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Duskruin/saved posts February 2025

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Announcement 1 - Stamp Limits and Surcharges Retired

Discord Message Link: Stamp Limits and Surcharges Retired
Author: GM Tivvy
Date: 2/1/2025

Not exactly a teaser, but I do have a change to HESS to announce. I'll do an official announcement when I have more HESS info available, but for now... HESS stamp limits and surcharges are being retired.

Announcement 2 - Mania Returns

Discord Message Link: Mania Returns
Author: GM Wyrom
Date: 2/1/2025

Since it was figured out in my announcement pretty quickly. Mania will be returning. It will be back to its roots. More like shenanigans. Where it's a fun, spontaneous event that has a mix of offerings. No real plan shared, just a date, time, and location. I will say more when we're closer though!

Announcement 3 - Leaderboard Gets Longer

Discord Message Link: Leaderboard Gets Longer
Author: GM Tago
Date: 2/7/2025

Looking at the monk leaderboard, you see the following entries:
Thelonious, 150
Art, 125
Adrian, 100

Announcement 4 - Shop List

Discord Message Link: Shop List
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 2/7/2025

Here is the DR Shop list. Please remember the following:

  • New - Brand New Offering to Duskruin
  • Refresh - Either shop wares were freshened up or new items were added.
  • Reopen - No inventory was changed
  • Last Run - Shop will be closed next time DR is run
Caption text
New Refresh Reopen
Wet and Dry Amalgamations Alchemical Attractions
Be Still my Hops At The Ready
Bewarez Balance and Frenzy
Demon Drop (Delayed Opening) Beyond Barriers
Just for Kicks Blood Red Rose, The
Spellbound Bloodbenders
With a Flourish Bloody Lotus, The
Bolt From The Blue
Bundle Up
Burning Twilight
Clockwerke Solutions
Currents and Safeguards
Daily Grind, The
Daily Grind, The, Accents
Deep Within Darkness
Fairy Ring, The
Fatal Afflares
First Rule, The
Gamac's Goods
Good In-Tent-ions
Heady Spirits
Herbal Huntsman, The
Hide and Fur Depot, The
I See You
Icy Disposition
In the Shadows of the Sparrow
Journalist, The
Knifery, The
Make Your Mark
Mar and Scar, the
Mind Your Manas
Modern Morph, The
Mystic Phrases
Ode To Resistance
On The Other Hand
Paranormal Pages
Pirate Looks at Four Teas, A
Preening Plover, The
Right to Flare Arms
Rock Solid
Scoria and Dross
Secretive Sips
Sigil Shop
Skayl Mix
Sparrow's Dance
Sprite Club
Stay Awhile and Glisten
Temple of Tentacles
Tome Raiders
Totemic Spirits
Trapper's Shack
Twinkling Twilight
Twist of Briars, A
Untamed Spirit
Vaalin Rose, The
Volatile Storage
Wild Instinct
Yarrrpee Shoppe, The
  • The Shops Curved Cuts and Shield Thyself may be closed, but their Certificates were all moved to Certifiable! Enjoy.

Announcement 5 - Battle Vault - Greater Felcour Gauntlets

Discord Message Link: Battle Vault - Greater Felcour Gauntlets
Author: GM Xynwen
Date: 2/1/2025

Not exactly a teaser, but I do have a change to HESS to announce. I'll do an official announcement when I have more HESS info available, but for now... HESS stamp limits and surcharges are being retired.

When February's battle vault goes up for sale, it will include in it a pair of gauntlets known as the Greater Felcour Gauntlets. These are fashioned after the original Felcour gauntlets, with some special features unique to these!

In addition to THROWing down a gauntlet in front of someone to challenge them to a duel like the original gauntlets, you can WAVE your gauntlets at your opponent. This will set up a magical portal -- the challenger and opponent will be taken to a fighting arena if they go through it. Everyone else will be taken to a viewing room.

These arenas work off the same mechanics as the flotilla and Festival of the Fallen arenas. The portal leading in will stay up for 15 minutes -- so you and your opponent can go back in as often as you want during those 15 minutes to keep fighting.

