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<table><tr valign="top"><td><!-- Please see Help:Item scripts page for instructions on how to properly create and format an item page.-->
'''Ice cream churns''' are scripted items that allow players to make their own ice cream and sorbet. There are two levels, a standard churn and an auction-quality rhimar churn.
An '''ice cream churn''' is a scripted item that allows players to make their own ice cream and sorbet. There are two levels, a standard churn and an auction-quality rhimar churn.
{{TOC limit|2}}

{{itemtiermulti <!-- Copy/Paste x #Item as needed. -->
==Standard Churns==
|item= Standard Churn<!-- REQUIRED: Must be entered as Item Type -->
Most ice cream churns are portable, but some may be in [[Private property|private home]]s or player group buildings. The churns must have a [[rhimar]] object placed in the slot beneath the chamber to cool the contents.
|itemsummary= Most ice cream churns are portable, but some may be in [[Private property|private home]]s or player group buildings. The churns must have a [[rhimar]] object placed in the slot beneath the chamber to cool the contents.<!-- Brief explanation of what this particular item does, if any. -->
|analyze= This ice cream churn is an ice cream maker. You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied. You can choose up to two flavors. If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.<!-- Tier 1/OTS required to be listed here. Other tiers only to list changes between analyzes (so as to not populate duplicate information), and final unlock to be listed in full -->
|inspect= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
|show= Beneath the chamber is a small slot, intended to house a piece of rhimar to chill the churn.<!-- ONLY for when an item has a hard-coded show. -->
This ice cream churn is an ice cream maker. You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied. You can choose up to two flavors. If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific item, if any. -->
|itemverbtable= <!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this item. If not, leave blank. -->

===Verb Traps===
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
{| {{prettytable|background:#F0F8FF;height:15px;}}
|- {{verbtableheader}}
|- style="background:#000080; vertical-align: top; font-size: larger; color:white;"
! style="width:5em"|VERB
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! style="width:35em"|FIRST
! scope="col"|First
! style="width:35em"|THIRD
! scope="col"|Third
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|CLEAN
| You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use.
| Beneath the chamber is a small slot, intended to house a piece of rhimar to chill the churn. || N/A
| Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|TURN
| As you turn the crank on a large ice cream churn, the rhimar chips in the lower slot of the churn grows cold, quickly cooling the churn. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet.
| You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use. || Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
| Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.
| As you turn the crank on a large ice cream churn, the rhimar chips in the lower slot of the churn grows cold, quickly cooling the churn. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet. || Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.
{{itemtiermulti <!-- Copy/Paste x #Item as needed. -->
|item= Auction-Quality Rhimar Churn<!-- REQUIRED: Must be entered as Item Type -->

|itemsummary= The first rhimar churn was released at the [[Great Auction of 2016]]. It has the benefit of not needing an additional rhimar item to power it; unlimited milk; unlimited cones; and a flavorings carousel that provides unlimited toppings for ice cream and flavorings for brewed coffee and tea.<!-- Brief explanation of what this particular item does, if any. -->
==Auction-Quality Rhimar Churn==
|analyze= This rhimar churn is an ice cream maker. You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied. You can choose up to two flavors. If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.
The first rhimar churn was released at the [[Great Auction of 2016]]. It has the benefit of not needing an additional rhimar item to power it; unlimited milk; unlimited cones; and a flavorings carousel that provides unlimited toppings for ice cream and flavorings for brewed coffee and tea.
This rhimar churn is an ice cream maker. You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied. You can choose up to two flavors. If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.

This churn is also fitted with a milk reservoir that you can FLIP on and off, a cone sleeve that you can TWIST open and closed, and a toppings carousel that you can SPIN. Once you have chosen a topping, you can PUSH the churn to either apply the topping to your dessert or brewed tea or coffee. If not topping a treat, you can PUSH the churn to place some of the topping into the chamber to flavor the next treat.
This churn is also fitted with a milk reservoir that you can FLIP on and off, a cone sleeve that you can TWIST open and closed, and a toppings carousel that you can SPIN. Once you have chosen a topping, you can PUSH the churn to either apply the topping to your dessert or brewed tea or coffee. If not topping a treat, you can PUSH the churn to place some of the topping into the chamber to flavor the next treat.

