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The SWEAR verb allows a character to curse without actually breaking TOS. It has several styles and racial options.

Type Roleplaying
Demeanor-based No
Wedding No
Race Human
Dark Elf


Swear help:

    SWEAR [keyword]                    - Swear
    SWEAR {target} [keyword]           - Swear at someone or something
    SWEAR {target} MINE [name]         - Use a custom swear
    SWEAR MINE LIST                    - See custom swears

Where [keyword] is one of the following:

If no keyword is specified, a random message will result.


Using the SWEAR verb by itself will result in one of the 11 keywords being randomly used. If you have a customized swear it is not included in the possible random swears.

These keywords are:


If no keyword is specified, a random message will result. This is either an open style or the racial style, if the swearing race has a special racial style.

Racial Styles

Race Racial Style
Human Loud
Giantman Oath
Half-elf Thorn
Sylvankind Tree
Dark elf Spite
Elf Fluid
Dwarf Eloquent
Halfling Indignant
Forest Gnome Poison
Burghal Gnome Flash
Half-krolvin Bark

Race Style Target First Second (Only if applicable) Third
Human LOUD None You swear long, loud and well. Actor swears long, loud and well.
None, Hidden You swear long, loud and well. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well.
Player You swear long, loud and well at Target. Actor swears long, loud and well at you. Actor swears long, loud and well at Target.
Player, Hidden You swear long, loud and well at Target. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well at you. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well at Target.
Self You swear long, loud and well, cursing yourself. Actor swears long, loud and well, cursing himself.
Self, Hidden You swear long, loud and well, cursing yourself. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well, cursing himself.
Creature You swear long, loud and well at a creature. Actor swears long, loud and well at a creature.
Creature, Hidden You swear long, loud and well at a creature. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well at a creature.
Object You swear long, loud and well at a green zircon. Actor swears long, loud and well at a green zircon.
Object, Hidden You swear long, loud and well at a green zircon. You hear the voice of Actor swearing long, loud and well at a green zircon.
Giantman OATH None You bellow a guttural series of oaths. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths.
Player You bellow a guttural series of oaths at Target. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths at you. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths at Target.
Self You bellow a guttural series of oaths at yourself. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths at himself.
Creature You bellow a guttural series of oaths at a creature. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths at a creature.
Object You bellow a guttural series of oaths at a green zircon. Actor bellows a guttural series of oaths at a green zircon.
Half-Elf THORN None You swear in a fluid mixture of common and elven that would make a spike-thorn take pause. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven that would make a spike-thorn take pause.
Player You swear in a fluid mixture of common and elven at Target. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at you. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at Target.
Self You swear in a fluid mixture of common and elven at yourself. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at at himself.
Creature You swear in a fluid mixture of common and elven at a creature. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at a creature.
Object You swear in a fluid mixture of common and elven at a green zircon. Actor swears in a fluid mixture of common and elven at a green zircon.
Sylvankind TREE None You swear vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree.
Player You swear at Target vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears at you vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears at Target vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree.
Self You swear at yourself vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears at himself vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree.
Creature You swear at a creature vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears at a creature vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree.
Object You swear at a green zircon vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree. Actor swears at a green zircon vehemently enough to scour the bark from a tree.
Dark Elf SPITE None You curse darkly, your eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Player You curse at Target darkly, your eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses at you darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses at Target darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Self You curse at yourself darkly, your eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses at himself darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Creature You curse at a creature darkly, your eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses at a creature darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Object You curse at a green zircon darkly, your eyes narrowing in spite. Actor curses at a green zircon darkly, his eyes narrowing in spite.
Elf FLUID None You swear fluidly and vividly. Actor swears fluidly and vividly.
Player You swear fluidly and vividly at Target. Actor swears fluidly and vividly at you. Actor swears fluidly and vividly at Target.
Self You swear fluidly and vividly at yourself. Actor swears fluidly and vividly at himself.
Creature You swear fluidly and vividly at a creature. Actor swears fluidly and vividly at a creature.
Object You swear fluidly and vividly at a green zircon. Actor swears fluidly and vividly at a green zircon.
Dwarf ELOQUENT None You let out an eloquently vile series of grunts. Actor lets out an eloquently vile series of grunts.
Player You grunt out an eloquent description of Target's beardless cowardice. Actor grunts out an eloquent description of your beardless cowardice Actor grunts out an eloquent description of Target's beardless cowardice.
Self You grunt out an eloquent description of of yourself. Actor grunts out an eloquent description of himself.
Creature You grunt out an eloquent description of a creature's beardless cowardice. Actor grunts out an eloquent description of a creature's beardless cowardice.
Object You grunt out an eloquent description of a green zircon's beardless cowardice. Actor grunts out an eloquent description of a green zircon's beardless cowardice.
Halfling INDIGNANT None Clenching your fists, you pipe out an indignant suggestion involving stale tart crumbs. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion involving stale tart crumbs.
Player Clenching your fists, you pipe out an indignant suggestion about Target's baking abilities. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion about your baking abilities. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion about Target's baking abilities.
Self Clenching your fists, you pipe out an indignant suggestion to yourself. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion to himself.
Creature Clenching your fists, you pipe out an indignant suggestion about a creature's baking abilities. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion about a creature's baking abilities.
Object Clenching your fists, you pipe out an indignant suggestion about a green zircon's baking abilities. Clenching his fists, Actor pipes out an indignant suggestion about a green zircon's baking abilities.
Forest Gnome POISON None Under your breath, you mutter a poisonous indictment. Under his breath, Actor mutters a poisonous indictment.
Player Under your breath, you mutter a poisonous indictment of Target. Actor mutters a poisonous indictment of you under his breath. Under his breath, Actor mutters a poisonous indictment of Target.
Self Under your breath, you mutter a poisonous indictment of yourself. Under his breath, Actor mutters a poisonous indictment of himself.
Creature Under your breath, you mutter a poisonous indictment of a creature. Under his breath, Actor mutters a poisonous indictment of a creature.
Object Under your breath, you mutter a poisonous indictment of a green zircon. Under his breath, Actor mutters a poisonous indictment of a green zircon.
Burghal Gnome FLASH None Eyes flashing, you spit out an unpleasant oath. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath.
Player Eyes flashing, you spit out an unpleasant oath about Target's general construction. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath about your general construction. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath about Target's general construction.
Self Eyes flashing, you spit out an unpleasant oath to yourself. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath to himself.
Creature Eyes flashing, you spit out an unpleasant oath about a creature's general construction. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath about a creature's general construction.
Object Eyes flashing, you spit out an unpleasant oath about a green zircon's general construction. Eyes flashing, Actor spits out an unpleasant oath about a green zircon's general construction.
Half-Krolvin BARK None You bark out an ugly curse, ending with a guttural growl in the back of your throat. Actor barks out an ugly curse, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat.
Player You bark out an ugly curse toward Target, ending with a guttural growl in the back of your throat. Actor barks out an ugly curse toward you, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat. Actor barks out an ugly curse toward Target, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat.
Self You bark out an ugly curse to yourself, ending with a guttural growl in the back of your throat. EActor barks out an ugly curse to himself, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat.
Creature You bark out an ugly curse toward a creature, ending with a guttural growl in the back of your throat. Actor barks out an ugly curse toward a creature, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat.
Object You bark out an ugly curse toward a green zircon, ending with a guttural growl in the back of your throat. Actor barks out an ugly curse toward a green zircon, ending with a guttural growl in the back of his throat.

