasma of wintry mist coalesces around your black alloy neckchain before condensing into hoary frost particulates that embrace its deep glacial facets.

Seneschal Dendum just moved quietly into the area, his group following closely.

Lithyia waves to Dendum.

A resplendent obsidian black raven glides into view.

Wyrath takes a drink from his aged dwarven whiskey.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:37 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Aenternoll slides his vultite dagger into the sheath inside his pyrothag hide gauntlets.

Dendum waves to Lithyia.

A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps with a sudden beating of his wings and turns to avoid a harrying swallow.

Jastalyn waves to Dendum.

Lithyia exclaims, "Hi Dendum! Good to see you!"

Bakarus whispers something to Aenternoll.

Speaking to Mnar, Dendum says, "Not pinefar."

Wyrath leans against a small niche.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "The last ah hae heard, this guest would be investigatin' beneath our town."

Mnar nods.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Mnar removes some ephlox moss from in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

Mnar takes a bite of his ephlox moss.

The bandages on Mnar's right arm come loose and he begins to bleed again.

Mnar's right arm looks better.

Roelon nods at Perigourd.

Lithyia says, "Gosh it really is good to see...most of you... well...some of you...since my return."

Lithyia snickers.

Aenternoll nods once.

Ellusine says, "She interviewed several priests at the temple last weekend, but no one I know has seen hide or hair of her since then."

Mnar says, "Sorry, getting blood everywhere."

Mnar put some ephlox moss in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

Jastalyn grins.

Mnar removes some ambrominas leaf from in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

Mnar takes a bite of his ambrominas leaf.

Mnar's right arm looks better.

Moving his left hand around idly, Darphin leaves a wavy line of smooth silky sandalwood scented smoke in the air.

With a subtle tilt of your head, your shadow-tinged finger taps lightly at your bottom lip as you lose yourself in thought.

Mnar takes a bite of his ambrominas leaf.

Mnar's left leg looks better.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Ellusine's direction.

Asben and Darphin shake hands.

Lady Siahel just went south.

Mnar put some ambrominas leaf in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

Lithyia asks, "She's... disappeared?"

Darphin rolls his gold-labeled cigar between his thumb and index finger for a moment before puffing contentedly, sending smooth silky sandalwood smoke into the air.

Mnar removes some calamia fruit from in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

Lithyia glances at Ellusine.

Mnar takes a bite of his calamia fruit.

Mnar's right arm looks better.

Mnar slowly empties his lungs.

Darphin exhales some smooth silky sandalwood scented smoke in a steady stream.

Asben put a simple imflass compass lined with copper in his rolaren scaled haversack.

Speaking quickly to Lithyia, Ellusine says, "I wouldn't go that far."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Sorlu absentmindedly taps his Nalfein-styled cane against his leg.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "As Roelon said, she intended to search Thurfel's Island last we spoke with her."

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Lithyia says, "Well... i would."

You deeply say, "Sounds like perhaps she found a lead."

Lithyia grins at Ellusine.

Aliashyrah whispers something to Sorlu.

Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.

Lithyia says, "Hope the monkies didnt get her."

Bakarus glances at Ellusine.

Perigourd says, "It could be she found something Thurfel left behind for wanderers in his home."

Wyrath turns his aged dwarven whiskey upside down, pouring the amber liquid all over the ground.

Perigourd nods grimly.

Lithyia quietly says, "Or all those weird glowing things."

Speaking to Ellusine, Talliver says, "Thank you for agreeing to do this."

Talliver says, "With so much darkness around..."

Leaning back, Darphin squints his eyes against the curtain of smoke the cigar is forming around him.

Bakarus glances around the area.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Ellusine nods at Talliver.

Wyrath glances at Talliver.

Bakarus asks, "Where?"

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Jastalyn smiles at Talliver.

Lithyia snickers at Bakarus.

Aenternoll moves over to Bakarus and stands ready to protect him from attack.

Ellusine gently says, "It is my pleasure."

Speaking reasonably to Bakarus, Aliashyrah says, "It is night currently."

Aliashyrah nods once at Bakarus.

Bakarus glances up.

Jaysehn cocks his head at Bakarus.

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Aliashyrah.

Darphin takes a long draw from his gold-labeled cigar.

Opalina gazes up into the sky.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

A holy aura radiates from Wyrath's ebon leather boots.

Darphin blows out a long stream of smooth silky sandalwood smoke. It forms a cloud that slowly wafts away.

Roelon nods at Randsford.

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

Lithyia grins at Dendum.

Lithyia whispers something to Wolfloner.

>look at nich

The niche appears to be a makeshift shrine to Laethe, the patron of young lovers.  Notes left at such a shrine traditionally contain prayers for the return of lost loves.

Ellusine Speaks

Ellusine gazes with interest at a small niche.

Thin threads of smoke trail from the smoldering end of Darphin's cigar.

Ellusine says, "Thank you all for coming."

Mnar scratches his nose.

Lithyia turns to face Ellusine.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Ellusine.

Jastalyn smiles.

Roelon shifts his weight.

Sorlu nods politely at Ellusine.

The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.

Mnar shrugs at Dendum.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:41 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Olgretien just arrived.

Lithyia waves to Olgretien.

The green and gold energy fades from around Mnar.

Perigourd turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.

Olgretien joins Roelon's group.

Jastalyn grins.

Jastalyn gives Olgretien a friendly hug.

Mnar's look of renewed cognition fades.

The barrier of thorns surrounding Mnar seems to thin slightly.

A faint silvery glow fades from around Perigourd.

Olgretien bows to Lithyia.

Olgretien gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.

Mnar glances between Talliver and Ellusine.

Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien exclaims, "Hail fenog's!"

Sorlu removes a loose thread near the bloodjewel on the front of his dark hematite overcoat and discards it with a flick of his fingers.

Jastalyn giggles.

Ellusine says, "On this day, the Day of Voaris and Laethe, we are reminded of the power of love."

Opalina's fingertips twitch ever so slightly, causing movement to erupt upon her byssine satchel. She glances down and locks eyes with the silver-scaled dragon patch stitched on the front, who looks away and disappears inside.

The beating sound of heavy wings fills the air as the tiny stitched creature returns and deposits a forest-painted pewter vasculum into Opalina's waiting hands. Seconds later, the creature is still and back in its usual position.

Lithyia whispers something to Perigourd.

Mnar glances at Dendum.

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

Randsford smiles.

Randsford nods approvingly at Ellusine.

Jastalyn smiles at Randsford.

Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass, which is set against his forehead, dims and then suddenly brightens again as silver sparks swirl within the gem.

The acorn amulet hanging from Perigourd's neck glows forest green.

Smooth silky sandalwood smoke curls up from the cigar in Darphin's hand.

Jastalyn reaches out and touches her Oleani pendant.

Lithyia smiles.

Darphin turns an inquisitive ear toward Ellusine.

Sorlu glances at Aliashyrah.

Ellusine says, "Icemule Trace has been through a great deal, and now sits at the heart of a newborn nation."

Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.

Mnar nods in agreement.

Ellusine gently traces her fingers over the small niche in the wall.

Jastalyn smiles at you.

You smile at Jastalyn.

Opalina carefully plucks a winter rose free of her pewter vasculum.

Wyrath glances at a small niche.

Opalina put a forest-painted pewter vasculum in her byssine satchel.

Perigourd nods slowly at Lithyia.

Lithyia nods at Perigourd.

Jastalyn smiles at Opalina.

A faint white aura flickers around Opalina.

Ellusine says, "But as Northwatch grows and becomes great, we must remember that, as in this niche, love flourishes in small places."

Hazy curls of smoke escape the tip of the cigar, forming a transparent curtain around Darphin.

Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Draelor breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some creamy amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.

Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.

Jastalyn grins.

Bathcwyn Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

Aliashyrah's spirits are no longer lifted.

The air stops shimmering around Aliashyrah.

Lithyia waves to Missoni.

Her hand lowered, Missoni gives a subtle wave.

Missoni smiles.

Olgretien faces Missoni and smartly brings his right fist up to his chest. Holding it there, he bows deeply.

Missoni performs a bow characteristic of those from Solhaven before Olgretien.

Bakarus whispers something to Missoni.

Jaysehn hesitates for a moment as his fingers slowly close upon his eclipse emblem. His eyes take on an empty stare, lost in his own internal thoughts. His visage is shattered a moment later by a small but perceptible flinch, blinking as his gaze takes in his surroundings once more.

Roelon's black leather duster shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.

Missoni smiles.

The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.

Darphin's face pales a half a dozen shades as he sucks on the stub of a cigar.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Pulling Missoni close to himself, Perigourd plants a quick, but gentle, smooch on her lips.

Reaching toward your shadowsilk sash, you place your right hand on the sacred warsword. You sweep the sacred warsword from the sash, inspect it, then quickly return it and angle it for a quick draw.

Darphin flicks his cigar sharply with his index finger, sending a wisp of glowing cinders flying through the air.

Darphin appears to lose some internal strength.

Darphin becomes unbalanced for a second, then recovers.

The misty halo fades from Darphin.

Darphin seems a bit less imposing.

Darphin returns to normal color.

The air about Darphin stops shimmering.

Darphin seems to lose some dexterity.

Darphin becomes solid again.

Darphin takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.

A series of ash grey lines suddenly appears on Darphin's face, quickly racing towards the center of his forehead before detaching and dissipating in the air.

The glowing specks of energy surrounding Darphin suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away.

Ellusine raises her voice, her gentle alto ringing out over the street. "Voaris, who is the patron of forbidden love, and Laethe, who watches over those with lost loves, hold this day most sacred."

Curls of cigar smoke linger about Darphin in a smooth silky sandalwood scented haze.

