Category:Title system

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The title system is the system that controls the use of prename titles, postname titles, appendable titles, and cultural identifiers. When looking at a character, the fields show up as follows:

You see [prename title] Firstname Lastname the [postname title] [appendable title].
He appears to be a [culture] [race].

To access a character's title options, use TITLE. TITLE SHOW previews the current displayed title as it appears to others, and TITLE LIST allows viewing of accessible or currently available titles. This verb is also used to clear a current title by TITLE CLEAR [title].

Prename titles appear before a character's name when LOOKing at them. They also are visible when seeing characters in a room, and when a character moves room to room. Postname titles appear after a character's name when LOOKing at them.

Appendable titles appear after a character's postname title to further append how it reads. Appendable titles are typically only available via specific systems or skills, such as citizenship titles and deity-aligned titles (for clerics and paladins). As with postname titles, append titles are only visible when LOOKing at a character. Toggling use of a selected appendable title is done via TITLE APPEND. Appendable titles

Cultural titles typically appear immediately before or after a character's race. Some races have the option of displaying their culture in a slightly different way, such as elves who have selected a culture associated with one of the five elven Houses. Unlike other options in the title system, cultural titles cannot be changed at will once a culture is selected. See the cultural titles section for more information about these options and how to use them.

The title system has expanded significantly over the years. There are now a wide variety of titles linked to different systems such as citizenship and society, as rewards for hitting milestones in pay event games, and even fully custom titles that players can purchase via Premium points or win as rare prizes.

Individual articles in this category go into further detail about the various title options linked to different areas of the game.

For a full list of titles, see the main title system article.

Pages in category "Title system"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.