Open Styles

Swear Flame

>swear flame
You let out a flaming volley of invective.
Person lets out a flaming volley of invective that makes your ears burn.

>swear Person flame
You let out a flaming volley of invective at Person.
Person lets out a flaming volley of invective at you.
Person lets out a flaming volley of invective at Person.

>swear Zircon flame
You let out a flaming volley of invective at a green zircon.
Person lets out a flaming volley of invective at a green zircon.

>swear self flame
You let out a flaming volley of invective, cursing yourself.
Person seems to be angry with herself.

Swear Vile

>swear vile
You growl something vile beneath your breath.
Person growls something vile beneath her breath.

>swear Person vile
You growl something vile at Person.
Person growls something vile at you.
Person growls something vile at Person.

>swear zircon vile
You growl something vile at a green zircon.
Person growls something vile at a green zircon.

>swear Self vile
You growl something vile, cursing yourself.
Person growls something vile, cursing herself.

Swear Curse

>swear curse
You curse the day you were born.
Person lets loose with an involved and improbable curse against the day she was born.

>swear Person curse
You let loose with an involved curse detailing the improbable ancestry of Person.
Person lets loose with an involved curse detailing your improbable ancestry.
Person lets loose with an involved curse detailing the improbable ancestry of Person.

>swear zircon curse
You let loose with an involved curse detailing the improbable ancestry of a green zircon.
Person lets loose with an involved curse detailing the improbable ancestry of a green zircon.

>swear Self curse
You let loose with an involved curse detailing your own improbable ancestry.
Person lets loose with an involved curse detailing her own improbable ancestry.

Swear Shoddy

>swear shoddy
You curse fluently.
Person curses fluently.

>swear Person shoddy
You vividly accuse the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create Person.
Person vividly accuses the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create you.
Person vividly accuses the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create Person.

>swear zircon shoddy
You vividly accuse the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create a green zircon.
Person vividly accuses the gods of shoddy workmanship when it came time to create a green zircon.

>swear Self shoddy
You curse yourself fluently.
Person curses herself fluently.

Swear Spasm

>swear spasm
You manage to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths.
Person manages to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths.

>swear Person spasm
You hurl an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths in Person's direction, probably managing to offend the gods if not Person.
Person hurls an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths in your direction, probably managing to offend the gods if not you.
Person hurls an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths in Person's direction, probably managing to offend the gods if not Person.