You can use this option four (4) times a day. This resets at midnight server time.

With the initial release, you have two themes for your arena -- a black sand arena and a shipwreck arena. An upcoming expansion will include a way to get multiple other themes. You can use the WHISPER function to select which look you want for your arena and viewing area.

These gauntlets are handworn, using the fluff slot. You can THROW and WAVE while holding or wearing.

REMINDER At this point, these are only available through the battle vaults for February 2025's DR run, with no plans to release in other ways. And if they just aren't your thing, you can BREAK it and get an account-bound EXP orb just like previous vault options. The gauntlets are character-attuned to the person opening the vault

Wiki Link: Greater_Felcour_Gauntlets

Announcement 5 - HESS Announced

Discord Message Link: HESS Announced
Author: GM Tivvy
Date: 2/7/2025

The service limits on HESS services per item (and the related surcharges) have been removed!

Introducing the Annex, where all fully automated HESS services and scripted items for purchase now reside. Automated certificates can be applied to update your item instantly. Only a handful of HESS services have been converted so far but more will be moving from the regular High End Scrip Shop to the Annex in future DR runs.

SK/SM tattoos - This is the last run where these will be available using the existing list of offerings as seen here: Existing List. Beginning with August 2025's run, spells will be rotated in and out of inventory each run.

Certificates/Items in the Annex:

  • Chrism Censers, 250,000 bloodscrip
  • Urnon Lockpocks, 75,000 bloodscrip
  • Urglaes/Veniom Multisetting Teleport rings
  • Script Add, Twisted Weapons - Acid (requires acid flares already present on weapon)
  • Script Add, Twisted Shield - Acid (requires acid flares already present on shield)
  • Script Add, Flare Gloves
  • Convert Lore Flare to another type of Lore Flare - Requires existing lore flares on item
  • Resistance Add
  • Transmute Enhancive Armament/Armor Accessory to Jewelry
  • Flourish, Flare Affinity
  • Flourish, Rage Armor
  • Flourish, Lore Flares
  • Flourish, Steel Skin Flares
  • Flourish, Warding Flares
  • Flourish, Sweep Flares
  • Flourish, Skullcrusher Flares
  • Boost Steel Skin Padding by 2, max 50
  • Boost Warding Flares TD by 5, max 50
  • Boost Warding Flares Duration by 5, max 60
  • Permify Normal Enhancive
  • Permify SK/MK Enhancive

Updates to existing HESS services:

  • Script Add, Twin Weapons is now 50,000 bloodscrip.
  • Zelnorn Ore can now be used to create robes.
  • High Steel Ore can now be used to create robes or UCSE.
  • Target Defense Boards can now be used to add TD to runestaves.

New HESS Services:

  • Script Add, Blink Weapon - 750,000 bloodscrip
  • Convert Spell Circle Item to Tattoo - 25,000 bloodscrip

Once live, you can view things here: HESS


Teaser 1 - With a Flourish Shop Updates

Discord Message Link: With a Flourish Shop Updates
Author: GM Vanah
Date: 2/1/2025

I have two new non-combat flourishes debuting this year: Alchemy Jar Container and Pelt Bag Flourish.

Alchemy Jar Container will be a conversion of the existing script or an add on. You can continue how you have been or convert it to a flourish. If you add it to an existing container, the container cannot trap TAP, RUB, RUMMAGE, or PEER.

Pelt Bag Flourish is solely the bundling functionality from existing Pelt Bags, none of the verb traps. It can be added to any container that isn't already a Pelt Bag, and doesn't trap DROP.

Teaser 2 - New Combat Flourishes - Steel/Glaes/Adamantine Skin Flares; Warding Flares

Discord Message Link: New Combat Flourishes - Steel/Glaes/Adamantine Skin Flares; Warding Flares
Author: GM Nysux
Date: 2/1/2025

Steel Skin Flares and Warding Flares will debut at the February '25 run of Duskruin!