Talliver quietly touches his locket.

Jastalyn absently whistles a few notes.

Jastalyn skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

A sense of peace and calm settles over the area.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:45 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Jastalyn reaches out and touches her Oleani pendant.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Aliashyrah surreptitiously glances at Talliver.

Grand Lady Mystiq just arrived.

Mystiq moves to Darphin's side and they lace their fingers together.

Roelon reaches out and touches his wendigo totem.

Darphin kisses Mystiq for what seems like an eternity.

Opalina hangs her head.

Sorlu nods slowly at Aliashyrah.

Opalina sniffs at her winter rose.

Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Mystiq leans on Darphin, resting her head against his shoulder.

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Curls of cigar smoke linger about Darphin in a smooth silky sandalwood scented haze.

Ellusine's tone becomes less formal, more obviously impromptu, as she says, "In this time, when so much is uncertain, when enemies lurk in the shadows of the dusk, it is not might of arms that will keep us or those close to us safe."

A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.

Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Wolfloner's arm.

Lithyia smiles at Wolfloner.

Randsford nods slowly at Ellusine.

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Ellusine.

Ellusine says, "It is the love that we bear for one another, a love of community stronger than any wall, or any airship."

Lithyia nods at Ellusine.

Jastalyn smiles.

Missoni looks lost in thought.

Sorlu agrees with Ellusine.

Mystiq nods at Darphin.

Sorlu smiles.

You smile quietly to yourself.

Talliver shifts slightly, obviously not certain how to take the improvisation.

Jastalyn appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Darphin leans on Mystiq, resting his hand upon her shoulder.

Smooth silky sandalwood smoke curls up from the cigar in Darphin's hand.

Jastalyn whispers, "Uh oh."

Darphin's face pales a half a dozen shades as he sucks on the stub of a cigar.

Ellusine says, "But any love is built upon a foundation of truth."

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Ellusine.

The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.

Darphin snuffs his gold-labeled cigar.

Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.

Roelon nods once.

The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.

Perigourd nods in agreement.

Ellusine says, "And the truth is that love is not the only thing that can flourish in small places."

Perigourd appears less confident.

An ethereal image of a lion-maned Caligos eagle rises up from Dendum's ghezyte ring, taking flight around him before dissipating in a burst of jacinthe and viridian light.

Randsford nods grimly at Ellusine.

Meinheim's group just arrived.

Meinheim's group just went north.

Opalina closes her eyes for a moment.

Speaking to Talliver, Ellusine says, "Mayor Dabbings, the Abbey is compromised. Allies of the Dusk Coven have crept into the workings of our town."

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Jastalyn agrees with Ellusine.

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Sorlu frowns.

Mnar blinks.

Roelon glances at Talliver.

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out one ring of smoke before him briefly.

Lithyia turns to face Wolfloner.

Wolfloner nods at Ellusine.

Lithyia turns to face Ellusine.

Lithyia nods.

You agree with Ellusine.

Lithyia grins at Dendum.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:49 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Jaysehn leans forward.

Mnar folds his arms over his chest.

Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.

Ellusine says, "I believe they have grown like tumors in the lowest places and those nearest to the highest reaches of our government."

Bakarus blinks.

Ellusine turns to face Talliver.

Talliver frowns.

Olgretien raises an eyebrow.

The dog wanders over to Draelor and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Ellusine.

Roelon nods at Jastalyn.

A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps with a sudden beating of his wings and turns to avoid a harrying swallow.

Opalina adopts an agreeable expression.

Perigourd removes a tiny peahen automaton from in his suede cloak.

Perigourd turns the small key on the underside of his peahen automaton, releasing it as a series of small clicks causes the peahen to unfurl its gear-affixed tailfeathers. A loud, ear-piercing scream reverberates through its open beak, the tiny automaton screeching to a halt as it rests within Perigourd's palm.

Perigourd put a tiny peahen automaton in his suede cloak.

Missoni glances over at Perigourd and winces.

Speaking to Ellusine, Randsford says, "I think of them more as beings in the need of a place. And in that place is Rammael and those who would aid him and wish us arm."

Perigourd nods at Missoni.

Roelon nods at Randsford.

Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Olgretien asks, "Mebee some oil?"

Speaking to Ellusine, Talliver says, "Nearest to? If you're accusing me of being sympathetic to the Coven..."

Perigourd begins chuckling at Olgretien!

Lithyia glances between Talliver and Ellusine.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

A faint white aura flickers around Wyrath.

Roelon shifts his weight.

Ellusine shakes her head.

Perigourd nods at Olgretien.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Nobody said that, I had not even thought it."

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Speaking to Talliver, Ellusine says, "I believe you to be an honest man."

Randsford squints at Talliver.

Jastalyn agrees with Ellusine.

Wolfloner glances at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford asks, "So why jump to that conclusion...?"

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

Roelon glances at Randsford.

Ellusine says, "But honest men often think other men are honest, too."

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Jastalyn slowly empties her lungs.

Wolfloner nods at Ellusine.

Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.

Talliver frowns.

An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.

Lithyia adopts an agreeable expression.

Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Wyrath just left.

Speaking quietly to Ellusine, Talliver says, "I thought this was to be a benediction, if I am being honest."

Sorlu disappointedly asks, "Have the teachings of both Voaris and Laethe already reached their end?"

Randsford nods slowly at Talliver.

Jastalyn touches one finger to her lips.

Bakarus agrees with Sorlu.

Jastalyn softly says, "Let them speak."

Jaysehn says, "Sounds like they are just beginning."

Bakarus says, "I was hoping for a bit more as well."

Speaking to Sorlu, Aenternoll says, "Love is a simple concept."

Jaysehn nods approvingly.

Aenternoll shrugs.

Sorlu nods at Aenternoll.

Randsford nods in agreement at Aenternoll.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Speaking softly to Aenternoll, Jastalyn says, "That statement only proves you have no idea what love is."

Speaking to Aenternoll, Randsford says, "You either have felt it or you have not."

Speaking to Jastalyn, Randsford says, "The smallest part."

Speaking flatly to Jastalyn, Aenternoll says, "You have no idea."

Randsford nods slowly at Jastalyn.

Sorlu glances between Randsford and Jastalyn.

Strange Lights & Dark Demands

Tremors spread through the ground, and a strange energy suffuses the air.  The sounds of the nearby streets and whistling of the night wind grow oddly distant, as if the world is holding its breath.

Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Perigourd tilts his head up.

Perigourd waggles his fingers mystically at Missoni. How nice.

You stop guarding Jastalyn, move over to Ellusine, and prepare to protect her from attack.

Jastalyn absently whistles a few notes.

Jastalyn skillfully begins to weave another verse into her harmony.

Jastalyn begins singing and focuses her voice into a vortex of air shaped like an ethereal platinum scepter, centered on her right hand.

Quick as an arrow in flight, you snatch a glowing white sacred warsword from your sash and brandish it.

Randsford squints.

Mnar turns around.

Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "She speaks the truth Mayor. The Abby is compromised by the Dusk Coven."

Talliver frowns.

Lithyia reaches out and touches something in a low-slung wide glossy black leather belt.

As Mnar draws a slate grey madrinol bone greatbow, the air about its surface distorts.

Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Roelon equips a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline hanging from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.

With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Roelon slings a dark orase knight's shield with a balenite tiger umbo off from a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.

Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

Missoni furrows her brow.

Roelon squints.

Perigourd removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in his suede cloak.

Roelon pulls the voluminous tartan-lined hood of his black leather duster over his head, gaining coverage from the gelidity.

Jaysehn narrows his eyes.

Lithyia nods at Wolfloner.

Perigourd turns his green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into his waiting hand.

Perigourd places his dark emerald pill in his mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from his lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around him, wrapping him in protective magic!

Lithyia agrees with Wolfloner.

Talliver asks, "What is that?"

Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Lithyia just opened a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.

Perigourd put a rectangular green crystal bottle in his suede cloak.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:54 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Lithyia removes a rectangular green crystal bottle from in her pashmina wrap.

Jaysehn draws an ornate ebony eahnor cresset sword with a glowing firewheel-shard pommel from his ghostwood scabbard with a flash of holy white fire. A ripple of Liabo-hued light shimmers over the surface of the sword as a faint shriek vibrates through it.

Lithyia turns her green crystal bottle, opening its lid and shaking a faceted dark emerald pill into her waiting hand.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "It didn't seem good, whatever it was."

Ribbons of bluish-green light burn into existence and swirl around Aenternoll's hand before quickly forming into an etched fel-hafted waraxe.

Aenternoll slings a battered kakore tower shield set with eonake runes off from over his shoulder.

(Opalina leans against the wall for support.)

Lithyia places her dark emerald pill in her mouth, and it dissolves into a puff of emerald-hued smoke. A verdant mist seeps from her lips as a cloud of mana coalesces around her, wrapping her in protective magic!

Lithyia put a rectangular green crystal bottle in her pashmina wrap.

A low unsettling moan trails Missoni's surita staff as she draws it from her widowwood-bound sling. At her touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.

Lithyia just closed a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.

Randsford glances at Roelon.

Roelon deeply says, "Something dinnae likes the direction this is goin' it seems."

Missoni summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon herself a flurry of abjurations.

Lithyia draws a brushed invar cinquedea streaked with half-span fullers from her wide leather belt's sandy-colored scabbard.

Opalina quietly says, "That was disturbing."

Opalina joins Roelon's group.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Sorlu agrees with Roelon.

Missoni frowns.

Dendum inclines his ear, listening intently.

You deeply say, "I think the shadows do not approve of being revealed."

Perigourd tilts his head down.

