Eyes of the Dawn - 2016-11-11 - Stability for Larsya and Salve for Half-Elves (log)
Eoantos 11-12, 5116
by Leafiara Autumnwind of the [[::The_TownCrier|TownCrier]]
- With the permission of her father, the Baron of Bourth, Larsya is woken from her stasis. Brieson from the Hall of Mages says that he believes they can halt her aging caused by the Epochxin-tipped arrow, albeit not reverse it yet.
- Larsya thinks she's still a younger lass playing pirate, but when she sees her wrinkled arm, she panics and calls for her father. Shortly afterward, she reverts to thinking she's a pirate again. Some adventurers speculate that she's in such trauma that her mind regresses or suppresses the shock, but others think that temporal effects forcibly revert her, keeping her frozen within a limited window of time.
- While this is going on, a figure who seems to be about the height of the Baron appears above the group watching the scene before him, but does not come down. Left without a solution for now, Larsya is eventually taken away to private quarters by some soldiers.
- Afterward Brieson wishes to test his salve to cure Raznel's black blood curse, taking further half-elf volunteers after his initial test on Shinann had worked in weeks prior.
- Leafiara volunteers first. After Brieson applies the salve, she briefly feels pain, cold, and numbness, but stays lucid as her veins expand and bubble. [[::Cruxophim|Crux]] drains excess blood into a bucket with her permission and then the veins thin back out and feeling returns to her. As with Shinann, the black veins on her cheeks and neck do not disappear immediately and Leafi is asked to wait and see if the salve takes effect, noting how she feels in the meanwhile.
- Gavrien is tested next. His face begins smoking up and then the black veins seem to come alive and creep up his face and under his hair... then his hair falls from his head, leaving him bald. The fallen hair forms into maggots that attack, but they're quickly slain. Gavrien is not especially pleased with this turn of events, but much like his hair, the black veins from his cheeks and neck are gone.
- Kippe is tested last for the evening, the only one who has veins appear on his hands in addition to his face and neck. He screams as his face and neck veins burrow into his flesh, then his fingernails begin to crack and his fingers stretch, snap, swell, and bloat up. Lylia and others suggest emergency amputation and Kippe agrees, so Lylia [[::Limb_Disruption_(708)|removes his arms]]. The fingers of his severed arms come to life and attack, but are swiftly destroyed, and after Sareyna heals Kippe there is no sign of the black veins remaining.
[note: for the time being, Leafi's actions are depicted in first person here]
Outlining the Larsya Plan
[Outpost, Outer Courtyard]
Guards flank the outpost's second portcullis, the entryway into the interior of the Hendoran's compound. Both soldiers clutch halberds and gaze directly forward from under polished helms. The inner wall, built of stone, looms up over the entryway with arrow slits running the length of the visible wall. You also see a stone bench.
Lord Brieson just arrived.
Brieson bows.
Brieson says, "Hello everyone."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "... Brieson."
Brieson reaches out and touches his Imaera's Lace.
Speaking to Brieson, Irar says, "Greetings."
Puptilian says, "Imaerite."
Brieson says, "Magister."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Brieson says, "Deacon."
Speaking softly to Brieson, Areigha says, "Eveing Sir Cassle... I trust you slept well."
Brieson nods at Irar.
Brieson shrugs at Areigha.
Brieson asks, "You have volunteered for later tonight, yes?"
Brieson peers quizzically at you.
You say, "I have! Though... I can't say I'm familiar with how the experiment went last time..."
You ask, "May I have a few friends in the room with me for moral support?"
You cock your head.
You say, "I did hear that it was painful."
(Shinann touches her neck.)
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Brieson says, "We have but one subject so far, Shinann."
Maylan says, "Should you wish to have a healer nearby, I'm sure several of us would oblige. Including myself."
Brieson says, "Some pain, but results within a few days."
Brieson says, "You'd be the second."
Brieson nods to you.
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian asks, "Any change to the cure to make it more effective faster?"
Brieson says, "We'd like some measure of observations before we mass produce and spread among all of the afflicted."
Brieson says, "It's possible."
Brieson nods at Puptilian.
Brieson says, "I've been experimenting with the salve the last few nights."
You say, "I can endure the pain, I'm sure--with the presence and encouraging words of my friends. That would do even more for me than a healer since my life's work is serving and saving others--I trust in them."
You nod at Brieson.
Brieson says, "Which is why I feel comfortable with releasing Larsya."
Speaking to Brieson, Maylan asks, "Will this reverse her aging or only stall it?"
Brieson says, "I believe we can end her growth speed. But, I have not yet found a way to reverse it."
Goldstr says, "Verra good news fer da lass."
Maylan says, "Ah."
Maylan sighs.
Brieson says, "It will stop it."
Ulkov says, "And we're sure the Baron ain't around..."
Brieson says, "In truth, it may slow her normal aging."
Brieson says, "The Baron has agreed."
Cryheart asks, "No way to make her a child again?"
Ulkov asks, "Ya get help with that?"
You say, "I can't imagine why... I wouldn't have agreed."
Brieson says, "I had never intended to work around him. But, the task at hand required it."
Lylia says, "Mentally, she still will be, presumably."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "I am curious."
Brieson says, "There may well be a way to return her to her youth."
Speaking to Lylia, you say, "Right... and that's a very tenuous situation..."
Brieson says, "Tonight? No."
Brieson says, "Tonight, if we're successful, she'll stop aging rapidly."
Cryheart says, "That is good to hear."
Brieson says, "It's also possible, as a side effect, her normal aging will slow entirely."
Cryheart says, "I miss the young Larsya."
Lylia says, "In truth, she is still a child. She is just one who looks quite different. It may be an ordeal to her, but hardly insurmountable."
Cryheart says, "She was very spirited."
You say, "Not much of a comfort after already aging so far..."
Brieson says, "Meaning, even though she is quite old, it may take five years, for her to age one year."
Areigha softly asks, "Insurmountable?"
Areigha softly says, "Yea okay."
Brieson says, "It's complicated, and, wildly speculating."
Areigha softly says, "She is going to be traumatized."
Cryheart says, "Most likely."
Areigha softly says, "Imagine on a ship...boom."
Lylia asks, "She still is a child. Any of you who start treating her as an old woman are only going to make matters worse. Do you see her heart and mind, or what you see in the mirror?"
Areigha softly says, "Darkness."
Areigha softly says, "Then....you wake up."
Maylan says, "Her wolf...is he still about? Perhaps he could bring her some comfort."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "What if she were to be dosed with a sample of the actual everblood - not the processed salve? If the theory is true that it heals by reverting the the body chronologically..."
Areigha softly says, "And BAM."
Mynon softly says, "Much work remains, is what he is saying. We know this, though. Such is war."
Brieson says, "I do not know what to expect."
Areigha softly says, "You're old."
Brieson says, "So, be cautious, and kind."
Puptilian says, "Dawn is still around."
Speaking to Brieson, Lylia says, "Very good advice."
Cryheart says, "Aye, she in appearance may be older, but she is only a young child yet."
Raelee quietly continues, "... the salve and the blood would likely have to be balanced... find homeostasis..."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "If her dad will not be here we should be somewhere we can bring her wolf to so she at least have that comfort."
Ulkov asks, "So, what, we call her "kiddo" and leave the shock for the next time she struts past a stream?"
Areigha softly says, "Right."
Areigha softly says, "Hide your mirrors."
Avalera says, "There's a such a thing as tact."
Lylia quietly says, "I believe we let those closest to her explain what has happened."
Avalera says, "It wouldn't hurt to use it."
Speaking softly to Avalera, Areigha says, "Please do tell."
Maylan says, "Yes perhaps we should all agree to give her some time and space when she first awakens."
Avalera says, "Wouldn't either."
Speaking to Maylan, Mynon says, "Well said."
You thoughtfully say, "I just think we should speak to her without expecting that she has the wisdom and perspective of someone as mentally and emotionally old as she is physically--no need to pretend nothing has changed."
Speaking softly to Avalera, Areigha says, "What kind of tact do you have in telling a young girl someone tried to kill her and now because of the poison arrow she has aged well beyond her years."
Areigha softly says, "Oh oh."
Areigha softly says, "And by the way."
Areigha softly says, "Your dad couldn't make it."
Maylan says, "Of course not. But we are not the right ones to explain these matters to her."
Brieson rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Avalera says, "Right, so best just charge headlong into it."
Brieson says, "A thought for future experiments."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Raelee flatly says, "... children do not need to be addressed so delicately as if their minds can handle nothing."
Raelee nods slowly at Brieson.
Areigha softly says, "I see nothing gained in beating around the bush."
Brieson slowly empties his lungs.
Areigha softly says, "But."
Maylan says, "Everyone deserves a delicate touch when they are facing a traumatic situation."
Areigha softly says, "We can give her hope."
Ulkov says, "I shoulda brought snacks."
Avalera asks, "What part of tact means 'say nothing'?"
Brieson says, "We did move her from the Shrine."
Brieson says, "That I made sure happened immediately."
Brieson says, "The Baron was in agreement."
Areigha softly says, "Reassure her we will not rest until we have found an undoing for what has been done."
Goldstr asks, "It was safe ta do den?"
Puptilian says, "If you can not find the right words to say please be silent. This will be a horrible shock without making it worse."
Speaking to Brieson, Ulkov asks, "You keep sayin' that. Convincin' us or yourself?"
Speaking to Areigha, Irar says, "He means you."
You honestly say, "I'm very terrible with children, so I'll try not to say something stupid."
Areigha softly says, "I am tired of being singled out."
Areigha softly says, "This child has been experimented on."
Areigha softly says, "A child of noble blood no less."
Areigha softly says, "Without the blessing of the father."
Areigha softly says, "I hardly think anyone here has a leg to stand on."
Brieson glances at Areigha.
Ulkov glances down.
Ulkov says, "I got two..."
Falvicar quietly says, "I have two legs."
Speaking to Puptilian, Meril asks, "What has happened to the girl's wolf?"
Speaking softly to Irar, Areigha says, "This one yes."
You say, "The Baron did give his blessing... although I still can't imagine why..."
Rowmi slowly asks, "Did you not all bring her into a demon waste as bait, to begin this endeavor?"
Brieson says, "I have assured the Baron we will not rest until we find a way to revert her aging."
Rowmi reasonably says, "I think letting the man attempt a cure is not out of the question, in comparison."
Brieson says, "But, the first step is to stop it."
Brieson says, "To that end, he has agreed."
Lylia wearily asks, "Instead of bibbling and babbling about permissions and necessities and the ethics of it all, how about finding a way to awaken the young woman and preserve her life?"
Shanak says, "Cruxophim likes children, he might be willing to speak to her."
Speaking dryly to Lylia, Kayse says, "Oh, you mean take action and do something instead of banter? That is not the Landing way."
The Hendoran and Bourthian soldiers arrive, unloading the large crystalline coffin slowly down off of a wooden cart. The soldiers step back.
>look coff
The coffin is nearly translucent, crafted purely out of a smooth, crystalline substance. Upon closer inspection, faint whorls of golden runes can be seen, almost infused into the material. Within the coffin is an elderly woman with wrinkled skin, her tired violet eyes open wide. Her scalp is spotted and discolored, haphazardly covered with clumps of frazzled white hair. A black eyepatch dangles from her fingertip, frozen in time.
Irar asks, "We're doing it here, in the courtyard?"
Brieson gazes with interest at a large crystalline coffin.
Brieson sighs.
Mynon says, "She will be cold when she emerges."
Divone asks, "A blanket?"
Mynon says, "A blanket will not be what she needs, but a source of warmth."
Speaking to Mynon, Raelee says, "That is the least of the problems."
Speaking absently to Brieson, Cruxophim speculates, "If her aging is indeed caused by temporal magic, and not physical tampering, I wonder if it would be possible to draw out that temporal magic in order to reverse the process?"
Puptilian says, "She is going to want her wolf...."
You say, "And don't any of you think about Fire Spirit, please."
Puptilian says, "Or her dad."
Speaking to Raelee, Mynon says, "But it is a present one."
You apologetically say, "Sorry, this is exactly why I said I'm terrible with children."
Speaking curiously in Sylvankind to you, Dirvy asks, "Is the town citizens of the Landing so violent, then?"
Speaking to Mynon, Raelee says, "And quite easily solved."
Divone mutters, "Physical warmth. Child might be plain scared...."
Speaking in Sylvankind to Dirvy, you say, "After what I saw some standing here do to some mind-controlled children a few nights ago... yes. Some are."
Areigha offers Brieson a sleek black puma fur blanket.
Speaking to Brieson, Mynon asks, "Will you be applying the salve?"
