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Ebon Gate ticket
This currency is deprecated and is no longer implemented. Information in this article is presented for historical reference only. |
Ebon Gate tickets premiered at Ebon Gate 2015 as a new currency distributed in the Halfway Midway games in place of Tier 2 and Tier 3 prizes that had been trashed in previous years. Like Bloodscrip, Ebon Gate tickets are physical item in game and must be REDEEMed by a character to use. Once they are redeemed they cannot be removed from that character to be given to another. Use TICKET to see how many Ebon Gate tickets (and other currency) are applied to a character.
Ebon Gate tickets that were generated in 2015-2016 converted to general tickets in June 2017.
Redemption Shops
- Delirium Manor gift shop
- Ebon Gate Halfway Midway