You may also PROD the churn to toggle between making ice cream or sorbet and drinkable shakes or smoothies. This is currently set to make shakes or smoothies.<!-- Tier 1/OTS required to be listed here. Other tiers only to list changes between analyzes (so as to not populate duplicate information), and final unlock to be listed in full -->
===Verb Traps===
|inspect= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
{| {{prettytable|background:#F0F8FF;height:15px;}}
|show= The chamber is flanked on one side by a sleeve filled with crisp waffle cones that could be twisted to allow access to the cones and a milk reservoir that could be flipped to open, and on the other side by a carousel boasting a variety of ice cream toppings that you could spin to cycle through and push to apply. A bowl of whipped cream is currently at the front of the carousel.<!-- ONLY for when an item has a hard-coded show. -->
|- style="background:#000080; vertical-align: top; font-size: larger; color:white;"
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific item, if any. -->
! style="width:5em"|VERB
|itemverbtable= <!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this item. If not, leave blank. -->
! style="width:35em"|FIRST
! style="width:35em"|THIRD
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Verb
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Style <!-- (Only if applicable. Additional options would be Demeanor, Location, Climate, etc. Essentially, modifiers to the verbs.) -->
! scope="col"|First
! scope="col"|Third
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| CLEAN
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|
| The chamber is flanked on one side by a sleeve filled with crisp waffle cones that could be twisted to allow access to the cones and a milk reservoir that could be flipped to open, and on the other side by a carousel boasting a variety of ice cream toppings that you could spin to cycle through and push to apply. A bowl of whipped cream is currently at the front of the carousel. || N/A
| You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use.
| Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
! scope="rowgroup" role="rowheader" rowspan="2" | FLIP
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|On
| You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use. || Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
| You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, opening the milk reservoir.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Off
| You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, closing off the milk reservoir.
| As you turn the crank on a rhimar churn, the rhimar lining in the churn grows cold, a faint rime spreading across the churn's surface. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet. || Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! rowspan="2" | FLIP
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| PUSH
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Flavor
| You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, opening the milk reservoir. || Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
| You take a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grate dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber.
| Vanah takes a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grates dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| PUSH
| You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, closing off the milk reservoir. || Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| Topping
| You take a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoon some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet. || Vanah takes a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoons some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| SPIN
! rowspan="2" | TWIST
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|
| You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a cone instead of a dish. || Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
| You spin the toppings carousel, bringing a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles to the front.
| Vanah spins the rhimar churn's toppings carousel with a thoughtful look on her face.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"| TURN
| You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a dish instead of a cone. || Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|
| As you turn the crank on a rhimar churn, the rhimar lining in the churn grows cold, a faint rime spreading across the churn's surface. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet.
| Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.
! scope="rowgroup" role="rowheader" rowspan="2" | TWIST
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Cone
| You spin the toppings carousel, bringing a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles to the front. || Vanah spins the rhimar churn's toppings carousel with a thoughtful look on her face.
| You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a cone instead of a dish.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Dish
! PUSH<br> Flavor
| You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a dish instead of a cone.
| You take a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grate dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber. || Vanah takes a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grates dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="rowgroup" role="rowheader" rowspan="2" | PROD
! PUSH<br>Topping
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Ice Cream / Sorbet
| You take a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoon some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet. || Vanah takes a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoons some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet.
| You prod at some settings on the rhimar churn, preparing to make ice-cream or sorbet instead of shakes or smoothies.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|Shake / Smoothie
| You prod at some settings on the rhimar churn, preparing to make shakes or smoothies instead of ice-cream or sorbet.
| Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
{{itemtiermulti <!-- Copy/Paste x #Item as needed. -->
|item= Toppings<!-- REQUIRED: Must be entered as Item Type -->

