Porich's Cartography Shop

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Revision as of 20:44, 18 July 2024 by HATESHI (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Town shops |type=shop |realm=Solhaven |article=No |location=South Haven |specialtyshop=yes |specialty=navigational implements and maps |proprietor=Ferich |npc=yes |addinfo=It is located in South Market North. |roomname=Ferich Porich, Cartographer |desc=This tiny shop is cramped further by large compartmented shelves on either side filled with charts, maps, atlases, and instruments for navigation. The pigeonholes are each carefully labeled in tiny handwritten script....")
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Porich's Cartography Shop is a shop in South Haven, around Solhaven, that specializes in navigational implements and maps. The proprietor is Ferich. It is located in South Market North.

[Ferich Porich, Cartographer] RNUM: 10300, u4901009
This tiny shop is cramped further by large compartmented shelves on either side filled with charts, maps, atlases, and instruments for navigation. The pigeonholes are each carefully labeled in tiny handwritten script. Cramped into a small space surrounded by stacks of dusty reference books is the writing table of the shop's proprietor. You also see a small sign and Ferich Porich.
Obvious exits: out


|     ~~~~                         ~~~~     |
|     ~~  Porich's Cartography Shop  ~~     |
|     ~~~~                         ~~~~     |
|                                           |
|        Navigational Instruments           |
|        ------------------------           |
|        1) A Modwir Fore-staff             |
|        2) A Maoral Sea Quadrant           |
|        3) A Mithril Drawing Compass       |
|        4) A Pivoting Parallel Ruler       |
|        5) A Small Mithril Nocturnal       |
|        6) A Lodestone Compass             |
|        7) A Mithril Astrolabe             |
|        8) An Ora Octant                   |
|        9) An Imflass Sextant              |
|       10) A Small Sandglass               |
|                                           |
|                  Maps                     |
|       -------------------------           |
|       11) A Faded Parchment Map           |
|       12) A Dog-eared Map                 |
|       13) A Large Water-stained Map       |
|       14) An Old Salt-crusted Map         |
|                                           |
|        Please ORDER by item number        |
|           to check the price.             |
|        Then BUY it if you like it!        |
|                                           |
|          Type HELP for examples           |
|           on using this system            |
|                                           |
  1. a modwir fore-staff         8. an ora octant
  2. a maoral sea quadrant       9. an imflass sextant
  3. a mithril drawing compass   10. a small sandglass
  4. a pivoting parallel ruler   11. a faded parchment map
  5. a small mithril nocturnal   12. a dog-eared map
  6. a lodestone compass         13. a large water-stained map
  7. a mithril astrolabe         14. an old salt-crusted map