Spirit Beast stats

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This page will list NON-ENHANCED INITIAL STATS for spirit beasts. Please use this template to insert data. See the Discussion tab for official special attack names.


Common Spirit Beasts have base level 1 stats ranging from 90 to 130 and have a growth potential from 1 to 3 points per level. This means that, at maximum, a common spirit beast with a fully potion-enhanced stat, maximum stat growth, and with a 130 base stat can achieve a 170, or "very high" rating for that stat. They have a stat pool of 635 points and a growth pool of 12 points, but the stat numbers do not go above 130 or under 90, and stat growth does not go over 3 or under 1.


Aardvark Level Growth Rate
Power 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Defense 108 (Low) Quickly
Speed 107 (Low) Measured
Insight 101 (Low) Slowly
Accuracy 116 (Moderate) Slowly
Health 127 (Moderate) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location River's Rest

aelotoi guardsman

aelotoi guardsman Level Growth Rate
Power 128 (moderate) quickly
Defense 128 (moderate) quickly
Speed 91 (pathetic) slowly
Insight 106 (low) slowly
Accuracy 102 (low) measured
Health 102 (low) measured
Type humanoid
Special Attack Swordplay
Element air
Location Cysaegir


alleycat Level Growth Rate
Power 108 (low) quickly
Defense 92 (pathetic) measured
Speed 127 (moderate) measured
Insight 92 (pathetic) measured
Accuracy 106 (low) slowly
Health 132 (above average) measured
Type beast
Special Attack Catscratch Fever
Element none
Location Solhaven

arctic wolverine

arctic wolverine Level Growth Rate
Power 132 (above average) measured
Defense 93 (pathetic) quickly
Speed 108 (low) quickly
Insight 91 (pathetic) slowly
Accuracy 101 (low) slowly
Health 132 (above average) measured
Type beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element none
Location Pinefar


Bat Level Growth Rate
Power 116 (moderate) slowly
Defense 91 (pathetic) slowly
Speed 133 (above average) quickly
Insight 107 (low) measured
Accuracy 118 (moderate) quickly
Health 92 (pathetic) measured
Type beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element N/A
Location Zul Logoth


bobcat Level Growth Rate
Power 113 (low) quickly
Defense 121 (moderate) slowly
Speed 118 (moderate) quickly
Insight 111 (low) slowly
Accuracy 97 (pathetic) measured
Health 97 (pathetic) measured
Type beast
Special Attack Catscratch Fever
Element none
Location Ta'Vaalor


Butterfly Level Growth Rate
Power 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Defense 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 132 (Above Average) Measured
Accuracy 118 (Moderate) Quickly
Health 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Arthropod
Special Attack Stinging Swarm
Element Air
Location Cysaegir

capuchin monkey

Capuchin Monkey Level Growth Rate
Power 107 (Low) Measured
Defense 107 (Low) Measured
Speed 132 (Above Average) Measured
Insight 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Accuracy 106 (Low) Slowly
Health 107 (Low) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location Mist Harbor


Chimera Level Growth Rate
Power 126 (moderate) slowly
Defense 118 (moderate) quickly
Speed 97 (pathetic) measured
Insight 101 (low) slowly
Accuracy 102 (low) measured
Health 113 (low) quickly
Type aberration
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element Spirit
Location River's Rest

cinder wasp

cinder wasp Level Growth Rate
Power 107 (low) measured
Defense 91 (pathetic) slowly
Speed 123 (moderate) quickly
Insight 117 (moderate) measured
Accuracy 128 (moderate) quickly
Health 91 (pathetic) slowly
Type arthropod
Special Attack Stinging Swarm
Element air
Location Teras


Daggerbeak Level Growth Rate
Power 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Defense 113 (Low) Quickly
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Accuracy 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Health 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Sky Rend
Element Air
Location Solhaven

fanged rodent

Fanged Rodent Level Growth Rate
Power 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Defense 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 111 (Low) Slowly
Accuracy 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Health 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack False Security
Element None
Location Ta'Vaalor


fenghai Level Growth Rate
Power 97 (pathetic) measured
Defense 127 (moderate) measured
Speed 92 (pathetic) measured
Insight 121 (moderate) slowly
Accuracy 128 (moderate) quickly
Health 92 (pathetic) quickly
Type humanoid
Special Attack Primitive Strike
Element flame
Location Solhaven

fire elemental

fire elemental Level Growth Rate
Power 133 (above average) quickly
Defense 101 (low) slowly
Speed 117 (moderate) measured
Insight 112 (low) measured
Accuracy 91 (pathetic) slowly
Health 103 (low) quickly
Type elemental
Special Attack Rage of the Elements
Element flame
Location Teras Isle


