Naerine Hostelry

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Naerine Hostelry is an inn in Cysaegir that sells food. It is located alongside the bank near the entrance of town, through the arch next to the drawbridge. The hostelry has five tables (the Gold Wing Table, the Silver Wing Table, the Chartreuse Wing Table, the Sienna Wing Table, and the Teal Wing Table) located in a tavern; a bar within the tavern; four private rooms (the Star Room, the Sky Room, the Sun Room and the Moon Room); a library; and an indoor garden, as well as a front desk for checking in. The library contains a display case of various objects the aelotoi brought with them from Bre'Naere.

[Naerine Hostelry, Bar] Room: 14051018
Crafted from mahogany, this curved bar has been lacquered, giving the dark wood a soft shine. A beautiful mosaic pattern of colorful glass is set into the surface, their vibrant hues a sharp contrast to the darker shade. A row of cushioned stools is set before the counter, welcoming travelers to sit and rest a bit. Illuminating the room is a trio of crystal and copper lanterns that hang from the rafters above. You also see an ancient aelotoi barkeep.
Obvious exits: out


  1. a glass of spiked peach juice           8. a poppy seed-swirled biscuit
  2. a cup of spiced tomato juice            9. some honey and chili-dusted flatbread
  3. a shot of clear citrus-flavored vodka   10. a skewer of miniature cabbages
  4. a delicate flower-fluted nectar         11. a bowl of elderberry porridge
  5. a warm farro salad                      12. a walnut and squirrel wrap
  6. an onion and lettuce salad              13. a fluffy meringue-coated strawberry
  7. some aelotian trail mix                 14. a blackberry compote-topped crepe

Naerine Hostelry is a food shop in Cysaegir. The Naerine Hostelry is Cysaegir's local inn and tavern. It is located alongside the bank near the entrance of town, through the arch next to the drawbridge. The hostelry has five tables (the Gold Wing Table, the Silver Wing Table, the Chartreuse Wing Table, the Sienna Wing Table, and the Teal Wing Table) located in a tavern; a bar within the tavern; four private rooms (the Star Room, the Sky Room, the Sun Room and the Moon Room); a library; and an indoor garden, as well as a front desk for checking in. The library contains a display case of various objects the Aelotoi brought with them from Bre'Naere.

To enter the bar, GO HOSTELRY, make your way downstairs to the lobby, GO SOUTHEAST (that takes you into the tavern) and then GO BAR.

[Naerine Hostelry, Bar]
Crafted from mahogany, this curved bar has been lacquered, giving the dark wood a soft shine. A beautiful mosaic pattern of colorful glass is set into the surface, their vibrant hues a sharp contrast to the darker shade. A row of cushioned stools is set before the counter, welcoming travelers to sit and rest a bit. Illuminating the room is a trio of crystal and copper lanterns that hang from the rafters above. You also see an ancient Aelotoi barkeep.


Welcome to Naerine Hostelry!

Aehdyrkha offers his menu to browse.
Aehdyrkha exclaims, "Greetings stranger, have a look around!"

  1. a glass of spiked peach juice           8. a poppy seed-swirled biscuit
  2. a cup of spiced tomato juice            9. some honey and chili-dusted flatbread
  3. a shot of clear citrus-flavored vodka   10. a skewer of miniature cabbages
  4. a delicate flower-fluted nectar         11. a bowl of elderberry porridge
  5. a warm farro salad                      12. a walnut and squirrel wrap
  6. an onion and lettuce salad              13. a fluffy meringue-coated strawberry
  7. some Aelotoi trail mix                  14. a blackberry compote-topped crepe

Prices range from around 282 silvers to 940 silvers (for an Aelotoi, at least).


look at barkeep

Tall and slender, the Aelotoi's frame is slightly bent. Tufts of white hair frame his wrinkled face. His eyelids have begun to droop, but an intelligence shines from their large, dark green irises. Various scars mar his skin, while others travel up his arms disappearing beneath a light raimie silk shirt. A long steel knife sticks out from the band of his canvas trousers. Stains cover a pair of cracked dark leather boots. A limp cloth is draped over his shoulder.

ask barkeep about Bre'nare

Aehdyrkha stares past you, his eyes filled with sadness, and quietly says, "That was a lifetime ago, better to look to the future."

ask Aehdyrkha about kiramon

Aehdyrkha face hardens and fills with anger. He instinctively reaches for the knife in his belt and crouches down low, his lone wing twitching. Suddenly, he blinks and shakes his head. Standing, he says, "Sorry about that. Old habits die hard I guess. How about a drink?"

ask Aehdyrkha about L'Naere

Standing a little taller, Aehdyrkha's face lights up as he exclaims, "Praise be! I owe my existence and safety to the spirit of L'Naere!"

ask Aehdyrkha about Ta'Illistim

"Oh, it's nice and all, but it's not home." Aehdyrkha mutters, "Unless your ears point pure."

ask Aehdyrkha about Cysaegir

Aehdyrkha pauses before answering in a gracious tone, "It is so different from Bre'Naere. So lush and green. We're all grateful to be here."

ask Aehdyrkha about Aelotoi

Aehdyrkha somberly says, "So many did not make it, but we must be thankful for those of us that did."

ask Aehdyrkha about Myasara

"Have you ever seen the Mirror? I caught a glimpse of her before we moved to Cysaegir. She is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on." Aehdyrkha looks dreamily into the distance before blushing and muttering something incoherent.

ask Aehdyrkha about food

"We have all the best eats. Must have something that ye might like." Aehdyrkha leans a little closer and whispers, "Care to try some? Just ORDER!"

ask Aehdyrkha about wings

"Them bas..." Aehdyrkha coughs before continuing, "Creatures changed us. They ain't natural, but they can be beautiful huh? Lost one of mine coming here."


Aehdyrkha looks up and says, "We've made quite a nice town out of this place the Illistim gifted to us. We operate without prejudice to anyone who comes through our doors. Unless yer a kiramon that is."

Aehdyrkha grabs a towel and begins cleaning the bar. Muttering to himself, he quickly scrubs the counters back to a bright sheen, pausing to admire his reflection.

Aehdyrkha takes a moment to lean against the bar and knead his tired shoulders before slowly stretching and looking around for something to do.

Aehdyrkha whips the towel off his shoulder and briskly scrubs a smudge away from a nearby surface.

Aehdyrkha disappears into the kitchen for a moment and returns with a mouthful of something that he quickly finishes.

"A few years ago, a lass named Helga came to visit. She spent most of her time between bragging about her bar, the guard who sleeps at her bar, and how my bar is a bit too clean for her. Pity." Aehdyrkha snorfles back a laugh, before going about his duties.