Cairnfang Manor

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Our minds to unhindered thinking, our hands to the community, and our spirits to greater loyalty.

Cairnfang Manor, founded by Lady Songie Fillee, was designed to serve Solhaven, her people, her streets and her spirits. With that in mind the Manor strives to always bring fun events to the town of Solhaven, as well as supporting other groups. The Manor organizes Solhaven citizens for the Town Fellowship Games, hosts Winternights and the Seafarer's Festival, holds a Grande Art Exhibit, holds regular House Hunts, and teaches classes about the stars and many other things.

The Manor is located NE of the Tentacled Tavern on Bayside.

About Cairnfang Manor

Statement of Purpose

As our pledge reminds us, our mission is three fold. Unhindered thinking reflects the ability to think clearly and act without prejudice of race, religious affiliation, or profession. Our hands to the community, indicates the work we do to make Solhaven a place where both the young and the aged are served to make life better for all. Our spirits to greater loyalty means we do everything within our power to promote our beloved Solhaven for the good of all, not just the individual or a certain group. We use our minds, talents, and hearts towards a better Solhaven.


Flag: A Cairnfang Manor Banner Framed by long brilliant peacock feathers is a billowing silk banner emblazoned with a royal blue star and an opalescent flame resting in an open hand. As light catches the material of the flame, it reflects a myriad of colors. The words Intellect, Flame, and Spirit are stitched on three of the sides. Carefully stitched below the star in the most eye-catching thread and in flowing script are the words, "Cairnfang Manor."

Pin: a golden gemstone-set triad Cut into the image of an open hand is a sparkling diamond, its palm inlaid with a fiery ruby and scribed with the word, "Flame." Beside it is a sapphire shard in the shape of a slender banner inlaid with a silver star and the word, "Intellect." The final gem of this triad is a vibrant peacock feather cut from a multi-hued stone set with an emerald eye. Gold foil fills the word, "Spirit" etched along the length of the shaft. Each of the carved gems is secured with thin golden bands to a wide metal pin.

Current Officers

Chairman Phanna Green
Steward Mynon Felcroth
Chancellor Savina
Chamberlain Divone Lerade
Scribe Dirra
Scrivener Raelee Svala
Chancellor Kateerina Rinshia


Solhaven Grand Art Exhibit

Submission Information

The Solhaven Grand Art Exhibit is looking for physical pieces of art to display.  Paintings, drawings, sculptures, and any other physical artwork are acceptable.  (Poetry, writing, performances, etc should be saved for other performance-based contests.)  The pieces submitted will be judged upon their subject matter, creativity, and overall presentation, so choose something that is of interest to you and give it your all!  While subject matter lies in the hands of the creator, we ask that submissions be suitable for viewing by audiences of mixed ages.

All artwork must be submitted in a manner that follows standard item guidelines:  15/15/15 to describe the piece (i.e. a carved/linden-framed/painting), plus a show description for the artwork being displayed taking up no more than 512 characters, including spaces and punctuation.  This will ensure all items follow a standard pattern and make for ease in displaying them.

Any artwork that does not follow these rules will not be displayed.

Submission Example:

a linden-framed/charcoal/portrait
Perfectly shaped linden blossoms have been etched into a light-toned frame surrounding a simple group portrait.  A small scene of a group of adventures standing by a linden tree has been lovingly rendered in charcoal on smooth paper.  The design of the sketch is rather crude and rough by most standards, however certain details of the group are meticulously rendered.  It is clear that they are of different races, ages, and come from many walks of life.

All pieces of artwork should be submitted to by no later than end of day on Thursday, April 26, 2020.  When submitting your piece, please make sure the subject reads as Art Exhibit, that you list the name of the artist submitting the piece, the title of the piece, and the full text description of the artwork.  Multiple submissions by a single artist are not allowed.


The Art Exhibit will open inside its customary tent at the fountain of Jastev's Temple with a welcoming ceremony and light refreshments at 9pm eastern on Wednesday, April 29.  An award ceremony recognizing the Best in Show will take place at 9pm on Saturday, May 2.  The exhibit will be open for public viewing for a full week, through May 6.  Additional events during the exhibit will be announced individually and advertised as part of this event listing.

If there are any questions about the Exhibit, please feel free to send an email to

5120 Schedule of Events
Event Date Time Description
Opening Ceremony 4/29 9pm EST Join Cairnfang Manor in welcoming artists and art aficionados for the 16th Annual Solhaven Grand Art Exhibit!  Light refreshments will be served for this meet and greet opportunity.  Winning entries from past years are also on display.
Live Model Drawing Session 5/1 9pm EST Phanna Green will once again host a live model drawing session for any wishing to try their hand at some light sketching or more detailed painting.  Pens and parchment will be provided for those needing sketching materials, although attendees are also welcome to bring their own easels.  At least one live model will be available for the event's entire duration, as well as a static display.  Aspiring or practiced artists of all skill levels welcome!  Constructive critiques of sketches shared is encouraged.
Best in Show Announcements 5/2 9pm EST Awards for the 16th Annual Solhaven Grand Art Exhibit will be announced and presented, including for Best in Show.

Is your group interested in running an art-related event?  Please contact or Phanna directly in game for inquiries and more information!

Seafarer's Festival

Dating back to 5103, the annual Seafarer's Festival celebrates the life of the port and its seafaring community. Every summer, visitors to Solhaven are invited to join Cairnfang Manor in fun and games inspired by the town's nautical traditions, culminating in a masked ball held upon Solhaven's famous celebration barge.

5119 Schedule of Events
Event Date Time Location Description
Drink Like a Sailor 8/15 9pm EST Tentacled Tavern All participants will meet at the Tentacle Tavern and drink until drunk. They will then be issued a series of commands. Each participant must complete each command on the first try to earn points.
Lobster Races 8/16 9pm EST West Road, Vornavis Bring your own or borrow one of ours. Lobsters will run down West Road. Participants can be given spells for protection, against the creatures on the road. Feel free to hold some friendly betting. Immediately after the races we will go to Fisherman's Quay and cook up the lobsters for a snack!
Masked Ball 2/1 9pm EST Cairnfang Manor, Grand Ballroom Join us inside the manor, which we will open to all, for a masked ball. Fireworks outside, and perhaps a additional features! We will also take a moment of thanks for the wonderful community we live in.

Winternights' Festival

Shortly after the opening of the public trade route between Wehnimer's Landing and Solhaven in 5098, Cairnfang Founder Lady Songee Filee hosted the first annual Snowball. This event continued every year until 5112 when Cairnfang Manor extended the festivities into the annual Winternights'. Every year organizations local to Solhaven are invited to take part in the festivities by hosting games and events, concluding with the traditional Snowball and occasionally a snowball fight.

5120 Schedule of Events
Event Host Date Time Location
All Urnon Order of the Azure Sun 1/30 9pm EST TBD
Imperial Trivia Cairnfang Manor 1/31 9pm EST Solhaven Library
Spirits of the Swan The Coterie of the Swan 2/1 3pm EST Cafe Dumont
Snowball Cairnfang Manor 2/1 9pm EST Cairnfang Manor Ballroom


