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Kol Tar'sken is one of the material planes of existence occupied by the Ithzir. These are the Ithzir who invaded Wehnimer's Landing in 5116 Modern Era, when Grishom Stone attempted to "trade blood for power" with them during a mana storm of Melgorehn's Reach. The properties of Kol Tar'sken were bleeding through into the sky over the mountain. The Ithzir used the knowledge of blood magic from Grishom Stone to transform abducted children into Ithzir-human hybrids, who floated up into the sky in cocoons and formed a twelve-pointed star of energy that ripped open a portal to their world.

The brilliant red soulstone of Aralyte was used to open a portal to Kol Tar'sken to rescue the knights of the Hendoran Outpost, which had been unintentionally pulled into Kol Tar'sken by the rifting. Grishom Stone was transporting Glethad there to study the Ithzir, who was being held in the Outpost dungeon. Glethad returned in late 5118 Modern Era with a large crystal landing in the Coastal Cliffs.

Kol Tar'sken

Kol Tar'sken has yellow-orange skies with pale ashen clouds, and ribbons of jade green light with golden motes floating around as well. The ground is solidly crystalline and reflects the color of the sky above it, along with growths of jagged clusters of crystal shards. There are large formations of basalt, which is the predominant material of volcanic rock, which might be important because the Ithzir make their floating pyramids out of obsidian. There is a dull whirring sound present (possibly the Ithzir), and the breeze smells of copper, which emanates with green mists from deep cracks in the ground.

[Kol Tar'sken]
Celadon ribbons of light streak through the citrine-hued skies above, where pale ashen clouds shift about like tattered grey veils. The ground is smooth and crystalline, its depths opaque just enough to capture a smoky reflection from the yellowed sky above. A great formation of basalt peaks rises in the distance and a faint, dull whirring sound can be heard. You also see a churning brilliant red portal.
Also here: XXXXX
Obvious paths: south

XXXXX's group just went south.

[Kol Tar'sken]
The landscape stretches out long and wide, where yellow and green shades from the reflected, smooth horizon bend up to meet the hazy sky above. A warm, copper smelling breeze stirs through the area, carrying whispers of strange, hushed voices. 
Also here: XXXXX
Obvious paths: north, southeast, southwest

XXXXX's group just went southwest.

[Kol Tar'sken]
Jagged clusters of crystalline shards reach up to the broken yellow sky, each facet capturing bands of light from above, redirecting them along the glass-like earth below. Motes of golden light float endlessly through the area like a sea of glowing fireflies. You also see an Ithzir herald.
Also here: XXXXX

XXXX's group just went south.

[Kol Tar'sken]
Deep cracks have formed along the glass-like earth. Viridian mists intermittently emit from the jagged fissures, suffocating the air with a pungent, coppery odor. 
Also here: XXXXX
Obvious paths: north, southeast

XXXXX's group just went southeast.

[Kol Tar'sken]
The ground here is dangerously uneven, with pockets of razor-sharp crystalline shards jutting up like a thousand teeth from a giant maw. Streaks of green light blend into the sallow sky overheard, whorled about as if by the brush strokes of an artist. The air is alive with a dull hum and the faint whispers of an archaic tongue. You also see a shimmering wall of force and a battered stone outpost.
Also here: XXXXX
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest

XXXXX gestures at a shimmering wall of force.
A tear in the fabric of reality rips open above a shimmering wall of force, and rips pieces of it away in a violent display of power! It disappears after a few moments of utter destruction.

You gesture at a shimmering wall of force.
The insubstantial force wall wavers as it phases out of existence, its magical supports shuddering and unwravelling slightly.