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<table><tr valign="top"><td>
An [[Alteration Book]] is a book that can be used to alter certain items without the intervention of a live merchant.
{{TOC limit|2}}
{{itemtier <!-- Copy/Paste x #Tier for item as needed. -->
|tier= Alteration/Order Book Basics
|itemsummary= An [[Alteration Book]] is a book that can be used to alter certain items without the intervention of a live merchant. These books will ERASE any previous short+long and show descriptions on items are altered with them.

There are several different parts that can be combined in different formations to create the item's description. They are noun, adjective, color, material, embellishment, embellishment adjective, embellishment color, embellishment material, and embellishment attachment.
== Designs ==

Only the noun is required, and if no noun is chosen, will default to the existing noun. These options can be selected in different combinations, but cannot exceed 13 words or 75 characters.
Not all designs are available for all options.

Most of the time, the description will be built <adjective> <color> <material> <noun> <embellishment attachment> <embellishment adjective> <embellishment color> <embellishment material> <embellishment>. Some embellishments shift the order to <embellishment adjective> <embellishment color> <embellishment material> <embellishment><adjective> <color> <material> <noun>.
Patterns: arabesque, dotted, geometric, herringbone, scalloped, scrollwork, scale, sinuous, woodgrain, zigzag, anchor, arrow, bell, chevron, cityscape, diamond, feather, heart, interlocked ring, spiderweb, spiral, wisp

Scripted items can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to be allowed to work with the order book, using REVIEW <ITEM> WITH BOOK. The script must have no customization options or alteration restrictions listed in the item's ANALYZE information. All options in the book must work with the script messaging for the script to be allowed.
Florals: floral, flower, blossom, amaranth, angelica, aster, begonia, bleeding heart, buttercup, butterfly weed, carnation, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, clematis, clivia, columbine, cothinar flower, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, datura, dragonstalk, edelweiss, flamestalk, freesia, gardenia, geranium, ginger blossom, goldenrod, heather, heliotrope, hellebore, hibiscus, honeysuckle, hyacinth, hydrangea, iceblossom, iris, lilac, lily, calla lily, blood lily, tiger lily, snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lotus blossom, jasmine, jessamine, magnolia, monkeyflower, moonflower, morning glory, mournbloom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchid, passionflower, peony, petunia, phlox, plumeria, poppy, posy, rose, rosebud, dog rose, primrose, winter rose, sirenflower, snapdragon, sunflower, tulip, violet, wildflower, zinnia
|analyze= This Tailor Order Book will allow you to customize simple garments without the assistance of a live alterer.

You can OPEN the book to begin an order, TURN or FLIP through the pages, WRITE your preferred design for each selection, and REDEEM the book to complete your order. CLOSE the book to cancel your order. PROD the book to toggle between "some" and "a pair of" for plural items. If you are stumped for ideas, give the book a PONDER.
Nature: celestial, moon phase, frost, star, starburst, sunburst, moon, moon and star, crescent moon, nightscape, cloud, storm cloud, thundercloud, lightning bolt, raindrop, snowflake, flame, fire, rising smoke, paw print, footprint, handprint, jack-o-lantern, bramble, branch, cactus, cactus flower, fern, forest, frond, ivy, leaf, maple leaf, mushroom, palm frond, pine needle, reed, rosette, tendril, thorn, toadstool, tree, vine, grape vine, willow, coral, seascape, shell, wave, apple, berry, cherry, cookie, fruit, strawberry, tart, watermelon, marallis berry, sovyn clove, sweetfern

If you have your own preferred color, POUR your dye on the book when it is open to the color selection page.
Animals: bat, bear, bug, bumblebee, butterfly, cat, centaur, cobra, cow, deer, damselfly, dog, doe, dolphin, dragon, dragonfly, fish, griffin, ghost, hawk, hedgehog, horse, jackal, kitten, kobold, kraken, ladybug, lion, mouse, octopus, orc, otter, pegasus, puppy, roa'ter, rolton, troll, skull, serpent, snake, spider, starfish, tentacle, unicorn, wolf, wraith, bird, bluebird, cardinal, duck, dove, eagle, blood eagle, flycatcher, heron, owl, peacock, pelican, pheasant, seagull, swan, hummingbird
You may TWIST a gemstone on the book for a special color related to that gemstone. This is the same pool of colors as the Person of Honor items.
You may DROP a gemstone or an item that inspects as a special material to have that property imparted to the alteration.
The item, gemstone, or dose of dye is consumed and cannot be returned. Not all descriptions will work with all materials and colors.

The order book can be used 2 times on non-Espousal items before the start of your wedding. The book will be discarded after that time.
Professional: bow, sword, shield, shield and sword, crossed sword, scimitar, sickle, claidhmore, boat, pirate flag, lock, key, lock and key, lockpick, scarab, playing card, clasped hands, praying hands, skull, demon, eye, rune, runestaff, runestone, shrunken head, scroll, wand, cauldron, mortar and pestle, artist's brush, brush stroke, palette, palette and brush, lute, flute, harp, music note, gear, sprocket

Use of this order book is restricted to you.
Religious: anvil, artist's brush, black widow, broken skull, cat's head, chelioboros, clenched fist, conjoined circles, crescent moon, crown, crystal ball, dagger, dagger-pierced heart, doe, dolphin, eight-pointed star, feather, flame, gate and key, grain sheaf, heart, hourglass, jackal's head, key, leaf, lily, lute, musical note, ouroboros, pegasus, rose, tentacled star, six-tentacled star, slit-pupiled eye, scimitar, scroll, serpent, shield, sickle, skull, star, stone giant, stone giantess, sunburst, sword, trident, two-headed serpent, or none.
|inspect= <!-- ONLY to be used when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific tier, if any. -->
|itemverbtable= Yes
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For formatting purposes, the table needs to start on the same line that the itemtier template ends. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Purpose
! scope="col"|First
! scope="col"|Third
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Verb
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Style
| First Person View
| Third Person View
|type= Fluff
|type2= <!-- OPTIONAL: If an item is feature altering, please enter "Feature altering". -->
|itemclass= Miscellaneous
|itemclass2= Clothing
|itemclass3= Container
|itemtype= Basic Clothing Items
|itemtype2= Some Scripted items
|alter= No
|ld= No
|feature= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if feature altering is indicated. Up to 8 features can be entered -->
|customize= No
|custom= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is REQUIRED if customization is indicated. Up to 5 customizations can be entered. If the messaging is alterable, simply enter "Verb"-->
|origmerch= Weddings
|releasevenue= Rings of Lumnis
|questitem= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's release was part of a quest/storyline. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiered= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item is tiered. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiersnumber= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if an item has tiers. It is to note how many tiers there are (This includes off the shelf). -->
|unlock= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only required if an item has tiers. It is to note how tiers can be unlocked. Valid options are "Merchant", "Certificate", or "Quest" ONLY. If more than one, enter at unlock2.-->
|legendary= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item/script was released/distributed at an auction or was a jackpot prize. Extremely limited release only (3 or less in existence). -->
|demeanor= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's messaging is affected by DEMEANOR. If no, leave blank. -->
|loresong= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item has a loresong as part of the base script. If no, leave blank. -->
|corrscript= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has scripts that correspond with it, specifically, they are scripts that work separately AND together in one way or another (i.e. Bloodrunes and MoonShard Pendants). -->
|attune= Permanent
|attunement= Character
|affinity= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item requires affinity to work. If no, leave blank. -->
|hideable= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if an item is hideable in inventory. If no, leave blank. -->
|hide= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if the item is indicated to be hideable. This should indicate HOW it hides, whether by a verb or simply by being WORN. -->
|spell= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has a spell inherent to the script ONLY. Up to 4 may be specified. Example to enter: Call Familiar (920). If no, leave blank. -->
|enhancive= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has enhancives inherent to the script ONLY. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|swap= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item is eligible for script swapping. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|add= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if the script is eligible to be added to an item. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|restrictions= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has specific restrictions. If more than one, separate with <br>. DO NOT ENTER ON A SEPARATE LINE. -->
|verb= CLOSE
|verb2= DROP
|verb3= FLIP
|verb4= OPEN
|verb5= PONDER
|verb6= POUR
|verb7= PROD
|verb8= REDEEM
|verb9= TURN
|verb10= TWIST
|verb11= WRITE

== Colors ==
= Colors =
You flip to page 4 of the order book, entitled "Colors."

