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Veola hair accessory

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Veola hair accessories are highly customizable hairworn accessories that were created by GM Reidyn and introduced at Ebon Gate 2012 in A Head Above. They come in three categories (hats, barrettes, and headbands) with the ability to alter three sides (plain, with a gem, or with a feather) as well as three custom hairstyles, including the default. Unlocked versions also offer additional zests, while fully unlocked offer demeanor based NOD and SHAKE.

Ferronieres are in the same category as headbands.

Cap Haircomb Diadem Ferroniere
Tricorn Fascinator Circlet Seer-stone
Tricorne Cockade Tiara Geldaralad
Capotain Ornament Crown Ferrigem
Headpiece Garland Aemikvai
Ribbon Caul Khazurka
Hairpin(s) Trinette


You analyze your sorrel leather hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item is designed to display a gem or feather.  The hat has three distinct descriptions, one when empty, a second when a gem is inserted, and a third when a feather is inserted.  To insert an item, hold the hat in one hand, the item you'd like to insert in the opposite hand and PUSH hat.  PULLing the hat will remove the hairpiece and restore the hat to its empty description.  It has never been unlocked, but could be by a qualified merchant.

When worn, it will temporarily alter your hairstyle and supports up to three custom hairstyles in addition to the default setting.

To change between the available hairstyles, hold the item in your hands and TURN it.

When altering these items there is some important information to keep in mind.  First, this item belongs to the HAT group and may only be altered in one of the following nouns: Hat, Cap, Tricorn, Tricorne, and Capotain.  And while each side is highly customizable, both the noun and material do need to remain the same for all three sides.

You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get.

Additional Alteration Guidance

Posted by GM Elysani
Veola items are fancy fancy hats that can hold three different descriptions:
1. A long description. (Example: A vibrant chartreuse silk hat dotted in pale white)
2. A description with a gem added. (Example: A vibrant chartreuse silk hat with a <gem> brooch)
3. A description with a feather added. (Example: A vibrant chartreuse silk hat stuck with several <feather>s)

The base of the hat should stay the same (a silk hat, a blue silk hat, a black silk hat, etc).

Veolas are also able to style your hair with three custom settings. Please keep in mind that the hairstyle must include the Veola in the description. (Example: She has long, wavy brown hair pinned back with a vibrant chartreuse silk hat dotted in pale white)

Veolas can also be unlocked with additional zests.
Elanthian Vogue tips
For those who have attended our introductory lectures on Veola's creations at past Fashion Week events, it will come as no surprise to know that we are passionate about her extremely versatile and highly sought-after accessories. There are few clothing and accessory lines that warrant being called after their creator but a "Veola", in our opinion, is pretty much top of the list and a must-have for any fashionista.

Even when purchased off-the-shelf, they are exceptional in their design and can be worn without further enhancement but they are equally deserving of attention when it comes to unlocking their amazing potential.

There are limited opportunities to have a Veola worked on and it requires the skill of a merchant with considerable knowledge of their complexities. Our advice would be to plan and prepare well in advance so as to maximise that opportunity.

There are 3 stages to creating a one-of-kind Veola.


Understand the nature of the piece you hope to work on. For ease of recognition - when it comes to a merchant working with them - they come in 3 categories or classifications: hats, barrettes, and headbands. When worn, each of these pieces become a predominant feature in your appearance and work as an integral part of your hairstyle.

Let's start with the first category: these come as hats, caps, tricorns, tricornes, and capotains.

Next, we have the more ornamental category, which come as barrettes, haircombs, fascinators, cockades, ornaments, and ribbons. Rumor has it that hairpins have recently been added to the collection as well.

Finally, there are the decorative headbands, diadems, circlets, tiaras, crowns, garlands and headpieces. We are also led to believe that it will be possible to acquire ferronieres, seer-stones, geldaralads, ferrigems, aemikvais, kharzurkas, trinettes, elothrais, and cauls at this year's Ebon Gate festival too.

All of the items in these categories benefit from the addition of gems or feathers by simply PUSHing them into place. A gentle PULL will remove the adornment quite easily without any damage. Each of the three variations – plain, with a gem, or with a feather – can be altered by a skilled merchant but it is important to remember that a diadem cannot be made into a hat, nor can a ribbon become a ferroniere.

One important thing to also remember is that none of the accessories, or their variations, bear scrutiny so don't trouble yourself with considering how they LOOK on closer inspection.

