2022-07-02 - Wehnimer's Landing - OOC Meeting (log): Difference between revisions

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*There are two new storylines for set for Wehnimer's Landing before the end of the year. [[Born of Bourth]], which will begin around July 17th. Also [[North by Northwest]] which will commence after Ebon Gate in November and Kenstrom promised "itwillchangeeverything."
*There are two new storylines for set for Wehnimer's Landing before the end of the year. [[Born of Bourth]], which will begin around July 17th. Also [[North by Northwest]] which will commence after Ebon Gate in November and Kenstrom promised "Italsochangeseverything."

*The Darkstone Bay Consortium HQ is on track to go into QC this month. It'll bring some new roleplaying opportunities and scenery as well.
*The Darkstone Bay Consortium HQ is on track to go into QC this month. It'll bring some new roleplaying opportunities and scenery as well.
Line 16: Line 16:

*Kenstrom is working on Wave 4 of the NPC Siege Miniatures. It's his biggest series of additions so far.
*Kenstrom is working on Wave 4 of the NPC Siege Miniatures. It's his biggest series of additions so far.

*Within a week or so Kenstrom will be announcing the dates for the next Wehnimer's Landing Town Council elections. They will run through August, with voting near the end of August, and the winner announced early Sept. Voting will be slightly different this year. Players will be allowed only 1-2 votes for their top 1-2 favorite candidates. Kenstrom hasn't decided if 1 or 2.

Line 23: Line 25:
Obvious paths: out
Obvious paths: out

Kenstrom suddenly fades into sight beside you.
'''Kenstrom suddenly fades into sight beside you.'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Behold!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Behold!"'''

Suddenly Kenstrom looms high above you, striking terror into your very soul!
'''Suddenly Kenstrom looms high above you, striking terror into your very soul!'''
Kenstrom exclaims, "Alright!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Alright!"'''

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Kenstrom.
Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "The hour is late, for some of you."
Kenstrom says, "The hour is late, for some of you."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 42: Line 44:

Vaemyr beams happily at Kenstrom!
Vaemyr beams happily at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom exclaims, "So let us begin!"
Kenstrom exclaims, "So let us begin!"'''
Kenstrom just opened the questions list for 40 signups.
Kenstrom just opened the questions list for 40 signups.

Kenstrom says, "The question list is open for you to sign up if you want, I'll spend the first few minutes to go over some things for the rest of the year."
'''Kenstrom says, "The question list is open for you to sign up if you want, I'll spend the first few minutes to go over some things for the rest of the year."'''

Kenstrom says, "Then we'll get into Q and A."
'''Kenstrom says, "Then we'll get into Q and A."'''

==Wheel of Deeds==
==Wheel of Deeds==

Kenstrom says, "Oh but..."
'''Kenstrom says, "Oh but..."'''

Kenstrom drops a glowing blood red wheel.
Kenstrom drops a glowing blood red wheel.
Line 63: Line 65:
Kenstrom removes a frosted glass spinner from in his Kestrel bedroll.
Kenstrom removes a frosted glass spinner from in his Kestrel bedroll.

Kenstrom exclaims, "We'll let five people try their hand at the Wheel of Deeds and then begin!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "We'll let five people try their hand at the Wheel of Deeds and then begin!"'''

Kenstrom says, "I won't take long, then we'll go into Q and A like normal."
'''Kenstrom says, "I won't take long, then we'll go into Q and A like normal."'''

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Line 72: Line 74:
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Cryheart!
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Cryheart!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Cryheart!"
'''Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Cryheart!"'''

Kenstrom brushes roughly past Cryheart. How rude!
Kenstrom brushes roughly past Cryheart. How rude!

Kenstrom exclaims, "Spin the wheel!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Spin the wheel!"'''

Cryheart glances at a glowing blood red wheel.
Cryheart glances at a glowing blood red wheel.
Line 83: Line 85:

Stormyrain says, "I mean as the leader of the Cryblob I feel like his target is already ...well painted on his back."
Stormyrain says, "I mean as the leader of the Cryblob I feel like his target is already ...well painted on his back."

Stormyrain snickers.
Stormyrain snickers.
Line 105: Line 106:
Cryheart starts chortling.
Cryheart starts chortling.

Kenstrom asks, "1?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "1?"'''

Dendum says, "Rigged."
Dendum says, "Rigged."
Line 113: Line 114:
Vaemyr says, "All he needs."
Vaemyr says, "All he needs."

Kenstrom says, "I steal 1 deed with my eyes closed."
'''Kenstrom says, "I steal 1 deed with my eyes closed."'''

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Line 120: Line 121:
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Pookia!
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Pookia!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Pookia!"
'''Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Pookia!"'''

Pookia gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...
Pookia gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Kenstrom exclaims, "Something tells me Pookia will lose deeds in the future. Make it a good spin!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Something tells me Pookia will lose deeds in the future. Make it a good spin!"'''

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 1.
The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 1.

Kenstrom says, "Or not."
'''Kenstrom says, "Or not."'''

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.
Line 135: Line 136:

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Leafiara!
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Leafiara!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Leafiara!"
Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Leafiara!"'''

Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.
Leafiara gazes up into the heavens.

Kenstrom says, "Now I KNOW I take some of your deeds."
Kenstrom says, "Now I KNOW I take some of your deeds."'''

Leafiara gazes thoughtfully at a glowing blood red wheel.
Leafiara gazes thoughtfully at a glowing blood red wheel.
Line 149: Line 150:

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 2.
The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 2.

Goldstr laughs!
Goldstr laughs!

Lylia chuckles.
Lylia chuckles.

Line 158: Line 161:

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Xorus!
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Xorus!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Xorus!"
Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Xorus!"'''

Xorus gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...
Xorus gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Lylia applauds Xorus.
Lylia applauds Xorus.

Leafiara says, "Now he knows to get me twice."
Leafiara says, "Now he knows to get me twice."
Line 185: Line 187:
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Raelee!
The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Raelee!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Raelee!"
'''Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Raelee!"'''

Raelee glances at a glowing blood red wheel.
Raelee glances at a glowing blood red wheel.
Line 455: Line 457:

'''Kenstrom says, "Back to the list."'''
'''Kenstrom says, "Back to the list."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Thrassus!"
Kenstrom exclaims, "Thrassus!"
Line 461: Line 464:

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.
Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.

>read list

The questions list contains the following names:

(1) Lylia
(2) Vaemyr
(3) Raelee
(4) Irval
(5) Yardie
(6) Tayler
(7) Guarrin

Speaking to Kenstrom, Thrassus asks, "I was wondering if there were going to be more investment opportunities for the Consortuim opening up?"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Thrassus asks, "I was wondering if there were going to be more investment opportunities for the Consortuim opening up?"

Kenstrom says, "Limiting the times you can vote drives competition."
'''Kenstrom says, "Limiting the times you can vote drives competition."'''

Kenstrom says, "I'm plotting some ideas with the Consortium, but, unsure exactly what it will look like. I am trying to come up with some cool ideas for players to get more involved with the DBC."

'''Kenstrom says, "I'm plotting some ideas with the Consortium, but, unsure exactly what it will look like. I am trying to come up with some cool ideas for players to get more involved with the DBC."'''

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.
Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.

Kenstrom says, "At least, for those not wanting to throw bricks through their building."
'''Kenstrom says, "At least, for those not wanting to throw bricks through their building."'''

Kenstrom says, "So, yes."
'''Kenstrom says, "So, yes."'''

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.
Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.

Kenstrom exclaims, "Lylia!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Lylia!"'''

Lylia asks, "Could you tell us a little more about the bazaar, please? Is this something that, for instance, an MHO could participate in, if only in a roleplayed sense?"
Lylia asks, "Could you tell us a little more about the bazaar, please? Is this something that, for instance, an MHO could participate in, if only in a roleplayed sense?"

Kenstrom asks, "In what regard? The participation?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "In what regard? The participation?"'''

Kenstrom asks, "Like open up a shop?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Like open up a shop?"'''

Kenstrom says, "Or advertise with banners? "Faendryl Enclave. We didn't sink no Ashrim."."
'''Kenstrom says, "Or advertise with banners? "Faendryl Enclave. We didn't sink no Ashrim."."'''

Lylia says, "Yes to both -- would it be possible to open a shop, or to have a shop that sold, say, goods related to a certain MHO or CHE..."
Lylia says, "Yes to both -- would it be possible to open a shop, or to have a shop that sold, say, goods related to a certain MHO or CHE..."

Kenstrom says, "Honestly, anything MHO/CHE related, out of my hands, and worth asking the guru's."
'''Kenstrom says, "Honestly, anything MHO/CHE related, out of my hands, and worth asking the guru's."'''

Kenstrom asks, "Because when it comes to player-run organizations of any kind, we always, always have to ensure fairness, and access, right?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Because when it comes to player-run organizations of any kind, we always, always have to ensure fairness, and access, right?"'''

Lylia says, "Okeydoke. I'm mainly wondering if there's a way to see any kind of Faendryl stuff out in the wider world. Pining for it."
Lylia says, "Okeydoke. I'm mainly wondering if there's a way to see any kind of Faendryl stuff out in the wider world. Pining for it."
Kenstrom says, "So cool idea, but, not in my control per se."'''

'''Kenstrom says, "As for details of the bazaar, it'll be an open courtyard type area, with a few shops built first, which the player town council approved last year."'''
Kenstrom says, "So cool idea, but, not in my control per se."

Kenstrom says, "As for details of the bazaar, it'll be an open courtyard type area, with a few shops built first, which the player town council approved last year."

Lylia says, "So I could well understand that it wouldn't be something we could claim any income on, but even if there were just a shop with related items that we could say, "Yep, that's my cousin's place."."
Lylia says, "So I could well understand that it wouldn't be something we could claim any income on, but even if there were just a shop with related items that we could say, "Yep, that's my cousin's place."."

Kenstrom says, "Or this year? time blurs when your draining deeds."
'''Kenstrom says, "Or this year? time blurs when your draining deeds."'''

Kenstrom says, "Eventually, I'd like to incorporate new shops into the future as well, but it's starting with 4."

'''Kenstrom says, "Eventually, I'd like to incorporate new shops into the future as well, but it's starting with 4."'''

Lylia says, "Time blurs, period. I can't believe we're halfway through the year."
Lylia says, "Time blurs, period. I can't believe we're halfway through the year."

Kenstrom says, "Could one day have booths, carts, seasonal things, we'll see where it goes."
Kenstrom says, "Could one day have booths, carts, seasonal things, we'll see where it goes."
Kenstrom says, "I'm the first one to support MHO's and CHE's getting involved in things, it's why we have 4 defense towers paid for and named by CHE's, but, yeah, I'd always want to make sure we were fair in what groups, when, how, what, etc."

'''Kenstrom says, "I'm the first one to support MHO's and CHE's getting involved in things, it's why we have 4 defense towers paid for and named by CHE's, but, yeah, I'd always want to make sure we were fair in what groups, when, how, what, etc."'''
Kenstrom says, "But something to definitely consider."

'''Kenstrom says, "But something to definitely consider."'''

Kenstrom asks, "Honestly, it'd be great if MHO's or CHE's could showcase their crafted goods somehow. Isn't that already a thing though?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Honestly, it'd be great if MHO's or CHE's could showcase their crafted goods somehow. Isn't that already a thing though?"'''

Kenstrom shrugs.
Kenstrom shrugs.

You say, "Used to be."
You say, "Used to be."

Leafiara says, "It was but then it went away."
Leafiara says, "It was but then it went away."
Line 535: Line 526:
Lylia says, "We have player shops that can be, but it's not like the Frontier Days bazaar, not one central place."
Lylia says, "We have player shops that can be, but it's not like the Frontier Days bazaar, not one central place."

'''Kenstrom says, "I'll drop a few whispers, that's all I can promise."'''

Kenstrom says, "I'll drop a few whispers, that's all I can promise."
'''Kenstrom says, "Frontier Days. RIP."'''

Kenstrom says, "Frontier Days. RIP."

Kenstrom exclaims, "Vaemyr!"
Kenstrom exclaims, "Vaemyr!"

