Profession and skill titles

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Profession Titles

Profession titles are also attained after reaching specific levels. All profession titles are postname titles. They are accessed via TITLE LIST PROFESSION.

Level Bard Cleric Empath Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warrior Wizard
0 Bard
Cleric Empath Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer
Warrior Wizard
0 Poet
Mender Monastic Acolyte Innocent Forester Grifter Hexer Fighter Conjurer
0 Busker Pilgrim Pacifist Ascetic Monk Page Rover Footpad Beguiler Cadet Prestidigitator
5 Thespian Acolyte Consoler Monastic Brother
Temple Guard Explorer Hoodlum Defiler Guard Boltwielder
10 Skald Deacon Healer Gyrovague Exemplar Tracker Bandit Disruptor Raider Spellbinder
15 Storyteller Pastor Caretaker Cenobite Challenger Woodsman
Smuggler Dissembler Militiaman Evoker
20 Gleeman
Curate Nurse Hesychast Vindicator Frontiersman
Brigand Harrower Soldier Hedgewizard
25 Jongleur Preacher Bloodletter Eremite Holy Warrior Pioneer Highwayman Deceiver Myrmidon Battle Mage
30 Rhymester Confessor Palliator Monastic Adept Arbiter Watcher Purloiner Ruiner Man-at-Arms
35 Loresinger Churchwarden Faith Healer Anchorite
Avenger Wayfarer Sapper Maledictor Gladiator Magician
40 Balladeer Priest
Meliorator Monastic Master of the First Circle Templar Guide Knave Soulslayer Ravager Mage
45 Master Poet Prior
Rejuvenator Monastic Master of the Second Circle Wrathbringer Voyager Renegade Doomsayer Warmonger Magus
50 Minstrel Abbot
Chirurgeon Monastic Master of the Third Circle Justicar Forestwalker Outlaw Apostate Warbringer War Mage
55 Troubadour Prelate Curer Monastic Master of the Fourth Circle Vanquisher Woodsmaster
Freelancer Corruptor Destroyer Thaumaturge
60 Master Storyteller Archpriest Solacebringer Monastic Master of the Fifth Circle Dreadnaught Grove Protector Scoundrel Cabalist Battlemaster Adept
65 Loremaster
High Priest Martyr Monastic Master of the Sixth Circle Preceptor Huntmaster
Enforcer Obliterator Warlord Archwizard
70 Bard Laureate Patriarch
Master Healer Grandmaster of the Ancient Way Paragon Forest Warden Master Rogue Warlock
Champion Archmage

Deity Titles

Given appropriate devotion, clerics and paladins can earn a postname append title "of <deity>". This append title can be used with profession and skill-based postname titles, and is earned with 40 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion. They are listed in the title system (and the table below) as "Cleric of" or "Paladin of". This must be enabled via SET ShowDeityTitle ON, not through an option on the TITLE verb.

Skill-Based Titles

Many skill-based postname titles are available. Generally, these are earned by training a skill or set of skills to a given level, but there are some exceptions. Skill-based titles are often limited by profession; even if an Empath trains the necessary 100 ranks of Brawling, he or she cannot have the title of Pit-Fighter.

The table below shows skill-based titles and their known requirements. To sort it, click on one of the professions in the heading. All skill-based titles are postname titles with the exception of the two deity postname append titles available to clerics and paladins. They are accessed via TITLE LIST SKILL.