Fox Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Health 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location Pinefar

giant mantis

giant mantis Level Growth Rate
Power 92 (pathetic) measured
Defense 133 (above average) quickly
Speed 132 (above average) measured
Insight 106 (low) slowly
Accuracy 96 (pathetic) slowly
Health 98 (pathetic) quickly
Type anthropod
Special Attack Stinging swarm
Element none
Location Ebon Gate


Glacei Level Growth Rate
Power 116 (Moderate) Slowly
Defense 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Speed 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Health 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Type Elemental
Special Attack Rage of the Elements
Element Water
Location Pinefar


Goblin Level Growth Rate
Power 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 103 (Low) Quickly
Speed 117 (Moderate) Measured
Insight 106 (Low) Slowly
Accuracy 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 112 (Low) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Primitive Strike
Element None
Location Wehnimer's Landing

grass snake

Grass Snake Level Growth Rate
Power 113 (low) Quickly
Defense 97 (pathetic) Measured
Speed 123 (moderate) quickly
Insight 111 (low) Slowly
Accuracy 117 (moderate) Measured
Health 96 (pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location Ta'Vaalor

great tortoise

Great Tortoise Level Growth Rate
Power 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Defense 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Speed 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Insight 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Accuracy 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 118 (Moderate) Quickly
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location Isle of Four Winds


griffin Level Growth Rate
Power 118 (moderate) quickly
Defense 91 (pathetic) slowly
Speed 108 (low) quickly
Insight 107 (low) measured
Accuracy 117 (moderate) measured
Health 116 (moderate) slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element air
Location Ta'Illistim


Hawk Level Growth Rate
Power 118 (moderate) quickly
Defense 97 (pathetic) measured
Speed 122 (moderate) measured
Insight 117 (moderate) measured
Accuracy 112 (low) measured
Health 91 (pathetic) slowly
Type beast
Special Attack Sky Rend
Element Air
Location Ta'Vaalor


Hound Level Growth Rate
Power 127 (Moderate) Measured
Defense 106 (Low) Slowly
Speed 101 (Low) Slowly
Insight 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Accuracy 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Health 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Type Beast
Special Attack Bestial Fury
Element None
Location Solhaven


Hyena Level Growth Rate
Power 122 (Moderate) Measured
Defense 112 (Low) Measured
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Accuracy 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack We Are Pack!
Element None
Location Broken Lands


Jackal Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 122 (Moderate) Measured
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Accuracy 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack We Are Pack!
Element None
Location Broken Lands


Kiramon Level Growth Rate
Power 101 (Low) Slowly
Defense 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Speed 101 (Low) Slowly
Insight 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Accuracy 107 (Low) Measured
Health 117 (Moderate) Measured
Type Arthropod
Special Attack Primitive Strike
Element None
Location Ta'Illistim


kobold Level Growth Rate
Power 122 (moderate) measured
Defense 123 (moderate) quickly
Speed 96 (pathetic) slowly
Insight 106 (low) slowly
Accuracy 92 (pathetic) measured
Health 118 (moderate) quickly
Type humanoid
Special Attack ?
Element earth
Location Wehnimer's Landing


Krolvin Level Growth Rate
Power 117 (Moderate) Measured
Defense 117 (Moderate) Measured
Speed 117 (Moderate) Measured
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 102 (Low) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location River's Rest


Krynch Level Growth Rate
Power 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Speed 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Insight 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Accuracy 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Health 127 (Moderate) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Earth
Location Zul Logoth


Lobster Level Growth Rate
Power 102 (Low) Measured
Defense 116 (Moderate) Slowly
Speed 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 107 (Low) Measured
Health 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Type Arthropod
Special Attack False Security
Element Water
Location Solhaven


