Burst of Swiftness

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This Combat Maneuver is not yet implemented and may or may not currently be under development. Information presented in this article is subject to change.

Burst of Swiftness
Available To Monks
Mnemonic [BURST]
Cost 30 Stamina + special
Roundtime {{{roundtime}}}
Requirements None
Prerequisites None
Rank Square
1 2  
5 10

Burst of Swiftness is a combat maneuver available to Monks only. The cost is 30 stamina with a cooldown period. During the cooldown period the reactivation cost doubles to 60 stamina.

Rank Cooldown Period
1 5 minutes
2 4 minutes
3 3 minutes
4 2.5 minutes
5 2 minutes


Increases a character's Agility Bonus by a base amount of 6 points, plus an additional 2 points per rank. Also increases Dexterity Bonus by a base amount of 3 points, plus an additional 1 point per rank, for 90 seconds (refreshable).

See Also

External Links

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