You see headings for pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, violets, whites, blacks, browns, multicolored, or all. TURN the book to COLOR {CHOICE} to see those colors.
Not all colors are available for all options.
You may also choose none.

WRITE your choice in the book to proceed. FLIP the pages to go back to a selection of adjectives to choose from for your item. TURN the pages to move forward to a selection of designs to choose from for your embellishment. REDEEM the book to finish your order.
You may POUR alchemy or cobbling dye onto the book to provide a custom color from the dye.

On the left side of the page is a drawing of some twill pants, which you envision as some pants.
You may SPIN a gem onto the book to provide a custom color from the gem.

Pinks: pink, pink-tinted, pink-tinged, dark pink, light pink, deep pink, pale pink, pastel pink, blush pink, blush-hued, coral, coral pink, pearl pink, rosy pink, salmon, salmon pink, twilight pink, fuchsia, magenta, mauve, rose, dusky rose, raspberry, strawberry-hued

Reds: red, red-tinted, red-tinged, dark red, light red, deep red, berry red, blood red, brick red, cardinal red, cherry red, fiery red, flame red, fox red, lava red, rosy red, ruby red, vibrant red, alizarin, burgundy, carmine, cerise, claret, cranberry, crimson, dark crimson, deep crimson, garnet, maroon, murrey, ruddy, sanguine, scarlet, vermilion, wine

Oranges: orange, orange-tinted, orange-tinged, bright orange, dark orange, light orange, deep orange, pale orange, burnt orange, fiery orange, sunrise orange, sunset orange, vivid orange, apricot, carnelian, melon, papaya, peach, persimmon, pumpkin, red-orange, rust-colored, sunset-hued, tangerine

Yellows: yellow, yellow-tinted, yellow-tinged, bright yellow, dark yellow, deep yellow, light yellow, pale yellow, buttery yellow, pastel yellow, amber, dark amber, banana, banana yellow, orange-yellow, canary, citrine, coppery, flaxen, gold, gold-tinged, coppery-gold, golden, honey-hued, honey gold, pale golden, goldenrod, butterscotch, lemon, marigold, mustard, saffron, sunny yellow, sunshine yellow, topaz, turmeric, wheaten

Greens: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, leaf green, lime green, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, jade, olive, sage, teal, verdant, vert, viridian

Blues: blue, blue-tinted, blue-tinged, dark blue, light blue, deep blue, ahmdir blue, baby blue, glacial blue, ice blue, icy blue, iris blue, midnight blue, navy blue, ocean blue, pastel blue, royal blue, sea blue, sky blue, slate blue, twilight blue, aquamarine, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, hyacinth, lapis, periwinkle, sapphire, sky-hued, turquoise, ultramarine, zaffre

Violets: purple, purple-tinted, purple-tinged, blue-purple, dark purple, light purple, deep purple, pale purple, nightshade purple, royal purple, twilight purple, amethyst, aubergine, eggplant, grape-hued, heliotrope, indigo, lavender, lilac, mulberry, orchid, plum, thistle, violet, blue-violet, red-violet, wisteria

Whites: white, bone white, cottony white, cream, creamy white, daisy white, downy white, frost white, gardenia white, ghostly white, lily white, parchment white, pearly, pearly white, porcelain white, pure white, oyster white, snow white, winter white, argent, alabaster, almond, beige, coconut, ecru, eggshell, ivory, niveous, pearl-hued, platinum, snowy, silver, silver-tinged, silvery, silvery blue, silvery green, moonlight silver, vanilla

Blacks: black, blue-black, charcoal black, ink black, jet black, midnight black, obsidian black, onyx black, raven black, ebon, ebony, fuliginous, night-hued, sable, grey, dark grey, light grey, ash grey, blue-grey, dove grey, fog grey, iron grey, misty grey, smoke grey, smoky grey, steel grey, stone grey, ashen, pewter, dove-colored, slate-colored

Browns: brown, dark brown, light brown, ale brown, nut brown, oak brown, caramel, caramel-hued, champagne, chestnut, chocolate-hued, cocoa brown, cinnamon, auburn, fawn, ginger, hazel, henna, roan, russet, sorrel, tan, taupe, tawny, topaz-hued, umber, walnut brown, whiskey-hued

Multicolored: multicolored, multihued, colorful, kaleidoscopic, prismatic, rainbow-hued, varicolored, black and white, black and grey, blue and white

If you are on [[Wrayth]], all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:
== Materials ==

'''[SYNTAX: TURN the book to COLOR {CHOICE}]'''
Not all materials are available for every option.
<section begin=weddingcolors />
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-black"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Black Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-black" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Blacks: black, blue-black, charcoal black, ink black, jet black, midnight black, obsidian, obsidian black, onyx, onyx black, raven black, ebon, ebony, fuliginous, night-hued, sable, grey, dark grey, light grey, ash grey, blue-grey, dove grey, fog grey, iron grey, misty grey, pale grey, smoke grey, smoky grey, steel grey, stone grey, ashen, glaucous, pewter, dove-colored, slate-colored

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-blue"
You may DROP an item that inspects as a material in order to use that material in your alteration, if it is not listed here.
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Blue Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-blue" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Blues: blue, blue-tinted, blue-tinged, dark blue, light blue, deep blue, ahmdir blue, baby blue, celestial blueglacial blue, ice blue, icy blue, iris blue, lagoon blue, midnight blue, navy blue, ocean blue, pale blue, pastel blue, peacock blue, royal blue, sea blue, seafoam, seafoam blue, sky blue, slate blue, twilight blue, aquamarine, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, hyacinth, lapis, mazarine, pavonated, periwinkle, sapphire, sky-hued, turquoise, ultramarine, zaffre

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-brown"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Brown Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-brown" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
Delicate fabrics: silk, baldachin, bourde, brocade, brocatelle, chainsil, charmeuse, chiffon, crepe, damask, dupioni silk, faille, figured silk, flyrsilk, jacquard, lace, marbrinus, moire silk, muslin, organdy, organza, ramie silk, samite, satin, sea silk, spidersilk, taffeta, tulle, velvet, burnt velvet, watered silk
|Browns: brown, dark brown, light brown, ale brown, clove brown, nut brown, oak brown, bistre, caramel, caramel-hued, champagne, chestnut, chocolate-hued, cocoa brown, cinnamon, auburn, fawn, ginger, hazel, henna, roan, russet, sorrel, tan, taupe, tawny, topaz-hued, umber, walnut brown, whiskey-hued

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-green"
Everyday fabrics: broadcloth, burlap, cotton, felt, linen, muslin, oilcloth, sailcloth, tartan, tweed
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Green Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-green" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Greens: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, laurel green, leaf green, lime green, mint, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, seafoam green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, corbeau, jade, olive, olivine, sage, teal, verdant, verdigris, vert, viridian

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-multi"
Leather: leather, buckskin, doeskin, kid leather, kidskin, lambskin, suede
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Multihued Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-multi" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Multicolored: multicolored, multihued, colorful, kaleidoscopic, prismatic, rainbow-hued, varicolored, autumnal, black and white, black and grey, blue and white, gold and silver, orange and blue, green and white, pink and black

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-orange"
Gauzy fabric: faille, gauze, gossamer, lace, ridgeweaver silk, taffeta, tatted lace, tulle
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Orange Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-orange" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Oranges: orange, orange-tinted, orange-tinged, bright orange, dark orange, light orange, deep orange, pale orange, burnt orange, fiery orange, sunrise orange, sunset orange, vivid orange, apricot, brass, bronze, carnelian, melon, papaya, peach, persimmon, pumpkin, ochre, red-orange, rust-colored, sienna, sunset-hued, tangerine