Manticore Level Growth Rate
Power 127 (Moderate) Measured
Defense 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Speed 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Insight 121 (Moderate) Slowly
Accuracy 107 (Low) Measured
Health 112 (Low) Measured
Type Aberration
Special Attack Beastial Fury
Element None
Location Wehnimer's Landing


Mare Level Growth Rate
Power 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 112 (Low) Measured
Speed 117 (Moderate) Measured
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Stampede
Element None
Location Shadow Valley

mire wight

Mire Wight Level Growth Rate
Power low slowly
Defense pathetic measured
Speed low quickly
Insight moderate measured
Accuracy moderate measured
Health moderate measured
Type Creature Type
Special Attack ?
Element Spirit
Location Ebon Gate

moulis sapling

moulis sapling Level Growth Rate
Power 98 (pathetic) quickly
Defense 96 (pathetic) slowly
Speed 128 (moderate) quickly
Insight 107 (low) measured
Accuracy 121 (moderate) slowly
Health 107 (low) measured
Type aberration
Special Attack ?
Element none
Location Ta'Illistim

pale crab

Pale Crab Level Growth Rate
Power 102 (Low) Measured
Defense 111 (Low) Slowly
Speed 102 (Low) Measured
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 107 (Low) Measured
Health 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Type Arthropod
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location River's Rest


Penguin Level Growth Rate
Power 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Defense 108 (Low) Quickly
Speed 107 (Low) Measured
Insight 127 (Moderate) Measured
Accuracy 117 (Moderate) Measured
Health 106 (Low) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack False Security
Element None
Location Icemule Trace


Pirate Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 122 (Moderate) Measured
Speed 117 (Moderate) Measured
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 102 (Low) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location River's Rest


Pony Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 117 (Moderate) Measured
Speed 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Brutal kicks
Element None
Location Shadow Valley


Rat Level Growth Rate
Power 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Defense 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Speed 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Insight 111 (Low) Slowly
Accuracy 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Health 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Wehnimer's Landing


roa'ter Level Growth Rate
Power 133 (above average) quickly
Defense 91 (pathetic) slowly
Speed 133 (above average) growing quickly
Insight 91 (pathetic) slowly
Accuracy 92 (pathetic) measured
Health 117 (moderate) measured
Type aberration
Special Attack ?
Element earth
Location Solhaven


Rolton Level Growth Rate
Power 113 (Low) Quickly
Defense 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Speed 91 (Pathetic) Slow
Insight 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 122 (Moderate) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Wehnimer's Landing


Seagull Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 112 (Low) Measured
Speed 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Health 111 (Low) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Air
Location Isle of Four Winds


Seeker Level Growth Rate
Power 102 (low) measured
Defense 117 (moderate) measured
Speed 117 (moderate) measured
Insight 122 (moderate) measured
Accuracy 98 (pathetic) quickly
Health 101 (low) slowly
Type humanoid
Special Attack ?
Element spirit
Location Pinefar


Shan Level Growth Rate
Power 101 (Low) Slowly
Defense 101 (Low) Slowly
Speed 93 (Pathetic) Quickly
Insight 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Accuracy 107 (Low) Measured
Health 122 (Moderate) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element Earth
Location Solhaven

silverback orc

Silverback Orc Level Growth Rate
Power 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 108 (Low) Quickly
Speed 116 (Moderate) Slowly
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 101 (Low) Slowly
Health 102 (Low) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Icemule Trace

skeletal warrior

Skeletal Warrior Level Growth Rate
Power 127 (moderate) measured
Defense 102 (low) measured
Speed 92 (pathetic) measured
Insight 122 (moderate) measured
Accuracy 92 (pathetic) measured
Health 122 (moderate) measured
Type humanoid
Special Attack ?
Element spirit
Location Ebon Gate

snapping turtle

Snapping Turtle Level Growth Rate
Power 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Defense 122 (Moderate) Measured
Speed 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Insight 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Accuracy 112 (Low) Measured
Health 108 (Low) Quickly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location Isle of Four Winds

snowy owl

Snowy Owl Level Growth Rate
Power 102 (Low) Measured
Defense 102 (Low) Measured
Speed 102 (Low) Measured
Insight 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Accuracy 117 (Moderate) Measured
Health 106 (Low) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Air
Location Pinefar

striped snowcat

Striped Snowcat Level Growth Rate
Power 132 (Above Average) Measured
Defense 112 (Low) Measured
Speed 103 (Low) Quickly
Insight 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Accuracy 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 122 (Moderate) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Icemule Trace