|itemsummary= Certain [[Coffee and tea flavoring|coffee and tea flavorings]] can be added to a finished dessert to add flavor and description.
|analyze= You analyze your jar of cinnamon and sense that the jar of cinnamon is an item used to flavor tea and coffee made via brewing, making it "the subtle hint of spice underlying its natural flavors, dusky and warm like a freshly baked gingersnap." '''It can be used as an ice cream topping, resulting in a dessert dusted with cinnamon.''' It has 20 servings and the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.
|inspect= <!-- ONLY for when an item has a custom INSPECT to it. -->
|show= Beneath the chamber is a small slot, intended to house a piece of rhimar to chill the churn.<!-- ONLY for when an item has a hard-coded show. -->
|affinity= <!-- Brief explanation of affinity for that specific item, if any. -->
|itemverbtable= <!-- Answer YES if there are verbs associated with this item. If not, leave blank. -->
{| {{verbtable}} <!-- REQUIRED if there are verbs for this tier. For instructions on how to use this template, see Template:Verbtable. -->
|- {{verbtableheader}}
! scope="col" style="width:5em;"|Flavoring
! scope="col"|Topping
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|cinnamon
| dusted with cinnamon
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|chai spice
| dusted with chai spice
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|raspberry
| drizzled with raspberry syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|black raspberry
| drizzled with black raspberry syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|cherry
| drizzled with cherry syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|strawberry
| drizzled with strawberry syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|blackberry
| drizzled with blackberry syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|lemon verbena
| drizzled with lemon verbena syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|lemon basil
| drizzled with lemon basil syrup
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|hazelnut
| topped with chopped hazelnuts
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|pistachio
| topped with sugar-dusted pistachio
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|vanilla bean
| flecked with vanilla bean
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|rainbow sprinkles
| sprinkled with rainbow-colored sugar
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|cookie crumb
| topped with crushed cookie bits
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|tart crust
| topped with broken tart crusts
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|caramel
| drizzled with caramel sauce
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|chocolate
| drizzled with chocolate sauce
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|dark chocolate
| topped with shaved chocolate
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|white chocolate
| topped with white chocolate shavings
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|mint chocolate
| topped with mint chocolate chips
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|marshmallow
| drizzled with gooey marshmallow
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|whipped cream
| topped with whipped cream
! scope="row" role="rowheader"|black cherry
| topped with smoked black cherries
[[Category:Great Auction of 2016]]
==Additional Information==
Ice cream and sorbet flavors are dependent on the food and drink items provided by the players. Milk is required for ice cream; if no milk is provided, sorbet will be made. Up to two food or drink items can be placed into the churn. Cones and toppings also affect the flavor messaging. Certain flavorings from the [[coffee and tea brewing]] system can be poured on ice cream and sorbet as toppings.
Ice cream and sorbet flavors are dependent on the food and drink items provided by the players. Milk is required for ice cream; if no milk is provided, sorbet will be made. Up to two food or drink items can be placed into the churn. Cones and toppings also affect the flavor messaging. Certain flavorings from the [[coffee and tea brewing]] system can be poured on ice cream and sorbet as toppings.

Line 114: Line 220:
|blueberry || cinnamon || ginger || lemon-lime || molasses || pineapple || salted caramel || wine
|blueberry || cinnamon || ginger || lemon-lime || molasses || pineapple || salted caramel || wine
|bourbon || || || || || || sarsaparilla || winterberry
|bourbon || bacon || honeycomb || rosemary || macadamia nut || elderflower || sarsaparilla || winterberry
| black peppercorn || pink peppercorn || || chili || rose || rose water || blue cheese || balsamic vinegar

{| {{loresong}}
|- style="background:maroon; vertical-align: top; font-size: larger; color:white;"
;First Verse
! Loresong
As your voice penetrates a rhimar churn, the faint sound of bells echoes around you, followed by the laughter of a young child. A sudden chill fills the surrounding air as snowflakes brush against your face and a scene before you unfolds.
! Reaction
|As your voice penetrates a rhimar churn, the faint sound of bells echoes around you, followed by the laughter of a young child. A sudden chill fills the surrounding air as snowflakes brush against your face and a scene before you unfolds.

A young halfling child calls out, "Father!" as a boy charges in your direction and through you, stopping before a large wooden wagon filled with a variety of fresh fruit. A man hops down and scoops his young son up, spinning him in the air as the boy giggles furiously. "Soon you'll be old enough to travel with me and gather all the fruit for the shop," the man says as he tickles the small boy. The boy's face breaks into an enormous grin, and he nods with enthusiasm, stopping his father with a tight hug around his neck. On the ground once again, the duo make their way toward a small cobblestone house, each one grasping an overflowing basket of fresh fruit.
A young halfling child calls out, "Father!" as a boy charges in your direction and through you, stopping before a large wooden wagon filled with a variety of fresh fruit. A man hops down and scoops his young son up, spinning him in the air as the boy giggles furiously. "Soon you'll be old enough to travel with me and gather all the fruit for the shop," the man says as he tickles the small boy. The boy's face breaks into an enormous grin, and he nods with enthusiasm, stopping his father with a tight hug around his neck. On the ground once again, the duo make their way toward a small cobblestone house, each one grasping an overflowing basket of fresh fruit.