Line 546: Line 537:
Lylia smiles.
Lylia smiles.

Kenstrom says, "It was time to retire it, for now. I am actively plotting its replacement, of sorts."
'''Kenstrom says, "It was time to retire it, for now. I am actively plotting its replacement, of sorts."'''

Kenstrom asks, "Darkstone Days?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Darkstone Days?"'''

Kenstrom smirks.
Kenstrom smirks.
Line 556: Line 547:
Vaemyr asks, "Alright, you may not be able to answer this, cause I know how things go, but there's been a lot of hunting grounds in various places, anything potentially planned for the landing in the future, yah know maybe something like including some ithzir lore?"
Vaemyr asks, "Alright, you may not be able to answer this, cause I know how things go, but there's been a lot of hunting grounds in various places, anything potentially planned for the landing in the future, yah know maybe something like including some ithzir lore?"

Kenstrom says, "Amos could bake his famous cookies..."
'''Kenstrom says, "Amos could bake his famous cookies..."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 564: Line 555:
Falicor chuckles.
Falicor chuckles.

Kenstrom says, "I cannot speak on any hunting related to Wehnimer's Landing except I am aware of the recent developments and I love them, and I love Wehnimer's Landing."
'''Kenstrom says, "I cannot speak on any hunting related to Wehnimer's Landing except I am aware of the recent developments and I love them, and I love Wehnimer's Landing."'''
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "That'll be after they get the star back and they all turn into like demon-beast krolvin."

Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"'''

Raelee points at herself.
Raelee points at herself.
Line 577: Line 568:
Stormyrain snickers.
Stormyrain snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Wait, I need to answer more like a politician. and do that thumb thing."
'''Kenstrom says, "Wait, I need to answer more like a politician. and do that thumb thing."'''

Raelee says, "I know most of the documentation you've produced is at least... somewhat storyline relevant."
Raelee says, "I know most of the documentation you've produced is at least... somewhat storyline relevant."

Kenstrom holds out his hands, with the tips of his thumbs up.
'''Kenstrom holds out his hands, with the tips of his thumbs up.'''

Raelee says, "But I think one of the biggest lore gaps we have relates more to the average human joe. What life is like in various regions? Various prevailing cultural attitudes? Etc..."
Raelee says, "But I think one of the biggest lore gaps we have relates more to the average human joe. What life is like in various regions? Various prevailing cultural attitudes? Etc..."
Line 590: Line 581:

You chuckle.
You chuckle.

You hear someone chuckling.
You hear someone chuckling.
Kenstrom says, "Sorry, I fell asleep thinking about that."
'''Kenstrom says, "Sorry, I fell asleep thinking about that."'''

Kenstrom snickers at Raelee.
Kenstrom snickers at Raelee.
Line 602: Line 592:
Tayler grins at Kenstrom.
Tayler grins at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "I kid, I kid."
'''Kenstrom says, "I kid, I kid."'''

Raelee whines at Kenstrom!
Raelee whines at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom says, "But...so I know for sure what you're talking about..."
'''Kenstrom says, "But...so I know for sure what you're talking about..."'''

Kenstrom says, "Essentially, a human culture document, that focuses on the day in the life of imperial citizens, far and wide."

'''Kenstrom says, "Essentially, a human culture document, that focuses on the day in the life of imperial citizens, far and wide."'''

Raelee says, "Yeah."
Raelee says, "Yeah."

Raelee says, "Some much of what we know is really focused on history, and history often means the nobility."
Raelee says, "Some much of what we know is really focused on history, and history often means the nobility."

'''Kenstrom says, "How do the citizens of Riverwood spend their time, their holidays, how do they cope with death, with life..."'''

Kenstrom says, "How do the citizens of Riverwood spend their time, their holidays, how do they cope with death, with life..."

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Line 624: Line 610:
Raelee nods at Kenstrom.
Raelee nods at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "Worth considering. I'll chew on it. Whenever I roll up NPC's, I'm always trying to come up with little stories about where they're from, traditions, facts of their mundane life, etc."
'''Kenstrom says, "Worth considering. I'll chew on it. Whenever I roll up NPC's, I'm always trying to come up with little stories about where they're from, traditions, facts of their mundane life, etc."'''

Kenstrom says, "So maybe on a larger scale, might be worth pursuing. I'll ponder it."
'''Kenstrom says, "So maybe on a larger scale, might be worth pursuing. I'll ponder it."'''

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Line 632: Line 618:
Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee exclaims, "All I can ask!"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee exclaims, "All I can ask!"

Kenstrom exclaims, "Irval!"
Kenstrom exclaims, "Irval!"

Irval says, "Hello! Alright my question pertains to the air speed velocity of a laden swallow."
Irval says, "Hello! Alright my question pertains to the air speed velocity of a laden swallow."

Irval says, "I jest."
Irval says, "I jest."

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Irval says, "But really, Since ive been gone Ive noticed a lot of the services, and was wondering if there were any designs to have other classes incorporated in that."
Irval says, "But really, Since ive been gone Ive noticed a lot of the services, and was wondering if there were any designs to have other classes incorporated in that."

Kenstrom asks, "Huh?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Huh?"'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 650: Line 639:
Irval shrugs.
Irval shrugs.

'''Kenstrom says, "In what way though."'''

Kenstrom says, "In what way though."
'''Kenstrom asks, "What resources are they needing, etc?"'''

Kenstrom asks, "What resources are they needing, etc?"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "I mean, they have Guilds, what more do you want man!"'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "I mean, they have Guilds, what more do you want man!"

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 662: Line 650:

Irval asks, "Things that actually make me silvers?"
Irval asks, "Things that actually make me silvers?"

Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "The answer is yes, by the way. A rogue one's in the design phase and a paladin one will be at some point after the DI system is finished."
Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "The answer is yes, by the way. A rogue one's in the design phase and a paladin one will be at some point after the DI system is finished."
Line 670: Line 657:
Tayler says, "The discord has a lot of info on the upcoming rogue service, and that's where profession services are generally discussed."
Tayler says, "The discord has a lot of info on the upcoming rogue service, and that's where profession services are generally discussed."

Kenstrom says, "Oh yes, okay I get what you mean."
'''Kenstrom says, "Oh yes, okay I get what you mean."'''

Kenstrom nods at Irval.
Kenstrom nods at Irval.

Kenstrom says, "No idea, everyone here knows way more than me in that regard."
'''Kenstrom says, "No idea, everyone here knows way more than me in that regard."'''

Kenstrom says, "But yeah when it comes to professions, etc, beyond my sandbox."
'''Kenstrom says, "But yeah when it comes to professions, etc, beyond my sandbox."'''

Kenstrom says, "If I had it my way, I'd take away all of your services, turn you into human joe's, and survey you to prepare a document about your mundane lives."
'''Kenstrom says, "If I had it my way, I'd take away all of your services, turn you into human joe's, and survey you to prepare a document about your mundane lives."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom winks at Raelee.
Kenstrom winks at Raelee.

Tayler cackles at Kenstrom!
Tayler cackles at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom says, "I am already thinking of ideas though."
Kenstrom says, "I am already thinking of ideas though."'''

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Kenstrom nods at Raelee.

Kenstrom says, "There's magic in the mundane."
'''Kenstrom says, "There's magic in the mundane."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Yardie!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Yardie!"'''

Yardie asks, "For me, being coaxed IC by Dendum aside, I jumped in the whole scene of trying to get the average person who doesn't follow the politics a means of getting to know the candidates. I'm willing to do the same. But if I conduct interviews again, would perhaps Amos or the Mayor mind sending some questions as to the things they also might want to know so I can swing towards the candidates so the average joe knows where everyone stands?"
Yardie asks, "For me, being coaxed IC by Dendum aside, I jumped in the whole scene of trying to get the average person who doesn't follow the politics a means of getting to know the candidates. I'm willing to do the same. But if I conduct interviews again, would perhaps Amos or the Mayor mind sending some questions as to the things they also might want to know so I can swing towards the candidates so the average joe knows where everyone stands?"

Kenstrom says, "I can come up with a list of questions, as long as it's ensured each candidate is asked them all, for the sake of fairness."
'''Kenstrom says, "I can come up with a list of questions, as long as it's ensured each candidate is asked them all, for the sake of fairness."'''

Kenstrom says, "I might even come up with a unique one for each candidate, all things depending."

'''Kenstrom says, "I might even come up with a unique one for each candidate, all things depending."'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Yardie says, "That's how I did it last time, I'll do it again this time."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Yardie says, "That's how I did it last time, I'll do it again this time."
Line 706: Line 694:
Kenstrom nods at Yardie.
Kenstrom nods at Yardie.

Kenstrom says, "Perfect."
'''Kenstrom says, "Perfect."'''

Kenstrom says, "I miss the Daily Darkstone."
'''Kenstrom says, "I miss the Daily Darkstone."'''

Kenstrom frowns.
Kenstrom frowns.
Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"

Kenstrom says, "Sorry, Sir Guarrin."
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"'''

'''Kenstrom says, "Sorry, Sir Guarrin."'''

Kenstrom bows to Guarrin.
Kenstrom bows to Guarrin.
Line 726: Line 715:
Guarrin asks, "We just heard about the southern sentinel dying. We know the northern sentinel. Who is the current eastern sentinel?"
Guarrin asks, "We just heard about the southern sentinel dying. We know the northern sentinel. Who is the current eastern sentinel?"

'''Kenstrom says, "Lydil and I just recently plotted this out and discussed it a few months ago."'''

Kenstrom says, "Lydil and I just recently plotted this out and discussed it a few months ago."
'''Kenstrom says, "We came to the conclussion that Earl Feurstein of Honneland is the Eastern Sentinel."
Guarrin says, "Western Sentinel is underwater."'''

Kenstrom says, "We came to the conclussion that Earl Feurstein of Honneland is the Eastern Sentinel."
'''Kenstrom says, "Western Sentinel has been the Emperor essentially."'''
Guarrin says, "Western Sentinel is underwater."

Kenstrom says, "Western Sentinel has been the Emperor essentially."

Kenstrom says, "Because like the Throne needs more titles."

'''Kenstrom says, "Because like the Throne needs more titles."'''

Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "That's what the Ashrim would say. If there were any."
Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "That's what the Ashrim would say. If there were any."
Line 741: Line 728:
Lylia nods knowingly.
Lylia nods knowingly.

Kenstrom asks, "You had a two parter?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "You had a two parter?"'''

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Guarrin.
Kenstrom peers quizzically at Guarrin.
Line 751: Line 738:
Tayler says, "Poor Ashrim, got wiped out, joined an evil cult, got wiped out x2."
Tayler says, "Poor Ashrim, got wiped out, joined an evil cult, got wiped out x2."

Kenstrom says, "Ashrim, Ashrim, we all fall down."
'''Kenstrom says, "Ashrim, Ashrim, we all fall down."'''

Guarrin asks, "Another question has come up in the lore channel recently and I think it s an interesting one. Regarding giantkin after Kannalan empire and interactions with the current empire. Were they integrated? How do the clans interact now? What would be the best way to fill in some of the gaps? Human side or giantkin side?"
Guarrin asks, "Another question has come up in the lore channel recently and I think it s an interesting one. Regarding giantkin after Kannalan empire and interactions with the current empire. Were they integrated? How do the clans interact now? What would be the best way to fill in some of the gaps? Human side or giantkin side?"

Kenstrom asks, "Whose next?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Whose next?"'''

Dendum says, "Oh yea thats a good one..."
Dendum says, "Oh yea thats a good one..."
Line 761: Line 748:
Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "I'll need to um, circle back on that."
'''Kenstrom says, "I'll need to um, circle back on that."'''

Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.
Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Let me do some more research, lore is one of the few things I do not do off the cuff."
'''Kenstrom says, "Let me do some more research, lore is one of the few things I do not do off the cuff."'''

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.
Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.

'''Kenstrom jots down on a small notepad. Research more on giantman after the fall of Kannalan. Kill Guarrin.'''

Kenstrom jots down on a small notepad. Research more on giantman after the fall of Kannalan. Kill Guarrin.

