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Revision as of 22:17, 21 November 2022

Eoantos 19-20, 5122

edited by Leafiara Autumnwind of the TownCrier


Lions and krynches and bears attack the Wehnimer's Landing gates on the night of the caravan's anticipated arrival, so defenders rush to repel them. Eventually a dozen wagons appear in the distance and huge boulders land near them. Gnul, over thoughts, warns the Turamzzyrian Empire to turn south or become grinded bones, but they press on and begin to engage in combat with stone trolls. Several wagons reach the outpost, but others are crushed beneath hurled boulders as the settlers only barely escape and flee in every direction. Adventurers split up to find them, however, and gradually bring them to the outpost.


Speaking helpfully to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "The Empire wants Landing defenders to throw themselves in front of an Imperial caravan to defend it."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "You thinking what im thinking?"
Speaking amusedly to Nairena, Leafiara replies, "Probably not."
Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "Stand back and watch?"
Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara agrees, "In that case, yes, I'm thinking exactly what you're thinking."
Cryheart says, "A warning to anyone who might harm the refugees."
Cryheart says, "Any attack from anyone who intends to harm the refufees will receive a harsh rebuke."
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr asks, "Yes?"
Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr asks, "How bout any guards with them?"
Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "The same."
Chamorr heartily says, "Wonder if da illoke is takin recruits."
Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "I kin cheer, right?"
Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Sure. Only have to be yourself."
Speaking softly to Leafiara, Wintersylph says, "If he is himself, and they southerner's den...well der be more den cheering."
Iskandr says, "Don't have a dog in this fight with helping assure a foreign baron successfully comes here to lord over you all against various grimswarm creatures trying to kill him, but enjoy these three cases of wine and two kegs after you revive."
[General] Gnul thinks, "Warned you. Turn south Empire, or grinded bones you'll be."
[General] Iskandr thinks, "I kinda like this Gnul guy's stance."
[General] Tierus thinks, "Bloodshed and vanity.  The usual ingredients for a Wehnimerian moment."
[Realm] Dendum thinks, "The landing fills up with the dead while this council is out in the damned foothills."
[Realm] Pukk thinks, "Having been there and done that..I'm not commenting on that."
[General] Sorlu warmly encourages, "Those who seek refuge from the turmoil being brought on by the Turamzzyrian Empire will be welcomed in Icemule. I encourage you to flee, before the Empire has cut off all passage."
A shower of boulders are launched into the air, originating from the peaks of Thanatoph!  The rocks soar through the night, just as a few imperial wagons come into view within the Upper Trollfang.  The rocks descend sharply, and settlers burst from their wagons in fear, screaming and running in every direction before the wagons are utterly destroyed by the earthen barrage!  Soldiers stand to fight, calling for the settlers to remain calm, but quickly turn to battle an onslaught of stone trolls that rush in on them, soon overwhelming them.  The settlers of Darkstone disperse in every direction, fleeing for their lives.
[General] Chandrellia asks, "Well, if any of the survivors makes it back and tells their story maybe that will deter others from comming?"
[General] Thrassus thinks, "My, such empathetic folk you are."
[General] Chandrellia thinks, "I'm just trying to save lives, the less they come the elss they die, see, I'm being empathetic."
[General] Tierus thinks, "I, for one, enthusiastically support their pioneering spirit.  One would hope there are many more on the way."
[General] Tierus thinks, "Although from this vantage point, their chances are looking a little... flat."
[General] Archious thinks, "To have sent settlers into this..situation does not speak to the caliber of leadership to be expected. I do hope none of them are wandering near Sentoph."
[General] Archious thinks, "One wonders..does the Empire just care so little for these people, or is it truly on such precarious footing as to be unable to secure them? Expel them now while you still can."
[General] Alosaka asks, "Good people are never comprised of refugees or sent into exile, Lord Archious?"
[General] Archious thinks, "Are these people exiled? They look like they're being sacrificed on the altar of Imperial ambition to me."


Awaiting the Caravan

Ashen flakes of glittering snow gently cascade from the dark heavens above.