When discussing the options with a merchant, they are generally referred to as "sides." Most merchants will usually offer to alter just one "side" at a time because it can be very time consuming e.g. they will alter the "plain side" or the "gem side" or the "feather side" only. Remember to stick within the category though: a hat must remain a hat for all 3 "sides" regardless of how many are being altered at the time. Occasionally, if you are very fortunate – as well as polite, patient, and prepared - a merchant will work on all of them at once, so it is always advisable to be ready with all your options just in case.

As if they weren't spectacular enough, it is also possible to change how your Veola creation works with your hair. An off-the-shelf hat, for example, is usually worn at a rakish angle for best effect. Should you be fortunate enough to have been selected for work by a capable merchant, they may be able to adjust the fit so that it can work with up to 3 new hairstyles. Do you fancy wearing all your hair tucked up inside your hat, for example, or left tumbling over shoulders in a carefree way? A quick TURN of the hat or ribbon or tiara in your hands before you don it and you have a new LOOK!

Pause for a moment and think of the permutations and combinations now possible with all of those gems, feathers and hairstyles! Is it any wonder that Veolas are held in such high regard?

Saying that, it is also possible to have additional "flare" unlocked on your Veola creation to suit your mien and even your demeanor. It is worth bearing this in mind when initially selecting a piece from a particular category as it can vary according to type,


Now that you have a better understanding of the concept, take some time to visualize exactly how you wish the plain piece to look and then with the addition of gems or feathers. Do you have an overall theme in mind e.g. the night sky? Do you simply love roses and anything pink? Or would you prefer something more modest and practical?

Be as creative as you like with the adornments ... but within reason. Do you really want to wear an enormous bile green velvet hat swarming with bat-winged deathstone vathors? Okay, perhaps you do but our advice would be … less is more.

Also think about how you would like to wear your hair with your Veola; try to imagine how the piece works with a particular hairstyle. Does the haircomb complement your chignon by being affixed to the back or does your fascinator balance your offset braid? Will your unkempt hairstyle show beneath a low-brimmed hat or can that ribbon tame your unruly curls?

There are so many possibilities that it can become a little daunting. The versatility of Veola's millinery and headpieces can be quite overwhelming at first so take your time and don't be afraid to seek help from those around you who appear to be more familiar with her creations. Trust us, the merchant and other customers will appreciate your preparation.


Document your ideas beforehand and test them out in every combination. Let's take a look at some working examples to give you an idea of the potential – and the pitfalls.

We'll start with something straightforward in the modest and practical line. A tall black wool hat tucked with an ink-stained quill was the "plain side" of an original Veola creation some years ago. The addition of a gem such as a purple amethyst turned its "gem side" into a tall black wool hat with a purple amethyst-studded band and a raven feather turned its "feather side" into a tall black wool hat with a raven feather tucked in its brim. All three standard versions of the hat were best worn at a rakish angle.

Assuming you like the basic design of a black hat but needed something a little more stylish for general use, how about altering it to a black suede hat with a curved brim. That's your "plain side" altered for everyday wear. How might we embellish it a little more without going overboard? Using the same gem and feather as before, the "gem side" of the hat could be become a black suede hat pierced by an amethyst-set dagger and the "feather side" could become a black suede hat tucked with a raven feather quill. We've only changed the original designs slightly but the hat becomes a little more versatile in terms of the quill adornment and more personalised with the gem-set dagger.

How will that new black hat work with your closely cropped, auburn hair? All three designs work well when the hat is worn at a rakish angle but let's see how it appears when worn with additional hairstyles.

You have closely cropped, auburn hair barely visible beneath a black suede hat with a curved brim. Nice!

You have closely cropped, auburn hair coiled beneath a black suede hat pierced by an amethyst-set dagger. Hmm, something's not right there. Closely cropped hair cannot be coaxed into a coiled hairstyle, not matter how hard you tried.

You have closely cropped, auburn hair tucked up beneath a black suede hat tucked with blue-sheened crow feather quill. That's a lot of "tucking."

Back to the drawing board!

Now that you have the basic idea and an awareness of some of the pitfalls, let's take a look at creating something a little more extravagant. You simply must have a new fascinator that goes with your collection of pink gowns and incorporates your passion for roses.

