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Disruption critical table

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Disruption critical table:

Spells, such as, Mana Disruption (702) and Song of Sonic Disruption (1030) when successfully cast can cause disruption critical injuries.

Since this is a CS based table there will be variable damage values (hit points) for each critical rank/body location depending on target resistance along with other factors. Although the damage may increase/decrease for a particular crit rank, the associated injury ranks, stun rounds, knockdowns and instant deaths will not vary, except in cases where targets have special immunities or resistances to these effects.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal critical
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Veins bulge on forehead, giving the [target] a mild headache. none R1
2 10 Blood vessels in the [target]'s forehead burst, spraying blood everywhere. S1 R1
3 15 The [target]'s skull cracks with an audible "Pop"! S3 R2
4 20 The [target]'s ears swell, bursting its eardrums. S6 R2
5 25 Brain swells suddenly, unfortunately the [target]'s skull doesn't. S10 R3
6 30 Skull and surrounding flesh disintegrate. The [target] falls to the ground dead. F R3
7 35 The [target]'s head explodes like an overripe melon. F R3
8 40 Skull shatters into sharp spikes which are driven into the [target]'s brain. F R3
9 50 The [target]'s head vibrates violently, before melting away in a rush of heat. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Throat strike causes the [target] to cough. none R1
2 10 Small veins in the [target]'s neck burst, the blood flows freely. S1 R1
3 15 The [target]'s neck snapped violently by spasming muscles. S2 R1
4 20 The [target]'s neck bones snap. Head looks precariously balanced now. S4 R2
5 25 Vertebrae swell in the [target]'s neck, thrusting through the skin. S8 R3
6 30 Vertebrae ripped from body! The [target]'s head falls into shoulders. F R3
7 35 Larynx swells and explodes, but the [target] won't be needing it anymore anyway. F R3
8 40 The [target]'s neck muscles contract violently, severing head from shoulders. F R3
9 50 The [target]'s neck explodes launching its head into the air. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 The [target]'s right eye swells suddenly, causing great pain. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s eye swells but settles back into its socket. S1 R1
3 15 Blood in the [target]'s right eye boils. Red steam rises from socket. S3 R2
4 20 Blood flow to the [target]'s right eye cut off. S5 R2
5 25 The [target]'s eye explodes, showering you with gore. S10 R3
6 30 The [target]'s eye swells and cracks head open! Instant death. F R3 eye/head
7 40 The [target]'s right eye boils away, stewing the brain as well. F R3 eye/head
8 45 The [target]'s cheek shatters, driving bones into eye. F R3 eye/head
9 50 The [target]'s eye explodes shattering the skull into a thousand pieces. F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 The [target]'s left eye swells suddenly, causing great pain. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s eye swells but settles back into its socket. S1 R1
3 15 Blood in the [target]'s left eye boils. Red steam rises from socket. S3 R2
4 20 Blood flow to the [target]'s left eye cut off. S5 R2
5 25 The [target]'s eye explodes, showering you with gore. S10 R3
6 30 The [target]'s eye swells and cracks head open! Instant death. F R3 eye/head
7 40 The [target]'s left eye boils away, stewing the brain as well. F R3 eye/head
8 45 The [target]'s cheek shatters, driving bones into eye. F R3 eye/head
9 50 The [target]'s eye explodes shattering the skull into a thousand pieces. F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Chest spasm makes it hard for the [target] to breathe. none R1
2 10 Blood boils in the [target]'s chest. none R1
3 15 The [target]'s ribs warp and crack violently. S1 R1
4 20 Rib bones snap and protrude from the [target]'s chest. S3 R2
5 25 Pressure on the [target]'s organs causes internal bleeding. S5 R2
6 30 One lung bursts in the [target]'s chest! S6 R3
7 50 The [target]'s lungs burst and so does its chest. S8 R3
8 60 You send a blood clot to the [target]'s heart, causing massive damage. S10 R3
9 70 Heart explodes rupturing the [target]'s chest. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 The [target] doubles over with stomach cramps. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s stomach muscles jerk uncontrollably. none R1
3 15 The [target]'s intestines knot themselves. Painful. S1 R1
4 20 The [target]'s stomach muscles ripped apart violently. S3 R2
5 25 Flesh and muscle stripped from the [target]'s stomach. S5 R2
6 30 The [target]'s stomach muscles explode violently. S6 R3
7 50 Gaping hole punched through the [target]'s stomach! S6 R3
8 60 The [target]'s stomach rips through flesh and explodes. F R3
