Nice to Meat You

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Nice to Meat You is a shop in South Haven, around Solhaven, that sells groceries and/or cooking supplies, and specializes in raw meat. It is located on Kraken Run just east of South Market Northeast.

[Butcher's Shop] RNUM: 13475, u4901154
Some slabs of freshly butchered meat hang from hooks in the back. A long counter sits off to the side, its surface somewhat clean though noticably used to present bloodied meat during the day. The front windows of the room are pulled open, but a couple brass lanterns have been placed out and lit to provide comfortable lighting. You also see a long sign.
Obvious exits: out


  Bloodied menu
  1. a length of fine raw meat            6. a well-marbled chunk of meat
  2. a flank of fatty rolton              7. a well-marbled chunk of manticore
  3. some chunks of plump squirrel meat   8. a bloody velnalin leg
  4. a blue-veined thrak liver            9. a piece of raw lamb chop
  5. some raw cockatrice quarters         10. a small raw squab