Speaking softly in Sylvankind to you, Dirvy says, "But that was in defense, no? I cannot imagine anyone here would purposely harm a helpless woman."
Speaking to Areigha, you say, "You always get such a harsh reputation even though you're so thoughtful. I don't understand it."
Speaking curiously to Mynon, Cruxophim ventures, "To... Larsya?"
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "Simply put... simple minds doll."
Brieson accepts Areigha's black puma fur blanket.
Speaking in Sylvankind to Dirvy, you say, "Oh, I personally believe that we had it under control without killing them. Either way, though, we do have some unconventional thinkers here..."
Areigha softly says, "Do you wish this blanket for the child or not."
Brieson says, "There's an abundance of theories on how we might, de-age poor Larsya."
Speaking in Sylvankind to Dirvy, you say, "Never can tell what they might come up with when the goal is to warm someone up."
Brieson says, "That will be a discussion and experiments for another time."
Brieson says, "Tonight, we need to stop the aging."
Speaking softly in Sylvankind to you, Dirvy says, "I would hope setting her aflame is not foremost in their minds."
Brieson says, "Or we'll have nothing to work with."
Brieson says, "Yes, I'll be applying a modified version of the salve."
Roblar deeply says, "Found many a potion in a strange manor recently."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee asks, "Modified how?"
Roblar deeply says, "Made me feel younger."
Speaking thoughtfully to Raelee, Cruxophim agrees, "Fine question."
Speaking softly to Roblar, Areigha says, "Aye.. I found a bright orange potion seems to reset your age."
Speaking darkly to Roblar, Neovik says, "I have enough to bathe in for the rest of my life."
Roblar deeply says, "Sadly sold dem to pawnshop."
Brieson says, "Boiled, and a few minor modifications."
Brieson says, "The Hall shall discuss in the future."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Roblar deeply says, "Powerful magic."
Brieson says, "The Hall is not ready to, make it quite so public."
Brieson says, "So we'll discuss."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Speaking thoughtfully to Raelee, Cruxophim speculates, "I would imagine adjusting to neutralize the active component in the original Epochxin."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "That is a result, not a method."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "The what. Not the how."
The Procedure Begins
Brieson removes a vial of bubbling black liquid from his pouch.
Speaking softly to Brieson, Areigha says, "Sir Cassle, what do you have in mind to stop her age progression."
Brieson says, "This."
Brieson indicates a vial of bubbling black liquid as a possible option.
Madmountan asks, "That looks...yummy?"
Speaking softly to Brieson, Areigha says, "Pour it into her weak and frail mouth."
Areigha peers quizzically at Brieson.
Brieson says, "No."
Balantine quietly says, "More black gook."
Speaking to Balantine, you say, "The way of everything lately."
Shanak asks, "Didn't Pylasar use extraplanar magic before to affect time ... those things from the elemental plane?"
Brieson walks over to the coffin, surveying the surface, observing the runes, looking for something.
Kayse simply says, "Do we not have her father, her wolf, or something she is comfortable with here? I'm sure seeing our strange faces upon waking up won't be comforting..."
Balantine quietly says, "Have some strawberry fizz to wash it down."
Brieson says, "Her father cannot watch. The wolf has not been seen nor heard recently."
Brieson frowns.
Speaking to Kayse, Puptilian says, "The wolf is nearby."
Speaking to Puptilian, Kayse says, "Yes, I've heard it."
Ylandra says, "You know, you're right. It's been at least a week since I've heard it."
Lylia dryly says, "Feel free to try locating a forlorn wolf and bringing it into a bustling military outpost."
Areigha softly says, "I have not heard it."
Brieson nods at Ylandra.
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "The wolf is near. He like my friend will not come in here. If we take her to the front gate he will come."
Goldstr says, "Aye has nae heard Dawn fer a bit now."
Balantine quietly says, "If she awakens, she can hae a chocolate treat as well."
Lylia says, "Possibly with a Symbol of Sleep, though."
Meril says, "If they are bonded truly, the wolf will know when she wakes."
Speaking wryly to Raelee, Cruxophim admits, "I often work with results more than methods."
Areigha softly says, "We are not waking her...I thought only stopping her aging."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee says, "I think you will find those results are far easier to repeat if you make note of the method."
Appearing along the stone ramparts above, like a stone gargoyle perched on high, Thadston appears. His helm is missing, his face chiseled in a permanent frown, his eyes grim and dark. He watches the proceedings below with silence.
Balantine quietly says, "She likes the chocolate, perhaps later then."
Brieson says, "Let's...begin."
Ulkov exclaims, "Hail Thadston!"
Speaking wistfully to Raelee, Cruxophim notes, "That explains a lot."
Irar says, "Well there's a ray of sunshine. Poor man."
Brieson moves closer to the coffin, the murky liquid popping and bubbling as he walks slowly.
Puptilian says, "Broken man."
Areigha softly says, "He is a strong warrior...he will be fine."
Lylia says, "Broken? Hardened, you mean. Tempered."
Brieson utters a word, whispers it more like it, and a small golden rune flashes on the front of the coffin. Like the melting of ice, a tiny fissure opens within the coffin, and Brieson slowly, and carefully, pours the contents of the black liquid inside. He utters another word, and the coffin seals back up.
Puptilian says, "No. He lost his wife. He lost himself. He lost who he was and all for duty. His son is missing and held captive. That is not tempered."
Lylia wearily says, "Yes, of course. You would know the soul of any man far better."
Cruxophim idly remarks, "One man's broken is another man's tempered."
The black liquid begins to stretch and thin within the coffin, slowly transforming into a shadowy mist that begins to creep across every inch of space within the coffin, slowly obscuring Larsya in a dark shroud.
[many fidgeting and other nervous reactions]
Brieson steps back, watching, waiting, but not nervous.
Speaking absently to Brieson, Raelee asks, "... is that why you boiled it?"
>look coff
The coffin is nearly translucent, crafted purely out of a smooth, crystalline substance. Upon closer inspection, faint whorls of golden runes can be seen, almost infused into the material. Murky black liquid swirls about inside like churning, shadowy fog.
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Cryheart says, "Interesting."
The black fog continues to swirl about inside of the coffin, churning, twisting, like a tempest of shadows.
*THUD* Suddenly, breaking through the darkness, a hand slams against the inside of the coffin. Its fingers are pale, wrinkled and gnarled.
Areigha softly says, "Is no one going to open it."
Ulkov says, "Yep. Shoulda brought snacks."
Speaking to Puptilian, Stormyrain mutters, "I really need a drink, or some more sleep."
You quietly say, "Relax... relax."
Mynon softly says, "Reemeber, she will have a lot to deal with. No need to inform her of all that has transpired, at once."
Rowmi offers Stormyrain a cup of chocolate-laced coffee.
Brieson says, "Not yet..."
Stormyrain accepts Rowmi's chocolate-laced coffee.
Brieson watches the coffin.
Speaking to Rowmi, Stormyrain says, "Not sure..this will help, but thank you."
Cryheart says, "At, dinnae overwhelm her with questions and statements."
Stormyrain takes a drink from her chocolate-laced coffee.
You quietly say, "And remember, Leafi, better to be quiet for once than to say anything dumb..."
Cryheart says, "Poor lass."
Speaking to you, Ulkov says, "You got friends could benefit from that wisdom."
Lylia leans over and whispers, "You are not the one who needs that self-admonishment, I suspect."
You quietly whisper to Lylia, "I do appreciate that. Thank you."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "I wonder how the view is from Thadston's vantage point."
Maylan says, "Probably blurrier and smaller."
Within the coffin and dark smoke, the hand slowly slides down the glass, the old creased fingertips pressed against the crystalline surface. Thud. Thud.
Goldstr says, "She wakens."
Brieson slowly empties his lungs.
Brieson says, "Soon."
Severine leans over and whispers, "This is excruciating."
Nolofinwe whispers to the group, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this...."
Thud. Thud.
Maylan asks, "Should we...knock back?"
You whisper, "Because we're messing with relatively unfamiliar magic? That's a good reason to have a bad feeling..." to your group.
You quietly whisper to Severine, "It is... for sure."
Roblar deeply says, "Hope nothin bursts from her chest."
Balantine quietly asks, "Is she conscious?"
Speaking quietly to Roblar, Brakian says, "There enough people here we can kill it with fire."
You ask, "What did I say about not thinking of Fire Spirit?"
Cryheart says, "Think positively."
Speaking to Brieson, Maylan asks, "That is supposed to happen, right?"
Brakian quietly says, "Something bursts out of her chest, that's the first thing I'm thinking of."
Raelee says, "...other spells would be more efficient if death by fire was desired."
Slowly, the black fog begins to break up within the coffin.
Brieson says, "In theory."
Brieson nods at Maylan.
Speaking in Sylvankind to Dirvy, you ask, "You see what I mean?"
Speaking bemusedly to Brieson, Cruxophim echoes, "...in... theory?"
Brieson nods at Cruxophim.
Speaking softly in Sylvankind to you, Dirvy says, "Fear drives many to irrational thought."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Raelee offers, "This would be the first trial in the experiment. It remains theory until it is repeated many more times."
Peeling away, the black fog begins to dissipate, revealing the aged and bent Larsya within. Her eyes are open wide and in shock. A long minute passes, and then she blinks. She blinks again.
[reactions continue throughout]
Goldstr says, "Poor lass."
Balantine yells, "Larsya, your friends are here and trying to help you!"
Irar says, "Koar's blessings upon you."
Ulkov asks, "Reckon that glass is reflective?"
Brieson utters a word, and slowly the front of the coffin begins to melt away, like the sloughing of a snake's skin.
Roblar deeply says, "Still looks old."
Roblar frowns.
Dirvy softly says, "A woman's age is often shown on her hands. She will know sooner than she is told."
Speaking to Roblar, Stormyrain says, "Yes..this wasn't going to change that."
Severine leans over and whispers, "They're not going to attack her, are they?"
Speaking softly to Dirvy, Areigha says, "Don't waste your breath lass...they know best."
Speaking to Dirvy, Ulkov says, "Never considerd that. Good point."
Roblar deeply says, "Let's hope her now old heart can stand such a shock."
You quietly whisper to Severine, "No, they wouldn't. She's a Baron's daughter... much too dangerous for anyone to try anything because of his political power."
Speaking softly to Ulkov, Dirvy asks, "She has only but to see. Let us hope she is too confused to notice?"
Dirvy frowns.
Larsya Wakes
Slowly, Brieson steps to the coffin, and lowers Larsya to her feet, out of the coffin.
Larsya blinks.
Roblar deeply says, "Not everyday life passes you by, well not instantly."
Brieson steps back.
[greetings, bowing, etc. from many]
Cryheart says, "Hello ye Ladyship."
Puptilian softly says, "Lady Larsya."
Speaking affably to Larsya, Cruxophim greets, "M'lady."
Lylia quietly says, "Hello, Lady Larsya."
Larsya exclaims, "I am the Black Pirate Larsya! Dreaded Scourge of the Seas!"
>look lars
You see Lady Larsya Caulfield.
She appears to be a Human from Bourth.
She is short and appears to be withered with age. She has very tired violet eyes and wrinkled skin. She has long and thin, frazzled bone white hair. She has a creased face, a splotch-marked nose and bent shoulders. Her back is gnarled, her form stooped over. Her scalp is spotted and discolored, haphazardly covered with clumps of frazzled white hair.
She is in good shape.
She is wearing a midnight black eyepatch, a chipped glass vial, a delicate lagoon opal ring, a small rose, a lion skin quiver, a crystal amulet, a silk-lined white leather cloak, a mother-of-pearl clasp bathed in blue green lagoon opals, a thin gold-stringed white leather satchel, some supple dark leather hunts, a black and white iron signet ring, a small feed pouch, a narrow dark back sling, some slim dark leggings, a pair of brown suede knee-boots, and a curved elven-crafted wyrwood longbow.
Speaking to Larsya, Irar says, "Welcome back, Lady Larsya."
Speaking politely to Larsya, Rowmi greets, "Lady Larsya."
Roblar deeply says, "Aye, you sure are."
Mynon says, "A sailor's life for you, indeed."
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhh!"
Speaking quickly to Larsya, Rowmi corrects, "Er, Black Pirate, Scourge, and yes."
Speaking to Larsya, Ulkov exclaims, "Ahoy lil matey!"
Speaking excitedly to Larsya, Maylan exclaims, "Yarrr!"
Maylan thumps her mahogany pegleg on the ground in three rapid successions.
Speaking to Larsya, Kayse greets, "Ahoy, fellow Pirate!"
Lylia replies, "And all captains quail at the sight of your pirate flag."
Puptilian says, "Gentle."
Larsya exclaims, "Lay down yer weapons! Yer ship is ours!"