Through the frame of the frost-covered window, you observe the warm embrace between husband and wife as the young boys jumps up and down, awaiting another spin in the air. The smoke from the chimney suddenly obscures the vision, returning you back to your surroundings.
Through the frame of the frost-covered window, you observe the warm embrace between husband and wife as the young boys jumps up and down, awaiting another spin in the air. The smoke from the chimney suddenly obscures the vision, returning you back to your surroundings.
|As Vanah begins her song, she tilts her head slightly, the look upon her face one of concentration. The look quickly softens, and a smile slowly builds across her face.

As Vanah begins her song, she tilts her head slightly, the look upon her face one of concentration. The look quickly softens, and a smile slowly builds across her face.
|As you continue your song, the once refreshing chill of your previous vision has become a biting, unrelenting snowstorm. Sheets of ice fall at perilous angles, blinding your line of sight, but a pause in the gusts reveals the man yelling out into the storm, his cupped hands covered in thick leather gloves. A taller boy, the son aged at least a decade, emerges from behind a weathered wooden wagon, leading the horses toward a small stable.

;Second Verse
As you continue your song, the once refreshing chill of your previous vision has become a biting, unrelenting snowstorm. Sheets of ice fall at perilous angles, blinding your line of sight, but a pause in the gusts reveals the man yelling out into the storm, his cupped hands covered in thick leather gloves. A taller boy, the son aged at least a decade, emerges from behind a weathered wooden wagon, leading the horses toward a small stable.

A loud peal of thunder breaks the silence of the evening, and your vision becomes a blur of scenes assaulting your senses: a horse rearing in fear, the young boy throwing his hands up for protection, the father arriving to push his son away, the unmoving figure lying in the snow, the uncontrollable sobs drowning out the thunder... and with a bright flash of lightning, the vision disappears.
A loud peal of thunder breaks the silence of the evening, and your vision becomes a blur of scenes assaulting your senses: a horse rearing in fear, the young boy throwing his hands up for protection, the father arriving to push his son away, the unmoving figure lying in the snow, the uncontrollable sobs drowning out the thunder... and with a bright flash of lightning, the vision disappears.
|Vanah slowly weaves her song, shivering slightly as she cradles a rhimar churn between her hands.

Vanah slowly weaves her song, shivering slightly as she cradles a rhimar churn between her hands.
|You shut your eyes tightly, bracing yourself for another rush of frigid air, yet it does not arrive.

;Third Verse
You shut your eyes tightly, bracing yourself for another rush of frigid air, yet it does not arrive.

As your eyes open, you are once again in front of the cobblestone house, and the now-dilapidated wagon rolls slowly toward the front. A young man jumps down from the seat, rushing to grab a pair of wicker baskets, and spills several brightly colored fruits upon the snowy ground. A door opens, and an older gentleman emerges, leaning heavily upon his cane. The younger man runs up to him, embracing him tightly, his arms animated as he regales his father with tales of his travels.
As your eyes open, you are once again in front of the cobblestone house, and the now-dilapidated wagon rolls slowly toward the front. A young man jumps down from the seat, rushing to grab a pair of wicker baskets, and spills several brightly colored fruits upon the snowy ground. A door opens, and an older gentleman emerges, leaning heavily upon his cane. The younger man runs up to him, embracing him tightly, his arms animated as he regales his father with tales of his travels.

The father smiles and laughs alongside his son, but his gaze is a melancholy one as he walks back inside the house. The son glances at his father's form, then the pieces of fruit laying upon the snow. A moment of realization dawns upon him, and he quickly gathers a number of supplies, rushing off with tools and fruits in hand.
The father smiles and laughs alongside his son, but his gaze is a melancholy one as he walks back inside the house. The son glances at his father's form, then the pieces of fruit laying upon the snow. A moment of realization dawns upon him, and he quickly gathers a number of supplies, rushing off with tools and fruits in hand.
|As Vanah begins her melody, she shuts her eyes tightly as though bracing for something. Slowly, Vanah opens them, exhaling in relief.

