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Asylum (prime)
[[Category: dark elf player characters]] [[Category: Faendryl player characters]]
""Lord Asylum Abatoire"" is the stage name of a Faendryl nobleman and actor, Giliad Dyvim. He is an assassin and grifter by trade, though in the past few decades has been managing a theater troupe that travels through Elven Nations and the parts of the Turamzzyrian Empire where it's welcome. He is a member of the Rogue's Guild, and that is probably the most public of his various associations and circles. He is also a classically trained poet and gifted acrobat, and a devoted father. Despite being a part of the Landing's social circles off and on for many years, he has never become a citizen of it or any of the surrounding cities and settlements, preferring to always keep his options open.
- Giliad was born to the Dyvim household, an important family in the Faendryl Emporion, nearly eighteen hundred years ago. He and his twin brother Seryth shared some natural elemental talent as young men, and pursued those studies. Seryth became a loremaster, and Giliad joined the Summoner's Guild as an apprentice sorcerer. A series of unfortunate and untold events resulted in Seryth's death, and Giliad either resigning or being expelled from the Guild, and having all of his magical knowledge of sorcery expunged from his memory. The fallout from this has also resulted in his estrangement from his father, Kalal. Despite this, Giliad is regarded by the rest of the Dyvim clan as one of their leaders, and he resides on the plantation's property when in the city.
Associations & Beliefs
- Following his disassociation with the Sorcerer's Guild, Giliad has spent the centuries developing his other interests, primarily theater. He manages a traveling show where he and the other actors and talent create scenes and acts that emphasize the Faendryl way of life, their characteristics, goals, strengths and history. There have been a number of rumors about some nefarious purposes that his troupe also fulfills, but none of those have ever had any surviving witnesses.
- You see Lord Asylum Abatoire the Grifter.
- He appears to be a Faendryl Dark Elf.
- He is tall. He appears to be in his golden years. He has brooding pale grey eyes and ashen skin. He has waist-length, loose raven black hair. He has a gaunt, severely angled face, a thin nose and high cheekbones.
- He has a black star tattoo on his neck, and a black mournbloom tattoo on his wrist.
- He is wearing a tiny jade dragon-shaped earcuff, a bone-inlaid mithril alloy necklace, a high-collared black leather duster with silver cog-shaped buttons, a pair of black-tinted glasses, a bloodstone inset silver clasp, a patched black spidersilk vest, some fitted myklian scale gloves, a silver-inlaid bloodjewel wristlet, a horn-framed square obsidian ring, a black braided leather belt, a dark leather locksmith's toolkit, and some shadowy black leather boots.
A number of years ago, Giliad befriended a young half-elven ranger named Ysharra Nagorn. Giliad was drawn to her as much out of sympathy as her beauty, Ysharra had escaped a brutal life as an indentured servant, and in many ways was still an innocent. The better he got to know her, however, he began to recognize a Faendryl bearing to her, between her long, lithe features and figure and her quick intelligence. She, on the other hand, became enamored with him, being the first elf she had met and the first man to treat her kindly. Initially he rejected her attempts to bond with him, being so much older than she, but she was persistent and he was lonely, and so they began an intense if sometimes abortive romance.
All of it seemed to come to a halt when one of Giliad's cousins introduced Ysharra to his father Kalal, who immediately recognized her as his long lost brother's child, making her and Giliad cousins. Despite this, the two still occasionally acted upon their strong attraction to one another, and Ysharra fell pregnant during a trip to New Ta'Faendryl. She stayed there on Kalal's compound, and there delivered twin daughters after a long, difficult labor where she hemorrhaged to death and had to be resurrected. She named the children after an argument that she and Giliad had some time before, and he had declared that everything that came from her was poison. Thus, the elder twin is Akonite, and the younger Xanthium. Giliad and Ysharra parted ways romantically for good at that point, but it was amiably done and they raised the children together despite being apart. After Ysharra suffered a crisis of conscience, she abandoned the girls and left New Ta'Faendryl, never to return. This went particularly hard on Xanthium, who took after her mother physically, and thus was unable to be a part of the city outside her grandfather's plantation.
Akonite, the elder twin, is Faendryl in appearance and has been able to pass as a pureblood, enough so that with that and her being the blood relative of Kalal, was able to join the Summoner's Guild, thus fulfilling her father's contract with them from long ago. Xanthium, on the other hand, grew proficient at music, dance and singing in her isolation, until she had an accident that damaged her voice as a teenager. At that point, Giliad took her into his theater troupe, so she could heal by way of performance, and thus got some time to see the world past the stage as they traveled. When the twins were in their early twenties, Asylum took them to Wehnimer's Landing, so they could see their mother again and pursue their talents in a place that would give them tolerance and opportunity to grow. After doing some traveling of his own, Giliad has recently rejoined his daughters and has become a more regular feature in the Landing's Faendryl diaspora. He has befriended the former mayor Lylia Rashere, the half-elven bard Faerinn Greatsinger, and has bonded with Xanthium's superior at the Temple to Ivas, Brother Kothos Blud.