Title Requirement Bard Cleric Empath Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warrior Wizard
Profiteer 30 Ranks of Trading X X X X X X X X X X
Trader 60 Ranks of Trading X X X X X X X X X X
Master Trader (100 Ranks of Trading is not enough) X X X X X X X X X X
Yegg 30 Ranks of Picking Locks X X X X X X X X X X
Lockpicker 60 Ranks of Picking Locks X X X X X X X X X X
Safecracker 100 Ranks of Picking Locks X X X X X X X X X X
Locksmith 140 Ranks of Picking Locks X X X X X X X X X X
Master Locksmith 140 Ranks of Picking Locks and Master of Lock Mastery X
Rake 30 Ranks of Two Weapon Combat X X X X X X
Swashbuckler 60 Ranks of Two Weapon Combat X X X X X X
Gallant 100 Ranks of Two Weapon Combat X X X X X X
Wrestler 30 ranks of Brawling X X X
Brawler 60 ranks of Brawling X X X
Pit Fighter 100 ranks of Brawling X X X
Duelist 100 Ranks of a weapon skill + 2 Ranks of wspec X X X
Hurler 20 ranks of Thrown Weapons X X X
Knife Thrower Thrown Weapons + Dagger Specialization X X X
Axe Hurler Thrown Weapons + Axe Specification X X X
Hammer Thrower Thrown Weapons + Hammer Specification X X X
Hunter 30 Ranks of Ranged Weapons X X X X
Archer 40 Ranks of Ranged Weapons X X X X
Crossbowman 60 Ranks of Ranged Weapons X X X X
Yeoman 80 Ranks of Ranged Weapons X X X X
Sniper Ranged/thrown + ambush? X X X X
Marksman Ranged/thrown + ambush? X X X X
Spearman 1 Rank in wspec1 either Spear or Halberd base X X
Pikeman 2 Ranks in wspec Weapon? X X
Halberdier 3 Ranks in wspec Weapon? X X
Lancer 5 Ranks of Weapon Specialization with a Lance X
Fencer 1 Rank of wspec with a one-handed edged weapon X X
Knifeman X X
Axeman 2 Ranks of wspec with an (2-H) axe (?) X X
Swordsman Male with 2 Ranks of wspec with a one-handed edged weapon X X
Swordswoman Female with 2 Ranks of wspec with a one-handed edged weapon X X
Sabreur 3 Ranks of wspec with a one-handed edged weapon X X
Blademaster 5 ranks of wspec (?) including katana and katar X
Bludgeoner wspec blunt weapon (including blunt two-handers, 1 rank?) X X
Crusher wspec blunt weapon (including blunt THW, 3 ranks?) X X
Mauler wspec maul, 5 ranks (maybe other crushing weapons) X
Weaponmaster 3 Ranks each in wspec1, wspec2, wspec3 X
Defender 40 Ranks Shield Use X X
Guardian 80 Ranks Shield Use X X
Shieldmaiden X X
Protector X X
Bulwark X
Thug 20 ranks of Brawling and 10 ranks of Ambush X X
Hiresword 20 ranks of any weapon skill and 10 ranks of Ambush X X
Mercenary 40 ranks of any weapon skill and 20 ranks of Ambush X X
Blackguard 40 Ranks of any weapon skill + 20 Ranks stalking & hiding X X
Buccaneer 40 Ranks of any weapon skill + 20 Ranks of Two Weapon Combat X X
Corsair 80 Ranks of any weapon skill + 40 ranks of Two Weapon Combat X X
Squire 30 Ranks of Armor Use and 30 Ranks of any weapons skill X X
Armiger 60 Ranks of Armor Use and 60 Ranks of any weapons skill X X
Cavalier 100 Ranks of Armor Use and 100 Ranks of any weapons skill X X
Barbarian 30 Ranks of Survival and 30 Ranks of any weapons skill X
Reaver 60 ranks of Physical Fitness + ? X X
Mountaineer 50 Ranks of Climbing X X X X X X
Survivalist 50 Ranks of Survival X X X X X X
Stalker 30 Ranks of Ambush X X X X X X
Waylayer 60 Ranks of Ambush X X X X X X
Cutthroat 100 Ranks of Ambush X
Prowler 25 Ranks of Stalking and Hiding X
Scout 40 ranks of Stalking and Hiding X X
Spy more than 140 Ranks of Ambush (+ Stalking and Hiding?) X
Nightstalker 80 ranks of Stalking and Hiding X
Shadowwalker 120 ranks of Stalking and Hiding X
Predator Requires ambush (between 130 - 200 ranks [requires higher than 138 ranks in ambush] ) X
Assassin 200 ranks of ambush (maybe other skills too) X