Larsya says, "Argghhhh!."
(Maylan mimes dropping a sword and extends her hands straight in the air.)
Maylan exclaims, "You've got us!"
[many others mime surrender]
Gavrien mutters, "Senile might work in her favor."
Larsya raises her arm as if to declare victory, and upon seeing the flaps beneath her arm, the folded, wrinkled skin, she blinks.
Speaking surreptitiously to Maylan, Rowmi mutters, "You are a terrible land pirate."
Larsya blinks.
Cryheart says, "We surrender to ye, m'lady."
Larsya asks, "....what...?"
Balantine quietly says, "A lot has happened since you slept."
Brieson sighs.
Speaking to Larsya, Irar says, "Calm, now."
[reactions change to worry]
Speaking carefully to Larsya, Cruxophim states, "You had a very.... long nap."
Larsya looks down at her hands. Full of creases, wrinkles, like prunes.
Larsya says, "What..what..."
Larsya exclaims, "Daddy!"
Larsya stumbles back, suddenly eyes wide in fear.
Larsya exclaims, "Daddy!"
Larsya says, "What..what happened."
Brieson frowns.
[more reactions of concern and fear]
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "Explain it to her....softly."
Speaking to Larsya, Rowmi urges, "Calm, all is well."
Brieson says, "Larsya...you were..."
Speaking to Larsya, Ulkov says, "You're a hero. That's what's happened."
[some applause for Larsya]
Larsya spins around, then back around. Her eyes are wide, filled with tears, frightened and suddenly unsure who to stand next to, who to look at, and where to go.
Cryheart says, "It will be ok lass."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Maylan says, "Sit down dear. All is well."
Speaking quietly to Larsya, Lylia says, "Brave pirate. It will be well."
Brieson says, "You were poisoned, and placed in a deep sleep, where you aged rapidly young Larsya. I am so sorry."
Larsya says, "Where is..."
Speaking gently to Larsya, Cruxophim explains, "We're working to fix it."
Speaking to Larsya, Goldstr asks, "Kin ye call Dawn lass?"
Larsya says, "This..."
Larsya sobs.
Roblar reassuringly says, "Its ok Cruxophim thought wud be amusing to dress you up for a festival."
Larsya sobs.
Speaking to Larsya, Puptilian says, "Lets go find Dawn. Then we can talk."
Speaking to Larsya, Irar says, "It'll all be fine. All your friends are here to help."
Larsya pushes Cryheart.
Sareyna says, "We will return you to your former state."
Larsya exclaims, "Stay away!"
Larsya exclaims, "What...what did you do to me!"
Larsya says, "What, how.."
Larsya exclaims, "Daddy!"
Larsya exclaims, "Your elf! Daddy!"
Roblar deeply says, "Too much time in da salt water, a danger."
Speaking gently to Larsya, Rowmi says, "Little miss..."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "Remind me to have your sister explain to you about softly....."
Lylia smiles at Larsya and extends a hand to her. "Come, pirate queen, and take a breath. And then another. And we shall talk."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Areigha says, "Your father is researching a cure... he is off looking for a way to help you M'Lady."
Larsya suddenly blinks, then blinks again. She stares off for a moment.
Speaking softly to Larsya, Areigha says, "There is a wolf however."
Larsya and the Temporal Loop
Larsya exclaims, "I am the Black Pirate Larsya! Dreaded Scourge of the Seas!"
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhhh!"
Ylandra says, "Someone needs to take her somewhere quiet, away from others, immediately. This is a lot to take in, and having more than forty people isn't helping her adjust."
Cryheart asks, "Ye recall Dawn, Lady Larsya?"
Areigha softly says, "Oh crap."
[mixed reactions of concern, cheering, and confusion]
Larsya exclaims, "Lay down yer weapons! Yer ship is ours!"
Ylandra says, "Oh dear."
Cryheart says, "We surrender."
Speaking firmly to Larsya, Lylia says, "Damned right, you are."
Gavrien murmurs, "Called it."
Brieson squints.
Speaking to Brieson, Ulkov asks, "This supposed to happen?"
Roblar deeply says, "Ruh roh."
Balantine quietly says, "Dawn will be pleased to see you again."
Areigha softly says, "Well...great."
Ylandra says, "Memory issues..."
Speaking to Larsya, Maylan exclaims, "You can take my life, but you'll never have my ship!"
Maylan thumps her mahogany pegleg on the ground in three rapid successions.
Larsya moves to stand in front of Maylan.
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhhh!"
Areigha softly says, "Now she can relive this moment over and over again."
Puptilian says, "She is in shock. She is reliving her moments before we put her into the coffin."
(Maylan extends an imaginary sword.)
[reactions turn mostly toward concern]
Larsya goes to wave an arm at Maylan then suddenly blinks, looking down at her hand.
Speaking to Larsya, Sareyna exclaims, "O mighty pirate queen!"
Speaking confusedly to Brieson, Kayse asks, "Her mind is stuck in one memory?"
Roblar deeply says, "Let's, say, da bed."
Larsya asks, "...what?"
Speaking bemusedly to Puptilian, Cruxophim murmurs, "Perhaps we should let her."
Roblar deeply says, "She may hear it d'frently."
Falvicar offers Brieson a piece of ecru parchment.
Brieson accepts Falvicar's ecru parchment.
Speaking interestedly to Larsya, Rowmi murmurs, "Fascinating."
Cryheart says, "Tis the last moment she recalls."
Larsya exclaims, "What happened to me!"
Larsya blinks.
Speaking to Larsya, Irar says, "Calm, now."
Larsya looks down at her hands.
Larsya exclaims, "DADDY!"
Speaking deeply to Larsya, Roblar exclaims, "Make-up party!"
Gavrien mutters, "Knock the brat out before she has to live it again, hey?"
Brieson sighs.
Maylan says, "Oh dear."
Falvicar quietly asks, "I could...?"
Roblar deeply asks, "Iz ok, want some juice?"
Brieson clenches his jaw.
Speaking to Brieson, Stormyrain asks, "How do we stop this?"
Larsya exclaims, "What happened...what happened to me!!!"
Speaking to Larsya, Sareyna says, "Just an illusion."
Speaking to Larsya, Ulkov says, "Ya went swimmin, pruned up. Just need to dry out 'sall."
Brieson says, "I do not know..."
Speaking softly to Roblar, Dirvy says, "That is something I never expected to hear from your lips, Sir."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "Maybe we should spell her asleep for now."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Areigha says, "Someone tried to kill all of us but you save us by standing in front of the posion arrow....which made you grow reallllyyyyy old."
Brieson motions his hand, calling for some soldiers.
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia explains, "There was an arrow."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "... perhaps return her to the coffin for now."
Brieson says, "We'll get her somewhere, safe and quiet."
Roblar deeply says, "Not ma make-up party."
Falvicar quietly says, "If she breaks it.. well..."
Roblar deeply exclaims, "You all did dis!"
Speaking curiously to Brieson, Cruxophim ventures, "Temporal loophole?"
Roblar deeply says, "Ladies an der silk pillows."
Speaking to Legaci, Puptilian says, "She isn't an orphan."
Speaking softly to Roblar, Dirvy pouts, "Shame that... you would make such a pretty princess."
Speaking quietly to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "Or memory concerns."
Larsya asks, "An arrow?"
Larsya says, "How did this..."
Larsya spins around, looking about wildly, eyes wide and full of tears.
Larsya exclaims, "DADDY!"
Lylia says, "There are places where --"
Larsya exclaims, "Daddy where are you!"
Stormyrain flatly mutters, "Now I know why they call it practicing magic."
You quietly whisper to Cruxophim, "Thank you for putting it into words. I was thinking something that, but didn't know how to put it. I didn't study vocabulary well enough like my mother always believed I should..."
Irar says, "Koar help us."
Maylan says, "Perhaps a healer's examination..."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Areigha says, "Yea an arrow... the Baron is looking for a cure to help bring you back to a vibrant young lady."
Cryheart says, "Perhaps she needs reassurance from his Excellency."
Roblar deeply says, "Perhaps candy."
Roblar snaps his fingers.
Roblar deeply says, "Ate it all."
Roblar mutters under his breath.
In the shadow of the tower, a man appears. The dark of night hides most of his features, but he appears the height of Baron Caulfield. Larsya keeps calling out for her father, and the man slowly turns, stepping back out of sight.
Balantine removes a milk chocolate rosebud treat from in his satin sack.
Speaking wryly to Roblar, Cruxophim mutters, "Yes, I'm sure that candy will quell the rising panic."
Balantine offers Roblar a milk chocolate rosebud treat.
Goldstr says, "She shoulds be wid her father."
Roblar accepts Balantine's milk chocolate treat.
Speaking to Legaci, Puptilian says, "She needs familiar more then anything."
Areigha softly says, "Oh no you don't."
You quietly whisper to Areigha, "He is a coward. It's true."
Roblar offers Larsya a milk chocolate rosebud treat.
Ylandra asks, "Where IS he?"
Larsya accepts Roblar's milk chocolate treat.
Areigha yells, "Come back here!"
Divone says, "Dang.."
Roblar deeply says, "Av some candies."
Speaking to Puptilian, Legaci remarks, "As you say, but then again. I was no part of her.. current state of affairs as well."
Areigha leans over and whispers, "I knew it the moment he decided not to be here."
Larsya exclaims, "DADDY!"
Divone says, "Careful..."
Larsya says, "What...what...happened..."
Larsya turns around.
Larsya turns around.
Roblar grabs a laje-buckled leather swordbelt from a weathered black leather pocket inside of his bear hide greatcloak.
Roblar shows Larsya his leather swordbelt.
Roblar tilts his leather swordbelt side to side, making the light play off it.
You quietly say, "Nightmarish."
Areigha snaps her fingers at Larsya.
Speaking to Brieson, Ulkov says, "This can't persist..."
Speaking to Brieson, Maylan says, "Perhaps some whiskey to calm her mind."
Areigha snaps her fingers at Larsya.
Roblar deeply says, "Look, got you somethin to play pirate."
Rowmi dazedly murmurs, "Daddy..."
Falvicar quietly says, "Sit down before you look."
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "He is near. He cannot come to you yet."
Alasatia says, "She's overwhelmed. Let her rest."
Speaking softly to Larsya, Areigha says, "Hey focus."
Roblar deeply says, "Children."
Speaking to Alasatia, Maylan asks, "Can you put her to sleep?"
Roblar deeply says, "So easily.."
Irar whispers to the group, "Should we put her to sleep? This can't continue."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "Rest, put her to sleep then slowly talk to her. This is too much for her at once."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "Maybe tomorrow after a night of actual sleep she can start to heal."
Brieson nods.
Larsya blinks.
Falvicar quietly says, "Let Ronan put you in a good sleep."
Speaking to Rowmi, Stormyrain mumbles, "Careful."
Larsya stands, staring off into the distance.
Speaking gently to Larsya, Mynon says, "Someone tried to do evil, and we work to restore you, dear lady."
Dirvy softly says, "I cannot imagine all of us standing around gawking at her is helping matters either."
Ylandra says, "Here it comes again..."
Larsya exclaims, "I am the Black Pirate Larsya! Dreaded Scourge of the Seas!"
Ylandra says, "NOW."
Speaking sadly to Larsya, Maylan says, "Yarr."
Shanak says, "This is about the most horrible thing I've ever witnessed."
Balantine quietly says, "Dream of pirate ships and swordplay, we shall speak soon."
Ylandra says, "Before she ..."
Speaking to Brieson, Divone says, "Please. Sleep for the girl."
Some Bourthian soldiers arrive.
Larsya exclaims, "Argghhh!"
Speaking to Brieson, Ylandra says, "Put her to sleep before she has to discover this again."
Speaking sadly to Larsya, Maylan says, "Argggh."
Wolfloner darkly asks, "Has she not slept enough already?"
Speaking to Wolfloner, Divone says, "She is suffering."
Wolfloner darkly asks, "Will one more day make a difference?"
The Bourthian soldiers slowly surround Larsya, and she begins to giggle at some of them. One of the soldiers hands her a tiny toy bear, that appears to be old and worn. She squeals at the sight of it, and hugs it tenderly!
Lylia says, "People do not die of suffering."
Brieson nods.
Speaking neutrally to Divone, Cruxophim opines, "Are you quite sure? Hmm."
Speaking to Lylia, Divone says, "They can go mad. And I disagree. Death can occur."
Roblar deeply says, "Cover her in a long robe."
Goldstr says, "Wise soldier."
Roblar deeply says, "With long sleeves."
Speaking to Larsya, Lylia says, "That looks like someone you have missed."
The soldiers slowly escort Larsya towards the tower, and she keeps shouting, "Argghhh! Lay down your weapons, Yer ship is ours!"
