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'''Scolang''' is a [[Wedding_Officiates|Wedding Officiate]] that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the [[Simucoin]] Store during [[Rings of Lumnis]], [[Duskruin]], [[Rumor Woods]], or [[Ebon Gate]].
'''Scolang''' is a [[Wedding_Officiants|Wedding Officiant]] that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the [[Simucoin]] Store during [[Rings of Lumnis]], [[Duskruin]], [[Rumor Woods]], or [[Ebon Gate]].

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Revision as of 17:07, 26 March 2022

Scolang is a Wedding Officiant that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the Simucoin Store during Rings of Lumnis, Duskruin, Rumor Woods, or Ebon Gate.

Scolang, the officiant
Affiliation(s) Devotee of Fash'lo'nae


You see Scolang the High Priest of Fash'lo'nae.
He appears to be a Human.
He has intensely dark blue eyes and aged pale skin. He has long, silvery ivory hair pulled back with a narrow platinum band. The creases lining his face and his long white beard indicate a man of advanced age, but his demeanor still carries a youthful energy. A branded mark shaped like a slit-pupiled eye adorns his brow.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a voluminous slate grey linen robe with a deeply hooded shroud and a pair of simple brown leather sandals.


A young initiate enters, the shadows surrounding her, and places a collection of small candles atop a small altar. She touches each of the candles atop the altar, igniting each in sequence with a magical spark from the tip of her finger -- the light revealing a large, weathered tome at the center. Backing away from the altar with her hands folded neatly, the initiate trains her gaze on the approaching cleric.

Without giving much notice to those present, an aging cleric with a long white beard steps up to a small altar and opens the leather-bound tome at its center with a gesture of reverence. Scolang seems absorbed in the contents of the revealed page for several moments before he turns his gaze to you and BRIDE.

The voluminous sleeves of Scolang's simple grey robe dangle from his elbows as he raises his hands, silently beckoning you and BRIDE to approach the altar. "GROOM and BRIDE," he calmly intones. "Forest Gnome and Elf -- both learned, yet mortal." The priest continues his speech in the same even tone, "You have both come forth, each of separate and rational mind, to be joined in marriage under the wise gaze of The Grandfather's eye."

Scolang's tone lowers, and his features form a serious mask. "You have each found your true calling: The Grandfather's philosophy and the path of knowledge. You have studied and grown in mind and wisdom. Yet, in doing so you have learned that our path is one of self-sacrifice."

Scolang raises his voice only slightly, "Your mortal natures defy the pursuit of knowledge. We are oft distracted from our path by the temptation to succumb to mortal needs, pleasures, and desires. You, as we all do, sacrifice all that your mortal nature demands of you... comfort." With the priest's word, one of the numerous candles atop the altar suddenly extinguishes.

Scolang continues, unaffected by the occurrence, "... companionship..." Another flame goes dark. "Love." A third candle's flame diminishes to nothing, and the aged priest carefully turns a page in the ceremonial tome.

Scolang turns his piercing gaze upon you, his eyes searching your soul and asks, "GROOM, are you willing to make this sacrifice today?"

Scolang turns his piercing gaze upon BRIDE, his eyes searching and asks, "BRIDE, are you willing to make this sacrifice today?"

"GROOM and BRIDE," Scolang directs a piercing gaze at each of you in turn, "Students, mortals, grandchildren. Sacrifice of the self comes in many forms. Logic and reason dictate that the benefit of the greater outweighs that of the lesser. In knowing this, you are here today to sacrifice your own pursuit of knowledge in the name of the greater knowledge and work as one."

"Study, teach, learn." As each word escapes his lips, a previously lit candle suddenly flares to life again. Scolang lightly touches the slit-pupiled eye symbol branded on his forehead before gesturing towards the open tome on the altar.

You and BRIDE step forward to place a hand on the grand volume's pages. "GROOM and BRIDE," Scolang calmly declares, "You are paired in marriage under the eye of The Grandfather, Fash'lo'nae. Bring together what you have, both in body and mind, so that when your own mortal selves can no longer carry on, what you leave behind will allow the greater pursuit of knowledge to continue. Knowledge above all."

Raising his hands in a grand gesture, Scolang's declaration continues, "Your legacy is the legacy of the Grandfather. Go forth and learn." As you and BRIDE retreat from the altar, the cleric solemnly closes the grand tome and vanishes as the candles go dark, shrouding the area in shadow again. The initiate quickly clears the altar and leaves.


"The choice has been made not to make this sacrifice. As such, I will not join you today, and you must go forth in your separate pursuits," Scolang says. The cleric solemnly closes the grand tome and vanishes as the candles go dark, shrouding the area in shadow again. The initiate quickly gathers the altar and leaves.