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Ebon Gate Festival/teasers 2015

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Follow Gemstone IV on Twitter for merchant announcements during the 2015 Ebon Gate Festival.

Services · Ebon Gate 2015 Shop List · Teasers · GHOUL

Storyline Schedule

EG 2015 Storyline - Scaled to Perfection

  • Monday, 10/19, 10:00 PM - ACT 1
  • Tuesday, 10/20, 10:00 PM - ACT 2
  • Wednesday, 10/21, 10:00 PM - FINALE (You must be present at this to receive this year's prize.)
  • Thursday, 10/22, 10:00 PM - EPILOGUE (You will redeem your prize on this evening.)
  • Monday, 10/26, 10:00 PM - ACT 1
  • Tuesday, 10/27, 10:00 PM - ACT 2
  • Wednesday, 10/28, 10:00 PM - FINALE (You must be present at this to receive this year's gift.)
  • Thursday, 10/29, 10:00 PM - EPILOGUE (You will redeem your gift on this evening.)

NOTE: The ability to select a gift on the 22nd/29th BEGINS at that time and will remain available through the end of EG, so if you can't get there on the evening of the the Epilogue, you can do so sometime before the end of the festival.

Midway Prizes

Changes have been made to the Midway to get rid of junky prizes and replace them with tickets that can be exchanged for more desirable prizes.

In the past, well over 99% of all junk and decent prizes (T2 and T3) ended up in the trash or got pawned. These prizes will be replaced with a small number of Ebon Gate prize tickets, much like real carnivals and arcades. This non-silver currency works like bloodscrip. It will be a physical item that can be REDEEMed to add to a character's total, which can be checked with the TICKET verb. Good prizes (Tier 4) and the unique bin (Tier 5) remain unchanged.

Two new shops have opened on the Midway to take your tickets in exchange for prizes. There are over 100 new prizes to choose from along with some old favorites.

Q&A by GM Tamuz
Q: What are the prizes?
A: Predominately fluff oriented, that was one of our big goals. The prizes are about on par with Good (Tier 4) wins, so nothing crazy. There are some useful items, to be sure, but please don't expect mechanical goods similar to what is available at Duskruin. For example, there are some special Ebon Gate spell preps in the mix, which I've already teased earlier in this topic!
Q: What else can I use my prize tickets for?
A: Besides prizes or getting into the Necropolis? I mean, we'll have shovels for sale...
Q: No really, what else?
A: There won't be an auction with bidding only in tickets, or anything like that. They're meant to be a fun, carnival feel where you spend more silver than you actually get back in prizes.
Q: So there's no reason to stockpile tickets and buy them up like crazy from other festival goers?
A: That's the general idea, unless you really want some of the items from the prize wall!


Spell Prep Messages

TOME: Invoking this leather-bound tome will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells. It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: A swirling cloud of shadow forms around your right hand as you prepare [Spell Name]... Third Person: A swirling cloud of shadow forms around Tamuz's right hand as he prepares a spell... Hidden or Invisible: A swirling cloud of shadow forms in midair.

CODEX: Invoking this torn leather codex will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells. It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: A thick, shadowy mist pours out of your mouth as you prepare [Spell Name]... Third Person: A thick, shadowy mist pours out of Tamuz's mouth as he prepares a spell... Hidden or Invisible: A thick, shadowy mist pours into the area.

GRIMOIRE:Invoking this black leather grimoire will grant you permanent access to a special method of preparing your spells. It will provide the following phrase:

First Person: Pools of inky shadow form beneath your feet as you prepare [Spell Name]... Third Person: Pools of inky shadow form beneath Tamuz's feet as he prepares a spell... Hidden or Invisible: Pools of inky shadow form on the ground.

Uncommon Rune Teaching

There will be 10 uncommon demon runes available, 9 with no valence restrictions, and only ONE abyran'sa teaching for a character with 100+ Demonology ranks. There are no restrictions for the other runes besides being a sorcerer who can cast Minor Summoning (725).

Tobirum will be somewhere on the Western Walkway at 9:30pm eastern on Monday night.

Fluff Script Swapping

Info provided by GM Tamuz:

This service will let you move a fluff script from one item to a similar item. The donor object will be destroyed in the process. The recipient object must be unscripted. I can do script removal at the time the service is offered. The description of the donor object can be copied onto the recipient object at the time of the service, if you so desire (and it makes sense).

Rules are as follows:

  1. The items must be worn in the same location, if worn.
  2. The recipient object must make sense for the script. While both hairsticks and hairties are worn in the same location, the messaging for a hairtie script would not make sense on hairsticks.
  3. FLUFF SCRIPTS ONLY. If it has combat applications, that is a no go. I have the final determination on what qualifies as a fluff script for the purposes of this service.
  4. I reserve the right to veto any swap.

Cost: 500,000 silver. 1,000,000 silver if the recipient object is enhancive.

Forged Weapon Enchanting

Info provided by GM Tamuz:

There will be 5 services available, 3 of which will ONLY be for people who have a weapon that they have personally forged. Maximum enchant of +40, no weighting over heavy, no combat scripts.