Kenstrom whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kenstrom whistles tunelessly to himself.
Line 780: Line 764:
Tayler asks, "Two questions costs twice as many deeds right?"
Tayler asks, "Two questions costs twice as many deeds right?"

Kenstrom says, "But in all honesty, great question."
'''Kenstrom says, "But in all honesty, great question."'''

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.
Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Kannalan always used to be a bigger mystery to me, but one I liked. Scribes was my go-to on Kannalan questions."
'''Kenstrom says, "Kannalan always used to be a bigger mystery to me, but one I liked. Scribes was my go-to on Kannalan questions."'''

Kenstrom says, "I've got old emails and notes from him, I'll check it out."
'''Kenstrom says, "I've got old emails and notes from him, I'll check it out."'''

Guarrin exclaims, "Yeah it's an interesting area. Great!"
Guarrin exclaims, "Yeah it's an interesting area. Great!"
Line 792: Line 776:
Vaemyr nods at Guarrin.
Vaemyr nods at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Especially when the Kannalan Empire rises again."
'''Kenstrom says, "Especially when the Kannalan Empire rises again."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Kidding."
'''Kenstrom says, "Kidding."'''

Kenstrom says, "Although now that I said it..."
'''Kenstrom says, "Although now that I said it..."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Pookia!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Pookia!"'''

Pookia says, "Okay, this is a JOINT questions."
Pookia says, "Okay, this is a JOINT questions."

Pookia snickers.
Pookia snickers.

Sevanya giggles.
Sevanya giggles.

Kenstrom says, "I'm all ears."
'''Kenstrom says, "I'm all ears."'''

Pookia says, "When will the knuckleheads statue be erected in town square."
Pookia says, "When will the knuckleheads statue be erected in town square."

Kenstrom says, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He is all ears."
'''Kenstrom says, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He is all ears."'''

Sevanya says, "We support erections of all kinds of public monuments."
Sevanya says, "We support erections of all kinds of public monuments."
Line 825: Line 811:
Sevanya is buffeted by the wind and knocked to the ground!
Sevanya is buffeted by the wind and knocked to the ground!

Kenstrom says, "I quickly read what you said and I was like...whoa where is this meeting going...."
'''Kenstrom says, "I quickly read what you said and I was like...whoa where is this meeting going...."'''

Kenstrom snickers at Sevanya.
Kenstrom snickers at Sevanya.

Kenstrom says, "Nothing good happens after 2am EST."
'''Kenstrom says, "Nothing good happens after 2am EST."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 835: Line 821:
Sevanya roars!
Sevanya roars!

Kenstrom asks, "Was that your real question?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Was that your real question?"'''

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Pookia.
Kenstrom peers quizzically at Pookia.
Line 846: Line 832:

Pookia says, "Of course."
Pookia says, "Of course."

Pookia stares at Kenstrom.
Pookia stares at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "Never."
'''Kenstrom says, "Never."'''

Pookia taps her foot impatiently.
Pookia taps her foot impatiently.

Sevanya stares at Kenstrom.
Sevanya stares at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "Easy enough."
Kenstrom says, "Easy enough."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 860: Line 847:
Pookia exclaims, "Okay ill settle for in front of the bank, thank you!"
Pookia exclaims, "Okay ill settle for in front of the bank, thank you!"

Kenstrom exclaims, "Tayler!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Tayler!"'''

Kenstrom says, "Ask Lylia about how good statues work out."
'''Kenstrom says, "Ask Lylia about how good statues work out."'''

Thrassus laughs!
Thrassus laughs!
Line 872: Line 860:
Tayler asks, "Ah! Ok, so, the Landing has always been but is now more-so the centralized place to be, it's still relatively small, with DBC and further external investors do you have any plans for it growing into a more defensible and/or larger city?"
Tayler asks, "Ah! Ok, so, the Landing has always been but is now more-so the centralized place to be, it's still relatively small, with DBC and further external investors do you have any plans for it growing into a more defensible and/or larger city?"

Kenstrom says, "So, Wehnimer's Landing is an interesting beast."
'''Kenstrom says, "So, Wehnimer's Landing is an interesting beast."'''

Kenstrom says, "First, let's all agree, she's a beast."
'''Kenstrom says, "First, let's all agree, she's a beast."'''

Kenstrom nods.
Kenstrom nods.

'''Kenstrom says, "But Landing has an IC aspect, and an OOC aspect."'''

'''Kenstrom says, "OOC, it's a huge center of activity, because of the game. The players, the origins, the access to things, (and maybe me?)"'''
Kenstrom says, "But Landing has an IC aspect, and an OOC aspect."

Kenstrom says, "OOC, it's a huge center of activity, because of the game. The players, the origins, the access to things, (and maybe me?)"
'''Kenstrom says, "But in the large, large, scheme of things in the wide wide world..."'''

Kenstrom says, "But in the large, large, scheme of things in the wide wide world..."

Lylia says, "Definitely you."
Lylia says, "Definitely you."
Line 889: Line 876:
Speaking to Lylia, you say, "Let's inflate his ego more."
Speaking to Lylia, you say, "Let's inflate his ego more."

Kenstrom asks, "In Raelee's Human Mundanity Doc...people would be like "What's a Wehnimer's?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "In Raelee's Human Mundanity Doc...people would be like "What's a Wehnimer's?"'''

Lylia grins at you.
Lylia grins at you.
Line 898: Line 885:

Kenstrom starts chuckling at you!
Kenstrom starts chuckling at you!

Raelee says, "I ask myself that every day, really."
Raelee says, "I ask myself that every day, really."

Kenstrom says, "So will it ever expand, grow, turn pallisade walls into stone ramparts..."
'''Kenstrom says, "So will it ever expand, grow, turn pallisade walls into stone ramparts..."'''

You say, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He has a very large inflated ego."
You say, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He has a very large inflated ego."
Line 910: Line 896:
Asben starts chuckling at you!
Asben starts chuckling at you!

Kenstrom says, "Who knows. The future is wide open for Wehnimer's Landing and the area."
'''Kenstrom says, "Who knows. The future is wide open for Wehnimer's Landing and the area."'''

Tayler nods at Kenstrom.
Tayler nods at Kenstrom.
Line 916: Line 902:
Speaking to you, Lylia says, "Grishom Stone comes by it honestly."
Speaking to you, Lylia says, "Grishom Stone comes by it honestly."

Kenstrom says, "I will tell you this though."
'''Kenstrom says, "I will tell you this though."'''

Kenstrom says, "Clear your schedule for North by Northwest and enjoy yourself."
'''Kenstrom says, "Clear your schedule for North by Northwest and enjoy yourself."'''

Kenstrom nods at Tayler.
Kenstrom nods at Tayler.
Line 924: Line 910:
Speaking to Kenstrom, Tayler exclaims, "I'm looking forward to it!"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Tayler exclaims, "I'm looking forward to it!"

Kenstrom says, "I'd say more but..."
'''Kenstrom says, "I'd say more but..."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom exclaims, "Tikba!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Tikba!"'''
Tikba says, "Notwithstanding the correct statement that most of the historical documents we get are about nobility and politics..."
Tikba says, "Notwithstanding the correct statement that most of the historical documents we get are about nobility and politics..."

Kenstrom turns an inquisitive ear toward Tikba.
Kenstrom turns an inquisitive ear toward Tikba.

Tikba says, "I am curious about the current state of Imperial nobility and politics."
Tikba says, "I am curious about the current state of Imperial nobility and politics."
Line 941: Line 927:
Tikba says, "I am wondering if we will get more on how the balance of power is actually balanced in the Empire someday."
Tikba says, "I am wondering if we will get more on how the balance of power is actually balanced in the Empire someday."

Kenstrom says, "I wrote this doc a few years ago, it helps cover different organizations in the Empire, some touching in nobility and politics..."
'''Kenstrom says, "I wrote this doc a few years ago, it helps cover different organizations in the Empire, some touching in nobility and politics..."'''

Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire."
'''Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire."'''

Kenstrom says, "You can also check out..."
'''Kenstrom says, "You can also check out..."'''

Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Turamzzyrian_Empire#Provinces."
'''Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Turamzzyrian_Empire#Provinces."'''

Kenstrom says, "There's a few Duke positions.."
'''Kenstrom says, "There's a few Duke positions.."'''

Kenstrom says, "But because Aurmont sits on the Sun Throne, he holds two of them."
'''Kenstrom says, "But because Aurmont sits on the Sun Throne, he holds two of them."'''

Kenstrom says, "But it shows the Earls, Counts, Barons, etc."
'''Kenstrom says, "But it shows the Earls, Counts, Barons, etc."'''

Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.
Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Maybe there needs to be a document that talks about the Notable and Mundane."
'''Kenstrom says, "Maybe there needs to be a document that talks about the Notable and Mundane."'''

Kenstrom nods at Meril.
'''Kenstrom asks, "Why is your idea growing?"'''

Kenstrom asks, "Why is your idea growing?"

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Raelee.
Kenstrom peers quizzically at Raelee.
Line 971: Line 954:

Xorus says, "That has more on it."
Xorus says, "That has more on it."

Lylia begins chuckling at Kenstrom!
Lylia begins chuckling at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom says, "I will call it..."
Kenstrom says, "I will call it..."'''

Kenstrom says, "Noteworthy and Not-Worthy."
Kenstrom says, "Noteworthy and Not-Worthy."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 983: Line 967:
Speaking innocently to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "I have no idea."
Speaking innocently to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "I have no idea."

Kenstrom says, "Written by the Noteworthy."
'''Kenstrom says, "Written by the Noteworthy."'''

Leafiara says, "This is an OOC discussion. That's when people listen to Raelee's advice."
Leafiara says, "This is an OOC discussion. That's when people listen to Raelee's advice."
Line 991: Line 975:
Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Good food for thought though."
'''Kenstrom says, "Good food for thought though."'''

Tikba asks, "Yeah, that document names the existing duchies, and then just goes on to earls. Maybe the empire isn't making any more dukes?"
Tikba asks, "Yeah, that document names the existing duchies, and then just goes on to earls. Maybe the empire isn't making any more dukes?"
Line 1,000: Line 983:
Tikba says, "Anyway I apologize that my question was so dry everybody went to sleep."
Tikba says, "Anyway I apologize that my question was so dry everybody went to sleep."

Kenstrom says, "No no, I could talk human politics and the Empire all day long."
'''Kenstrom says, "No no, I could talk human politics and the Empire all day long."'''

Kenstrom nods at Tikba.
Kenstrom nods at Tikba.

Kenstrom says, "Well, night long."
'''Kenstrom says, "Well, night long."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Falicor!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Falicor!"'''

Falicor asks, "What is the official status of the Landing in the wider world in regards to how it's populated? Is it a human town or known more as a mixed town?"
Falicor asks, "What is the official status of the Landing in the wider world in regards to how it's populated? Is it a human town or known more as a mixed town?"
Line 1,013: Line 997:

Tayler says, "It's probably known as that mud pit where all the crazy people live that keep causing it to get attacked by demons."
Tayler says, "It's probably known as that mud pit where all the crazy people live that keep causing it to get attacked by demons."
Kenstrom says, "I would say it has less of a reputation for being "human only" and more of a reputation for being the known location of some almost crippling dangers over the past decade."'''

Kenstrom says, "I would say it has less of a reputation for being "human only" and more of a reputation for being the known location of some almost crippling dangers over the past decade."
'''Kenstrom says, "I think the town is known as a small hub, lots of races, lots of people, passing through at all times."'''

Kenstrom says, "I think the town is known as a small hub, lots of races, lots of people, passing through at all times."

Kenstrom nods at Falicor.
Kenstrom nods at Falicor.

Kenstrom says, "It's a protectorate of the human empire, but it still has its own laws and independence."
'''Kenstrom says, "It's a protectorate of the human empire, but it still has its own laws and independence."'''

Kenstrom says, "For good or for bad."
'''Kenstrom says, "For good or for bad."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Xorus!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Xorus!"'''