(Areigha stares at the soldiers. "Where is the Baron?")
Cryheart says, "Tis the last thing she remembers."
Ulkov says, "Throughout this whole ordeal.. I think that has hurt me the most."
You say, "I froze... couldn't even say a word about that... how horrifying."
Roblar deeply says, "She must feel taller compared to da guards."
Severine leans over and whispers, "Are you sure you want to go through with this?"
Ylandra says, "I have lost respect for her father, for not being here when she awoke."
Lylia muses, "I must be quite disagreeable tonight. Not more than an hour, and already, three people have done so."
Cruxophim carefully speculates, "Her mind has not kept up with the rapid physical aging of her brain, I'd guess. The disparity has caused some... issues."
As the soldiers and Larsya disappear into the stone tower, you suddenly hear her voice suddenly grow shrill and she screams, "....what? What happened! Daddy!" The voice trails off as they disappear inside.
Roblar deeply says, "Not sure ever had respect for em."
Speaking to Ylandra, Lylia says, "That man is a worm."
Brieson frowns.
Speaking to Brieson, Shinann asks, "Is she stuck in a loop?"
You quietly whisper to Severine, "If it's the same test that was done on Shinann, then yes... I'll ask what the test is before I go through with it, of course."
Severine leans over and whispers, "That wasn't a particularly reassuring display of their competence."
Mynon says, "Endless waking is not life."
Speaking interestedly to Lylia, Cruxophim mutters, "Which man?"
Shanak says, "Yep, didn't need to hear that last scream."
Goldstr says, "She be in shock. It will pass."
Speaking to Mynon, Irar says, "It won't be forever."
Brieson says, "Either it keeps repeating..."
Speaking quietly to Brieson, Lylia asks, "What is the next step?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, Ylandra says, "Her father."
Brieson says, "Or she forgets, and goes back."
Wolfloner darkly asks, "Are we sure Lord Spensor is well?"
Speaking monotonously to Mynon, Cruxophim mutters, "Life is overrated."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Lylia says, "Spensor."
Shinann mutters something about coward.
Alasatia asks, "Where is Baron Caulfield?"
Irar says, "I think it's safe to say he's not."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "... the impact of chronological magic on the mind is not well studied or documented..."
Roblar deeply says, "Living her life wid notes to remember marked on her sounds horrible."
Shinann says, "Yes."
Brieson says, "He could not be present."
Roblar deeply says, "Hopefully magic can find a way."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "... but it is a remarkable case study..."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Areigha softly says, "Feeling sorry for himself."
Brieson says, "She is also a person."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Ulkov says, "Case study... mages."
Brieson says, "Not simply a study."
Stormyrain mentions, "Were that my daughter, not even death would have kept me from her side during this."
Shinann says, "He heard her yelling for him."
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee counters, "We still have to learn."
Brieson says, "I will return in a few minutes."
Brieson says, "Please excuse me."
Avalera simply says, "She would have awakened in my arms."
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian says, "At this point are we sure we want to put her through more. While I get people want her back to her real age, is it worth doing more experiments without knowing the answers? She has been through so much already."
Balantine quietly says, "Mayhap consult with Pylasar, he seems to know a bit about time distortion."
Lord Brieson just went southwest.
The Plan for the Black Blood
[lots of discussion among adventurers, but eventually...]
Lord Brieson just arrived.
Brieson wipes his mouth.
Brieson says, "Sorry...I think we have but only one experiment to do tonight."
Brieson nods to you.
You nod slowly at Brieson.
Brieson says, "Until we have more, recorded observations."
Brieson says, "We'll proceed with experiment two."
Brieson nods to you.
You carefully ask, "Since I wasn't here, do please clarify the details... we're simply rubbing the salve into my skin?"
You say, "Wasn't here to see Shinann's test, that is."
Brieson nods to you.
You nod slowly.
You let out a long, contemplative breath.
You say, "Okay."
Speaking heartily to you, Chamorr says, "What could possibly go wrong."
Speaking amusedly to Chamorr, you say, "Don't get me paranoid now."
Leafiara is already somewhat paranoid about the Hall of Mages and their allegiances.
You say, "Let me know when ready to begin. I'm... as braced as I'll be for the pain."
Brieson says, "I will apply some salve."
Brieson nods to you.
Brieson says, "To your skin."
Speaking softly to you, Severine says, "You've got this."
Speaking to Kayse, Ylandra says, "Leafiara has the protection of Tilamaire to hold her safe."
Brieson says, "I am not sure what the resulting pain or side effects will be."
Speaking flatly to Ylandra, Kayse says, "Of course."
Brieson says, "We hope, based on Shinann's example, some pain, and results in a few days."
Brieson says, "Would you..."
Speaking to you, Ylandra jokes, "You might come out of this a male..."
Kippe cocks his head at Brieson.
Brieson glances at Kippe.
Brieson glances at Gavrien.
Brieson says, "If you both wish to as well."
Speaking to Ylandra, you exclaim, "Cut it out!"
Brieson says, "We can do all three this night."
You fidget.
Brieson asks, "Yes?"
Gavrien grunts.
Ylandra appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Kippe nods understandingly at Brieson.
Gavrien shrugs at Brieson.
Gavrien nods at Brieson.
Brieson nods.
Brieson says, "Please join me."
Brieson says, "Let's head inside."
[the group joins]
Speaking to Brieson, Puptilian asks, "At this point why don't we just make a pool of this and dunk them in?"
You stare at Puptilian.
Speaking to you, Puptilian says, "Be faster."
Speaking lightly to Rowmi, Kayse says, "You will have to keep your black veins for now."
Cruxophim wryly mutters, "Everyone is in such a hurry to be rid of the black veins, no one has any temerity for study any more."
Speaking to Puptilian, you say, "Of all the times to show a more interesting side of you, you pick now."
You gaze up into the heavens.
Speaking lightly to Kayse, Rowmi responds, "They have their character."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Irar says, "Not everyone's as much a fan of black as you."
Speaking to you, Puptilian says, "You just don't know."
Speaking simply to Cruxophim, Gavrien says, "This sucks. Want it gone."
You offer your peanut butter brownie to Areigha, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Divone says, "You'll have to settle for self experimentation."
Speaking to Areigha, you say, "Hold this for me. I might need a treat after the pain."
Speaking pointedly to Divone, Cruxophim says, "Not about that, can do plenty of that."
Areigha has accepted your offer and is now holding a gooey peanut butter brownie with a fancy caramel 'B' on top.
You grin at Areigha.
Areigha smirks.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Rowmi offers, "You can experiment, depending."
Brieson says, "Let's head inside and upstairs."
You nod slowly at Brieson.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Maylan says, "You should have blasphemed harder. Then maybe you could have had the affliction as well."
Speaking skeptically to Maylan, Cruxophim mutters, "Pirate, please."
Speaking to Maylan, you say, "If we somehow wind up extracting the black blood instead of just neutralizing or destroying it, I did tell Crux he could have mine."
You chuckle.
Maylan says, "It would look rather fetching on him."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Maylan!
Speaking to Maylan, you say, "For some reason he thinks it looks fetching on me."
You grumble.
Maylan laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Speaking wryly to Maylan, Cruxophim jests, "Well, don't give her more reasons to be cured."
You glance between Maylan and Cruxophim.
From down the hall you hear a woman's voice scream, "What...what happened!"
Brieson sighs.
Curing Leafiara - Bubbly Lass
[Hendoran Outpost, Alchemist]
A thick wooden table sits beneath a wide wood-framed blackboard and dominates the center of the room, where it is surrounded by a number of locked chests and trunks, many of them labeled with the crest of the Hall of Mages. Large curtains flank an arched rune-etched window, allowing for the quick extinguishing of light, while numerous candles in various states of melted usage perch from precarious places throughout the room. The faint aroma of sulphur and herbs lingers in the air of the area. You also see a small dark oak stand with a vial of ebon-swirled blood on it, a sturdy wooden chair, a weathered wooden trunk, a wash basin, a rune-carved wooden door, a gold talon-shaped lantern mounted on a nearby wall, a tall invar brazier and a basket of sticks.
Severine leans softly against you.
You lean softly against Severine.
You gulp.
Brieson asks, "Who of you first?"
Berkana asks, "First for what?"
You squint at Brieson.
Gavrien points at you!
You glance at Brieson and raise your hand.
Speaking amicably to you, Cruxophim requests, "Mind if I draw a bit of blood mid-transition?"
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Uh... sure."
You chuckle.
Gavrien says, "She volunteered, her face can fall off first."
Gavrien smirks.
Speaking to Brieson, Kippe says, "I've grown used to it. I can wait."
Cryheart says, "For those of half elven blood who were afflicted by Chaston's curse."
Cryheart nods at Berkana.
You say, "More like Raznel's curse."
Brieson nods to you.
(Cruxophim casually injects you with the syringe, drawing black-hued blood.)
You grin at Brieson.
Brieson says, "Please Leafiara, have a seat."
You glance at a sturdy wooden chair.
You settle yourself on the wooden chair for a moment's rest.
Cruxophim walks to stand behind a sturdy wooden chair.
You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself.
Raelee glances between Brieson and a sturdy wooden chair.
Shanak asks, "Don't they need to wash first?"
Shanak points at a wash basin.
You glance at a wash basin.
Cruxophim dips his fingers into the wash basin and vigorously scrubs his hands clean.
You nod slowly.
Dipping your fingers into the warm waters of the wash basin, you quickly wash your hands and face.
Speaking haltingly to Brieson, Raelee asks, "Shall I get the rope?"
Leafiara is surprised and relieved that she has more or less every Landing defender here to observe this.
Brieson nods at Raelee.
You carefully say, "W-wait, wait."
You say, "I did hear about this, right. I almost forgot."
(Raelee moves briskly towards one of the supply trunks and pulls out several lengths of rope.)
You fidget.
You glance at Areigha.
Brieson removes some salve from his pouch.
Speaking to you, Goldstr says, "Ye needs be verra still."
You say, "Fine... fine, just do it."
Brieson glances at Dinaden.
You gulp.
Brieson asks, "Dinaden, yes?"
Dinaden glances at Brieson.
Dinaden says, "Indeed."
Dinaden nods briefly.
Brieson asks, "Would you mind holding Leafiara's head once she is bound?"
Dinaden blinks.
Speaking softly to you, Areigha asks, "Are you okay with that?"
Speaking to Brieson, Dinaden asks, "Surely someone here is more...qualified?"
Lylia leans over and whispers, "Remember that you can stand anything for just a few minutes. Anything at all. You are stronger than pain."
Speaking brusquely to you, Raelee says, "Sit still. Arms flat against the arm rests."
Lylia reaches over and gently rests her hand on your shoulder.
Lylia nods to you.
Speaking to Dinaden, Irar says, "I think you've got credentials enough."
You nod slowly at Lylia.
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "Speak."
Dinaden nods slowly.
Dinaden takes a deep breath.
Brieson asks, "Yes or no?"
Brieson peers quizzically at Dinaden.
Speaking to Brieson, Dinaden says, "I will do it."
Brieson nods.
Speaking to Areigha, you say, "It's fine. I'm fine. Let's do this."
(Leafiara breathes slowly and tries to sit still with her arms at the rests.)
Brieson nods at Raelee.
[other encouragement, people checking with Leafiara that she's okay, etc.]
(Raelee waits for no further invitation and immediately begins binding you to the chair, starting at the arms.)
Speaking curtly to you, Raelee says, "Lean back."
You lean back.
(Dinaden slowly moves to stand behind Leafiara.)
Cruxophim moves to stand behind you.
(Dinaden grasps Leafiara's head gently but firmly.)
(Raelee wraps another length of rope around you, binding your torso against the chair back. Finally, she finishes at the ankles, binding them to the chair legs.)
Brieson nods at Dinaden.
Speaking to you, Raelee asks, "Secure?"
Speaking tensely to Brieson, Raelee says, "Done."
Brieson says, "thank you."
(Leafiara does her best to pull against the ropes and finds that they have no give.)
You nod.
Brieson stands in front of you.
Speaking to Brieson, Dinaden says, "Ready, I...believe."
Brieson says, "Hmm."
Brieson says, "They are on your cheeks."
Brieson nods.
You say, "Yes... that's right, it was different with Shinann."
Brieson pulls tight on his gloves.
Lylia says, "And part of the way down her neck as well."
[various gentle hands on Leafiara's arm, kissing her cheek, etc.]
Brieson dips a finger in the black salve, and begins liberally applying it to Leafiara's neck and cheeks, slowly rubbing the black ichor like substance into her flesh, all along the veins.
(Leafiara remains as still as she can, disregarding her friends' touches--and those of others.)
