Bloodscrip pouch

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Bloodscrip pouches were available in earlier runs of Duskruin to help manage the event's bloodscrip currency. Pouches became obsolete as of May 2019 with the introduction of the TICKET command. While existing pouches still function, any currency stored within them is subject to item loss as with any other object. See TICKET (verb) about managing bloodscrip and other currencies.

Pouches were available in the form of a soft leather scrip pouch to organize bloodscrip. They were available in the threshold of the Mar and Scar in Bloodriven Village for 500 bloodscrip. The pouch would collect and combine all bloodscrip and allow the user to remove any amount desired from the collected scrip. RUMMAGing while wearing a pouch would search hands and all open, non-nested containers and add any loose bloodscrip to the pouch.


You analyze your leather scrip pouch and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This is a scrip pouch designed to combine and hold your bloodscrip.  You can remove a specific number as well.

    LOOK [in] MY pouch                          - Get the scrip total inside.
    PUT {scrip} [in] MY pouch                   - Place and combine your scrip inside the pouch.
    GET {#} MY pouch                            - Get a specific number of scrip from inside.
    TURN MY pouch                               - Remove all remaining scrip inside.


Verb First Third
DROP/PUT You tuck some creased parchment bloodscrip into your leather scrip pouch, bringing the total to 252 bloodscrip. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
GET You reach inside your leather scrip pouch and pull out 50 bloodscrip. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
LOOK The leather scrip pouch contains 252 bloodscrip. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
RUMMAGE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(in hand)
You turn your leather scrip pouch upside down and empty out 252 bloodscrip. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

See Also

Bloodscrip pouch Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Container
Item(s) Applied to Pouch
Original Release Venue Duskruin
Original Release Year 2016
Item Verbs