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Healing roundtime

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Healing roundtime is the amount of roundtime encountered by an Empath proceeding the casting of one of the Empath Base's nine healing spells. This amount varies depending on the spell, how significant the amount healed by the spell is, the empath's spell ranks capped at level, and training in Mental Lore, Transformation.

Healing RT and the Spells

Each of the nine spells can have varying amounts of RT. For example, Limb Repair (1102) will have a smaller amount of RT for healing a rank one limb wound, but will have a larger for healing a major wound. By the same token, Limb Scar Repair (1111) will have more RT for a major scar, as opposed to a minor scar. In addition, the basic Heal (1101) spell, when used with the CURE verb will heal more blood loss, and following suit, will incur more RT.

There are four major tiers of wound healing: minor wounds, major wounds, minor scars and major scars. Each tier differs greatly from the others in the RT experienced when healing within them, with minor wounds having the least RT, and major scars having the most by far.

For example an empath with only 1102 will incur 10 rt for healing a minor limb wound.

Reducing Healing RT

Base healing RT is 10 RT per tier. A rank 1 minor wound is tier 1 and takes 10 RT to heal. A rank 2-3 wound is tier 2 and takes 20 RT. Scars start at t3, hence a minor limb scar costs 30RT and a rank 2-3 limb scar takes 40 RT to heal.

There are two ways to reduce healing roundtime. Gain ranks in the Empathic Spell Circle, and train in Mental Lore, Transformation. Through these, healing RT can be reduced all the way to zero seconds in all categories, although there is no way to reduce the 3 second soft RT incurred by casting.

Level now only factors in because the influence of the number of ranks in the Empath Base is capped at level.

Every four ranks of Empath Base beyond the level of the spell reduces healing roundtime by 1. For example, healing a limb minor costs 10 RT at rank 2, 9 RT at rank 6, 0 rt at rank 42. A rank 2-3 limb wound costs 20 RT, at rank 42 would be reduced to 10 RT.

Every three ranks of Transformation lore will subtract one second from your healing roundtime.

At cap, an empath will need 57 ranks in Transformation Lore to get rid of all healing roundtime.

For each level below 100, add three levels of Transformation lore for it to be possible to have zero RT.

It should also be noted that the Haste (506) spell can be used as a temporary means to significantly reduce healing roundtime.