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The '''SNAP''' verb is a roleplaying verb with a variety of styles and uses. |
The '''SNAP''' verb is a roleplaying verb with a variety of styles and uses. |
Revision as of 08:17, 15 November 2019
The SNAP verb is a roleplaying verb with a variety of styles and uses.
- General verb help information
>help snap Usage: SNAP {style} - Snaps fingers at nothing in particular SNAP {self} - Snaps your fingers to your own rhythm SNAP {style} {target} - Snaps fingers at a target in an optional style SNAP SET [option] - Shows or sets the SNAP verb options available. Where {style} is one of the following: ATTENTION DISAPPOINTED IMPATIENT RHYTHM SERVICE WINGS
- Verb Info
>verb info snap Verb information for verb "SNAP": People targets: CATHEDRAL WEDDING - You snap your fingers at (target) and he/she comes to immediate attention, tossing you a mock salute. WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You snap your fingers and stomp your foot at (target) in a mock beckon for his/her attention. STANDARD - You snap your fingers at (target). Self target: You snap your fingers to a rhythm only you can hear. Object targets: You glance at (object) and snap your fingers. Creature targets: You snap your fingers at (creature). No target: You snap your fingers. Styles: ATTENTION - You snap sharply to attention! DISAPPOINTED - You snap your fingers disappointedly. Rats! IMPATIENT - You snap your fingers impatiently, trying to hurry up the pace. RHYTHM - You snap your fingers rhythmically, creating a beat. SERVICE - You snap your fingers, calling for attention. Aelotoi Wing Options: SNAP WINGS - You feel a fleeting shiver roll through the base of your (color) wings, and you flick them abruptly in response. SELF TARGET - You idly flick your (color) wings for a few moments and sleekly rest them against your back. PERSON TARGET - You glance at Vanah, flicking your (color) wings in a downward motion and tightening them stiffly against your back. OBJECT TARGET - You feel a fleeting shiver roll through the base of your (color) wings as you eye (target), and you flick them abruptly in response. CREATURE TARGET - You rapidly flick your (color) wings at (target)with a composed, yet dauntless cadence. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.
No Target Messaging
>snap You snap your fingers. Vanah snaps her fingers. >snap attention You snap sharply to attention! Vanah snaps smartly to attention! >snap disappointed You snap your fingers disappointedly. Rats! Vanah snaps her fingers, looking quite disappointed. >snap impatient You snap your fingers impatiently, trying to hurry up the pace. Vanah snaps her fingers impatiently, trying to hurry up the pace. >snap service You snap your fingers, calling for attention. Vanah snaps her fingers, calling for attention. >snap wings You feel a fleeting shiver roll through the base of your rainbow-hued wings, and you flick them abruptly in response. Vanah shakes off a fleeting shiver and abruptly flicks her rainbow-hued wings in response.
Self-Target Messaging
>SNAP {self} You snap your fingers to a rhythm only you can hear. Vanah snaps her fingers to a rhythm only she can hear.
Targeted Messaging
Player Targeted Messaging
>snap wyrom You snap your fingers at Wyrom. Vanah snaps her fingers at you. Vanah snaps her fingers at Wyrom. >snap attention wyrom You snap sharply to attention in front of Wyrom! Vanah snaps smartly to attention in front of you! Vanah snaps smartly to attention in front of Wyrom! >snap disappointed wyrom You glance dejectedly at Wyrom and snap your fingers disappointedly. Rats! Vanah glances at you and snaps her fingers, looking quite disappointed. Vanah glances at Wyrom and snaps her fingers, looking quite disappointed. >snap impatient wyrom You snap your fingers at Wyrom impatiently, trying to get him to pick up the pace. Vanah snaps her fingers at you impatiently, trying to hurry you along. Vanah snaps her fingers impatiently at Wyrom, trying to hurry him along. >snap rhythm wyrom You snap your fingers rhythmically, creating a beat for Wyrom. Vanah snaps her fingers, creating a rhythmic beat for you. Vanah snaps her fingers, creating a rhythmic beat for Wyrom. Wyrom lifts his tambourine and begins to tap out a beat. >snap rhythm wyrom You rhythmically snap your fingers along with Wyrom's tune. Vanah rhythmically snaps her fingers in time with your tune. Vanah rhythmically snaps her fingers in time with Wyrom's tune. >snap service wyrom You snap your fingers at Wyrom, calling for his attention. Vanah snaps her fingers at you, calling for your attention. Vanah snaps her fingers at Wyrom, calling for his attention. >snap wings wyrom You glance at Wyrom, flicking your rainbow-hued wings in a downward motion and tightening them stiffly against your back. Glancing at you, Vanah flicks her rainbow-hued wings in a downward motion and tightens them stiffly against her back. Glancing at Wyrom, Vanah flicks her rainbow-hued wings in a downward motion and tightens them stiffly against her back.
