Disintegration critical table

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Disintegration critical table:

Spells, such as Disintegrate (705) (both the CS and AS versions) and Wither (1115), when successfully cast can cause disintegration critical injuries. The spell Disintegrate (705) is contained in smooth bone wands which are critter treasure drop items and can often be found for sale in pawnshops. Skilled alchemists can create these wands using a combination of special ingredients, equipment and procedures.

The bolt spell (AS-based) damage values that differ from the CS-based values are listed in ( ) in the table's damage column.


  • RIGHT ARM, RANK 4, DAMAGE 20 (10)

The rank 4 arm crit will generally result in 20 damage with CS-based attacks and 10 damage with AS-based (bolt spell) attacks. AS-based damage is non-variable for each crit rank/body location while CS-based damage can vary depending on a number of factors. However, the associated injury ranks, stuns, knockdowns and instant deaths do not vary.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal critical
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Weak strike to head. none none
1 5 (3) Poor strike removes hair from head, but little else. none R1
2 10 (6) Flesh stripped from both cheeks, leaving dimples. How cute. none R1
3 15 (10) Hair and flesh stripped from side of head! S4 R2
4 20 (15) Strike to head vaporizes ear! Can you hear me now? S4 R2
5 25 (20) Strike to cheek manages to remove the majority of the [target]'s jaw! S8 R3
6 30 (25) Blast leaves bloody trench of bone and brains along side of skull! F R3
7 35 (30) Front half of head devoured. Brains are now optional. F R3
8 40 Blast quickly engulfs entire head, leaving only a bleached skull behind. F R3
9 45 (50) Entire head is vaporized in a flash! Now much shorter, the [target] falls to the ground, dead. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Misaimed strike grazes neck. none none
1 5 (2) A small, but painful slice of neck vanishes! none R1
2 10 (5) Chunks of muscle removed from neck! S1 R1
3 15 (10) Side of neck disintegrated, causing the [target]'s head to tilt left. S2 R2
4 20 (12) Raking blast eliminates portions of neck and head! S4 R2 neck/R1 head
5 25 (15) Strike to neck strips away surface, exposing windpipe! S6 R3
6 30 (20) Throat disappears! That'll make breathing difficult. F R3
7 35 (25) Neck melts away, leaving the head dangling from a bit of spinal column in a very undignified manner. F R3
8 40 (30) Neck cleanly eliminated, allowing head to drop until it rests on the [target]'s shoulder blades. F R3
9 45 (40) Vicious attack begins at base of neck and moves upwards, leaving only a fine mist above the [target]'s shoulders! F R3 neck/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Small portions of right eyelid disappear. none none
1 5 (1) Eyebrow and eyelashes of right eye melted off. none R1
2 10 (3) Right eyelid turns to dust, causing the [target] to blink rapidly, or try to. none R1
3 15 (5) Portions of eye socket turned to fine powder! S2 R2
4 20 (10) Blast removes sections of eye socket. S5 R2
5 25 (20) Ocular fluid streaks the [target]'s cheek as right eye is reduced to a red, hollow socket! S10 R3
6 30 (25) Frightful blast to the face strips flesh to the bone and removes right eye! F R3 eye/head
7 35 (?) Precise shot vaporizes right eye and much of brain behind while leaving skull intact. F R3 eye
8 40 Blast disintegrates right eye and portions of the skull behind! F R3 eye/head
9 50 Right eye and most of skull removed! What remains is a bloody mess! F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Small portions of left eyelid disappear. none none
1 5 (1) Eyebrow and eyelashes of left eye melted off. none R1
2 10 (3) Left eyelid turns to dust, causing the [target] to blink rapidly, or try to. none R1
3 15 (5) Portions of eye socket turned to fine powder! S2 R2
4 20 (10) Blast removes sections of eye socket. S5 R2
5 25 (20) Ocular fluid streaks the [target]'s cheek as left eye is reduced to a red, hollow socket! S10 R3
6 30 (25) Frightful blast to the face strips flesh to the bone and removes left eye! F R3 eye/head