You feel a sharp pain pinch your cheeks.
You feel that nervous twitch starting up again.
Brieson asks, "Does it...hurt?"
Cruxophim glances at you and makes a little purring sound.
You say, "A bit... not the worst yet."
Speaking heartily to you, Chamorr says, "It's ok to scream."
Berkana says, "That cannot be comfortable."
Irar peers quizzically at you.
The black veins on Leafiara's cheeks begin to widen.
Cryheart glances at you.
Shinann gazes at you.
Areigha softly asks, "Are those veins widening?"
Brieson squints.
Berkana says, "Gross... I mean..."
You nervously say, "You tell me.."
Speaking softly to Shinann, Areigha says, "I don't remember seeing that on you."
Berkana says, "Fascinating."
Ylandra asks, "Is she becoming a dark... half elf?"
(OOC) Sareyna's player whispers to the group, "This gives hot blooded new meaning."
Cruxophim calmly states, "Pain is transitive and fleeting."
Shinann says, "I could not see what others saw."
Chamorr glances at you.
The black veins stretch and expand, stretching down to brush Leafiara's lips.
Speaking softly to Shinann, Areigha says, "I am telling you they didn't get wider."
Gavrien glances over at you and winces.
Shanak asks, "Is Leafiara getting shorter?"
Severine's face turns slightly pale.
Cruxophim looks thoughtfully at you.
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at you.
Berkana says, "That does not look like it's getting better."
You nervously say, "Going to have to tell me that one too..."
You begin to feel very, very cold.
You shiver.
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "Leafiara...it's spreading."
Speaking neutrally to Brieson, Cruxophim reports, "That does not seem.... ideal."
You ask, "Um... am I supposed to feel cold?"
Shinann says, "I believe you. I just cannot confirm it for myself."
Goldstr says, "Took Lady Shinann couple days."
Shinann says, "I felt hot."
Areigha softly says, "Someone do something."
Cruxophim indicates his black steel lancet with a smile.
Severine glances at Areigha.
Severine glances at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim gently polishes his black steel lancet, taking care to avoid cutting himself on the remarkably honed edge.
Areigha softly says, "This is different."
Stormyrain gives a sidelong glance at you.
Chamorr heartily says, "New and improved salve."
Speaking to you, Lylia says, "No one is certain how you should feel, but it is important to note all sensations."
Speaking to Divone, Dirra asks, "The cure is working?"
You carefully ask, "S-so... if getting hot was part of getting better, then getting cold is probably getting worse, isn't it?"
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "Here is your sign."
(Cruxophim peers intently at you, almost as if looking through you.)
Cruxophim narrows his eyes, his dark sclera reduced to mere slits.
Speaking to Dirra, Divone says, "I'm unsure. To me, it appears we should get a bucket..for..."
Divone glances at you.
Your face goes numb.
Speaking to Areigha, you ask, "Not yet... it's... probably unintended... or innocuous?"
Speaking firmly to Dirra, Divone says, "Bucket."
Speaking sharply to Brieson, Cruxophim ventures, "Should we bleed some of the excess?"
Divone glances at you.
Evia says, "Yikes."
Gavrien squints at you.
Gavrien shudders.
(Dinaden leans back while holding Leafiara's head, looking intentionally away.)
Leafiara has lost all sense of what to think.
Speaking heartily to Brieson, Chamorr says, "Yes, we should bleed her."
Speaking to you, Shanak asks, "Have those bubbles under your skin always been there?"
Speaking to you, Lylia assures, "Not necessarily. Try not to worry too greatly."
Speaking softly to Chamorr, Areigha says, "Put your hands on her I dare."
Speaking slowly to Lylia, you say, "Working on it."
Speaking heartily to Areigha, Chamorr says, "Leeches."
Berkana hopefully asks, "Are we going to bring out some leeches?"
Brieson nods at Cruxophim.
Speaking gently to you, Cruxophim assures, "Remain calm. Also, would you mind if I cut you, ever so slightly? Just curious."
Speaking offhandedly to Cruxophim, you say, "Already told you yes."
Cruxophim nods once to you.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Areigha says, "Do it Crux."
Speaking to you, Irar says, "You know he's just going to keep asking."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha asks, "Does it hurt?"
You say, "I haven't felt pain for a while, no..."
(Cruxophim makes a careful incision along the bubbling veins on your neck, allowing the blood to flow in a small trickle which he guides to a nearby bucket.)
Brieson nods at Cruxophim.
Cruxophim squints.
For no apparent reason, Cruxophim looks rather uncomfortable.
Dinaden asks, "I am growing uncomfortable with this situation...is that absolutely necessary?"
Dinaden glances at Cruxophim.
Evia says, "If her tummy starts bulging and wiggling, everyone stand back, and don't get any on ya."
Shanak asks, "A ... bucket?"
Ulkov wearily says, "That poor kid.."
Speaking to Dinaden, Irar says, "Shouldn't have volunteered."
Shinann says, "Experimented on while getting experimented on."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Maylan asks, "Just how much blood do you need?"
You feel a tingling sensation return to your cheeks.
Speaking calmly to Dinaden, Cruxophim assures, "Patience. A good physician reacts to the situation as required."
Balantine quietly says, "I've seen scarab attacks less gruesome."
You blink.
Cruxophim sets about preparing you to be as presentable as possible.
Speaking to you, Lylia asks, "How are you feeling?"
You say, "I can feel my cheeks again... a tingling."
Lylia nods encouragingly to you.
Severine nods at Areigha.
Severine sits down next to you.
Speaking absently to you, Cruxophim mutters, "The veins are narrowed, but I can't tell yet if the blood has completed any kind of transition."
The cold begins to depart, and warmth returns to your skin.
Brieson asks, "How do you feel?"
You breathe very slowly and deliberately, calming yourself.
Cruxophim carefully diagnoses your injuries.
You say, "I'm feeling less cold now... warming back up."
Brieson nods.
You hopefully say, "A good sign? I hope."
(Dinaden relaxes his grip on Leafiara.)
Irar smiles at you.
Kippe glances between Brieson and yourself.
Dinaden takes a deep breath.
Cruxophim nods approvingly at Dinaden.
Brieson says, "Please, observe what you feel for the next few days."
Brieson nods to you.
Brieson says, "Strange."
You say, "I will."
Brieson says, "You felt heat."
Brieson nods at Shinann.
Brieson nods to you.
Brieson says, "You felt cold."
Speaking to Dinaden, Irar says, "Well done."
Shinann nods at Brieson.
Brieson glances at Gavrien.
Severine smiles at you.
Brieson says, "Please, unbind her."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
You say, "Our veins were in different places too, after all."
Gavrien cocks his head.
Gavrien raises an eyebrow.
You say, "But that wasn't as painful as I feared..."
Speaking to Irar, Dinaden says, "She was a good patient."
Speaking distractedly to Brieson, Raelee says, "Hmm? Yes."
Dinaden shrugs.
You say, "Or as I heard."
Severine stands up.
Irar grins at Dinaden.
(Raelee deftly unties the knots, releasing you from the ropes.)
Mynon says, "Curious, yes. One cured internally, and the other seemed to require draining."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "They were on Shinann's neck also."
Speaking thoughtfully to Brieson, Cruxophim notes, "Might have been the close proximity to the carotid artery."
Speaking to Areigha, you say, "Right, but not on her cheeks."
Brieson nods at Cruxophim.
You struggle, but fail to stand.
Speaking curiously to Shinann, Cruxophim ventures, "Where were your symptoms again?"
Areigha pulls you to your feet.
You nod sympathetically at Raelee.
Gavrien glances appraisingly at you.
Severine rubs you tenderly.
Cruxophim rubs you gently.
You take a deep breath.
Brieson bows to Dinaden.
Speaking thoughtfully to Areigha, Cruxophim notes, "Huh."
Dinaden bows respectfully before Brieson, his eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
Areigha offers you a gooey peanut butter brownie with a fancy caramel 'B' on top.
Curing Gavrien - A Hair-Raising Experiment
Faendryl dialogue added by Gavrien's player.
Brieson says, "Gavrien."
Brieson nods at Gavrien.
Gavrien sighs.
You say, "Thank you all... whether it works out or not... just for trying."
Gavrien nods briefly at Brieson.
Brieson says, "Please, have a seat."
You accept Areigha's offer and are now holding a gooey peanut butter brownie with a fancy caramel 'B' on top.
You gulp.
Gavrien glances uneasily at a sturdy wooden chair.
(Cruxophim cleans you quickly and efficiently, dabbing away the blood.)
Gavrien walks over to the chair and settles down.
Cruxophim sets about preparing you to be as presentable as possible.
Cruxophim grins at you.
You smile at Cruxophim.
Gavrien shifts his weight.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Meril says, "For the next patient you might try keeping a link. It will feel warmer to them, and you can diagnose more directly."
Speaking approvingly to you, Cruxophim muses, "Good as new. Just had to relieve the pressure there, a bit."
Speaking to Brieson, Gavrien grumbles, "I don't like ropes."
(Leafiara glances at her brownie but seems mostly disinterested in it.)
Gavrien scowls.
Brieson asks, "Chains?"
Gavrien narrows his eyes.
Gavrien growls, "Really don't like chains."
Brieson says, "It's best you're bound."
Gavrien mutters under his breath.
Gavrien glances away.
Brieson says, "I'm sure."
Brieson asks, "Magister?"
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Speaking monotonously to Gavrien, Raelee says, "Sit still. Arms flat against the rests. Back flat against the back."
Speaking to Brieson, Lylia notes, "He is half-Faendryl. I would presume that means he can govern himself accordingly."
Severine whispers, "You did great."
You snuggle against Severine, who cradles an arm around you.
Speaking to Gavrien, Shinann says, "That was the most difficult part for me, I think. The ropes."
Brieson says, "Yet...ropes."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
(Gavrien straightens his spine and settles his forearms flat against the armrests of the chair, clearly tense.)
Brieson grins at Raelee.
Brieson says, "He won't bite."
Gavrien nods slightly at Shinann.
Brieson says, "I'm told."
(Raelee waits no longer and begins binding Gavrien to the chair, starting at the arms. She quickly loops the rope around the torso and finishes at the ankles.)
Gavrien scowls at Brieson.
Speaking to Shinann, you say, "I've been bound in a... much worse situation."
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "Perhaps you should bite."
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Speaking to Gavrien, Raelee asks, "Secure?"
Brieson says, "Sir Geijon."
Brieson asks, "Would you mind, holding Gavrien's head, for safety?"
Balantine offers you a milk chocolate dragon-shaped treat.
You accept Balantine's offer and are now holding a milk chocolate dragon-shaped treat.
(Gavrien balls his hands into fists and tugs against his bindings for a moment.)
You glance between a milk chocolate dragon-shaped treat and a gooey peanut butter brownie with a fancy caramel 'B' on top.
Gavrien scowls.
You give Balantine a friendly hug.
Speaking sourly to Raelee, Gavrien says, "Yeah."
Brieson peers quizzically at Geijon.
Leafiara decides to eat her candy just so she doesn't have to watch what happens with Gavrien and think about how it looked for her.
You take a bite of your peanut butter brownie. As you bite through the luscious fudge coating, your taste buds are drenched in the decadent flavor of the chewy peanut butter brownie.
You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling.
Brieson asks, "Yes?"
Brieson peers quizzically at Geijon.
Speaking to Brieson, Geijon asks, "Hm?"
Brieson says, "Would you hold Gavrien's head."
Brieson says, "For his safety."
You glance at your ivory cameo.
(Geijon puts his hands out and moves over to Gavrien.)
Gavrien scowls.
Geijon nods.
Geijon nods at Brieson.
Gavrien begins to twitch.
You quietly whisper to Severine, "Are they gone? Do they look worse? Or do we have to wait and see like Shinann did?"
You quietly whisper to Severine, "I can't bring myself to look in my mirror..."
Severine leans over and whispers, "They're not gone yet."
You nod slowly at Severine.
(Cruxophim takes a few steps out of the way, making room for Meril.)
Cruxophim leans on you, giving you a companionable grin, and you note the scent of blood and roses around him.
You flash a quick grin at Cruxophim.
Meril closes her eyes and chants quietly under her breath.
Brieson slowly empties his lungs.
Severine leans over and whispers, "You look exactly the same, right now at least."
Severine rubs you tenderly.
You quietly whisper to Severine, "It took two days to affect Shinann, I think."
Brieson removes some salve from his pouch.
Brieson moves to stand in front of Gavrien.
Raelee raises an eyebrow in Geijon's direction.
Brieson says, "Cheeks and neck again."
Speaking to Brieson, Gavrien warns, "If this goes south..."
Brieson dips his fingers into the salve, slowly and lightly smearing it across Gavrien's cheeks, then neck.