It's usually easier to start with the "plain side" and aim for something that can be worn with most pink gowns. A pink silk chiffon fascinator with rose petal protrusions will do the trick The addition of a pink pearl could turn the "gem side" into a silk chiffon fascinator caught with strands of pink pearls and a pale pink goose feather could turn the "feather side" into a silk chiffon fascinator mingled with a profusion of pale pink goose feathers. Note that we avoided a reference to pink-colored material in the design of the gem and feather "sides" this time, opting instead to pick up the color in the adornments themselves. This allows for more versatility given the vast range of gems and feathers that are available.

An accessory this extravagant simply cries out for fabulous new hairstyles. Veola fascinators (and other variations in the ornamental category) are generally worn with the hair parted to the side and pinned back but there are countless ways to braid, curl or pin up your hair. (OOC note: see the Hair-Braiding Tool for some inspiration). For example, adding the pink silk chiffon fascinator with rose petal protrusions to your waist-length, honey blonde hair could result in something quite stunning.

You have waist-length, honey blonde hair curling around a pink silk chiffon fascinator with rose petal protrusions. Very pretty!

Add in the pink pearl again and you could have waist-length, honey blonde hair curling around a silk chiffon fascinator caught with strands of pink pearls. Even prettier!

Not forgetting that pale pink goose feather and you could have waist-length, honey blonde hair curling around a silk chiffon fascinator mingled with a profusion of pale pink goose feathers. Beautiful!

And that's just one new hairstyle in addition to the standard pinning back; there is scope for two more.

Let's go all out this time and try to design a Veola ferroniere around the theme of the night sky. As before, we'll start with the "plain side" because it gives us a basic design from which to build. A ferroniere is essentially a forehead-centered gem suspended from a chain so it makes it a little trickier to work in gem and feather options but, with a little ingenuity, anything is possible!

Starting with a newly designed fine silver-linked ferroniere of six-rayed stars, we could take this up a notch with the addition of a simple diamond to turn the altered "gem side" into a constellation of diamonds on a silver-linked ferroniere and a long shadowy feather could turn the altered "feather side" into a silver-linked ferroniere haloed by long shadowy feathers.

A standard ferroniere would be worn with your lustrous, raven black hair pulled back, leaving side-swept bangs to brush across your temples. Quite a pretty hairstyle to begin with but it lacks the "wow" factor.

You have lustrous, raven black hair cascading in silken curtain beneath a fine silver-linked ferroniere of six-rayed stars.

You have lustrous, raven black hair caught in a constellation of diamonds on a silver-linked ferroniere to form elaborate twists and curls.

You have lustrous, raven black hair webbed in spidersilk behind a silver-linked ferroniere haloed by long shadowy feathers.

So now that we've completely overwhelmed you with information but hopefully sparked your enthusiasm, all that's left for us to say is, start preparing!

Why not send us a snapshot of you wearing your new creation and we will try to share it in the next edition of Elanthian Vogue.

We also welcome suggestions for future EXTRAS!

TownCrier Veola customization primer
Customizing/altering a Veola hair accessory
These come in three different varieties and each has its own default style and set of acceptable nouns. These temporarily (while worn) change your hair quirk (the description in your features that begins after the word ‘hair’).

For example: She has long sunny blonde hair parted to one side and pinned with a kelyn barrette.

Default / off-the-shelf styles:

  • Barrette style: <hair> parted to the side and pinned back with <a barrette>
  • Circlet style: <hair> pulled back with <a circlet>, leaving her side-swept bangs to brush across her temples.
  • Hat style: <hair> and <a hat> worn at a rakish angle.

Acceptable nouns:

A Hat may be changed to the following: Cap, Tricorn, Tricorne, Capotain
A Barrette may be changed to the following: Haircomb, Fascinator, Cockade, Ornament, Headpiece, Ribbon(s), Hairpin(s)
A Headband may be changed to the following: Diadem, Circlet, Tiara, Crown, Garland, Caul, Ferroniere, Seer-Stone, Ferrigem, Geldaralad, Aemikvai, Khazkurka, Basrenne, Trinette, and Elothrai. Please note that many of the headband nouns are specific to various races, and you may wish to research before opting for them.

Sides and Styles:

When it comes to customizing them, each Veola has four styles: one pre-set and three customizable. There are also several sides: the first, unadorned side, one that features a gem, one that features a feather, and one that features a flower. This was later expanded to sides that covered Life Aquatic and Bugs on Parade gems, pointed item, and Miscellany. Deck the Halls room props additionally have a ribbons side, and Creative Couture clothing items have the above plus fasteners and fishing lures:

Note: If you have a Veola that predates the release of the additions, you may need to have this looked at by a merchant. While there are no standard 'unlocks', until a description for a side exists, there's nothing for the item to do.

