Dreamfire Panel Bracelet

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Dreamfire Panel Bracelets are wrist-worn jewelry items that can hold multiple panels that can be swapped out to allow for customization. The bracelet can create a temporary illusion based on the contents of the currently active panel. Further customizations are available from customization lists, certificate customizations, stock panel display, and by alteration merchants. They were first introduced in 2022 by GM Meraki at Iyo Glade 2022.


The dreamfire panel bracelets are wrist-worn and hold interchangeable dreamfire panels. They are able to create temporary illusions based on the currently active panel. Off the shelf, they have 1 attachment slot for a panel but more can be added via certificates.


You analyze your jade panel bracelet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This jade panel bracelet is a Dreamfire Panel Bracelet, capable of creating illusions. The bracelet is intended to be used in conjunction with imagery storage objects, such as Dreamfire Illusion Panels. Although these devices were originally designed by erithian artists for use in storytelling, their usage has expanded dramatically after introduction to other cultures. It is not uncommon to find such devices being coveted by collectors, fortune tellers, gamblers, or anyone with an eye for unusual magical devices.

Unlock Tier: 5/5 Illusion Style: #2-Smoke Wisps*
Attachments: 25 Gesture Style: #4-Flamboyant*
Mana Stored: 90/90 Illusion Color: colorful*
Metallic: no Illusion Material: motes of light*
* These properties can be overridden if the active panel has them set.

Tier 1: wear/remove (messaging), push/pull (attach/remove panels), rub (create illusion from panel appearance), peer (review all panels at once), look/show (appends attachment count and current panel information).
Tier 2: infuse (add mana), wave (create concealed illusion), snap (fluff), gaze (quietly preview current panel).
Tier 3: flip (fluff toggle), tilt (fluff), waggle (fluff).
Tier 4: tickle (fluff), point (extend illusion timer), dismiss (dissipate all illusions).
Tier 5: nudge (fluff), pinch (toggle auto-dissipation).
Attachment Points: 2+ turn (cycle panels), 3+ twist (silently cycle panels), 3+ turn/twist bracelet to # (choose active panel), 5+ fidget (randomly select panel), 8+ spin (randomly select panel and reveal illusion), 10+ empty (transfer panels), 12+ flick (find empty attachment), 15+ lower (multiple image spread), 15+ prod (toggle image count for lower).

ALTERATION GUIDELINES: Analyze a second time in short succession to display the alteration guidelines.

You analyze your jade panel bracelet and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Bracelet's Appearance: Long and show descriptions are supported. The bracelet must remain a segmented wrist-worn bracelet-like item comprised of interchangeable panel sections. A dreamfire panel bracelet can be named in several ways: agara-fae, dreamfire, panel, or dreamfire panel, if you use bracelet-based nouns (bracelet, lirveil, wristlet, etc). If you use the special noun "raxiara," you would NOT use agara-fae, dreamfire, or panel as the term "raxiara" explicitly indicates it is a dreamfire panel bracelet. If a custom show is added, it will replace the first sentence of LOOK, but the additional text about attachment points and current panel will always appear after the show description.
Metallic Property: Any willing merchant may change the bracelet between metallic or not. This changes the WEAR/REMOVE messaging as well as the default LOOK/SHOW (unless a custom show description has been added).
Illusion Color: Must be one or two words that are simple and obvious representations of color. Avoid words that could be mistaken for an object or that qualify the color's properties. The chosen color must make sense when describing magical illusion energy. Great choices include: white, crimson, cerulean, viridian, periwinkle, or colorful. Avoid words like: lemon, iridescent blue, faded grey, terracotta, or copper.
Illusion Material: Must be a word or short phrase that describes the temporary form taken by the magical illusion energy. Must always be plural. Must not reference color in any way. Any adjectives describing the material MUST occur after a color adjective when considering rules for adjective-order. In many of the illusion style messages, the illusion color directly precedes illusion material and so they must make adjective-order sense. The material options that make the most sense will often be light, airy, individually distinct, transparent, and/or reflective. Great choices include: motes of light, bubbles, ethereal leaves, mist, smoke wisps, or sparks.
List Customizations: These customizations are chosen as a number from a premade list: Illusion Style and Gesture Style. Not all options are available at every merchant. Here is the list of gesture styles: 0-subtle 1-complex 2-comical 3-abrupt 4-flamboyant 5-exaggerated 6-muted 7-stiff 8-formal 9-lazy 10-graceful 11-sharp 12-disjointed 13-angular 14-careful 15-wild 16-sweeping

Analyze again to see the previous information.

You get no sense of whether or not the bracelet may be further lightened.

Tier 1

Verb Style First Third
WEAR Metallic You wrap a jade panel bracelet around your wrist and secure its clasp. XXX wraps a jade panel bracelet around her wrist and secures its clasp.
Non-Metal You slide a jade panel bracelet onto your wrist, gently stretching the bindings between each panel, until it settles comfortably in to place. XXX slides a jade panel bracelet onto her wrist, gently stretching the bindings between each panel, until it settles in to place.
REMOVE Metallic You unclasp a jade panel bracelet and remove it from your wrist. XXX unclasps a jade panel bracelet and removes it from her wrist.
Non-Metal You gently stretch the bindings between the panels of a jade panel bracelet and slide it off of your wrist. XXX gently stretches the bindings between the panels of a jade panel bracelet and slides it off of her wrist.
PUSH Valid Panel You line up a cat paw panel with your jade panel bracelet and carefully push until it is securely attached. XXX lines up a cat paw panel with her jade panel bracelet and carefully pushes until it is securely attached.
PULL Valid Panel You carefully pull on your jade panel bracelet until it releases a cat paw panel into your hand. XXX carefully pulls on her jade panel bracelet until it releases a cat paw panel into her hand.
PEER Worn/Held You peer closely at your jade panel bracelet and notice the following panel configuration:
1) A small black heart panel concealing a purple peacock illusion (with details)
2) An empty panel attachment
3) >A cat paw panel<
Overrides: Illusion Style (#51)
4) A multicolored siren lizard panel with modifier: a radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard
Overrides: Color (ice white) Material (bubbles) Illusion Style (#1) Gesture Style (#8-formal)
5) A fluffy rolton panel concealing a finely detailed illusion of a barroom: [Helga's Tavern, Barroom]
[You may 'turn/twist bracelet to #' to make it the active panel.]
Note: Final line appears when you have 3+ attachment points
LOOK/SHOW Metallic (unaltered) (Look) The bracelet is comprised of multiple panels bound together by metal wire. (Show) XXX shows you a jade panel bracelet, which she is wearing. The bracelet is comprised of multiple panels bound together by metal wire.
Non-Metal (unaltered) (Look) The bracelet is comprised of multiple panels bound together with woven spidersilk thread. (Show) XXX shows you a jade panel bracelet, which she is wearing. The bracelet is comprised of multiple panels bound together with woven spidersilk thread.
Appended at end (Look) The bracelet has enough attachment points for 5 interchangeable panels. You notice a cat paw panel is on top.
[You may peer more closely to see all panels at once or gaze to preview the current panel.]
Note: Final clause appears when GAZE is unlocked at tier2+
(Show) The bracelet has enough attachment points for 5 interchangeable panels. You notice a cat paw panel is on top.
RUB Based on Panel's Appearance (*Illusion Style) You reach out with a formal gesture and activate the panel of your jade panel bracelet. Ice white bubbles suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard.
(Dissipation) A radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard bursts into ice white bubbles and fades away.
XXX reaches out with a formal gesture and activates the panel of her jade panel bracelet. Ice white bubbles suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard.
(Invisible) Ice white bubbles suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard.
(Dissipation) A radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard bursts into ice white bubbles and fades away.