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-pink"
Gemstone: agate, alexandrite, amber, amethyst, beryl, blazestar, bloodjewel, bloodstone, crystal, diamond, emerald, feystone, glimaerstone, jacinth, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, opal, pearl, quartz, ruby, saewehna, butterfly saewehna, hummingbird saewehna, moth saewehna, sapphire, star ruby, star sapphire, starstone, sunstone, topaz, turquoise
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Pink Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-pink" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Pinks: pink, pink-tinted, pink-tinged, dark pink, light pink, deep pink, pale pink, pastel pink, blush pink, blush-hued, coral, coral pink, pearl pink, rosy pink, salmon, salmon pink, twilight pink, azalea, fuchsia, magenta, mauve, rose, dusky rose, raspberry, strawberry-hued

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-red"
Metal: alum, brass, bronze, copper, electrum, faenor, gold, imflass, laje, mithglin, mithril, ora, pewter, tin, platinum, pink gold, red gold, rose gold, white gold, silver, silvery, sterling silver, steel, vaalorn, vultite, eahnor, eonake, golvern, rolaren, vaalin
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Red Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-red" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Reds: red, red-tinted, red-tinged, dark red, light red, deep red, berry red, blood red, brick red, cardinal red, cherry red, fiery red, flame red, fox red, lava red, rosy red, ruby red, vibrant red, alizarin, burgundy, carmine, cerise, claret, cranberry, crimson, dark crimson, deep crimson, garnet, maroon, murrey, ruddy, sanguine, scarlet, vermilion, wine

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-violet"
Wood: wood, aspen, birch, cedar, cocobolo, ebonwood, faewood, haon, hoarbeam, kakore, mahogany, maoral, maple, mesille, mistwood, modwir, mossbark, oak, rosewood, rowan, ruic, tanik, thanot, villswood, willow, witchwood, yew, fireleaf, glowbark, wyrwood
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Violet Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-violet" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Violets: purple, purple-tinted, purple-tinged, blue-purple, dark purple, light purple, deep purple, pale purple, nightshade purple, royal purple, twilight purple, amethyst, aubergine, eggplant, grape-hued, heliotrope, indigo, lavender, lilac, mulberry, orchid, plum, thistle, violet, blue-violet, red-violet, wisteria

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-white"
Natural: bone, coral, glass, glaes, ivory, mother-of-pearl, shell, tusk
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available White Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-white" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Whites: white, bone white, cottony white, cream, creamy white, daisy white, downy white, frost white, gardenia white, ghostly white, lily white, parchment white, pearly, pearly white, porcelain white, pure white, oyster white, snow white, winter white, argent, alabaster, almond, beige, bisque, coconut, ecru, eggshell, ivory, niveous, pearl-hued, platinum, snowy, silver, silver-tinged, silvery, silvery blue, silvery green, moonlight silver, vanilla

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-yellow"
Feathers: bird, bluebird, cardinal, duck, dove, eagle, blood eagle, flycatcher, heron, owl, peacock, pelican, pheasant, seagull, swan
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Yellow Colors, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-yellow" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Yellows: yellow, yellow-tinted, yellow-tinged, bright yellow, dark yellow, deep yellow, light yellow, pale yellow, buttery yellow, pastel yellow, amber, dark amber, banana, banana yellow, orange-yellow, canary, citrine, coppery, electrum-hued, flaxen, gold, gold-tinged, coppery-gold, golden, honey-hued, honey gold, pale golden, goldenrod, butterscotch, lemon, marigold, mustard, saffron, sunny yellow, sunshine yellow, topaz, turmeric, wheaten
<section end=weddingcolors />

'''Note liking any of these color options?''' Not a problem you can fix this by pouring your favorite dye color on the order book.
Stemware: glass, crystal

'''[Syntax: POUR {my} dye on {my} BOOK]'''
== Adjectives==

Adjectives that start with a hyphen (-motif, etc.) will be preceded by a chosen design or material as appropriate (silk-lined, rose-motif, etc.).

= Designs =
;Always available
Not all designs are available for all options.
elven-crafted, elven-styled, dark elven, dwarven, erithian, sylvan, gnomish, simple, elaborate
<section begin=weddingdesigns />
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-animals"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design for Animals, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-animals" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|alligator, bat, bear, bronco, buck, bug, bumblebee, bunny, butterfly, capybara, caribou, cat, centaur, chinchilla, cobra, cow, crab, deer, damselfly, dog, doe, dolphin, dragon, fly, dragonfly, eel, elephant, elk, fawn, fish, firefly, fox, frog, gazelle, goat, griffin, ghost, ghostfly, glimaerfly, hart, hawk, hog, hedgehog, hind, horse, iguana, jackal, kitten, koala, kobold, koi, kraken, ladybug, lemur, lion, lizard, lobster, loris, mantis, minotaur, monkey, moose, morduska, moth, mouse, mustang, narwhal, octopus, orc, otter, panda, pegasus, penguin, phoenix, pig, pixie, polar bear, pony, puppy, qahzumar, rabbit, raccoon, reindeer, roa'ter, rolton, sea anemone, selshis, serpent, shark, skeleton, skull, snake, spider, sprite, stag, stallion, starfish, teadragon, tentacle, tiger, toad, tortoise, troll, turtle, unicorn, weasel, wendigo, whale, witch, wolf, wombat, wraith, wyvern, yierka, bird, bluebird, cardinal, chicken, crow, duck, dove, eagle, egret, blood eagle, finch, flamingo, flycatcher, heron, ibis, macaw, merlin, owl, parrot, peacock, pelican, pheasant, raven, rook, rooster, seagull, songbird, swan, turkey, wren, fairywren, hummingbird.

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-florals"
;Usually available
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design Florals, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-florals" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
-motif, -patterned, subtly patterned
|floral, flower, blossom, alyssum, amaranth, anemone, angelica, aster, begonia, bleeding heart, bluebell, bougainvillea, buttercup, butterfly weed, campion, cactus flower, carnation, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, clematis, clivia, columbine, cothinar flower, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, datura, dragonstalk, edelweiss, feverfew, flamestalk, forget-me-not, freesia, frostflower, gardenia, geranium, ginger blossom, goldenrod, heather, heliotrope, hellebore, hibiscus, honeysuckle, honeywort, hyacinth, hydrangea, iceblossom, iris, lavender, lilac, lily, blood lily, calla lily, daylily, tiger lily, snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lotus blossom, jasmine, jessamine, larkspur, lupine, magnolia, monkeyflower, moonflower, morning glory, mournbloom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchid, pansy, snow pansy, passionflower, peony, petunia, phlox, plumeria, poinsettia, poppy, posy, rose, rosebud, dog rose, primrose, fairy primrose, tea rose, winter rose, sirenflower, snapdragon, sunflower, thistle, trillium, tulip, tuberose, violet, alpine violet, wood violet, wildflower, wisteria, zinnia.

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-nature"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design for Nature, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-nature" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
braided, brushed, burnished, filigreed, hammered, lustrous, matte, shiny, twisted, -engraved, -etched, -shaped
| autumnal, celestial, heraldic, moon phase, paisley, frost, tropical, star, starburst, sunburst, moon, moon and star, crescent moon, threefold moon, nightscape, eclipse, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, cloud, storm cloud, thundercloud, rainbow, lightning bolt, raindrop, snowflake, snowman, flame, fire, rising smoke, paw print, footprint, handprint, claw, talon, jack-o-lantern, bramble, branch, cactus, fern, forest, frond, ivy, leaf, maple leaf, mushroom, palm frond, pine needle, pumpkin, wreath, holly, mistletoe, reed, rosette, shamrock, tendril, thorn, toadstool, tree, vine, grape vine, willow, coral, seascape, shell, wave, volcano, apple, berry, cherry, cake, cookie, fruit, honeycomb, muffin, pie, pie slice, pineapple, potato, strawberry, tart, waffle, watermelon, marallis berry, sovyn clove, sweetfern, garlic clove.

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-patterns"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design Patterns, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-patterns" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
elaborately carved, glossy, lacquered, lustrous, painted, sculpted, striated, varnished, -shaped, -carved
|abstract, arabesque, dotted, fractal, geometric, herringbone, lattice, scalloped, scrollwork, scale, sinuous, woodgrain, zigzag, anchor, arrow, bell, chevron, cityscape, coffin, diamond, feather, heart, square, triangle, interlocked ring, spiderweb, spiral, wisp.