Steel Skin Flares
Steel Skin Flares are a combat flourish that can be applied to weapons (including bows), runestaves, and UCS armaments. It has a standard flare chance to provide +10 CER damage padding for 60 seconds. This effect is refreshable and does not stack with itself or bubble flares. Steel Skin Flares can be upgraded +2 CER at a time, up to +50 CER. Upon reaching 25 CER, the flourish will become Glaes Skin Flares, and upon reaching 50 CER the flourish will become Adamantine Skin Flares. The change of material is cosmetic only.

You exhale in pain as your skin rapidly hardens into a shimmering barrier of steel!
You exhale in pain as your skin rapidly hardens into a seamless barrier of glaes!
You exhale in pain as your skin rapidly hardens into a peerless barrier of adamantine!

Warding Flares
Warding Flares are a combat flourish that can be applied to shields and armor. It has a standard flare chance to provide +10 TD for 10 seconds. This effect is refreshable and does not stack with itself or banshee flares. Warding Flares can be upgraded +5 TD at a time, up to +50 TD. Warding Flares can also be upgraded +5 seconds at a time, up to 60 seconds.

You hear a deafening wail as a ghostly white vapor surrounds you, swirling around your vultite armor!

Combat Flourishes - General Context
Combat flourishes are a special type of script that occupy their own slot alongside other scripts, and have near universal compatibility with other scripts. A single item can have multiple flourishes. By default only one combat flourish can be active at a time, and the player can swap between active combat flourishes, but there is sometimes a purchaseable service available to unlock multiple active combat flourishes on a single item.

Teaser 3 - Twisted Weapons - Acid

Discord Message Link: Twisted Weapons - Acid
Author: GM Marstreforn
Date: 2/1/2025

Twisted Weapons - Acid Edition are getting a facelift to better align with how Twisted Shields and Twisted Armors display their customizations and abilities. This should help with understanding the two new tier unlocks being made available for Acid Edition weapons this Duskruin.

Twisted Potency (10,000 bloodscrip)
Potency Boost (10,000 bloodscrip)

Fully unlocked analyze:

You analyze the black alloy lance and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

   * Twisted Weapon - Acid Edition *

     Available Actions
   * RUB
   * PULL
   * TILT
   * KNOCK
  ** PEER (when scintillating)
 *** RAISE - twisted flares - [ON]
**** POINT - maneuver ability
           - Usage: POINT <my> lance [AT {TARGET}]

Merchants that are skilled with this type of weapon may also customize the following:
   * Parts:   "length"
   * Fumes:   "virescent"
   * Grooves: "labyrinthine"
  ** Glow:    "green"
 *** Flares:  "a twisted, prismatic spray of acid"

  ** Twisted Affinity  (scintillating): UNLOCKED!
      - You have full affinity with the black alloy lance!
 *** Twisted Flares (offensive - acid): UNLOCKED! - [ON]
      - Chance for extra flares when you hit a foe with an attack.
      - These flares damage the target twice when they hit.
**** Twisted Potency    (POINT - acid): UNLOCKED & BOOSTED!
      - Maneuver ability that deals damage equivalent to Twisted Flares if it hits.
      - Weakened Armament is applied to foe's armor/body after damage.
      - Twisted Potency has a 3 minute cooldown.
      - BOOSTED: Twisted Flares have a 20% chance to damage the foe a third time.
        Additionally, Twisted Flares apply Weakened Armament to the foe's armor/body.

WAVE MY lance AT {SELF} while it is scintillating to toggle aspects of its messaging in that mode.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the black alloy lance for you.
>point my lance
Your black alloy lance trembles with power as you brandish it at a tomb troll!
[SMR result: 251 (Open d100: 32, Bonus: 1)]

 ** A scintillating virescent glow shimmers and oscillates across your lance's length as a twisted, prismatic spray of acid surges from its tip and strikes a tomb troll! **
   ... 5 points of damage!
   Spray just catches the hand as the tomb troll's little finger is badly blistered.
   ... 15 points of damage!
   Acid raises angry red welts on the arm!
   The tomb troll is stunned!
A tomb troll wilts with frailty.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You thrust with a scintillating black alloy lance at a tomb troll!
  AS: +322 vs DS: +288 with AvD: +33 + d100 roll: +77 = +144
   ... and hit for 34 points of damage!
   Smash to the kneecap.