Gavrien shudders.
Brieson steps back.
Speaking amusedly to Brieson, Cruxophim jests, "Good plan."
Speaking to Gavrien, Geijon says, "We've had a run of good luck lately."
Gavrien grunts.
Speaking to Gavrien, Shanak asks, "Meaning it'll be on your chest, too?"
A wisp of smoke curls up from Gavrien's cheek.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "If you let a half-Sylvan woman tolerate this better than you..."
Gavrien flinches.
Lylia looks like she was about to say something to Gavrien, but she hesitates, obviously having changed her mind.
Brieson furrows his brow.
Speaking in Faendryl, Gavrien growls, "You try it sometime."
Chamorr heartily says, "Is he spose to turn green like that."
You worriedly say, "Another reaction that looks hot... and here I was the one who felt cold..."
A tiny ribbon of smoke rises up from Gavrien's cheek.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia quips, "Certainly, just as soon as you allow Grishom Stone to burn your hand off to create a white flame wyrdling."
Gavrien rolls his eyes.
Lylia examines her fingernails.
Speaking to Gavrien, you say, "Don't listen to Chamorr. It's, um--kind of smoky-looking."
Brieson asks, "How do you feel?"
Gavrien breathes in slightly.
Gavrien reluctantly says, "...warm. That's not so bad..."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Meril says, "There will be need to draw more of the blood out if this persists too long, with the heat as it is. We will see."
Like an ethereal crown, wisps of murky smoke rise up from Gavrien's cheek, his skin shifting and stretching as the mist obscures parts of his face.
Speaking to Gavrien, Kippe observes, "You're not any uglier."
Speaking affably to Meril, Cruxophim agrees, "You got this."
Gavrien narrows his eyes.
Shanak exclaims, "Well that's an improvement!"
Azryen says, "Maybe just a little."
Azryen nods at Kippe.
Gavrien sourly says, "I'm going to kick both of your asses."
Kippe gazes in amusement at Gavrien.
Gavrien glances meaningfully between Kippe and Azryen.
Speaking amusedly to Gavrien, Kippe says, "That should be fun."
Speaking to herself, Meril murmurs, "Well, I can draw some of the burning into myself, that should make it easier..."
Meril touches Gavrien. You notice a fleeting warm glow at the point of contact.
Meril closes her eyes in concentration for a moment.
(Geijon claps his hands over Gavrien's ears.)
Geijon furrows his brow.
Speaking to Kippe, Azryen says, "Has to catch us first and all that, right? Those ropes will likely be problematic."
Speaking carefully to Gavrien, you say, "It's a lot easier to do that when you don't warn anyone ahead of time..."
(Cruxophim surreptitiously reaches down and grabs the impromptu trepanning bucket amidst the crowd.)
Gavrien shakes his head.
Cruxophim nods approvingly at Meril.
Speaking irritatedly to Geijon, Gavrien says, "Oi, leave off."
Speaking to Gavrien, Geijon says, "You should relax."
Speaking heartily to Gavrien, Chamorr says, "Hold still."
Speaking remorsefully to Azryen, Kippe says, "He cannot stay that way... forever."
Speaking to Geijon, Azryen suggests, "Cover his mouth too."
Gavrien mutters, "Not bloody likely."
The black veins along Gavrien's neck and cheek seem to come alive, creeping up the sides of his face like slimy black maggots, disappearing under his hair.
Geijon says, "Naw. He just needs to be calm."
Gavrien frowns.
Gavrien rapidly sucks in air through his teeth in pain.
Shinann says, "Gone."
Speaking to Gavrien, Shanak says, "Well the good news is the veins aren't on your cheeks and neck anymore."
You flatly say, "Under his hair isn't gone, per se..."
Speaking in Faendryl to Gavrien, Lylia asks, "How are you feeling?"
Speaking in Faendryl, Gavrien hisses, "It burns...."
A lock of Gavrien's black hair begins to move, stretching and thrashing about.
Shinann says, "Well... maybe he should shave his head."
Speaking in Faendryl to Gavrien, Azryen teases, "That a tear I see in the corner of your eye?"
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says, "I would imagine so. But it is also working, it seems."
Alasatia just nudged Azryen.
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "Better bleed him too."
Lylia shows Azryen her sapphire silk handkerchief.
Shanak says, "This cure might have alternative uses for aging men."
Gavrien shudders.
Speaking innocently in Faendryl to Alasatia, Azryen says, "What? Hating me distracts him."
Speaking in Faendryl to Azryen, Lylia says, "Perhaps he will need one for each eye."
Wisps of dark smoke rise up from the top of Gavrien's head.
Speaking wryly to Brieson, Cruxophim mutters, "Well, seems to be reacting a bit less favorably this time."
Gavrien pants, trying to catch his breath.
Speaking heartily to Evia, Chamorr says, "Burnt hair."
Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says, "As if the disease is sentient, and retreating..."
Speaking in Faendryl, Dergoatean says, "Fascinating."
Meril closes her eyes for a moment.
Speaking amusedly to Meril, Cruxophim suggests, "Wanna try and grab the little bugger?"
Dergoatean says, "We need a barber."
Balantine quietly says, "Kinda smells like the forge, quench em in oil or something."
Chamorr heartily says, "We need marshmallows."
Meril says, "It is being drawn out of the blood now and into sweat."
Wisps of smoke still rise up from Gavrien's head and the black curls of his hair fall like ribbons from his scalp, landing on the ground and coming alive!
A tiny ichor black maggot crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A tiny ichor black maggot crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A tiny ichor black maggot crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A tiny ichor black maggot crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Berkana says, "Gross."
A tiny ichor black maggot tries to bite Dirvy!
AS: +29 vs DS: +398 with AvD: +32 + d100 roll: +25 = -312
A clean miss.
An inky cloud of shadows surrounds Lylia's hand as she chants a twisting phrase...
Lylia gestures at a tiny ichor black maggot.
CS: +535 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +75 == +632
Warding failed!
Massive internal disruption for 81 points of damage!
The maggot rolls over and dies.
A swirling cloud of shadow forms around Sareyna's right hand as she prepares a spell...
Sareyna gestures at a tiny ichor black maggot.
Sareyna hurls a roaring ball of fire at a tiny ichor black maggot!
AS: +474 vs DS: +15 with AvD: +70 + d100 roll: +17 = +546
... and hits for 237 points of damage!
Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames. Bet it hurts too.
The maggot rolls over and dies.
The roaring ball of fire strikes a tiny ichor black maggot, blossoming into a much larger sphere of flame upon impact.
A burst of flame from Sareyna's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a tiny ichor black maggot.
... 70 points of damage!
Flame burns through a tiny ichor black maggot's abdomen. Greasy smoke billows forth.
The maggot rolls over and dies.
A burst of flame from Sareyna's roaring ball of fire flies off and hits a tiny ichor black maggot.
... 40 points of damage!
The maggot rolls over and dies.
A pained expression crosses Gavrien's face.
Gavrien glances uneasily around the room.
Maylan says, "Grosssssss."
Stormyrain says, "--that was.."
Falvicar quietly says, "...."
The smoke clears around Gavrien's head, his hair gone.
Balantine mutters raznel.
Berkana says, "Disgusting."
Speaking thoughtfully to Meril, Cruxophim purrs, "Interesting."
Shanak asks, "That might be a side effect?"
You ask, "These veins are... alive?"
Geijon says, "That wasn't exciting."
Dirvy softly asks, "Why do they always go for me first?"
Gavrien glances up.
>look gav
You see Gavrien the Scion of Shaundara.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He is tall and appears to be mature. He has deep-set amber eyes and olive skin. He has a bald head. He has an unshaven, angular face, a slightly crooked nose and a slanted scar across his upper lip.
Geijon asks, "Ya got anymore?"
Gavrien exasperatedly says, "You have got to be kidding me."
You cautiously say, "No, actually..."
Shinann asks, "Any idea what is happening?"
Speaking in Faendryl to Gavrian, Alasatia says, "Gross."
Dirra says, "Well...."
Speaking to Gavrien, Stormyrain says, "--no no, quite sure that wasn't a joke."
Brieson asks, "How..do you feel?"
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Cruxophim guesses, "Seem to be more parasitic than we might have thought."
Speaking to Brieson, Geijon asks, "He clear?"
Speaking consolingly in Faendryl to Gavrien, Azryen says, "We'll get you a hat."
Brieson peers quizzically at Gavrien.
Brieson nods at Geijon.
Shinann says, "I mean... it is an experiment."
Shinann nods.
Gavrien angrily says, "Drafty, is what I feel."
Brieson says, "Unbind him."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Dirra says, "Maggots are....most times good...clean disease..."
Raelee nods slightly at Brieson.
Gavrien growls to himself.
Dergoatean says, "So the salve forces black blood to coalesce into maggots... well, hardly, they took up residence in hair, too."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Meril says, "Quite safe yet, and easier to see that the blackness is truly dissipated."
(Raelee quickly unties the ropes, releasing Gavrien.)
Areigha softly says, "No more black veins though."
Dirra says, "But not pleasing."
Dergoatean says, "Transmogrification."
Speaking thoughtfully to Gavrien, Stormyrain says, "..and bald isn't so bad."
(Gavrien quickly pulls his arms away from the chair and rubs at his forearms.)
Gavrien stands up.
Gavrien takes a few steps back.
Speaking pleasantly to Meril, Cruxophim states, "Well done."
Stormyrain mumbles, "Though, he had lovely locks before."
Chamorr heartily says, "Maggots mighta been in his hair afore."
Mynon says, "A sort of nasty bug cleared out, so to speak."
(Gavrien visibly seethes, vibrating with reaction.)
Severine whispers, "You still look the same."
Gavrien clenches his jaw.
Speaking in Faendryl to Azryen, Alasatia says, "You have a new luck charm to rub, at least."
(Maylan haws on Gavrien's bald head and attempts to draw her intials in the fog of her breath.)
You nod slowly at Severine.
Speaking softly to Brieson, Areigha asks, "What's in that concoction?"
Maylan exclaims, "I can see my reflection!"
Gavrien scowls at Maylan.
Gavrien pushes on Maylan without much success.
Speaking in Faendryl, Azryen wryly says, "Won't he just love that..."
Shinann says, "Was the first thing I could think of..."
Speaking to Gavrien, Stormyrain offers, "Mayhaps the Ladies have a wig that would be fitting while uhm..your locks grow back? If ..they do?"
Speaking in Faendryl to Azryen, Alasatia says, "Shiny, too."
Lylia suggests, "Hats."
Speaking mischievously to Areigha, Cruxophim ventures, "Why, want some?"
Speaking to Lylia, Stormyrain says, "Oh, hats. Yes those too."
Divone says, "Hats."
Brieson shrugs at Areigha.
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Areigha says, "No I wish to know what the main ingredient is."
Curing Kippe - Finger-Kicking Good
Brieson glances at Kippe.
Brieson asks, "Kippe?"
Gavrien mutters, "I hate all of you right now."
Dirra says, "Not the best of healers but I know diseased flesh consumed by maggots heals healthily."
Raelee glances between Brieson and Kippe.
Speaking to Gavrien, Maylan says, "So shiny."
Kippe nods briefly at Brieson.
Speaking to Gavrien, Divone suggests, "You look, mature and ....sophisticated."
Speaking to Gavrien, Irar says, "Well at least it'll grow back. I think."
Kippe walks over to the chair and settles down.
Gavrien squints at Divone.
Speaking to Kippe, Azryen says, "Good luck. Let's hope the third time isn't when it melts faces."
Kippe shifts his weight.
Gavrien scowls at Irar.
Brieson asks, "Are you okay, binding him?"
You cautiously say, "It might not be the best idea to distribute this as the cure if that kind of thing can happen... we're all experienced here, but imagine those maggots loose among civilians."
Brieson peers quizzically at Raelee.
Kippe gives a sidelong glance at Azryen.
Geijon says, "We doin this a few times it looks."
Gavrien folds his arms tightly across his chest, clearly annoyed.
Raelee squints at Brieson.
Alasatia offers Gavrien a wide vaalin mesh headband.
Speaking affably to Dirra, Cruxophim corrects, "Well, most naturally necrotic flesh."
Speaking to Gavrien, Ulkov says, "And here I thought I'd lost my will to laugh tonight."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "But it didn't happen to you."
Speaking carefully to Brieson, Raelee says, "... yes."
Brieson nods.
Brieson says, "Proceed."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "What if you are the host."
Alasatia grins crookedly at Gavrien.
(Kippe sits steadily in the chair.)
Gavrien narrows his eyes.
Speaking to Areigha, you say, "Right, but even if it only happens to one in three..."