Missoni snaps her fingers, and the dog moves to her side obediently.

Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "It is a warning."

Perigourd crouches low and leans forward, tilting his head sideways to place his ear against the ground. After a few moments of concentrated listening, he straightens up, gazing thoughtfully at his environs with a keen eye.

Lithyia agrees with Wolfloner.

Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

Lithyia says, "They cannot hide any longer."

Reaching over his shoulder, Draelor draws his ebon ruic long bow from a series of straps on the back of his doeskin harness.

Roelon nods at Jastalyn.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Olgretien asks, "Hear sumthin?"

Aenternoll's odd breathing patterns return to normal.

Aenternoll settles into the Stance of the Tortoise.

Lithyia darkly says, "They are exposed."

Speaking to Lithyia, Randsford says, "They haven't been hiding, not all of them."

Randsford chuckles.

Randsford glances at Sorlu.

Lithyia nods at Randsford.

Darphin asks, "If its a warning, do we cower to it?"

Speaking to Olgretien, Perigourd says, "Hard to say with so many feet moving about."

Jastalyn nods at Randsford.

Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "Good."

Perigourd grunts.

Lithyia nods at Draelor.

Olgretien nods at Perigourd.

Roelon deeply says, "They hide right in front of us. Of course."

Darphin drops a thin gold-labeled cigar.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Randsford's direction.

Randsford says, "I would hate to think anyone in this room had seen Rammael down there."

A sapphire-eyed pale golden margay paces restlessly in a vaguely anxious expression of hunger.

Dendum carefully inspects his jade panel bracelet.

Wolfloner drops a tumbler of rose-infused absinthe.

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Strange light, of a hue adjacent to blue yet not entirely a proper color in its own right, begins to bleed from the stones of the wall and the cobbles underfoot.  A tremor rolls through the surroundings once more.

Wolfloner taps his vruul skin gloves against his thigh in a steady, staccato beat.

Roelon nods at Randsford.

A sapphire-eyed pale golden margay takes up a position of watchful wariness in front of Mnar.

Roelon scrubs his hand over his long white hair in frustration.

Lithyia glances down.

You glance at a small niche.

Roelon deeply says, "Nae..."

Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.

Roelon glances at Randsford.

Roelon deeply says, "The vision..."

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

Ellusine reaches out and touches her silver ring.

Missoni rests a gentle hand on Perigourd's arm.

Jaysehn scowls darkly, angrily muttering a series of vowel heavy, indecipherable words.

You notice your companion Asben slip away into hiding.

Opalina suddenly loses her balance and stumbles a bit to the left before righting herself.

Roelon glances at Talliver.

Olgretien deeply says, "Somun dunt like love."

Dendum slips an asymmetrical yumi into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.

Perigourd removes a golvern daffodil pin with carved heliodor petals from in his suede cloak.

Perigourd raises his daffodil pin skyward!

Perigourd stands tall and appears more confident.

You recognize Mnar using the Symbol of Recognition.

Perigourd put a golvern daffodil pin with carved heliodor petals in his suede cloak.

With a swift shrug of his shoulder, Perigourd slings a dark faewood battle shield carved with an intricate doe trippant off from a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric.

Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.

Dendum removes some yew and moonstone prayerbeads from his neck.

Lithyia sneers.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "The blue fire..."

Ellusine hesitantly says, "This is no work of Voaris or Laethe."

In one blurring motion, Olgretien snatches a jet black mithril claidhmore from his sheath, brandishing it for all to see.

Bakarus smiles at Ellusine.

Lithyia grits her teeth.

Roelon glances at Jastalyn.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Speaking uneasily to Roelon, Talliver says, "I recall it well."

Dendum makes a nearly imperceptible motion while whispering a soft phrase...

Dendum gestures.

A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on Dendum.

Sorlu says, "Perhaps it is the work of our friendly investigator."

Mnar brings a hand up to his lips and forms a sign with his fingers as he whispers a quiet invocation.

Mnar gestures.

A knobby layer of bark swiftly forms on Mnar.

Jastalyn pulls Roelon closer to herself.

Sorlu glances down.

Wolfloner adjusts Lithyia's supple leather armor to cushion her movements.

Lithyia nods at Wolfloner.

Opalina blinks.

Mystiq groans.

Randsford glances between Talliver and Roelon.

Aliashyrah glances down.

Perigourd adjusts his golvern plate-and-mail, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.

Roelon deeply says, "Ashes...flame...death..."

Aliashyrah ponders.

Talliver's eyes dart around the area.

Randsford says, "One of many paths."

Roelon deeply says, "And the abbey...gone...."

Mnar turns around.

Mystiq glances at Talliver.

Wolfloner takes a moment to observe Talliver.

Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "You have a complicated future."

Randsford squints at Talliver.

Opalina tightens her grip on her winter rose.

In a pleading whisper to Imaera, Perigourd prays for magical guidance as he prepares his spell.

Perigourd gestures.

A brilliant aura surrounds Perigourd.

In a pleading whisper to Imaera, Perigourd prays for magical guidance as he prepares his spell.

Perigourd gestures.

A brilliant aura surrounds Perigourd.

A massive grey wolf saunters in.

Aliashyrah quietly says, "Blue fire."

Aliashyrah gazes with interest at her surroundings.

Mystiq says, "Don't we all."

A massive grey wolf eyes the Littlemelody disk curiously.

The dull golden nimbus fades from around Wolfloner.

The knobby layer of bark on Mnar creaks and twists briefly before disintegrating.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "Not all of us have had seers tell us such."

Opalina carefully places a winter rose on the ground.

Mnar says, "Such an ill-omened light."

Wolfloner summons a torrent of spiritual and elemental mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.

Randsford chuckles.

Opalina curtsies to a small niche.

Olgretien adjusts his steel half plate, improving its ability to support the weight of his gear.

Sorlu whispers something to Roelon.

Mystiq glances at Darphin and quirks an eyebrow in his direction.

The ground rumbles again and the seep of the light turns into a horrible flood, bathing the area in illumination tinged with a nameless, awful color.

Mnar squints.

Roelon's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers him.

Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.

Lithyia begins to twitch.

Sorlu squints.

Opalina buries her face in her hands.

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

Missoni blinks.

Roelon takes a few steps back.

Muted veins of metallic grey ripple beneath Jaysehn's skin.

Mystiq glances down.

Perigourd rubs his umber eyes.

Missoni rubs her viridian eyes.

You growl ferociously!

Perigourd tugs the edge of his suede hood down further over his face, shading his umber eyes.

Randsford reaches out and touches his Oleani pendant.

Olgretien surveys the area.

You glance down.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Dendum tugs on the leather-strapped warg fur hood of his buckskin jacket, allowing it to shadow his face.

Jaysehn brushes a finger along the edge of his grey leather longcoat and glowing silken tendrils briefly appear, extending outward as if trying to taste the sky. They then recoil back into the folds of his longcoat.

The muted grey veins beneath Jaysehn's skin withdraw, submerging out of sight.

Draelor frowns.

An icy gust of air blows in from Roelon's ebon leather gloves.

The black ora prayerbeads around Bakarus's neck is momentarily engulfed in a shroud of darkness!

Olgretien ponders.

Bakarus gazes up into the heavens.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 21:58 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Roelon whispers something to Sorlu.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Perigourd glances down.

Wolfloner adjusts his shadarl aketon to cushion his movements.

Olgretien nods at Opalina.

Sorlu nods slowly at Roelon.

A basso voice, low and rumbling, utters, "Such a gathering.  Boldly speaking of the power of love.  But there is no power like power itself."

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Bakarus whispers something to Aenternoll.

Lithyia sneers.

Randsford gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Lithyia glances at Wolfloner.

Randsford glances at Bakarus.

Roelon squints.

Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.

You sling a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield off from over your shoulder.

Missoni narrows her eyes.

Lithyia slowly empties her lungs.

Perigourd draws a damascened vethinye warsword from his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds fills the air for a moment. A ripple of honey amber light shimmers over the surface of the warsword as a faint huff vibrates through it.

Sorlu leans leisurely on his Nalfein-styled cane, a thoughtful expression upon his face.

Opalina quietly says, "Power comes in many forms.."

Mystiq arches a skeptical eyebrow as she takes in her surroundings.

Talliver removes a blued rolaren sword with a whalebone hilt from in his hoarbeam scabbard.

As Jaysehn draws a nacreous-bladed eonake longsword with a cloud-etched zorchar spine, luminescent slivers of electricity slither along the blade.

Mystiq inclines her ear, listening intently.

Roelon reaches out and touches his ebony symbol of Ronan.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Aenternoll whispers something to Bakarus.

Opalina shrugs nonchalantly.

With a flick of her wrist, Lithyia spins a brushed invar cinquedea streaked with half-span fullers around in the palm of her right hand! She deftly catches the cinquedea in a reverse grip and slides it into the sandy-colored scabbard on her wide leather belt.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

A holy aura radiates from your sacred warsword.

Lithyia draws a vultite Niima's-embrace engulfed around the hilt by nacre kraken tentacles from her wide leather belt's black leather scabbard.

Lithyia slings a battle-scarred blackened rolaren buckler off from over her shoulder.

Missoni releases an audible breath of air, something between a gasp and a sigh.

Missoni makes a complex gesture.

A dim celadon wisp flares briefly about each of Missoni's hands, trailing soft pulses of residual light as they move.

Wolfloner slings a zelnorn buckler off from over his shoulder.

Missoni rubs her glass nightshade.

A brilliant, rapidly shifting aura swirls around Missoni.

Talliver sharply says, "One of Rammael's tricks? It doesn't feel like his work."

Opalina's head suddenly jerks to the left.

Roelon shakes his head.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Our guests."

