The Black Sands

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The Black Sands is a shop in Mist Harbor that specializes in Shakat divination items. It is located in a small purple-capped wagon with supports of smooth bamboo at the corner of Wisteria Lane and Rose Avenue. Gypsy Newanelle is the proprietress.

[The Black Sands] Room: 3217109, RNUM: 18218
Midnight blue canvas stretched across the wagon's four walls is supported by slender bamboo reeds to create a domed ceiling that is painted with silver and gold stars. Tiny glass shards, each dangling from a different support, depict the various constellations of the Northern Skies and twinkle lightly in the light of several nearby candles. A narrow cot rests beside a pot-bellied stove at the rear of the wagon, while a rocking chair rests beside a small ebonwood display counter. You also see a sandy pattern of a semi-circle that dissolves into a wavy line and an elderly human gypsy.
Obvious exits: out


  1. a handful of fine black sand       7. a small rune-embossed pouch
  2. a handful of glittery white sand   8. a silver-traced cobalt blue pouch
  3. a handful of coarse black sand     9. a sanguine teardrop-shaped pouch
  4. a handful of powdery white sand    10. a small black drawstring pouch
  5. a handful of fine sanguine sand    11. a rune-stitched white cotton pouch
  6. a handful of cobalt blue sand      12. a buttery soft pale doeskin pouch
To view inventory details, click here.
# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a handful of fine black sand Scrying Sand
2 a handful of glittery white sand Scrying Sand
3 a handful of coarse black sand Scrying Sand
4 a handful of powdery white sand Scrying Sand
5 a handful of fine sanguine sand Scrying Sand
6 a handful of cobalt blue sand Scrying Sand
7 a small rune-embossed pouch Scrying Pouch
8 a silver-traced cobalt blue pouch Scrying Pouch
9 a sanguine teardrop-shaped pouch Scrying Pouch
10 a small black drawstring pouch Scrying Pouch
11 a rune-stitched white cotton pouch Scrying Pouch
12 a buttery soft pale doeskin pouch Scrying Pouch

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom Catalog
  13. a rune-embossed pendulum pouch  

See Also