Gavrien rolls his eyes.
You peer quizzically at Areigha.
Geijon cocks his head.
Gavrien looks over at Alasatia and shakes his head.
Gavrien declines Alasatia's offer.
Cruxophim gazes in amusement at Kippe.
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "The source."
You fidget.
Geijon paces back and forth, muttering something about chair.
Raelee whispers something to Kippe.
Kippe brushes his fingers lightly against a sturdy wooden chair.
Geijon leans against a sturdy wooden chair.
Cryheart says, "Hopefully ye will be able to keep your hair."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "It is not far fetched."
Kippe nods at Raelee.
Speaking carefully to Brieson, Raelee says, "... his hands will need to be left more free than the others... to treat them."
Shanak says, "And your hands."
Speaking defensively to Areigha, you say, "It's not... but I don't know what I'd do in that case..."
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "Naturally it would not work on you."
Speaking to Cryheart, Kippe says, "Hair will usually grow back."
Speaking quietly to Kippe, Raelee says, "Still."
>look kippe
You see Kippe.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to have come of age. He has mismatched grey-green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, wavy dark brown hair. He has a web of deep black veins bulging along his face and coiling down around his neck. Thick black veins stretch across his fingers and hands.
Speaking softly to you, Areigha says, "It would actually do exactly what it did."
You fidget.
Speaking to Raelee, Kippe says, "Tie me."
Kippe smiles at Raelee.
Azryen warns, "Careful he doesn't disappear. He's good at that."
Ylandra says, "Long as he doesn't spontaneously combust."
Gavrien grumbles.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kippe warns, "Do. Not. Touch. Me."
Speaking to Ylandra, Puptilian says, "He could go blind."
Cruxophim raises his hands toward Kippe in surrender!
(OOC) Gavrien's player whispers to the group, "Can't breathe from laughing. Send help."
Brieson glances at a sturdy wooden chair.
(Geijon rests his hand around Kippe's neck behind the chair.)
Kippe nods slightly at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Puptilian, Ylandra says, "He could become female too."
Kippe breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Speaking wryly to Kippe, Cruxophim agrees, "Well, if you want your head to explode, that's fine with me. Easier to save the bits."
(Raelee begins binding Kippe to the chair, starting at his elbows, leaving the hands free.)
Speaking to Ylandra, Puptilian says, "And pregant."
Speaking to Ylandra, you exclaim, "That would be good!"
(Raelee continues pulling the ropes around Kippe, binding the torso, then the ankles.)
Cryheart says, "Let us hope ye skin stays tanned."
Speaking carefully to Kippe, Raelee asks, "How is it?"
Speaking uncomfortably to Raelee, Kippe says, "... perfect."
Raelee gives a sidelong glance at Kippe.
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "Proceed."
You glance at your ivory cameo.
Kippe fidgets anxiously, a troubled look on his face.
Dirvy whispers something to Gavrien.
You take off a coral-bordered ivory cameo.
Kippe clears his throat.
Dirvy grins impishly at Gavrien.
Brieson nods at Kippe.
You cover your eyes with your hands, peeking through your fingers.
Gavrien squints at Dirvy.
Kippe nods briefly.
You depress a small button on the front of your ivory cameo, causing the two halves to spring apart to reveal the reflective glass within.
Gavrien looks over at Dirvy and shakes his head.
Gavrien leans away from Dirvy.
Dirvy looks at Gavrien and hums.
Brieson cocks his head and examines the tar-like black salve.
(Leafiara peeks through her fingers to look into her mirror.)
You gaze fondly at yourself in your ivory cameo...
You see High Lady Leafiara the Scion of Shaundara.
She appears to be a Half-Sylvan.
She is tall and appears to be very young. She has sparkling green eyes and fair skin. She has short, tousled red hair swept back into a low ponytail secured with a twined mithril wire. She has slightly pointed ears and thin black veins along her neck and cheeks. She has ebon-marbled kelyn green lacquer brushed onto her smooth oval fingernails.
Kippe releases a slow, low whistle.
You nod slowly.
Kippe glances expectantly at Brieson.
You pinch swiftly at either side of your ivory cameo, causing the two halves to meet with a faint *click*.
Severine leans softly against you.
Speaking amusedly to Brieson, Cruxophim jests, "We gonna have fully formed shadow cockroaches this time? Perhaps earwigs?"
Brieson says, "Interesting..."
Severine whispers, "See? Still you."
Speaking carefully to Brieson, Raelee asks, "... what?"
Gavrien takes a slow, deep breath then pinches the bridge of his nose.
Brieson smirks at Cruxophim.
Kippe glances sternly at Cruxophim.
Brieson says, "Just the random placement of the veins."
You nod at Severine.
You lean softly against Severine.
Brieson says, "I wonder why, the how..."
Raelee glances at Kippe.
Brieson shrugs.
Sareyna asks, "Scabies?"
Lylia says, "I have wondered that from the start."
Areigha softly asks, "Leprosy?"
Ylandra says, "Perhaps a difference in the elven side of their lineage."
Speaking helpfully to Kippe, Cruxophim suggests, "Could always salve, then quickly amputate."
Speaking carefully to Brieson, Raelee says, "... his head needs to be secured."
Speaking to Ylandra, Divone says, "It might be the mix."
Speaking simply to Brieson, Kippe says, "I've wondered it, as well."
Puptilian says, "Just like any illness....normal or from a curse. It affects people differently."
You glance at Shinann.
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Kippe gives a sidelong glance at Cruxophim.
Brieson asks, "Geijon?"
Shinann raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Brieson points at Kippe.
Kippe twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.
Kippe nods once.
Speaking to Shinann, you say, "Just reflecting on what Ylandra said. You and I are both half-sylvan and had veins on our necks, though I had more on my cheeks as well..."
Speaking wryly to Puptilian, Cruxophim remarks, "Magister Svala would disagree with that assessment."
You furrow up your face and wince.
You say, "Have, rather."
You glance down.
Shinann nods to you.
Berkana says, "It's nothing like Leprosy."
Speaking distractedly to Cruxophim, Raelee asks, "... hmm?"
Speaking innocently to Raelee, Cruxophim murmurs, "Oh, nothing."
(OOC) Ylandra's player whispers to the group, "A good 20% of currently logged in Elanthia is in this room. That's pretty cool."
Raelee glances expectantly at Brieson.
Geijon says, "I got him."
Geijon says, "Ya got me paying attention to th' hair."
Geijon snickers.
Gavrien scowls.
Kippe glances sternly at Cruxophim.
Speaking lightly to Kippe, Cruxophim teases, "You're a bit tied-up at the present."
Speaking quietly to Gavrien, Balantine says, "If ye know a good empath, I've a spare scalp from last year's krolvin raid I nae using."
Geijon says, "Knighthood is duties as assigned."
Gavrien squints at Balantine.
Kippe settles his gaze on Cruxophim, watching him intently.
Kippe narrows his eyes.
(OOC) Brieson's player whispers to the group, "Because my milkshake brings all the PCs to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours..."
The gaze Cruxophim levels at Kippe is filled with malicious glee.
Alasatia appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Gavrien.
Speaking dryly to Balantine, Gavrien says, "Hah. Hah."
Speaking simply to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "Not for long."
Gavrien passes a hand over his olive face.
Balantine quietly says, "It was mine actually, I found the slaver that took it and claimed it back."
Brieson moves to stand in front of Kippe.
Speaking amicably to Kippe, Cruxophim adds, "Just teasing. You've doctors aplenty here, I'm sure you'll be fine."
Speaking nonchalantly to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "Of course."
Brieson dips his fingers into the salve, and slowly begins to coat Kippe's fingers and hands in the murky black substance.
Gavrien settles his gaze on Kippe, watching him intently.
Geijon turns to face Kippe.
Balantine quietly says, "Good thing my wife's an empath."
Raelee settles her gaze on Brieson, watching him intently.
(Kippe's eyes glance down at his hands.)
Brieson steps back.
Speaking dramatically to Kippe, Cruxophim stammers, "Oh merciful heavens."
Speaking carefully to Brieson, Raelee asks, "... are you only applying it to his hands? Or will you be treating his neck and face separately?"
Brieson moves to stand in front of Kippe.
Brieson says, "I wanted to make sure."
Raelee glances down.
(Kippe shifts his weight uncomfortably.)
Speaking to Brieson, Raelee says, "Of course."
Brieson dips his fingers into the salve, smearing some along Kippe's face and neck, where the veins are thick, and bulging.
Kippe glances askance at Raelee.
Shanak says, "Don't wanna see maggot fingers flying about."
Brieson steps back.
Speaking awkwardly to Kippe, Raelee says, "It seems effective thus far."
Speaking to Shanak, Kippe replies, "Nor do I."
Kippe nods slightly at Raelee.
Shanak begins chuckling at Kippe!
Goldstr says, "Coulds a jess filled a tub."
Raelee gazes at Kippe.
Kippe clenches his fist.
Kippe screams out as the black veins in his face and neck burrow down into his flesh!
Kippe furrows his brow.
Chamorr heartily says, "Oh my."
Iekid says, "Ouchie."
Irar says, "Oof."
(Geijon holds Kippe near the ears and neck firmly.)
Kippe quietly murmurs, "... mmm."
>look kipp
You see Kippe.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to have come of age. He has mismatched grey-green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, wavy dark brown hair. Thick black veins stretch across his fingers and hands.
Kippe closes his eyes for a moment.
Kippe breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Maylan says, "It's in his bloodstream."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Maylan says, "Get the bucket."
Meril says, "It must be drawn out from the vitals and back to the skin."
Gavrien winces.
Divone says, "Bucket."
Speaking distractedly to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "Don't you dare."
Lylia helpfully asks, "A blood-burst, then?"
You say, "Maybe Rowmi was right. If I'd kept watching Drangell disintegrate, I'm sure this wouldn't be as difficult to see now."
Speaking wryly to Kippe, Cruxophim mutters, "Dare what, help you?"
Gavrien chuckles to himself.
Dergoatean says, "Now THAT was messy."
Speaking to Dergoatean, Puptilian says, "No."
Irar says, "I rather enjoyed it."
Puptilian says, "That was satisfying."
Kippe absently replies, "No buckets."
Speaking to Puptilian, Dergoatean asks, "Can't it be both?"
Speaking inquisitively to herself, Berkana says, "What kind of ghoul must I be to stay here and watch this..."
Speaking amusedly in Elven to you, Ilinarr asks, "Squeamish, are we?"
Speaking approvingly to Puptilian, Cruxophim notes, "Dark."
Gavrien removes a rectangular smoky glass bottle from in his leather satchel.
Gavrien takes a drink from his smoky glass bottle.
Gavrien looks rather relaxed.
Gavrien grumbles.
Gavrien put a rectangular smoky glass bottle in his leather satchel.
Speaking to Kippe, Divone says, "I have some hats if your hair falls out."
Speaking to Kippe, Shanak says, "The veins are gone from your head area."
Speaking carefully in Elven to Ilinarr, you say, "It's more difficult to watch a problem I can't fix than one I can, like death..."
Speaking to Gavrien, Divone says, "You don't need one. he will."
Speaking to Berkana, Lylia says, "A curious one, perhaps."
Gavrien scowls at Divone.
Kippe casually glances at Divone.
Roblar deeply says, "Overall dis seems less painful den da pavilion in town."
Speaking to Divone, Azryen asks, "Does he have a lumpy head or something?"
Kippe nods slightly at Shanak.
Roblar deeply says, "Screams always heard on North Ring Road."
Speaking to Azryen, Divone says, "Very few can pull it off."
The nails on Kippe's fingers begin to crack.
Speaking to Divone, Kippe says, "Hats will prevent it getting tanned."
Stormyrain says, "Eh..."
(Gavrien gingerly slides a hand over his bald head and winces slightly.)
Shanak says, "Uh oh."
Raelee glances uneasily at Brieson.
Brieson shrugs at Raelee.
Speaking absently to Kippe, Cruxophim ventures, "Just curious, what's your particular objection to me helping? I can't keep track anymore, to be honest."
Falvicar quietly asks, "Don't reckon one of you ladies have a wig for him?"
The skin along Kippe's hands begins to shift, small bumps moving underneath.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Iekid says, "Check a mirror for your answer."
Ylandra offers Gavrien a bell-tipped satin jester's cap.
Ylandra says, "Here's a hat, anyway."
Speaking softly to Falvicar, Dirvy says, "I offered to make a wig of my hair already and got scowled at."
Gavrien stares at Ylandra.
Speaking to Gavrien, Maylan says, "You could wear a chinchilla on top of your head."
Gavrien declines Ylandra's offer.
Ylandra appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Gavrien folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking disappointedly to Iekid, Cruxophim scolds, "That's pretty vague."