Mnar says, "Who is there? Reveal yourself."

Dendum reminds, "Rammael is not alone....this is known."

Licks of flame rise up from Jaysehn's eahnor cresset sword.

Lithyia nods at Dendum.

Speaking to Mystiq, Darphin says, "Seems my old cloak and robes may be fashonable again."

Ellusine mutters a soft prayer under her breath, her hands clasped so tightly that her knuckles show white.

Randsford says, "Those that have taken residence near the abbey would be my guess."

Opalina inclines her ear, listening intently.

Speaking deeply to Mnar, Roelon says, "We mae nae like what we see..."

A holy aura radiates from Mnar's madrinol bone greatbow.

Jaysehn moves to stand in front of Ellusine.

Jaysehn glances around the area.

Roelon slings his orase knight's shield over his shoulder and onto a tangled mass of oily fishing nets on the back of his alloy weapons bandolier.

Roelon hangs a perfect black dragon-guised waraxe inlaid with shadowy wraithline from one of the repurposed leather garter straps on his alloy weapons bandolier.

Roelon removes a gold-traced crystalline vial dangling a quartet of diamond moons from in his black fur jacket.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Mystiq arches a skeptical eyebrow as she takes in her surroundings.

Suddenly, the air around Opalina is drawn toward her plumille houppelande.

Roelon annoints the ground with some oil from his vial.

Wolfloner nods at Lithyia.

Jastalyn smiles at Roelon.

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.

A wave of power flows out of Perigourd toward his vethinye warsword.

A brilliant white light wraps around the warsword for a moment and then gently dissipates.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Lithyia grits her teeth.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Draelor summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.

Faint frosty white filaments spiral inward from the local surroundings and weave themselves around you.

Perigourd adjusts Missoni's lamellar corselet, improving its ability to support the weight of her gear.

Sorlu nods at Aliashyrah.

Mystiq twitches her elegant fingers ever so briefly.

Missoni nods appreciatively at Perigourd.

Olgretien picks idly at a jet black mithril claidhmore.

Perigourd says, "Power is an illusion."

Dendum says, "There may be a greater power than the Claw in that dark place."

Roelon replaces the stopper on his vial.

Speaking to Perigourd, Mystiq asks, "YOu sure about that?"

Roelon put a gold-traced crystalline vial dangling a quartet of diamond moons in his black fur jacket.

Speaking to Mystiq, Perigourd says, "Quite sure."

Darphin says, "The speaker can obviously hear us... we could just ask who is speaking and on whs behalf."

"The Orb.  You will surrender it, and the town will be spared," the voice rumbles.  It is simple in its intonation, the words slow.

Darphin shrugs.

Opalina blinks.

You raise an eyebrow, your lustrous onyx rings only enhancing your skeptical look.

Randsford squints.

Jastalyn raises an eyebrow.

Lithyia darkly says, "No."

Speaking to Perigourd, Mystiq says, "I do not think so but I guess we will see."

Randsford asks, "You wish something we do not have?"

Lithyia sneers.

Jastalyn shakes her head at Lithyia and clucks her tongue.

Roelon deeply says, "Ye will get nothing. Orb or otherwise."

Missoni glances skeptically around the area.

Olgretien begins chuckling at Randsford!

Randsford grins at Olgretien.

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Olgretien asks, "Right?"

Ellusine's fretful prayers are a gentle drone in counterpoint to the voice.

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

You peer quizzically at Talliver.

Lithyia whispers something to Jastalyn.

Jastalyn reaches out and touches her Oleani pendant.

Wyrath just arrived.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.

Randsford nods reassuringly at Ellusine.

Roelon quietly says, "Though if ye ask nicely, ah hae ah musty old kilt with yir name on it."

Perigourd says, "And who are you to request thus? We would at least like to know to whom we're speaking."

Roelon snickers.

The dog wanders over to Olgretien and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.

Olgretien deeply asks, "SO that leads us to believe the orb is real?"

Speaking to Ellusine, Randsford says, "Faith."

Olgretien ponders.

Randsford nods approvingly at Roelon.

Lithyia nods at Jastalyn.

Jastalyn nods at Lithyia.

(Mystiq glances about before taking her leave.)

Grand Lady Mystiq just went north.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:02 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Jastalyn glances north.

You quietly whisper to Jastalyn, "This is not good."

Jastalyn whispers, "Agreed."

Opalina quietly says, "Um.. I don't think anyone here has any orbs worth destorying a town over."

The dull golden nimbus fades from around Mnar.

The powerful look leaves Mnar.

Olgretien deeply says, "We aint even sure ther is an orb. Nor wut it is if do exist. Tell us and we might be able to help."

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Etheral muted metallic grey mist rises from the edges of Jaysehn's grey leather longcoat before dissipating into the air.

Randsford nods in agreement at Opalina.

A lazy wild deep crimson dog becomes solid again.

Opalina ponders.

Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.

The terrible light intensifies until it is nearly blinding, turning the surroundings into an unrelieved clash of harsh radiance and black shadows.  "You have seen what comes for you if the Orb is not surrendered."

Perigourd covers his eyes with his hands.

Lithyia sneers.

Jaysehn narrows his eyes.

Sorlu winces.

Ellusine's prayers grow more fervent, almost rising to meet the volume of the voice.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Missoni closes her eyes for a moment.

Bakarus takes a deep breath.

Randsford squints.

An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.

Draelor says, "Threats won't work."

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Opalina closes her eyes for a moment.

Randsford asks, "Must it always be this path?"

Randsford sighs.

Talliver squints against the harshness of the light.

Randsford glances at Talliver.

Speaking quietly to Roelon, Talliver says, "Do you think..."

Opalina quietly asks, "I hear a voice with no power of it's own to do it's own searching?"

(Aliashyrah lifts a hands to shield her eyes slightly but maintains a watchful and curious eye on the surrounding.)

Darphin asks, "I mean, a bit of light might brighten the dull snowy days around here, got smething a little less pleasant?"

Roelon frowns.

Roelon glances at Talliver.

Licks of flame rise up from your sacred warsword.

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Mnar narrows his eyes.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

"This is no threat.  It is a demand.  You will surrender it, or you will surrender to destruction," says the voice, toneless, joyless.

A pale white aura dances across Mnar's madrinol bone greatbow.

Perigourd grunts.

Grand Lady Mystiq just arrived.

Randsford says, "Then we choose destruction."

Missoni shakes her head, clucking her tongue.

Olgretien deeply exclaims, "You must know we aint got it!"

Mystiq moves to Darphin's side and they lace their fingers together.

Randsford shakes his head.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon asks, "Could this lead us down that path?"

(Myharl snarls) Ooh! That felt great!

Lithyia asks, "A demand from whom?"

Mnar says, "If you're powerful enough to destory us, surely you're powerful enough to claim the orb yourself."

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "If it is what we saw..."

Jastalyn pulls you closer.

Roelon looks over at Randsford and shakes his head.

Suddenly, the air around Opalina is drawn toward her plumille houppelande.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at Lithyia.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Bakarus begins to falter, then completely fades away.

Roelon deeply says, "But we canae give in either."

Opalina agrees with Mnar.

Randsford says, "So do what you must, we will do what we wish freely."

Lithyia exclaims, "Show yourself!"

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Wolfloner loses some awareness.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

Randsford says, "For this is a choice much as the one you are making."

Sorlu nods slightly.

Wolfloner searches around for a moment.

Dendum fiddles nervously with his woven basket, clearly uncomfortable with his current situation.

Ellusine lets out a shouted plea. The final syllable of her prayer hangs in the air as the horrid light extinguishes, leaving the street plunged into shadow.

A resplendent obsidian black raven soars high overhead.

Mnar blinks.

Lithyia blinks.

Aenternoll carefully secures his waraxe to his baldric. It rattles against the vultite dirk secured to it, and he carefully adjusts them.

Dendum says, "Ahh that is better."

Aenternoll slings a battered kakore tower shield set with eonake runes over his shoulder.

Lithyia turns to face Ellusine.

Sorlu rubs his frost blue eyes.

Jaysehn nods slowly.

Lithyia nods at Ellusine.

Missoni casually observes her surroundings.

You glance at Ellusine.

Mystiq blinks.

Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Mnar says, "Hm."

Aliashyrah rubs her jade green eyes.

The ground settles once more, and the noises of the surroundings crash back in like a tidal wave.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

A faint white aura flickers around Wyrath.

Bistre particles lift from the fungal growth on Dendum's fragmented staff and swirl in a vortex around him. The helical shroud winks with russet motes, slowly dissipating.

Draelor shakes his head.

Mnar nods slowly.

Missoni slowly empties her lungs.

Perigourd grunts.

You notice Mnar moving stealthily north.

Perigourd stows his vethinye warsword in his faewood scabbard with a flash of vibrant forest green radiance. A harmony of woodland scents and sounds lingers briefly in the air. A brief shimmer of honey amber light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled huff.

Perigourd slings his faewood battle shield over his shoulder and onto a series of straps on the back of his leather baldric. The green-gold web of protection surrounding Dendum falls away, unraveling as it fades.

Lithyia slowly empties her lungs.

Randsford glances at Roelon.

Ellusine lets out a ragged breath, her brow damp with sweat that is rapidly beginning to crystallize in the cold air.

Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Wolfloner takes a moment to observe Ellusine.

Lithyia slings a battle-scarred blackened rolaren buckler over her shoulder.

Lithyia slides a vultite Niima's-embrace engulfed around the hilt by nacre kraken tentacles into her belt's black leather scabbard.

Missoni gazes at her surita staff as she ponders some weighty notion.

Lithyia just opened a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

Lithyia removes a large white wicker basket from in her pashmina wrap.