Cutpurse 20 Ranks of Pickpocketing X
Pickpocket 30 ranks of Pickpocketing X
Filcher 40 ranks of Pickpocketing X
Thief 60 ranks of Pickpocketing X
Fingersmith Pickpocketing X
Tumbler 30 Ranks of Rogue Gambits X
Thief-Acrobat Rogue Gambits X
Master Thief-Acrobat Master of Rogue Gambits X
Battlerager Related to Warrior Guild Skills - 20 ranks of berserk X
Berserker Warrior guild - 40 ranks of Berserk X
Marauder Berserk Master? X
Tactician 40 ranks of Multi Opponent Combat (+ Melee Weapon skill?) X X X
Re-Animator 30 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy X
Necromancer 50 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Necromancy (?) X
Summoner 30 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology X
Demonmaster 50 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology X
Demonmistress 50 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology X
Sacrificer Sorcerer who has knowledge of the intricacies of Sacrifice X
Tormenter 20 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology and/or (?) X
Torturer 20 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology and/or (?) X
Enervator 10 ranks of Sorcerous Lore, Demonology and/or (?) X
Cursebringer Some combination of Sorcerous Lore X
Plaguebringer X
Pestilence X
Obfuscator X
Illusionist X
Shadowmancer Mastery of Illusions, guild skill X
Eradicator X
Obliterator X
Spellweaver 10 Total Spells Known X X X X
Incanter 40 Total Spells Known X X X X
Incantress 40 Total Spells Known X X X X
Mystic 80 Total Spells Known X X X X
Arcanist 120 Total Spells Known X X X X
Alchemist 30 Ranks in General Alchemy X X X X
Master Alchemist Master General Alchemy X X X X
Grandmaster Alchemist Master General Alchemy, Potions, and Trinkets X X X X
Artificer 30 Ranks in Alchemic Trinkets (?) X X X X
Master Artificer Master of Alchemic Trinkets X X X X
Concoctor 30 Ranks in Alchemic Potions (?) X X X
Master Concoctor Master of Alchemic Potions X X X
Apothecary 30 Ranks in Alchemic Potions (?) X
Master Apothecary Masters of Alchemic Potions X
Spiritcaller 4 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning X X X X X
Spiritweaver 20 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning X X X X X
Spiritmaster 40 ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning X X X X X
Witch Doctor 10 Ranks Spiritual Lore, Summoning + ? X X X
Dogmatist 10 Ranks Each of Spiritual Lore Summoning, Blessings, and Religion X
Theurgist 20 Ranks Each of Spiritual Lore Summoning, Blessings, and Religion X
Hierophant X
Life Giver Knowledge of Raise Dead (318) X
Resurrector 40 Ranks of Cleric Base X
Intercessor X
Druid Cleric: Must worship a nature-based patron (Imaera/Kuon confirmed, others ?) + 40 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning and 40 Ranks of Spiritual Mana Control
Ranger: 40 total combined ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning and Spiritual Lore, Blessings.
Archdruid Cleric: Must worship a nature-based patron (Imaera/Kuon confirmed, others ?) + 80 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning and 80 Ranks of Spiritual Mana Control
Ranger: 80 total combined ranks of Spiritual Lore, Summoning and Spiritual Lore, Blessings.
Holy Crusader 1 Rank of Cleric Base or Paladin Base with a Smite alignment X X
Dark Crusader 1 Rank of Cleric or Paladin Base with a Bane alignment X X
Renouncer 10 Ranks of Cleric Base or Paladin Base, forsaken X X
Blasphemer 20 Ranks of Cleric Base or Paladin Base, forsaken X X
Heretic 40 Ranks of Cleric Base or Paladin Base, unconverted or forsaken X X
Zealot 30 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion + aligned (?) X X