Speaking heartily to Falvicar, Chamorr says, "He could always get a job standin in front of the pawn shop."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "You've saved my ass many times but I don't trust you to... control yourself while I'm tied."
Speaking to Gavrien, Maylan says, "At least that would keep you warm."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Iekid says, "You look contaminated."
Kippe's fingers begin to swell.
Cruxophim places his hands on his hips and eyes Kippe with a skeptical look.
Kippe nods respectfully at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Gavrien, Ylandra exclaims, "The Lord Cholen would be proud!"
Speaking sourly to Maylan, Gavrien says, "I could scalp you and wear yours."
Cruxophim begins chuckling at Kippe!
Brieson says, "Interesting."
Speaking softly to Cruxophim, Ilinarr says, "It is like I always say.. People are afraid of what they do not understand."
Iekid says, "Not as bad as Kippe though."
Raelee whispers something to Kippe.
Speaking amusedly to Kippe, Cruxophim submits, "Good thing you've got other people here."
Gavrien grunts.
Divone glances at Kippe.
Kippe glances at Cruxophim.
Speaking to Gavrien, Maylan says, "SOME of us can regrow our own scalps."
Kippe's fingers begin to stretch out, and you hear the tiny snap of finger bones.
Kippe winces.
You offhandedly say, "On the bright side, at least he hasn't mentioned feeling hot, so I don't have to worry about being the only cold one..."
Speaking to Maylan, Gavrien says, "So you won't miss it."
Ylandra says, "That sounds painful."
Evia says, "Eeeeee."
Gavrien smirks at Maylan.
Maylan says, "Nah."
Kippe weakly agrees, "It was."
Irar says, "Ouch."
Cruxophim casually remarks, "Emergency amputation may not be a bad idea. Can always mend him later."
Stormyrain mumbles, "Nope."
Cryheart asks, "Can ye feel ye fingers?"
Cryheart cocks his head at Kippe.
Raelee touches Kippe.
Raelee whispers something to Kippe.
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Perhaps you should blow his arms off just to be safe."
Speaking to Cruxophim, you say, "Think I might have to agree. Always an option."
Kippe takes a deep breath.
Kippe slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Maylan, you say, "And that too."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "It might be best."
Balantine quietly says, "Nae worse than a troll king can do, just find an empath when ye are done."
Lylia says, "Only if asked."
Lylia nods at Maylan.
Speaking curiously to Kippe, Cruxophim asks, "Whatcha say?"
The veins along Kippe's fingers begin to peel open, inky black muck seeping out of them, slowly coating his fingers, making them glisten as they continue to swell.
Kippe shifts his weight.
Kippe furrows his brow.
Gavrien winces.
Speaking to Kippe, Maylan says, "I highly advise you to comply. We can heal you afterwards."
Speaking to Maylan, Hapenlok says, "Wait."
Speaking to Hapenlok, Maylan says, "We know what we're doing."
Lylia says, "Ah, there it is. Finding its way out. I can always, ah...lend a hand, if you wish."
Lylia glances at Kippe.
Maylan says, "We don't want the affliction travelling to his heart."
You say, "Could almost swear I'd rather be out getting killed by demons again..."
Gavrien mutters, "Well, that's some nightmare fuel."
Irar says, "I'm not so sure we're curing anything at this point."
Dirra glances at Kippe.
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "Fine... please."
Speaking to you, Ylandra says, "Maybe that's about to happen to us."
Speaking to Ylandra, you say, "Funny, yet... possibly true."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Blow his arms off."
Speaking to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "But no buckets."
Speaking to Lylia, Cruxophim suggests, "Get the other?"
Speaking to Gavrien, Stormyrain suggests, "--more...really. Your little issue wasn't for the faint of heart either."
Kippe's fingers continue to widen and bloat up, like glistening, disgusting black sausages.
Lylia nods at Cruxophim.
Lylia says, "Off with that, then."
Kippe closes his eyes for a moment.
Brieson glances at Kippe.
Speaking to Kippe, Lylia says, "Stay very still."
Stormyrain mutters, "But this is..ngh."
Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.
Speaking cautiously to Kippe, you say, "Tell them you agree. This one's looking ugly."
Kippe slowly says, "... yes."
Gavrien gives a sidelong glance at Stormyrain.
Lylia gestures at Kippe.
CS: +535 - TD: +276 + CvA: +2 + d100: +67 - -5 == +333
Warding failed!
His right arm explodes!
Kippe is stunned!
Gavrien holds up his hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lylia gestures at Kippe.
The glazed look leaves Kippe.
Speaking to you, Maylan says, "He did."
Kippe slowly empties his lungs.
Raelee stares at Kippe.
Brieson nods at Lylia.
(Cruxophim rests a gentle, numbing hand on Kippe's arm, and quickly and with no hesitation begins sawing away at the other.)
Speaking to Brieson, Lylia asks, "And the other as well?"
Cruxophim touches Kippe.
Brieson nods.
Shadows dance between Lylia's outstretched fingers as she issues a command in archaic Faendryl.
Lylia gestures at Kippe.
CS: +535 - TD: +276 + CvA: +2 + d100: +52 - -5 == +318
Warding failed!
His left arm explodes!
Kippe is stunned!
Lylia gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Lylia gestures at Kippe.
The glazed look leaves Kippe.
Raelee glances between Lylia and Kippe.
Kippe weakly states, "That wasn't so bad."
Speaking to Lylia, Maylan says, "Well done."
Speaking wryly to Stormyrain, Gavrien says, "Coulda been worse." He hooks a thumb at Kippe. "Exhibit A, over there."
Speaking wryly to Lylia, Cruxophim says, "Well, I suppose that works."
Raelee stares at Kippe.
Kippe nods slightly at Lylia.
Suddenly, from the severed half-elven arms, the black-veined fingers widen and explode! The fingers come alive, torn from the hands, and thrash about on the ground!
Speaking to Gavrien, you say, "I don't know, I'd rather have the pain. Arms are easier to restore than hair."
Stormyrain can offer Gavrien only a blank expression.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Ulkov looks determined and focused.
In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Ulkov whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes!
Ulkov swings a sharpened kelyn hoolurge at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +425 vs DS: +12 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +84 = +522
... and hits for 249 points of damage!
Smash to cheek driving bone through the eye and into the brain.
The finger rolls over and dies.
Ulkov swings a sharpened kelyn hoolurge at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +425 vs DS: +51 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +80 = +479
... and hits for 224 points of damage!
The finger rolls over and dies.
Ulkov swings a sharpened kelyn hoolurge at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +425 vs DS: +51 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +73 = +472
... and hits for 225 points of damage!
Blow to stomach rearranges some organs!
The finger rolls over and dies.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Roblar looks determined and focused.
In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Roblar whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes!
Roblar attempts to jab a bloated black half-elven finger!
UAF: 610 vs UDF: 78 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 93 + d100: 63 = 249
... and hit for 33 points of damage!
Strong strike to abdomen makes the half-elven finger gasp for air!
The finger rolls over and dies.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
You attempt to kick a bloated black half-elven finger!
You have good positioning against a bloated black half-elven finger.
UAF: 346 vs UDF: 93 = 2.000 (capped) * MM: 96 + d100: 73 = 265
... and hit for 114 points of damage!
Tremendous side kick snaps neck instantly!
The finger rolls over and dies.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Puptilian swings a gleaming diamond-edged warblade at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +523 vs DS: +29 with AvD: +35 + d100 roll: +74 = +603
... and hits for 285 points of damage!
The finger rolls over and dies.
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Gavrien leans back.
Chamorr looks determined and focused.
In a breathtaking display of ability and combat mastery, Chamorr whirls in a fury of unrelenting strikes and ripostes!
Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +543 vs DS: +71 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +41 = +549
... and hits for 257 points of damage!
The finger rolls over and dies.
Necrotic energy from Chamorr's glaes broadsword flares up momentarily!
Chamorr appears to gain succour from the unnatural energy!
Pearly light flares up suddenly from within Chamorr!
Chamorr swings a chromatic glaes broadsword at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +573 vs DS: +56 with AvD: +36 + d100 roll: +47 = +600
... and hits for 274 points of damage!
Fine shot pierces jugular vein! The brain wonders where all its oxygen went, briefly.
The finger rolls over and dies.
Ylandra lifts her gaze to the heavens and begins chanting softly. The quiet sound of a flute's trill joins her as she raises her voice into an exultant shout, ending with the resounding clash of cymbals!
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Cryheart swings a closed fist at a bloated black half-elven finger!
AS: +482 vs DS: +29 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +94 = +572
... and hits for 124 points of damage!
The finger rolls over and dies.
Shanak exclaims, "Gah, zombie maggot fingers!"
A bloated black half-elven finger crawls in, leaving a trail of slime in its wake.
Iekid says, "Eww."
Ylandra gestures at a bloated black half-elven finger.
A scintillating, blue-white aura encompasses a bloated black half-elven finger.
CS: +470 - TD: +3 + CvA: +25 + d100: +28 == +520
Warding failed!
A massive beam of blue-white energy engulfs a bloated black half-elven finger in a luminous column of light!
The half-elven finger is hit for 22 points of damage!
... 45 points of damage!
The finger rolls over and dies.
Sareyna meditates over Kippe.
Sareyna takes Kippe's right arm damage.
Sareyna meditates over Kippe.
Sareyna takes Kippe's left arm damage.
Sareyna meditates over Kippe.
Sareyna takes all of Kippe's blood loss.
Dergoatean asks, "We couldn't keep one alive for study, guys?"
Hapenlok hisses, "The hell."
Maylan says, "Well then."
Speaking appreciatively to Sareyna, Kippe says, "Thank you."
Mynon says, "Roa'ter fingers, indeed."
Gavrien uncertainly mutters, "....it'll grow back."
Speaking brightly to Kippe, Cruxophim assures, "See, good as new."
Speaking heartily to Cruxophim, Chamorr says, "Dang, you are scary."
Brieson glances at Kippe.
Brieson asks, "How...do you feel?"
Speaking to Gavrien, Stormyrain acquiesces, "You win."
Speaking to Kippe, Puptilian says, "If you feel good clap twice. Bad clap once..."
Speaking dryly to Cruxophim, Kippe says, "Good as new."
Gavrien gives Stormyrain a lopsided grin.
Raelee examines Kippe closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.
Shanak says, "I think we can point the finger at the salve as the cause of that ..."
Brieson says, "Unbind him."
Speaking to Kippe, Raelee asks, "You are certain?"
Kippe casually glances at Puptilian.
Speaking affably to Kippe, Cruxophim says, "See? Nightmare over."
Brieson nods at Raelee.
Raelee glances at Brieson.
Raelee says, "Of course..."
Puptilian grins at Kippe.
Speaking to Brieson, Geijon asks, "How many we got left to cure?"
Raelee walks toward Kippe.
Kippe nods at Raelee.
Brieson says, "That is it for tonight."
Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Cruxophim scolds, "I did have the other one, you know."
Speaking to Puptilian, you say, "Oh, come on, Mayor, you can't suddenly make me warm up to you now after everything with Chaston is over..."
Kippe slowly empties his lungs.
Brieson says, "I'd like to make observations on Leafiara for the next few days."
(Raelee quickly releases the ropes binding Kippe to the chair.)
Chamorr heartily says, "We should give Kippe a hand."
You fidget.
You nod slowly at Brieson.
>look kippe
You see Kippe.
He appears to be a Half-Elf.
He appears to have come of age. He has mismatched grey-green eyes and tanned skin. He has short, wavy dark brown hair. He is in good shape.
Brieson says, "Before we maybe expand the number of half-elves we try to help."
Speaking to Kippe, Shanak says, "On the bright side, your hair looks great."
Kippe nods slightly at Brieson.
Kippe grins at Shanak weakly.
Brieson says, "The hour is late."
Kippe nods slightly at Shanak.
Brieson says, "I want to thank you all for your help this night."
Gavrien chuckles to himself.
Speaking to Brieson, Maylan says, "We'll keep a close eye on the folks who received the salve."
Kippe examines his fingernails.
Gavrien nods at Brieson.
Gavrien scratches his head.
Gavrien grumbles.
Kippe slowly empties his lungs.
Raelee walks toward Kippe.
Speaking to Brieson, Lylia says, "And thank you. I hope more can be done for the girl."
Brieson says, "Goodnight everyone."
Brieson nods at Lylia.
Speaking quietly to Kippe, Raelee murmurs, "How do you feel?"
You curtsy gracefully to Brieson.
Speaking awkwardly to Brieson, Kippe says, "Thank you... I think."
Brieson goes to leave, looking down at the floor, expecting to see a finger or maggot, then shivers. He leaves.