   Your black alloy lance's shaft trembles with power!
 ** A scintillating green glow shimmers and oscillates across your lance's length as a twisted, prismatic spray of acid surges from its tip and strikes a tomb troll! **
   ... 15 points of damage!
   Nasty burn eats the skin away from the spine!
   ... 15 points of damage!
   Spray of acid bites deep into the skin over the sternum.
   ... 10 points of damage!
   Acid burn on the right ear!
A tomb troll wilts with frailty.
Roundtime: 5 sec.
  • Attunement is available on all Twisted gear now.
  • Twisted Potency and Potency Boost are unique to Twisted Weapons only.
  • Acid Edition is all I can offer information about at this time, since it is sold at Duskruin.
  • Twisted Armor already has its own unlocks for Twisted Synergy and Synergy Boost.
  • The debuff lasts for 30 seconds when applied with either POINT or the boosted flares.
  • The gear difficulty is +150 when you unlock T3-Twisted Flares.

Teaser 4 - New Combat Flourishes - Skullcrusher Flares and Sweep Flares

Discord Message Link: New Combat Flourishes - Skullcrusher Flares and Sweep Flares
Author: GM Nysux
Date: 2/1/2025

Skullcrusher Flares and Sweep Flares will debut at the February '25 run of Duskruin!

Skullcrusher Flares
Skullcrusher Flares are a combat flourish that can be applied to weapons with >50% crush damage, as well as quarterstaffs. Skullcrusher Flares have a standard flare chance to deal a crush damage critical to your opponent's head, possibly knocking them unconscious and inflicting roundtime. The effect itself is identical to KO flares, and a single weapon can have both KO flares and Skullcrusher Flares, if so desired.

Sweep Flares
Sweep Flares are a combat flourish that can be applied to two-handed polearm weapons, as well as polearm weapons like tridents that can be wielded with two hands. Sweep Flares have a standard flare chance to deal a crush damage critical to a random location on your foe. With sufficient training in Multi-Opponent Combat (at least 50), there is a 33% chance to also sweep your opponent off their feet with your polearm. At 100 MoC, this chance is raised to 66%. The effect itself is identical to "Polearm aka Poleaxe" flares, and a single weapon can have both "Polearm aka Poleaxe" flares and Sweep Flares, if so desired.

Combat Flourishes - General Context
Combat flourishes are a special type of script that occupy their own slot alongside other scripts, and have near universal compatibility with other scripts. A single item can have multiple flourishes. By default only one combat flourish can be active at a time, and the player can swap between active combat flourishes, but there is sometimes a purchaseable service available to unlock multiple active combat flourishes on a single item.

Teaser 5 - New Combat Flourishes - New Lore Flares '25

Discord Message Link: New Combat Flourishes - New Lore Flares '25
Author: GM Nysux
Date: 2/1/2025

The Lore Flares suite will be fully filled out - with the exception of Divination - as of February 2025!

New Lore Flare Additions
- `Sorcerous Lore - Demonology`
- `Mental Lore - Manipulation`
- `Mental Lore - Transference`
- `Mental Lore - Transformation`
- `Spiritual Lore - Blessings`

The final two Lore Flares are special and do not inflict a DoT. Instead, they each have their own unique advantage!

Sorcerous Lore - Demonology and Mental Lore - Manipulation
These Lore Flares will function akin to the elemental Lore Flare suite. They do partial DoT damage and the DoT is effective against all foes. Demonology inflicts vacuum criticals, and Manipulation inflicts impact criticals.

Mental Lore - Transference
This Lore Flare functions akin to Necromancy Lore Flares. It does full DoT damage and the DoT is effective against foes with blood only. Transference inflicts disintegration criticals.