Lithyia pours herself a tall glass of spring water.

Talliver's entire body tenses as he tightens his grip on his rolaren sword.

Jastalyn fiddles with her leather tea case before lifting the latch and flipping the cover open.

Lithyia offers Ellusine a tall glass of spring water.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:06 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Jastalyn removes a lacquered faewood basket embellished with the Twilight Hall crest from in her leather tea case.

Littlemelody chants softly, the words of the prayer indistinguishable, until her image is overlaid by the illusion of a young woman with azure eyes. Both fade and disappear from view, as the residual sound of hoofbeats tapers off.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Lithyia put a large white wicker basket in her pashmina wrap.

The Littlemelody disk goes off in search of its master.

Jastalyn closes her leather tea case and fiddles with the latch for a moment.

Lithyia just closed a soft knitted thorn-patterned cognac pashmina wrap.

Opalina quietly says, "Well that was one bright light.."

Jastalyn attaches a lacquered faewood basket embellished with the Twilight Hall crest to her belt.

Jaysehn stows his eahnor cresset sword in his ghostwood scabbard with a flash of holy white fire. A brief shimmer of Liabo-hued light erupts from inside the scabbard along with a muffled shriek.

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Jaysehn put a nacreous-bladed eonake longsword with a cloud-etched zorchar spine in his shagreen swordbelt.

Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Bakarus.

Talliver asks, "What in the world was that?"

Ellusine accepts Lithyia's spring water.

Lithyia nods at Ellusine.

Wolfloner nods at Opalina.

Ellusine takes a drink from her spring water.

Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "I am not certain this is a battle that can be won with a sword, Mayor."

Olgretien deeply asks, "Who was it?"

Ellusine nods gratefully at Lithyia.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Power.. destruction.. it sounded much like someone of Marlu."

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "The inevitable."

Speaking to Talliver, Aliashyrah says, "Shadows and light are hard to hit with metal."

Randsford nods grimly at Talliver.

Out of a swirling vortex appears a snowy white owl that heralds the surprising arrival of Littlemelody. A chalcedony-hilted silver dagger clatters at your feet before fading into invisibility.

Jastalyn softly asks, "Zerroth?"

Perigourd looks over at Jastalyn and shakes his head.

Jaysehn says, "Zerroth is not so ...measured."

Speaking to Jastalyn, Randsford says, "That would be the destruction."

Randsford chuckles.

Roelon tilts his head down.

Speaking to Jastalyn, Perigourd says, "He's V'tullian, and much more obvious in his intentions."

Missoni agrees with Jaysehn.

Jastalyn nods.

Olgretien nods once at Perigourd.

Speaking to Randsford, Sorlu agrees, "The inevitable."

Sorlu nods at Randsford.

Randsford nods in agreement at Sorlu.

Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "Zerroth was on the battlefield during the War. I don't remember any light like that."

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "All of this is a choice."

Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, you say, "I have heard Zerroth's voice, that's not him."

Jastalyn grins.

Jaysehn nods grimly at Mystiq.

Speaking faintly to Randsford, Talliver says, "A choice."

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward you.

Jaysehn nods grimly to you.

Bakarus whispers something to Aenternoll.

Randsford nods grimly at Talliver.

Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.

You nod at Jaysehn.

Roelon deeply says, "This is nothing ah hae seen before but once..."

Dendum reminds, "We do not know of all the leaders of the Coven.....only a few of the numbered...."

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Aenternoll whispers something to Bakarus.

(Lithyia glances around the room casting suspicious glances at some people.)

Draelor begins to breathe less deeply.

The dim aura fades from around Draelor.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Draelor begins to falter, then completely fades away.

Roelon deeply says, "And everything was gone..."

You stop protecting Ellusine, move over to Jastalyn, and prepare to protect her from attack.

Sorlu glances at Dendum.

Randsford glances at Sorlu.

Olgretien deeply says, "I'd say that at least is a perty good sign the orb is real."

Randsford stares at Bakarus.

Jastalyn smiles at you.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Speaking to Olgretien, Sorlu says, "It does seem that way."

Bakarus smiles at Randsford.

You smile at Jastalyn.

Speaking to Olgretien, Missoni says, "And still missing."

Aenternoll glances at Randsford.

Speaking faintly to Ellusine, Talliver says, "If prayers can do that, perhaps I've been remiss in not attending temple lately."

Olgretien deeply says, "Or at least one other shadowy type thinks so."

Ellusine lets out an uneasy laugh.

Randsford grins.

An icy gust of air blows in from Roelon's ebon leather gloves.

You carefully hang your warsword from your sash.

Ellusine fretfully says, "That wasn't me, though."

You sling a krodera-bound black alloy tower shield over your shoulder.

Speaking to Talliver, Jaysehn says, "Darkness is not the only power with patrons."

Lithyia agrees with Jaysehn.

Aenternoll just went north.

Ellusine says, "I could scarcely focus on my prayers. Half of what I was shouting was gibberish part-remembered from my days as a novice."

You gaze up into the sky and see stars sparkling in the darkness... Five dark red stars twinkle brightly overhead, defining the edges of an immense crimson hourglass shining brilliantly in the sky. The center star of the constellation is a vivid scarlet, the tiny rays of light emanating from its core resembling shattered shards of glass.

Wolfloner slings a zelnorn buckler over his shoulder.

Speaking to Ellusine, Randsford says, "You did beautifully."

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Randsford nods approvingly at Ellusine.

Lithyia agrees with Randsford.

Ellusine says, "I think that something--someone?--else intervened."

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Talliver frowns at Ellusine.

Randsford glances at Ellusine.

Jastalyn raises an eyebrow.

Lithyia glances at a small niche.

Dendum gazes up into the heavens.

'Speaking deeply to Ellusine, Roelon says, "Ah hope ...."

Lithyia reaches inside one of the containers hanging from her iron grey bandolier and grabs an Elanthian snow rose.

Talliver asks, "What do you mean?"

Wolfloner loses some awareness.

Wolfloner makes a quick gesture while calling upon the powers of the elements...

Wolfloner gestures.

Wolfloner appears to be keenly aware of his surroundings.

(Lithyia places the rose at the base of the niche.)

Lithyia drops an Elanthian snow rose.

Sorlu reaches into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat, tugging lightly at the thin silver chain attached to the garment before briefly revealing the detailed jade Ivas cameo attached to the end. He glances at it for only a moment before returning it to its fabric confines.

Olgretien deeply says, "Mebee Laethe was annoyed her shrine was bein botherd."

Lithyia reaches out and touches a small niche.

Tares just arrived.

Tares just went south.

Speaking to Ellusine, Perigourd asks, "White armor?"

Perigourd cocks his head at Ellusine.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:10 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Ellusine regretfully says, "Acts of great magic require great intention and a still mind. I had neither."

Jastalyn smiles at Perigourd.

Draelor ponders.

A massive grey wolf suddenly bounds across the area, enjoying his freedom with long lazy lopes.

Ellusine says, "Whatever banished the being from this place... it wasn't me, or any work of my own faith."

Talliver glances at a small niche.

A frigid helical miasma of wintry mist coalesces around your black alloy neckchain before condensing into hoary frost particulates that embrace its deep glacial facets.

Jastalyn reaches out and touches her Oleani pendant.

Olgretien nods at Talliver.

Wolfloner touches one finger to his lips.

Olgretien deeply says, "Laethe was unhappy."

Roelon reaches out and touches his ebony symbol of Ronan.

Randsford says, "Whatever it was, greatful to have it on our side."

A faint white aura flickers around Wyrath.

The dim aura fades from around Missoni.

Missoni begins to breathe less deeply.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Missoni begins to falter, then completely fades away.

Randsford nods slowly.

Talliver says, "Perhaps your benediction drew a friendly ear."

Talliver nods at Randsford.

Sorlu absentmindedly taps his Nalfein-styled cane against his leg.

Jastalyn nods at Roelon.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Talliver says, "Or perhaps we have an ally as deft as the Coven has been."

Randsford glances at Lithyia.

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin says, "Having the same goal is a far cry from meaning friendly."

Wolfloner turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Lithyia quietly says, "Perhaps... RAnds..."

Speaking to Lithyia, Randsford says, "We are here to celebrate you know, and you did just return..."

Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Talliver.

Randsford grins at Lithyia.

Lithyia smiles.

Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.

Dendum says, "This ally is better at concealing itself than the Coven then...."

Lithyia glances down.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

The dully illuminated mantle protecting Sorlu begins to falter, then completely fades away.

Sorlu begins to breathe less deeply.

The powerful look leaves Sorlu.

The dim aura fades from around Sorlu.

Lithyia quietly says, "I wonder what I have stepped back in to...."

Lithyia says, "But i will not abandon this place."

Roelon deeply says, "As Rands hae always tried to remind me of. Faith."

Speaking deeply to Darphin, you say, "Allies come in many forms."

Roelon nods at Randsford.

Perigourd nods in agreement at Jaysehn.

Lithyia says, "Nor its people."

Randsford grins at Lithyia.

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum intones, "Light and Darkness."

Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "A mess, mostly."

Lithyia nods at Dendum.

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Deep blue motes swirl away from Perigourd and fade.

The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.

Darphin agrees with you.

Randsford says, "When it comes down to it, it is all we have. At least I would hope so, better than nobody."

Randsford nods slowly at Lithyia.

Lithyia asks, "What did you all do while i was away?"

Lithyia shakes her head.

Lithyia snickers.

Ellusine takes another drink of her spring water, her hand shaking.

Jaysehn nods at Perigourd.

Opalina slowly empties her lungs.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Jastalyn gently rests her hand on Opalina's shoulder.