Kenstrom says, "Wait, Xorus has a question? What an odd turn of events."
'''Kenstrom says, "Wait, Xorus has a question? What an odd turn of events."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 1,038: Line 1,023:
Tikba asks, "What does the empire get in return for protecting the Landing?"
Tikba asks, "What does the empire get in return for protecting the Landing?"

Kenstrom says, "I've no say in wordsmiths, but I did love them."
'''Kenstrom says, "I've no say in wordsmiths, but I did love them."'''

Speaking to Yardie, Falicor says, "It sure is."
Speaking to Yardie, Falicor says, "It sure is."
Line 1,044: Line 1,029:
Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "A giant headache."
Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "A giant headache."

Kenstrom says, "I'm not sure how much protecting they do per se."
'''Kenstrom says, "I'm not sure how much protecting they do per se."'''

Kenstrom snickers at Tikba.
Kenstrom snickers at Tikba.
Line 1,052: Line 1,037:
Tayler says, "Protectorate in name not function."
Tayler says, "Protectorate in name not function."

Kenstrom says, "I mean...YOU do."
'''Kenstrom says, "I mean...YOU do."'''

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.
Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.
Line 1,063: Line 1,048:
Lylia says, "The smithing of the words would indeed be good."
Lylia says, "The smithing of the words would indeed be good."

===Stormyrain Part 2===
Kenstrom exclaims, "Stormyrain!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Stormyrain!"'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain asks, "You mentioned clearing our schedules. Will you be holding to a set scheduleish for the upcoming storylines? Both Born and North?"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain asks, "You mentioned clearing our schedules. Will you be holding to a set scheduleish for the upcoming storylines? Both Born and North?"

Kenstrom asks, "Short answer?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Short answer?"'''

Kenstrom asks, "No?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "No?"'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Stormyrain asks, "I won't be able to tell my students I can't make it to hospital clinicals because I didn't sleep because my elf had things to do?"
Stormyrain asks, "I won't be able to tell my students I can't make it to hospital clinicals because I didn't sleep because my elf had things to do?"
Ithilwyn softly says, "I wonder how many rosaries I'd have to say for falling asleep at school."
Sofal says, "Would say sleep when you are dead, but someone would probably come along and raise you."

Stormyrain stares at Kenstrom.
Stormyrain stares at Kenstrom.

'''Kenstrom says, "I will do like normal, and always keep the BIG events to weekend nights."'''

Kenstrom says, "I will do like normal, and always keep the BIG events to weekend nights."

Vaemyr says, "I'll say, I have very much appreciated the heads up in discord in the afternoons at least to "likely KSTs" for the night."
Vaemyr says, "I'll say, I have very much appreciated the heads up in discord in the afternoons at least to "likely KSTs" for the night."

Kenstrom says, "And I will try to give advance notice to things, like I've done, usually via NPC's in the game."
'''Kenstrom says, "And I will try to give advance notice to things, like I've done, usually via NPC's in the game."'''

Kenstrom nods at Vaemyr.
Kenstrom nods at Vaemyr.
Kenstrom says, "I will do that as well."'''

'''Kenstrom says, "Also, at least for North by Northwest, I am hoping for some other GM involvement as well, and perhaps not only during KST time."'''
Kenstrom says, "I will do that as well."

'''Kenstrom says, "So, to be continued on that."'''
Kenstrom says, "Also, at least for North by Northwest, I am hoping for some other GM involvement as well, and perhaps not only during KST time."
Kenstrom says, "So, to be continued on that."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Lylia exclaims, "That's great news!"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Lylia exclaims, "That's great news!"
Line 1,099: Line 1,081:
Stormyrain says, "Thank you, that's at least helpful to know."
Stormyrain says, "Thank you, that's at least helpful to know."

Kenstrom says, "So in summation..."
'''Kenstrom says, "So in summation..."'''

Kenstrom nods at Stormyrain.
Kenstrom nods at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "Quit your job and just play."
Kenstrom says, "Quit your job and just play."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 1,117: Line 1,099:
Kenstrom cackles!
Kenstrom cackles!

Kenstrom says, "Wait...my legal team just informed me...I have to say "Just kidding."."
'''Kenstrom says, "Wait...my legal team just informed me...I have to say "Just kidding."."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 1,125: Line 1,107:
Tayler grins at Kenstrom.
Tayler grins at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "But yes, I will try to be very conscious of schedule, like always, given my own life stuff though too."
'''Kenstrom says, "But yes, I will try to be very conscious of schedule, like always, given my own life stuff though too."

Kenstrom nods.
Kenstrom nods.

===Raelee Part 2===
Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Vaemyr says, "I thought the assistence you got from Marstreforn was great, assuming that was who someone helping in Ashes to ashes some since they were talking about it, love to see more stuff always."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Vaemyr says, "I thought the assistence you got from Marstreforn was great, assuming that was who someone helping in Ashes to ashes some since they were talking about it, love to see more stuff always."

Kenstrom asks, "Again!?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Again!?"'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "Since you said you could talk human politics all night..."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "Since you said you could talk human politics all night..."

Raelee says, "And since you're answering all the long standing mysteries tonight."
Raelee says, "And since you're answering all the long standing mysteries tonight."

Kenstrom says, "He did help some yes."
'''Kenstrom says, "He did help some yes."'''

You groan at Raelee.
You groan at Raelee.

Kenstrom says, "I was so happy to see Juramis return."
Kenstrom says, "I was so happy to see Juramis return."'''

Raelee asks, "Which is the capitol of Seareach? Phannus or Brisker's Cove?"
Raelee asks, "Which is the capitol of Seareach? Phannus or Brisker's Cove?"
Stormyrain says, "Mars always had great NPCs."
Stormyrain says, "Mars always had great NPCs."

Guarrin turns to Raelee and cheers!
Guarrin turns to Raelee and cheers!

Kenstrom says, "Brisker's Cove."
'''Kenstrom says, "Brisker's Cove."'''

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Kenstrom nods at Raelee.
Line 1,170: Line 1,152:
Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "We can tell Kothos it's Phannus and tell Mnar it's Brisker's Cove and see what happens."
Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "We can tell Kothos it's Phannus and tell Mnar it's Brisker's Cove and see what happens."

Kenstrom asks, "Here's been my problem with names, what if like, I want to roll them up eventually?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Here's been my problem with names, what if like, I want to roll them up eventually?"'''

'''Kenstrom says, "And James the Royal Magister, just isn't avail."'''

Kenstrom says, "And James the Royal Magister, just isn't avail."

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "But overall, it seems like some of the theme tonight, is more imperial/human documents."
'''Kenstrom says, "But overall, it seems like some of the theme tonight, is more imperial/human documents."'''

Kenstrom says, "Very well."
'''Kenstrom says, "Very well."'''

Kenstrom says, "I shall begin to allow my brain to marinate on it."
'''Kenstrom says, "I shall begin to allow my brain to marinate on it."'''

Kenstrom says, "Names, Games, Fames, and Dames."
'''Kenstrom says, "Names, Games, Fames, and Dames."'''

Goldstr grins at Kenstrom.
Goldstr grins at Kenstrom.

===Guarrin Part 2===
Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"
Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"

Line 1,193: Line 1,175:
Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.
Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "Touche."
'''Kenstrom says, "Touche."'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin says, "Alright this is the more complicated one."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin says, "Alright this is the more complicated one."
Line 1,199: Line 1,181:
Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin asks, "I hesitate to ask this question here as it is a sensitive subject, but I think it s worthwhile to have a transparent dialogue about it. Within the hour of G getting spurs, I had three people contact me and ask questions or make suggestions about others that would be good candidates from their perspective. I know this has been the case for others as well over the years. Is there any way we can provide some clarity to this process going forward?"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin asks, "I hesitate to ask this question here as it is a sensitive subject, but I think it s worthwhile to have a transparent dialogue about it. Within the hour of G getting spurs, I had three people contact me and ask questions or make suggestions about others that would be good candidates from their perspective. I know this has been the case for others as well over the years. Is there any way we can provide some clarity to this process going forward?"

Kenstrom says, "As if your last one wasn't..."
'''Kenstrom says, "As if your last one wasn't..."'''

Kenstrom says, "But carry on."
'''Kenstrom says, "But carry on."'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom asks, "On how to get spurs?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "On how to get spurs?"'''

Guarrin says, "And that is not in the sense of go forth and be chivalrous."
Guarrin says, "And that is not in the sense of go forth and be chivalrous."

Kenstrom says, "If you want spurs? You must go kill a knight and take them. It's a long standing, okay, a new standing imperial tradition."
'''Kenstrom says, "If you want spurs? You must go kill a knight and take them. It's a long standing, okay, a new standing imperial tradition."'''

Kenstrom says, "To become one of us, you must kill one of us."
'''Kenstrom says, "To become one of us, you must kill one of us."'''

Vaemyr chuckles.
Vaemyr chuckles.

Kenstrom asks, "Wait...is that Highlander?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Wait...is that Highlander?"'''

Goldstr laughs at Kenstrom!
Goldstr laughs at Kenstrom!
Line 1,224: Line 1,205:
Guarrin says, "Correct. As a player, I do not have a good answer. Oh well I guess we're highlander now."
Guarrin says, "Correct. As a player, I do not have a good answer. Oh well I guess we're highlander now."

Kenstrom asks, "So titles are, a tough subject to begin with, right?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "So titles are, a tough subject to begin with, right?"'''

Guarrin says, "Yep."
Guarrin says, "Yep."

Kenstrom says, "I'd give out 100 titles if I could, but then, titles would be like kobolds, funny, but pelts ain't worth crap."
'''Kenstrom says, "I'd give out 100 titles if I could, but then, titles would be like kobolds, funny, but pelts ain't worth crap."'''

Kenstrom says, "And so it's hard to really establish a very concise and specific set of guidelines to get a title, or spurs, or what not..."

'''Kenstrom says, "And so it's hard to really establish a very concise and specific set of guidelines to get a title, or spurs, or what not..."'''

Vaemyr says, "I'm super happy to see titles return, it's been so long since we had seen any."
Vaemyr says, "I'm super happy to see titles return, it's been so long since we had seen any."
Kenstrom asks, "Because then what if 40 people suddenly embark upon that spur quest? Then we have to title everyone?"'''

'''Kenstrom asks, "Why shouldn't we?"'''
Kenstrom asks, "Because then what if 40 people suddenly embark upon that spur quest? Then we have to title everyone?"

Kenstrom asks, "Why shouldn't we?"

Tayler says, "I think knights should be allowed to take on squires and over a long period of time grow them into knights."
Tayler says, "I think knights should be allowed to take on squires and over a long period of time grow them into knights."

Tayler says, "Or fail out."
Tayler says, "Or fail out."

Speaking to Tayler, Stormyrain adds, "Blood Mages too."
Speaking to Tayler, Stormyrain adds, "Blood Mages too."
Kenstrom says, "Fortunately, or unfortunately, the path to spurs kind of evolves over time."'''

'''Kenstrom says, "It depends on the GM's...it depends on the history...the player actions, how they roleplay, how they establish themselves..."'''

'''Kenstrom says, "I will say this. I've never seen a player title announced, and granted, to anyone that didn't deserve it. How did they get it? Being a pillar of the community. Being involved. Engaged, and not just for once, or twice, but for a prolonged time, and never asked for the acknowledgement, and would continue to play their character in the same manner whether they got it or not. They engaged others, they helped others, and they stuck to their character throughout it all."'''
Kenstrom says, "Fortunately, or unfortunately, the path to spurs kind of evolves over time."

Kenstrom says, "It depends on the GM's...it depends on the history...the player actions, how they roleplay, how they establish themselves..."

Kenstrom says, "I will say this. I've never seen a player title announced, and granted, to anyone that didn't deserve it. How did they get it? Being a pillar of the community. Being involved. Engaged, and not just for once, or twice, but for a prolonged time, and never asked for the acknowledgement, and would continue to play their character in the same manner whether they got it or not. They engaged others, they helped others, and they stuck to their character throughout it all."

Kenstrom says, "And so in those situations, it almost naturally occurs, even though titles are limited."
'''Kenstrom says, "And so in those situations, it almost naturally occurs, even though titles are limited."'''