Repentant 5 Ranks of each Spiritual Lore Religion and Blessings X X
Penitent 10 Ranks of each Spiritual Lore Religion and Blessings X X
Proselyte 4 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X X
Missionary 20 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X X
Faithbringer 30 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X X
Inquisitor 40 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X X
Cleric of (Deity) 40 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X
Paladin of (Deity) 40 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Religion X
Purifier 4 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings X X
Sacristan 20 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings X X
Redeemer 40 Ranks of Spiritual Lore, Blessings X X
Martial Artist 40 ranks brawling plus 1 rank grapple, punch or kick mastery X
Martial Arts Master X
Grappler 1 rank Grapple Mastery X
Monastic Master of the Iron Grip 80 ranks Brawling + 3 ranks Grapple Mastery? X
Kickboxer 1 rank Kick Mastery X
Monastic Master of the Tornado 80 ranks Brawling + 3 ranks Kick Mastery? X
Pugilist 1 rank Punch Mastery X
Monastic Master of the Steel Fist 80 ranks Brawling + 3 ranks Punch Mastery X
Wandering Mystic 30 ranks of brawling + 10 combined spell ranks (Minor Mental or Minor Spiritual X
Monastic Master of the Sun 100 ranks Combat Maneuvers X
Grandmaster of the Sun 160 ranks Combat Maneuvers X
Monastic Master of the Red Moon 100 ranks of brawling X
Grandmaster of the Red Moon 160 ranks brawling X
Monastic Master of the Shadow Moon 25 ranks of Minor Mental X
Grandmaster of the Shadow Moon 40 ranks of Minor Mental X
Monastic Master of the Ivory Moon 25 ranks of Minor Spirit X
Grandmaster of the Ivory Moon X
Monastic Master of the Hidden Moon at least 15 ranks in each of Minor Spirit + Minor Mental X
Grandmaster of the Hidden Moon X
Monastic Master of the Stars 40 total spell ranks (any mix across both lists) X
Grandmaster of the Stars X
Shaman 10 Ranks each of Spiritual Lore, Blessings and Summoning X X
Windtalker Knowledge of Whispering Willow (605) X
Naturalist X
Sandstrider Based on Survival ranks. (41-42 have it) X
Snowrunner 50 ranks of Survival X
Gamekeeper Available with 30 Ranger Base ranks (Guess) X
Beastmaster Available with 45 Ranger Base ranks X
Beastmistress Available to females with 45 Ranger Base ranks X
Desert Strider 100 ranks of Survival X
Tundra Warden 120 ranks of Survival X
Searcher 10 ranks of Survival X
Trailsman 20 ranks of Survival (?) X
Pathfinder X
Trailblazer 50 ranks of Survival X
Harper 10th rank apprentice player of stringed instruments (?) X
Master Harpist Adept player of stringed instruments (?) X
Piper 10th rank apprentice player of woodwind instruments (includes bagpipes.) X
Flautist Adept player of woodwind instruments (?) X
Fingerpicker 10th rank apprentice player of necked stringed instruments (?) X
Mandolinist Adept player of necked stringed instruments (?) X
Hornblower 10th rank apprentice player of horn-type instruments (?) X
Trumpeter Adept player of horn-type instruments (?) X
Drummer 10th rank apprentice player of percussion instruments (?) X
Percussionist Adept player of percussion instruments (?) X
Musician X
Virtuoso X
Muse 5 Ranks of Bard Base (?) X
Songsmith 10 Ranks of Bard Base (?) X
Composer 20 Ranks of Bard Base X
Battlechanter 25 Ranks of Bard Base X
Raconteur 30 Ranks of Bard Base X
Spellsinger 40 Ranks of Bard Base X
Herald 50 Ranks of Bard Base X
Songmaster 60 Ranks of Bard Base X
Songmistress 60 Ranks of Bard Base X
Bladesinger 25 Ranks of Bard Base + 80 Ranks of Edged Weapons X