As Vanah begins her melody, she shuts her eyes tightly as though bracing for something. Slowly, Vanah opens them, exhaling in relief.
|Your song draws forth a familiar cooling breeze, the fall of snowflakes once again dancing about your form. The elderly gentleman sits quietly, gazing out a window at the snow-covered wagon outside. The tinkling sounds of bells catches his attention, and he turns, surprised by the scene in front of him. The young man holds out a small wooden barrel, a familiar grin upon his face. "I've found a way to enjoy our fruits without having to travel!" he exclaims. He places his contraption upon a table, then places a small basket of ingredients within it. He shows his father the proper way of sealing the barrel and turning the crank, his words a jumble of excitement and joy. The father nods along with the words, his smile quickly morphing into a grin that rivals his son's as he opens the churn to discover the finished treat.

;Fourth Verse
Your song draws forth a familiar cooling breeze, the fall of snowflakes once again dancing about your form. The elderly gentleman sits quietly, gazing out a window at the snow-covered wagon outside. The tinkling sounds of bells catches his attention, and he turns, surprised by the scene in front of him. The young man holds out a small wooden barrel, a familiar grin upon his face. "I've found a way to enjoy our fruits without having to travel!" he exclaims. He places his contraption upon a table, then places a small basket of ingredients within it. He shows his father the proper way of sealing the barrel and turning the crank, his words a jumble of excitement and joy. The father nods along with the words, his smile quickly morphing into a grin that rivals his son's as he opens the churn to discover the finished treat.

The boy tilts his head inquisitively toward his father, awaiting a verdict. The father turns, slowly standing up to face the boy, then immediately lurches forward, father and son embracing as the vision fades in a flurry of silvered snowflakes.
The boy tilts his head inquisitively toward his father, awaiting a verdict. The father turns, slowly standing up to face the boy, then immediately lurches forward, father and son embracing as the vision fades in a flurry of silvered snowflakes.
|Vanah gazes across the area with a look of melancholy, her fingers tracing across the a rhimar churn. She begins to smile slightly, then breaks into an enormous grin and lets out several hearty chuckles.
|The sound of a tinkling bell and visions of flurrying snowflakes whirl across your mind, but you learn nothing further.

Vanah gazes across the area with a look of melancholy, her fingers tracing across the a rhimar churn. She begins to smile slightly, then breaks into an enormous grin and lets out several hearty chuckles.

|type= Fluff<!-- REQUIRED: Mechanical or Fluff. OPTIONAL: If an item is feature altering or crafting, as well, please enter "Feature altering" or "crafting" below this line for "type2=" -->
|itemclass= Miscellaneous<!-- REQUIRED: Valid options are: Armor, Weapon, Shield, Clothing, Accessory, Container, Creatures (Pets/Mounts), or Miscellaneous. If more than one classification, additional lines can be added with "itemclass2=" & "itemclass3=" -->
The sound of a tinkling bell and visions of flurrying snowflakes whirl across your mind, but you learn nothing further.
|itemtype= Churn<!-- REQUIRED: What items can this apply to. Up to 8 can be specified by setting "itemtype2" - "itemtype8". -->
|alter= <!-- REQUIRED: Can this be altered? Valid response is Yes or No. If there are restrictions, enter in Restrictions line at the end of this particular template. -->