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Ekaitza disk, a sinuous bone white serpent that is sitting, the Noctiss disk, a large acorn, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting yellow primroses, the web-draped Missoni disk, a lazy wild blood red dog, the skull-shaped Irval disk, the Guarrin disk, the flaming Nairena disk, the brown Ikometsu disk, the Hiea disk, the mist-hazed Asthenea disk, a cadaverous ghostly white imp, the Chamorr disk, a hazy ethereal puppy surrounded by a scintillating prismatic aura, a red-eyed bright white holly mandrake wearing some tree bark armor, the faenor Chandrellia disk inlaid with intersecting bands of jet, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a black leather book flying around with its feathery wings, the discordant Lahanna disk, a goofy tree spirit that is flying around, an erratic glacier spirit that is flying around, a lavender wolf skin shawl, a large acorn, a silver-traced carved mahogany cart with some stuff on it, a round silver-banded barrel, an herbal remedy donation bin and some wide stone benches with some stuff on it.

Also here: Event Planner Leafiara, Lord Beckstabber, Infernum, Town Councilor Kiyna, Goldstr, Ekaitza who is sitting, Alosaka, Town Councilor Kayse, Noctiss, Missoni, Irval, Kisun, Dame Evia, Sythaeryn who is sitting, Sir Guarrin, Lady Nairena, Ikometsu, Hiea, Lady Wintersylph, Asthenea who is sitting, Chamorr, Markx, Miss Chandrellia, Mourdeyan, Conquerer of Reim Lahanna, Hospitaller Yukito, Sir Cryheart, Lady Gruener who is sitting, Lord Khazaann

Speaking to Cryheart, Nairena asks, "What are we expecting tonight?"

Khazaann says, "Snow."

Cryheart says, "Caravan and trouble."

Speaking to Leafiara, Ekaitza whispers aloud, "It is now."

Khazaann says, "Ashen snow it seems."

Speaking to Khazaann, Nairena says, "Thats a good thing."

Perigourd says, "Light me up."

Lahanna softly says, "Mummm trouble..."

Speaking brightly to Ekaitza, Leafiara exclaims, "I dunno what that means but I'm running with it!"

Speaking to Leafiara, Ekaitza whispers aloud, "It means I'm glad to see you."

[General] Beckstabber thinks, "I need to do the museum one but i am really confused."

Speaking to Guarrin, Alosaka asks, "We're expecting trouble tonight?"

Leafiara amusedly asks, "Are we ever not expecting trouble?"

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "Perhaps. The first caravan of refugees arrives."

Speaking to Leafiara, Saraphenia says, "I'm not."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Refugees?"

[General] Chandrellia thinks, "Thats easy, get three poeple go up do silly stuff and have them laugh at you, after just a few minutes you should complete it."

Speaking to Cryheart, Perigourd says, "Gotta warm those muscles up."

Speaking amusedly to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "Right, you're making the trouble instead."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "While I hope that no one would attack those that have already been through quite a bit, well, here we are."

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Wintersylph says, "You know when Im here...something is amiss, always is always will be."

Speaking helpfully to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "The Empire wants Landing defenders to throw themselves in front of an Imperial caravan to defend it."

Chamorr heartily asks, "Refugees or interlopers?"

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "Yes, I'm told those relocating here are former Talador residents."

[General] Emoris thinks, "That's wrong step you guys, no worries, Ryjex got me the answers hehe."

Alosaka asks, "Where are the refugees staying?"

Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "You thinking what im thinking?"

Cryheart says, "Pickpocket about, so watch your containers."

Ekaitza whispers aloud, "Foreign powers are often eager to spend us like found coin. It's very strange."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "I believe the outpost until something more permanent can be set up."

Speaking amusedly to Nairena, Leafiara replies, "Probably not."

[General] Kisun thinks, "Aye, I'm waitin on the rooftops."

Speaking to Leafiara, Nairena asks, "Stand back and watch?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Chandrellia asks, "Who?"

Leafiara amusedly says, "And they're going to build a camp in the Dragonsclaw."

[General] Emoris thinks, "That's wrong step ya'll hehe."

Speaking to Nairena, Leafiara agrees, "In that case, yes, I'm thinking exactly what you're thinking."

Alosaka says, "Somewhere with a pallisade wall around them, I hope."

[General] Emoris thinks, "I'm on the dreams one, ronan step."

Cryheart says, "Someone I saw doing it in Haven, but that person moved away."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "I would think so."

Alosaka says, "Keep the giant rats out, at least."