Jastalyn smiles at Opalina.

A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.

Olgretien deeply says, "I wonder if this voice has spoke wit Prinn as well."

Opalina smiles at Jastalyn.

Lithyia quietly says, "Cant even leave for ten days without this place falling apart...."


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:15 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Lithyia.

Speaking to Olgretien, Perigourd says, "She doesn't seem to know who employs her. It may very well be this voice."

Ellusine soberly says, "Forgive me. I am no condition to lead a benediction."

Lithyia says, "Prinn... we need to find her."

Lithyia nods at Ellusine.

You deeply say, "It sounds as if *someone* has found the orb."

You shift your weight.

Olgretien nods at Perigourd.

Missoni nods sympathetically at Ellusine.

Ellusine hurries off, looking haunted.

You gaze in wonder at your surroundings.

Roelon frowns.

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Wolfloner loses some awareness.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Talliver glances east.

Lithyia says, "Poor Ellusine..."

Talliver glances north.

Lithyia says, "Never thought I'd say that."

Opalina agrees with Jastalyn.

Roelon adopts an agreeable expression.

Talliver says, "...I'll send someone to check on her."

Perigourd gazes north.

Lithyia says, "Things change."

Lithyia nods.

Roelon deeply says, "Please."

Suddenly, the air around Opalina is drawn toward her plumille houppelande.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

Randsford nods appreciatively at Talliver.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "I think you've some thinking to do as well."

Mystiq flashes an evil grin. The tips of her razor-sharp fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath her upper lip.

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "Interesting timeing for a light show... i believe she was saying smething about corruption?"

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Its time we face whatever this is head on."

The acorn amulet hanging from Perigourd's neck suddenly flares a bright shade of green.

Wyrath raises his clenched fist above his head, causing crackling arcs of diffuse golden energy to streak forth from either end of his leather glove. The energy quickly stabilizes, forming a diffuse golden bow centered on his left hand.

Talliver says, "She's usually so very confident. Seeing her shaken is... disconcerting."

Sorlu agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Randsford, Bakarus says, "I worry for the townsfolk."

Bakarus nods at Randsford.

Randsford nods in agreement at Bakarus.

Sorlu nods at Bakarus.

Talliver put a blued rolaren sword with a whalebone hilt in his hoarbeam scabbard.

The dog wanders over to Mystiq and sniffs at her suspiciously for a moment.

Speaking softly to Bakarus, Jastalyn says, "We're good."

Lithyia grins.

Bakarus grins wryly at Jaysehn.

Roelon deeply says, "What ah hae seen tonight ...has shaken me as well...."

Speaking quietly to a small niche, Talliver says, "I think, though, that her benediction would have been a good one."

Roelon glances at Randsford.

You lean softly against Jastalyn, stirring the scent of ripe pears, golden champagne, white tea, and clover honey around her.

Jaysehn cocks his head at Bakarus.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

Speaking to a lazy wild deep crimson dog, Mystiq says, "No."

Roelon deeply says, "To see us on ah similar path to ...."

Roelon shakes his head.

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "She was speaking about the corruption in the Abbey when the voice interrupted her, and the noise."

Roelon deeply says, "But .."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Lithyia says, "Yes...the Abbey...."

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Roelon says, "We kin still change what is to come."

The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.

Talliver says, "I'm not blind. I know that the Coven has lured some of our citizens."

Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "The newest members even in our midst, unashamed of their choices."

Lithyia says, "And is reading our mail."

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

Sorlu offers, "Perhaps another might offer up some words of wisom related to Voaris and Laethe? It is a special day, after all."

Sorlu smiles.

Talliver resignedly says, "It's not a crime to be tempted by the Coven's promises."

Sorlu casually glances around the area.

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Lithyia glances at Sorlu.

You notice Mnar moving stealthily into the area.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, you say, "I visited the Abbey last week. I can assure you it is corrupted."

Randsford folds his arms over his chest.

Mystiq glances around the area.

Perigourd glances appraisingly at Talliver.

Talliver leans against the wall, looking weary.

Missoni frowns.

Wolfloner nods to you.

You nod at Wolfloner.

A sapphire-eyed pale golden margay lashes her tail gently, gazing hungrily at Darphin.

Speaking to Sorlu, Mystiq says, "SUrely everyone wants to hear."

A few withered tendrils of tendrils fall away from Mnar.

Sorlu nods at Mystiq.

Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum remarks, ""The Abbey has fallen before....and is part of Northwatch....the north knows that such corruption is no small thing."

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Olgretien says, "It oft lead sto unsavry deeds tho."

> time

Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:19 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Wolfloner nods at Lithyia.

Lithyia says, "Talliver..."

Lithyia says, "That letter we sent to you."

Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Talliver.

Lithyia says, "It was twice sealed."

Sorlu says, "If the Abbey is in danger, I imagine the good Mother Superior would requst our aid."

Lithyia says, "And yet it before it was received by you."

Talliver nods at Lithyia.

Lithyia says, "It was my own seal."

Pale red light ripples over Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Lithyia.

Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.

The feeling fades as quickly as it came.

Seven phantom tentacles sprout from the base of Aliashyrah's spine, wrapping her in a binding embrace.

Aliashyrah gestures.

Aliashyrah momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.

Draelor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

A swirling cloud of shadow forms around Mystiq's right hand as she prepares a spell...

Mystiq gestures.

Mystiq momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.

Draelor gestures.

Draelor momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Lithyia glances at Sorlu.

Sorlu smiles at Lithyia.

Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.

Randsford says, "They never agreed if they were joining Northwatch or not."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Randsford squints.

Falvicar nods in greeting at Talliver.

Randsford says, "Good a time as any to find out I suppose."

Roelon nods at Randsford.

The Mayor Speaks - Amnesty & High Crimes

Talliver says, "We need to act, and soon."

You agree with Talliver.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Bakarus adopts an agreeable expression.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

A resplendent obsidian black raven glides slowly through the air, an occasional beat of his wings maintaining his momentum.

Talliver says, "I would hate for one of this nation's first acts to be an inquisition. That's simply not who we are."

The air stirs around Opalina for a moment.

Randsford says, "A delegation may be in order for whatever the Abbey truly is."

Randsford chuckles.

Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "Constance the prioress is an agent of the Dusk Coven."

Roelon glances at Falvicar.

Roelon nods at Falvicar.

You agree with Wolfloner.

Speaking to Talliver, Darphin asks, "Act how and towards what? the orb? the abbey?"

Jastalyn agrees with Wolfloner.

Falvicar tilts his head toward Roelon, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.

Lithyia nods at Wolfloner.

Talliver says, "But we must do something about these Dusk Coven infiltrators, whoever they may be."

Sorlu agrees, "We must do all we can to find this Orb, certainly. And to make sure it is properly protected."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Falvicar agrees with Talliver.

A massive grey wolf breathes in deeply and then lets out his breath in a heavy whuff of air.

Mnar says, "This nation might not last long if it doesn't act forcefully."

The dog wanders over to Sorlu and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.

Bakarus summons a torrent of spiritual mana and releases upon himself a flurry of abjurations.

Sorlu glances skeptically at a lazy wild deep crimson dog.

Bakarus chants to himself, his voice lowering into an almost silent hiss. As he bows his head, his emerald green eyes narrow briefly into slits as a pattern of scales skims across his skin, fading into normalcy with a series of rapid blinking...

Bakarus gestures.

Bakarus appears more secure.

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford says, "We go for the theat, the orb will do what it wishes."

Missoni snaps her fingers, and the dog moves to her side obediently.

Suddenly, the air around Mnar is drawn toward his madrinol bone greatbow.

Erratic fibers of diffuse golden essence dance their way up and down the insubstantial form of Wyrath's bow.

The emerald sprite flying above Dendum's shoulder dives forward as it follows a helical path.

Randsford says, "They can start by giving us Rammel."

Speaking quietly to Talliver, Opalina says, "What do you suggest sir."

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Speaking to Darphin, Talliver says, "This is not just a fight over... whatever it is that the Coven wants."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Speaking to Mnar, Sorlu says, "I have often thought the same myself."

Sorlu nods at Mnar.

Falvicar nods slowly at Roelon.

Talliver says, "We must fight for hearts and minds."

Falvicar nods at Talliver.

Randsford nods in agreement at Talliver.

Olgretien just left.

Olgretien just arrived.

Olgretien joins Roelon's group.

A massive grey wolf's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.

Lithyia says, "There are some who you will never win over."

Lithyia says, "We must accept that."

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Olgretien frowns.

Speaking to Randsford, Mystiq asks, "Do you honestly know what the threat is or who?"

Randsford looks over at Mystiq and shakes his head.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd asks, "One might ask how you intend to win the minds of those in the Coven without promising them what Rammael has promised them?"

A gust of wind drags a luminous stream of russet spores off the fungus-streaked wood of Dendum's staff.

Perigourd says, "Or better."

Missoni looks thoughtfully at Perigourd.

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "No, I think whatever it is it is desparate."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Roelon deeply asks, "Kin they truely trust what Rammael offers?"

Roelon scoffs.

A faint white aura flickers around Wyrath.

> time

Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:23 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Talliver says, "I will be drafting an offer of amnesty for any affiliates of the Dusk Coven who wish to announce and publicly renounce the Coven."

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd says, "Doubtful, but that doesn't mean they won't."

Speaking to Randsford, Mystiq asks, "So we do not know but that is who we go for first? NOt the thing they seek?"

Perigourd nods at Roelon.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Jaysehn raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.

Jaysehn asks, "....why?"

Draelor says, "If they're foolish enough to join I'm sure they'll believe anything."

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Talliver says, "Because of what will be coming next."