7 35 (?) Precise shot vaporizes left eye and much of brain behind while leaving skull intact. F R3 eye
8 40 Blast disintegrates left eye and portions of the skull behind! F R3 eye/head
9 50 Left eye and most of skull removed! What remains is a bloody mess! F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Light chest strike. none none
1 5 Flesh painfully vaporized from side! none R1
2 10 (12) Wide segment of skin disappears from chest. none R1
3 15 (20) Groove etched into skin of chest and quickly fills with blood. S1 R1
4 30 (25) Long, wide strip eliminated from chest, giving blood a much-needed vacation. S3 R2
5 35 Deep, penetrating wound etched into chest, exposing ribs and lung tissue! S5 R2
6 40 Deep hole created in chest, removing several useful arteries! Blood gushes wildly! S8 R3
7 50 Shot blankets chest, leaving a brilliantly bleached but empty ribcage! Most impressive! S10 R3
8 60 Most of chest removed, resulting in gaping hole in midsection! F R3 chest/back
9 70 Blast hits chest and expands to envelop entire body! The [target] is no more! F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Abdomen slightly grazed. none none
1 5 Blast creates interesting designs on torso, but little damage. none R1
2 10 (12) Flesh removed, forming a long gash across abdomen! none R1
3 15 (20) Torso skin and muscle disintegrate rapidly, providing an interior view. So that's what a spleen looks like! S1 R2
4 20 (25) Unlucky strike removes muscles from abdomen, but misses vital organs. S3 R2
5 35 Strong strike turns belly button into more of a belly canyon. S5 R2
6 40 Kidney and covering tissue vaporized! Hope the [target] has a spare! S8 R3
7 50 Abdomen gruesomely sliced open, revealing partially disintegrated organs! S10 R3
8 60 Vicious blast turns vital organs into fine red powder, leaving the [target] with an empty feeling inside. F R3
9 70 Half of midsection reduced to a fine red mist! Now unsupported, half-vaporized organs topple out onto the ground! What a mess! F R3 abdomen/back
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Light strike to back. none none
1 5 Strips of flesh disappear from the [target]'s back. none R1
2 10 (12) Large patches of skin removed from back, giving glimpses of musculature beneath! none R1
3 15 (20) Blast tears across back leaving a nasty disintegration slash. S1 R1
4 20 (25) Scattered vaporization leaves back covered with bleeding wounds. S3 R2
5 35 Deep hole created in back, narrowly missing spinal cord! S6 R2
6 40 Well-focused strike generates a clean, round hole straight through the [target]! S8 R3 back R2 abdomen
7 50 Vicious blast turns huge portions of back into red mist! Now lacking spinal support, the [target] crumples into a heap. S10 K R3
8 60 Spinal column obliterated! The [target]'s vertebrae reduced to a fine powder! F R3 back/nerves
9 70 Powerful blast instantly consumes most of the [target]! All that remains are bloody chunks of tissue scattered about the area. F R3 back/abdomen
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Right arm grazed. none none
1 5 (2) Unpleasant wound to right arm! none R1
2 10 (5) Small patches of right forearm disappear into red mist. none R1
3 15 (7) Grazing blast to the right arm melts skin away, exposing twitching tendons. S1 R1
4 20 (10) Portions of musculature disappear, revealing bones beneath! S2 R2
5 25 (12) Strike bores into right arm, causing now-weakened bones to crack. S2 R2
6 30 (15) Strike to right forearm strips away skin, exposing bleached bone and useless tendons! S3 R2
7 35 (25) Precision strike cuts cleanly across upper arm, causing forearm and elbow to fall to ground. S5 A R3
8 40 (30) Right arm strike strips flesh and muscle down to the bone which quickly cracks off at the torso! S8 A R3
9 45 (35) Blast disintegrates right arm and savagely shucks huge chunks of flesh from throat! S10 A R3 arm R2 neck
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Left arm grazed. none none
1 5 (2) Unpleasant wound to left arm! none R1
2 10 (5) Small patches of left forearm disappear into red mist. none R1
3 15 (7) Grazing blast to the left arm melts skin away, exposing twitching tendons. S1 R1
