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Gem-eater Eisenruck

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Gem-eater Eisenrucks made their debut during Ebon Gate 2017 at Chisel, Peen and Chamfer, Esq. Based on unlocking tier, eisenrucks can assist with encumbrance, freezing temperatures, foraging, skinning, water walking, tending, and air purification.


You analyze the brass framed eisenruck and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

Looking over the eisenruck and inspecting its finer details, you realize that it will always need to be "a/n (whatever)/(whatever)/eisenruck".  So, the item's article and adjective CAN be changed, but  "eisenruck" cannot.

To insert a gem into the eisenruck, you must be wearing the eisenruck and holding a gem in one hand, then PUSH eisenruck.

Note 1: The eisenruck must be worn continuously for a minimum of one day before any of its gem-eating abilities will function.

Note 2: When you LOOK at your eisenruck, if a socket is described as "open," then it is ready to have a gem inserted into it.  If a socket is described as "closed," then it is in cooldown.

Note 3: Although it is not required by the script, this eisenruck is designed to interact with the Gnomish Repair System, which enables the wearer of a scripted Gnomish Repair Belt to alter this eisenruck's appearance to any of several "damaged" descriptions which are pre-stored in the eisenruck's extra text fields.  Please keep that in mind if you request an alteration for this item.  The "damaged" description texts may also need to be changed by the merchant in order to reflect the changes of your alteration.

If you were to play with the brass framed eisenruck, then you'd find that you can analyze, wear, remove, pinch, poke, and push it.  PUSH won't do anything if the eisenruck has no gem sockets "unlocked" or added.

This is a fully unlocked, Tier 4 eisenruck. This eisenruck is sold OTS with no tier unlocked.

The eisenruck contains a lining that can be PULLed out: a pearl-clasped invar mesh lining
The lining may be altered, but it must be consistent with a mesh metal, and the noun must remain "lining."
Lining Tier: 3 / 3
While the lining is inside the eisenruck, you may also SHAKE, TICKLE, and RUB the eisenruck.

SCRIPT NAME: Gem-eater Eisenruck

Lining Tier 1

This is the off-the-shelf fluff tier.


Verb First Third
Eisenruck (held)
You swing the eisenruck around behind you and lift it to settle its leather-padded rests on your shoulders, then pull the straps down and hook them to the eisenruck's two sidebars. <Player> swings the eisenruck around behind <him / her> and lifts it to settle its leather-padded rests on her shoulders, then pulls the straps down and hooks them to the eisenruck's two sidebars.
Eisenruck (worn)
You unhook the eisenruck's straps from the sidebars near your hips and reach up to lift its shoulder rests off your shoulders. Then, arching one arm over your head, you swing the eisenruck around in front of you. <Player> unhooks the eisenruck's straps from the sidebars at <his / her> hips and reaches up to lift its shoulder rests off <his / her> shoulders. Then, arching one arm over <his / her> head, <he / she> swings the eisenruck around in front of <him / her>.
Eisenruck (worn)
Slinging your mithglin-framed eisenruck around from your back, you gently lift out the lining from within. After carefully sealing the top of the eisenruck to protect the intricate gears from exposure to the elements, you return it to your back. <Player> shifts <his / her> walnut-paneled eisenruck around to <his / her> front and gently lifts out the lining from within before slinging the eisenruck back around.
Lining (held)
You open the eisenruck and carefully lower the lining back inside. <Player> carefully lowers <his / her> brass mesh lining into <his / her> eisenruck.
Eisenruck (worn)
Socket-based messaging, when applicable. See Gem Sockets below.
Eisenruck (worn)
You reach back and turn a brass lever on the side of the eisenruck, causing it to click and whirr intensely for several seconds. As the clicking subsides, the air is filled with a series of staccato blasts of a remarkably flatulent nature and an intense odor of rotten eggs. <Player> reaches back and turns a brass lever on the side of <his / her> eisenruck, causing it to click and whirr intensely for several seconds. As the clicking subsides, the air is filled with a series of staccato blasts of a remarkably flatulent nature and an intense odor of rotten eggs.
Eisenruck (worn)
You reach back and trip a wrought iron lever on the side of the eisenruck, causing twin jets of flame to erupt beneath the eisenruck and launch you into the air! A split second later the flames cut out, and you are abruptly reacquainted with the ground, face first. You are stunned! <Player> reaches back and trips a wrought iron lever on the side of <his / her> eisenruck, causing twin jets of flame to erupt beneath the eisenruck and launch <him / her> into the air! A split second later the flames cut out, and <he / she> is abruptly reacquainted with the ground, face first. <Player> looks stunned!