Creature Targeted Messaging
>snap crea You snap your fingers at a creature. Vanah snaps her fingers at a creature. >snap dead crea You glance at a dead creature and snap your fingers. >snap atten crea You snap sharply to attention in front of a creature! Vanah snaps smartly to attention in front of a creature! >snap disap crea You glance at a creature dejectedly and snap your fingers disappointedly. Rats! Vanah glances at a creature dejectedly and snaps her fingers, looking quite disappointed. >snap impat crea You snap your fingers at a creature impatiently, trying to hurry it along. Vanah snaps her fingers at a creature impatiently, trying to hurry it along. >snap rhy crea You snap your fingers rhythmically, creating a beat for a creature. Vanah snaps her fingers rhythmically, creating a beat for a creature. >snap service crea You snap your fingers at a creature, calling for its attention. Vanah snaps her fingers at a creature, calling for its attention. >snap wings crea You rapidly flick your rainbow-hued wings at a creature with a composed, yet dauntless cadence. Vanah rapidly flicks her rainbow-hued wings at a creature with a composed, yet dauntless cadence.
Object Targeted Messaging
>snap basket You glance at a picnic basket and snap your fingers. Item on ground: >snap attention basket You march over to a picnic basket and snap to attention in front of it! Vanah marches over to a picnic basket and snaps to attention in front of it! Held item: >snap attention axe You brandish your crescent axe and snap to attention! Vanah brandishes her crescent axe and snaps to attention! Worn item: >snap attention plate You place a hand on your eahnor full plate and snap to attention! Vanah places a hand on her eahnor full plate and snaps to attention! >snap attention plac You turn toward an elaborately lettered placard on a bejeweled wooden table and snap to attention! Vanah turns toward an elaborately lettered placard on a bejeweled wooden table and snaps to attention! >snap disap bask You glance at a picnic basket and snap your fingers disappointedly. Rats! Vanah glances at a picnic basket and snaps her fingers, looking quite disappointed. >snap imp basket You eye a picnic basket and snap your fingers impatiently, trying to hurry up the pace. Vanah eyes a picnic basket and snaps her fingers impatiently, trying to hurry up the pace. >snap rhy basket You eye a picnic basket and snap your fingers rhythmically. Vanah eyes a picnic basket and snaps her fingers rhythmically. >snap service basket You eye a picnic basket and snap your fingers, calling for attention. Vanah eyes a picnic basket and snaps her fingers, calling for attention. >snap wings basket You feel a fleeting shiver roll through the base of your rainbow-hued wings as you eye a picnic basket, and you flick them abruptly in response. Vanah eyes a picnic basket and shakes off a fleeting shiver, abruptly flicking her rainbow-hued wings in response.
Wedding Verbs
Cathedral Wedding
>snap husband You snap your fingers at Husband, and he comes to immediate attention, tossing you a mock salute. Wife snaps her fingers at you, and you pretend to obey her immediately, tossing back a mock salute. Wife snaps her fingers at Husband and he mockingly comes to immediate attention, tossing her a mock salute.
Wavedancer Wedding
>snap husband You snap your fingers and stomp your foot at Husband in a mock beckon for his attention. Wife snaps her fingers and stomps her foot at you in a mock beckon for your attention. Wife snaps her fingers and stomps her foot at Husband in a mock beckon for his attention.