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'''Haldi''' is a [[Wedding_Officiates|Wedding Officiate]] that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the [[Simucoin]] Store during [[Rings of Lumnis]], [[Duskruin]], [[Rumor Woods]], or [[Ebon Gate]].
|name = Haldi

|pantheon = [[Pantheon of Neutrality]]
|deity = [[Zelia]]
|storyline =
|gender =
|gender = Male
|race = [[Human]]
|race = <!-- add race using established wiki article name so that it properly links -->
|title = The Insane
|culture = <!-- add culture using established wiki article name so that it properly links -->
}}'''Haldi''' is a [[Wedding_Officiants|Wedding Officiant]] that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the [[Simucoin]] Store during [[Rings of Lumnis]], [[Duskruin]], [[Rumor Woods]], or [[Ebon Gate]].
|life = <!-- Is the NPC dead or alive? -->
|hometown = <!-- where does this NPC call home? -->
|relationships =
|alias =
|affiliation = Devotee of Zelia}}

=== Description ===
=== Description ===
<pre{{log3}}>You see Haldi the Insane.
He appears to be Human.
He is old beyond his years. Unkempt black hair leaps from his head in all directions, its untamed abandon matching the wildness in his pale blue eyes.
He is in good shape.
Black robes drape from his lithe frame, dragging the ground in tattered hems while a single silver crescent moon pendant dangles loosely from a rope chain around his neck.</pre>

=== Ceremony ===
=== Ceremony ===
<pre{{log2}}>Haldi hurries forward, making his way to the front and waving away an attendant who is positioning a dais before the gathered crowd. Speaking to himself, Haldi mutters, "Be quiet! No, I don't know why anyone would want to get married. Yes, yes, I've heard that before. I know marriage isn't a word. It's a sentence." Haldi looks up suddenly, seeming to just now notice the assembled guests.

"We are gathered here today to unite GROOM and BRIDE in the bonds of matrimony under the law and in the sight of Zelia," he says. "Chaos," he continues, "is the way of the world. Many seek to subjugate it into order, but the goddess embraces it. GROOM and BRIDE have chosen to join together this day. Be it for one hour, one day, one year, or many, this union will last until the chaos takes it once more." Haldi laughs merrily before saying softly to himself, "Yes, the chaos is beautiful. No, I don't know how long it will last."

Regaining his composure and turning to you, he asks, "Do you, GROOM, take BRIDE to be your companion until such time as the chaos dictates otherwise?"

Turning to BRIDE, Haldi asks, "Do you, BRIDE, take GROOM to be your companion until such time as the chaos dictates otherwise?"</pre>

<pre{{log2}}>Haldi nods and says, "A choice as good as any other. Ever changing Zelia, we ask for your blessing upon this union until such time as you see fit to dissolve it."

The area darkens dramatically as a wispy image of the crescent moon appears briefly above your heads. As quickly as the image appeared, it dissipates, and the area fills with light once more.

"The goddess has blessed you," Haldi says. Muttering to himself, he says, "Yes, it's finished." Addressing you and BRIDE, he says, "I now pronounce you married under the law." Without another word, he grabs the dais and quickly bolts from the area.</pre>

<pre{{log2}}>Haldi nods. "Chaos is ever lurking, tangible but out of reach. We embrace it and go where its loving currents take us," he says. Haldi addresses the crowd, "There will be no union today. Please enjoy the refreshments anyway." Without another word, he grabs the dais and quickly bolts from the area.</pre>

[[Category:Wedding NPCs]]
[[Category: Wedding_Officiants|H]]
[[category:Wedding NPCs]]
[[category: Wedding_Officiates|H]]

Latest revision as of 23:03, 9 April 2022

Wedding Officiant
Name Haldi
Pantheon Pantheon of Neutrality
Deity Zelia
Gender Male
Race Human
Title The Insane

Haldi is a Wedding Officiant that performs wedding ceremonies for those that purchase a wedding package from the Simucoin Store during Rings of Lumnis, Duskruin, Rumor Woods, or Ebon Gate.


You see Haldi the Insane.
He appears to be Human.
He is old beyond his years.  Unkempt black hair leaps from his head in all directions, its untamed abandon matching the wildness in his pale blue eyes.
He is in good shape.
Black robes drape from his lithe frame, dragging the ground in tattered hems while a single silver crescent moon pendant dangles loosely from a rope chain around his neck.


Haldi hurries forward, making his way to the front and waving away an attendant who is positioning a dais before the gathered crowd.  Speaking to himself, Haldi mutters, "Be quiet!  No, I don't know why anyone would want to get married.  Yes, yes, I've heard that before.  I know marriage isn't a word.  It's a sentence."  Haldi looks up suddenly, seeming to just now notice the assembled guests.

"We are gathered here today to unite GROOM and BRIDE in the bonds of matrimony under the law and in the sight of Zelia," he says.  "Chaos," he continues, "is the way of the world.  Many seek to subjugate it into order, but the goddess embraces it.  GROOM and BRIDE have chosen to join together this day.  Be it for one hour, one day, one year, or many, this union will last until the chaos takes it once more."  Haldi laughs merrily before saying softly to himself, "Yes, the chaos is beautiful.  No, I don't know how long it will last."

Regaining his composure and turning to you, he asks, "Do you, GROOM, take BRIDE to be your companion until such time as the chaos dictates otherwise?"

Turning to BRIDE, Haldi asks, "Do you, BRIDE, take GROOM to be your companion until such time as the chaos dictates otherwise?"
Haldi nods and says, "A choice as good as any other.  Ever changing Zelia, we ask for your blessing upon this union until such time as you see fit to dissolve it."

The area darkens dramatically as a wispy image of the crescent moon appears briefly above your heads.  As quickly as the image appeared, it dissipates, and the area fills with light once more.

"The goddess has blessed you," Haldi says.  Muttering to himself, he says, "Yes, it's finished."  Addressing you and BRIDE, he says, "I now pronounce you married under the law."  Without another word, he grabs the dais and quickly bolts from the area.
Haldi nods.  "Chaos is ever lurking, tangible but out of reach.  We embrace it and go where its loving currents take us," he says.  Haldi addresses the crowd, "There will be no union today.  Please enjoy the refreshments anyway."  Without another word, he grabs the dais and quickly bolts from the area.