Saesyra (prime)

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Race Aelotoi
Culture Cyrtae'ni
Hometown Cysaegir, since 5103
Class Ranger
Profession Roadwarden
Demeanor Friendly
Likes Community
Dislikes Ego, Hierarchy

Saesyra is an aelotoi ranger originally from Bre'Naere. She resides in Cysaegir, but her work as a roadwarden means she regularly patrols the roadways from Icemule Trail to Wehneimer's Landing and south to Solhaven.


Saesyra was born on Bre'Naere as a slave to the kiramon. She was Vaer'sah, and worked as a scout to serve kiramon interests, but found purpose in delivering private communications between the aelotoi camps. When the portal to Elanthia opened in 5103, she fled Bre'Naere along with most other Aelotoi. She remained in the Elven Nations until 5123.