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-profession"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design for Professoin, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-profession" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
flawless, faceted, filigree-caged, large, shiny, -carved, -cut, -shaped
| bow, claidhmore, sword, shield, shield and sword, crossed sword, scimitar, sickle, boat, brigantine, carrack, frigate, galleon, ship, airship, pirate, pirate flag, bottle, wine bottle, gear, sprocket, coin, lock, key, lock and key, lockpick, scarab, playing card, clasped hands, praying hands, open hand, skull, demon, eye, rune, runestaff, runestone, shrunken head, scroll, wand, cauldron, mortar and pestle, book, quill, artist's brush, brush stroke, palette, palette and brush, lute, flute, harp, music note, skillet, butter churn, needle, needle and thread, spindle, mitten, sleigh, wagon, giftbox, present, spoon, fork, teapot, teacup, bride, bridesmaid, groom, maiden, cigar, guillotine, bone, brain, corpse, fang, finger, fingernail, fist, intestine, incisor, kidney, liver, spleen, toe, toenail, tooth, gravestone, headstone, tombstone, broomstick, mop, candelabra, chalice, lamp, lantern, sconce.

: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-religion"
; Natural
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Design for Religion, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-religion" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
-carved, -incised

| angel, anvil, artist's brush, black widow, broken skull, cat's head, chelioboros, clenched fist, conjoined circles, crescent moon, crown, crystal ball, dagger, dagger-pierced heart, doe, dolphin, eight-pointed star, feather, flame, gate and key, grain sheaf, heart, hourglass, jackal's head, key, leaf, lily, lute, musical note, ouroboros, pegasus, rose, tentacled star, six-tentacled star, slit-pupiled eye, scimitar, scroll, serpent, shield, sickle, skull, star, stone giant, stone giantess, sunburst, sword, trident, two-headed serpent.
; Leather
-embossed, -stamped, -incised, -tooled, buttery, supple
<section end=weddingdesigns />

; Fabric
elegant, embroidered, fine, finespun, pristine, smooth, striped, ribbed, tone-on-tone

sleek, tailored

== Embellishments==
= Embellishments =

Embellishments generally come after the noun. Embellishments that begin with a hyphen will be placed first in the description, prior to the adjective.
Embellishments generally come after the noun. Embellishments that begin with a hyphen will be placed first in the description, prior to the adjective.
Line 129: Line 282:

;Embellishments that can take designs
;Embellishments that can take designs
embroidery, motif, -motif, pattern, -patterned, design, applique, charms, buttons, buckles, fasteners, pendant, totem, inlay, -carved, -cut, -engraved, -etched with, engraving, -embossed, -shaped
embroidery, motif, -motif, pattern, -patterned, design, applique, charms, buttons, buckles, fasteners, pendant, totem, inlay, -carved, -cut, -engraved, -etched with, engraving, -embossed, -shaped, mosaic

;Embellishments that can take hard materials (gemstone, wood, metal, etc)
;Embellishments that can take hard materials (gemstone, wood, metal, etc)
clasps, fasteners, buttons, buckles, high heels, grommets, studs, beading, beads, beadwork, pendants, charms, carving, circlet, diadem, tiara, totems, chains, accents, stays, closures, boning, links, plaques, bars, threading, bells, holder, handle, -beaded, lid, cap, stopper
clasps, fasteners, buttons, buckles, high heels, grommets, studs, beading, beads, beadwork, pendants, charms, carving, circlet, diadem, tiara, totems, chains, accents, stays, closures, boning, links, plaques, bars, threading, bells, holder, handle, -beaded, lid, cap, stopper

==Embellishment Adjectives==

Embellishment adjectives are the words that come between the embellishment attachment and the embellishment to describe the embellishment.

;Embellishment adjectives - Fabric - pattern, motif, embroidery, design
bold, contrasting, elaborate, faint, graduated, intricate, repeating, stylized, subtle, swirling, vivid

;Embellishment adjectives - Sheen
bright, brilliant, faint, glimmering, glossy, iridescent, lustrous, opalescent, slight

== Embellishment Attachments ==
== Embellishment Attachments ==
Line 140: Line 303:
;Embellishment attachments that can take designs
;Embellishment attachments that can take designs
carved with, chiseled with, engraved with, etched with, painted with, embossed with, stamped with, tooled with, incised with, threaded with, stitched with, graced with, covered with, decorated with, embroidered with, beaded with
carved with, chiseled with, engraved with, etched with, painted with, embossed with, stamped with, tooled with, incised with, threaded with, stitched with, graced with, covered with, decorated with, embroidered with, beaded with

;Embellishment adjectives - buttons, buckles, clasps
fastened by, held by, secured by

;Embellishment adjectives - cords, laces, ribbons, drawstrings, bows, sashes
cinched by, tied by, held by, pulled by

;Embellishment adjectives - beads, beadwork, beading
dotted with, festooned with, strung by, displaying

;Embellishment adjectives - threading
shot with, shot through with, woven with

;Embellishment adjectives - fringe, tassels
dangling, dripping, edged with

;Embellishment adjectives - overskirt, underskirt, crinoline, petticoat
layered over, split over, front-split over

;Embellishment adjectives - filigree
caged by

;Embellishment adjectives - circlet, tiara, diadem
cascading from, falling from, suspended by

;Embellishment adjectives - designs - cloth
accented by, threaded with, stitched with, graced with, covered with, decorated with, embroidered with, beaded with, dotted with

;Embellishment adjectives - designs - gemstone
accented by, carved with, chiseled with

;Embellishment adjectives - designs - metal
accented by, engraved with, etched with

;Embellishment adjectives - designs - leather
accented by, embossed with, stamped with, tooled with, incised with

== Containers ==
== Containers ==
Line 167: Line 367:

== Clothing ==
== Clothing ==

;Embellishment Adjectives - neckline
low-cut, daringly cut, high, plunging, lace-edged, keyhole, square, sweetheart

;Embellishment Adjectives - fringe, tassels
dangling, evenly spaced, evenly cut, knotted, beaded, thick, heavy, light, wispy

=== Belt ===
=== Belt ===
Line 180: Line 386:

band, veil, netting, brim, feather, feathers, plume, plumes
band, veil, netting, brim, feather, feathers, plume, plumes

;Feather adjectives
;Feather adjectives
Line 192: Line 398:
gown, dress, frock, sundress, houppelande, cotehardie, kirtle, ballgown, bliaut, wedding dress, bridal gown
gown, dress, frock, sundress, houppelande, cotehardie, kirtle, ballgown, bliaut, wedding dress, bridal gown

;Embellishment adjectives
soft, sheer, sleek, stiff, silver-threaded, gold-threaded, sequined

;Embellishment adjectives - train, skirt, petticoat
asymmetric, crisp, diaphanous, dramatic, flounced, flowing, frilly, gathered, graduated, lace-inset, layered, long, multilayered, tiered, multitiered, narrow, ombre-dyed, pinned, pleated, rustling, shredded, slashed, sweeping, voluminous, wide

;Embellishment adjectives - train

;Embellishment adjectives - sleeves
diaphanous, frilly, narrow, pleated, wide, sequined

;Embellishment adjectives - bodice
low-cut, open-backed, back-laced, front-laced, tightly laced, narrow-waisted, wasp-waisted

Line 203: Line 424:
overskirt, overskirts, underskirt, underskirts, underskirting, crinoline, petticoat, petticoats, bustle, capelet, train, bustled train, fishtail train, forked train, sweep train, watteau train, sash, sashes, bow, bows, ribbons, overlay, panels, paneling, buttons
overskirt, overskirts, underskirt, underskirts, underskirting, crinoline, petticoat, petticoats, bustle, capelet, train, bustled train, fishtail train, forked train, sweep train, watteau train, sash, sashes, bow, bows, ribbons, overlay, panels, paneling, buttons

;Embellishment adjectives
soft, sheer, sleek, stiff, silver-threaded, gold-threaded, sequined

Line 286: Line 509:

;Stockings adjectives
;Stockings adjectives
knee-high, thigh-high, bow-topped, ribbon-edged
knee-high, thigh-high, bow-topped, ribbon-edged

== Jewelry ==
== Jewelry ==
Line 299: Line 521:
inlay, -inlaid, -set, -inset
inlay, -inlaid, -set, -inset

;Embellishment Adjectives for chains
long, short, tiered, braided, twisted, multitiered, multi-stranded, entwined,twining

Line 323: Line 548:

amulet, choker, collar, medallion, locket, neckchain, necklace, pendant, back pendant, prayerbeads, talisman, torc, totem
amulet, choker, collar, medallion, lavaliere, locket, neckchain, necklace, pendant, back pendant, prayerbeads, talisman, torc, totem

;Adjectives - Pendant, Totem, Talisman, Amulet, Medallion
;Adjectives - Pendant, Totem, Talisman, Amulet, Medallion
Line 355: Line 580:
lid, lining, trim, padding
lid, lining, trim, padding

= Materials =

Not all materials are available for every option.