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "The stories of Prinn are clear, it appears when it is needed."

Jaysehn shrugs.

Lithyia says, "If you are going to do that, the window to do so should be very brief."

Lithyia glances at Talliver.

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Talliver.

Jaysehn says, "I can call myself Emperor. Doesn't make it so."

Lithyia says, "Dont let them think on that too long..."

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "You cannot chase what you need. That is a dangerous path."

Speaking deeply to Jaysehn, you say, "A last chance."

Sorlu absentmindedly taps his Nalfein-styled cane against his leg.

Talliver says, "Northwatch needs to protect itself from the Coven, inside and out."

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Jastalyn agrees with Talliver.

Roelon deeply says, "Indeed."

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Missoni's head cants to the side as she stares thoughtfully into the distance. Two thin fingertips unconsciously rub against her collarbone, her touch furrowing her richly toned, olive brown skin.

Roelon nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Randsford, Mystiq says, "Nothing that no one has ever seen before can be so crystal clear."

The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.

Randsford grins at Mystiq.

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "We know there is an entrance in the Abbey, it is a start."

Speaking to Talliver, Dendum remarks, ""Something or someone has prepared many paths to their hidden city in the north....."

Randsford says, "There are those here who kno what is on the other side."

Randsford squints.

Talliver says, "I will speak to our friends across Northwatch. I believe we must make it a high crime to support the Coven."

A small forest green will-o'-wisp mischievously flits out from inside Perigourd's acorn amulet, hovering around his empty right hand and retreats back inside the amulet.

Speaking to Randsford, Mystiq asks, "Ok yes?"

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Speaking to Talliver, Falvicar asks, "My pardons, Mayor. But... do we even have a way to get into that place?"

Jastalyn agrees with Talliver.

Opalina whispers something to Jastalyn.

Lithyia agrees with Talliver.

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "Then speak of what you know."

Roelon nods once at Talliver.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Talliver.

Jastalyn smiles at Opalina.

You nod knowingly.

Jastalyn nods at Opalina.

Speaking to Falvicar, Talliver says, "The White Wyrm."

Dendum nods once.

Falvicar nods slowly.

A Ring & The Accusation

Talliver says, "We simply need to find where these Coven members are going in the cover of darkness."

A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.

Wyrath's bow pulses irregularly with soft diffuse golden light.

Jastalyn softly says, "Sorlu can tell you."

Missoni glances south.

Suddenly, the air around Opalina is drawn toward her plumille houppelande.

Falvicar ponders.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Jastalyn's direction.

Dendum says, "This will be difficult if they are using magic paths to transport goods...."

Talliver frowns at Sorlu.

Lithyia smirks.

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver asks, "What does she mean?"

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Speaking to himself, Darphin scoffs, "Unity."

Randsford chuckles.

Lithyia glances between Talliver and Sorlu.

Jastalyn softly says, "The ring that he wears."

Randsford raises an eyebrow in Darphin's direction.

Speaking softly to Randsford, Mystiq says, "Why I know not a thing that any of you would be willing to listen to."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "It is her typical accusations...there is nothing to back her hollow words."

Falvicar nods in agreement at Jastalyn.

Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver asks, "What of it?"

Randsford squints at Mystiq.

(Lithyia glances at the rings on Sorlu's fingers.)

Lithyia glances at Sorlu.

Speaking to Mystiq, Randsford says, "Odd have been this whole time."

Speaking to Jastalyn, Sorlu says, "Yes, the ring you have also worn."

Sorlu nods at Jastalyn.

Randsford shrugs at Mystiq.

Mystiq nods slowly at Randsford.

Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "It is the gift of becoming a part of the Dusk Coven and a travel device to their city."

Mystiq says, "Very odd."

Speaking to Jastalyn, Sorlu asks, "The gnome I hired to craft this copy did excellent work, no?"

Perigourd nods at Jastalyn.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:27 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Wyrath's diffuse golden bow pulses softly.

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Jastalyn.

Draelor shakes his head.

Crackling bands of diffuse golden energy flow down the limbs of Wyrath's diffuse golden bow as they recede into the confines of his leather glove.

Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Speaking softly to Sorlu, Jastalyn says, "Funny thing, I have never worn the ring we found in that shallow grave."

The swirling breeze around Mnar finally settles.

The green-gold web of protection surrounding a sapphire-eyed pale golden margay falls away, unraveling as it fades.

The green-gold web of protection surrounding Mnar falls away, unraveling as it fades.

A holy aura radiates from Mnar's madrinol bone greatbow.

Talliver says, "It does bear a striking resemblance to the one you had. I thought it was the same bauble."

Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Jastalyn nods at Talliver.

Speaking to Jastalyn, Aliashyrah says, "Not technically true."

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford asks, "And where is this gnome?"

Speaking to Jastalyn, Sorlu says, "A pity. It is a beautiful thing. It is wasted in your pocket then."

Sorlu nods at Jastalyn.

Randsford raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "The Prioress has one similar as well."

Jastalyn softly says, "It's very close but not identical."

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out one ring of smoke before him briefly.

Jastalyn just opened a lightweight knitted music note-patterned jet black silk carryall.

Jastalyn removes a black eahnor signet from in her silk carryall.

Jastalyn offers Talliver a black eahnor signet.

Speaking to Sorlu, Randsford asks, "Friend of the slaver that helped last time?"

Talliver accepts Jastalyn's eahnor signet.

Roelon shifts his weight.

Randsford squints at Sorlu.

The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.

Speaking to Perigourd, Sorlu says, "Councillor Jastalyn is quite popular. A true icon in the world of fashion and style."

Sorlu nods at Perigourd.

Draelor says, "Appears the same as the one the Prioress wears as well when she offers to help those pleding."

Talliver says, "Very similar."

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Ellerel may be able to trace it back to where the Coven goes."

Talliver glances at Sorlu.

Dendum says, "We should recover the heart and mind of the prioress before she does more damage....."

Dendum nods sagely.

Draelor agrees with Dendum.

With a subtle tilt of your head, your shadow-tinged finger taps lightly at your bottom lip as you lose yourself in thought.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Talliver offers Jastalyn a black eahnor signet.

Randsford nods in agreement at Dendum.

Jastalyn accepts Talliver's eahnor signet.

Lithyia says, "She really ought to be removed from her post immediately."

You recognize Falvicar using the Symbol of Recognition.

Sorlu smiles.

Lithyia nods at Dendum.

Jastalyn put a black eahnor signet in her silk carryall.

Jastalyn just closed a lightweight knitted music note-patterned jet black silk carryall.

Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "It is not certain Sablecross is within the borders of Northwatch."

A holy aura radiates from Wyrath's ebon leather boots.

Talliver flatly says, "Sorlu."

The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.

Sorlu raises an eyebrow in Talliver's direction.

Speaking to Lithyia, Aliashyrah says, "Icemule has not authority in the Abbey beyond what the Mother Superior offers."

Roelon takes a moment to observe Sorlu.

Sorlu asks, "Yes, Mayor Dabbings?"

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "I'm not the sort to take accusations without evidence."

Sorlu nods in agreement.

A faint white aura flickers around Falvicar.

Randsford nods slowly at Aliashyrah.

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "But if you have been tempted by Rammael, or the Coven at large..."

Talliver turns back toward the crowd.

Mnar glances at Sorlu.

Talliver says, "If any of you have been tempted."

Sorlu frowns.

Randsford nods in agreement at Talliver.

Roelon surveys the area.

(Lithyia holds her hands out towards Talliver.)

Randsford says, "Bring him, we start there."

Lithyia says, "Not I."

Lithyia says, "Never."

Jaysehn says, "Sorlu is a hero of Icemule. Just ask him. He has the list of his good works memorized."

The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.

Jaysehn folds his arms over his chest.

Opalina turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Sorlu smiles at Jaysehn.

Talliver says, "I offer you one month to forsake the road to damnation."

Roelon grins.

Perigourd nods grimly.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Sorlu says, "Ah, you know of my many deeds performed for this town then."

Lithyia says, "Talliver..."

Wyrath scoffs.

Mnar mumbles, "Generous."

Randsford nods slowly at Talliver.

Lithyia says, "One month is an awful long time for them to do more harm."

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Talliver.

Wyrath chuckles.

Talliver says, "Afterward, Northwatch's wrath will not be stayed, even by bonds of friendship."

Speaking to Sorlu, Jaysehn says, "You have been front and center with every conflict of the last year. Bravo."

Jastalyn inclines her head.

The dog wanders over to you and sniffs at you suspiciously for a moment.

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out three rings of smoke before him briefly.

Jastalyn nods.

Speaking to Lithyia, Randsford says, "That is their choice."

Missoni nods slightly at Perigourd.

Randsford grins at Lithyia.

Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "Hopefully they're as inept at doing damage as they are hiding in plain sight."

An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.

Lithyia grins at Draelor.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Sorlu says, "Indeed. As a good Councillor of this town, it is my responsibility to intervene as I may."

Roelon deeply says, "Eyes will be more watchful now however, should such harm be attempted."

Sorlu nods at Jaysehn.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:31 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Speaking to Jaysehn, Sorlu says, "For the protection of all the North."

Lithyia nods at Roelon.

Lithyia says, "They certainly will."

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Lithyia nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Lithyia, Talliver says, "I will not wait on investigating Clovertooth Hall and our other governmental systems."

Jaysehn smirks.

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "That.. is the Mayor's job, with all due respect."

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

Jastalyn nods at Talliver.

A holy aura radiates from Opalina's plumille houppelande.

Randsford squints at Talliver.

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

You nod slowly.

Lithyia says, "We need to find who is intercepting the mail."

