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Wound/saved posts

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Posts having to do with the wound/health system, including DIAGNOSE, HEALTH, and TEND verbs, and the First Aid skill as it applies to tending wounds. See SKIN (verb) saved posts for information about skinning.

2016 Update

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: All About Skills
Message #: 317
Date: 01/26/2016 01:48 PM EST
Subject: Tend and Diagnose and Health updates, oh my!

Hi everybody!

Bandages have received some significant updates! Roundtimes have been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced down to a maximum of 60 seconds (Although they are often shorter than this) and the skill required to bandage wounds has been smoothed out (heavily reduced in the worst cases). Bandages can now also now last a number of uses in combat based on the TENDer's (First Aid Ranks / 10).

  • In the upcoming instances, "Wound Difficulty" is: 3 for the neck, 2 for abdomen/chest/head, and 1 for everything else.
  • The formula for ranks required in First Aid to TEND to a wound has been changed to: ((3 * (Wound Severity - 2) + Wound Difficulty) * (Bleedlevel) * 2). Ranks in First Aid past this requirement reduce the roundtime of TENDing the wound by 1 second per rank. If the TENDer has less than this requirement, but at least half of it, they can apply a bandage that reduces the bleeding by 1/2 of the total amount.
  • The formula for Roundtime induced by TENDing has been changed to: (15 + (2 * Bleedlevel) + (2 * (3 * (Severity - 2) + Difficulty))). This is capped at 60 seconds.

Some examples:

  • A rank 2 right arm wound bleeding at 4 hp per round would require 8 ranks of First Aid to fully tend and impose 25 seconds of RT. At 4-7 ranks of First Aid the wound could be reduced to 2 per round. With 30 ranks of First Aid, the wound could be tended with 3 seconds of RT and the bandage would also last through 3 attacks before falling off.
  • A rank 2 neck wound bleeding at 6 hp per round would require 36 ranks of First Aid to fully tend and impose 33 seconds of RT. At 18-35 ranks of First Aid the wound could be reduced to 3 per round. With 66 ranks of First Aid, the wound could be tended with 3 seconds of RT and the bandage would also last through 6 attacks before falling off.
  • A rank 3 head wound bleeding at 8 hp per round would require 80 ranks of First Aid to fully tend and impose 41 seconds of RT. At 40-79 ranks of First Aid the wound could be reduced to 4 per round. With 118 ranks of First Aid, the wound could be tended with 3 seconds of RT and the bandage would also last through 11 attacks before falling off.

DIAGNOSE FULL has also been updated to be much easier to read and provide more detailed information about the details of TENDing the target's injuries. The skill requirements for DIAGNOSE FULL have also been lowered to simply require 100 skill bonus in First Aid. Also, at 150 skill bonus in First Aid, DIAGNOSE FULL only requires one full hand. At 200 ranks, DIAGNOSE FULL requires no free hands.

The HEALTH verb has received the same update as DIAGNOSE, so that when typing HEALTH you will know which of your own wounds you can TEND to and how long it will take to do so.

I know it's a lot to take in, so feel free to ask questions!

~ Konacon

Health Verb Update

Category: Game Design Discussions
Topic: General Discussion about Gemstone IV
Message #: 4758
Author: GS4-COASE
Date: 4/14/2008 9:37:01 PM
Subject: HEALTH verb Updates

The HEALTH verb has been updated to display any tended wounds you may have, including how long the bandages on the tended wound will last.


Category: Combat, Magic, and Character Mechanics
Topic: Developer's Corner
Message #: 1934153
Author: GS4-NAIJIN
Date: 01/19/2021 011:10 AM
Subject: HEALTH Updates

Your physical damage reduction (also known as REDUX) has been added to the output of HEALTH. If you have Kroderine Soul, you will also see your magical damage reduction listed.