You may DROP an item that inspects as a material in order to use that material in your alteration, if it is not listed here.

<section begin=weddingmaterials />
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialdelicate"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Delicate Fabrics, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialdelicate" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Delicate fabrics: silk, baldachin, bourde, brocade, brocatelle, chainsil, charmeuse, chiffon, crepe, damask, dupioni silk, faille, figured silk, flyrsilk, jacquard, lace, marbrinus, moire silk, muslin, organdy, organza, ramie silk, samite, satin, sea silk, spidersilk, taffeta, tulle, velvet, burnt velvet, watered silk, wild silk
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialevery"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Everyday Fabrics, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialevery" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Everyday fabrics: broadcloth, burlap, canvas, cotton, felt, linen, muslin, oilcloth, sailcloth, tartan, tweed, wool
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialleather"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Leather materials, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialleather" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Leather: leather, buckskin, doeskin, kid leather, kidskin, lambskin, suede
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialgauzy"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Gauzy Fabrics, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialgauzy" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Gauzy fabric: faille, gauze, gossamer, lace, ridgeweaver silk, taffeta, tatted lace, tulle
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialfurs"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Furs, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialfurs" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Furs: angora, cameline, chinchilla, coyote, fur, fox fur, lynx, mink, pashmina, paeline, sable, shearling, wool
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialgem"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Gemstone Materials, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialgem" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Gemstone: agate, alexandrite, amber, amethyst, beryl, blazestar, bloodjewel, bloodstone, crystal, deathstone, diamond, doomstone, emerald, feystone, glimaerstone, jacinth, jade, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, opal, pearl, quartz, ruby, saewehna, butterfly saewehna, hummingbird saewehna, moth saewehna, sapphire, star ruby, star sapphire, starstone, sunstone, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialmetal"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Metals, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialmetal" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Metal: alum, brass, bronze, copper, electrum, faenor, gold, imflass, invar, laje, mithglin, mithril, ora, pewter, tin, platinum, pink gold, red gold, rose gold, white gold, silver, silvery, sterling silver, steel, vaalorn, vultite, eahnor, eonake, golvern, rolaren, vaalin
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialwood"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Woods, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialwood" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Wood: wood, aspen, ash, birch, carmiln, cedar, cocobolo, driftwood, ebonwood, faewood, fel, haon, hazel, hickory, hoarbeam, kakore, mahogany, maoral, maple, bird's-eye maple, mesille, mistwood, modwir, mossbark, oak, rosewood, rowan, ruic, tanik, thanot, villswood, walnut, willow, witchwood, yew, fireleaf, glowbark, wyrwood
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialnatural"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Natural Materials click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialnatural" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Natural: antler, bone, coral, glass, glaes, horn, ivory, mother-of-pearl, nacre, sea glass, shell, tusk
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialfeathers"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Feathers click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialfeathers role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Feathers: bird, bluebird, cardinal, crow, duck, dove, eagle, blood eagle, flycatcher, heron, owl, peacock, pelican, pheasant, raven, seagull, swan
: {| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-materialstem"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" | To view the available Stemware Materials, click <span class="mw-customtoggle-materialstem" role="link" style="color:#0000ff">'''here'''</span>.
|Stemware: glass, crystal
<section end=weddingmaterials /> {{top}}

= Adjective =
Adjectives that start with a hyphen (-motif, etc.) will be preceded by a chosen design or material as appropriate (silk-lined, rose-motif, etc.).

;Always available
elven-crafted, elven-styled, dark elven, dwarven, erithian, sylvan, gnomish, aelotian, simple, elaborate

;Usually available
-motif, -patterned, subtly patterned

braided, brushed, burnished, filigreed, hammered, lustrous, matte, shiny, twisted, -engraved, -etched, -shaped

elaborately carved, glossy, lacquered, lustrous, painted, sculpted, striated, varnished, -shaped, -carved

flawless, faceted, filigree-caged, large, shiny, -carved, -cut, -shaped

; Natural
-carved, -incised

; Leather
-embossed, -stamped, -incised, -tooled, buttery, supple

; Fur
coarse, downy, fuzzy, glossy, lustrous, luxurious, rich, silky, sleek, sumptuous, smooth, thick, velvety, warm

; Fabric
elegant, embroidered, fine, finespun, pristine, smooth, striped, ribbed, tone-on-tone, coarse, finespun, knitted, lightweight, ruched, silky, summerweight, winterweight

; Garments
sleek, tailored

dark, deep, light, muted, pale, vivid

= Nouns =

[[Category: Weddings]]
[[Category: Weddings]]

Latest revision as of 06:21, 28 April 2023

Alteration/Order Book Basics

An Alteration Book is a book that can be used to alter certain items without the intervention of a live merchant. These books will ERASE any previous short+long and show descriptions on items are altered with them.

There are several different parts that can be combined in different formations to create the item's description. They are noun, adjective, color, material, embellishment, embellishment adjective, embellishment color, embellishment material, and embellishment attachment.

Only the noun is required, and if no noun is chosen, will default to the existing noun. These options can be selected in different combinations, but cannot exceed 13 words or 75 characters.

Most of the time, the description will be built <adjective> <color> <material> <noun> <embellishment attachment> <embellishment adjective> <embellishment color> <embellishment material> <embellishment>. Some embellishments shift the order to <embellishment adjective> <embellishment color> <embellishment material> <embellishment><adjective> <color> <material> <noun>.

Scripted items can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to be allowed to work with the order book, using REVIEW <ITEM> WITH BOOK. The script must have no customization options or alteration restrictions listed in the item's ANALYZE information. All options in the book must work with the script messaging for the script to be allowed.


This Tailor Order Book will allow you to customize simple garments without the assistance of a live alterer.

You can OPEN the book to begin an order, TURN or FLIP through the pages, WRITE your preferred design for each selection, and REDEEM the book to complete your order.  CLOSE the book to cancel your order.  PROD the book to toggle between "some" and "a pair of" for plural items.  If you are stumped for ideas, give the book a PONDER.

If you have your own preferred color, POUR your dye on the book when it is open to the color selection page.
You may TWIST a gemstone on the book for a special color related to that gemstone.  This is the same pool of colors as the Person of Honor items.
You may DROP a gemstone or an item that inspects as a special material to have that property imparted to the alteration.
The item, gemstone, or dose of dye is consumed and cannot be returned.  Not all descriptions will work with all materials and colors.

The order book can be used 2 times on non-Espousal items before the start of your wedding.  The book will be discarded after that time.

Use of this order book is restricted to you.


Verb Purpose First Third
Verb Style First Person View Third Person View
Alteration Book Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Basic Clothing Items
Some Scripted items
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Customizable No
Original Release Merchant Weddings
Original Release Venue Rings of Lumnis
Attunement Permanent
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs


You flip to page 4 of the order book, entitled "Colors."