9 70 The [target]'s midsection swells painfully then bursts, sending the [target] everywhere. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Strike to the [target]'s back causes minor spasms. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s vertebrae vibrate causing extreme pain. none R1
3 15 Strips of flesh flayed from the [target]'s back. S1 R1
4 20 The [target]'s spine warps and protrudes through skin. S3 R2
5 25 The [target]'s spinal cord swells, causing momentary paralysis. S5 R2
6 30 Gaping hole torn in the [target]'s back exposing ribs. S6 R3
7 50 The [target]'s spinal fluid boils, rupturing spinal cord. S8 K R3
8 60 Both the [target]'s kidneys rupture. Death is quick and painful. F R3 Back/nerves
9 70 Spine ripped from the [target]s's body and thrown to the ground. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Strike to the [target]'s right arm sprains biceps. none R1
2 10 Tendons in the [target]'s weapon arm snap. none R1
3 15 Large lesions sprout on the [target]'s weapon arm. S1 R1
4 20 Major bones in the [target]'s right arm crack loudly! S2 R2
5 25 Blood in the [target]'s weapon arm boils, sending up a red mist. S3 R2
6 30 Bones shatter in the [target]'s weapon arm. S5 R2
7 35 The [target]'s elbow explodes sending bone fragments flying. S6 A R3
8 40 You shatter all of the [target]'s bones from the elbow down, leaving only bloody strips of flesh behind. S8 A R3
9 45 The [target]'s shoulder joint explodes, severing weapon arm. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Strike to the [target]'s left arm sprains biceps. none R1
2 10 Tendons in the [target]'s shield arm snap. none R1
3 15 Large lesions sprout on the [target]'s shield arm. S1 R1
4 20 Major bones in the [target]'s left arm crack loudly! S2 R2
5 25 Blood in the [target]'s shield arm boils, sending up a red mist. S3 R2
6 30 Bones shatter in the [target]'s shield arm. S5 R2
7 35 The [target]'s elbow explodes sending bone fragments flying. S6 A R3
8 40 You shatter all of the [target]'s bones from the elbow down, leaving only bloody strips of flesh behind. S8 A R3
9 45 The [target]'s shoulder joint explodes, severing shield arm. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Spasm to the [target]'s right hand. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s finger twitches, then explodes. none R1
3 15 Oozing sores appear on the [target]'s right hand. none R1
4 20 Bones from several fingers driven through the [target]'s skin. S1 R2
5 25 Flesh flayed from the [target]'s right hand. S2 R2
6 30 The [target]'s thumb explodes in a shower of flesh and bone fragments. S3 R2
7 35 The [target]'s wrist bones explode, leaving only a stump. S4 A R3
8 40 The [target]'s right hand swells and explodes into thousands of pieces. S5 A R3
9 45 The [target]'s entire hand explodes in a shower of blood and bone. Sx A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 Spasm to the [target]'s left hand. none R1
2 10 The [target]'s finger twitches, then explodes. none R1
3 15 Oozing sores appear on the [target]'s left hand. none R1
4 20 Bones from several fingers driven through the [target]'s skin. S1 R2
5 25 Flesh flayed from the [target]'s left hand. S2 R2
6 30 The [target]'s thumb explodes in a shower of flesh and bone fragments. S3 R2
7 35 The [target]'s wrist bones explode, leaving only a stump. S4 A R3
8 40 The [target]'s left hand swells and explodes into thousands of pieces. S5 A R3
9 45 The [target]'s hand explodes in a shower of blood and bone. Sx A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 The [target]'s right leg jerks momentarily. none R1
2 10 You snap the tendons in the [target]'s foot. Looks painful. none R1
3 15 Minor muscle tearing on the [target]'s right leg. S1 R2
4 20 Major bones in the [target]'s right leg crack loudly! S3 K R2
5 25 Flesh bubbles on the [target]'s right leg. S5 K R2
6 30 Bones shatter in the [target]'s leg! S6 K R2
7 35 The [target]'s kneecap explodes sending bone fragments flying. S8 A K R3
8 40 You disintegrate the [target]'s right leg from the knee down. S10 A K R3
9 45 The [target]'s right leg crumbles briefly and explodes in a shower of gore. S12 A K R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 ? none none
1 5 The [target]'s left leg jerks momentarily. none R1
2 10 You snap the tendons in the [target]'s foot. Looks painful. none R1
3 15 Minor muscle tearing on the [target]'s left leg. S1 R2
4 20 Major bones in the [target]'s left leg crack loudly! S3 K R2
5 25 Flesh bubbles on the [target]'s left leg. S5 K R2
6 30 Bones shatter in the [target]'s leg! S6 K R2
7 35 The [target]'s kneecap explodes sending bone fragments flying. S8 A K R3
8 40 You disintegrate the [target]'s left leg from the knee down. S10 A K R3
9 45 The [target]'s left leg crumbles briefly and explodes in a shower of gore. S12 A K R3
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Noncorporeal critical table for messaging with disruption based attacks against Noncorporeal creatures.

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