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The TATTOO verb allows monks of at least level 20 to apply either mundane stock tattoos or enhancive mystic tattoos.
Usage: TATTOO INVENTORY - Gives a list of tattoos on your person TATTOO MENU - Gives a list of flash tattoos available TATTOO ACCEPT - Accepts a pending offer to be tattooed TATTOO STATS - Lists your tattooing stats TATTOO MUNDANE {player} {tattoo menu #} {location} - Tattoos the target player TATTOO MYSTIC {player} {stat name} {tattoo} - Turns target's tattoo into a mystic tattoo TATTOO MYSTIC [player] - Upgrades an existing mystic tattoo TATTOO CHARGE [player] - Recharges target player's mystic tattoo If [player] is not specified, you are the assumed target.