Woundtender Empath with 30 ranks of First Aid X
Sustainer Empath with 60 ranks of first aid X
Physician Empath with 100 ranks of first aid X
Master Physician Empath with 200 ranks of first aid X
Phlebotomist Empath with both 10 ranks of Mental Lore, Transformation and 20 ranks of First Aid X
Medic Empath with both 20 ranks of Mental Lore, Transformation and 40 ranks of First Aid X
Woundmaster X
Woundmistress X
Panacea X
Butcher Empath with 20 ranks of Mental Lore, Manipulation X
Flayer Empath with 30 ranks of Mental Lore, Manipulation X
Scourge Empath with 40 ranks of Mental Lore, Manipulation X
Herbalist X
Herbmaster X
Herbmistress X
Sympath Empath with 20 ranks of Mental Lore, Telepathy X
Telepath Empath with 30 ranks of Mental Lore, Telepathy X
Master Telepath Empath with 60 ranks of Mental Lore, Telepathy X
Enchanter Wizard with access to Enchant (925) X
Enchantress Female Wizard with access to Enchant (925) X
Stormcaller X X
Fireweaver Wizard with 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Fire X
Firestormer Wizard with 30 ranks of Elemental Lore, Fire X
Pyromancer X
Mage of the Flame Wizard with 80 ranks of Elemental Lore, Fire X
Earthdelver Wizard with 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Earth X
Stonecaller Wizard with 30 ranks of Elemental Lore, Earth X
Geomancer Wizard with 50 ranks of Elemental Lore, Earth X
Mage of the Deep Wizard with 80 ranks of Elemental Lore, Earth X
Rainmaker Wizard with 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water X
Icebringer Wizard with 30 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water X
Ice Mage Wizard with 50 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water X
Mage of the Seas Wizard with 80 ranks of Elemental Lore, Water X
Airweaver Wizard with 10 ranks of Elemental Lore, Air X
Windcaller Wizard with 30 ranks of Elemental Lore, Air X
Zephyr Mage X
Mage of the Winds Wizard with 80 ranks of Elemental Lore, Air X
Bolthurler X
Boltmaster X
Channeler 24 Ranks in one Mana Control skill X X X X
Ritualist ?More than 36ranks, 44ranks or less X X X X
Transmuter X X X X
Runeworker 40 ranks of Arcane Symbols X X X X
Runemaster 120 ranks of Arcane Symbols X X X X
Initiate 2 ranks Minor Spiritual X X
Friar 6 ranks Minor Spiritual X X
Disciple 10 ranks Minor Spiritual X X
Elementalist 40 Ranks of one Elemental Lore or 30 Ranks of a combination (?) X X
Mentalist 35 ranks of Mental Lores (?) (Have with only 37 ranks) X
Spiritualist 40 Ranks of one Spiritual Lore or 10 Ranks each of all three (?) X X X
Celebrant Members of the Cleric Guild X
Theologian Members of the Cleric Guild X
Soul Keeper Knowledge of Preservation (305) X
Cleric Guild Master Master of the Cleric Guild X
Empath Guild Master Master of the Empath Guild X
Rogue Guild Master Master of the Rogue Guild X
Sorcerer Guild Master Master of the Sorcerer Guild X
Warrior Guild Master Master of the Warrior Guild X
Wizard Guild Master Master of the Wizard Guild X
Grandmaster of the Rogue Guild Master of all six disciplines in the Rogue Guild X
Master at Arms of the Warrior Guild Master of all six disciplines in the Warrior Guild X
Sanctifier Cleric that has spent 50 full weeks of devotion (2.5 million) X
Holy Flame Cleric that has applied Holy Fire flares 15 times (3 million devotion) X
Tattooist Monk that has inked 100 mundane tattoos X
Mystic Tattooist Monk that has spent 50 full weeks of motes (2.5 million) X
Grace of Nature Ranger that has spent 50 full weeks of Nature's Grace. X
Arboreal Arcanist Ranger that has successfully cast a fifth tier 5 resistance on a Resist Nature item. X