Kharuugh was an Ordainer who was most famous for waging war for Lorgalis in western Jaiman in the Second Era of Shadow World. He conquered the kingdom immediately south of the Kelfour's Landing region in 6521 Second Era, which was early in the Wars of Dominion, the same year Uthex Kathiasas was killed by his fellow Loremasters. This would have marked the end of plausibility for The Dark Path having any independent existence from the will of Lorgalis. Kharuugh was most likely the Ordainer summoned by Lorgalis a few centuries earlier to conquer U-Lyshak, when he re-established his control in a power struggle over the Cult of the Sea Drake. Kestrel Etrevion most likely served this aspect of his forces.
Kharuugh did not exist in modern Elanthian history, but was portrayed as an Ur-Daemon in a non-canonical story for the Elanthian Times.