Tier 2

One of the major features unlocked at Tier 2 is the ability to create up to 2 illusions that last for 60 seconds. Players can interact with the illusion during this time, which allows them to LOOK/GAZE at the illusion to view the imprint of a scenery/portrait or custom show alteration.
Verb Style First Third
INFUSE Any Focusing your efforts, you infuse 20 mana into your jade panel bracelet, causing a brief colorful glow. The bracelet now has 30 mana stored. You feel slightly drained. XXX focuses intently on her bracelet, causing a brief colorful glow. She looks slightly drained.
Note: The maximum amount of mana a bracelet can store is 15 + (number of panel attachments * 5).
WAVE Based on Concealed Illusion (*Illusion Style) Wisps of colorful smoke rise from around your bracelet, your flamboyant gestures encouraging the smoke along as it reforms into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a purple peacock illusion.
(Look) The peacock is dominantly purple, but subtle iridescent hues in green and blue surface as the imagery shifts. His train is raised in a resplendent show of beauty. Although the illusion does well to replicate its source imagery, it wavers occasionally, somewhat ruining the effect.
A purple peacock illusion breaks into multiple motes of light, before losing cohesion and dissipating as mere wisps of colorful smoke.
(Visible) Wisps of colorful smoke rise from around XXX's bracelet, her flamboyant gestures encouraging the smoke along as it forms into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a purple peacock illusion.
(Invisible) Wisps of colorful smoke rise from a fixed point in the air before reforming into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a purple peacock illusion.
(Dissipation) A purple peacock illusion breaks into multiple motes of light, before losing cohesion and dissipating as mere wisps of colorful smoke.
SNAP Any You snap your hand out with a subtle gesture. A cat paw illusion appears above the palm of your hand, wavers briefly, and vanishes. XXX snaps out her hand with a subtle gesture. A cat paw illusion appears above the palm of her hand, wavers briefly, and vanishes.
GAZE Basic Panel You gaze closely at your jade panel bracelet, focusing on a cat paw panel until you realize it contains no concealed or modified illusion. None
Panel with Modifier You gaze closely at your jade panel bracelet, focusing on a multicolored siren lizard panel and realize it conceals no illusion but does have a modifier. The modified illusion will appear as a radiant illusion of a multicolored siren lizard. None
Scenery Panel with Custom Long Description imprint You gaze closely at your jade panel bracelet, focusing on a fluffy rolton panel and realize it conceals a finely detailed illusion which will appear as: a finely detailed illusion of a barroom. The illusion also contains the following scenery imprint:

[Helga's Tavern, Barroom]
The blended odors of ale, sweat, leather, perfume and hearty stew fill the stifling air of the tavern. Disheveled regulars and road-weary travelers rub elbows at the wooden bar, which looks recently varnished but already bears a variety of stains and grime. Helga, the ancient, obese proprietor, moves behind the bar, wiping glasses with a dirty towel as she keeps a beady eye on the patrons. A small fireplace in one corner burns feebly, adding little light or warmth to the room.

Your view of the illusion fades quickly.
Portrait Panel with imprint You gaze closely at your jade panel bracelet, focusing on a cat paw panel and notice it conceals an elf illusion. The illusion also contains the following portrait imprint:

An elf is standing with a flute of dark rose wine in her hand, which she is drinking. She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.
The elf's features sharpen, drawing your attention. She is exceptionally tall and has a lithe frame. She appears to be in the prime of life. She has distant, gold-flecked snow white eyes and alabastrine skin. She has shoulder-length, lustrously thick mahogany hair with artistically unruly viridian, violet, and ultramarine spirals. She has an angular face and a slender nose. She has hazy-edged blueberry-hued lacquer brushed onto her short chewed fingernails.

Your view of the illusion fades quickly.

Tier 3

Tier 3 extends the time an illusion stays by 30 seconds (90 seconds total), allows for up to 3 illusions at once, and unlocks the FLIP verb to toggle fluff verbs (SNAP/WAGGLE) to use either the panel's outward appearance or the concealed illusion in their messaging.
Verb Style First Third
FLIP Any Certain fluff actions will now prioritize the active panel's [outward appearance/concealed illusion] when creating illusions for messaging. None
TILT Any You tilt your jade panel bracelet from side to side, bringing attention to a cat paw panel. XXX tilts her jade panel bracelet from side to side, bringing attention to a cat paw panel.
WAGGLE Any You waggle your fingers mystically, and a cat paw illusion appears briefly in the air before vanishing. XXX waggles her fingers mystically, and a cat paw illusion appears briefly in the air before vanishing.
(Hidden) A cat paw illusion appears briefly in the air before vanishing.

Tier 4

Tier 4 extends the time an illusion stays by 30 seconds (120 seconds total), continues to allow for up to 3 illusions at once, and unlocks the POINT verb to extend illusion timers as well as the (DISMISS verb to dissipate all active illusions.
Verb Style First Third

Tier 5

Tier 5 extends the time an illusion stays by 30 seconds (150 seconds total), continues to allow for up to 3 illusions at once, and unlocks the PINCH verb to turn off auto-dissipation of illusions while the owner is nearby.
Verb Style First Third

2+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
TURN Worn You rotate a jade panel bracelet around your wrist until a small black heart panel is on top. XXX rotates a jade panel bracelet around her wrist until a small black heart panel is on top.
Held You turn a jade panel bracelet around in your hand until a small black heart panel is on top. XXX turns a jade panel bracelet around in her hand until a small black heart panel is on top.

3+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
TWIST Worn You discreetly twist a jade panel bracelet around your wrist until a cat paw panel is on top. None
Held You discreetly twist a jade panel bracelet around in your hand until a cat paw panel is on top. None
TURN/TWIST (Bracelet) to # also unlocks at 3+ attachment points. This allows you to choose the active panel by number.

5+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
FIDGET Worn You fidget with the jade panel bracelet around your wrist, randomly selecting a cat paw panel. XXX fidgets with her jade panel bracelet, randomly selecting a cat paw panel.
Held You fidget with the jade panel bracelet in your hand, randomly selecting a floppy-eared rabbit panel. XXX fidgets with her jade panel bracelet, randomly selecting a floppy-eared rabbit panel.

8+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
SPIN Worn & Visible With a well-practiced motion, you deftly spin your jade panel bracelet around your wrist. As the bracelet comes to a stop, a small black skull illusion materializes in the air. A moment later the illusion fades completely. With a well-practiced motion, XXX deftly spins her jade panel bracelet around her wrist. As the bracelet comes to a stop, a small black skull illusion materializes in the air. A moment later the illusion fades completely.

