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Urgaen is an old elf who runs the Cysaegir's pawnshop. He possesses a friendly demeanor, and is somewhat humorous and sarcastic. Given his lack of disrespect towards non-elves, as well as charging and paying fair prices for all races, it could be assumed that he is not particularly racist. He is not known to leave his pawnshop, which is somewhat isolated in that it is located at the bottom of a cave behind a waterfall on the outskirts of Cysaegir.
A kindly-looking old elf, Urgaen's face is round and cheerful looking. He is clothed in a fanciful ensemble of colorful fabrics embroidered with tiny butterflies, and perched on his nose is a pair of round, steel-rimmed spectacles. His mouth is curved in a wry grin, and his blue eyes have a mischievous sparkle to them.
Idle Scripts
As Urgaen paces back and forth behind the counter, he bonks his head on the sign hanging from the ceiling. Urgaen mutters under his breath as he rubs his bruised forehead. Urgaen leans on the counter, resting his head on both hands as he gazes wistfully out the windowed door. Urgaen hunches his shoulders and snivels in a passable imitation of Haegan, "Hey there. Look at all my fancy new weapons. Come pay five times what they're worth and make me rich! Woo!" He then rolls his eyes and leans up against a wall waiting for his next customer. Urgaen lifts the fringed curtain and peeks back into the rear of his shop for a second. Urgaen pulls a copy of the Elanthian Journal out from beneath the counter and reads it as he waits for his next customer. Urgaen whistles softly as he uses a dusting cloth to carefully polish the chimes. Urgaen whistles softly as he uses a dusting cloth to carefully polish the gilded plaque. Urgaen whistles softly as he uses a dusting cloth to carefully polish the white oak counter.