Saraphenia asks, "Refugees from where?"

Speaking to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "From Talaador."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia exclaims, "Oh surrreee now you show up!"

Cryheart says, "Talador."

[General] Emoris thinks, "No worries i got past it stupid dwarves make things complicated."

Cryheart says, "For one."

Speaking to Ulfwine, Goldstr asks, "Saved yer child?"

Pukk asks, "Are we joining Cryheart already?"

Speaking to Pukk, Kisun exclaims, "You're late!"

Saraphenia asks, "What are we doing?"

Speaking to Goldstr, Ulfwine says, ""Got him in just in time."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "Well uumm you werent here, so I took the liberty in your honor ofcourse."

Ekaitza whispers aloud, "It was suggested, but not by you, so no one listened."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Leafiara says, "Maybe not necessarily tonight, but at some point, after whatever happens tonight happens, I need a little more clarity on your... words."

[General] Tonry thinks, "Have fun with the water tunnels."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Pukk says, "At least somebody took care of it."

Cryheart says, "A warning to anyone who might harm the refugees."

[General] Emoris thinks, "There's a portal now."

Speaking to Goldstr, Ulfwine says, ""reckon that caravan will be coming right up the same trail in a bit."

[General] Kisun thinks, "I spent a month there one night.."

Speaking to Pukk, Chandrellia says, "I did make to sure to say in honor of Pukk."

[General] Lylia asks, "Oh, are we speaking of the Reach?"

Cryheart says, "Any attack from anyone who intends to harm the refufees will receive a harsh rebuke."

[General] Notnil thinks, "Good evening, to you as well."

Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr asks, "Yes?"

Cryheart says, "Refugees."

Cryheart says, "Indeed."

Speaking to Cryheart, Bellaja says, "They've been through enough."

Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Chamorr asks, "How bout any guards with them?"

Pukk asks, "Are we going to the reach tonight?"

Ice flakes drift down from the sky.

Speaking to Chamorr, Guarrin says, "The same."

Speaking to Saraphenia, Markx exclaims, "Ice flakes!"

Speaking amusedly to Pukk, Leafiara says, "No, and anyway that's only Enisius' elite team of magic users."

Speaking to Saraphenia, Markx exclaims, "It's afoot!"

Cryheart says, "Ye harm a guard, I am sure the consequences from them will be severe."

Bellaja asks, "I do worry they're being used, but.. as long as it works out right?"

[General] Julenne thinks, "Ooo snowflakes."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur asks, "Dely get aholds ofs ya?"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Me adopted him last nights as me uncles."

Speaking to Drugur, Chandrellia says, "No not yet and I am really getting worried."

Chamorr heartily says, "Wonder if da illoke is takin recruits."

Speaking to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "People have speculated that they might be rallying minotaurs as we speak."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Talks him last nights."

Mourdeyan quietly says, "Foul."

Khazaann asks, "Balllistas are locked?"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Me told him find yas."

Nairena says, "I am not a fan of those cows."

Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Chamorr asks, "I kin cheer, right?"

Speaking to Khazaann, Ulfwine says, ""I left the one in the west tower locked and loaded."

Markx says, "Allo."

Speaking to Drugur, Chandrellia says, "It may be our hours are not lining up like they usd to is all."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Thinking probably."

Jaffrey asks, "Invasion?"

Speaking to Jaffrey, Markx says, "Seems possible."

Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, Leafiara says, "Sure. Only have to be yourself."

Speaking to Drugur, Chandrellia says, "But he really is a dear frend so I noticed when I didnt speak to him in a few days and became worried."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "But me has eyes on him, he seems fits, he allows me to adopts him as uncles."

Jaffrey asks, "Who?"

Jaffrey asks, "Illoke? IMpies?"

Ambitious Attack

Sythaeryn yells, "They are here!"

Sythaeryn yells, "At the gate!"

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Want'd ya knows, no he in fit healths."

Leafiara asks, "Who's they?"

Speaking to Jaffrey, Markx says, "From the ground. From the east and west. We have no option but to fight."

Sythaeryn softly says, "Dem bears."

Speaking to Chandrellia, Drugur says, "Knows."

Kiyna asks, "Time to fight?"

Sythaeryn yells, "They are back!"