|ld= <!-- REQUIRED: Is this item able to be lightened or deepened? Valid response is Yes or No. If there are restrictions, enter in Restrictions line. -->
[[Category: Scripted Items]]
|feature= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if feature altering is indicated. Up to 8 features can be entered by setting "feature2=" - "feature8=". -->
[[Category: Great Auction of 2016]]
|customize= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item is customizable beyond an ALTER. If no, leave blank. -->
|custom= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is REQUIRED if customization is indicated. Up to 5 customizations can be entered with "custom2=" - "custom5=". If the messaging is alterable, simply enter "Verb".-->
|origmerch= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release merchant name, if known. If released as a quest item, please enter "Quest" ONLY. Otherwise, leave blank.-->
|releasevenue= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release venue only, if known. If not, leave blank. -->
|releaseyear= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating the original release year only, if known. If not, leave blank. -->
|questitem= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's release was part of a quest/storyline. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiered= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item is tiered. If no, leave blank. -->
|tiersnumber= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if an item has tiers. It is to note how many tiers there are (This includes off the shelf). -->
|unlock= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only required if an item has tiers. It is to note how tiers can be unlocked. Valid options are "Merchant", "Certificate", or "Quest" ONLY. If more than one, enter at unlock2.-->
|legendary= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item/script was released/distributed at an auction or was a jackpot prize. Extremely limited release only (3 or less in existence). -->
|demeanor= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item's messaging is affected by DEMEANOR. If no, leave blank. -->
|loresong= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item has a loresong as part of the base script. If no, leave blank. -->
|corrscript= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has scripts that correspond with it, specifically, they are scripts that work separately AND together in one way or another (i.e. Bloodrunes and MoonShard Pendants). Additional slots can be added with "corrscript2=" - "corrscript5"= -->
|attune= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item attunes. If permanent, enter Permanent; if temporary, enter Temporary (as in, it can be broken). If there is none, leave blank. -->
|attunement= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is only REQUIRED if attunement was indicated. Options are "Character" or "Account". Please note, "Temporary attunement" will ALWAYS be "Character". -->
|affinity= <!-- OPTIONAL: Enter "Yes" if the item requires affinity to work. If no, leave blank. -->
|spell= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has a spell inherent to the script ONLY. Up to 4 may be specified with "spell2=" - "spell4=". Example to enter: Call Familiar (920). If no, leave blank. -->
|enhancive= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has enhancives inherent to the script ONLY. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|swap= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item is eligible for script swapping. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|add= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if the script is eligible to be added to an item. Answer YES. If no, leave blank. -->
|restrictions= <!-- OPTIONAL: This area is for indicating if an item has specific restrictions. If more than one, separate with <br>. DO NOT ENTER ON A SEPARATE LINE. -->
|verb= CLEAN
|verb2= FLIP
|verb3= PUSH
|verb4= SPIN
|verb5= TURN
|verb6= TWIST<!-- Verbs MUST be capitalized when entered. Up to 28 verbs can be added with "verb2=" - "verb28=". Verbs should be listed in alphabetical order, not by tier.-->

Revision as of 14:05, 3 June 2023

An ice cream churn is a scripted item that allows players to make their own ice cream and sorbet. There are two levels, a standard churn and an auction-quality rhimar churn.

Standard Churn

Most ice cream churns are portable, but some may be in private homes or player group buildings. The churns must have a rhimar object placed in the slot beneath the chamber to cool the contents.


This ice cream churn is an ice cream maker.  You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied.  You can choose up to two flavors.  If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.


Beneath the chamber is a small slot, intended to house a piece of rhimar to chill the churn.
Verb First Third
CLEAN You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use. Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
TURN As you turn the crank on a large ice cream churn, the rhimar chips in the lower slot of the churn grows cold, quickly cooling the churn. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet. Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.

Auction-Quality Rhimar Churn

The first rhimar churn was released at the Great Auction of 2016. It has the benefit of not needing an additional rhimar item to power it; unlimited milk; unlimited cones; and a flavorings carousel that provides unlimited toppings for ice cream and flavorings for brewed coffee and tea.


This rhimar churn is an ice cream maker.  You could PUT appropriate food items into it and TURN the handle in order to churn it into ice cream or sorbet, depending on whether milk has been supplied.  You can choose up to two flavors.  If you change your mind, you can CLEAN the churn to empty out the chamber.

This churn is also fitted with a milk reservoir that you can FLIP on and off, a cone sleeve that you can TWIST open and closed, and a toppings carousel that you can SPIN.  Once you have chosen a topping, you can PUSH the churn to either apply the topping to your dessert or brewed tea or coffee.  If not topping a treat, you can PUSH the churn to place some of the topping into the chamber to flavor the next treat.

You may also PROD the churn to toggle between making ice cream or sorbet and drinkable shakes or smoothies.  This is currently set to make shakes or smoothies.