While holding both the Veola headband and a gem or feather or flower, you >push headband

Off-the-shelf example: a trio of slim matte bronze leather headbands

With a gem:

You gently place the bloodjewel in your matte bronze headbands, taking care to arrange it just so.
a trio of slim matte bronze leather headbands framing a selanthan bloodjewel

With a feather:

You gently place the feather in your matte bronze headbands, taking care to arrange it just so.
a trio of slim matte bronze leather headbands with an upswept black toucan feather

With a flower:

You gently place the rose in your silk and lace ribbons, taking care to arrange it just so.
a trio of dark silk and lace ribbons looped around an orange winter rose


Some merchants will do all four sides or all three styles at once. Others may do one side and/or one style. Some rare few may do everything at once.
Note: With gems, the merchant may set it to show only the noun field, the adjective and noun fields, or the full tap/long. You may wish to request the specific option you favor.
This likely holds true for flowers and feathers as well.

Character limitations:

The item itself falls under typical alteration rules, which would suggest eleven words or fewer for the tap/long. The style can be quite a bit longer, but I suggest familiarizing yourself with the feature alteration rules and limitations, particularly as pertain to hair and hair quirks.
Longer features and inventories do tend to mean fewer people may wish to look at you, intrinsically limiting the interest others have in your appearance!
For some further guidance on feature fields and how long your features would appear, see below:
When all feature fields are utilized on a non-aelotoi, the format is as follows:
You see Character A.
She appears to be a Race from Culture.
She is <height> and has <body build>.  She appears to be <age description>.  She has <eye characteristic> <eye color> eyes and <complexion> skin.  She has <hair style>, <hair texture> <hair color> hair <hair quirk>.  She has a <face> face, a <nose> nose and [a/an] <distinguishing mark>.  <unique.>
When all feature fields are utilized on an aelotoi, the format is as follows:
You see Character A.
She appears to be an Aelotoi from Culture.
She is <height> and has <body build>.  She appears to be <age description>.  She has <eye characteristic> <eye color> eyes and <complexion> skin.  She has <hair style>, <hair texture> <hair color> hair <hair quirk>.  She has a <face> face, a <nose> nose and [a/an] <distinguishing mark>.  She has a pair of <wing description> wings <wing quirk>.  <unique.>

