The Cultured Corsair

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The Cultured Corsair is a shop in Kraken's Fall that sells cutlery.

[The Cultured Corsair] Room: 7118553, RNUM: 30817
Faded flags of silk and leather hang from braided ropes, the graduated lengths covering the wood-planked walls enclosing the shop. An uneven stack of crates serves as a makeshift counter, draped in an otter-embroidered length of ivory sailcloth, the surface decorated with carved replicas of colorful galleons. Square blocks of wood are arranged in a checkered pattern across the back wall, the materials labeled by tiny curls of paper. You also see a bandolier-clad elderly human pirate.
Obvious exits: out


Welcome to The Cultured Corsair!

Woodcarver Shteeve offers his Catalog to browse.
Shteeve exclaims, "XXX!  Welcome back!  I have some top quality merchandise today in the backroom."

 1. a fork            9. a mug
 2. a spoon           10. a stein
 3. a knife           11. a goblet
 4. some chopsticks   12. a tray
 5. a plate           13. a canister
 6. a saucer          14. a jar
 7. a cup             15. a case
 8. a teacup          16. a basket

The item you selected requires a custom materials or features.

You may CUSTOMIZE your selection, or ORDER something else. >CUSTOMIZE

This item is available in the following colors or finishes:

 1. amber-set             12. fluted               23. onyx-set
 2. blackened             13. ivory-set            24. otter-carved
 3. branded               14. gilded               25. reclaimed
 4. bronze-dyed           15. green-tinged         26. rope-entwined
 5. burled                16. grooved              27. salt-stained
 6. carved                17. iron-riveted         28. scrimshaw-set
 7. chipped               18. kelp-wrapped         29. ship-carved
 8. cross-hatched         19. leaf-carved          30. tally-marked
 9. fauna-carved          20. map-branded          31. tentacular
 10. flag-branded         21. notched              32. wave-carved
 11. floriated            22. oil-shined          

This item is available in the following materials or features:

 1. acacia                13. hazelwood            25. mossbark
 2. alder                 14. hickory              26. pine
 3. ash                   15. ironwood             27. rosewood
 4. aspen                 16. jadewood             28. sandalwood
 5. bamboo                17. juniper              29. teak
 6. cocobolo              18. lacewood             30. violetwood
 7. cypress               19. linden               31. walnut
 8. driftwood             20. oak                  32. willow
 9. ebonwood              21. mahogany             33. zebrawood
 10. ebony                22. maple                34. ziricote
 11. fel                  23. mistwood            
 12. haon                 24. modwir              

To customize your order, just add COLOR {colorname} MATERIAL {materialname} to your ORDER.

Example: ORDER 1 COLOR red MATERIAL mithril

Specialty design NPC

A bandolier-clad elderly human pirate says, "I work on cloth, wood, glass, metal, leather, stone, bone, and gemstone items.  Please TELL me what material we are working with so I may provide you with the correct attachment listing."

A bandolier-clad elderly human pirate says, "Here is a list of designs you can choose from.  TELL me the DESIGN number you would like to select.  This is required."

 Number   Option
      1   tapering kraken tentacles gripping broken ships
      2   eyepatch-clad otters hoisting small cutlasses
      3   a scimitar-wielding coconut crab
      4   a coral-encircled atoll
      5   overlapping splayed banana leaves
      6   a scattering of seashell arabesques
      7   crossed femur bones below a broken skull
      8   a lobster lofting an overflowing stein
      9   a crossed dagger and longsword
     10   a tripod-hung cooking fire
     11   wave-lapped dunes of sand
     12   a grass-obscured fishing cat
     13   a bustling ship-encircled pier
     14   stacks of treasure-filled crates
     15   tangled kraken tentacles gripping corked bottles
     16   graduated slices of fruit-laden pie
     17   a row of obscure labeled bottles
     18   a braided rope-lashed spyglass
     19   an X-marked nautical map
     20   a kraken-covered pirate flag