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Duskruin Treasure Trove/prize list August 2021: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 08:05, 24 January 2022

Instructions for Contributors

There's a commented template to add the Trove items at the very end of the page when you select to edit this page or the Trove section. That lets you put a new item into the table without fuss. Copy/Paste it for new items. Please edit missing information as needed. In the unlikely event there are multiple items, just list it once, and winners can be placed in a comma separated list in the Winner column.

Raffle Items and Winners

a prism of pale lavender fluorite encased in a web of alum strands
It is currently imbedded with the Mystic Focus spell.
It has 5 charges remaining.
It could be activated by rubbing it.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It is a small item, under a pound.
The fluorite can be worn anywhere on the body.  The fluorite appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of gemstone.

Special Property Details:

This fluorite is a magical X/day item that casts spell 1711.
Won by Lyrique
a viciously spiked zelnorn buckler with a reinforced yierka hide strap
It imparts a bonus of +10 more than usual.
It helps to increase the efficiency of attacks made by the wearer.
It appears to weigh about 7 pounds.
The buckler is a small shield that protects the bearer if carried in the left hand.  It is spiked.
The buckler can be worn, slinging it across the shoulders and back.  The buckler appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of zelnorn.

Special Property Details:

This item has nothing more of note.
Won by Maleisse
a broken boxwood crumhorn with a missing windcap
It is a woodwind instrument.
It is a small item, under a pound.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of wood.

Special Property Details:

The boxwood crumhorn is cursed by angry spectral voices that can be unleashed when RAISEd.

It can be freely altered.
Suspect this is a 3x a day Provoke spell item (see the Great Auction of 2016 - Pied Piper Flute)
Won by Loxik
a kelyn-traced cylindrical silver whistle on a black satin cord (Crate whistle)
It is a small item, under a pound.
The whistle can be worn anywhere on the body.  The whistle appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of silver.

Special Property Details:

This cylindrical whistle will summon a battered antique faewood crate and will function as an animated disk.  It can be altered provided the item remains a whistle of some kind.  Use EXHALE to call forth your crate, but once you do this, the item will become bonded to you.  If you have two summoning items, you will only ever have ONE crate out at the same time.  Dismiss and resummon to change between multiples.
Won by Archeth
some hooded jet silk robes with pristine white tippets (Animalistic Spirit Armor)
It imparts a bonus of +30 more than usual.
It appears to weigh about 8 pounds.
The robes is cloth armor that covers the torso, arms, legs, neck, and head.
The robes can be worn around the chest.  The robes appear to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

Special Property Details:
Won by Lanzerik
a blackened sanguine pavis framed by sigil-carved femur bones (Energy Shields)
It imparts a bonus of +30 more than usual.
It provides a boost of 12 to Strength Base.
The pavis looks to have almost innumerable charges remaining.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It appears to weigh about 10 pounds.
The pavis is a tower shield that protects the bearer if carried in the left hand.
The pavis can be worn, slinging it across the shoulders and back.  The pavis appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of vultite.

Special Property Details:
                           ENERGY SHIELDS
  Energy Flares:  Turn them on to let your Shield Flare.
  Surged Flares:  These drain mana and stored energy to increase flare strength.  You cannot
                  store mana during surged flares.
  Drained Flares: These reduce the strength of your flare to bond and store energy.

Verb PROD ON/OFF Energy Flares Currently: ON PULL ON/OFF Drained Flares (Store Energy) Currently: OFF PUSH ON/OFF Surged Flares (Increases flare strength at the cost of energy) Currently: OFF PUNCH UnAttunes the sanguine pavis. This is permanent. PRAY Attunes or advances your affinity. Unlocked Abilities General Information Tier: 0 Affinity Level: 0 Total Energy Bound (Bonding): 0 Total Energy Stored: 0/100 Flare Type: Krush Daily Energy Cap: 0/1000 22 Hour Energy Tracker: Expired Energy Reverb: Locked Energy Barrier: Locked Energy Wave: Locked Customization Energy Color: white Accent Color: black
Enhancive: rechargeable
Won by Neovik and Brimzstone
a tiny snow-dusted faewood treehouse on a delicate veniom chain
It does not have any charges left.
It could be activated by waving it.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It is a small item, under a pound.
The treehouse can be worn around the neck.  The treehouse appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of faewood.