Arabesques of pale grey twine deep within the heart of Roelon's sliver of grey shadowglass.

Speaking to Talliver, Randsford says, "Let us worry about that when we get there."

Randsford nods reassuringly at Talliver.

Speaking to Falvicar, Sorlu says, "One might argue it is the job of every able bodied individual of the North."

Talliver says, "What others worship is not my business, but one cannot hold loyalty to both the governance of this town and to the Coven."

Lithyia agrees with Talliver.

Jastalyn agrees with Talliver.

Sorlu nods slowly at Talliver.

Mnar's form is distorted for a moment.

The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.

You adopt an agreeable expression.

Mnar put a slate grey madrinol bone greatbow in his Dhe'nari scout cloak.

The forest green corona surrounding Perigourd's acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.

Speaking to Sorlu, Mnar says, "Seems you have a choice to make."

Steamich just arrived.

Steamich just went north.

Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "For now, I must assume that the Councillor's fashion sense and no ill will informs his choice of jewelry."

Speaking to Jastalyn, Talliver says, "But if you find evidence..."

Opalina quietly says, "And to be clear.. This degree is only toward the Dusk Coven. Not all those who follow Lornon or are Neutral in their focus."

Speaking softly to Talliver, Jastalyn says, "Of course."

Dendum remarks, ""The other nations may have similar views of the Coven after the actions of the last year."

Speaking to Sorlu, Falvicar says, "Remember that well when I go after the Coven."

Speaking to Opalina, Talliver says, "Correct."

Speaking to Mnar, Sorlu says, "That choice was made long ago. For years now, my heart has belonged to Icemule. Just ask Voaris and Laethe."

Opalina nods.

You agree with Opalina.

Sorlu flashes a quick grin at Mnar.

Jaysehn nods once at Dendum.

Randsford glances at Falvicar.

Speaking to Falvicar, Randsford says, "There is a better way, a different way."

With a subtle tilt of her head, Mystiq's elegant finger taps lightly on her bottom lip as she becomes lost in thought.

Randsford nods slowly at Falvicar.

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "I think you've suffered enough public attention this evening, but I will only say this in closing."

Speaking to Randsford, Falvicar says, "Ronan's way."

Falvicar nods firmly.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Talliver.

Randsford chuckles.

A massive grey wolf breathes in deeply and then lets out his breath in a heavy whuff of air.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Jaysehn nods understandingly at Perigourd.

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "If there's even a single fiber of your heart that is pledged to the Coven..."

Speaking to Falvicar, Randsford says, "I perfer the many dreams not the long one for them."

Randsford grins at Falvicar.

A pale white aura dances across Wyrath's ebon leather boots.

Speaking urgently to Sorlu, Talliver says, "Please, my friend, cut that treacherous string."

Mystiq glances at Talliver.

A silvery tartan-furred dormouse suddenly peeks its head out from Roelon's black leather duster, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.

Sorlu gazes in wonder at Talliver.

Lithyia just opened a lacquered art supply case.

Speaking to Sorlu, Talliver says, "I will put no more upon you this night."

Lithyia removes a decorative iridescent ivory origami guillotine from in her art supply case.

Tavauxraeth just arrived.

Tavauxraeth just went north.

Lithyia offers Sorlu a decorative iridescent ivory origami guillotine.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Did I not make a promise to you, Mayor Dabbings? I will honor it, have no doubt."

Lithyia says, "It is time i pass this on I think."

Sorlu accepts Lithyia's origami guillotine.

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Lithyia.

Lithyia just closed a lacquered art supply case.

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Perigourd begins chuckling at Lithyia!

Lithyia says, "It was earned at my interrogation."

A faint white aura flickers around Falvicar.

Lithyia says, "Take it as a warning."

Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu says, "I will keep it next to my noose."

Speaking to Lithyia, Perigourd says, "A bit on the nose."

Lithyia nods at Sorlu.

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Talliver reaches up and pats Sorlu on the shoulder.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Randsford squints at Lithyia.


Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:35 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Talliver slowly empties his lungs.

Wyrath nods at Mnar.

Lithyia says, "Some things are meant to be."

Lithyia shrugs.

Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.

Roelon nods at Lithyia.

Bistre particles lift from the fungal growth on Dendum's fragmented staff and swirl in a vortex around him. The helical shroud winks with russet motes, slowly dissipating.

Talliver touches his locket, then touches the niche again.

You glance at a small niche.

Mnar glances at a small niche.

Perigourd nods slowly.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Talliver.

A low unsettling moan trails Missoni's surita staff as she stows it in her widowwood-bound sling. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.

The air stirs around Opalina for a moment.

A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.

Olgretien put a jet black mithril claidhmore in his wolverine pelt sheath.

Talliver says, "Would that this had been a better night for a benediction."

Olgretien agrees with Talliver.

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Mystiq says, "Oh."

Talliver gravely says, "But I appreciate you all coming nonetheless."

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Love is not restrained to a single evening."

Talliver nods at Perigourd.

Mystiq removes a bronze coiled snake talisman from in her black satin kimono.

Lithyia nods at Opalina.

Randsford nods approvingly at Perigourd.

A sense of peace and calm resettles over the area.

The mirror images surrounding Jastalyn undulate and grow stronger.

Jastalyn renews her songs.

Speaking to Talliver, Wolfloner says, "There are times when fate intervenes."

Lithyia agrees with Wolfloner.

Missoni leans softly against Perigourd.

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "I should give you back something I found while lost in your office."

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Mayor Dabbings....are you okay? If ever you need someone to speak to..."

Pulling Missoni close to himself, Perigourd plants a quick, but gentle, smooch on her lips.

Mystiq offers Talliver a bronze coiled snake talisman.

Sorlu cocks his head at Talliver.

Speaking to Perigourd, Talliver says, "I hope Ellusine is right. There is enough love in this town to make of it a fortress, if it is truly the talisman against evil deeds that she claims."

Talliver declines Mystiq's offer.

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "That was on your deck Mayor."

Talliver frowns at Mystiq.

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "I'll just put it back for you then."

Falvicar smirks.

Mystiq shrugs.

Speaking to Mystiq, Talliver says, "Likely a gift from Bakarus."

Talliver frowns at Bakarus.

You hum distractedly as your mind wanders.

Lithyia says, "Best not to take those gifts... i was tempted once...."

Falvicar clenches his jaw.

Lithyia says, "Lesson learned."

Sorlu glances at Mystiq.

Lithyia glances down.

Meinheim's group just arrived.

Meinheim's group just went north.

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "Well no one was in there. How do I know it simply isn't yours."

Randsford squints.

Randsford glances between Bakarus and Talliver.

Sorlu whispers something to Lithyia.

Opalina removes a bottle of sweetened kumys from in her white bearskin coat.

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Missoni takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of her nose.

Twisting off the cork briefly, Opalina waves her glass bottle beneath her nose, inhaling the scent of the kumys rising from within.

A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps low, nearly brushing the top of your head.

Speaking to Mystiq, Talliver says, "I don't like snakes."

> time

Today is Leyan, day 14 of the month Fashanos in the year 5124.  It is 22:40 by the elven time standard.  It is currently late evening.

Mystiq honestly says, "I'll just return it where I got it."

Opalina put a bottle of sweetened kumys in her white bearskin coat.

Talliver frowns at Mystiq.

Bakarus smiles at Talliver.

Speaking to Talliver, Mystiq says, "Interesting."

Sorlu grins slowly at Lithyia.

Talliver says, "Do pardon me. Please, go home and spend time with your loved ones. There is still a little time left in this special day."

Mnar slowly empties his lungs.

Mnar nods.

You bow to Talliver.

Perigourd turns toward Talliver and renders a sharp hand salute.

Sorlu nods at Talliver.

Darphin removes a bottle of creamy kumys wrapped in a textured marbled mocha label from in his black leather jacket.

Speaking to Talliver, Perigourd says, "Fair eve, Mayor Dabbings."

Olgretien nods at Talliver.

Lithyia snickers at Sorlu.

Wolfloner hugs Lithyia, who wraps him in a warm embrace.

Twisting off the fringe-haired octopus stopper of his skyglass bottle, Darphin tilts it back and takes a quick gulp of the kumys inside.

Falvicar nods understandingly to a painted clay talisman.

Speaking to Talliver, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Mayor Dabbings."

Lithyia nods at Talliver.

Jaysehn nods slowly.

Inclining his head slightly, Sorlu offers the most minimal of bows to Talliver with an air of utmost politeness.

Falvicar nods understandingly at Talliver.

Mnar nods respectfully.

Jaysehn waves his silk-lined rope harness through the air. Head low and teeth bared, a lean russet fringe-toed yierka prowls in, the dry susurration of his movement punctuated by the click and scratch of sharp claws.

Lithyia hugs Wolfloner, who wraps her in a warm embrace.

You notice Mnar moving stealthily north.

Opalina quietly says, "Have a lovely evening Sir."

Speaking to Talliver, Missoni wishes, "Fair eve."

Talliver nods.

Speaking deeply to Talliver, Olgretien says, "Rest well."

Lithyia gives Wolfloner a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Bakarus nods.

At Jaysehn's command, a lean russet fringe-toed yierka dips his wedge-shaped head just low enough for Jaysehn to pull his silk-lined rope harness over the yierka's snout, and he gives it a firm yank to ensure it is well-fastened and that the beast respects his handler.

Ignoring the stirrups, Jaysehn steps up onto the bend of the fringe-toed yierka's nearest leg and uses that purchase to climb nimbly up into his starveil-ringed nakaten. When the beast turns his head to peer back at him in lacertine affront, he takes the opportunity to give him a thumping pat on the neck.

Mayor Talliver just went south.