Tootie's Fruity Bar

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Tootie's Fruity Bar is a shop in the Western Harbor, around Mist Harbor, that sells beverages. The proprietor is Tootie. It is location on the northwest end of Waterbug Way.

[Tootie's Fruity Bar] RNUM: u3216026
An outside fruit bar consisting of a long wooden counter and some tall wooden chairs is partially covered by a bright yellow and blue canopy. Behind the counter sit dozens of baskets of fresh picked apples, peaches, mangos, and bananas. You also see Tootie.
Obvious paths: southeast


  1. a thick banana-apple shake           8. a tall glass of mango juice
  2. a frothy banana shake                9. a tall glass of sweet apple juice
  3. a frozen honey-mango shake           10. a tall glass of honey-apple juice
  4. a rich banana-peach shake            11. a tall glass of ginger-infused lemonade
  5. a thick peach shake                  12. a glass of iced lychee-jasmine tea
  6. a sea-salted iced strawberry shake   13. a tall glass of melon and mint sangria
  7. a creamy coconut-papaya shake        14. a vanilla and watermelon slush