Mental Lore - Transformation
This Lore Flare will briefly transform you into a vicious melee killing machine, immediately inflicting a slash, crush, or puncture critical on your foe. This critical is more heavily weighted than any other Lore Flare. To compensate for this extra weighting, no DoT will occur. This Lore Flare includes a wide variety of messaging.

Spiritual Lore - Blessings
This Lore Flare will immediately inflict a lightning critical on your foe. Additionally, you will receive a +10 AS / + 6 CS buff for 10 seconds. This buff is refreshable but not stackable. To compensate for this extra AS/CS, no DoT will occur. This Lore Flare includes a wide variety of messaging.

Combat Flourishes - General Context
Combat flourishes are a special type of script that occupy their own slot alongside other scripts, and have near universal compatibility with other scripts. A single item can have multiple flourishes. By default only one combat flourish can be active at a time, and the player can swap between active combat flourishes, but there is sometimes a purchaseable service available to unlock multiple active combat flourishes on a single item. For general context on Lore Flares, including existing Lore Flare types, please see Lore Flares.

Teaser 6 - Jammy Juicer

Discord Message Link: Jammy Juicer
Author: GM Vanah
Date: 2/1/2025

The shop Wet and Dry will feature two new food-creating devices, the Jammy Juicer and the Stovetop Dehydrator!

The Jammy Juicer takes foraged or edible fruits, flowers, vegetables, and herbs and turns them into juice. Add sugar and the jam unlock and you can create Finishing Touches jam that can be added to other food to enhance its flavor.

The Stovetop Dehydrator takes foraged fruit and herbs and turns them into edible dried fruit and Finishing Touches herbs. A tobacco unlock allows you to add tobacco leaves and two scent additives to craft your own cigars, selecting the look, scent, and color. There are more than 1,200 scents to choose from provided from foraged items, player-created food and drink, and other smelly things.

Both the Juicer and the Dehydrator are heated on top of cooking stoves, which are available alongside their various unlocks in the shop. Two new non-combat flourishes have been added to the shop With a Flourish: Alchemy Jar Container and Pelt Bag Flourish.

The Alchemy Jar Container Flourish is the same as the existing script; this item makes using alchemy jars easier by sorting them and emptying them for you. You can also RUMMAGE for an EMPTY jar or a SINGLE gem without having to juggle jars. The flourish can be added to any item that does not already trap TAP, RUB, RUMMAGE, or PEER.

The Pelt Bag Flourish is solely the bundling functionality from existing Pelt Bags, none of the verb traps. It can be added to any container that isn't already a Pelt Bag and doesn't trap DROP or its variations.

Teaser 7 - Alcohol Still Updates and Vinegar

Discord Message Link: Alcohol Still Updates and Vinegar
Author: GM Avaluka
Date: 2/2/2025

Some updates have been made to the Alcohol Still this Duskruin, adding both new recipes and a newly unlockable feature that lets you make vinegar. The Alcohol Recipe books, as well, will be gaining access to the verb of "SHUFFLE" to allow you to alphabetize the recipes you have unlocked. In addition, the flavor code is being updated to a newer, more expansive system; items that were useable before should still work, though the new system allows for newer flavor possibilities. (Note: The Meat Grinder and the Popcorn Kettle will eventually be migrating to this newer flavor system but, for the time being, will remain on the old system until I have time to migrate them over.)

New Recipes:

  • aplixta (*)
  • arbutus (*)
  • belien (*)
  • chycha
  • vass
  • malyrtak
  • sylath (*)
  • tepache
  • tiswin

(*): Uses rare ingredients that currently cannot be foraged.

New Feature: Vinegar

  • When unlocked, you are able to make "Finishing Touches" bottles of vinegar in the still. This vinegar can be ADDed to food for some extra flavor!
  • Optional flavor additives, as well as any after effects, transfer to the vinegar.
  • Every alcohol recipe as been associated with a type of vinegar it will create.
  • Possible types of vinegar: vinegar, malt vinegar, beer vinegar, wine vinegar, honey vinegar, balsamic vinegar, fruit vinegar.
  • Bottles of vinegar can be altered in the Alcohol Bottle Contraption.