Special Property Details:
This faewood treehouse can be altered normally.

The faewood treehouse is a magic item that, when worn, enhances recovery over time.

The treehouse can be used once per day and aids in recovery of health, stamina, power and spirit by restoring a point of each per minute (except for spirit, which is restored every ten minutes).  Once per day here means 24 hours must pass between each use.

The treehouse can have one of four tiers, which determines the length of time that the treehouse's recovery effect remains active after use.  Each tier provides 30 minutes of the treehouse's recovery effect's duration.

The duration of the recovery effect of this treehouse is 120 minutes.

The treehouse traps four verbs: KNOCK, PRESS, RUB and TOUCH.

The KNOCK verb displays special messaging if the treehouse depicts some sort of home (e.g., a cottage, a castle, a cave).

This treehouse has special KNOCK messaging.

Only one of this kind of item can be worn at a time.
Won by Morganto
a cobalt-marbled rolaren langsax gripped in raven-carved scrimshaw
It imparts a bonus of +20 more than usual.
It provides a boost of 25 to Edged Weapons Ranks.
The langsax looks to have almost innumerable charges remaining.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It appears to weigh about 5 pounds.
It is heavily weighted to inflict more critical wounds than a normal weapon of its type.
The langsax is a longsword that requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of rolaren.

Special Property Details:

Enhancive: rechargeable

This item has nothing more of note.
Won by Igglbid
a grey staff of gnarled illthorn branches caging a sphere of shattered glass (Nerve staff)
It imparts a bonus of +30 more than usual.
It has been infused with mana.
It appears to weigh about 4 pounds.
The staff is a rune staff that requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of illthorn.

Special Property Details:


The staff has a mechanical (combat) script which provides three basic types of functionality that can be broken down into the following categories: AFFINITY - A special, custom 'bonding' like mechanism. Any given item can share an Affinity with only one person at a time. Affinity is gained by wielding the item and landing successful hits against like level foes. BACKLASH - Potential negative effects, including immobilization, stuns, and nervous system damage, that can occur at random. As the wielder's Affinity with the item grows, the chance of a Backlash occurring are reduced. FLARES - Off-the-Shelf, this item comes with a 'Muscle Memory' flare that, when triggered, will temporarily enhance the wielder's Combat Maneuver Ranks. The magnitude of the enhancement is based on the degree of Affinity shared with the wielder, while the frequency of the the flare is determined by the item's tier. Unlocked items also possess the potential for an offensive 'Misery Unleashed' flare. This flare can ONLY be triggered when the the item is wielded against like level foes by someone with whom a COMPLETE Affinity is shared. ITEM DETAILS
This is a tiered item that is currently Tier 4 of 4, which results in a 35% chance for the Muscle Memory flare to trigger when used against like level foes. It also has the following verbs available: CLENCH, TOUCH, STARE, LISTEN, and BERSERK. The grey staff does not share an Affinity with anyone! This will result in a bonus of 5 to Combat Maneuver Ranks being applied when the Muscle Memory flare is successfully triggered. Using this item in combat against like level foes will increase the Affinity Level ALTERATION GUIDELINES
This grey staff may be freely altered by any merchant who is comfortable doing so, with the following caveat: The staff was formed of special saplings that were trained to grow around one another. In order to reflect this, it should always contain the word 'twisted', 'braided', 'helical', or something similiar in its TAP description.
Won by Darkkstormmer
a faenor-forged canine skull headpiece flanked by thin ivory fangs (Veola hair accessory)
It provides a boost of 20 to Spell Aiming Ranks.
The headpiece looks to have a huge number of charges remaining.
It will persist after its last charge is depleted.
It is a small item, under a pound.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of faenor.