Lining Tier 2

This is unlocked one time, granting access to additional fluff verbs in lining form and eisenruck form.


Verb First Third
Eisenruck (worn, empty)
You shake your mithglin-framed eisenruck, but all you hear is the sound of the mesh hitting into the gears. <Player> shakes <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck and looks disappointed.
Eisenruck (worn, one item inside)
You shake your mithglin-framed eisenruck, and you hear the sound of the <item within> jumping around inside. <Player> shakes <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck, and you hear the sound of something sliding around inside.
Eisenruck (worn, multiple items inside)
You shake your mithglin-framed eisenruck, and you feel the <random item 1> and the <random item 2> shifting around inside. <Player> shakes <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck, and you hear the sound of some items shifting around inside.
Lining (held, empty)
You shake your mesh lining, but nothing is inside. <Player> shakes <his / her> mesh lining and looks disappointed.
Lining (held, one item inside)
You shake your mesh lining, and you hear the sound of the <item> jumping around inside. <Player> shakes <his / her> mesh lining, and you hear the sound of something sliding around inside.
Lining (held, multiple items inside)
You shake your mesh lining, and you feel the <random item 1> and the <random item 2> shifting around inside. <Player> shakes <his / her> mesh lining, and you hear the sound of some items shifting around inside.
Lining (held)
You raise your mesh lining into the air and turn it around, inspecting it from all angles. <Player> raises <his / her> mesh lining into the air and turns it around, inspecting it from all angles.
Lining (held)
Holding your mesh lining up to your nose, you close your eyes and breathe in the melange of scents from within. Holding <his / her> mesh lining up to her nose, <Player> closes <his / her> eyes and inhales deeply.

Lining Tier 3

This is unlocked fully, granting access to additional fluff verbs in lining form and eisenruck form.


Verb First Third
Eisenruck (worn)
Sliding your hand inside your mithglin-framed eisenruck, you feel around the mesh lining to check for defects. <Player> slides <his / her> hand inside <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck for a moment.
Lining (held)
You brush your hand along the outside of your mesh lining, feeling around for any defects. <Player> brushes <his / her> hand along the outside of <his / her> mesh lining.
Eisenruck (worn, empty)
You reach into your mithglin-framed eisenruck and rub your hand along the lining. It seems to be empty. <Player> reaches into <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck and rubs <his / her> hand along the lining. Slowly <he / she> pulls <his / her> hand back out, appearing disappointed.
Eisenruck (worn, one item inside)
You reach into your mithglin-framed eisenruck and rub your hand along the lining, and you feel the outline of the <item> inside. <Player> reaches into <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck and rubs <his / her> hand along the lining. Seemingly satisfied, <he / she> pulls <his / her> hand back out from the eisenruck.
Eisenruck (worn, multiple items inside)
You reach into your mithglin-framed eisenruck and rub your hand along the lining, and you feel the <random item 1> and the <random item 2> inside. <Player> reaches into <his / her> mithglin-framed eisenruck and rubs <his / her> hand along the lining. Seemingly satisfied, <he / she> pulls <his / her> hand back out from the eisenruck.
Lining (held, empty)
You rub your hand along the bottom of your mesh lining. It seems to be empty. <Player> rubs <his / her> hand along the bottom of <his / her> mesh lining. <He / She> looks disappointed as <he / she> drops <his / her> hand.
Lining (held, one item inside)
You rub your hand along the bottom of your mesh lining, and you feel the outline of the <item> inside. <Player> rubs <his / her> hand along the bottom of <his / her> mesh lining.
Lining (held, multiple items inside)
You rub your hand along the bottom of your mesh lining, and you feel the <random item 1> and the <random item 2> inside. <Player> rubs <his / her> hand along the bottom of <his / her> mesh lining.
Lining (held, empty)
Number of sniffs is random
You bring your mesh lining up to your nose and take four quick sniffs. You are able to identify just the metallic odor of the eisenruck. <Player> brings <his / her> mesh lining up to <his / her> nose and takes four quick sniffs before lowering it again.
Lining (held, one item inside)
You bring your mesh lining up to your nose and inhale deeply, and the aroma of <item> wafts through the opening. <Player> brings <his / her> mesh lining up to <his / her> nose and inhales deeply before lowering it again.
Lining (held, multiple items inside)
You bring your mesh lining up to your nose and take two quick sniffs, and the aroma of <random item> mingled with some other scents wafts through the opening. <Player> brings <his / her> mesh lining up to <his / her> nose and takes two quick sniffs before lowering it again.

