Shield Spike Mastery

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Shield Spike Mastery
Mnemonic [spikemastery]
Type Passive Buff
Requirements A spiked shield.
Available To Warriors, Rogues, Paladins
Available In Shield Specializations
Prerequisites Spike Focus (at rank 2)
Rank Square
1 8  
2 12 
5 -


You have mastered the art of attacking with spikes and can now wield them as a defensive weapon too.


If you successfully block an attack with a spiked shield while in a forward or greater stance, you have a chance to reactively spike your foe. At Rank 1, this applies when blocking brawling or natural weapon attacks. At Rank 2, this applies when blocking any melee attack.

Additional Information


A Grimswarm troll guard thrusts with a trident at you!
With extreme effort, you block the attack with your greatshield!
You manage to angle your mithglin greatshield just right so that the troll guard comes perilously close to the spikes on it!

A spike on your mithglin greatshield jabs into the troll guard! 
  ... 10 points of damage!
  Strike to right hand breaks a fingernail!
A Grimswarm troll soldier's flesh wounds regenerate quickly.
A Grimswarm troll soldier's abdomen regenerates and looks much better.