Kenstrom asks, "But to define how to do all of that?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "But to define how to do all of that?"'''

Falicor chuckles.
Falicor chuckles.

Kenstrom says, "Impossible."
'''Kenstrom says, "Impossible."'''

Pukk says, "You just did."
Pukk says, "You just did."
Line 1,273: Line 1,247:
Kenstrom laughs!
Kenstrom laughs!

Kenstrom says, "I guess your right."
'''Kenstrom says, "I guess your right."'''

Kenstrom says, "I would tell a player this advice. Find your style, find your passion, define your character, and embrace it. Don't chase the title. You're doing it wrong if you are. Be honest, maybe it's harsh, but they should know soooner rather than later. Find your role, no no, MAKE your role, and watch what happens in time."
'''Kenstrom says, "I would tell a player this advice. Find your style, find your passion, define your character, and embrace it. Don't chase the title. You're doing it wrong if you are. Be honest, maybe it's harsh, but they should know soooner rather than later. Find your role, no no, MAKE your role, and watch what happens in time."'''

Stormyrain agrees with Kenstrom.
Stormyrain agrees with Kenstrom.
Line 1,287: Line 1,261:
Irval snickers.
Irval snickers.

Kenstrom drops mic, and leaves.
'''Kenstrom drops mic, and leaves.'''

Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.
Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.
Line 1,294: Line 1,268:

Pukk nods.
Pukk nods.

Gregnal grins.
Gregnal grins.

Line 1,310: Line 1,285:
Ithilwyn adopts an agreeable expression.
Ithilwyn adopts an agreeable expression.

Kenstrom says, "And back."
'''Kenstrom says, "And back."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Dendum!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Dendum!"'''

Gregnal says, "That was a good note to leave on."
Gregnal says, "That was a good note to leave on."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum asks, "Some of this touches on Guarrin's earlier question but it would be nice to know which counties in the empire are more likely to revolt over overturning Chaston's Edicts and which would be fine. There appears to be a lot of acceptance for Kindred in the empire, based on your own NPC's having positions and being Kindred as well as other things .but is there a spectrum from Faendryl to Halfling are the Kindred better off than a Dwarf? Can we get clarification on some of that?"
Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum asks, "Some of this touches on Guarrin's earlier question but it would be nice to know which counties in the empire are more likely to revolt over overturning Chaston's Edicts and which would be fine. There appears to be a lot of acceptance for Kindred in the empire, based on your own NPC's having positions and being Kindred as well as other things .but is there a spectrum from Faendryl to Halfling are the Kindred better off than a Dwarf? Can we get clarification on some of that?"
Line 1,329: Line 1,304:
Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom asks, "Remember when I was like....Landing and Human meeting and all these Kindred got up in our bidness?"
'''Kenstrom asks, "Remember when I was like....Landing and Human meeting and all these Kindred got up in our bidness?"'''

Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.
Line 1,337: Line 1,312:
Kenstrom snickers.
Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "But for this question..."
'''Kenstrom says, "But for this question..."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "I would like to phone a friend!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "I would like to phone a friend!"'''

Thandiwe suddenly fades into sight beside you.
Thandiwe suddenly fades into sight beside you.'''

Xorus chuckles.
Xorus chuckles.
Line 1,347: Line 1,322:
Kenstrom grins.
Kenstrom grins.

Thandiwe says, "There will be more Kindred Lore. For starters, I'm utterly thrilled at the more broader usage of that term."
'''Thandiwe says, "There will be more Kindred Lore. For starters, I'm utterly thrilled at the more broader usage of that term."'''

'''Thandiwe says, "I've been speckling drips and drabs in over the past couple of years."'''
You see GameMaster Thandiwe.
She appears to be an Aelotoi.
She has faint shadows dancing across her aura as the waning white light of Liabo flows over her.
She is average height. She appears to be in her golden years. She has heavily khol-outlined, almond-shaped sea green eyes and smooth, ivory white skin. She has long, black cherry hair swept back beneath an intricately woven headband of yellow fuzzy edelweiss flowers and butterfly-cut yellow dreamstones and tucked behind the ears. She has a narrow face and high cheekbones that accent the sharp curve of her thin ears. She has slightly dirty feet with petite toes painted in bright bronze. She has a pair of gossamer ebon wings transitioning to hunter green at the edges.
She has a series of darkly tattooed abstract designs upon every available space from her neck down.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a dragon-inked specimen board slung over her shoulder, a triple-tiered copper choker, a simple silver chain necklace trailing a moon-cradled pentacle, an unbuttoned ebon leather vest over a wide-collared white cotton shirt with ebon pearl buttons, a crudly made canvas poppet, a hip-slung long ebon belt with triple wrappings, a copper-bound wooden box, a gear and sprocket-toggled leather hip-satchel, a pair of form-fitting leather pants with hip-to-ankle outer seam buttons, and a plethora of polished anklets.
Goldstr bows to Thandiwe.

Thandiwe says, "I've been speckling drips and drabs in over the past couple of years."

Kenstrom turns to Thandiwe and cheers!
Kenstrom turns to Thandiwe and cheers!

Thandiwe says, "I do have plotted out a document for next year -- and I know that's at least 6 months away but my dance cards has been rather full of late."
'''Thandiwe says, "I do have plotted out a document for next year -- and I know that's at least 6 months away but my dance cards has been rather full of late."'''

Tayler says, "Got that big PM role dropped directly on your forehead."
Tayler says, "Got that big PM role dropped directly on your forehead."

Speaking amusedly to Tayler, Thandiwe says, "Indeed."
Speaking amusedly to Tayler, Thandiwe says, "Indeed."'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Falicor says, "Good answer."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Falicor says, "Good answer."
Line 1,375: Line 1,342:
Thandiwe curtsies to Kenstrom.
Thandiwe curtsies to Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "See? She answers so much better than I do."
'''Kenstrom says, "See? She answers so much better than I do."'''

Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum says, ""If I had known you would just summon up other GM's I would have been asking Forest Gnome questions this whole time."
Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum says, ""If I had known you would just summon up other GM's I would have been asking Forest Gnome questions this whole time."
Line 1,382: Line 1,349:

Kenstrom laughs at Dendum!
Kenstrom laughs at Dendum!

Lylia says, "Well, she is pretty awesome."
Lylia says, "Well, she is pretty awesome."

Kenstrom exclaims, "Well, the list is now empty!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Well, the list is now empty!"'''

Kenstrom says, "No more questions signed up it seems."
'''Kenstrom says, "No more questions signed up it seems."'''

Kenstrom says, "Yeah, it's almost 4am EST, some of you are nuts."
'''Kenstrom says, "Yeah, it's almost 4am EST, some of you are nuts."'''

Kenstrom says, "I will end with this..."
Kenstrom says, "I will end with this..."'''

Stormyrain asks, "Buy deeds?"
Stormyrain asks, "Buy deeds?"
Line 1,398: Line 1,364:
Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.
Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "I have been stirring North by Northwest in my mind for years, and I am incredibly excited to finally see it come to life. We'll have a lot of fun, I promise."
'''Kenstrom says, "I have been stirring North by Northwest in my mind for years, and I am incredibly excited to finally see it come to life. We'll have a lot of fun, I promise."'''

Kenstrom says, "In the meantime, buy deeds."
'''Kenstrom says, "In the meantime, buy deeds."'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Thank you for coming out as always!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Thank you for coming out as always!"'''

Kenstrom exclaims, "Have a good night/morning!"
'''Kenstrom exclaims, "Have a good night/morning!"'''

Kenstrom waves.
Kenstrom waves.

Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.
'''Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.'''

[[Category: TownCrier]]
[[Category: TownCrier]]
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[[Category: KST]]
[[Category: OOC meetings]]
[[Category: OOC meetings]]
[[Category: Wehnimer's Landing OOC meetings]]

Latest revision as of 15:14, 18 June 2023

Koaratos 02-03, 5121

by Kayse Thaellian of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]


  • There are two new storylines for set for Wehnimer's Landing before the end of the year. Born of Bourth, which will begin around July 17th. Also North by Northwest which will commence after Ebon Gate in November and Kenstrom promised "Italsochangeseverything."
  • The Darkstone Bay Consortium HQ is on track to go into QC this month. It'll bring some new roleplaying opportunities and scenery as well.
  • The Wehnimer's Landing Bazaar is still under construction, with the first phase of new shops being a tattoo parlor, a permanent ice rink, a tea/smoke shop, and a piercing shop.
  • Kenstrom is working on getting baystone more into the market.
  • Kenstrom is revisiting the Festival of Frost. For those of you that know, it's a small "winter" themed grounds that I open yearly in Landing. It's got bonfires, a snowman making hill, ice skating, and some mini games, etc.
  • Kenstrom is working on Wave 4 of the NPC Siege Miniatures. It's his biggest series of additions so far.
  • Within a week or so Kenstrom will be announcing the dates for the next Wehnimer's Landing Town Council elections. They will run through August, with voting near the end of August, and the winner announced early Sept. Voting will be slightly different this year. Players will be allowed only 1-2 votes for their top 1-2 favorite candidates. Kenstrom hasn't decided if 1 or 2.


[The Strategy Stage] Cold and colorless, the room resembles a stone bunker which is devoid of any real decor, with the exception of a large corkboard in one corner. On the board is a map of Wehnimer's Landing, a hit list, a family photo, and two tickets. You also see a questions list, the translucent Nairena disk, the bark-textured Irval disk worked with the face of a tree spirit, the Tayler disk, a three-tiered MHO cake, a gold-eyed giantman costume, a massive statue, an onyx archway and a circular wooden table. Also here: Cynian, Goldstr, Lady Sevanya, Lady Nairena, Geijon, Luminary Berkana, Pookia, Scyf, Lord Irval, Lord Silencieux, Bernadette, Town Councilor Leafiara, Lord Witfog, Sir Guarrin, Magister Raelee, High Lady Ithilwyn, Lord Tayler, Sir Cryheart, Stormyrain who is sitting, Lord Thrassus, Drektor, Tikba, Town Councilor Pukk who is sitting, Vaemyr Obvious paths: out

Kenstrom suddenly fades into sight beside you.

Kenstrom exclaims, "Behold!"

Suddenly Kenstrom looms high above you, striking terror into your very soul!

Kenstrom exclaims, "Alright!"

Cryheart turns an inquisitive ear toward Kenstrom. Kenstrom says, "The hour is late, for some of you."

Kenstrom snickers.

Pookia gazes stupidly at her surroundings.

Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Kenstrom.

Vaemyr beams happily at Kenstrom! Kenstrom exclaims, "So let us begin!" . Kenstrom just opened the questions list for 40 signups.

Kenstrom says, "The question list is open for you to sign up if you want, I'll spend the first few minutes to go over some things for the rest of the year."

Kenstrom says, "Then we'll get into Q and A."

Wheel of Deeds

Kenstrom says, "Oh but..."

Kenstrom drops a glowing blood red wheel.

Kenstrom just opened a deep blue Kestrel bedroll.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom removes a frosted glass spinner from in his Kestrel bedroll.

Kenstrom exclaims, "We'll let five people try their hand at the Wheel of Deeds and then begin!"

Kenstrom says, "I won't take long, then we'll go into Q and A like normal."

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Cryheart!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Cryheart!"

Kenstrom brushes roughly past Cryheart. How rude!

Kenstrom exclaims, "Spin the wheel!"

Cryheart glances at a glowing blood red wheel.

Cryheart nods at Kenstrom.

Stormyrain says, "I mean as the leader of the Cryblob I feel like his target is already ...well painted on his back."

Stormyrain snickers.

Cryheart says, "Been awhile."

Lylia nods at Stormyrain.

You chuckle.

Cryheart gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Pookia chants, "Spin it spin it spin it spin it."

Pookia lets out a cheer!

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 1.

Kenstrom snickers.

Cryheart starts chortling.

Kenstrom asks, "1?"

Dendum says, "Rigged."

You shake your head at Cryheart and cluck your tongue.

Vaemyr says, "All he needs."