Gem Sockets

An eisenruck can have up to four gem sockets, each of which provide a benefit to the wearer. The eisenruck must be worn for 24 hours before the sockets are available for use, and each socket has a 24-hour cooldown. Having a second socket of the same type provides a second use with its own 24-hour cooldown.

  • Diamond - 5-lb encumbrance reduction for an hour (Stack: duration only)
  • Ruby - Removal of frostbite effect
  • Pearl - Water walking (Minimum gem value: 1,000 silvers)
  • Sapphire - Foraging buff (Minimum gem value: 750 silvers)
  • Green Garnet - Skinning buff
  • Aquamarine Gem - Purify Air
  • White Opal - Tend Lore


Verb First Third
You push your uncut diamond into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the diamond briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and oddly enough, your eisenruck feels a bit lighter.
<Player> pushes <his / her> uncut diamond into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the diamond briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and oddly enough, <his / her> eisenruck seems a bit more buoyant.
You push your uncut ruby into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the ruby briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and dense plumes of steam gush from the eisenruck's bottom, sides, and lid to envelop you completely! Within seconds you feel like a poached egg, as the cloud begins to evaporate.

Without frostbite:
Taking a breath of steam-free air, you realize that you weren't really chilled in the first place. Oh well...
<Player> pushes <his / her> uncut ruby into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the ruby briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and dense plumes of steam gush from the eisenruck's bottom, sides, and lid to envelop <Player> completely! Within seconds, <Player> looks like <he / she>'s been poached as the cloud begins to evaporate.
You push your grey pearl into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the pearl briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and a pearlescent mist flows out of vents in the eisenruck's sides and forms a halo around you.
<Player> pushes <his / her> grey pearl into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the pearl briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and a pearlescent mist flows out of vents in the eisenruck's sides and forms a halo around <him / her>.
You push your star sapphire into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the sapphire briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, followed by a loud *ZAP* as a jolt of energy tingles up and down your spine. As it fades you feel your eyesight sharpen, and your sense of smell is heightened.
<Player> pushes <his / her> star sapphire into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the sapphire briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, followed by a loud *ZAP* as <he / she> arches <his / her> back. A heartbeat later, <he / she> squints briefly and <his / her> nostrils flair.
Green Garnet
You push your green garnet into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the garnet briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, followed by a BOING as you feel your fingers spring into action and become more nimble.
<Player> pushes <his / her> green garnet into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the garnet briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, followed by a BOING as <he / she> wiggles <his / her> fingers more nimbly.
Aquamarine Gem
You push your aquamarine gem into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the gem briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and fresh air streams through the eisenruck's vented sides.
<Player> pushes <his / her> aquamarine gem into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the gem briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and fresh air streams through the eisenruck's vented sides.
White Opal
You push your white opal into the empty socket on your eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the opal briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and you catch a whiff of a faint medicinal odor emitted from the air vents in the eisenruck's sides.
<Player> pushes <his / her> white opal into an empty socket on <his / her> eisenruck, and it clicks into place.

An inner glow fills the opal briefly, before a spiderweb of fractures flash across its surface with a sharp CRACK, and it turns to dust. Immediately, gears whirr within the eisenruck, and you catch a whiff of a faint medicinal odor.

Additional Information


Eisenrucks have a hard-coded look and show as part of their design. Due to this, they cannot be altered beyond the article and adjective in the base description.

You're holding a brass framed eisenruck with maroon cuirbouilli panels, which appears to be a rigid-sided, back-worn container similar to a backpack. Despite its sturdy, utilitarian design, gaps between its panels provide a glimpse of clockwork enhancements, and small louvered vents are set into several of the eisenruck's flat surfaces.

The eisenruck's left strap bears a bronze plate with:
Two diamond sockets, which are both open.
One ruby socket, which is open.
One sapphire socket, which is open.
Since the eisenruck is on your back, you can't really get a good look at it. However, its leather-padded shoulder rests and straps are easy to examine.

The eisenruck's left strap bears a bronze plate with:
Two diamond sockets, one of which is open.
One ruby socket, which is closed.
One sapphire socket, which is open.

See Also

Gem-eater Eisenruck Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Container
Item(s) Applied to Eisenruck
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3 fluff, 4 mechanical
How to Unlock Merchant
Corresponding Item Scripts Gnomish Repair Toolbelt
Restrictions Noun must remain eisenruck.
Item Verbs