Caravansary Chandler's Shop

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Caravansary Chandler's Shop is a shop in the Vornavis Caravansary, around Solhaven, that sells general goods and specializes in containers. It is located on the Row, in the southwest corner of the caravansary.

The proprietor is Tyalosa.
[Caravansary Chandler's Shop] Room: 2120090, RNUM: 5588
Freestanding shelves, stacked barrels and piles of dry goods all arranged in rows divide the shop into a half dozen aisles where caravaners, adventurers and guildsfolk browse. A Dark Elven woman whose build resembles more that of an overgrown Halfling than any kind of Elf waits on customers at a counter along the back wall. You also see a wide stairway and the chandler Tyalosa.
Obvious paths: none


  1. a leather backpack     11. a cloth backpack
  2. a leather knapsack     12. a cloth knapsack
  3. a leather haversack    13. a cloth haversack
  4. a leather satchel      14. a cloth satchel
  5. a leather pouch        15. a cloth pouch
  6. a leather belt pouch   16. a cloth belt pouch
  7. a leather herb pouch   17. a cloth herb pouch
  8. a small leather sack   18. a small cloth sack
  9. a large leather sack   19. a large sack
  10. a leather sheath      20. a cloth sheath