4 20 (10) Portions of musculature disappear, revealing bones beneath! S2 R2
5 25 (12) Strike bores into left arm, causing now-weakened bones to crack. S2 R2
6 30 (15) Strike to left forearm strips away skin, exposing bleached bone and useless tendons! S3 R2
7 35 (25) Precision strike cuts cleanly across upper arm, causing forearm and elbow to fall to ground. S5 A R3
8 40 (30) Left arm strike strips flesh and muscle down to the bone which quickly cracks off at the torso! S8 A R3
9 45 (35) Blast disintegrates left arm and savagely shucks huge chunks of flesh from throat! S10 A R3 arm R2 neck
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Fingernail stripped off. none none
1 5 (1) Patches of flesh removed from right hand. none R1
2 10 (3) Finger on right hand vaporized, leaving the [target] unable to count quite as high. none R1
3 15 (5) All the fingernails are melted as the right hand takes a grazing strike. none R1
4 20 (7) Light blast to right hand drills a hole straight through palm just large enough to hold that spare wand. S1 R2
5 25 (8) Right hand quakes as several fingers disappear one by one. S2 R2
6 30 (10) Right hand spasms and sprays blood as flesh and bone are torn away! S2 R2
7 35 (15) Right wrist vanishes, cleanly severing hand! S3 A R3
8 40 (25) With a flash of red spray, right hand disintegrates into nothing! S5 A R3
9 45 (30) Blast encases right hand, instantly turning it into a fine white powder! Sx A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Fingernail stripped off. none none
1 5 (1) Patches of flesh removed from left hand. none R1
2 10 (3) Finger on left hand vaporized, leaving the [target] unable to count quite as high. none R1
3 15 (5) All the fingernails are melted as the left hand takes a grazing strike. none R1
4 20 (7) Light blast to left hand drills a hole straight through palm just large enough to hold that spare wand. S1 R2
5 25 (8) Left hand quakes as several fingers disappear one by one. S2 R2
6 30 (10) Left hand spasms and sprays blood as flesh and bone are torn away! S2 R2
7 35 (15) Left wrist vanishes, cleanly severing hand! S3 A R3
8 40 (25) With a flash of red spray, left hand disintegrates into nothing! S5 A R3
9 45 (30) Blast encases left hand, instantly turning it into a fine white powder! Sx A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Grazing strike to right leg. none none
1 5 (4) Surface of right leg etched to little effect. none R1
2 10 (8) Attack removes flesh from surface of right leg, causing trickles of blood to leak out. none R1
3 15 (12) Chunks of flesh vaporized on right leg! S1 R1
4 20 (15) Large portions of right thigh removed in a flash! S2 R2
5 25 (18) Hunks of muscle and bone disappear from right leg! S3 R2
6 30 (20) Blast bores through right leg, causing femur to buckle! S4 K R2
7 35 (25) Right leg violently separates from hip socket and dematerializes into bloody mass. S6 A K R3
8 40 (35) Right leg vaporized from thigh down, leaving nothing but dangling blood vessels and muscle! S8 A K R3
9 45 (40) Both legs are frightfully stripped down to the bone marrow! Sadly, the small amounts of tissue remaining are nowhere near what is needed to support the [target]'s body. S10 A K R3 both legs
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Grazing strike to left leg. none none
1 5 (4) Surface of left leg etched to little effect. none R1
2 10 (8) Attack removes flesh from surface of left leg, causing trickles of blood to leak out. none R1
3 15 (12) Chunks of flesh vaporized on left leg! S1 R1
4 20 (15) Large portions of left thigh removed in a flash! S2 R2
5 25 (18) Hunks of muscle and bone disappear from left leg! S3 R2
6 30 (20) Blast bores through left leg, causing femur to buckle! S4 K R2
7 35 (25) Left leg violently separates from hip socket and dematerializes into bloody mass. S6 A K R3
8 40 (35) Left leg vaporized from thigh down, leaving nothing but dangling blood vessels and muscle! S8 A K R3
9 45 (40) Both legs are frightfully stripped down to the bone marrow! Sadly, the small amounts of tissue remaining are nowhere near what is needed to support the [target]'s body. S10 A K R3 both legs
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See Also