FAME is used to access a character's fame. The Fame system is an antiquated relic from GemStone III, when fame grew at an even faster rate. Players can opt their character in or out of the fame lists using the SET verb. SET FAME ON to join the lists, SET FAME OFF to remove from the lists. After turning fame on, players must CHECK IN at the local inn to be counted or to update their fame total. Fame will not update on the lists automatically.
Many activities that reward experience also reward fame, such as earning a guild rank or resurrecting an adventurer. Fame has little use in game. Access to Hearthstone Manor requires certain thresholds of fame. The fame lists are also popular ranks of adventurers by profession or race.
Usage: FAME {player|filter|stats} [rank]
- {filter} can be the name of a race, profession, or "ALL".
- [rank] is at what rank to start viewing the list.
- 25 ranks are displayed at a time.
- FAME Despil Would show Despil's fame.
- FAME ALL 100 Would show an unfiltered list of rank 100-124.
- FAME DARKELF 1 Would show the first 25 dark elves starting at rank 1.
- FAME ROGUE 500 Would show the first 25 rogues starting at rank 500.
- FAME STATS Would show statistics based on the fame list.
Fame is a loose measure of a character's renown in Elanthia.
Fame Lists
As of March 2015.
Rank| Name | Fame |Lvl|G|Race|Prof
- 1 Tsin 922,239,006 100 M H-Elf Rog
- 2 Naseer 893,802,669 100 M Giant Cle
- 3 Tarakan 700,000,347 100 M Human Sor
- 4 Gob 502,966,255 100 M Halfl Emp
- 5 Vrannar 441,663,425 100 M Elf Wiz
- 6 Sabreon 407,926,759 100 M D-Elf Pal
- 7 Siphere 390,888,066 100 M Elf Sor
- 8 Vindicate 375,913,443 100 M Giant War
- 9 Gnimble 370,901,694 100 M BGnom Bar
- 10 Hoy 368,344,203 100 M Halfl Ran
- 11 Sadrae 366,983,032 100 F Human Sor
- 12 Zabarieth 352,653,649 100 M Human Cle
- 13 Kaedra 345,679,022 100 F Human Cle
- 14 Yagnuts 336,034,195 100 M Human Ran
- 15 Suntzhu 334,785,321 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 16 Mistros 330,002,581 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 17 Soulpieced 328,969,149 100 M Giant Bar
- 18 Droit 320,009,238 100 M Giant Ran
- 19 Shaukal 319,124,695 100 M H-Elf Cle
- 20 Annorax 315,178,796 100 M H-Elf Cle
- 21 Wolfloner 315,053,387 100 M Human Rog
- 22 Galenblackbard 307,000,604 100 M H-Elf Bar
- 23 Virilneus 300,000,562 100 M Dwarf Sor
- 24 Lohre 294,520,732 100 M Human Cle
- 25 Shimmerain 286,777,618 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 26 Morphias 286,050,185 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 27 Coffie 284,059,554 100 F Giant Cle
- 28 Raggler 267,000,171 100 M Halfl Wiz
- 29 Ryjex 260,766,137 100 M Elf Bar
- 30 Menos 255,872,570 100 M Elf Pal
- 31 Syberus 254,288,467 100 M H-Elf Sor
- 32 Roblar 253,122,476 100 M Giant War
- 33 Darwar 252,243,443 100 M Elf Sor
- 34 Kerl 247,387,010 100 M Human War
- 35 Lucos 245,001,591 100 M H-Elf Rog
- 36 Xrothgar 237,970,426 100 M Human War
- 37 Jurporia 230,343,223 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 38 Doppelganger 230,016,001 100 M Elf Rog
- 39 Snowie 228,607,602 100 F Sylva Emp
- 40 Guenhafyr 224,599,621 100 F Giant Cle
- 41 Callinar 224,276,839 100 M Sylva Pal
- 42 Methais 220,147,361 100 M H-Elf Wiz
- 43 Kranar 220,134,311 100 M Human Wiz
- 44 Sepher 216,014,720 100 M H-Elf Ran
- 45 Taverkin 213,405,382 100 M Halfl Wiz
- 46 Zodier 213,327,305 100 M Dwarf Cle
- 47 Arkalm 211,271,164 100 M D-Elf Wiz
- 48 Odysia 211,162,804 100 F Human Ran
- 49 Quildor 211,062,335 100 M Giant Cle
- 50 Meyhymm 210,369,572 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 51 Tatiyanna 208,840,143 100 F H-Elf Cle
- 52 Radom 208,236,722 100 M Human Ran
- 53 Whisker 201,724,019 100 M Dwarf Cle
- 54 Lourraine 196,910,404 100 F D-Elf Sor
- 55 Yactaevia 196,682,270 100 F D-Elf Sor
- 56 Fleurs 194,188,808 100 F H-Elf Wiz
- 57 Havothor 192,977,603 100 M Elf Cle
- 58 Darcknight 190,150,684 100 M H-Elf Cle
- 59 Aurach 190,137,177 100 M D-Elf Ran
- 60 Windi 188,036,139 100 F Giant Cle
- 61 Kadesha 186,426,311 100 F Dwarf Cle
- 62 Archales 183,849,929 100 M H-Elf Bar
- 63 Dreaer 180,005,390 100 M Elf War
- 64 Kilflin 180,000,510 100 M Halfl Ran
- 65 Pulsegiver 178,366,405 100 F Giant Cle
- 66 Rorge 178,064,439 100 M Dwarf Cle
- 67 Kapera 176,021,998 100 F Aelot Emp
- 68 Boomsplat 172,444,408 100 M Giant Rog
- 69 Merll 172,404,526 100 M D-Elf Wiz
- 70 Quallander 171,298,908 100 M H-Elf Wiz
- 71 Mihorkan 170,338,292 100 M Halfl Emp
- 72 Monax 170,210,825 100 M Giant Cle
- 73 Livn 170,048,382 100 M Elf Wiz
- 74 Wizip 169,269,483 100 M Human Wiz
- 75 Kupaka 169,085,683 100 M Dwarf War
- 76 Rolfard 168,435,833 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 77 Bonehitter 168,169,423 100 M Elf Bar
- 78 Tijay 166,972,513 100 M Giant Cle
- 79 Drizzsdt 166,962,911 100 M Giant War
- 80 Paragonimus 166,746,336 100 M Dwarf Wiz
- 81 Zylianara 165,555,556 100 F Human Rog
- 82 Rohese 164,000,279 100 F Elf Cle
- 83 Azimar 162,269,997 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 84 Jabee 161,402,754 100 M Human Cle
- 85 Fraction 160,815,647 98 M D-Elf Wiz
- 86 Safphire 160,312,930 100 F D-Elf Sor
- 87 Slovigg 160,276,791 100 M Human Ran
- 88 Aethyrin 160,000,001 100 M H-Elf Rog
- 89 Askip 159,411,687 100 M D-Elf Wiz
- 90 Gadshill 158,089,916 100 M Sylva Sor
- 91 Xeniphite 157,755,443 100 M D-Elf Sor
- 92 Sacru 157,637,887 100 M Elf Rog
- 93 Kolts 156,706,624 100 M Elf Bar
- 94 Stephivie 155,547,012 100 F Elf Wiz
- 95 Weryn 155,016,957 100 M Elf Cle
- 96 Siafu 154,929,090 100 M Giant Cle
- 97 Silverthreaded 152,007,908 100 M Giant Cle
- 98 Dinklz 151,379,133 100 M H-Elf Ran
- 99 Varucca 151,139,381 100 F Sylva Cle
- 100 Rhellium 151,008,030 100 M Sylva Sor