Speaking softly to Leafiara, Wintersylph says, "If he is himself, and they southerner's den...well der be more den cheering."

Markx asks, "Gate eh?"

Drugur says, "Okay times to release deaders."

Markx exclaims, "To my death!"

Speaking to Cryheart, Kiyna says, "Let's head to the gate."

Mourdeyan quietly exclaims, "Here, here!"

Beckstabber asks, "Where?"

Cryheart asks, "Did I miss something?"

Cryheart says, "Ok..moving."

Pukk says, "Okay everybody, everything will be okay. Owly is here to protect the town."

Speaking to Cryheart, Vaemyr asks, "I'm not sure?"

Leafiara says, "I think it was a joke about the gate, but I'm not certain."

Cryheart says, "Moving out."

Sythaeryn yells, "The bears are back!"

Markx says, "There was one. But it scooted along."

Sir Cryheart's group just went northwest.

Bellaja says, "Oh my."

[General] Chamorr thinks, "Gates clear."

Leafiara amusedly says, "Boy, do they get stirred up easily."

Pukk says, "Nope...not doing that."

Leafiara ssay, "Let's see here, I can send a wolf to watch..."

Pukk says, "I'm going to stay here where I can watch the town."

[General] Kiyna thinks, "I'm seeing some of Gnul's forces outside the gates already. Bears and krynches."

Bellaja says, "I wonder if they know something I don't."

Leafiara says, "Hmm, who was on the front lines..."

[General] Cryheart asks, "Anyone at the west gate?"

Leafiara says, "The councilors, I suppose. But Kayse will be in the shadows sometimes..."

Speaking to a bent-tailed wolf, Leafiara says, "Have a look for the councilors."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "Blessings of the Night, Elanthia."

Speaking in Aelotian, Tikba says something you don't understand.

[Realm] Guarrin thinks, "Good timing, Marshal."

[General] Stormyrain thinks, "--that is never a good sign."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Some krynches and bear, but light..we are at the north gate."

Leafiara says, "Hmm, Kiyna's actually not with--oh, there, now she's with the group."

Leafiara amiably says, "They're battling in the environs."

[General] Evia thinks, "And so far at least, not strong."

[General] Pukk exclaims, "But if you attack Bear then Aoife will be sad!"

Saraphenia asks, "Who's battling?"

[General] Directed to Pukk, Yardie exclaims, "Not that bear! Bear!"

Stormyrain says, "We are, apparently."

Speaking to Saraphenia, Leafiara says, "Sir Cryheart's group with... looks like krynches."

Stormyrain adds, "And bears."

[General] Directed confusedly to Yardie, Pukk thinks, "Ooh..."

Sythaeryn softly says, "Big red bears...."

Tikba says, "Gnul's alliance again."

Sythaeryn softly says, "I barely moved out of the way of one."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Ok."

Leafiara admits, "I'm curious how exactly he recruited bears to the cause, I have to admit."

Tikba says, "I did not know they could be trained."

Leafiara notes, "Ah, now I see lions too."

[General] Cryheart asks, "Someone scout in the trollfang south of here?"

Saraphenia exclaims, "Lions and huskers and bears oh my!"

[General] Pukk thinks, "You can do it! I have faith in everybody! Remember if things get too hectic just throw Yardie at them to confuse the enemy."

Leafiara says, "Krynches, not huskers."

Perigourd says, "Odd."

[General] Leafiara muses, "Best plan ever."

[General] Kiyna thinks, "This feels like a distraction."

[General] Directed confusedly to Pukk, Yardie asks, "Wait, what?"

Saraphenia says, "Well, it fit, though."

[Realm] Perigourd thinks, "Stonecallers in the trollfang."

[General] Directed to Yardie, Pukk thinks, "Exactly."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Aye, it could be a diversion."

[General] Chandrellia exclaims, "Wait throwing Yardie is supposed to confuse the enemy not our town councilors!"

[General] Dendum asks, "Would not distraction be something that pulls away from gates?"

Emoris heartily asks, "Fun times ahead?"

[General] Leafiara ponders, "The diversion would be... what, to draw attention away from the caravan so people can't get to it?"

[General] Tikba thinks, "Unless there is another target they desire more than the Landing."

[General] Julenne thinks, "Company west gate."