Verb Traps

Tier 1
PULL With a gentle hand, you carefully remove the <feather/gem> from your <veola>. With a gentle hand, XXX carefully removes the feather from her <veola>.
PUSH You gently place the <feather/gem> in your <veola>, taking care to arrange it just so. XXX gently places a feather in her <veola>, taking care to arrange it just so.
Switches hairstyles
You adjust your <veola>, taking care to ensure that it is just so. XXX adjusts her <veola>, taking care that it is just so.
WEAR You don your <veola>. XXX dons her <veola>.
Hairstyle She has shoulder length, claret-streaked black cherry hair styled in a tumbling, artful disarray, and corralled by a pewter wool flat cap accented with a marble-centered black toucan feather pin.
REMOVE You remove the <veola> from atop your head. XXX removes the <veola> from atop her head.
Tier 2 TWIST Hat Feeling slightly flustered, you lift your cap up just long enough to sweep your other hand over your black cherry hair. You quickly return the cap to your head as you offer the world a sheepish grin. Looking a little flustered, XXX lifts up her <hat> just long enough to sweep her other hand over her black cherry hair. She quickly returns the cap to her head and offers a sheepish grin.
Barrette Feeling slightly flustered, you begin to subconsciously twist a strand of <color> hair around your <barrette>. Realizing what you're doing, you quickly lower your hand and adopt a more composed demeanor to face to the world. Looking a little flustered, XXX begins to subconsciously twist a strand of <color> hair around her <barrette>. Realizing what she's doing, she quickly lowers her hand and adopts a more composed demeanor.
Headband Feeling slightly flustered, you begin to nervously chew on your lower lip and repeatedly attempt to tuck an imagined strand of hair under your <headband>. Realizing your what you're doing, you quickly your lower hand as you feel a warm flush creeping up your neck and face. Looking a little flustered, XXX begins to nervously chew on her lower lip and repeatedly attempts to tuck an imagined strand of hair under her <headband>. Realizing what she's doing, she quickly lowers her hand as a faint blush creeps up her neck and face.
TAP Feeling a bit smug, you slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face. Looking a bit smug, XXX slowly taps her index finger against her temple as a knowing expression spreads across her face.
Feeling a bit smug, you cast a glance at YYY and slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face. Looking a bit smug, XXX casts a glance in YYY's direction and slowly taps his index finger against his temple as a knowing expression spreads across his face.
2nd: Looking a bit smug, XXX casts a glance in your direction and slowly taps his index finger against his temple as a knowing expression spreads across his face.
ATTEND Hat Standing tall and puffing out your chest in a grand display of bravado, you carefully attend to your <hat> then glance around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed. Standing tall and puffing out her chest in a grand display of bravado, XXX carefully attends to her <hat> then glances around the room nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.
Barrette You glance down coyly, fingers absently attending to your <barrette>, as an enigmatic expression plays across your face. XXX glances down coyly, fingers absently attending to her <barrette>, as an enigmatic expression plays across her face.
Headband You attend to your <headband>, carefully smoothing the hair underneath, and adopt a regal air as you survey the area. XXX attends to her <headband>, carefully smoothing the hair underneath, and adopts a regal air as she surveys the area.
Hat Standing tall and puffing out your chest in a grand display of bravado, you carefully attend to your <hat> then glance around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed. Your gaze lingers on YYY for a heartbeat, the sight of her bringing a shy smile to your face. Standing tall and puffing out her chest in a grand display of bravado, XXX carefully attends to her <hat> then glances around the room nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.
2nd: Standing tall and puffing out his chest in a grand display of bravado, XXX carefully attends to his <hat> then glances around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed. His gaze lingers on you for a heartbeat as a slow smile comes to his face.
Barrette You glance down coyly, fingers absently attending to your <barrette>, as an enigmatic expression plays across your face. Without raising your head, you lift your gaze towards YYY and offer him a private smile. XXX glances down coyly, fingers absently attending to her <barrette>, as an enigmatic expression plays across her face.
2nd: XXX glances down coyly, fingers absently attending to her <barrette>, as an enigmatic expression plays across her face. Without raising her head, she lifts her gaze towards you and offers a private smile.
Headband You attend to your <headband>, carefully smoothing the hair underneath, and adopt a regal air as you survey the area. Catching YYY's eye, you shoot him an approving glance and give a slight, meaningful nod toward a spot in front of you. XXX attends to her <headband>, carefully smoothing the hair underneath, and adopts a regal air as she she surveys the area.
2nd: XXX attends to her <headband>, carefully smoothing the hair underneath, and adopts a regal air as she surveys the area. Catching your eye, she shoots you an approving look and gives a slight, meaningful nod toward a spot in front of her.
Fully Unlocked
Tier 3
NOD Neutral Deep within your own thoughts, you offer a slow, distracted nod. Deep within her own thoughts, XXX offers a slow, distracted nod.
Cold You offer a curt nod, barely disguising the look of disdain on your face. XXX offers a curt nod, barely disguising the look of disdain on her face.
Reserved Half-heartedly feigning interest, you offer a noncommittal nod. Half-heartedly feigning interest, XXX offers a noncommittal nod.
Friendly A gentle smile reaches your lips as you offer a kind nod. A gentle smile reaches XXX's lips as she offers a kind nod.
Warm You nod emphatically, your expression one of sheer joy. XXX nods emphatically, her expression one of sheer joy.
Note: NOD is a targetable verb but the messaging is not different enough to warrant duplicating.
SHAKE Neutral You shake your head for a short moment, then stop suddenly, as if having second thoughts. XXX shakes her head for a short moment, then stops suddenly, as if having second thoughts.
Cold You shake your head sharply, pursing your lips in contempt. XXX shakes her head sharply, pursing her lips in contempt.
Reserved You shake your head almost reluctantly, then give a half-shrug. XXX shakes her head almost reluctantly, then gives a half-shrug.
Friendly You shake your head slowly, a bemused expression playing across your features. XXX shakes her head slowly, a bemused expression playing across her features.
Warm You gently shake your head, then hold up your hands in an almost apologetic fashion. XXX gently shakes her head, then holds up her hands in an almost apologetic fashion.
Note: SHAKE is a targetable verb but the messaging is not different enough to warrant duplicating.