Note: These updates are not yet live.

Teaser 8 - Twisted Shields - Acid

Discord Message Link: Twisted Shields - Acid
Author: GM Marstreforn
Date: 2/4/2025

Twisted Shields are also getting an update to bring them in line with the T4 + Boosted paradigm.

**** Twisted Puissance              (POINT - acid): UNLOCKED & BOOSTED!
      - Deals damage equal to Twisted Assault Flares if it hits.
      - Buff of +10 TD while active.  Ends early if no longer holding the shield in the left hand.
      - Twisted Puissance lasts for 60 seconds and has a 3 minute cooldown.
      - BOOSTED: adds a damage padding buff while Twisted Puissance is active.
        Additionally, Twisted Assault flares have a 20% chance to damage the target a third time.
>point my shield
Your black alloy shield trembles with power as you swivel a twisted metal lever on its side!
Virescent fumes briefly churn around you, leaving a shimmering haze in their place as you angle your black alloy shield decisively toward a tomb troll!
[SMR result: 291 (Open d100: 60)]

 ** A twisted, prismatic spray of acid surges from the labyrinthine grooves on your black alloy shield and strikes the tomb troll! **
   ... 20 points of damage!
   A gob of acid blinds the tomb troll in the right eye!
   The tomb troll is stunned!
   ... 25 points of damage!
   Right in the face!  Hope the tomb troll wasn't attached to those facial features!
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Teaser 9 - Dehydrator

Discord Message Link: Stovetop Dehydrator
Author: GM Vanah
Date: 2/5/2025

Available at the shop Wet and Dry debuting at Bloodriven Village in 2025 is the Stovetop Dehydrator.

Off the shelf, this item can be used to 12 foraged fruits into dried edible fruit, and 16 foraged fruits and spices into Finishing Touches items which can be SPRINKLEd on food and drink to enhance its flavor.

A tobacco unlock will allow you to add foraged tobacco leaves or purchased tobacco tins and up to two flavor additives, and optionally dye, to craft your own custom cigar tobacco. The resulting tobacco can be rolled into cigars; you choose the article and adjective of the cigar, the scent, and the color of the smoke.

There are currently more than 1200 scents available for you to curate your perfect scent, available from foraged items, food and drink, tea and ice cream flavorings, Finishing Touches, and many more!

Stovetop Dehydrator

This is a Stovetop Dehydrator.  You can dehydrate certain items to create other items.

PONDER   - See what you can make.
SPIN     - Adjust finished product.
FLIP     - Adjust product description (adjective).
TWIST    - Adjust product description (article).
DROP     - Add items.
GAZE     - See current progress.
CLEAN    - Reset dehydrator.
[4:16 PM]
You could use a dehydrator to turn the following foraged items into Finishing Touches:
    a handful of wild grapes      a small coconut
    a sprig of fresh basil        a red pepper
    a sprig of fresh cilantro     a bay leaf
    a sprig of dill               some thyme
    a sprig of rosemary           some curly leaf parsley
    a sprig of tarragon           some flat-leaf parsley
    a sprig of fresh marjoram     some fresh oregano
    a bulb of garlic              some wild sage

You could use a dehydrator to turn the following foraged items into edible dried fruit:
    a small apple                 a red-green mango
    an orange-red apple           a wild strawberry
    a wintercrisp apple           a golden apricot
    a handful of red cherries     a plantain
    a speckled yellow papaya      a small banana
    a bright red cranberry        a juicy plum

You have the following unlock:
    cigar tobacco               - add foraged tobacco leaves or coldwater tobacco (max 50 doses)
                                - add up to two scent additions from food, beverage, or other sources
                                - add a dye to color your resulting cigar and its smoke
>put leav in deh
You add some tobacco leaves to a dehydrator, preparing to make tobacco for cigars.