10+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
EMPTY Any You begin to meticulously transfer panels from your pearl inlay bracelet into your silver-framed bracelet. You were able to transfer two panels to the bracelet, leaving your bracelet empty. XXX meticulously transfers two panels from her pearl inlay bracelet into her silver-framed bracelet.

12+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third
FLICK Any You quickly flick through your jade panel bracelet until you find an empty panel attachment. XXX quickly flicks through her jade panel bracelet until an empty panel attachment is on top.

15+ Attachment Points

Verb Style First Third


Dreamfire panels are imagery storage objects that can be attached to a dreamfire panel bracelet. The bracelet uses the image stored in the panel to generate an illusion. The most common type of panel is a basic panel. Illusions can be created based both on the panel's outward appearance and from a concealed illusion stored inside the panel. A special type of imprintable panel, the scenery panel, is capable of storing images of rooms. Locked versions of imprintable panels are sold off the shelf with preloaded images and cannot be used to capture new imprints without first being unlocked with a certificate or rare merchant service. Another special type of imprintable panel, the portrait panel, is capable of storing the likeness of players performing special poses.


You analyze your siren lizard panel and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This siren lizard panel is a Dreamfire Illusion Panel, capable of storing imagery to be used in the creation of illusions. The panel is intended to be used in conjunction with a device capable of creating illusions, such as a Dreamfire Panel Bracelet. Although such devices were originally designed by erithian artists for use in storytelling, their usage has expanded dramatically after introduction to other cultures. It is not uncommon to find such devices being coveted by collectors, fortune tellers, gamblers, or anyone with an eye for unusual magical devices.

Panel Type: #1-basic Illusion Style: #1-Air Dance
Locked: no Gesture Style: #8-Formal
Concealed Illusion: no Illusion Color: ice white
CI Article: Illusion Material: bubbles
CI Adjective: Illusion Modifier: #5-radiant**
CI Long Description:
* Any unset property will adopt the value from the device creating the illusion.
** Concealed Illusions and Illusion Modifiers may be quietly previewed via gaze.

VERBS: gaze (quietly preview), wave (capture imprint), clean (reset imprint), flip (cycle verbosity).

ALTERATION GUIDELINES: Analyze a second time in short succession to display the alteration guidelines.

You analyze your siren lizard panel and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Panel's Appearance: No long or show descriptions, noun must remain panel, article/adjective must describe an image and make sense as both art/adj/panel and art/adj/illusion (do not reference materials).
Concealed Illusion: A skilled merchant may alter the concealed illusion. Supported customizations include article/adjective, custom long description (noun must remain illusion), and "show" descriptions. Keep in mind that the illusion itself is a magical creation that is intangible and very obviously an illusion. These are guidelines, and the merchant always has the final say over what they can or cannot do.
Illusion Color: Must be one or two words that are simple and obvious representations of color. Avoid words that could be mistaken for an object or that qualify the color's properties. The chosen color must make sense when describing magical illusion energy. Great choices include: white, crimson, cerulean, viridian, periwinkle, or colorful. Avoid words like: lemon, iridescent blue, faded grey, terracotta, or copper.
Illusion Material: Must be a word or short phrase that describes the temporary form taken by the magical illusion energy. Must always be plural. Must not reference color in any way. The options that make the most sense will often be light, airy, individually distinct, transparent, and/or reflective. Great choices include: motes of light, ethereal leaves, bubbles, mist, smoke wisps, or sparks.
List Customizations: These customizations are chosen as a number from a pre-made list: Illusion Style, Gesture Style, and Illusion Modifier. Not all options are available at every merchant. You must provide any dye additive in addition to the service fee when requesting an Illusion Modifier. Here is the list of gesture styles: 0-subtle 1-complex 2-comical 3-abrupt 4-flamboyant 5-exaggerated 6-muted 7-stiff 8-formal 9-lazy 10-graceful 11-sharp 12-disjointed 13-angular 14-careful 15-wild 16-sweeping

Analyze again to see the previous information.

You get no sense of whether or not the bracelet may be further lightened.


Verb Style First Third
CLEAN Any (First) You consider clearing the concealed illusion from a sleeping blue dragon panel so that you may capture a new imprint. This will completely remove a glimmering illusion of an inside location with a scenery imprint of [Altar of Illumination] from your panel. Clearing the concealed illusion cannot be undone.
[Clean again within 15 seconds to clear the concealed illusion from your panel.]

(Second) You clear a glimmering illusion of an inside location from a sleeping blue dragon panel. The panel is now ready for a new imprint.
FLIP Imprintable Portrait Panel (First) You flip your black dagger panel to imprint verbosity style #2 - moderate.
(Second) You flip your black dagger panel to imprint verbosity style #3 - minimal.
(Third) You flip your black dagger panel to imprint verbosity style #1 - lengthy.
GAZE No Concealed or Modified Illusion You gaze closely at a cat paw panel and realize it contains no concealed or modified illusion. None
Concealed Illusion (with show) You gaze closely at a small black heart panel and realize it conceals a purple peacock illusion. The illusion has the following details when viewed: The peacock is dominantly purple, but subtle iridescent hues in green and blue surface as the imagery shifts. His train is raised in a resplendent show of beauty. Although the illusion does well to replicate its source imagery, it wavers occasionally, somewhat ruining the effect. None
Scenery Illusion You gaze closely at a fluffy rolton panel and realize it conceals a finely detailed illusion which will appear as: a finely detailed illusion of a barroom. The illusion also contains the following scenery imprint:

[Helga's Tavern, Barroom]
The blended odors of ale, sweat, leather, perfume and hearty stew fill the stifling air of the tavern. Disheveled regulars and road-weary travelers rub elbows at the wooden bar, which looks recently varnished but already bears a variety of stains and grime. Helga, the ancient, obese proprietor, moves behind the bar, wiping glasses with a dirty towel as she keeps a beady eye on the patrons. A small fireplace in one corner burns feebly, adding little light or warmth to the room.

Your view of the illusion fades quickly.
WAVE Basic Panel Your cat paw panel is a basic panel and incapable of capturing an imprint. You would need to first convert it to an imprint compatible type through a service or certificate unlock. None
Panel with Imprint Your fluffy rolton panel already contains a finely detailed illusion of a barroom. To capture a new imprint, you must first clean the panel to erase the old illusion. You may gaze at the panel to review the current illusion. None
Imprintable Scenery Panel (First WAVE) You consider imprinting a projected illusion of a flat terrain within a floppy-eared rabbit panel:

[River's Rest, Sanctuary]
Deep in the forest rests a small shrine lovingly carved of the silvery haon wood that surrounds you. Crickets chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves fill the air with a strong sense of life. From somewhere nearby the gentle sound of running water completes the quiet symphony. Little else disturbs the peace save for an occasional muted voice drifting on the breeze.
[Wave again within 15 seconds to imprint this scenery in your panel.]