You see headings for pinks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, violets, whites, blacks, browns, multicolored, or all.  TURN the book to COLOR {CHOICE} to see those colors.
You may also choose none.

WRITE your choice in the book to proceed.  FLIP the pages to go back to a selection of adjectives to choose from for your item.  TURN the pages to move forward to a selection of designs to choose from for your embellishment.  REDEEM the book to finish your order.

On the left side of the page is a drawing of some twill pants, which you envision as some pants.

If you are on Wrayth, all of these options are hyperlinked. If not, then you will want to use the syntax below:


To view the available Black Colors, click here.
Blacks: black, blue-black, charcoal black, ink black, jet black, midnight black, obsidian, obsidian black, onyx, onyx black, raven black, ebon, ebony, fuliginous, night-hued, sable, grey, dark grey, light grey, ash grey, blue-grey, dove grey, fog grey, iron grey, misty grey, pale grey, smoke grey, smoky grey, steel grey, stone grey, ashen, glaucous, pewter, dove-colored, slate-colored
To view the available Blue Colors, click here.
Blues: blue, blue-tinted, blue-tinged, dark blue, light blue, deep blue, ahmdir blue, baby blue, celestial blueglacial blue, ice blue, icy blue, iris blue, lagoon blue, midnight blue, navy blue, ocean blue, pale blue, pastel blue, peacock blue, royal blue, sea blue, seafoam, seafoam blue, sky blue, slate blue, twilight blue, aquamarine, azure, cerulean, cobalt, cornflower, hyacinth, lapis, mazarine, pavonated, periwinkle, sapphire, sky-hued, turquoise, ultramarine, zaffre
To view the available Brown Colors, click here.
Browns: brown, dark brown, light brown, ale brown, clove brown, nut brown, oak brown, bistre, caramel, caramel-hued, champagne, chestnut, chocolate-hued, cocoa brown, cinnamon, auburn, fawn, ginger, hazel, henna, roan, russet, sorrel, tan, taupe, tawny, topaz-hued, umber, walnut brown, whiskey-hued
To view the available Green Colors, click here.
Greens: green, green-tinted, green-tinged, dark green, light green, deep green, pale green, apple green, emerald, emerald green, grass green, hunter green, forest green, ivy green, jungle green, laurel green, leaf green, lime green, mint, mint green, moss green, pastel green, pine green, sea green, seafoam green, blue-green, celadon, chartreuse, corbeau, jade, olive, olivine, sage, teal, verdant, verdigris, vert, viridian
To view the available Multihued Colors, click here.
Multicolored: multicolored, multihued, colorful, kaleidoscopic, prismatic, rainbow-hued, varicolored, autumnal, black and white, black and grey, blue and white, gold and silver, orange and blue, green and white, pink and black
To view the available Orange Colors, click here.
Oranges: orange, orange-tinted, orange-tinged, bright orange, dark orange, light orange, deep orange, pale orange, burnt orange, fiery orange, sunrise orange, sunset orange, vivid orange, apricot, brass, bronze, carnelian, melon, papaya, peach, persimmon, pumpkin, ochre, red-orange, rust-colored, sienna, sunset-hued, tangerine
To view the available Pink Colors, click here.
Pinks: pink, pink-tinted, pink-tinged, dark pink, light pink, deep pink, pale pink, pastel pink, blush pink, blush-hued, coral, coral pink, pearl pink, rosy pink, salmon, salmon pink, twilight pink, azalea, fuchsia, magenta, mauve, rose, dusky rose, raspberry, strawberry-hued
To view the available Red Colors, click here.
Reds: red, red-tinted, red-tinged, dark red, light red, deep red, berry red, blood red, brick red, cardinal red, cherry red, fiery red, flame red, fox red, lava red, rosy red, ruby red, vibrant red, alizarin, burgundy, carmine, cerise, claret, cranberry, crimson, dark crimson, deep crimson, garnet, maroon, murrey, ruddy, sanguine, scarlet, vermilion, wine
To view the available Violet Colors, click here.
Violets: purple, purple-tinted, purple-tinged, blue-purple, dark purple, light purple, deep purple, pale purple, nightshade purple, royal purple, twilight purple, amethyst, aubergine, eggplant, grape-hued, heliotrope, indigo, lavender, lilac, mulberry, orchid, plum, thistle, violet, blue-violet, red-violet, wisteria
To view the available White Colors, click here.
Whites: white, bone white, cottony white, cream, creamy white, daisy white, downy white, frost white, gardenia white, ghostly white, lily white, parchment white, pearly, pearly white, porcelain white, pure white, oyster white, snow white, winter white, argent, alabaster, almond, beige, bisque, coconut, ecru, eggshell, ivory, niveous, pearl-hued, platinum, snowy, silver, silver-tinged, silvery, silvery blue, silvery green, moonlight silver, vanilla
To view the available Yellow Colors, click here.
Yellows: yellow, yellow-tinted, yellow-tinged, bright yellow, dark yellow, deep yellow, light yellow, pale yellow, buttery yellow, pastel yellow, amber, dark amber, banana, banana yellow, orange-yellow, canary, citrine, coppery, electrum-hued, flaxen, gold, gold-tinged, coppery-gold, golden, honey-hued, honey gold, pale golden, goldenrod, butterscotch, lemon, marigold, mustard, saffron, sunny yellow, sunshine yellow, topaz, turmeric, wheaten

Note liking any of these color options? Not a problem you can fix this by pouring your favorite dye color on the order book.

[Syntax: POUR {my} dye on {my} BOOK]

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Not all designs are available for all options.