The chamber is flanked on one side by a sleeve filled with crisp waffle cones that could be twisted to allow access to the cones and a milk reservoir that could be flipped to open, and on the other side by a carousel boasting a variety of ice cream toppings that you could spin to cycle through and push to apply.  A bowl of whipped cream is currently at the front of the carousel.
Verb Style First Third
CLEAN You go about cleaning out the ice cream churn, preparing it for its next use. Vanah meticulously cleans the ice cream churn.
FLIP On You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, opening the milk reservoir. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
Off You flip a toggle on the rhimar churn, closing off the milk reservoir. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
PUSH Flavor You take a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grate dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber. Vanah takes a block of dark chocolate from the churn's toppings carousel and grates dark chocolate shavings into the churn's chamber.
PUSH Topping You take a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoon some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet. Vanah takes a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles from the rhimar churn's toppings carousel and spoons some of the rainbow-hued sprinkles on top of some lemon sorbet.
SPIN You spin the toppings carousel, bringing a bowl of brightly colored sugar sprinkles to the front. Vanah spins the rhimar churn's toppings carousel with a thoughtful look on her face.
TURN As you turn the crank on a rhimar churn, the rhimar lining in the churn grows cold, a faint rime spreading across the churn's surface. A faint whirring sound emits from the churn, and sorbet slowly oozes from the spigot. You fill a dish with the sorbet and come away with some lemon sorbet. Vanah turns the crank on the rhimar churn, which emits a faint whirring sound. Vanah comes away from the churn with some lemon sorbet.
TWIST Cone You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a cone instead of a dish. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
Dish You twist the bottom of the cone sleeve on the rhimar churn, opting to use a dish instead of a cone. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
PROD Ice Cream / Sorbet You prod at some settings on the rhimar churn, preparing to make ice-cream or sorbet instead of shakes or smoothies. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.
Shake / Smoothie You prod at some settings on the rhimar churn, preparing to make shakes or smoothies instead of ice-cream or sorbet. Vanah fiddles with a setting on a rhimar churn.


Certain coffee and tea flavorings can be added to a finished dessert to add flavor and description.


You analyze your jar of cinnamon and sense that the jar of cinnamon is an item used to flavor tea and coffee made via brewing, making it "the subtle hint of spice underlying its natural flavors, dusky and warm like a freshly baked gingersnap."  It can be used as an ice cream topping, resulting in a dessert dusted with cinnamon.  It has 20 servings and the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.


Beneath the chamber is a small slot, intended to house a piece of rhimar to chill the churn.
Flavoring Topping
cinnamon dusted with cinnamon
chai spice dusted with chai spice
raspberry drizzled with raspberry syrup
black raspberry drizzled with black raspberry syrup
cherry drizzled with cherry syrup
strawberry drizzled with strawberry syrup
blackberry drizzled with blackberry syrup
lemon verbena drizzled with lemon verbena syrup
lemon basil drizzled with lemon basil syrup
hazelnut topped with chopped hazelnuts
pistachio topped with sugar-dusted pistachio
vanilla bean flecked with vanilla bean
rainbow sprinkles sprinkled with rainbow-colored sugar
cookie crumb topped with crushed cookie bits
tart crust topped with broken tart crusts
caramel drizzled with caramel sauce
chocolate drizzled with chocolate sauce
dark chocolate topped with shaved chocolate
white chocolate topped with white chocolate shavings
mint chocolate topped with mint chocolate chips
marshmallow drizzled with gooey marshmallow
whipped cream topped with whipped cream
black cherry topped with smoked black cherries

Additional Information


Ice cream and sorbet flavors are dependent on the food and drink items provided by the players. Milk is required for ice cream; if no milk is provided, sorbet will be made. Up to two food or drink items can be placed into the churn. Cones and toppings also affect the flavor messaging. Certain flavorings from the coffee and tea brewing system can be poured on ice cream and sorbet as toppings.

Possible flavor options
almond brandy cinnamon apple gingerbread lemon-rhubarb mulberry pistachio scotch
amaretto butter pecan cinnamon bun gooseberry lemon peel orange plum spearment
apple buttered rum cinnamon maple grape lime orange peel pomegranate spiced chai
apple brandy butterscotch cinnamon raisin grapefruit lychee papaya poppyseed spiced rum
apricot cabernet cinnamon roll green apple mango passionfruit praeline pecan starfruit
banana candied ginger cocoa green tea maple peach pumpkin strawberry
banana nut caramel apple coconut guava maple pecan peanut raisin tangerine
basil cashew coconut rum hazelnut marshmallow peanut butter raspberry toffee
black cherry cheesecake coffee honey marzipan pear red currant vanilla
black currant chai cognac honeydew merlot pecan red raspberry vanilla bean
black raspberry cherry cranberry kiwi mint pecan praeline red wine vanilla mint
black tea cherry vanilla cream cheese lavender mint chip peppermint rhubarb verbena
black walnut chocolate dark chocolate lemon mint chocolate persimmon rowanberry watermelon
blackberry chocolate chip egg nog lemon verbena mocha pickle rum white chocolate
blood orange chocolate fudge fig lemon-basil mocha chip pickled watermelon rum raisin white tea
blueberry cinnamon ginger lemon-lime molasses pineapple salted caramel wine
bourbon bacon honeycomb rosemary macadamia nut elderflower sarsaparilla winterberry
black peppercorn pink peppercorn chili rose rose water blue cheese balsamic vinegar


Loresong Reaction
As your voice penetrates a rhimar churn, the faint sound of bells echoes around you, followed by the laughter of a young child. A sudden chill fills the surrounding air as snowflakes brush against your face and a scene before you unfolds.