(Second WAVE) You wave a floppy-eared rabbit panel through the air, and it glows momentarily. You have successfully imprinted a projected illusion of a flat terrain within the panel.
(First WAVE) None

(Second WAVE) XXX waves a floppy-eared rabbit panel through the air, and it glows momentarily.
Imprintable Portrait Panel (First WAVE) You consider waving your cat paw panel to imprint your own likeness, resulting in a halfling pauper illusion with some of your features.
[You now have 60 seconds to choose a pose. Wave again once you are ready to preview the resulting imprint.]

(Second WAVE)You consider imprinting a halfling pauper illusion within a cat paw panel:

[... imprint preview ...]

[Wave again within 15 seconds to imprint this portrait in your panel. Flip your panel to cycle between different verbosity styles.]

(Third WAVE)You wave a cat pawn panel through the air, focusing on yourself, and it glows momentarily. You have successfully imprinted a halfling pauper illusion within the panel. You stop posing.
(First WAVE) None

(Second WAVE) None

(Third WAVE) XXX waves a cat paw panel through the air, and it glows momentarily.
Note about Scenery Imprints

When a room is imprinted, the panel will use the day or night description depending on time of day. It also respects the RoomBrief FLAG at the time of imprint.

Note about Portrait Imprints

Another player can be chosen but they must first consent to the imprint. After the first WAVE, the chosen player gains access to a special version of the POSE verb, which directly impacts the outcome of the imprint.

Usage: POSE {style} - Pose with a style POSE CHECK - Preview your currently selected pose.
Where {style} can be one of the following: DEFAULT FOOD DRINK COMBAT
A style may utilize your defensive stance, reserved demeanor, standing position, and/or an eligible held prop when generating pose messaging. You may stop posing by revoking your consent with agree revoke.

Storage Case

Dreamfire storage cases can hold up to 25 panels while only counting as one inventory item. Ideal for use with large collections and the locker system. Additionally, you can SHOW their contents to others while open, making them an ideal way to quickly share quick reference information about your collection with someone else. The storage case was first introduced at Ebon Gate 2022.


You analyze your cocobolo box and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:

This cocobolo box is a Dreamfire Panel Storage Case that is capable of storing 25 Dreamfire Illusion Panels.

VERBS: open/close, look/show, peer, push/pull

ALTERATION GUIDELINES: Due to messaging, it must remain some sort of wearable case or box-like container with a lid that can be latched when it is closed.

You get no sense of whether or not the box may be further lightened.


Verb Style First Third
OPEN Closed You unlatch and lift the lid on a fire-etched cocobolo box, allowing access to its contents. XXX unlatches and lifts the lid on a fire-etched cocobolo box, allowing access to its contents.
Open You run your fingers over the edges of your cocobolo box, admiring the contents stored within. XXX runs her fingers over the edges of her cocobolo box, admiring the contents stored within.
CLOSE Open You unlatch and lift the lid on a fire-etched cocobolo box, allowing access to its contents. XXX closes and latches the lid on a fire-etched cocobolo box, securely sealing away its contents.
Closed You run your fingers over the edges of your cocobolo box, admiring the contents stored within. XXX runs her fingers over the closed lid of her cocobolo box, a look of admiration on her face.
LOOK (Appends after custom descriptions) Open The lid of the box is open and the box's contents are visible. You notice the following panel configuration:
1) An empty panel attachment
2) An empty panel attachment
3) An empty panel attachment
4) An empty panel attachment
5) An empty panel attachment
6) An empty panel attachment
7) An empty panel attachment
8) An empty panel attachment
9) An empty panel attachment
10) An empty panel attachment
11) An empty panel attachment
12) An empty panel attachment
13) An empty panel attachment
14) An empty panel attachment
15) An empty panel attachment
16) An empty panel attachment
17) An empty panel attachment
18) An empty panel attachment
19) An empty panel attachment
20) An empty panel attachment
21) An empty panel attachment
22) An empty panel attachment
23) An empty panel attachment
24) An empty panel attachment
25) An empty panel attachment
Each of the 25 attachment points provides a safe storage space for a single dreamfire panel.
[You may 'push/pull # my box' to add/remove a panel to/from a specific attachment point in the box.]
(Show) XXX shows you a fire-etched cocobolo box, which she is holding in her right hand. The lid of the box is open and the box's contents are visible. You notice the following panel configuration:
1) An empty panel attachment
2) An empty panel attachment
3) An empty panel attachment
4) An empty panel attachment
5) An empty panel attachment
6) An empty panel attachment
7) An empty panel attachment
8) An empty panel attachment
9) An empty panel attachment
10) An empty panel attachment
11) An empty panel attachment
12) An empty panel attachment
13) An empty panel attachment
14) An empty panel attachment
15) An empty panel attachment
16) An empty panel attachment
17) An empty panel attachment
18) An empty panel attachment
19) An empty panel attachment
20) An empty panel attachment
21) An empty panel attachment
22) An empty panel attachment
23) An empty panel attachment
24) An empty panel attachment
25) An empty panel attachment
Each of the 25 attachment points provides a safe storage space for a single dreamfire panel.
Closed The lid of the box is closed and secured by a latch; the box's contents are hidden. (Show) XXX shows you a fire-etched cocobolo box, which she is holding in her right hand. The lid of the box is closed and secured by a latch; the box's contents are hidden.
PEER Open You peer closely at your cocobolo box and notice the following panel configuration: (Remaining output mimics LOOK while open) None
Closed You unlatch and lift the lid of your cocobolo box briefly and notice the following panel configuration: (Remaining output mimics LOOK while open) None
PUSH Unspecified + Closed [Defaulting to the first empty position (#1). To choose a specific position, use 'push # {my} box' instead.]
You unlatch and lift the lid of a fire-etched cocobolo box. You line up a cat paw panel with your cocobolo box and carefully push until it is securely attached before once again closing and latching the lid of your box.
XXX unlatches and lifts the lid of a fire-etched cocobolo box. She lines up a cat paw panel with her cocobolo box and carefully pushes until it is securely attached before she once again closes and latches the lid of her box.
Specified + Open You line up a cat paw panel with your cocobolo box and carefully push until it is securely attached. XXX lines up a cat paw panel with her cocobolo box and carefully pushes until it is securely attached.
PULL Unspecified + Closed [Defaulting to the first filled position (#1), which contains a cat paw panel. To choose a specific panel, use 'pull # {my} box' instead.]
You unlatch and lift the lid of a a fire-etched cocobolo box. You carefully pull on your cocobolo box until it releases a cat paw panel into your hand before once again closing and latching the lid of your box.
XXX unlatches and lifts the lid of a fire-etched cocobolo box. She carefully pulls on her cocobolo box until it releases a cat paw panel into her hand before she once again closes and latches the lid of her box.
Specified + Open You carefully pull on your cocobolo box until it releases a cat paw panel into your hand. XXX carefully pulls on her cocobolo box until it releases a cat paw panel into her hand.


Starting at Tier 2 of a dreamfire panel bracelet, an illusion object can be created in the room and interacted with by others.