Kenstrom says, "I steal 1 deed with my eyes closed."

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Pookia!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Pookia!"

Pookia gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Kenstrom exclaims, "Something tells me Pookia will lose deeds in the future. Make it a good spin!"

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 1.

Kenstrom says, "Or not."

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Leafiara! Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Leafiara!"

Leafiara gazes up into the heavens. Kenstrom says, "Now I KNOW I take some of your deeds."

Leafiara gazes thoughtfully at a glowing blood red wheel.

Leafiara snickers.

Leafiara gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 2.

Goldstr laughs!

Lylia chuckles.

Dendum exclaims, "Winner!"

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Xorus! Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Xorus!"

Xorus gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Lylia applauds Xorus.

Leafiara says, "Now he knows to get me twice."

Xorus says, "Big money..."

Leafiara hoots at Xorus.

Lylia says, "No whammies..."

Pookia exclaims, "Other numbers DO exist!"

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 1.

Xorus says, "Waah waaaaomp."

Kenstrom sets his glass spinner in the palm of his hand and gently spins it.

The glass spinner comes to a stop pointing directly at Raelee!

Kenstrom recovers the glass spinner and exclaims, "Congratulations Raelee!"

Raelee glances at a glowing blood red wheel.

Lylia turns to Raelee and cheers!

Raelee gives the Wheel of Deeds a good spin. The Wheel of Deeds turns around and around...

Stormyrain chants, "Raelee, Raelee, Raelee."

Kenstrom put a frosted glass spinner in his Kestrel bedroll.

Goldstr applauds Raelee.

The Wheel of Deeds slows down until it stops on the panel - 5.

Raelee says, "... I'm gonna die."

Cryheart says, "Good spin, there Raelee."

Stormyrain laughs!

Dendum exclaims, "Better Winner!"

Pookia says, "Five! so many deeds...."

Falicor applauds Raelee.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom picks up a glowing blood red wheel.

Kenstrom put a glowing blood red wheel in his Kestrel bedroll.

Kenstrom just closed a deep blue Kestrel bedroll.


Kenstrom says, "Alright."

Kenstrom asks, "We're still sort of fresh off of Ashes to Ashes. Did you all have fun?"

Pukk nods.

Stormyrain says, "Yes."

Tayler exclaims, "Yes!"

Stormyrain says, "Mostly."

Tikba nods at Kenstrom.

Raelee nods at Kenstrom.

Goldstr says, "Aye."

Irval exclaims, "Yep!"

Pukk says, "I liked it."

Stormyrain snickers.

Gregnal grins at Stormyrain.

Ithilwyn softly says, "Yes."

Lylia says, "Yes, quite a lot of fun with this one."

Ithilwyn smiles.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Thrassus says, "What I could attend of it, yes."

Vaemyr says, "Yep! and also a HUGE Yes from Kiyna, who is asleep and couldn't make it tonight."

Irval says, "I thought the rioting was a nice touch."

Speaking to Thrassus, Guarrin says, "Same."

Stormyrain grins at Vaemyr.

Leafiara grins at Vaemyr.

Speaking to Vaemyr, Stormyrain says, "She's smart."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Vaemyr says, "Made me stay up instead."

Stormyrain says, "Even smarter."

Leafiara says, "So doubly smart."

Leafiara snickers.

Stormyrain nods approvingly.

Dendum says, "I liked the halfling that made heads explode."

Lylia says, "I enjoyed the amount of latitude we had with some of the paths we took to get to the end of the story arc."

Stormyrain says, "It's always fun when we get a chance to move the story in an unexpected direction."

Kenstrom raises his fist defiantly.

Kenstrom says, "Sorry, a kid wandered down the hall."

Kenstrom says, "Where were we...."

Pukk laughs!

Cryheart chuckles.

Vaemyr says, "Aye the ending surprised me, some of my highlights had to be the big mountain reveal, the digging for treasure in the port, and the ending stuff."

Kenstrom says, "There's 2 storylines remaining for the year still, on my end."

Kenstrom says, "Born of Bourth begins, probably around the 17th of this month. It will be a very short storyline, probably one of my shortest, but a necessary development to make way for some things, and provide some closure in some threads."

Kenstrom says, "The next storyline, I am very, very excited to announce and already prep work is underway, will begin in November, right after EG, and carry into Feb of 2023."

Kenstrom says, "It is titled North by Northwest."

Kenstrom says, "Italsochangeseverything."

Stormyrain groans at Kenstrom.

Leafiara asks, "Three months until we find a way to screw it up and extend it?"

Leafiara snickers.

Kenstrom says, "So be ready for some fun, and good deeds, and bad deeds, and, losing deeds."

Kenstrom says, "Sometimes storylines do extend, we know this." Kenstrom says, "Fluid as they are."

Raelee asks, "If it changes everything... does that mean Stone's about to become a humble good guy?" Kenstrom says, "The additional projects I still want to wrap up before year's end are..."

Kenstrom says, "The Darkstone Bay Consortium HQ is on track to go into QC this month. It'll bring some new roleplaying opportunities and scenery as well. Not as cool as that Rusty Cutlass though. I could live there."

Kenstrom says, "The Wehnimer's Landing Bazaar is still under construction, with the first phase of new shops being a tattoo parlour, a permanent ice rink, a tea/smoke shop, and a piercing shop."

Kenstrom says, "I am working on getting baystone more, in the market."

You stare at Kenstrom.

You snap your fingers at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom exclaims, "They just starting mining it last year! Give them time!"

You ask, "I mean.. please?"

Stormyrain snickers at you!

You flutter your eyelashes at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom snickers at you!

Kenstrom says, "I'm also revisiting the Festival of Frost. For those of you that know, it's a small "winter" themed grounds that I open yearly in Landing. It's got bonfires, a snowman making hill, ice skating, and some mini games, etc."

Kenstrom says, "It's still on my list to revist and touch up a bit, since I am a sucker for Christmas, so still working on that. I've got some mini games I've been designing."

Kenstrom says, "The last thing I'm still going to have completed by year's end or I quit, is Wave 4 of the NPC Siege Miniatures."

Kenstrom says, "It's my biggest series of additions so far, and unfortunately, every storyline makes me want to add MORE."

Vaemyr says, "One of these days I really need to figure out the whole siege miniature game."

Kenstrom says, "So I've got to save something for wave 5 and just stop and finish them."

Kenstrom says, "It's just pushing buttons, so it's like being married."

Kenstrom snickers at Vaemyr.

Kenstrom says, "Ba dum tsk."

Irval asks, "Can we get player minatures?"

Kenstrom says, "Not from me, no."

Kenstrom says, "One, favortism, right? How do I decide? I mean, clearly..Venmo me."

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "I kid I kid."

Kenstrom says, "I have seen some players get a miniature of themselves."

Vaemyr laughs at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom says, "But that's at merchants."

Kenstrom says, "I'll never do it in my shops or siege series."

Kenstrom says, "Actually...."

Kenstrom says, "I did make a player miniature."

Kenstrom says, "The Rekarth miniature."

Lylia asks, "But no one can find it because it's invisible?"

Kenstrom holds up an empty hand. Is it there? Is it not there?

Stormyrain says, "You did?? Where can one acquire such a thing."

Stormyrain says, "Oh."

Stormyrain laughs!

Lylia exclaims, "Aha!"

Kenstrom says, "Because he's...always invisible..."

Stormyrain says, "That's amazing."

Kenstrom nods at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "And then recently, we also had Ashes to Ashes storyline, the release of the Rusty Cutlass, and the Ithzir Genesis document."

Kenstrom says, "More to come on Ithzir in the future I'm sure..."

Kenstrom snickers.

Vaemyr says, "The Ithzir stuff was really cool."

Lylia says, "I would love more Ithzir goodness. I don't think Thadston would agree, but I would."

Stormyrain says, "And their spawnling Rodnaaaay."

Tayler grins at Lylia.

You stare at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "Remember, sign up for the list if you have any questions relating to Wehnimer's Landing or humans in general."

You say, "Mothnay."

Stormyrain stares upward.

You sigh.

Stormyrain points at you!

Kenstrom says, "I rarely make a document I don't intend to get full use out of."



Kenstrom exclaims, "Stormyrain!"

Stormyrain exclaims, "Kenstrom!"

Stormyrain says, "I have a statement from Puptilian's player: He wanted me to remind you that you still owe everyone Mayor Portraits."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain says, "He couldn't keep his eyes open."

Kenstrom says, "Yes, Mayor portraits, they are coming. RSN. RSN."

Kenstrom says, "Which reminds me, within a week or so I will be announcing the dates for the next Wehnimer's Landing Town Council elections."

Kenstrom says, "They will run through August, with voting near the end of August, and the winner announced early Sept."

Kenstrom says, "Voting will be slightly different this year. Players will be allowed only 1-2 votes for their top 1-2 favorite candidates. I haven't decided if 1 or 2, so just being up front."

Kenstrom says, "So more on that soon."

Kenstrom says, "Back to the list."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Thrassus!"

Kenstrom says, "The man that keeps Bloodbenders shop alive."

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Thrassus asks, "I was wondering if there were going to be more investment opportunities for the Consortuim opening up?"

Kenstrom says, "Limiting the times you can vote drives competition."

Kenstrom says, "I'm plotting some ideas with the Consortium, but, unsure exactly what it will look like. I am trying to come up with some cool ideas for players to get more involved with the DBC."

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.

Kenstrom says, "At least, for those not wanting to throw bricks through their building."

Kenstrom says, "So, yes."

Kenstrom nods at Thrassus.


Kenstrom exclaims, "Lylia!"

Lylia asks, "Could you tell us a little more about the bazaar, please? Is this something that, for instance, an MHO could participate in, if only in a roleplayed sense?"

Kenstrom asks, "In what regard? The participation?"

Kenstrom asks, "Like open up a shop?"

Kenstrom says, "Or advertise with banners? "Faendryl Enclave. We didn't sink no Ashrim."."

Lylia says, "Yes to both -- would it be possible to open a shop, or to have a shop that sold, say, goods related to a certain MHO or CHE..."

Kenstrom says, "Honestly, anything MHO/CHE related, out of my hands, and worth asking the guru's."

Kenstrom asks, "Because when it comes to player-run organizations of any kind, we always, always have to ensure fairness, and access, right?"

Lylia says, "Okeydoke. I'm mainly wondering if there's a way to see any kind of Faendryl stuff out in the wider world. Pining for it." Kenstrom says, "So cool idea, but, not in my control per se."

Kenstrom says, "As for details of the bazaar, it'll be an open courtyard type area, with a few shops built first, which the player town council approved last year."

Lylia says, "So I could well understand that it wouldn't be something we could claim any income on, but even if there were just a shop with related items that we could say, "Yep, that's my cousin's place."."

Kenstrom says, "Or this year? time blurs when your draining deeds."

Kenstrom says, "Eventually, I'd like to incorporate new shops into the future as well, but it's starting with 4."

Lylia says, "Time blurs, period. I can't believe we're halfway through the year."

Kenstrom says, "Could one day have booths, carts, seasonal things, we'll see where it goes."

Kenstrom says, "I'm the first one to support MHO's and CHE's getting involved in things, it's why we have 4 defense towers paid for and named by CHE's, but, yeah, I'd always want to make sure we were fair in what groups, when, how, what, etc."

Kenstrom says, "But something to definitely consider."

Kenstrom asks, "Honestly, it'd be great if MHO's or CHE's could showcase their crafted goods somehow. Isn't that already a thing though?"

Kenstrom shrugs.

You say, "Used to be."

Leafiara says, "It was but then it went away."

Lylia says, "We have player shops that can be, but it's not like the Frontier Days bazaar, not one central place."

Kenstrom says, "I'll drop a few whispers, that's all I can promise."

Kenstrom says, "Frontier Days. RIP."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Vaemyr!"

Lylia says, "I loved Frontier Days. Thank you for all the fun we had with it."

Lylia smiles.

Kenstrom says, "It was time to retire it, for now. I am actively plotting its replacement, of sorts."

Kenstrom asks, "Darkstone Days?"

