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Revision as of 13:24, 31 March 2023 by HATESHI (talk | contribs) (Started page as a stub. I'm not sure what categories Behizet should be in just yet since we don't know if it's a city or a town and it's not yet accessible.)
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Behizet, also known as the Jewel of the Wastes, is a port along the southern coast of Elanith approximately halfway between New Ta'Faendryl and Sharath. Not much is currently known about Behizet other than that it is a busy port inhabited by several races and cultures that call the Southron Wastes their home. It was referenced in portions of the Nations on the Brink storyline, where Watcher Lihukshi Daesavreh and the Tristar of Daesavreh tracked a rogue Faendryl sorcerer Enomna and her husband, who had attacked Behizet after departing New Ta'Faendryl.

Behind the Scenes

Behizet was teased as a new port that will be accessible through the Open Sea Adventures system during Simucon 2022.