Verb Style First Third
LOOK Basic Illusion Although a cat paw illusion does well to replicate its source imagery, it wavers occasionally, somewhat ruining the effect. None
Illusion (with custom show) The peacock is dominantly purple, but subtle iridescent hues in green and blue surface as the imagery shifts. His train is raised in a resplendent show of beauty. Although a purple peacock illusion does well to replicate its source imagery, it wavers occasionally, somewhat ruining the effect. None
Scenery Illusion Although a finely detailed illusion of a barroom does well to replicate its source imagery, it wavers occasionally, somewhat ruining the effect. To see all of the details of the illusion, you must either gaze more closely, or discreetly peer. None
GAZE/PEER Basic Illusion (Gaze) You gaze {style} at a projected illusion of a fluffy rolton.
(Peer) You peer closely at a projected illusion of a fluffy rolton, but see nothing of interest. Maybe if you examined it closely, you would see more.
(Gaze) XXX gazes {style} at a projected illusion of a fluffy rolton.
(Peer) None
Scenery Illusion You gaze {with interest} at a finely detailed illusion of a barroom. The tiny picturesque details hang in the air and your senses reveal...

[Helga's Tavern, Barroom]
The blended odors of ale, sweat, leather, perfume and hearty stew fill the stifling air of the tavern. Disheveled regulars and road-weary travelers rub elbows at the wooden bar, which looks recently varnished but already bears a variety of stains and grime. Helga, the ancient, obese proprietor, moves behind the bar, wiping glasses with a dirty towel as she keeps a beady eye on the patrons. A small fireplace in one corner burns feebly, adding little light or warmth to the room.

You pull your gaze away from the finely detailed illusion, and your senses clear.
(Gaze) XXX gazes {with interest} at a finely detailed illusion of a barroom.
(Peer) None
GAZE {style} ILLUSION is supported when interacting with the illusions.
DISMISS Owner Only You dismiss a cat paw illusion.
A cat paw illusion breaks into multiple motes of light, before losing cohesion and dissipating as mere wisps of colorful smoke.
XXX dismisses a cat paw illusion.
A cat paw illusion breaks into multiple motes of light, before losing cohesion and dissipating as mere wisps of colorful smoke.
*TOUCH Verbs All A cat paw illusion is a bit insubstantial for that. None

Dreamfire Posing

While posing for a Dreamfire Portrait Panel imprint, the POSE verb is replaced with a different version. This effect can be applied by the agara-fae artist in The Imprinter's Studio or when a player with an unlocked Dreamfire portrait panel WAVEs to begin an imprint.

For a detailed guide, see the Dreamfire Illusion Portrait Panel Pocket Guide to Posing.


    POSE {style}                            - Pose with a style
    POSE CHECK                              - Preview your currently selected pose.
Where {style} can be one of the following: DEFAULT FOOD DRINK COMBAT STUDY
A style may utilize your defensive stance, reserved demeanor, standing position, and/or an eligible held prop when generating pose messaging. You may stop posing by revoking your consent with agree revoke.


Each style is capable of generating a variety of different outcomes based on a combination of factors that may include: holding an item, chosen demeanor, current stance, and positioning (standing, sitting, kneeling, or prone).

DEFAULT example
  >pose default
  You strike a pose and consider how it will appear:

  A halfling pauper is depicted in a relatively neutral pose.  She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.

  [The default pose is based on your reserved demeanor and will reference an eligible prop held in hand.  You have 60 seconds to imprint this pose.]
DEFAULT construction
  A <race> <postname> is depicted [with <prop>/in a relatively neutral pose].  <demeanor>

  <demeanor> options:
 (cold) She has a look of disgust on her face.
 (reserved) She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.
 (neutral) No Message
 (friendly) She has a look of mild interest on her face.
 (warm) She has a look of delight on her face.
FOOD/DRINK example
  >pose food
  You strike a pose and consider how it will appear:

  A halfling pauper is standing with some food in her hand, which she is nibbling delicately.  She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.

  [The food pose is based on your defensive stance, reserved demeanor, standing position, and may reference an eligible prop held in hand.  You have 60 seconds to imprint this pose.]
FOOD/DRINK construction
  A <race> <postname> is <position <prop>>, which she is <stance>.  <demeanor>

  <position> options:
 (standing) is standing with <prop> in her hand
 (prone) is reclining leisurely with <prop> in her hand
 (sitting) is sitting in front of <prop>
 (kneeling) is kneeling in front of <prop>

  <stance> options:
 (offensive) [devouring/chugging] with reckless abandon
 (advancing) heartily [eating/drinking]
 (forward) preparing to consume
 (neutral) [eating/drinking]
 (guarded) carefully [eating/drinking]
 (defensive) [nibbling/sipping] delicately

  <demeanor> options:
 (cold) She has a look of disgust on her face.
 (reserved) She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.
 (neutral) No Message
 (friendly) She has a look of mild interest on her face.
 (warm) She has a look of delight on her face.
COMBAT example
  >pose combat
  You strike a pose and consider how it will appear:

  A halfling pauper is depicted with a weapon in her hand, her body poised to defend against an unseen foe.  She has a look of carefully controlled disinterest on her face.

  [The combat pose may reference your defensive stance and will reference an eligible prop held in hand.  You have 60 seconds to imprint this pose.]
COMBAT construction
  (Valid Weapon Prop) <weapon prop>
  (No Prop or Non Weapon Prop) A <race> <postname> is depicted with [<prop>/a weapon] in her hand, her body poised to <stance> an unseen foe.

  <stance> options:
 (offensive/advancing/forward) attack
(neutral/guarded/defensive) defend against <weapon prop> options: (UCS foot-worn/hand-worn/brawling) A <race> <postname> is depicted [with her feet protected by <prop>/with her fists protected by <prop>/holding <prop> in each hand] in a dynamic and fluid stance. She is poised and ready to strike, with one fist raised and her other fist guarding her face. Her stance is balanced, with her feet ready to shift and pivot at a moment's notice in reaction to any incoming threat. (Edged dagger & shortsword) A <race> <postname> is depicted mid-action, leaping into the air with <prop> in hand. Her body is coiled with energy, ready to strike as she descends towards her target. Her mid-flight journey hangs in the air, moments before she unleashes a powerful blow upon her unseen target. (Edged other) A <race> <postname> is depicted mid-action, lunging forward to attack her foe. Her body is tensed in anticipation of landing a slashing blow with <prop> in hand. The heat of combat requires her complete attention, as any misstep could enact a costly fee. (Blunt whip) A <race> <postname> is depicted remaining at distance from an unseen foe. She cleverly utilizes the advantages of <prop> to exert threat upon her distant foe, without risking the dangers of a closer engagement. Although unheard, the mid-action whip crack portrayed is obvious to a keen eye, as the tip of the weapon glows with a bright light. (Blunt other) A <race> <postname> is depicted in mid-action, bringing <prop> to bear against an unseen foe. Her body tenses in anticipation of landing the impending blow, her training evident by the way she has shifted her balance to properly offset the force of the strike. (Runestaff) A <race> <postname> is depicted wielding <prop> in one hand, held protectively in front of her body. A targeted bolt of magical energy can be seen nearby, recently deflected away by the weapon. Her off hand forms an arcane gesture, but it remains unclear which spell the building magical energy will resolve itself into in the coming moments. (Two-Handed) A <race> <postname> is depicted wielding <prop> in both hands. The massive size and obvious weight of the weapon appears to be of little concern for her, as she raises it above her head with apparent ease. Although the foe is unseen, the force behind the impending strike can easily be imagined as difficult for even the hardiest of foes to withstand. (Bow) A <race> <postname> is depicted wielding <prop>, with one arm pulled back and the bowstring taut as she sights down a distant foe. Her body is poised and focused, her concentration as sharp as the arrow that she is preparing to unleash with deadly accuracy and precision. (Crossbow) A <race> <postname> is depicted with <prop> in hand, the weapon already loaded and ready to unleash a piercing bolt. Her arm extends away from her body as she lines up a shot against a distant foe. In mere moments, the projectile will be unleashed with deadly accuracy and precision. (Thrown) A <race> <postname> is depicted wielding <prop> in hand, her arm outstretched at the apex of a powerful throw, caught in a the moment the weapon is about to be unleashed towards an unseen foe. Her eyes remain focused on her target, the need for a precise throw echoed by her tense body language. (Polearm) A <race> <postname> is depicted lunging forward with <prop> in her firm and steady grip, conveying her expertise and confidence in using <the prop noun> for combat. Her body is extended and her weapon is fixated to the same point in space as her gaze. It is clear her body and weapon are working in unison to strike with precision at an unseen foe.
STUDY example
  >pose study
  You strike a pose and consider how it will appear:

  A halfling pauper is reclining with a muted ochre leather-bound book, which she peruses the pages of closely.  Her attention is focused, her expression rapt with interest.

[The study pose is based on your guarded stance, warm demeanor, prone position, and will reference a muted ochre leather-bound book.  Different messaging is provided for valid book-like and paper-like props.  You have 60 seconds to imprint this pose.]
STUDY construction
  A <race> <postname> is <position> with <prop> <stance(prop-type)>.  <demeanor>

  <position> options:
 (standing) standing 
 (prone) reclining
 (sitting) sitting
 (kneeling) kneeling

  <stance> options (no prop or book-like):
 (offensive) , which she is grasping securely as she prepares to rip out a page
 (advancing) , in which she is writing
 (forward) , which she is examining as she turns a page
 (neutral) in her hand, which she studies closely
 (guarded) , which she peruses the pages of closely
 (defensive) No Message

  <stance> options (paper-like):
 (offensive) , which she is grasping securely as she prepares to tear it in half
 (advancing) , upon which she is writing
 (forward) , which she is turning over and examining
 (neutral) in her hand, which she studies closely
 (guarded) , which she peruses closely
 (defensive) No Message

  <stance> options (other):
 (offensive) , which she is grasping in a potentially destructive manner
 (advancing) , in her hand as her other hand mimics a writing motion
 (forward) , which she is turning over and examining
 (neutral) in her hand, which she studies closely
 (guarded) , which she studies closely
 (defensive) No Message

  <demeanor> options:
 (cold) An expression of profound disinterest verging on distaste contorts her face.
 (reserved) Attention clearly drifting, she exudes a detached air of indifference.
 (neutral) No Message
 (friendly) A hint of a smile plays across her face.
 (warm) Her attention is focused, her expression rapt with interest.

Additional Information

Customization Lists

Gesture Styles may be applied to a bracelet or panel. When applied to a panel, it will override the bracelet's setting while that panel is on top. Used for any messaging that references a gesture (such as SNAP).

Illusion Modifiers may only be applied to a panel directly and will slightly change the illusion's appearance. Example: When option 5 is applied to a cat paw panel it will generate a radiant illusion of a cat paw instead of a cat paw illusion. Warning: An Illusion Modifier will do nothing for the concealed illusion if a merchant has altered the concealed illusion to have a custom long description. It will still apply to an illusion created from the panel's outward appearance. Special Note: Options 1-8 are directly available via dye additives without requiring a merchant alteration. You simply POUR the dye additive onto the panel to change it's Illusion Modifier. Option 9 is applied when imprinting a scenery if no other modifier already exists.

  • Gesture Style
    (Bracelet or Panel)
    # Appearance
    0 a subtle gesture (default)
    1 a complex gesture
    2 a comical gesture
    3 an abrupt gesture
    4 a flamboyant gesture
    5 an exaggerated gesture
    6 a muted gesture
    7 a stiff gesture
    8 a formal gesture
    9 a lazy gesture
    10 a graceful gesture
    11 a sharp gesture
    12 a disjointed gesture
    13 an angular gesture
    14 a careful gesture
    15 a wild gesture
    16 a sweeping gesture
  • Illusion Modifier
    (Panel Only)
    # Appearance
    0 none (default)
    1 a brilliant illusion
    2 a glimmering illusion
    3 a glittering illusion
    4 a glowing illusion
    5 a radiant illusion
    6 a shimmering illusion
    7 a shining illusion
    8 a sparkling illusion
    9 a projected illusion
    10 a wavering illusion
    11 a flickering illusion
    12 an ethereal illusion
    13 a wispy illusion
    14 a hazy illusion
    15 a nebulous illusion
    16 a diaphanous illusion
  • Illusion Styles can be applied to a bracelet or panel (as an override) and determine which messaging is used when an illusion is generated (RUB/WAVE a Dreamfire Panel Bracelet with a valid panel on top). Often, but not always, this messaging references these customizations: Illusion Color, Illusion Material, and Gesture Style. For clarity, each message in the table that references those customizations will be italicized and use these default options: Illusion Color (colorful), Illusion Material (motes of light), and Gesture Style (subtle gesture).