[General] Dendum thinks, "Krynch on the West Gate."

[General] Iskandr thinks, "I'm trying to free the animals in the Solhaven zoo right now, that should be a good diversion."

Emoris heartily says, "Good talk."

[General] Pukk thinks, "Dendum is right...throw Dendum at them too."

[OOC note: in the interest of actually getting these invasion logs done when they're frequently 100,000+ lines (though this one was "only" 88,000-ish), I'm going to be significantly more brutal with editing after the battles start. In this case, that means trimming it down to monsterbold lines, NPC dialogue, and things that NPCs respond to. Just imagine endless battles and scrolling screens for the remainder of the log.]

[General] Thadston thinks, "Keep alert folks. Elidal has informed me the caravan is en route. If you see Gnul's trolls, he's likely moving on them soon. We'll need to help."

[General] Vaemyr asks, "Evening Thadston, so I guess we are helping then tonight?"

[General] Thadston thinks, "If you want. We'll always help."

[General] Thadston thinks, "More spotted. Getting heavier out there."

[General] Thadston thinks, "I'm getting reports of activity in Graendlor Pasture as well."

A huge boulder comes into view, soaring through the night and landing somewhere in the depths of the Upper Trollfang!

A column of dirt rises faintly against the night sky in the distance.

Wagon Attack

The sight of a dozen covered wagons comes into view, snaking through the forest of the Upper Trollfang. Armored guards march to the side of it, weapons drawn, some even with crossbows as they slowly maneuver through the area. Huge boulders fly into the air, landing near the wagons!

The imperial caravan bends through the forest, moving along steep paths of the Trollfang Foothills near the edge of the Glatoph.

[General] Gnul thinks, "Warned you. Turn south Empire, or grinded bones you'll be."

The imperial caravan bends through the forest, moving along steep paths of the Trollfang Foothills near the edge of the Glatoph.

Huge boulders arc through the night, soaring in the direction of the Foothills of Trollfang.

'The imperial wagons begin to split as boulders fly into the area, and stone trolls rush at the column of wagons. Several imperial soldiers meet them in combat, fighting some of them back as the caravan breaks into three groups.

A few wagons move out of the Upper Trollfang, emerging into the grasslands, and moving towards the Hendoran Outpost. Meanwhile, two columns of dirt still rise in the Trollfang as the other two groups remain.

[General] Thadston thinks, "Three wagons made it to the Outpost. There's still two different groups out there now."

[General] Thadston thinks, "More wagons reached the Outpost. Still another group out there."

A shower of boulders are launched into the air, originating from the peaks of Thanatoph! The rocks soar through the night, just as a few imperial wagons come into view within the Upper Trollfang. The rocks descend sharply, and settlers burst from their wagons in fear, screaming and running in every direction before the wagons are utterly destroyed by the earthen barrage! Soldiers stand to fight, calling for the settlers to remain calm, but quickly turn to battle an onslaught of stone trolls that rush in on them, soon overwhelming them. The settlers of Darkstone disperse in every direction, fleeing for their lives.

Settlers can be seen running through the Upper Trollfang, Lower Dragonsclaw, Foothills, Sentoph, anf the Graendlor Pasture as hordes of stone trolls and giants pursue them.

[General] Thadston exclaims, "Get those settlers! Find them if you can! Tell them to follow you and bring them to the Hendoran Outpost, inside the Entryway!"

[General] Thadston thinks, "We're missing twelve settlers! They're still out there somewhere."

[General] Thadston thinks, "Bring them inside the Hendoran Outpost, through the gate."

[General] Thadston thinks, "The settlers may be scared and slow, so be patient."

[General] Thadston thinks, "Three settlers rescued! Keep it up! Remember to be patient with them, they're likely frightened and slow too follow...."

A huge boulder comes soaring into view, arcing towards the Hendoran Outpost just as a blast of red fire leaps out from one of the outpost's towers, striking the giant rock and causing it to crumble in mid-air!

[General] Thadston thinks, "How is the search going?"

[General] Thadston asks, "We've six settlers rescued. More are incoming? I heard we lost one as well?"

[General] Thadston thinks, "Thank you everyone, for your assistance tonight. The settlers are safe and being tended to."

[I'm assuming this was the end of it, but it's possible more happened in the outpost.]