>swear zircon spasm
You hurl an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths in a green zircon's direction, probably managing to offend the gods if not the zircon.
Person hurls an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths in a green zircon's direction, probably managing to offend the gods if not the zircon.

>swear Self spasm
You manage to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths, cursing yourself.
Person manages to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths, cursing herself.

Swear Lyric

>swear lyric
You whistle something nasty between clenched teeth.
Person whistles something nasty between clenched teeth.

>swear Person lyric
You expound lyrically upon the shortcomings of Person.
Person expounds lyrically upon your shortcomings.
Person expounds lyrically upon the shortcomings of Person.

>swear zircon lyric
You expound lyrically upon the shortcomings of a green zircon.
Person expounds lyrically upon the shortcomings of a green zircon.

>swear Self lyric
You expound lyrically upon your own shortcomings.
Person expounds lyrically upon her own shortcomings.

Swear Aspersion

>swear aspersion
You cast growled aspersions into mid-air.
Person casts growled aspersions into mid-air.

>swear Person aspersion
You cast growled aspersions on Person's character and makeup.
Person casts growled aspersions on your character and makeup.
Person casts growled aspersions on Person's character and makeup.

>swear zircon aspersion
You cast growled aspersions on a green zircon's character and makeup.
Person casts growled aspersions on a green zircon's character and makeup.

>swear Self aspersion
You cast growled aspersions on your own character and makeup.
Person casts growled aspersions on her own character and makeup.

Swear Spittle

>swear spittle
You spit out a muttered curse.
Person spits out a muttered curse.

>swear Person spittle
You offer a seething account of Person's usefulness that is more spittle than speech.
Person offers a seething account of your usefulness that is more spittle than speech.
Person offers a seething account of Person's usefulness that is more spittle than speech.

>swear zircon spittle
You offer a seething account of a green zircon's usefulness that is more spittle than speech.
Person offers a seething account of a green zircon's usefulness that is more spittle than speech.

>swear Self spittle
You offer a seething account of your own usefulness that is more spittle than speech.
Person offers a seething account of her own usefulness that is more spittle than speech.

Swear Breath

>swear breath
You swear under your breath.
Person swears under her breath.

>swear Person breath
You swear quietly at Person.
Person swears quietly at you.
Person swears quietly at Person.

>swear zircon breath
You swear quietly at a green zircon.
Person swears quietly at a green zircon.

>swear Self breath
You swear quietly at yourself.
Person swears quietly at herself.

Swear Unheard

>swear unheard
You mutter something better left unheard.
Person mutters something better left unheard.

>swear Person unheard
You mutter something better left unheard in Person's direction.
Person mutters something better left unheard in your direction.
Person mutters something better left unheard in Person's direction.

>swear zircon unheard
You mutter something better left unheard in a green zircon's direction.
Person mutters something better left unheard in a green zircon's direction.

>swear Self unheard
You mutter something better left unheard to yourself.
Person mutters something better left unheard to herself.

Swear while Dead

You curse your frail mortality. That certainly won't win you any favor with Lorminstra.
Actor issues a ghostly curse on his own mortality.


You hear the ghostly voice of Actor cursing his own mortality.

Swear Mine (customized swears)

Certain merchants can give you a custom swear, which is a swear customized to your character. This swear is activated by typing SWEAR MINE. A custom swear is a delayed service when the player is writing his/her own. Any character can have up to 50 custom swears.

Fully custom swears must follow specific guidelines due to how the swear system functions. They cannot use his/her. The verb must remain the same for all messaging (1st, 3rd, and targeted 1st/2nd/3rd). The substance of the swear must remain the same.

One example of how to format a custom swear:

1st person: glower
3rd person: glowers
Targeted: glowering
Substance of swear: while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.

Examples utilizing the above:

1st person: You glower while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
3rd person: Quilic glowers while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 1st: You swear at (target), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 2nd: Quilic swears at (you), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 3rd: Quilic swears at (target), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.

In the example above, the substance of the swear doesn't change in any of the messaging; it just gets slapped on after the verb. The example also does not use his/her at all. All custom swears must fall within these guidelines.

Examples of SWEAR MINE messaging include the following from options available at Rumor Woods:

Person chuffs about idiots trying to cram square pegs into round holes.

Person issues a quiet curse, insisting that some people are more useless than a ring gear load bolt.

Person raises an angry fist to the sky and rails at the waste of spilled blood.

Person expounds upon all the unflattering features that accosts the senses, ending with "... No better than a weather-bitten harpy!"

Person unflatteringly laments upon the capricious nature of the elements, the sky, and the very weather that has destroyed the mood.

Person blurts out, "Rassa frassa frazzle git."

Additional examples of pre-written custom swears can be viewed in the character customizations category.

Using the SWEAR MINE verb when you do not have a customization will result in its own messaging. You can also use SWEAR NONE to get this messaging. The current targeted format is buggy and does not give the target any messaging.

You ponder, but can't think of anything original to say.
Person pauses, a thoughtful expression on his face.

See Also