To view the available Design for Animals, click here.
alligator, bat, bear, bronco, buck, bug, bumblebee, bunny, butterfly, capybara, caribou, cat, centaur, chinchilla, cobra, cow, crab, deer, damselfly, dog, doe, dolphin, dragon, fly, dragonfly, eel, elephant, elk, fawn, fish, firefly, fox, frog, gazelle, goat, griffin, ghost, ghostfly, glimaerfly, hart, hawk, hog, hedgehog, hind, horse, iguana, jackal, kitten, koala, kobold, koi, kraken, ladybug, lemur, lion, lizard, lobster, loris, mantis, minotaur, monkey, moose, morduska, moth, mouse, mustang, narwhal, octopus, orc, otter, panda, pegasus, penguin, phoenix, pig, pixie, polar bear, pony, puppy, qahzumar, rabbit, raccoon, reindeer, roa'ter, rolton, sea anemone, selshis, serpent, shark, skeleton, skull, snake, spider, sprite, stag, stallion, starfish, teadragon, tentacle, tiger, toad, tortoise, troll, turtle, unicorn, weasel, wendigo, whale, witch, wolf, wombat, wraith, wyvern, yierka, bird, bluebird, cardinal, chicken, crow, duck, dove, eagle, egret, blood eagle, finch, flamingo, flycatcher, heron, ibis, macaw, merlin, owl, parrot, peacock, pelican, pheasant, raven, rook, rooster, seagull, songbird, swan, turkey, wren, fairywren, hummingbird.
To view the available Design Florals, click here.
floral, flower, blossom, alyssum, amaranth, anemone, angelica, aster, begonia, bleeding heart, bluebell, bougainvillea, buttercup, butterfly weed, campion, cactus flower, carnation, cherry blossom, chrysanthemum, clematis, clivia, columbine, cothinar flower, crocus, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, datura, dragonstalk, edelweiss, feverfew, flamestalk, forget-me-not, freesia, frostflower, gardenia, geranium, ginger blossom, goldenrod, heather, heliotrope, hellebore, hibiscus, honeysuckle, honeywort, hyacinth, hydrangea, iceblossom, iris, lavender, lilac, lily, blood lily, calla lily, daylily, tiger lily, snow lily, stargazer lily, water lily, lotus blossom, jasmine, jessamine, larkspur, lupine, magnolia, monkeyflower, moonflower, morning glory, mournbloom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchid, pansy, snow pansy, passionflower, peony, petunia, phlox, plumeria, poinsettia, poppy, posy, rose, rosebud, dog rose, primrose, fairy primrose, tea rose, winter rose, sirenflower, snapdragon, sunflower, thistle, trillium, tulip, tuberose, violet, alpine violet, wood violet, wildflower, wisteria, zinnia.
To view the available Design for Nature, click here.
autumnal, celestial, heraldic, moon phase, paisley, frost, tropical, star, starburst, sunburst, moon, moon and star, crescent moon, threefold moon, nightscape, eclipse, solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, cloud, storm cloud, thundercloud, rainbow, lightning bolt, raindrop, snowflake, snowman, flame, fire, rising smoke, paw print, footprint, handprint, claw, talon, jack-o-lantern, bramble, branch, cactus, fern, forest, frond, ivy, leaf, maple leaf, mushroom, palm frond, pine needle, pumpkin, wreath, holly, mistletoe, reed, rosette, shamrock, tendril, thorn, toadstool, tree, vine, grape vine, willow, coral, seascape, shell, wave, volcano, apple, berry, cherry, cake, cookie, fruit, honeycomb, muffin, pie, pie slice, pineapple, potato, strawberry, tart, waffle, watermelon, marallis berry, sovyn clove, sweetfern, garlic clove.
To view the available Design Patterns, click here.
abstract, arabesque, dotted, fractal, geometric, herringbone, lattice, scalloped, scrollwork, scale, sinuous, woodgrain, zigzag, anchor, arrow, bell, chevron, cityscape, coffin, diamond, feather, heart, square, triangle, interlocked ring, spiderweb, spiral, wisp.
To view the available Design for Professoin, click here.
bow, claidhmore, sword, shield, shield and sword, crossed sword, scimitar, sickle, boat, brigantine, carrack, frigate, galleon, ship, airship, pirate, pirate flag, bottle, wine bottle, gear, sprocket, coin, lock, key, lock and key, lockpick, scarab, playing card, clasped hands, praying hands, open hand, skull, demon, eye, rune, runestaff, runestone, shrunken head, scroll, wand, cauldron, mortar and pestle, book, quill, artist's brush, brush stroke, palette, palette and brush, lute, flute, harp, music note, skillet, butter churn, needle, needle and thread, spindle, mitten, sleigh, wagon, giftbox, present, spoon, fork, teapot, teacup, bride, bridesmaid, groom, maiden, cigar, guillotine, bone, brain, corpse, fang, finger, fingernail, fist, intestine, incisor, kidney, liver, spleen, toe, toenail, tooth, gravestone, headstone, tombstone, broomstick, mop, candelabra, chalice, lamp, lantern, sconce.
To view the available Design for Religion, click here.
angel, anvil, artist's brush, black widow, broken skull, cat's head, chelioboros, clenched fist, conjoined circles, crescent moon, crown, crystal ball, dagger, dagger-pierced heart, doe, dolphin, eight-pointed star, feather, flame, gate and key, grain sheaf, heart, hourglass, jackal's head, key, leaf, lily, lute, musical note, ouroboros, pegasus, rose, tentacled star, six-tentacled star, slit-pupiled eye, scimitar, scroll, serpent, shield, sickle, skull, star, stone giant, stone giantess, sunburst, sword, trident, two-headed serpent.
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Embellishments generally come after the noun. Embellishments that begin with a hyphen will be placed first in the description, prior to the adjective.

Usually available

design, motif, -motif, accents pattern, -patterned


applique, lining, -lined, threading, trim, embroidery, beading, beadwork, -beaded

Embellishments that cannot take a material

engraving, embroidery, design, motif, -motif, pattern, -patterned, toes, baby's breath, cork

Embellishments that cannot take a color

neckline, engraving, carving, baby's breath

Jewelry: pattern, motif, design

Embellishments that can take designs

embroidery, motif, -motif, pattern, -patterned, design, applique, charms, buttons, buckles, fasteners, pendant, totem, inlay, -carved, -cut, -engraved, -etched with, engraving, -embossed, -shaped, mosaic

Embellishments that can take hard materials (gemstone, wood, metal, etc)

clasps, fasteners, buttons, buckles, high heels, grommets, studs, beading, beads, beadwork, pendants, charms, carving, circlet, diadem, tiara, totems, chains, accents, stays, closures, boning, links, plaques, bars, threading, bells, holder, handle, -beaded, lid, cap, stopper

Embellishment Adjectives

Embellishment adjectives are the words that come between the embellishment attachment and the embellishment to describe the embellishment.

Embellishment adjectives - Fabric - pattern, motif, embroidery, design

bold, contrasting, elaborate, faint, graduated, intricate, repeating, stylized, subtle, swirling, vivid

Embellishment adjectives - Sheen

bright, brilliant, faint, glimmering, glossy, iridescent, lustrous, opalescent, slight

Embellishment Attachments

The attachment phrase is the action phrase that links the item with the embellishment.

Embellishment attachments that can take designs

carved with, chiseled with, engraved with, etched with, painted with, embossed with, stamped with, tooled with, incised with, threaded with, stitched with, graced with, covered with, decorated with, embroidered with, beaded with

Embellishment adjectives - buttons, buckles, clasps

fastened by, held by, secured by

Embellishment adjectives - cords, laces, ribbons, drawstrings, bows, sashes

cinched by, tied by, held by, pulled by

Embellishment adjectives - beads, beadwork, beading

dotted with, festooned with, strung by, displaying

Embellishment adjectives - threading

shot with, shot through with, woven with

Embellishment adjectives - fringe, tassels

dangling, dripping, edged with

Embellishment adjectives - overskirt, underskirt, crinoline, petticoat

layered over, split over, front-split over

Embellishment adjectives - filigree

caged by

Embellishment adjectives - circlet, tiara, diadem

cascading from, falling from, suspended by

Embellishment adjectives - designs - cloth

accented by, threaded with, stitched with, graced with, covered with, decorated with, embroidered with, beaded with, dotted with

Embellishment adjectives - designs - gemstone

accented by, carved with, chiseled with

Embellishment adjectives - designs - metal

accented by, engraved with, etched with

Embellishment adjectives - designs - leather

accented by, embossed with, stamped with, tooled with, incised with



compact, large, small, formal, structured


drawstring, flap, strap, straps, clasp, clasps, fastener, studs

Button, buckle, clasp etc, adjectives

oversized, small, tiny, polished, round, simple, smooth, square



pack, backpack, carryall, sack, rucksack, haversack, knapsack, bag, case, tote



bag, carryall, case, harness, messenger bag, musette, purse, pack, sack, reticule, satchel, tote



pouch, belt pouch, gem pouch, coin pouch, bag, sack, satchel, hip-satchel


Embellishment Adjectives - neckline

low-cut, daringly cut, high, plunging, lace-edged, keyhole, square, sweetheart

Embellishment Adjectives - fringe, tassels

dangling, evenly spaced, evenly cut, knotted, beaded, thick, heavy, light, wispy



belt, sash, hip-sash, hip-scarf



cap, hat, tricorn, cavalier hat


floppy, narrow, round, short, sleek, smooth, tall, curve-brimmed, wide-brimmed, feather-adorned


band, veil, netting, brim, feather, feathers, plume, plumes

Feather adjectives

large, long, oversized, short, small, trailing



shirt, tunic, blouse, tabard, doublet



gown, dress, frock, sundress, houppelande, cotehardie, kirtle, ballgown, bliaut, wedding dress, bridal gown

Embellishment adjectives

soft, sheer, sleek, stiff, silver-threaded, gold-threaded, sequined

Embellishment adjectives - train, skirt, petticoat

asymmetric, crisp, diaphanous, dramatic, flounced, flowing, frilly, gathered, graduated, lace-inset, layered, long, multilayered, tiered, multitiered, narrow, ombre-dyed, pinned, pleated, rustling, shredded, slashed, sweeping, voluminous, wide

Embellishment adjectives - train


Embellishment adjectives - sleeves

diaphanous, frilly, narrow, pleated, wide, sequined

Embellishment adjectives - bodice

low-cut, open-backed, back-laced, front-laced, tightly laced, narrow-waisted, wasp-waisted



skirt, skirts, kerchief skirt, circle skirt, wrap-skirt, kilt, greatkilt


sleek, tailored, asymmetric, crisp, fitted, side-laced, side-slit, svelte


overskirt, overskirts, underskirt, underskirts, underskirting, crinoline, petticoat, petticoats, bustle, capelet, train, bustled train, fishtail train, forked train, sweep train, watteau train, sash, sashes, bow, bows, ribbons, overlay, panels, paneling, buttons