Kenstrom smirks.

Kenstrom says, "Sponsored by the DBC."

Vaemyr asks, "Alright, you may not be able to answer this, cause I know how things go, but there's been a lot of hunting grounds in various places, anything potentially planned for the landing in the future, yah know maybe something like including some ithzir lore?"

Kenstrom says, "Amos could bake his famous cookies..."

Kenstrom snickers.

Goldstr chuckles.

Falicor chuckles.

Kenstrom says, "I cannot speak on any hunting related to Wehnimer's Landing except I am aware of the recent developments and I love them, and I love Wehnimer's Landing."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"

Raelee points at herself.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "Let's talk humanity."

Tayler asks, "Whomanity?"

Stormyrain snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Wait, I need to answer more like a politician. and do that thumb thing."

Raelee says, "I know most of the documentation you've produced is at least... somewhat storyline relevant."

Kenstrom holds out his hands, with the tips of his thumbs up.

Raelee says, "But I think one of the biggest lore gaps we have relates more to the average human joe. What life is like in various regions? Various prevailing cultural attitudes? Etc..."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee asks, "Doesn't that sound fun to write?"

Raelee grins.

You chuckle.

You hear someone chuckling.

Kenstrom says, "Sorry, I fell asleep thinking about that."

Kenstrom snickers at Raelee.

Lylia shifts her eyes to Tayler.

Tayler grins at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "I kid, I kid."

Raelee whines at Kenstrom!

Kenstrom says, "But...so I know for sure what you're talking about..."

Kenstrom says, "Essentially, a human culture document, that focuses on the day in the life of imperial citizens, far and wide."

Raelee says, "Yeah."

Raelee says, "Some much of what we know is really focused on history, and history often means the nobility."

Kenstrom says, "How do the citizens of Riverwood spend their time, their holidays, how do they cope with death, with life..."

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.

Raelee nods at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "Worth considering. I'll chew on it. Whenever I roll up NPC's, I'm always trying to come up with little stories about where they're from, traditions, facts of their mundane life, etc."

Kenstrom says, "So maybe on a larger scale, might be worth pursuing. I'll ponder it."

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee exclaims, "All I can ask!"


Kenstrom exclaims, "Irval!"

Irval says, "Hello! Alright my question pertains to the air speed velocity of a laden swallow."

Irval says, "I jest."

Kenstrom snickers.

Irval says, "But really, Since ive been gone Ive noticed a lot of the services, and was wondering if there were any designs to have other classes incorporated in that."

Kenstrom asks, "Huh?"

Kenstrom snickers.

Irval says, "Like resources for Wizards, rangers, ect."

Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "See, this is the kind of question you should bring to All Things Elanthia at Silverwood Manor, not this..."

Irval shrugs.

Kenstrom says, "In what way though."

Kenstrom asks, "What resources are they needing, etc?"

Kenstrom exclaims, "I mean, they have Guilds, what more do you want man!"

Kenstrom snickers.

Vaemyr says, "That's more of a mechanics thing, not really in Kenstrom's perview I don't think, if you are talking about enchanting/ensorcelling/sanctify and such."

Irval asks, "Things that actually make me silvers?"

Speaking to Irval, Leafiara says, "The answer is yes, by the way. A rogue one's in the design phase and a paladin one will be at some point after the DI system is finished."

Tikba says, "I think the question is, are they going to make services for the classes that don't currently have them, like empaths, and the answer appears to be yes, when they think of em."

Tayler says, "The discord has a lot of info on the upcoming rogue service, and that's where profession services are generally discussed."

Kenstrom says, "Oh yes, okay I get what you mean."

Kenstrom nods at Irval.

Kenstrom says, "No idea, everyone here knows way more than me in that regard."

Kenstrom says, "But yeah when it comes to professions, etc, beyond my sandbox."

Kenstrom says, "If I had it my way, I'd take away all of your services, turn you into human joe's, and survey you to prepare a document about your mundane lives."

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom winks at Raelee.

Tayler cackles at Kenstrom! Kenstrom says, "I am already thinking of ideas though."

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.

Kenstrom says, "There's magic in the mundane."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Yardie!"

Yardie asks, "For me, being coaxed IC by Dendum aside, I jumped in the whole scene of trying to get the average person who doesn't follow the politics a means of getting to know the candidates. I'm willing to do the same. But if I conduct interviews again, would perhaps Amos or the Mayor mind sending some questions as to the things they also might want to know so I can swing towards the candidates so the average joe knows where everyone stands?"

Kenstrom says, "I can come up with a list of questions, as long as it's ensured each candidate is asked them all, for the sake of fairness."

Kenstrom says, "I might even come up with a unique one for each candidate, all things depending."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Yardie says, "That's how I did it last time, I'll do it again this time."

Yardie says, "The hard-hitting questions."

Kenstrom nods at Yardie.

Kenstrom says, "Perfect."

Kenstrom says, "I miss the Daily Darkstone."

Kenstrom frowns.


Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"

Kenstrom says, "Sorry, Sir Guarrin."

Kenstrom bows to Guarrin.

Kenstrom winks.

Guarrin rolls his eyes.

Guarrin says, "Alright, fun one first."

Guarrin asks, "We just heard about the southern sentinel dying. We know the northern sentinel. Who is the current eastern sentinel?"

Kenstrom says, "Lydil and I just recently plotted this out and discussed it a few months ago."

Kenstrom says, "We came to the conclussion that Earl Feurstein of Honneland is the Eastern Sentinel." Guarrin says, "Western Sentinel is underwater."

Kenstrom says, "Western Sentinel has been the Emperor essentially."

Kenstrom says, "Because like the Throne needs more titles."

Speaking to Guarrin, Lylia says, "That's what the Ashrim would say. If there were any."

Lylia nods knowingly.

Kenstrom asks, "You had a two parter?"

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Guarrin.

Lylia grins at Yardie.

Guarrin says, "It's more human adjacent, but yes."

Tayler says, "Poor Ashrim, got wiped out, joined an evil cult, got wiped out x2."

Kenstrom says, "Ashrim, Ashrim, we all fall down."

Guarrin asks, "Another question has come up in the lore channel recently and I think it s an interesting one. Regarding giantkin after Kannalan empire and interactions with the current empire. Were they integrated? How do the clans interact now? What would be the best way to fill in some of the gaps? Human side or giantkin side?"

Kenstrom asks, "Whose next?"

Dendum says, "Oh yea thats a good one..."

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "I'll need to um, circle back on that."

Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Let me do some more research, lore is one of the few things I do not do off the cuff."

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.

Kenstrom jots down on a small notepad. Research more on giantman after the fall of Kannalan. Kill Guarrin.

Kenstrom whistles tunelessly to himself.

Guarrin says, "Psh."

Tayler asks, "Two questions costs twice as many deeds right?"

Kenstrom says, "But in all honesty, great question."

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Kannalan always used to be a bigger mystery to me, but one I liked. Scribes was my go-to on Kannalan questions."

Kenstrom says, "I've got old emails and notes from him, I'll check it out."

Guarrin exclaims, "Yeah it's an interesting area. Great!"

Vaemyr nods at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Especially when the Kannalan Empire rises again."

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Kidding."

Kenstrom says, "Although now that I said it..."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Pookia!"

Pookia says, "Okay, this is a JOINT questions."

Pookia snickers.

Sevanya giggles.

Kenstrom says, "I'm all ears."

Pookia says, "When will the knuckleheads statue be erected in town square."

Kenstrom says, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He is all ears."

Sevanya says, "We support erections of all kinds of public monuments."

Pookia nods vigorously at Sevanya!

Pookia says, "Exactly."

Kenstrom laughs!

Pookia says, "We want to know."

Sevanya is buffeted by the wind and knocked to the ground!

Kenstrom says, "I quickly read what you said and I was like...whoa where is this meeting going...."

Kenstrom snickers at Sevanya.

Kenstrom says, "Nothing good happens after 2am EST."

Kenstrom snickers.

Sevanya roars!

Kenstrom asks, "Was that your real question?"

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Pookia.

Kenstrom snickers.

Pookia says, "Yes."

Kenstrom chuckles.

Pookia says, "Of course."

Pookia stares at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "Never."

Pookia taps her foot impatiently.

Sevanya stares at Kenstrom. Kenstrom says, "Easy enough."

Kenstrom snickers.

Pookia exclaims, "Okay ill settle for in front of the bank, thank you!"


Kenstrom exclaims, "Tayler!"

Kenstrom says, "Ask Lylia about how good statues work out."

Thrassus laughs!

Vaemyr laughs!

Asben snickers.

Tayler asks, "Ah! Ok, so, the Landing has always been but is now more-so the centralized place to be, it's still relatively small, with DBC and further external investors do you have any plans for it growing into a more defensible and/or larger city?"

Kenstrom says, "So, Wehnimer's Landing is an interesting beast."

Kenstrom says, "First, let's all agree, she's a beast."

Kenstrom nods.

Kenstrom says, "But Landing has an IC aspect, and an OOC aspect."

Kenstrom says, "OOC, it's a huge center of activity, because of the game. The players, the origins, the access to things, (and maybe me?)"

Kenstrom says, "But in the large, large, scheme of things in the wide wide world..."

Lylia says, "Definitely you."

Speaking to Lylia, you say, "Let's inflate his ego more."

Kenstrom asks, "In Raelee's Human Mundanity Doc...people would be like "What's a Wehnimer's?"

Lylia grins at you.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom begins chuckling at Lylia!

Kenstrom starts chuckling at you!

Raelee says, "I ask myself that every day, really."

Kenstrom says, "So will it ever expand, grow, turn pallisade walls into stone ramparts..."

You say, "You see GameMaster Kenstrom. He has a very large inflated ego."

Lylia snickers.

Asben starts chuckling at you!

Kenstrom says, "Who knows. The future is wide open for Wehnimer's Landing and the area."

Tayler nods at Kenstrom.

Speaking to you, Lylia says, "Grishom Stone comes by it honestly."

Kenstrom says, "I will tell you this though."

Kenstrom says, "Clear your schedule for North by Northwest and enjoy yourself."

Kenstrom nods at Tayler.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Tayler exclaims, "I'm looking forward to it!"

Kenstrom says, "I'd say more but..."

Kenstrom snickers.


Kenstrom exclaims, "Tikba!"

Tikba says, "Notwithstanding the correct statement that most of the historical documents we get are about nobility and politics..."

Kenstrom turns an inquisitive ear toward Tikba.

Tikba says, "I am curious about the current state of Imperial nobility and politics."

Tikba says, "Like it's weird that the Empire has only one duke and instead a bunch of appointed sentinels."

Tikba says, "I am wondering if we will get more on how the balance of power is actually balanced in the Empire someday."

Kenstrom says, "I wrote this doc a few years ago, it helps cover different organizations in the Empire, some touching in nobility and politics..."

Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Orders_of_the_Turamzzyrian_Empire."

Kenstrom says, "You can also check out..."

Kenstrom says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Turamzzyrian_Empire#Provinces."

Kenstrom says, "There's a few Duke positions.."

Kenstrom says, "But because Aurmont sits on the Sun Throne, he holds two of them."

Kenstrom says, "But it shows the Earls, Counts, Barons, etc."

Kenstrom snickers at Guarrin.

Kenstrom says, "Maybe there needs to be a document that talks about the Notable and Mundane."

Kenstrom asks, "Why is your idea growing?"

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Raelee.

Kenstrom snickers.

Xorus says, "Https://gswiki.play.net/Prestige_and_Prejudice_in_the_Empire_-_On_Imperial_Rank_and_Titles."

Xorus says, "That has more on it."

Lylia begins chuckling at Kenstrom! Kenstrom says, "I will call it..." Kenstrom says, "Noteworthy and Not-Worthy."

Kenstrom snickers.

Tayler grins.

Speaking innocently to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "I have no idea."

Kenstrom says, "Written by the Noteworthy."

Leafiara says, "This is an OOC discussion. That's when people listen to Raelee's advice."

Leafiara chuckles.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "Good food for thought though."

