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NUDGE is a versatile verb with a variety of messaging based on target and location. It is also a common verb trap for a variety of merchant items.
Usage: NUDGE {self} - Squirm and fidget oddly NUDGE {object on ground} - Edge closer to target NUDGE {target} - Nudge someone or something NUDGE SET [option] - Shows or sets the NUDGE verb options available >NUDGE SET You have the following options available to you: Standard Your current option is: Standard Please click VERB INFO NUDGE to see details about the available options. >VERB INFO NUDGE Verb information for verb "NUDGE": People targets: CATHEDRAL WEDDING FIRST PERSON - You give (target's) ribs a gentle poke with your elbow, letting him/her know he's/she's just been inappropriate. SECOND PERSON - Person prods your ribs gently with her elbow and you flinch, rubbing your side. WAVEDANCER WEDDING - You nudge (target) and pout, giving him/her a sad-eyed stare. STANDARD FIRST PERSON - You elbow (target) in the ribs in a playful sort of way. SEDOND PERSON - Person just nudged you. Self target: FIRST PERSON - Enjoying a little joke with yourself, huh? OTHERS - Person squirms and fidgets oddly for a moment. Object targets: ON THE GROUND FIRST PERSON - Surely there are more interesting things to nudge than the (object). OTHERS - Person just edged a little closer to the (object). ALL OTHERS - You try to nudge (object). Creature targets: FIRST PERSON - Feeling extremely foolhardy or lucky, you edge a little closer to the (creature)! OTHERS - Person just edged a little closer to the (creature). LANDING CITIZEN (UNTARGETED) FIRST PERSON - You push forward purposefully, letting nothing and no one stand in your way! OTHERS - Person storms about, wildly swinging his elbows around. LANDING CITIZEN (TARGETED) FIRST PERSON - You push past (target), roughly bumping into (him/her) on your way past. SECOND PERSON - Person rudely pushes past you, bumping into your shoulder on her way. OTHERS - Person roughly brushes past (target). How rude! NOTE: ONLY first person messaging is listed unless it differs substantially from other versions. Wedding messaging will only work with your spouse, all other targets default to standard messaging. Messaging without an option shown applies to all options. Special scripts and areas may override listed messaging.