A young halfling child calls out, "Father!" as a boy charges in your direction and through you, stopping before a large wooden wagon filled with a variety of fresh fruit. A man hops down and scoops his young son up, spinning him in the air as the boy giggles furiously. "Soon you'll be old enough to travel with me and gather all the fruit for the shop," the man says as he tickles the small boy. The boy's face breaks into an enormous grin, and he nods with enthusiasm, stopping his father with a tight hug around his neck. On the ground once again, the duo make their way toward a small cobblestone house, each one grasping an overflowing basket of fresh fruit.

Through the frame of the frost-covered window, you observe the warm embrace between husband and wife as the young boys jumps up and down, awaiting another spin in the air. The smoke from the chimney suddenly obscures the vision, returning you back to your surroundings.

As Vanah begins her song, she tilts her head slightly, the look upon her face one of concentration. The look quickly softens, and a smile slowly builds across her face.
As you continue your song, the once refreshing chill of your previous vision has become a biting, unrelenting snowstorm. Sheets of ice fall at perilous angles, blinding your line of sight, but a pause in the gusts reveals the man yelling out into the storm, his cupped hands covered in thick leather gloves. A taller boy, the son aged at least a decade, emerges from behind a weathered wooden wagon, leading the horses toward a small stable.

A loud peal of thunder breaks the silence of the evening, and your vision becomes a blur of scenes assaulting your senses: a horse rearing in fear, the young boy throwing his hands up for protection, the father arriving to push his son away, the unmoving figure lying in the snow, the uncontrollable sobs drowning out the thunder... and with a bright flash of lightning, the vision disappears.

Vanah slowly weaves her song, shivering slightly as she cradles a rhimar churn between her hands.
You shut your eyes tightly, bracing yourself for another rush of frigid air, yet it does not arrive.

As your eyes open, you are once again in front of the cobblestone house, and the now-dilapidated wagon rolls slowly toward the front. A young man jumps down from the seat, rushing to grab a pair of wicker baskets, and spills several brightly colored fruits upon the snowy ground. A door opens, and an older gentleman emerges, leaning heavily upon his cane. The younger man runs up to him, embracing him tightly, his arms animated as he regales his father with tales of his travels.

The father smiles and laughs alongside his son, but his gaze is a melancholy one as he walks back inside the house. The son glances at his father's form, then the pieces of fruit laying upon the snow. A moment of realization dawns upon him, and he quickly gathers a number of supplies, rushing off with tools and fruits in hand.

As Vanah begins her melody, she shuts her eyes tightly as though bracing for something. Slowly, Vanah opens them, exhaling in relief.
Your song draws forth a familiar cooling breeze, the fall of snowflakes once again dancing about your form. The elderly gentleman sits quietly, gazing out a window at the snow-covered wagon outside. The tinkling sounds of bells catches his attention, and he turns, surprised by the scene in front of him. The young man holds out a small wooden barrel, a familiar grin upon his face. "I've found a way to enjoy our fruits without having to travel!" he exclaims. He places his contraption upon a table, then places a small basket of ingredients within it. He shows his father the proper way of sealing the barrel and turning the crank, his words a jumble of excitement and joy. The father nods along with the words, his smile quickly morphing into a grin that rivals his son's as he opens the churn to discover the finished treat.

The boy tilts his head inquisitively toward his father, awaiting a verdict. The father turns, slowly standing up to face the boy, then immediately lurches forward, father and son embracing as the vision fades in a flurry of silvered snowflakes.

Vanah gazes across the area with a look of melancholy, her fingers tracing across the a rhimar churn. She begins to smile slightly, then breaks into an enormous grin and lets out several hearty chuckles.
The sound of a tinkling bell and visions of flurrying snowflakes whirl across your mind, but you learn nothing further.
Ice cream churn Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Churn
Item Verbs