    Illusion Style
    (Bracelet or Panel)
    # Name 1st Person Room Room (Invisible) Dissipation
    0. Air Release (Default) You reach out with a subtle gesture and activate the panel of your jade panel bracelet, releasing colorful motes of light into the air that slowly coalesce into a cat paw illusion. XXX reaches out with a comical gesture and activates the panel of her jade panel bracelet, releasing colorful motes of light into the air that slowly coalesce into a cat paw illusion. Colorful motes of light appear in the air and slowly coalesce into a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion hangs in the air, then slowly fades away.
    1. Air Dance You reach out with a subtle gesture and activate the panel of your jade panel bracelet. Colorful motes of light suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a cat paw illusion. XXX reaches out with a subtle gesture and activates the panel of her jade panel bracelet. Colorful motes of light suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a cat paw illusion. Colorful motes of light suddenly appear and dance in the air before coalescing and shifting into a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion bursts into colorful motes of light and fades away.
    2. Smoke Wisps Wisps of colorful smoke rise from around your bracelet, your comical gestures encouraging the smoke along as it reforms into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a cat paw illusion. Wisps of colorful smoke rise from around XXX's bracelet, her comical gestures encouraging the smoke along as it forms into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a cat paw illusion. Wisps of colorful smoke rise from a fixed point in the air before reforming into multiple motes of light. The motes of light swirl together before revealing a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion breaks into multiple motes of light before losing cohesion and dissipating as mere wisps of colorful smoke.
    3. Silken Streamer Colorful silken streamers flow outward from your bracelet, dancing through the air majestically. You make a subtle gesture and the streamers coalesce to reveal a cat paw illusion. Colorful silken streamers flow outward from XXX's bracelet, dancing through the air majestically. She makes a subtle gesture and the streamers coalesce to reveal a cat paw illusion. Colorful silken streamers flow outward from a fixed point in the air, dancing through the air majestically. The streamers coalesce to reveal a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion unravels into colorful silken streamers before fading away with no trace.
    4. Fingertips You make a subtle gesture while moving your hand outwards. Colorful motes of light appear at your fingertips, resolving themselves into a cat paw illusion. XXX makes a subtle gesture while moving her hand outwards. Colorful motes of light appear at her fingertips, resolving themselves into a cat paw illusion. Colorful motes of light appear in the air and resolve themselves into a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion dissolves into some colorful motes of light before vanishing completely.
    51. Twin Star Chaos You activate your jade panel bracelet. Clusters of twin stars tumultuously pour out of the face of the panel, each pairing's chaotic dance causing them to wobble uncertainly through the air, teasing at an image. There is a brief pause as all of the clusters simultaneously shudder, halting their midair dance. The tiny clusters then coalesce and shift until a cat paw illusion is revealed. Clusters of twin stars tumultuously pour out of XXX's jade panel bracelet, each pairing's chaotic dance causing them to wobble uncertainly through the air, teasing at an image. There is a brief pause as all of the clusters simultaneously shudder, halting their dance, whilst remaining suspended in the air. The tiny clusters then coalesce together and shift until the image of a cat paw illusion is revealed. Multiple clusters of twin stars tumultuously appear midair, each pairing's chaotic dance causing them to wobble uncertainly through the air, teasing at an image. There is a brief pause as all of the clusters simultaneously shudder, halting their dance, whilst remaining suspended in the air. The tiny clusters then coalesce together and shift until the image of a cat paw illusion is revealed. A cat paw illusion silently explodes into clusters of twin stars before fading away into nothing.
    52. Glow Feathers You activate your jade panel bracelet. Tiny, softly glowing colorful feathers pour out of your bracelet, mimicking the ebb and flow of a flock of birds in flight. All at once, the feathers condense tightly into a ball of light, reforming to reveal a cat paw illusion. Tiny, softly glowing colorful feathers pour out of XXX's jade panel bracelet, mimicking the ebb and flow of a flock of birds in flight. All at once, the feathers condense tightly into a ball of light, reforming to reveal a cat paw illusion. Tiny, softly glowing colorful feathers appear midair, mimicking the ebb and flow of a flock of birds in flight. All at once, the feathers condense tightly into a ball of light, reforming to reveal a cat paw illusion. A shudder ripples over a cat paw illusion before it breaks into tiny, softly glowing colorful feathers that drift apart and fade away.
    101. Vegetable Dance With a subtle gesture, you call forth a plethora of illusory autumnal vegetables to rhythmically whirl through the air in a mimicry of a harvest festival dance. One by one, each vegetable silently explodes into colorful motes of light, before swirling together and at last revealing a cat paw illusion. With a subtle gesture, XXX calls forth a plethora of illusory autumnal vegetables to rhythmically whirl through the air in a mimicry of a harvest festival dance. One by one, each vegetable silently explodes into colorful motes of light, before swirling together and at last revealing a cat paw illusion. A plethora of illusory autumnal vegetables appear and begin to rhythmically whirl through the air in a mimicry of a harvest festival dance. One by one, each vegetable silently explodes into colorful motes of light, before swirling together and at last revealing a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion loses cohesion and begins to fade away, briefly revealing a plethora of dancing autumnal vegetables before completely dissolving.
    102. Apparitions You discreetly activate your bracelet. Multiple apparitions materialize and surround you, each appearing only vaguely humanoid. As one, they begin to advance closer to you. Just as the first one reaches out to touch you, they all simultaneously dissipate to reveal a cat paw illusion. Multiple apparitions materialize and surround XXX, each appearing only vaguely humanoid. As one, they begin to advance closer to her. Just as the first one reaches out to touch XXX, they all simultaneously dissipate to reveal a cat paw illusion. Multiple apparitions materialize in a circular formation, each appearing only vaguely humanoid. As one, they begin to advance closer around a fixed point. Just as the first one reaches out toward the fixed point, they all simultaneously dissipate to reveal a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion erupts into a swarm of cackling apparitions, their laughter only fading as the final vestiges of their forms dissipate into colorful mist.
    201. Bonfire You make a subtle gesture and an illusionary bonfire springs to life. The colorful flames lick at the air, dancing, shifting, and teasing at imagery. In an instant, the heatless flames flare up and vanish, leaving a cat paw illusion where they once flickered. XXX makes a subtle gesture and an illusionary bonfire springs to life. The colorful flames lick at the air, dancing, shifting, and teasing at imagery. In an instant, the heatless flames flare up and vanish, leaving a cat paw illusion where they once flickered. An illusionary bonfire springs to life from no discernable source. The colorful flames lick at the air, dancing, shifting, and teasing at imagery. In an instant, the heatless flames flare up and vanish, leaving a cat paw illusion where they once flickered. A heatless bonfire flares to life, engulfing a cat paw illusion until only colorful flames remain. Just as suddenly as it appeared, the bonfire is snuffed out and disappears without a trace.
    202. Firewheel Blooms You discreetly activate your bracelet. A flurry of spectacular firewheel blooms appears and begins to drift through the air. Each of the red-spoked yellow-centered flowers begins to spin, creating a dazzling fire-like air display before vanishing to reveal a cat paw illusion. A flurry of spectacular firewheel blooms appears around XXX and begins to drift through the air. Each of the red-spoked yellow-centered flowers begins to spin, creating a dazzling fire-like air display before vanishing to reveal a cat paw illusion. A flurry of spectacular firewheel blooms appears and begins to drift through the air. Each of the red-spoked yellow-centered flowers begins to spin, creating a dazzling fire-like air display before vanishing to reveal a cat paw illusion. A cat paw illusion erupts into a flurry of spectacular firewheel blooms, each flower spinning like a wheel through the air before slowly fading away.

    Certificate Customizations

    Illusion Colors and Illusion Materials are both highly customizable options generally limited to merchant alterations but unlock certificates for both with limited selections have been available. When available, these are the lists of options a single certificate can cycle between when using the verb TURN.

  • Illusion Color
    (Bracelet or Panel)
    Premium Festival
  • Ebon Gate
    niveous grey
    celestial blue
    raven black
  • Illusion Material
    (Bracelet or Panel)
    Premium Festival
    ethereal leaves
    water droplets mist
    smoke wisps
  • Ebon Gate
    ethereal flames
    flower petals
  • Stock Panel Display

    The Stock Panel Display is used to customize Dreamfire illusion panels (and thus illusions) for a small fee. At the time of the stock panel display's release, 746 images were available to choose from.

    The stock panel display options are based on the stock tattoo list. Any entry that doesn't end in tattoo is omitted from the stock panel display. At the time of release, 746 out of a potential 856 options were available based on this constraint.