>put berry in deh
You add all of your juniper berry into the dehydrator.
That was all of it!
The citrusy scent of juniper berry with woody undertones of pine rises from the dehydrator.

You add a portion of your cypress bark into the dehydrator.
There is one portion left.
The smoky scent of cypress rises from the dehydrator.
>gaze dehy
The dehydrator is currently set to create cigar tobacco.
Heating:              Has not begun.  The dehydrator must be placed on a lit stove in order to make tobacco.
Doses:                2
Product:              Cigar tobacco
Cigar Description:    an aromatic cigar
Tobacco Description:  a pinch of aromatic tobacco
Scent Addition 1:     juniper berry
                      citrusy scent of juniper berry with woody undertones of pine
Scent Addition 2:     cypress
                      smoky scent of cypress
Adjective:            aromatic [TWIST to change]
Possible Adjectives:  aromatic, bitter, bold, chalky, cool, dry, earthy, faint, foul-smelling, full-bodied, harsh, heavy, leathery, light, loamy, medium-bodied, mild, peppery, rich, savory, sharp, silky, smooth, soft, strong, succulent, sweet-smelling, toasty, warm, smoky, cypress-infused, cypress-laced, cypress-scented, cypress-cured, cypress-matured, cypress-smoked
Article:              aromatic [FLIP to change]
Possible Articles:    aromatic, bitter, bold, chalky, cool, cured, dry, earthy, faint, full-bodied, harsh, heavy, leathery, light, loamy, medium-bodied, mild, peppery, rich, savory, sharp, silky, smooth, soft, strong, succulent, sun-cured, sun-dried, toasty, warm, fat, long, petite, short, slender, slim, thick, thin, smoky, cypress-laced, cypress-cured
>twist deh to medium-bodied
You twist a setting on the side of the dehydrator, preparing to make tobacco that can be rolled into an aromatic medium-bodied cigar.

You flip a setting on the side of the dehydrator, preparing to make tobacco that can be rolled into a cypress-cured medium-bodied cigar.

>light stove
You rub a small rune incised into the side of the cast iron stove and a healthy flame springs to life inside the stove.
The intensity of the glow behind the cast iron stove's grate intensifies to a subdued reddish-orange and visible waves of heat rise from its heating plates.
> ...
>The medium-bodied tobacco inside the dehydrator looks to be appropriately dehydrated.
[4:27 PM]
>get tobacco from deh
You remove a jar of medium-bodied tobacco from in a dehydrator.

>roll my tobacco with wrapper
You remove one wrapper from a bundle of cigar wrappers on top of a kitchen counter and take one pinch of tobacco from a jar of medium-bodied tobacco and press it in a thin line down the wrapper's length, careful to distribute the tobacco evenly.
There are 495 wrappers left in a bundle of cigar wrappers.
There is one pinch of tobacco left in a jar of medium-bodied tobacco.

Ever so deftly, you roll the leaf wrapper between forefinger and thumb.  You lick the resin along the remaining edge and press it firmly against itself, creating a cypress-cured medium-bodied cigar.
Roundtime: 15 sec.

>get my match
You get a long narrow white wooden match from your cloth pouch.
>light my match
You light the match by flicking it against your thumb.
>light my cigar with my match
You inhale deeply on the cigar, lighting it.  The area fills with a juniper berry and cypress smoke.
A draft of wind swirls the cigar smoke around you, mixing the citrusy scent of juniper berry with woody undertones of pine with the smoky scent of cypress.
>pull my cigar
You put the cigar to your lips and puff lightly, letting the juniper berry and cypress aroma surround you.
Parting your lips in a taut oval, you blow the juniper berry and cypress-scented smoke out in a steady stream that floats up to hang in a cloud before you.

You take a pinch of medium-bodied tobacco leaves from the tobacco.
Realizing that the medium-bodied tobacco is empty, you throw it away.
>eat my tobac
You take a small pinch of tobacco and tuck it behind your bottom lip, savoring the flavor.
You slowly exhale, causing the air surrounding you to smell of juniper berry and cypress.