Embellishment adjectives

soft, sheer, sleek, stiff, silver-threaded, gold-threaded, sequined



cape, cloak, capelet, coat, greatcoat, jacket, kimono, longcoat, longcloak, greatcloak, mantle, pelisse, mandelion, surcoat, surcote, jerkin, burnoose, robe, robes


draped, knee-length, hip-length, thigh-length, floor-length, flowing, sweeping, voluminous, cowled, hooded, deeply hooded, short, long


buckle, clasp, closure, fastener, buttons, pockets, hood, cowl

Hood adjectives

deep, soft, stiff, trailing



bodice, corset, corsets, cincher, waist-cincher, half-bodice


asymmetric, crisp, fitted, side-laced, side-slit, svelte, buttoned, back-buttoned, front-buttoned, strapless, low-cut, open-backed, back-laced, front-laced, tightly laced, narrow-waisted, wasp-waisted


laces, lacing, cords, cording, ribbons, buttons, grommets, closures, boning, stays, neckline, panels, overlay



pants, trousers, breeches, leggings, pantaloons, breeks, britches


asymmetric, crisp, fitted, side-laced, side-slit, svelte



shoes, boots, dancing shoes, moccasins, poulaines, sandals, slippers


narrow-toed, pointy-toed, pointed, round-toed, square-toed, side-buttoned, side-buckled, open-toed, ankle-tied, calf-tied, ankle-laced, calf-laced, backless, heeled, high-heeled, low-heeled, spike-heeled, wedge-heeled


buttons, buckles, closures, fasteners, laces, studs, bows, ribbons, heels, high heels



bowtie, cravat, neckerchief, necktie



garter, thigh-band


frill-edged, ruffle-edged, dag-edged, tatted



gloves, casting gloves, fingerless gloves, half-gloves


sleek, long, short, thick, thin, elbow-length, shoulder-length, wrist-tied


buttons, closures, fasteners, palms, finger pads





cuffed, knee-high, thigh-high, bow-topped, ribbon-edged





undershirt, gambeson, doublet



leggings, stockings, petticoat, petticoats, underskirt, underskirts


asymmetric, crisp, fitted, side-laced, side-slit, svelte

Stockings adjectives

knee-high, thigh-high, bow-topped, ribbon-edged



antique, dainty, delicate, fragile, gilded, hefty, knotwork, polished


ribbons, bow, bows


inlay, -inlaid, -set, -inset

Embellishment Adjectives for chains

long, short, tiered, braided, twisted, multitiered, multi-stranded, entwined,twining



ring, wedding ring, engagement ring, band, wedding band, engagement band, thumb ring, pinkie ring, signet ring, signet band


narrow, slender, slim, thin, thick, wide


Gemstone: cabochon, cluster, setting, solitaire, gemstone only (no word), design as noun

Wood: carving, -carved

Metal: band, filigree, engraving


Change to singular for earring. Piercing jewelry not applicable.


earrings, bar earrings, chandelier earrings, earbobs, hoops, stud earrings, studs, earcuffs





amulet, choker, collar, medallion, lavaliere, locket, neckchain, necklace, pendant, back pendant, prayerbeads, talisman, torc, totem

Adjectives - Pendant, Totem, Talisman, Amulet, Medallion

large, small, oversized, tiny

Adjectives - Necklace, Neckchain, Choker

tiered, multitiered, multi-stranded


medallion, pendant, talisman, totem, plaques, bars, charm, charms, beads, -beaded, bells, cabochon, gemstone only (no word), design as noun, cord, thong, chain, chains, box chain, rope chain



Ring Box


box, jewelry box, ring box


lid, lining, trim, padding

Drink Crate


box, crate, trunk, basket, picnic basket


lid, lining, trim, padding


Not all materials are available for every option.

You may DROP an item that inspects as a material in order to use that material in your alteration, if it is not listed here.

To view the available Delicate Fabrics, click here.
Delicate fabrics: silk, baldachin, bourde, brocade, brocatelle, chainsil, charmeuse, chiffon, crepe, damask, dupioni silk, faille, figured silk, flyrsilk, jacquard, lace, marbrinus, moire silk, muslin, organdy, organza, ramie silk, samite, satin, sea silk, spidersilk, taffeta, tulle, velvet, burnt velvet, watered silk, wild silk
To view the available Everyday Fabrics, click here.
Everyday fabrics: broadcloth, burlap, canvas, cotton, felt, linen, muslin, oilcloth, sailcloth, tartan, tweed, wool
To view the available Leather materials, click here.
Leather: leather, buckskin, doeskin, kid leather, kidskin, lambskin, suede
To view the available Gauzy Fabrics, click here.
Gauzy fabric: faille, gauze, gossamer, lace, ridgeweaver silk, taffeta, tatted lace, tulle
To view the available Furs, click here.
Furs: angora, cameline, chinchilla, coyote, fur, fox fur, lynx, mink, pashmina, paeline, sable, shearling, wool
To view the available Gemstone Materials, click here.
Gemstone: agate, alexandrite, amber, amethyst, beryl, blazestar, bloodjewel, bloodstone, crystal, deathstone, diamond, doomstone, emerald, feystone, glimaerstone, jacinth, jade, jasper, moonstone, obsidian, opal, pearl, quartz, ruby, saewehna, butterfly saewehna, hummingbird saewehna, moth saewehna, sapphire, star ruby, star sapphire, starstone, sunstone, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise
To view the available Metals, click here.
Metal: alum, brass, bronze, copper, electrum, faenor, gold, imflass, invar, laje, mithglin, mithril, ora, pewter, tin, platinum, pink gold, red gold, rose gold, white gold, silver, silvery, sterling silver, steel, vaalorn, vultite, eahnor, eonake, golvern, rolaren, vaalin
To view the available Woods, click here.
Wood: wood, aspen, ash, birch, carmiln, cedar, cocobolo, driftwood, ebonwood, faewood, fel, haon, hazel, hickory, hoarbeam, kakore, mahogany, maoral, maple, bird's-eye maple, mesille, mistwood, modwir, mossbark, oak, rosewood, rowan, ruic, tanik, thanot, villswood, walnut, willow, witchwood, yew, fireleaf, glowbark, wyrwood
To view the available Natural Materials click here.
Natural: antler, bone, coral, glass, glaes, horn, ivory, mother-of-pearl, nacre, sea glass, shell, tusk
To view the available Feathers click here.
Feathers: bird, bluebird, cardinal, crow, duck, dove, eagle, blood eagle, flycatcher, heron, owl, peacock, pelican, pheasant, raven, seagull, swan
To view the available Stemware Materials, click here.
Stemware: glass, crystal
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Adjectives that start with a hyphen (-motif, etc.) will be preceded by a chosen design or material as appropriate (silk-lined, rose-motif, etc.).

Always available

elven-crafted, elven-styled, dark elven, dwarven, erithian, sylvan, gnomish, aelotian, simple, elaborate

Usually available

-motif, -patterned, subtly patterned


braided, brushed, burnished, filigreed, hammered, lustrous, matte, shiny, twisted, -engraved, -etched, -shaped


elaborately carved, glossy, lacquered, lustrous, painted, sculpted, striated, varnished, -shaped, -carved


flawless, faceted, filigree-caged, large, shiny, -carved, -cut, -shaped


-carved, -incised


-embossed, -stamped, -incised, -tooled, buttery, supple


coarse, downy, fuzzy, glossy, lustrous, luxurious, rich, silky, sleek, sumptuous, smooth, thick, velvety, warm


elegant, embroidered, fine, finespun, pristine, smooth, striped, ribbed, tone-on-tone, coarse, finespun, knitted, lightweight, ruched, silky, summerweight, winterweight


sleek, tailored


dark, deep, light, muted, pale, vivid