Special Property Details:

This item is designed to display a gem, feather, or flower.  The headpiece has four distinct descriptions: one when empty, a second when a gem is inserted, a third when a feather is inserted, or a fourth when a flower is inserted.  To insert an item, hold the headpiece in one hand, the item you'd like to insert in the opposite hand and PUSH headpiece.  PULLing the headpiece will remove the hairpiece and restore the headpiece to its empty description.  It has been fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: TWIST, TAP, ATTEND, NOD and SHAKE.

When worn, it will temporarily alter your hairstyle and supports up to three custom hairstyles in addition to the default setting.  Currently it has the following custom hairstyles set:

<hair> caught in matted strands beneath a faenor-forged canine skull headpiece flanked by thin ivory fangs, leaving the splayed locks to lay against his shoulders
<hair> pulled high into a sinew-bound ponytail, his head crowned by a faenor-forged canine skull headpiece flanked by thin ivory fangs
<hair> left in a disarray of ring-bound braids and waves beneath a faenor-forged canine skull headpiece flanked by thin ivory fangs

To change between the available hairstyles, hold the item in your hands and TURN it.

When altering these items there is some important information to keep in mind.  First, this item belongs to the BARRETTE group and may only be altered in one of the following nouns: Barrette, Haircomb, Fascinator, Cockade, Ornament, Headpiece, Ribbon(s), and Hairpin(s).  And while each side is highly customizable, both the noun and material do need to remain the same for all four sides.

Enhancive: rechargeable
Won by Nagrad
a gleaming gold hand-held pylon (Hand-held Pylon)
It is a small item, under a pound.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of gold.

Special Property Details:

A gleaming gold hand-held pylon is a type of handheld magical device that will discharge energy blasts at opponents.  To use it, PUT either an essence of air, earth, fire, or water into it.  To discharge the energy, simply POINT it at your opponent.

The pylon is tier 4 of 4.  This means that it has access to the following verbs:

Drop, Exhale, Point, Raise, Remove, Tilt, Touch, Turn, Wave, and Wear

It can also store four elemental types.

Currently, the pylon is empty of essence.
Won by Ushakaron
a weathered black leather duster fettered by various suede-strapped buckles
It appears to weigh about 5 pounds.
It is estimated that a weathered black leather duster fettered by various suede-strapped buckles can store a gigantic amount with enough space for any number of items.
The duster can be worn, hanging it from the shoulders.  The duster appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.

Special Property Details:

This item has nothing more of note.
Won by Rocklite
a granite-hued oilcloth cloak (Legendary Bloodrune Cloak)
It appears to weigh about 5 pounds.
It is estimated that a granite-hued oilcloth cloak can store an exceptional amount with enough space for any number of items.
The cloak can be worn, hanging it from the shoulders.  The cloak appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

Special Property Details:

This oilcloth cloak is designed to work in conjunction with a Moonshard Pendant that houses a Legendary Bloodrune.

If you have the Colossus Legendary Bloodrune active in your Moonshard Pendant, then you will receive special messaging when you use the following verbs:

Blink, Chuckle, Get, Glance, Pinch, Point, Preen, Pull, Put, Rub, Scratch, Shake, Snap, Stretch, Thump, Wave.

If you do not have a corresponding Bloodrune active, then you will get generic messaging for the above verbs.

This oilcloth cloak may have a long or show description, but its adjective should never change.

Lastly, a granite-hued oilcloth cloak must only ever be a cloak-worn item.
Won by Aureliano
a burled rowan hair-braiding device (Hair-Braiding Tool)
It is a small item, under a pound.
The device can not be worn.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of wood.

Special Property Details:
This hair-braiding device can be altered but must remain a fork-like object fashioned from wood and with a long handle.

The device is operated using the verbs LOOK, WAVE and WHISPER.  WHISPER device HELP for more information.

This device is tier 2 (of 2).  Tier 2 lets the user create more elaborate braid designs.
Won by Telare