Stallion Level Growth Rate
Power 117 (Moderate) Measured
Defense 123 (Moderate) Quickly
Speed 112 (Low) Measured
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Shadow Valley

swamp witch

Swamp Witch Level Growth Rate
Power 102 (Low) Measured
Defense 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Speed 102 (Low) Measured
Insight 112 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 106 (Low) Slowly
Health 107 (Low) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location Ebon Gate


Thrak Level Growth Rate
Power 131 (Above Average) Slowly
Defense 93 (Pathetic) Quickly
Speed 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Insight 117 (Moderate) Measured
Accuracy 112 (Low) Measured
Health 107 (Low) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Beastial Fury
Element None
Location Wehnimer's Landing


Thyril Level Growth Rate
Power 131 (Above Average) Slowly
Defense 93 (Pathetic) Quickly
Speed 112 (Low) Measured
Insight 107 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 112 (Low) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Earth
Location Icemule Trace

timber wolf

Timber Wolf Level Growth Rate
Power 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 101 (Low) Slowly
Speed 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Insight 96 (Pathetic) Slowly
Accuracy 111 (Low) Slowly
Health 93 (Pathetic) Quickly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Icemule Trace


Tsark Level Growth Rate
Power 132 (Above Average) Measured
Defense 111 (Low) Slowly
Speed 103 (Low) Quickly
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 108 (Low) Quickly
Health 101 (Low) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Beastial Fury
Element Fire
Location Teras Isle


Urgh Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (Low) Measured
Defense 112 (Low) Measured
Speed 112 (Low) Measured
Insight 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Accuracy 112 (Low) Measured
Health 112 (Low) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Ta'Vaalor


Vereri Level Growth Rate
Power 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Defense 126 (Moderate) Slowly
Speed 126 (Moderate) Slowly
Insight 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Accuracy 93 (Pathetic) Quickly
Health 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Drain Life
Element Spirit
Location Icemule Trace

water elemental

Water Elemental Level Growth Rate
Power 101 (Low) Slowly
Defense 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Speed 117 (Moderate) Measured
Insight 112 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Health 103 (Low) Quickly
Type Elemental
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location Teras Isle


Whelk Level Growth Rate
Power 107 (Low) Measured
Defense 132 (Above Average) Measured
Speed 92 (Pathetic) Measured
Insight 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Accuracy 97 (Pathetic) Measured
Health 132 (Above Average) Measured
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Water
Location Zul Logoth

wind wraith

Wind Wraith Level Growth Rate
Power 112 (low) measured
Defense 111 (low) slowly
Speed 108 (low) quickly
Insight 128 (moderate) quickly
Accuracy 106 (low) slowly
Health 92 (pathetic) measured
Type elemental
Special Attack ?
Element air
Location Teras Isle


Wolfshade Level Growth Rate
Power 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Defense 101 (Low) Slowly
Speed 128 (Moderate) Quickly
Insight 98 (Pathetic) Quickly
Accuracy 111 (Low) Slowly
Health 91 (Pathetic) Slowly
Type Beast
Special Attack Unknown
Element Spirit
Location Ta'Vaalor


Yeti Level Growth Rate
Power 113 (Low) Quickly
Defense 133 (Above Average) Quickly
Speed 101 (Low) Slowly
Insight 102 (Low) Measured
Accuracy 102 (Low) Measured
Health 106 (Low) Slowly
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Unknown
Element None
Location Ta'Illistim



Vesperti Level Growth Rate
Power Above Average Very Rapid
Defense Pathetic Growing Slowly
Speed Above Average Growing Quickly
Insight Low Growing Slowly
Accuracy Low Growing Quickly
Health Low Measured Pace
Type Humanoid
Special Attack Drain Life
Element Spirit
Location Foggy Valley