Tikba asks, "Yeah, that document names the existing duchies, and then just goes on to earls. Maybe the empire isn't making any more dukes?" " Kenstrom nods at Tikba. . Tikba says, "Anyway I apologize that my question was so dry everybody went to sleep."

Kenstrom says, "No no, I could talk human politics and the Empire all day long."

Kenstrom nods at Tikba.

Kenstrom says, "Well, night long."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Falicor!"

Falicor asks, "What is the official status of the Landing in the wider world in regards to how it's populated? Is it a human town or known more as a mixed town?"

Falicor says, "I ask because I am what you might call a Kindred enthusiast....and it's not clear they fit anywhere lately."

Tayler says, "It's probably known as that mud pit where all the crazy people live that keep causing it to get attacked by demons." Kenstrom says, "I would say it has less of a reputation for being "human only" and more of a reputation for being the known location of some almost crippling dangers over the past decade."

Kenstrom says, "I think the town is known as a small hub, lots of races, lots of people, passing through at all times."

Kenstrom nods at Falicor.

Kenstrom says, "It's a protectorate of the human empire, but it still has its own laws and independence."

Kenstrom says, "For good or for bad."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Xorus!"

Kenstrom says, "Wait, Xorus has a question? What an odd turn of events."

Kenstrom snickers.

Xorus asks, "Who do we have to bribe to bring back us some Wordsmiths?"

Xorus says, "We've got squidrings..."

Kenstrom snickers.

Tikba asks, "What does the empire get in return for protecting the Landing?"

Kenstrom says, "I've no say in wordsmiths, but I did love them."

Speaking to Yardie, Falicor says, "It sure is."

Speaking to Tikba, Raelee says, "A giant headache."

Kenstrom says, "I'm not sure how much protecting they do per se."

Kenstrom snickers at Tikba.

Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin says, "Ahem."

Tayler says, "Protectorate in name not function."

Kenstrom says, "I mean...YOU do."

Kenstrom nods at Guarrin.

Tikba says, "Is "we're making you a protectorate" how they said "wow can't believe you beat us in that war", basically."

Kenstrom snickers.

Lylia says, "The smithing of the words would indeed be good."

Stormyrain Part 2

Kenstrom exclaims, "Stormyrain!"

Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain asks, "You mentioned clearing our schedules. Will you be holding to a set scheduleish for the upcoming storylines? Both Born and North?"

Kenstrom asks, "Short answer?"

Kenstrom asks, "No?"

Kenstrom snickers.

Stormyrain asks, "I won't be able to tell my students I can't make it to hospital clinicals because I didn't sleep because my elf had things to do?"

Stormyrain stares at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "I will do like normal, and always keep the BIG events to weekend nights."

Vaemyr says, "I'll say, I have very much appreciated the heads up in discord in the afternoons at least to "likely KSTs" for the night."

Kenstrom says, "And I will try to give advance notice to things, like I've done, usually via NPC's in the game."

Kenstrom nods at Vaemyr. Kenstrom says, "I will do that as well."

Kenstrom says, "Also, at least for North by Northwest, I am hoping for some other GM involvement as well, and perhaps not only during KST time."

Kenstrom says, "So, to be continued on that."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Lylia exclaims, "That's great news!"

Stormyrain says, "Thank you, that's at least helpful to know."

Kenstrom says, "So in summation..."

Kenstrom nods at Stormyrain. Kenstrom says, "Quit your job and just play."

Kenstrom snickers.

Irval says, "Har."

Falicor laughs!

Goldstr laughs!

Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain says, "I wish."

Kenstrom cackles!

Kenstrom says, "Wait...my legal team just informed me...I have to say "Just kidding."."

Kenstrom snickers.

Stormyrain snickers at Kenstrom.

Tayler grins at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "But yes, I will try to be very conscious of schedule, like always, given my own life stuff though too." Kenstrom nods.

Raelee Part 2

Kenstrom exclaims, "Raelee!"

Speaking to Kenstrom, Vaemyr says, "I thought the assistence you got from Marstreforn was great, assuming that was who someone helping in Ashes to ashes some since they were talking about it, love to see more stuff always."

Kenstrom asks, "Again!?"

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "Since you said you could talk human politics all night..."

Raelee says, "And since you're answering all the long standing mysteries tonight."

Kenstrom says, "He did help some yes."

You groan at Raelee. Kenstrom says, "I was so happy to see Juramis return."

Raelee asks, "Which is the capitol of Seareach? Phannus or Brisker's Cove?" " Stormyrain says, "Mars always had great NPCs."

Guarrin turns to Raelee and cheers!

Kenstrom says, "Brisker's Cove."

Kenstrom nods at Raelee.

Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "Let's write that down."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Raelee says, "Also it would be nice if we had some names to attach to some of the other major political roles in the Empire."

Guarrin asks, "I dunno. Do we tell Kothos and Mnar?"

Guarrin says, "I almost want to keep that debate going."

Raelee says, "Like I know the Royal Magister is *a* Kestrel and is also currently running Chastonia since the Landingers rudely killed his brother."

Raelee asks, "But uh... what's his name?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Raelee says, "We can tell Kothos it's Phannus and tell Mnar it's Brisker's Cove and see what happens."

Kenstrom asks, "Here's been my problem with names, what if like, I want to roll them up eventually?"

Kenstrom says, "And James the Royal Magister, just isn't avail."

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "But overall, it seems like some of the theme tonight, is more imperial/human documents."

Kenstrom says, "Very well."

Kenstrom says, "I shall begin to allow my brain to marinate on it."

Kenstrom says, "Names, Games, Fames, and Dames."

Goldstr grins at Kenstrom.

Guarrin Part 2

Kenstrom exclaims, "Guarrin!"

Speaking to Kenstrom, Stormyrain says, "Sounds like an Amos storyline title."

Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "Touche."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin says, "Alright this is the more complicated one."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Guarrin asks, "I hesitate to ask this question here as it is a sensitive subject, but I think it s worthwhile to have a transparent dialogue about it. Within the hour of G getting spurs, I had three people contact me and ask questions or make suggestions about others that would be good candidates from their perspective. I know this has been the case for others as well over the years. Is there any way we can provide some clarity to this process going forward?"

Kenstrom says, "As if your last one wasn't..."

Kenstrom says, "But carry on."

Kenstrom snickers. . Kenstrom asks, "On how to get spurs?"

Guarrin says, "And that is not in the sense of go forth and be chivalrous."

Kenstrom says, "If you want spurs? You must go kill a knight and take them. It's a long standing, okay, a new standing imperial tradition."

Kenstrom says, "To become one of us, you must kill one of us."

Vaemyr chuckles.

Kenstrom asks, "Wait...is that Highlander?"

Goldstr laughs at Kenstrom!

Cryheart begins chuckling at Kenstrom!

Guarrin says, "Correct. As a player, I do not have a good answer. Oh well I guess we're highlander now."

Kenstrom asks, "So titles are, a tough subject to begin with, right?"

Guarrin says, "Yep."

Kenstrom says, "I'd give out 100 titles if I could, but then, titles would be like kobolds, funny, but pelts ain't worth crap."

Kenstrom says, "And so it's hard to really establish a very concise and specific set of guidelines to get a title, or spurs, or what not..."

Vaemyr says, "I'm super happy to see titles return, it's been so long since we had seen any." Kenstrom asks, "Because then what if 40 people suddenly embark upon that spur quest? Then we have to title everyone?"

Kenstrom asks, "Why shouldn't we?"

Tayler says, "I think knights should be allowed to take on squires and over a long period of time grow them into knights."

Tayler says, "Or fail out."

Speaking to Tayler, Stormyrain adds, "Blood Mages too." Kenstrom says, "Fortunately, or unfortunately, the path to spurs kind of evolves over time."

Kenstrom says, "It depends on the GM's...it depends on the history...the player actions, how they roleplay, how they establish themselves..."

Kenstrom says, "I will say this. I've never seen a player title announced, and granted, to anyone that didn't deserve it. How did they get it? Being a pillar of the community. Being involved. Engaged, and not just for once, or twice, but for a prolonged time, and never asked for the acknowledgement, and would continue to play their character in the same manner whether they got it or not. They engaged others, they helped others, and they stuck to their character throughout it all."

Kenstrom says, "And so in those situations, it almost naturally occurs, even though titles are limited."

Kenstrom asks, "But to define how to do all of that?"

Falicor chuckles.

Kenstrom says, "Impossible."

Pukk says, "You just did."

Irval snickers.

Vaemyr agrees with Stormyrain.

Kenstrom laughs!

Kenstrom says, "I guess your right."

Kenstrom says, "I would tell a player this advice. Find your style, find your passion, define your character, and embrace it. Don't chase the title. You're doing it wrong if you are. Be honest, maybe it's harsh, but they should know soooner rather than later. Find your role, no no, MAKE your role, and watch what happens in time."

Stormyrain agrees with Kenstrom.

You point at Kenstrom.

You applaud.

Vaemyr agrees with Kenstrom.

Irval snickers.

Kenstrom drops mic, and leaves.

Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.

You chuckle.

Pukk nods.

Gregnal grins.

Stormyrain snickers.

Witfog applauds.

Kenstrom suddenly fades into sight beside you.

Cryheart nods at Kenstrom.

Vaemyr laughs!

Dendum says, "By the time Guarrin was a knight everyone thought he was a knight."

Ithilwyn adopts an agreeable expression.

Kenstrom says, "And back."


Kenstrom exclaims, "Dendum!"

Gregnal says, "That was a good note to leave on."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum asks, "Some of this touches on Guarrin's earlier question but it would be nice to know which counties in the empire are more likely to revolt over overturning Chaston's Edicts and which would be fine. There appears to be a lot of acceptance for Kindred in the empire, based on your own NPC's having positions and being Kindred as well as other things .but is there a spectrum from Faendryl to Halfling are the Kindred better off than a Dwarf? Can we get clarification on some of that?"

Kenstrom asks, "Always leave ahead right?"

Kenstrom peers quizzically at Gregnal.

Lylia raises an eyebrow.

Gregnal nods at Kenstrom.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom asks, "Remember when I was like....Landing and Human meeting and all these Kindred got up in our bidness?"

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom nods.

Kenstrom snickers.

Kenstrom says, "But for this question..."

Kenstrom exclaims, "I would like to phone a friend!" Thandiwe suddenly fades into sight beside you.

Xorus chuckles.

Kenstrom grins.

Thandiwe says, "There will be more Kindred Lore. For starters, I'm utterly thrilled at the more broader usage of that term."

Thandiwe says, "I've been speckling drips and drabs in over the past couple of years."

Kenstrom turns to Thandiwe and cheers!

Thandiwe says, "I do have plotted out a document for next year -- and I know that's at least 6 months away but my dance cards has been rather full of late."

Tayler says, "Got that big PM role dropped directly on your forehead." Speaking amusedly to Tayler, Thandiwe says, "Indeed."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Falicor says, "Good answer."

Kenstrom cackles at Falicor!

Kenstrom bows to Thandiwe.

Thandiwe curtsies to Kenstrom.

Kenstrom says, "See? She answers so much better than I do."

Speaking to Kenstrom, Dendum says, ""If I had known you would just summon up other GM's I would have been asking Forest Gnome questions this whole time."

Stormyrain agrees with Kenstrom.

Kenstrom laughs at Dendum!

Lylia says, "Well, she is pretty awesome."

Kenstrom exclaims, "Well, the list is now empty!"

Kenstrom says, "No more questions signed up it seems."

Kenstrom says, "Yeah, it's almost 4am EST, some of you are nuts." Kenstrom says, "I will end with this..."

Stormyrain asks, "Buy deeds?"

Kenstrom snickers at Stormyrain.

Kenstrom says, "I have been stirring North by Northwest in my mind for years, and I am incredibly excited to finally see it come to life. We'll have a lot of fun, I promise."

Kenstrom says, "In the meantime, buy deeds."

Kenstrom exclaims, "Thank you for coming out as always!"

Kenstrom exclaims, "Have a good night/morning!"

Kenstrom waves.

Kenstrom suddenly fades out of sight.