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Armory is a shop in the Borthuum Company Store, around Kharam Dzu, that sells armor. It is located through the steel door, and takes trading skill into account when determining prices.

The proprietor is a dwarven armorsmith.
[Company Store, Armory] Room: 3003019
Large display cases line the room and provide customers with examples of local wares. Shields of varying size and description, and of several different materials, are mounted high up on the walls. Armor mounted upon stands fill the floor of the armory and provide an example of the quality of their workmanship. You also see a dwarven armorsmith, a large polished wooden counter with some stuff on it and a steel door.
Obvious exits: east


  1. a kidney shield             14. some chain mail
  2. a battle shield             15. some double chain
  3. a kite shield               16. some augmented chain
  4. a wall shield               17. a chain hauberk
  5. some robes                  18. some disc armor
  6. some light leather          19. some plate-and-mail
  7. some full leather           20. some half-plate
  8. some reinforced leather     21. some plate armor
  9. some double leather         22. a pair of bracers
  10. a leather breastplate      23. a pair of leg guards
  11. some cuirbouilli leather   24. a helm
  12. some studded leather       25. a mesh aventail
  13. some splint mail           26. a mesh coif

This item is available in the following colors or finishes:

  1. white                 8. cyan                  15. lavender
  2. grey                  9. green                 16. golden
  3. black                 10. yellow               17. silvery
  4. dark                  11. brown                18. chrome
  5. red                   12. tan                  19. brass
  6. blue                  13. orange               20. crimson
  7. azure                 14. purple              

This item is available in the following materials or features:

  3. iron                  10. ora                  12. glaes
  9. mithril               11. imflass              13. vultite
To view inventory details, click here.
# Item Type Info Details Price
1 a kidney shield small shield 10
2 a battle shield medium shield 10
3 a kite shield large shield 10
4 a wall shield tower shield 10
5 some robes robes 90
6 some light leather light leather 200
7 some full leather full leather 225
8 some reinforced leather reinforced leather 250
9 some double leather double leather 275
10 a leather breastplate leather breastplate 325
11 some cuirbouilli leather cuirbouilli leather 350
12 some studded leather studded leather 400
13 some splint mail brigandine 450
14 some chain mail chain mail 500
15 some double chain double chain 550
16 some augmented chain augmented chain 600
17 a chain hauberk chain hauberk 650
18 some disc armor metal breastplate 700
19 some plate-and-mail augmented plate 750
20 some half plate half plate 800
21 some plate armor full plate 850
22 a pair of bracers arm greaves arm-worn 10
23 a pair of leg guards leg greaves leg-worn 10
24 a helm helm head-worn 10
25 a mesh aventail aventail neck-worn 10
26 a mesh coif greathelm head-worn 20

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom Catalog
  27. a glaes-fluted thrak hide vest        31. a vultite buckler
  28. a glaes-fluted thrak hide buffcoat    32. a vultite greatshield
  29. a glaes-fluted thrak hide gambeson    33. a vultite coat-of-plates
  30. a glaes-runed dark leather bodysuit   34. some vultite body armor
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# Item Type Info Details Price
27 a glaes-fluted thrak hide vest light leather Enchant: +15
28 a glaes-fluted thrak hide buffcoat full leather Enchant: +15
29 a glaes-fluted thrak hide gambeson reinforced leather 39500
30 a glaes-runed dark leather bodysuit double leather 46000
31 a vultite buckler small shield
Material: vultite
32 a vultite greatshield tower shield
Material: vultite
33 a vultite coat-of-plates brigandine
Material: vultite
34 some vultite body armor full plate
Material: vultite