    Ordering Instructions

      There are 3 options for ordering:
        1) Purchase a new panel with any stock imagery for a cost of ____ silvers.
        2) Alter an existing panel with any stock imagery for a cost of ____ silvers.
           Hold the panel in your right hand when ordering to see if it is eligible.
        3) Alter/add a concealed illusion within an existing panel with any stock imagery for ____ silvers.
           Hold the panel in your left hand when ordering to see if it is eligible.
      Be sure to look at the display multiple times to see all of our designs.


    Scrawled on the huge display are hundreds of small images.  Looking closely you can make out individual ones, each with a tiny number written next to the image.
      #1 - a small black dagger panel
      #2 - a small rosebud panel
      #3 - a deep red rose panel
      #4 - a black rose panel
      #5 - a delicate daisy panel
      #6 - a twining ivy panel
      #7 - a poison ivy panel
      #8 - a delicate lily panel
      #9 - an oak tree panel
      #10 - a howling wolf panel
      #11 - a stalking wolf panel
      #12 - a snarling bear panel
      #13 - a rearing bear panel
      #14 - a wolf paw panel
      #15 - a bear paw panel
      #16 - a cat paw panel
      #17 - a stalking snowcat panel
      #18 - a stalking panther panel
      #19 - a stalking tiger panel
      #20 - a stalking lion panel
      #21 - a roaring lion panel
      #22 - a sleeping kitten panel
      #23 - a pouncing kitten panel
      #24 - a mangy rat panel
      #25 - a soaring hawk panel
      #26 - a diving hawk panel
    Look at the display again for more stock panels.  You may place an order by number.  Read for detailed ordering instructions.

    View a complete list of available stock panel images.


    Both panels and bracelets hold the same loresong.

    Loresong Reaction
    As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the pearl inlay bracelet in your hand, and you learn something about it...

    This is a small item, under a pound. In your best estimation, it's worth about 100,000 silvers.

    The magic suddenly swells and it fills your mind with a vision... An intimate family gathering fades into view. The spacious room is lightly decorated with art and greenery, providing a pleasant sense of order. Erithi of all ages sit on cushions arranged in a semicircle around an elderly matriarch perched on a larger cushion in the center. As she begins to speak, everyone listens in rapt silence. She weaves an engaging story with her words, bending down to tickle a small child who has inched closer and closer to where she sits. Everyone laughs as the child squeals in delight, and then the story continues.

    When the woman finishes her tale, she pulls a younger man forward, placing him on the storyteller's cushion, and takes her place in the audience. The man weaves his tale with an occasional magical illusion, simple designs that capture the curiosity of the youngest family members. The vision flicks rapidly forward, and you see food and tea shared as different family members each take a turn to share their own stories. As the magic wavers, the vision fades.

    XXX gets a distant look in her eyes.
    As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the pearl inlay bracelet in your hand, and you learn something about it...

    You sense a faint aura of magic surrounding the bracelet. From the pitch of the vibration you determine that the purpose of the bracelet is as a piece of jewelry.

    The magic suddenly swells and it fills your mind with a vision...

    The vision reveals a modest tavern populated by mirthful erithi. The crowd fills all the tables and benches set up around a small performance stage. The room grows quiet and attention is drawn to the stage, where an older storyteller is now seated next to a large complex chest. As the silence sinks in, the storyteller reaches out and activates the chest, creating a moving illusion of a coastal village at dawn. The storyteller invites the crowd to listen, "Agara y rai'xiasa a fae," and then opens into a richly moving story of adventure and adversity. The meaning of the words resonate in your mind and you understand them as "To the fire of an old soul's dream."

    The tale's conclusion moves the crowd to emotional applause. A younger erithi is invited to take the stage and the large chest is removed. Around the wrist of this new storyteller is a raxiara, a dreamfire panel bracelet. She begins to move her hand in rhythmic, fluid motions, her story taking form as a beautiful mixture of performance art, spoken word, and evocative illusion imagery. The hypnotic dance continues as an image of a bird in flight materializes and she gracefully sidesteps to mirror the illusion. The vision abruptly flicks forward, and in a matter of moments, you bear witness to a full evening's revelry that continues well into the morning as more erithi are invited to share stories on the center stage.

    As the magic wavers, the vision fades.

    XXX gets a distant look in her eyes.
    As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the pearl inlay bracelet in your hand...

    You sense nothing unusual about the bracelet.

    The magic suddenly swells and it fills your mind with a vision...

    A wide hill forming a natural amphitheater outside of a small town appears in a vision. A large crowd gathers along the sides of the hill to await the evening's performance; it is an impressive turnout for such a small town. Staged to the side are dozens of skyfire cannons and a veritable army of engineers to oversee their proper use. A lithe erithi woman takes to the stage. With a magically amplified voice that echoes off the hillside, she begins her tale.

    A cannon fires, creating a blossoming lotus high in the sky, trails of colors shooting to either side to effloresce into a ship floating on a sea of xan'ayra. Small children gasp in delight as the woman's story continues, key points punctuated by the skyfire. The storyteller's voice rises in a sharp crescendo, punctuated by cannon fire as her tale unfolds. The rising action is felt in the vibrations of her vibrato, and each time the cannons decorate the evening sky with colorful whirls of light. The vision begins to fade and the last image you are left with is the glow of the skyfire lighting up the face of a young erithi, her mouth open and her eyes shining with adoration.

    As the magic wavers, the vision fades.

    XXX gets a distant look in her eyes.
    As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the pearl inlay bracelet in your hand...

    It is a Dreamfire Panel Bracelet that can produce realistic illusions based on an attached Dreamfire Panel.

    The magic suddenly swells and it fills your mind with a vision...

    The scene revealed is far more intimate, taking place in a small gathering room of a home. The room is dark, and it is difficult to make out the individual audience members seated on the floor. An elaborate metal device rests on a raised platform, a hidden candle producing a soft glow from within. The crowd grows quiet as the shidaxa-hai storyteller raps his staff on the floor thrice. He remains obscured among the shadows as he begins his tale with a haunting tone in his voice.

    The shadow lantern whirls to life slowly in response to the storyteller's hidden manipulation. Shadows begin to dance across the walls, bringing to life the storyteller's words. Smoothly, he shifts the panels, allowing the images cut from the new panels to create different shadows. The crowd laughs, gasps, and shrieks as the tale progresses, ending on the tenebrous images of ghosts gliding across the walls. With a theatrical clap of his hands, the room is plunged into total darkness.

    As the magic wavers, the vision fades.

    XXX gets a distant look in her eyes.
    Dreamfire Panel Bracelet Information
    Type Fluff
    Item Classification Accessory
    Item(s) Applied to Panel Bracelets
    Alterable Yes
    Light/Deep No
    Customizable Yes
    Custom Illusion Color
    Illusion Material
    Illusion Style*
    Gesture Style*
    Illusion Modifier*
    Original Release Merchant Elusionari
    Original Release Venue Iyo Glade Festival
    Original Release Year 2022
    Tiered Yes
    Number of Tiers 5
    How to Unlock Certificate
    Loresong yes
    Restrictions *Styles and modifiers are chosen from a list.
    Item Verbs