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Forager's Gloves

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Forager's Gloves are scripted, customizable gloves that were introduced at the Evermore Hollow shop The Witch's Garden in 2022.

Tier 1


Welcome to the Forager's Gloves!
Introduced at the Festival of Ebon Gate in 5122, the forager's gloves cannot be customized until they are unlocked to tier 2.  At tier 3, there are more customizations available.
As such, the gloves cannot be altered by a merchant.
It has access to the following fluff verbs: dust, eat, wince, shake

A pair of cotton gloves is tier 1 of 3.


Verb Style First Third
DUST You briskly rub your hands together, dusting off any residual organic matter from your recent, productive pastime. XXX briskly rubs her hands together, dusting off any residual organic matter with a brisk clap.
EAT As you feel your cotton gloves begin to loosen, you raise your hands up, tugging each strap with your teeth in an effort to tighten the bindings without dislodging any dirt or plant matter. raises each hand up, carefully tugging at each strap with her teeth in an effort to tighten the bindings. Dislodged flecks of dirt and plant matter freckle across her cheeks as she unconsciously wipes her face with her forearm.
WINCE A sharp pain in your finger causes you to wince. Pulling your cotton gloves off, you examine the pad of your finger and briefly pop it in your mouth to ease the sudden pain. That brief contact with moisture seems to have done the trick as the pain subsides, and you don your gloves once more. XXX suddenly winces and tugs her cotton gloves off of her hands. Inspecting her finger minutely, she suddenly pops the digit in her mouth. After a moment or two, she puts her gloves back on.
SHAKE A luminous blood red leech appears on your outstretched glove, inching its way towards the fingertips. With a careful shake, you dislodge the insect, sending the leech on its merry way. XXX extends her gloved hand, revealing a luminous blood red leech inching its way towards the fingertips. She shakes her cotton gloves carefully, dislodging the insect and allowing it to continue on its merry way.

Tier 2


Welcome to the Forager's Gloves!
Introduced at the Festival of Ebon Gate in 5122, the forager's gloves cannot be customized until they are unlocked to tier 2.  At tier 3, there are more customizations available.
As such, the gloves cannot be altered by a merchant.
It has access to the following fluff verbs: dust, eat, wince, shake
It has access to the following customizing verbs:
FLIP    - changes the article from "some" to "a pair", and back again
PINCH   - allows you to change the fabric type when you hold a ribbon with a fabric adjective*
PLUCK   - allows you to change the button type when you hold a gemstone*
SPIN    - rotates through button designs
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Any gemstone, ribbon, or foraged item used to customize the gloves is absorbed by the gloves and is NOT retrievable.
Gemstones will retain everything when used except for the a/an.

A pair of cotton gloves is tier 2 of 3.


Verb Style First Third
FLIP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PINCH This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
PLUCK This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
SPIN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Tier 3


Welcome to the Forager's Gloves!
Introduced at the Festival of Ebon Gate in 5122, the forager's gloves cannot be customized until they are unlocked to tier 2.  At tier 3, there are more customizations available.
As such, the gloves cannot be altered by a merchant.
It has access to the following fluff verbs: dust, eat, wince, shake
It has access to the following customizing verbs:
CLEAN   - restores default settings - NOTE: this will completely erase the design
FIDGET  - rotates through floral designs
FLIP    - changes the article from "some" to "a pair", and back again
PINCH   - allows you to change the fabric type when you hold a ribbon with a fabric adjective*
PLUCK   - allows you to change the button type when you hold a gemstone*
SPIN    - rotates through button designs
TWIST   - allows you to change the floral type when you hold a foraged flower
WHISPER - lets you bypass FIDGET, FLIP, and SPIN
* IMPORTANT NOTE: Any gemstone, ribbon, or foraged item used to customize the gloves is absorbed by the gloves and is NOT retrievable.
Gemstones will retain everything when used except for the a/an.
Foraged flowers will only retain their adjective and noun.

Some cotton gloves is tier 3 of 3.


Verb Style First Third
CLEAN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
FIDGET This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TWIST This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Forager's Gloves Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Clothing
Item(s) Applied to Gloves
Alterable No
Original Release Venue Evermore Hollow
Original Release Year 2022
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Restrictions Cannot be customized until tier 2
Item Verbs