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PANIC is a roleplaying verb. It is also has special usage for citizens of Teras Isle.
I>panic help Usage: PANIC - Tremble and flail in panic PANIC {self} - Tremble in quiet panic PANIC {target} - Glance at a target and panic PANIC SET [option] - Shows or sets the PANIC verb options available.
Verb Info
Verb information for verb "PANIC": People targets: STANDARD - You look at Aleid and panic! TERAS - As the feeling of panic rises up in you, you shout to Aleid, "Quick, go ring the gong!" Self target: STANDARD - Your eyes widen as you tremble in quiet panic. TERAS - Your palms start to sweat as panic sets in. Somebody should go ring the gong! Object targets: STANDARD - You glance at (target) and panic! TERAS - You recoil from (target) in panic, expecting it to be as hot as lava. Creature targets: STANDARD - You glance at (target) and shriek, trembling and flailing your arms in terrified panic! TERAS - The presence of the (target) is too much for you to take! You recoil in a panic, flailing and whimpering. Somebody should go ring the gong! No target: STANDARD - You gasp in terrified panic, trembling and flailing your arms about! TERAS - You suddenly feel nervous and instinctively glance in the direction of Ghorsa Tower. Was that the gong? All Teras options only work on Teras Isle. NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.